Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 830 Kill the Demon Emperor with one sword

This is the Blood Demon Emperor, the commander of the opposite demon army!

The Blood Demon Emperor has reached the middle level of the Demon Emperor, and his true cultivation is not as good as that of his authentic Dharma Realm!

Jiang Yun suddenly raised his eyes, and two sparks suddenly burst out from the empty silver mask!

She clearly saw that the Blood Demon King was only a hundred miles away from him!

I'll go! Jiang Yun's whole body was filled with silver light.

However, the seventh prince and Zhuge Qingfeng took a step at the same time: The bet is not over yet. If the general intervenes, he will be deemed to have lost!

Based on the score at this moment, he has already surpassed you! Jiang Yun said coldly: I intervene at this time just to fight against the demon of the seven realms!

Since you are betting, you must abide by the rules! Zhuge Qingfeng said: It is not consistent with gambling for others to intervene to help!

Jiang Yun said coldly: I guess you want to see him die! Only by his death can you not have to bear the loss of the gamble!

As soon as the voice fell, the figure flew into the sky...

However, a voice suddenly sounded from the side: It doesn't matter!

Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat. Nothing anyone else said could stop her from rescuing her, because she had a military mindset and she knew exactly what these 38 literary geniuses were thinking.

Their score has been surpassed, and their defeat is a foregone conclusion, but they have not given up yet. They hope to see Lin Su die on the battlefield.

As long as Lin Su dies, their bet will not be considered a complete loss and they can save a little bit of face.

This is the genius of literature and art, and this is their ugliness.

So, no matter what they say, she wants to rescue.

However, this was not said by anyone else, but by Yao Gu!

Why? Jiang Yun's eyes were like lightning, shooting at Yao Gu.

It's just the Demon King of the Seventh Realm. Do you think he can't be killed? Yao Gu said calmly.

Everyone was shocked...

With a bang, the sky in front seemed to suddenly break open, and a demonic shadow a thousand feet away appeared above Lin Su and above the city. All the battle flags were frozen at this moment, and no one could breathe...

Death! A deep voice came from the clouds, like the voice of heavenly punishment.

Accompanied by this sound, a terrifying bloody claw fell from the sky...

Lin Su suddenly raised his head, his long hair flying...

With a swish sound, a sword is in hand!

The sword came out, and the bloody light in the sky suddenly stopped...



The sword came out, and the devil's claw in the air split into two halves. The sword light shot into the sky, reaching thousands of feet. With a choking sound, the huge devil shadow split into two halves and quickly shrunk, BOOM!

Two pieces of blood-red demonic corpses smashed heavily outside the city.

Lin Su suddenly flew up, with lightning speed, and reached a height of ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye. Whoa!

The long sword flew horizontally and slashed into the void.

A scream came from the void.

A blood-red magic core as big as a millstone fell into his palm.

The score on Lin Su's scoreboard jumped again, to over 523,000, an increase of 10,000 from the original!

Seven realm monsters, one for ten thousand!

He didn't use military skills or war poems. He only relied on his sword. He could destroy the devil's body with one sword and destroy the soul with one sword.

Above the city, there was silence, and everyone's eyes were straight...

A hundred miles away, the sword in Kuang Dao's hand suddenly shook: It's him!

Su Lin? The expression of the swordsman next to him also changed.

This sword is the Heavenly Sword Style of Dugu Nine Swords! Kuang Dao said: The sword that defeated me that day has now killed the Demon King of the Seventh Realm with one sword. The miracles in his cultivation path are still continuing...

As strong as a mad sword, he was also at a loss at this moment.

Not to mention everyone else!

Today, Lin Su pitted one against 38 and bet against 38 literary geniuses. Those who heard about it for the first time all said it was ridiculous.

However, as soon as his military skills came out, everyone in the city was eclipsed. When everyone's hearts were pounding, they began to really think about whether he had the qualifications to compete with the 38 geniuses.

If the art of war is his appearance.

The war poem was his enhanced version. Once the war poem was published, it covered hundreds of miles and killed 50,000 enemies with one poem. This completely subverted the concept of war poetry.

