Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 829 The Art of War Moves Guancheng

Breaking 100,000! Jiang Yun's voice whispered into Lin Su's ears.

Lin Su nodded lightly: The fighting power is not weak.

Jiang Yundao: It's really hard for me to imagine how you can defeat them.

Winning is winning, losing is actually winning! A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips.

Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat. Others didn't understand what he said, but she understood it.

If Lin Su loses, he still wins. Why?

Because the most critical reason for his bet with these 38 people is to use this method to force these 38 people to oppose the demon. As long as you kill the demon with your own hands, you will be a thorn in the demon's side and a thorn in the flesh. There will be obstacles if you want to surrender to the enemy, and if your family wants to cooperate with the devil, there will be obstacles.

This bet is not a gamble, but a game of chess!

Since it's not gambling, there's no need to worry about winning or losing.

Jiang Yun breathed out softly: You've convinced me, so here's the question. 380,000 taels of silver is a huge strain on your family. Do you want me, Makino Villa, to share the burden with you? But having said that, , even if we bear it, we can probably only bear a fraction of it.

Lin Su smiled: Don't mention this! I haven't reached the point where I need to find a wife to share the debt.

Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat and he almost forgot where he was: You finally admit that I am your wife? Then from now on, there is nothing wrong with me calling you husband, right?

My biggest problem is that I have never learned to refuse the title of husband to a beautiful woman... Lin Su said: Let's put aside such an ambiguous and hot topic for the time being. What do you think of the performance of everyone in the field?

Jiang Yun's heartbeat, which almost swayed like spring river water, suddenly calmed down...

What do the people in the field think?

She didn't forget that this was a game of chess!

38 people were tied up and sent to the battlefield. Since the beginning of the bondage, these 38 people could not have openly opposed it. Once they oppose you, you will be stained. However, when you enter the battlefield, you can also see some problems in your performance.

It depends on whether you kill the enemy sincerely. If you kill the devil without mercy, then there is a high probability that you are not a devil spy. If you kill the devil and fish in troubled waters, then there is something wrong with you.

But when she took a closer look, she didn't see anything wrong. Everyone seemed to be determined to kill.

On the surface, everyone seems to be fine, but there are two details that are very interesting... First, the Seventh Prince has the King's Seal. Once the King's Seal is released, he can surpass the Seventh Realm in combat power and easily win the top spot in the scoreboard. No problem, but he has never shown the king's seal, and have you noticed? He doesn't even wear the king's uniform! Even after entering Guancheng, he never revealed his identity from beginning to end.

Jiang Yundao: This is the special nature of the royal family buried in the state...

The royal family of the Burial State is also a group of people competing for the throne. Behind each prince is a group of supporters. Therefore, the princes must be cautious in their affairs. When they go out, their true identities will not be exposed under normal circumstances. They are afraid of being targeted.

Lin Sudao: That was the general situation! Is it the general situation now? If you really want to gain a place among the princes by something, the best and most orthodox thing is actually military merit! But why doesn't the seventh prince Are you willing to hunt demons as a prince? Why are you afraid that the military exploits of demon slayers will be linked to the royal family?

Jiang Yun's heartbeat accelerated...

She had never thought about this matter...

Now hearing Lin Su mention it like this, she felt a chill in her heart. Could it be that the royal family had also been infiltrated? So much so that the Seventh Prince did not dare to expose his own record of killing demons. He was afraid of causing a backlash from those infiltrators...

A scoring item that was originally extremely orthodox, extremely inspiring, and easy to score on the table. The Seventh Prince changed his clothes and did not use the royal seal, but was interpreted to this extent by Lin Su. It was probably the Seventh Prince as well. Not expected.

Who else? Jiang Yun said.

The other person is Zhuge Qingfeng! Lin Su said: His cultivation level has only just broken through the laws of heaven and earth, but he is superb in the use of fire. This is not like the application of the rules of fire in the cultivation path, but more like the application of fire rules in the spiritual path. It’s the power of blood, and I’m quite interested in his blood.”

Jiang Yun smiled softly: So, it is still useful for you to find a daughter-in-law who comes from a military family. At least I can answer your question. Zhuge Qingfeng, half of his blood comes from an ancient alien race! His mother is from the Fire Tribe. Saint!

