Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 828 Border Town Demon Hunting Bureau

The northern border town was called Guancheng.

The city is made of bluestone, and the formations are as if they have experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, just like the many checkpoints Lin Su has seen before.

Don't think that its history is really long. It shows such vicissitudes because it is experiencing war every day. Even if the city wall has just been built, it has experienced high-intensity baptism of war. A few months is enough vicissitudes. Vicissitudes of life are never just a concept of time, it is a concept full of stories.

Lin Su had never been to Guancheng, but he had heard it and said it once.

The story I heard came from Mo Qing.

Guancheng was facing an invasion by demons, and a general begged the Mo family to build a fortified city. A top elder of the Mo family went and built a defensive formation for them. However, due to an error in calculation, eighty-seven cloud crystals were missing. As a result, this formation became a defective product. Under a large-scale attack by demons, the city was destroyed and millions of human beings were killed and injured. The Mohist elder retreated to the Mohist family to reflect on his past for eighteen years...

That's Mo Qing's father!

So after Lin Su solved the problem of the round square, she traveled thousands of miles to Haining to get the answer, but was abducted again and again by the bastard Lin. She is still abducted at Haining Academy and cannot get out.

It was Lin Su himself who told this story!

When Wenyuan Pavilion was discussing Taoism, Lin Su quoted this story to demonstrate his theory of arithmetic, thus creating an independent sect of arithmetic and becoming a great master.

These are all stories from Lin Su's past. He never thought before that one day, he would come to this city in his story.

The catastrophe that occurred in Guancheng twenty years ago has become a mark on the city, and it has also become the pain in the hearts of the generals who defended the city. But it can only go so far, because Guancheng is fighting every day. If a scar remains for a lifetime, Their hearts are already scarred and they can't even remember which year it is...

War is like this. In every war, people will be injured. Every war is the biggest mark in someone's life. But for those who are still alive so far, no war is unforgettable...

When Lin Su stepped into this city, there were expected things, but there were also unexpected things.

What was expected was the atmosphere of the battlefield, the fortified city, the bloodstains, the bloody stains on the city walls, the familiar smell of blood floating in the air, and the flying clouds in the sky and earth when the banner swept across, everything was as expected...

But to his surprise, when Jiang Yun, a rich young lady raised in a boudoir, came to the border town, countless generals knelt down and worshiped her. The marshal of Guancheng even went out to greet him personally, calling him General in Silver!

They entered the account, and the chatter outside had not stopped. Lin Su used his powerful six-sense detection and found out why Jiang Yun was so popular in Guancheng.

Guancheng has faced the loss of the city and the death of people on several occasions. It was always a general in silver who suddenly appeared and brought new vitality. Therefore, almost everyone in the group of generals who are currently alive owes her a life!

Lin Su thought deeply for a moment...

Guancheng is also a very important part of the strategy of Makino Villa.

The military thinking of Makino Villa has been extending.

Defend Guancheng to ensure that the borders of the human race are not lost, lay out the burial state, and slowly build a new Holy Family of Soldiers.

Even the current defensive thinking in Guancheng is actually steeped in military thinking...

It must be mentioned here that the Guancheng defense is completely different from the defense Lin Su has seen before. The previous defense was a regular army, and everyone was the same.

However, the proportion of regular troops in Guancheng's defense is very small.

A larger proportion are cultivators, adventure groups, sects, and lone rangers.

Why is this so?

Because Mingzhou is only a small country, it does not have many regular troops. If the regular troops alone guard the gate, it will be impossible to defend it. Therefore, Makino Villa came up with an idea to let the practitioners guard it.

Practitioners are a group with little sense of belonging. What can be used to attract them to sacrifice their lives?

Two things...

First, money! The purchase and sale system of Mianzhou Magic Core is the most complete. As long as you have the magic core, you can cash it out in minutes, and the price is absolutely reasonable. Where can you find the most magic cores? It’s Guancheng! Therefore, the cultivators in Guancheng are not so much fighting a defensive battle as they are going on adventures in groups, killing demons, collecting demon cores, and making a fortune!