If we stop here, everyone can comfort themselves by saying the way is different.

But Lin Su's killing spree against the Demon Army angered the Demon Emperor on the opposite side. The Demon Emperor personally took action and vowed to kill Lin Su. How did Lin Su do it? Draw your sword!

Under two swords, the Demon King died!

These two swords are not the way of literature, they are the way of cultivation!

As soon as these two swords were released, it was announced that even in the cultivation world, this young man was still the number one master in the city!

Countless proud daughters of heaven and countless lonely fairies cast their gazes at the elegant figure that towered over the sky, with flowers in their eyes. Even the sword nuns who had never shown any color towards them had equally enthusiastic eyes. Or even more enthusiastic, because what others see is magic, but what they see is the way of the sword...

The only exception is the main city.

It was a group of people in front of the scoreboard.

The faces of the 38 geniuses were as gloomy as water...

Dashuai Zheng’s surprise encounter...

Jiang Yun's silver armor covered his whole body, but the silver armor was also ringing softly...

The only one who looked normal was Yao Gu. The faint red glow on her face penetrated the rough skin, making her face, which had never been attractive, become attractive. Of course, there were not many elements of moving.

Lin Su turned around in the air, stepped on the void, and landed on the head of the main city like a flying fairy in the sky.

He glanced at the scoreboard and smiled: Everyone, in terms of points alone, I seem to have won!

38 people looked at each other, black lines running horizontally on their faces...

Marshal Zheng took one step forward and said, Mr. Su's military skills are peerless, his literary skills are superb, and his spiritual practice is also so unpredictable. He killed nearly 200,000 demonic troops today with one man's power. What a miracle! What a miracle!

Sighed again and again.

Lin Su smiled and said: Is it just me? There are 39 of us traveling together, so of course everyone deserves the credit. Commander, I have an uninvited request from Mr. Su, and Wan Wang agrees!

Marshal Zheng bowed and said, Sir, you are the hero of today's battlefield. However, I will not refuse any orders you give me. Sir, please come quickly!

Lin Sudao: In the eyes of the world, the literary geniuses are more talkative than the practical ones. However, today, these 38 literary geniuses used their mighty power to block the 300,000 demonic army. With a heart to help the common people and a high ambition, he is truly a model for literati in the world...

38 people looked up at the same time, extremely surprised!

Is this Lin Su’s evaluation of them?

Come on, we have always been opposites!

To this day, I still hope you die!

But why do you use such lofty words to evaluate us?

Lin Su continued: Their family must be proud of them, and hundreds of millions of people in the entire Burial State are proud of them. In order to inspire generations of literati to follow their path and help the world and the people, Su specially invited the commander-in-chief to help them. Build a pavilion, named the Pavilion of Literary and Taoist Celebrities, and implant the images of them killing enemies into it, and enter their names into it, so that generations of Guancheng people will respect you by the pavilion!

38 people’s hearts jumped in unison!

The gloom on their faces disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Who among the literati in the world does not love fame?

Who doesn’t want to be a role model for literati on their way forward?

In this way, they will not lose but win when they close the city to kill the enemy! Won eternal fame!

Jiang Yun nodded: What Mr. Su said is exactly what I want. I think it should also be what His Majesty wants. Just follow what Mr. Su said and build this pavilion!

Okay! Marshal Zheng said, I will make arrangements now!

Outside the city, the battlefield has been cleaned, and countless magic cores were sent to Lin Su. Lin Su waved his hand: Just use these magic cores for the operation of the Celebrity Pavilion. It is useless for me to ask for them!


This atmosphere, this new show of goodwill to the 38 people, quietly changed the hearts of the 38 literary geniuses. The man named Su seemed to become less annoying...

As for Lin Su, he looked tired. After drinking three glasses of celebratory wine, Yaogu supported him and said, You are too tired today, so you should go back to your room and rest first.

So, he checked into an inn in the main city. As soon as he entered the inn room, there was a slight sound of wind in the room, and a charming woman appeared in front of him and Yao Gu...