Fire Tribe…

Born out of fire, he is naturally proficient in the power of fire!

This is a highly general term used when people refer to the Fire Tribe, but that is not what Lin Su is focusing on. What he is focusing on is the East China Sea War that just ended.

Eighty-six races besieged the East China Sea Dragon Palace, including the Fire Tribe!

Ancient alien races, dragon race, wing race, giant race, fire race...

Are you all a little uneasy?

Zhuge Qingfeng, as the leader of two clans, what kind of role does he play?

Their discussion really didn't look like two people who had just met. Maybe it was the one month of getting along day and night in the secret realm that planted a familiar seed in the two of them. Maybe they were both wise people. , the thinking of military strategists is in the same line, and perhaps you can also quote a more romantic saying: Two stars meet in the sky, and they both feel the long-awaited color from the other's light...

However, a voice penetrated into Lin Su's ears, interrupting the increasingly relaxing conversation. It was Yaogu!

Yao Gu sighed softly: 200,000! They have also shown their true skills...

Lin Su glanced at the scoreboard, which had already passed 200,000!

Turning to the field, everyone in the field has almost exhausted their cultural energy, but their ability to keep the bottom of the box has begun to show...

An ancient scroll appeared in the hands of the seventh prince. With each scroll, hundreds of demonic armies were wiped out at the same time...

Zhuge Qingfeng's colorful war poems were mixed with traces of fire. He actually combined the power of his blood with the power of literature and art, and his lethality was doubled...

Chu Sanzui's chessboard expanded to the extreme. Every chess piece turned into a heavy mountain and was smashed with a roar. His wine bottle was almost empty. When the wine bottle was empty, it actually meant that his literary energy had been exhausted...

Yan Qing's test paper, which stretched across the entire audience, had lost the silver light above it, leaving only a faint trace...

All signs show that the people in the field are close to running out of literary energy, and their gambling is coming to an end!

So their initial agreement was for an hour!

This corresponds to the characteristics of literati. When literati fight, they are most powerful within an hour, so the time they set is one hour.

At this moment, the devil's counterattack suddenly increased in intensity.

With a bang, a giant hand stretched out from below, and Wang Yibo flew away...

A shadow circled thousands of times, turning into a torrent of black mist and hitting Chu Sanzui's chessboard. Chu Sanzui's pot of drunkenness flew high...

As soon as the two demonic shadows moved, the sky and the earth became dark, and the seventh prince's scroll was torn into pieces...

The people at the top of the city were shocked: The devil is angry, retreat quickly!

Yes, there are at least hundreds of demon kings in this army of 300,000. The demon kings are in the 6th realm, and their realm exceeds all of them (the people in the field, four are Wenlu, one is Wenjie, and the rest are all Wenxin or The only one who has the best literary mind is Zhuge Qingfeng. Unfortunately, his literary world is the same as Wu Xinyue's, just a branch of the literary world of the Saint of Poetry. In fact, the standard is only the general literary world).

The Demon King struck with all his strength, and 38, no, 37 literary talents were defeated.

However, at this time, one person showed off his power!

Zhuge Qingfeng!

His body suddenly grew larger, and in the blink of an eye, his 300-foot body was the same size as the demon king who attacked him.

With a bang, he slapped the demon king's head with his hand. The huge demon king in front of him turned into charcoal and collapsed. Tens of thousands of demon troops below him flew back at the same time. The whole place was silent except for Zhuge Qingfeng's heaven and earth magic. Elephant, looking down at all living beings.


On top of the city, a girl fell!

Her head hit the city wall, but her face bloomed like a spring flower: People in the literary world are still like heaven and earth. How can there be such people in the world? I can't stand it, I can't stand it anymore...

This is one of thousands of nymphomaniacs!

As for Crazy Sword, who was a hundred miles away, his eyes flickered: Looking at Si Siwenwen, he struck out and dominated the world. He has the shadow of Su Lin on him! I'll go see him!

Kuang Dao, a generation of madmen who had been fighting in the iron-blooded battlefield for more than ten years and had rarely been shocked in his life, was also shocked by Zhuge Qingfeng's blow.