Second, it is determined by the nature of the practitioner. Countless people who practice the way of killing need to constantly fight and practice in order to move forward step by step. Is there any better place in the world than Guancheng? Killing with real swords and guns every day, without having to endure moral judgment or karma. While getting huge profits, your practice will also advance by leaps and bounds. How can those cultivators not do it?

Originally, the entire Burial State should be in dire straits when the demons invaded.

However, a small change actually attracted various masters from the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States to come to guard the gate. The royal family of Burial State did not need to pay military expenses, and even received some tips for rides, making the magic core industry bigger and stronger, and supporting a large number of people. Heap of people.

I will tell you whether you are convinced or not!

At least Lin Su is convinced!

Because he knows that there are prerequisites for this incredible transformation to succeed, and Makino Villa has firmly controlled this prerequisite and has achieved it to the extreme.

What are the prerequisites?

First of all, this Guancheng must have a formation! Only a city with formations can ensure the safety of these cultivators. When they gain the upper hand, they can go out of the city to collect a wave. If the situation is not right, they can retreat back to the city. Their lives will be safe. The cultivators will have the passion to get more and more excited as they fight. Otherwise, they will be lost in one accident. , it won’t attract too many scapegoats, right? The formations in Guancheng are extremely ancient and extremely powerful. Even if the Demon Lord (who is in the same heavenly realm as human beings) comes personally, it is not enough to break through it to meet the basic needs of cultivators to make money and save their lives at the same time.

Secondly, the magic core industry chain needs to be sufficiently complete.

After Lin Su learned about Guancheng's operating system, he was amazed!

Guancheng has a complete set of merit calculation rules, which are based on the military scoreboard. Any soldier or practitioner who fights against demons wears this card, and the level and number of demons killed will be directly converted into contribution points. The contribution points can be It can be directly exchanged for real gold and silver. There is no middleman to earn the price difference. Everyone’s income every day is clear and transparent. How can the adventure teams from all over the world be so excited these days? Some members of the adventure team have gone from temporary workers to contract workers, and from contract workers to I worked long-term jobs with no fixed term, and even became a family business for generations...

Finally, Guancheng's formation requires an energy source, and the scoreboard that operates day and night requires an energy source, and the magic core, after simple cleaning, becomes an energy source. In this way, the system can operate without any obstacles.

Once Lin Su understood it, he had a strong admiration for military strategists.

Sure enough, as long as you look at the problem with a military mindset, there is no unsolvable problem in the world.

The commander-in-chief of Guancheng warmly received Lin Su and his entourage in response to the golden sign of General in Silver. When he found out that these 39 literati came to Guancheng to kill the enemy, his beard almost reached the sky and he burst into laughter.

When he learned that Lin Su was playing against 38 people, the old man looked at Lin Su for about a minute with a pair of sharp eyes that had been tested countless times in life and death situations...

Finally, he spoke and said three sentences...

The first sentence: It is really a blessing for the Burial State that all the great scholars come to Guancheng to kill demons. There are people killing demons in Guancheng day and night, but how often has it happened that thirty-nine great scholars of literature and ethics appear together at one time? This move will surely create a literary legend.

The second sentence: As for gambling to kill the enemy, it is common in Guancheng. It happens every day. Gambling between brothers from the same sect and gambling from different sects is everywhere. You just need to let go and kill the enemy. The gambling is fair and I can work hard. Bear it.

The third sentence: The pressure on Guancheng has been increasing recently. The root cause is the adjustment of the demon army's strategy. The demon army has used spiritual elimination stones in large quantities, which has put great pressure on the Guancheng formation. You are all of a generation. Tianjiao, I wonder if there is any way to think of it?

When he said the last sentence, he stared at Jiang Yun.

Because when Guancheng encountered problems in the past, Jiang Yun always found a way to solve them. Although he didn't know Jiang Yun's true appearance after the silver armor, he also knew that Jiang Yun was from Muye Villa, and Muye Villa was where all the problems lay. The ultimate answer.

Jiang Yun's face behind the silver mask quietly changed color.

This question raised by Marshal Zheng is actually the reason why Muye Villa recruits brides.

The crisis in Guancheng is not new today, it has been happening for several months, and Makino Villa has no other options before it plans to implement the soldier pot plan.

Lin Su's voice quietly penetrated into Jiang Yun's ears: What is the spirit-killing stone?