Yaogu looked at her blankly.

The woman smiled softly: Jiang Yun, the fourth lady of Makino Villa, has met the peasant saint! She bowed slightly.

Yaogu also returned the gift and smiled lightly: The fourth lady took off her silver armor and showed her true face. It's time to discuss important matters with him. You can talk while I watch from outside.

Lin Su smiled and said: No need, we are all our own!

He personally held the pot and poured a cup of tea for each of the two women...

Yaogu lowered her head and held the teacup, barely looking at Jiang Yun, but she couldn't hide the ups and downs in her heart...

Jiang Yun is such a beautiful woman. Why do he have so many beauties around him? One is more beautiful than the other, and this kind of beauty is a great oppression for her...

Jiang Yun had no idea in this regard. She raised her eyes and said, You took the initiative to build a 'Celebrity Pavilion' for them. If your expectations are correct, it should be a new move!

It's not a new move! Lin Su said with a smile: It's just solidifying and amplifying their 'voting certificate'!

Jiang Yun shook his head gently: What a solidification and amplification. Once this pavilion is established, the people in the pavilion will become role models for the human race, and at the same time they will become a thorn in the eyes of the demon race. Do you have another idea, for example... Let them enter the demon clan's killer list or death list?

Yao Gu suddenly raised her head...

She is also a wise person. If she is not a wise person, she is not worthy of traveling thousands of miles with him.

But after all, she is not a military strategist, and her thinking still has limitations.

At least she didn't interpret the profound meaning of building a pavilion.

Lin Su smiled and said: My original intention was not to send them to death, but to solidify the situation and block their retreat. But you all know that things are ever-changing. If one day they really Being on the list of demons to be killed because of entering the 'Celebrity Pavilion' can only be regarded as an unpredictable situation.

Jiang Yun infinitely sighed: Every step is a plan! Brother, it's really hard for me to believe that you are just a little-known stranger.

Yaogu suddenly raised her head. At this moment, her eyes were very bright...

What does little-known mean?

Is the first grandmaster of Qinglian considered unknown? So far, she doesn't even know who he is?

Lin Sudao: We have something to do today! Yaogu, you create two shadows for us here...

Yaogu said: You...

We are leaving seclusion! We are going to do something big! Lin Su said: But I don't want anyone to know that we are leaving seclusion before it succeeds!

Yaogu nodded slowly: Okay!

Lin Su and Jiang Yun looked at each other, their bodies swayed, and disappeared at the same time. At the same time, Yao Gu gently moved the scissors in her hand and cut out two figures.

Looking from the outside, three people are drinking in a room.

If the Qi machine is detected, there is no abnormality in the Qi machine. This is the foundation of the true world of Yaogu Wen Dao.

She didn't know what Lin Su and Jiang Yun were doing when they left seclusion.

However, she still believed in Lin Su unconditionally. She would do whatever Lin Su asked her to do. She stepped into Burial State. It was not until this moment that she played her first role.

Use your own true world to hide their whereabouts.

It's late at night, and the Literary and Celebrity Pavilion in Guancheng has been completed.

38 literary geniuses stepped into the pavilion and became the first visitors. There are thirty-eight paintings in the pavilion, each of which is a full-length portrait of them. You only need to stare at the portrait for a moment, and the portrait will move. , interpreting their majesty on the battlefield.

Under their names, their brief introductions are listed.

Name, family.

This made him famous throughout the state, and his family became famous throughout the state.

A proud smile finally appeared on their faces.

Even Zhuge Qingfeng had a smile on his face, but he suddenly stopped after taking a few steps, and the expression on his face became a bit weird...

Brother Zhuge, is there something wrong? Yan Qing said.

Zhuge Qingfeng slowly turned around and looked at Yan Qing: I suddenly have a feeling. I hope you won't be disappointed.

What? The seventh prince turned around.

Zhuge Qingfeng said: This pavilion was proposed by Mr. Su. I have been trying to figure out why he is so generous and kind. Now the answer seems to be out...