Even Yaogu's expression changed: I am a dual practitioner of Taoism and Literature. Literature is the world of literature, Taoism is the form of Dharma, and I write colorful poems. Why do I feel that he has more and more in common with you?

A ding!

The flag was suddenly raised...

The scoreboard suddenly lit up, and the numbers froze...

The tokens on the 38 people in the field vibrated at the same time...

Let's go! The seventh prince laughed loudly, and a huge pen flew into the air and returned...

Zhuge Qingfeng turned around, and a ball of flame turned into a huge phoenix. His men also took one step into the air and returned!

The remaining 36 people used their own methods and all returned in the blink of an eye!

Marshal Zheng strode out, arching his hands: 38 geniuses, faced the enemy's 300,000 demon army, killed 80,000 enemies, and retreated with all their bodies. Their literary power is so powerful that it shakes the earth and the sky! I congratulate you!

The Seventh Prince looked at the scoreboard, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: In one hour, I killed 80,000 enemies and scored more than 267,000 points. The results are not satisfactory. Brother Su, it's your turn!

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Su's face, except for a few nymphos at the top of the city. Their feelings were very single-minded. At the moment, they had not yet gotten over the talent they had chosen. Looking at these young people, The geniuses who entered the city all had their eyes wide open, and there were countless flowers circling around inside...

Lin Su nodded: Okay!

With a swish sound, he walked through the air in one step and left the city...

With this appearance, Lin Su fell into everyone's sight for the first time...

Isn't it over yet? Another one comes out! someone shouted.

Of course it's not over, didn't I say? This is a bet, one person versus 38 people!

What? One person versus 38? How could there be such an unfair bet?

The cry seemed to be louder. Even the 38 scholars who had just returned to the city heard it. Upon hearing this, their joy of returning from victory suddenly decreased by 30%. Why do they feel that the biggest winner in today's bet is still that bastard? Su San?

Even if he lost, he created a miracle at this moment. He was the 1 in 1:38!

This bastard, could this be his plan?

Use this method to increase your aura?

A few years later, some people will still remember that a certain person named Su San challenged 38 geniuses with one person!

Does winning or losing matter?

The important thing is that he is the 1!

Even though he was defeated, he was still glorious!

All of a sudden, everything was going on in the city!

A female voice finally came to Yaogu's ears: In my opinion, what method will he use?

Yao Gu turned her gaze slightly to the side and saw a glimmer of light coming from the eyes of the silver-clad armor next to her, and a wave of light wavered in her heart instantly...

This is his wife!

Just found it!

She once advised him that women are dangerous, and the more beautiful they are, the more dangerous they are. Therefore, if you want to live longer, look for less beautiful women.

What did he say then? Then I will try to find less beautiful ones in the future.

A sentence that seemed to make sense, Yao Gu had been interpreting it for several months, and the results she came up with made her a little confused...

Just keep these entanglements in the past in your heart. Yao Gu is not someone who can't let go. She let go and traveled thousands of miles with him, bumping into Makino to ask for his hand in marriage.

It must be said that she supported Lin Su in finding this wife.

But it must be said that when Lin Suzhen found this wife, she overturned the five-flavor bottle...

Therefore, she didn't say a word to Jiang Yun along the way. However, when Lin Su went to fight, Jiang Yun took the initiative to speak...

Yaogu's thoughts were over thousands of miles, and she exhaled softly: I'm not sure either!

Uncertainty means...

He wants to win the bet. He has many options. I'm not sure which one he will choose! Yao Gu said: When he steps into the battlefield, no one can guess his every step!

Jiang Yun felt bad: mean, he has a chance of winning?

Yaogu smiled faintly: Don't you trust him?


Lin Sufei left Guancheng!

Behind him is the iron city wall, and in front is the densely packed demon army that has been completely enraged!

He is like a little moth flying towards a blazing fire!

The flames seemed to only need a slight shock to completely crush him...

However, he still moved forward quickly, and his speed was even ten times faster than before...

With a chirping sound, he reached the top of the demon army!

His hand suddenly circled, and a magical holy light of literature and art emerged...