Jiang Yun's voice came back: The Spirit-Eliminating Stone is a strange object found by the demons. It is smeared on weapons. When attacking a large formation, it can destroy the base of the formation bit by bit. If things go on like this, the formation will be destroyed. Therefore, in recent months, the battle of Guancheng cannot be supported by large formations alone. As long as the opponent's offensive is not so strong, we must fight in formations to block the enemy's attacks from the large formations...

Lin Su's thousand-degree eyes stared at the formation patterns on the outside through the window of the big tent.

This formation is activated at all times, because Guancheng stretches thousands of miles away, and no one knows when and where the demon will enter the pass, so it must operate without any obstacles.

These formation patterns appear to be complete, but if you look carefully, you can see that there are some faint cracks in the formation patterns, very fine cracks. This is the appearance of damage to the formation base. Most people will never be able to see it. Even Lin Su in the past, It may not be obvious, but now, after the remnant dragon's nirvana, his Thousand Degree Eyes have undergone a magical change.

Not only the ability to observe has been greatly improved on the original basis.

You can even see some imperfections similar to the sixth sense.

He saw the imperfection of the Guancheng formation, which was a kind of sixth sense.

Suddenly, the teacup on the coffee table in front of Lin Su rippled...

He suddenly looked up.

The battle-hardened Marshal Zheng suddenly raised his head, a ray of light shot out from his eyes, and the flag in front of him suddenly remained motionless...

There is an enemy! Jiang Yun stood up suddenly.

Okay! The seventh prince also stood up: The gambling can begin!

Marshal Zheng raised his hand and shot thirty-nine red gold medals at the thirty-nine people participating in the bet: This is a merit card. No matter where you place the card on your body, all the demons you kill will be accurately calculated. Dear geniuses, today If the enemy comes, no one from this city will participate, but we will bet with the thirty-nine geniuses!

With a shout, thirty or forty people came out of the commander's tent at the same time and arrived at the top of the city.

In the north, dark clouds opened and closed, black tides surged, and a large army of demonic troops came over the mountains. In the blink of an eye, they covered the top of a mountain. The next moment, they were less than a hundred miles away from the city! The densely packed demon army and monsters totaled 300,000 people.

At another pass a hundred miles away, a big man suddenly stood up, with a huge knife in his hand, and blood flowed, just like his eyes.

But a person next to him suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed on his shoulder: Brother Crazy Blade, the commander-in-chief has ordered that all guards be put under guard today and no one is allowed to go out to fight!

Crazy Blade said in a deep voice: Why?

Because there is a big gamble today!

A big gamble? Whose bet? Crazy Blade's thick eyebrows shrank.

Thirty-nine literary geniuses have just arrived in Guancheng. It is said that they have a bet to kill the enemy. In order not to affect fairness, the people of Guancheng will not intervene for the time being.

The genius of Wen Dao? Come to 39? Crazy Blade's eyes flashed: This is an anecdote for the ages. Okay, let me see how Wen Dao, who is known as the leader of the Five Paths, kills the enemy!

If Lin Su were here, he would definitely be shocked, because he knows this crazy sword!

The sight spans hundreds of miles!

Arriving in the main city, in an inn in the main city, there was a bang, and the door was pushed open. Inside, a knight-errant woman was changing her clothes. She urgently covered her breasts. When she raised her eyes, she saw a petite woman standing by the door. …

Junior sister, you... The woman in the room was furious.

Senior sister, go to the theater quickly, it's a gamble of literature and art...

Above Guancheng, gambling happens every day. What's so strange about it? Why don't you let me put on my clothes? said the senior sister.

It's a great scholar! A great scholar!

Ah? Senior sister was surprised: Another great scholar comes to Guancheng?

Thirty-nine of them! All of them are extremely handsome, and do you know what they are betting on? Betting on killing demons... The junior sister only said half of her words. The senior sister had already put on her clothes. The next moment, she flew up and went straight to the top of the city... …

Junior sister was rolling around behind, shouting to senior sister, wait for me...

It must be said that the charm of Wen Dao is unparalleled everywhere, especially in Guancheng where there has been a bloody battle for thousands of miles.