What's the answer? The remaining thirty or so people gathered around.

The answer is... I'm afraid this is not a good intention! Zhuge Qingfeng said: The construction of this pavilion will put us in the demon's revenge plan. Over time, if anyone in our group gets involved in the demon's revenge, Personally, I don’t find it strange at all about the fate list...

Everyone’s expressions changed together!

They are all literati, and they are not stupid. Just now they were dazzled by the idea of ​​becoming famous all over the world. Now hearing Zhuge Qingfeng's interpretation, a chill ran down their backs at the same time...

I asked how could a person named Su be so kind? It turned out that he was harboring evil intentions!

This is a signpost for the demon tree!

Will we not be bound by this broken pavilion for the rest of our lives?

No, we have to be removed from this pavilion!

I don't know who proposed this idea, but Zhuge Qingfeng stared at him coldly: Get rid of the name? How to get rid of it? It's fine if you don't enter. After you come in, you want to get out. What do you want to do? You want to betray the human race. ? How can you establish the world? How can your family establish the world?

The man's face turned red and white, and he couldn't answer a word.

This is the insidiousness of establishing a pavilion.

Entering the Celebrity Pavilion will shock the world!


The turmoil caused is ten times and a hundred times greater than entering the cabinet!

Once you are removed from the list, people in the world will ask why. In this case, removal from the list only exists in one situation, that is, you are traitorous to the country and the human race...

Your reputation will be ruined!

The Seventh Prince took a long breath and said: Fame and status can also be used as soldiers. This is a typical military thinking! It is in the same vein as his military skills! What a Su San, in this case, why should we let him take care of himself? Go to Marshal Zheng immediately, Su San’s name must also be added!”

Yes! Give him a name! Make all his great achievements public!

Suddenly, a consensus was reached!

At the beginning, Lin Su did not enter the Celebrity Pavilion because he did not mention it himself, Jiang Yun did not mention it, and Marshal Zheng did not make his own decision. However, these 38 people had selfish motives and wished that Lin Su's name would not be included in the pavilion.

But now, the perception has completely changed.

This pavilion is a big pit!

You Su San tricked us, can we let you go?

If you want to die, let’s all die together; if we want to be on the fatal list, let’s all get on it together!

If you want to be alone, there is no way!

Therefore, at the strong request of all the literary geniuses, Marshal Zheng added a new person to the Literary Celebrity Pavilion, Da Cang Su San. Nothing about the art of war can be seen through the image. Forget it, the point is that he killed 50,000 people with one silver moon. The demon army and the image of killing the blood demon emperor, the commander of the demon army, with one sword.

Seeing that his portrait finally came up, the 38 geniuses were happy again.

Your achievements are much greater than ours. If the demonic army wants to kill you, they should kill you first, right?

However, after standing up, Zhuge Qingfeng turned around again, and his expression was a little ugly when he came back. All the 37 geniuses felt uneasy in their hearts: Brother Zhuge, what's the problem?

Zhuge Qingfeng shook his head gently: There are no other problems. The problem is that when this guy stood inside, I suddenly felt that we had no sense of existence...

Yes, that's the problem. If Lin Su doesn't stand, the demon clan's revenge will be borne by them, and they are very angry.

Let's go to Lin Suli. Lin Su's record is too good, they have no sense of presence, and their reputation is greatly reduced.

They are still unhappy.

Yan Qing ended with one sentence: Everything has gains and losses, so don't worry about it. My little brother is leaving. Where are you all?

In fact, I have some things going on at home, and I have to leave. Dear friends, goodbye...

Overnight, 38 literary geniuses left Guancheng.

Their departure was actually affected by this pavilion.

The shadow of a demonic assassination was implanted in their hearts, and they did not dare to stay in the outside world for much longer, especially in Guancheng, where there was a mixed bag of fish and dragons. Therefore, they wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Before going home, they felt a little sense of balance in their hearts, because they finally succeeded in laying a thunderbolt for that hateful Su San...

However, they didn't know one thing.

They would probably vomit blood if they knew about it.