Yaogu's heart skipped a beat, and a voice came to Jiang Yun: It's confirmed! The art of war!

The Art of War? Jiang Yun shouted, his voice a little excited...

The demon army below Lin Su suddenly changed its appearance. It was originally a demon army, but now it was divided into two. One group was a standard demon army, and the other side was a variety of human races, some of them were cultivators, some were literary, and they were carrying a side The battle flag has a huge word Zheng written on it!

The demon army was instantly excited!

That's great, the human race has come out to seek death! Kill!


The two teams roared at the same time, and the fierce war started in an instant!

Above the city, the scoreboard suddenly lit up. Behind Su San's name, the numbers rose rapidly, 3125! 5145! 6875! 11326!

Everyone was stunned, he had already scored over 10,000 points, no! When Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes fell on the scoreboard, the score had reached 30,000!

The folding fan that Zhuge Qingfeng was shaking suddenly stopped and didn't move at all!

The seventh prince's expression also changed instantly!

What's going on? shouted a great scholar.

Commander Zheng, you sent elite troops to join the battle to help him. Isn't this considered his personal achievement? Another scholar pointed at Marshal Zheng.

Marshal Zheng's eyes opened extremely wide, and he slowly retracted: Dear scholars, this is Mr. Su's peerless art of war, and it has nothing to do with me!

Art of War? Almost everyone jumped up.

How is it possible to have such a wonderful art of war? These are clearly people from our city. The clothes they wear and the flags they carry are all...

Marshal Zheng said: This is the magic of this art of war. From the perspective of the demon army on the opposite side, this side is the army defending the city. From the perspective of the army here, the opposite side is the army defending the city. When the two sides come into close contact, there is no trace at all. With room for discernment and reflection, the battle situation unfolded instantly, and the killings on both sides were all due to his military exploits... I have been on the battlefield for more than forty years, and I have never seen such a terrifying art of war. General Silver, who is he?

He had an answer in his heart. This person must be an expert from Makino Villa.

The tactics he uses must be the most sophisticated among military strategists.

In this world, the most profound art of war can only come from one source, and that is Makino Villa...

Jiang Yun stared at the battlefield blankly, without answering at all...

Only she knew that Marshal Zheng had taken it for granted and was wrong!

Although military strategists' art of war is sophisticated, how has it ever been so effective and miraculous?

At least she's never seen it!

Her husband-in-law...the man she had already called sister-in-law actually used such tactics in front of her. Where did he get it?

God sent this military genius to the hometown of the military strategist, what will he bring to the military strategist?

Yaogu also looked at the battlefield, and her heart was filled with emotions...

Everyone was looking at what was in front of them, but she was the only one who could see much further...

Above the distant sky, the saints in the temple...

Are you also paying attention to this world?

He rose in the art of war, and he showed his power at the borders of foreign lands. He is for the human race. He has never been a scourge. If you follow the way of heaven and follow the right path, don't blame him!

A moth to the fire has already flapped his wings. The aftermath of this battle will shake the vast world for a long time. Where is his destination?

A hundred miles away, Kuang Dao, who had already shouldered his long sword, stopped and looked quietly at the battlefield in the distance that seemed familiar to him and yet unfamiliar to him.

What is familiar is the light and shadow of swords, but what is unfamiliar is that this is the art of war!

The Art of War! How can it be so terrifying? The voice of my junior brother came to my ears: Who is this person?

Crazy Blade's gaze penetrated hundreds of miles of clouds and landed on the figure. Suddenly, his heart was shocked: This... this is impossible!

What's impossible?

Su Lin! How could it be him?

Ah? The junior brother shouted: Su Lin, the leader of Lingyun? How is this possible?

Yes, it is impossible to do so theoretically. He is on the path of spiritual practice and has never been a scholar. However, his appearance... this person looks exactly like him. Could it be that it is just a coincidence after all?

It must be a coincidence! Junior Brother said: There are so many people in the world who look alike, but I still believe that those who specialize in swordsmanship and can master swordsmanship to a level that even my brothers admire will definitely not have the energy to practice other swordsmanship. , Once you are greedy for too much, you will definitely achieve nothing!”