Above Guancheng, there are many practitioners and very few literati. The literati respect their status. Who is willing to set foot in the border town easily? Occasionally, there are one or two who come to Guancheng to directly pay homage to the commander, finish their business and leave. How often do they show their presence in front of everyone?

However, the cultivators in Guancheng are very fond of literati, especially those women on the path of cultivation.

Women are all literary at heart, women like to be polite, and most women are beauty-conscious...

Literary man, everything hits the tip of a woman's heart!

Especially in a battlefield like Guancheng where people are killed every day, people's mentality will also change.

Once you are used to seeing life and death, you will reflect on the big issues of life and death. After many people experience a near-death crisis, they will have a feeling from the bottom of their hearts. If this life passes like this, will it be a big loss? I have never done that before when I have grown up. Gradually, some details in life become no longer important, and a kind of yearning in the heart is transformed into decisive action. Why do heroines in Jianghu treat love affairs between men and women, not as worried about gains and losses as in the world? , but dare to love and hate, just for this reason...

Therefore, when I heard that so many literary and moral scholars suddenly came to Guancheng, and they were young scholars, this senior sister ran faster than the junior sister...

At the top of the city, the Seventh Prince stared at the approaching demon army, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: Three hundred thousand! Very good, enough for us to have a good bet!

Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes slowly moved over: Brother Su, do you go first or do we go first?

You go first, I'm not in a hurry! Lin Su smiled.

The sky and the earth are in turmoil. I beg for a vigorous battle! The Seventh Prince raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar. He stepped out of the city and flew towards the demonic army...

Zhuge Qingfeng turned around, a large pen appeared under his feet, and he left the city...

With a crash, a test paper suddenly opened, with silver light shining on it, but it was Yan Qing. Yan Qing used the test paper as a boat and flew towards the demon army...

A chessboard flew out, and a person stood on it. It was Chu Sanzui, and in his hand, he held a pot of wine...

Suddenly, 38 people came out!

At the same time, a high stone wall was erected at the top of the city, with 38 names on it. This is the scoreboard!

Within Baili Guancheng, countless people stood up at the same time, following these 38 figures with their eyes, all of them were full of passion. Three hundred thousand demonic troops came with eternal murderous intent, and 38 great scholars came out of Guancheng together!

This is a grand occasion for culture to eliminate demons.

This is the eternal pride of one against ten thousand!

This is a rare literary legend in Guancheng for a hundred years!

This will be another interpretation of a peerless poem that will be sung through the ages...

38 literary heroes faced the demonic army as soon as they left the city. Their literary methods were turned into weapons of attack, and they immediately performed the literary and artistic style...

The Seventh Prince raised his hand and made a huge slash, slashing hundreds of miles away. With this slash, Wenlu's cultivation level was fully exposed.

Under his name on the scoreboard, an astonishing number 963 appeared! What does it mean? This means that with this blow, he killed 963 demon armies. Of course, he didn't really kill that many, only more than a hundred people. However, the scoreboard has a conversion rule. For demon armies below level four, 1 is counted as 1, and for demon armies below level four, 1 is counted as 1. Level 1 Demon General, use 1 as 10, Level 5 Demon Star, use 1 as 100, Level 6 Demon King, use 1 as 1000, Level 7 Demon King, use 1 as 10000! He had just killed several level five demons with one hit, so his score was far higher than the actual kills. Lin Su took a serious look at this scoreboard. It was unusual. Even he couldn't tell the level of the people killed by the seventh prince's attack just now, but this scoreboard directly gave Score, awesome!

A piano appeared in Wang Yibo's hand. With the sound of the piano, the sound waves were killing. Within the range of the sound, the demon army was wiped out. He scored more than 500 points in an instant.

Zhuge Qingfeng was even more horrified. The big pen under his feet shook, and a colorful poem was written in the void: Chaotic clouds fly across the white water, and the people of Qinghe have not been returned...

There was a boom, chaotic clouds flew across, and a long river stretched for hundreds of miles, and all the people involved turned into blood mist.

His score started from zero and suddenly rose to the top of the list, with a total of more than 3,800.

The whole city roared: War poem! This is a war poem!

Have you seen it? The original Holy Light! This was written by him! Who is he?