This matter is: Lin Su himself is a figure on the Demon Clan's fatal list. The Demon Clan's hatred for him is already at its peak. If he cannot go to this pavilion, it will have no impact on the Demon Clan's methods. nothing.

But if Lin Su went to this pavilion, the impact on them would be really fatal.


Because they got themselves an extraordinary treatment: being compared with Lin Su!

Lin Su is a person on the fatal list, ranked in the top 100! Who among the demons doesn’t want to kill him and get the title of demon hero who kills the geniuses on the “Destiny List”?

Lin is too slippery, and ordinary demons can't get rid of him. So, take a step back and do the next best thing, fight alongside him and kill those who are on par with him, and your sense of honor will also increase, right?

In the end, these 38 literary geniuses were targeted by demons from all walks of life, and their fate was completely changed. There is even a poem that specifically records this incident. The poem goes: Celebrities can laugh at the events of the ages at the snap of their fingers. The first sentence talks about Lin Su, who made a casual statement, and followed it with a clever plan that calculated people's hearts; the second sentence talks about the 38 geniuses, who fell headlong into this strategy and became a literary joke.

However, that’s all for later…

The stars are faint, the moon is unclear, and the sky outside the pass, in realist terms, is filled with magic fog. In romantic terms, it is: without the light of literature and morality, it is difficult to see clarity in the world.

Lin Su and Jiang Yun left Guancheng and were among the mountains and rivers.

They hid their figures because they didn't want anyone to know that they were out of the barrier, because Lin Su himself knew that after the battle in Guancheng, the devil would be able to understand who came to Guancheng today if he had just a little string in his heart. who is it.

Yaogu told him about the Demon Clan's Death List. It was a list where countless demons could change their lives!

Once it is known that he has left Guancheng and entered the territory of the demon, I am afraid that all the old demons in seclusion will come out.

Even the moon shadow will appear!

A single hair of Yueying's hair could shake up the human world. Once the real body appeared in front of him, Lin Su thought with his toes and knew that he had no chance of survival.

This Yueying doesn't dare to mess around in the human world. He kills people before thinking about himself.

But that is the human world, a place shrouded in the light of the holy way.

But here is outside the pass, all the Confucian temples are gone, and all the literary power has been wiped out. He is not Yao Gu, and he does not have a special base station to carry with him, except for non-attacks such as Thousand Degree Eyes, Pingbu Qingyun and Rejuvenation Seedlings that have been integrated into flesh and blood. Apart from sexual skills, he could not use any literary means.

His combat power has been greatly reduced, and he really doesn't want to try the demon's murderous arsenal.

This trip is risky, why would he go out?

Because they have to complete the final step of Makino's marriage recruitment process...

What is the last step of the process? Some people may wonder, what is the last step of the marriage recruitment process? The bed squeaks when you take off your clothes and pants...

It’s really not this!

The last step in the process of recruiting a bride is to get the weapon pot!

Jiang Yun's mother took the military-pointing pot out of the pass. She told the human race who forced her husband to death that I brought this pot back from outside the pass. I did it because of my husband. Now that my husband is gone, you There is no right to keep it!

Therefore, I want to take away this little war pot, and I will bury this little war pot at the location of the Holy Soldiers’ Family, and let the ancestors of the military strategists comment on whether my husband deserved his death or not!

If you want to get back some weapons, there is only one way!

That is to let my daughter take her husband to open it with her own hands after she becomes an adult!

This is a distant story that makes people sigh endlessly...

The taking away of the military pot was accompanied by the love and hatred of a foreign woman.

The Dibing Pot was buried in the holy land of military strategists, which was her greatest anger and accusation.

She left an opportunity to regain the weapon pot. In fact, she didn't give the human race a chance. She just left an opportunity for her daughter!

If the human race wants to get the weapon pot, they must treat her only flesh and blood well, they must raise her to adulthood, they must let her embark on the path of spiritual practice, and they must choose a suitable husband for her.

She wants to use a weapon pot to get all the things she has not obtained in this world for her daughter! (End of chapter)

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