Crazy Blade scratched his head gently: What my junior brother said is true, I must have seen it wrong! It can't be him!

Kuang Dao was an old friend of Lin Suzhi. He was staring at this familiar face and suspected that he had seen it wrong.

The Seventh Prince, Zhuge Qingfeng, Yan Qing and others also felt like they were dreaming as they stared at the rapidly rising scoreboard.

Within a quarter of an hour, the score on the nameplate had exceeded 100,000.

Two quarters of an hour, two hundred thousand.

Three quarters of an hour has just begun and the scoreboard has already reached 250,000!

One step away from the astonishing number of 267,000 created by the 38 of them!

This was a result that 38 of them worked together, used all their cards, and took an hour to achieve. However, Lin Su, with only one person, had already approached it in just over half an hour.

Seeing the rapidly beating numbers and the relentless approach, 38 people's hearts were in their throats. Could it be said that this bet that was impossible to lose no matter what, was actually going to be lost?

Their identity, their status, their pride, and their family all do not allow such failure.

But who can stop it?

Just when the scoreboard was infinitely approaching the 260,000 mark, suddenly, there was a long roar from the west!

As soon as the roar came out, it was like opening a floodgate to release water, and a black curtain like a tide suddenly covered all the demons below Lin Su!

The literary power of the Art of War was instantly interrupted!

The score on the scoreboard was set at 265,236!

Cold sweat broke out from the backs of the 38 literary geniuses!

Just a little bit different!

The 38 of them worked together to get 267,000, and Lin Su alone got 265,000. The number of less than 2,000 was the dividing line between victory and defeat.

Lin Su almost defeated them all with one move.

Fortunately it stopped...

I don’t know why, but they are sincerely glad that this has stopped...

Jiang Yun's face darkened: The God-Swallowing Demon Abyss! He actually used this magical power to break the art of war!

Marshal Zheng said: Exactly! The commander of the demon army on the opposite side has personally dispatched. Mr. Su San, come back quickly!

With a loud shout, he traveled hundreds of miles and reached the battlefield...

At the same time, the demonic army below truly broke through from the art of war. When they saw the corpses of their companions scattered around them, their hairs jumped at the same time, frightened by this strange reality.


An order was issued from the opposite side, and the demon army retreated like a tide.

Yao Gu’s eyes closed slightly!

In terms of scores, he still lost after all, only by a little bit!

However, he single-handedly forced back the 200,000 demon army. Will he be considered a loser or a winner?

Moreover, his hour was far from used up, would something change happen?

At this moment, Lin Su's brows suddenly lit up, and a bright moon rose into the sky...

Yaogu's eyes lit up: War poem?

War poem? Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat: A bright moon rising in the sky, covering hundreds of miles of battlefield, could it be a war poem?

Ordinary war poems can only cover a hundred feet, powerful war poems can only cover ten miles. Even if Zhuge Qingfeng just wrote colorful war poems as the original author, the coverage can only be thirty miles.

And this bright moon, three hundred miles away, could it be a war poem?

What kind of war poetry has such power?

Lin Su let out a long chant: I was leaning against the railing with my head full of rage...

The silver moon in the sky suddenly shook, and came down from the void. When it first emerged, it looked like a millstone, and then like a giant wheel. When it reached the ground, it stood shoulder to shoulder with the city. With a chirping sound, thousands of miles below, the devil's abyss opened up. The silver moon was like a heavenly sword, crossing the sky. Roll thousands of miles!

With this strike, half of the remaining 100,000 demonic troops were killed!

The stopped scoreboard shook violently...

The score suddenly jumped, reaching the terrifying level of 400,000!

As soon as Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes fell on the scoreboard, his eyes widened suddenly!

Totally unbelievable...

The Seventh Prince's face, which had been somewhat relaxed just now, suddenly became tense...


Finally lost!

With the final blow, he directly added 150,000 contribution points!

Fully 50,000 demon troops died under his attack!

The power of this blow is as high as the heavens and the earth. The power of this blow is equivalent to a full blow from the Dharma Prime!

To the west, among the distant mountains, a roar rose up, and together with the roar, even Marshal Zheng's whole body tensed up, because he felt an extremely terrifying pressure coming from the west.

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