Oh my God, I have seen the author of the war poem with my own eyes... The faces of the two junior sisters who had just ran from the inn were all red. They were the most outstanding figures in the field. Their eyes were directly fixed on Zhuge Qingfeng...

Because Zhuge Qingfeng was full for the first time as soon as he came on the stage.

It is an original war poem, and it is a colorful poem. Is this ordinary?

How many people can there be in the world?

At this moment, his edge surpassed that of the Seventh Prince.

However, Yan Qing's demeanor was not inferior to others. The test paper under his feet suddenly shook, and a strange article appeared in the world: In the past, there was the ancient country of Huating, with strong soldiers and strong horses, virtuous kings and prosperous sons. For a time, there were no two... …”

This is the strategy test paper he used to take part in the scientific examination three years ago and won the top prize. Once this test paper was circulated, it has become a collection of strategy papers for major families. And he himself, with his literary name supported by all the people in the state, broke into the literary world. , rewrite this test paper, turn it into a treasure of one's own literary path, and use it on the battlefield, which is extremely lethal.

Every word in the test paper flew out, killing or confusing, or turning into small areas. The demon army below turned dizzy and fell to the ground one after another.

His scores also rose rapidly.

His power in killing enemies using his articles as a tool also attracted great attention in Guancheng.

As soon as countless people analyzed his identity, the reputation of the No. 1 Scholar resounded throughout Guancheng, and countless heroes and heroines blushed and fell into ruin.

Literary romance unfolds without warning at the iron-blooded border...

Crazy Blade, a man who never hesitated to kill on the battlefield, was also rarely silent at this moment...

A swordsman next to him let out a long breath: No wonder people say that Wen Dao is the first of the five realms. It is indeed well-deserved. Except for three or five of these 38 people who have broken into Wen Dao and are considered to be the fifth realm of Wen Dao, the rest They are all level 4 Bunshin or Ultimate Bunshin, but they have no pressure facing the 5th level Demon Star, and can even leapfrog and kill the 6th Level Demon King.

The way of literature is indeed superb, but it is not our way after all! Crazy Sword exhaled softly: I also believe that if we kill on the battlefield, practice our swords, our minds and our hearts, wherever the way of literature can go, we can also practice the way. Arrived!

The swordsman next to him smiled: After the meeting in Yaochi, I'm afraid your biggest improvement is not your cultivation reaching Xiangtianfadi, but your state of mind. In the past, when it came to Wen Dao, you were dissatisfied, but you won't Say this.

Crazy Blade also smiled: The Yaochi Grand Meeting is a baptism in itself. If I didn't participate in that grand meeting, I would never believe that someone could cross a big realm and crush me!

You're talking about Jianmen Sulin!

Yes, such a strange seedling can appear in the declining Sword Sect. Then, a crazy sword that reaches the sky and covers the earth can also appear in the extinct Crazy Sword Sect!

Now you should have stepped out of his shadow!

Crazy Sword smiled faintly: Of course, although I don't know his current situation from far away at the border, I believe that there is absolutely no place in the world that can promote people's progress more than Guancheng. I broke into Xiangtianfadi, the high platform of Yaochi that day All the geniuses are no longer in my eyes!

This is his self-confidence, a very reasonable self-confidence.

Kuang Dao has always believed that practicing in the world is not about sitting on the top of a mountain, but about throwing yourself into the eternal killing field, grinding the gravel over and over again. More than a year after the Yaochi meeting, he worked hard in Guancheng for more than a year, and his sword His mind has entered the state of transformation, and his killing path has taken shape! Nine countries and thirteen states, covering hundreds of millions of miles, is there a second city?

I can gain the ultimate in the art of swordsmanship here, Su Lin, where will you sink?

You won’t believe it. I don’t want you to sink like those short-lived geniuses. I hope to see you again and let you know what the crazy sword is today!

Crazy Blade looks up at the sky...

Main city area.

The scoreboard is refreshing crazily every moment...

The total number quickly exceeded 10,000!

Soon, twenty thousand!

Thirty thousand!

fifty thousand!

In about half an hour, I got a terrifying 100,000!

What does one hundred thousand mean?

This means that these 38 people have killed 100,000 troops - if all the demons are reduced to level four or below~ (End of this chapter)

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