Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 831: Framing the Horned Demon Club

The old land of the Soldier Saint Family has fallen!

That is the base camp of the devil!

Who in the world can get close easily?

Who can get this sacred military treasure in the opponent's base camp?

An entire generation of Burian people tried thousands of ways and ruined the lives of countless heroes of the human race, but all in vain, because even if they were close to this base camp, even if they penetrated into the devil, they still could not find the location of the weapon pot. There is one person who can be found, and that is Jiang Yun, who is connected by blood to that strange woman!

Mother’s bloodline is traction!

Jiang Yun stood in the night wind outside the pass, looking at the slowly flowing river in the distance, and softly exhaled: Brother, this river is called Jiande River. This is where my parents met.

Lin Su gently raised his hand and put it on her shoulder: Let's follow the path they took and walk through the mountains and rivers outside the pass! Tell them that their daughter has grown up!

The devil lives outside the pass! Jiang Yun said: Brother, you need to disguise yourself!

She raised her hand gently, and in her palm was the silver armor she once wore...

This is the scale of the horned demon. It is made with the magic of military masters. It is inspired by true energy and turned into an indestructible human battle armor. It is inspired by the soul and can be transformed into a horned devil. Walking outside the pass, the devil will definitely have difficulty distinguishing the authenticity.

Lin Su's eyes lit up.

The Horned Demon, he has seen it!

He also personally tried the Horned Demon's Scale to see how powerful it was, but he still didn't expect that the military master's magic could be so magical, with one magic armor and two ways to activate it.

But Lin Su shook his head: Put it on!

Jiang Yundao: I don't need it! I have my own invisibility law, which is specially prepared for you!

What kind of invisibility rules do you have?

Jiang Yun smiled softly: This is a gift from my mother, her unique bloodline as a spirit tribe!

As soon as her voice fell, she suddenly disappeared...

Lin Su saw a strange scene under his thousand-degree eyes...

She hid in a small tree nearby...


Her mother is an Eldar!

The Eldar are a special race. In contemporary Western thinking, they are the elves. They have lived in the mountains and forests for generations. They can blend themselves into the vegetation. This invisibility technique is completely different from all the invisibility techniques in the world. It is essentially It is the blood inheritance of Wood Rules.

Brother, do you understand now? There is no danger when I go out of the customs... The little tree flickered, and Jiang Yun appeared in front of him again.

Lin Su smiled: You have revealed your trump card again, and I have to reveal it too. In fact, there is no danger for me outside the customs...

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly turned into a strange man. The next moment, he turned into a horned demon, and then he turned into the Blood Demon Emperor who died under his hands...

Jiang Yun's eyes sparkled: What kind of technique are you doing?

Secret Technique of Mirage Dragon! Lin Su returned to his original appearance: This technique comes from the Dragon Palace of the West Sea. A dragon with no eyes offended me. I killed him and refined his Dragon Pill. , I have some knowledge of this person’s secret technique of mirage dragon.”

The Mirage Secret Technique was also a great magical power that disturbed the heavens in the past... Jiang Yun sighed softly: I didn't expect that brother would have such an opportunity. Let's go, we have officially entered the territory of the demon clan...

Suddenly, her voice stopped.

Because a strong demonic energy suddenly came from afar, the misty moonlit night was like a ghost land at this moment.

Jiang Yun disappeared on the spot, and a small tree next to him swayed gently.

And Lin Su suddenly turned into a horned demon again...

Silently, a demon appeared in front of him, walking step by step, like a demon king on patrol. The blood mist behind him was like a snake, constantly expanding and contracting. This was a blood demon, six realms!

There seemed to be a human qi machine here just now! The Sixth Realm Demon King said solemnly: Have you noticed it?

Found it! Lin Su's voice was like the collision of metal, with a bit of hoarseness, which was exactly the characteristic of the Horned Demon's voice.

Why don't you chase?

Because...I am!

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Su pointed a finger at the blood demon's forehead.

The blood demon froze suddenly, his bloody eyes gradually became confused, and the blood on Lin Su's fingers floated...

The small tree next to him suddenly became motionless...

Jiang Yun was in the small tree, his heart was extremely agitated...

What is he doing?

About half a quarter of an hour later, Lin Su retracted his fingers, and a magic core appeared in his hand. The magic core had lost its demonic nature.

Lin Su slowly opened his eyes: I refined his soul and learned some things!

The little tree swayed suddenly, and Jiang Yun appeared in front of him...

A hundred miles ahead is the place where spirit-eliminating stones are refined, and three hundred miles away is the horned demon's base camp! Lin Su said: We can disguise ourselves as horned demons, destroy this spirit-eliminating place, and frame the blame. To the horned devil!”

Jiang Yun's eyes brightened: Searching for Gods?

Lin Su smiled and said: As a military strategist knows, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. When entering unfamiliar territory, the most important thing is to understand the enemy's situation. My soul refining technique is not a search for gods, but to refine the soul and know It can still be done with some intelligence.”

Destroy its spirit-disappearing place, temporarily relieve the danger of the Guancheng Formation, and then blame the horned demon, triggering civil strife in the demon army. Only then can we take advantage of the chaos and go straight to the Holy Land of Soldiers. Jiang Yun said: Brother, I am really looking forward to it now. , you can plan every step!

With a shout, two figures rose through the air.

No, it's the Phantom!

Two horned devils!

On the left is Jiang Yun. She put on her silver armor, activated it with her soul, and turned into a horned demon.

On the right is Lin Su, who uses the Mirage Secret Technique.

The secret technique of Mirage Dragon is so powerful that even in the Immortal World, it has disrupted the heavens and triggered a war that will be recorded in history. If used outside the customs, it can obviously disrupt the entire demon clan.

A hundred miles away, two rivers flowed down the mountain. The river on the left was as white as silver, and the river on the right was as yellow as gold.

The intertwining of gold and silver makes the night sky outside the pass a bit magnificent.

If such a wonder fell into the eyes of ordinary people, they might think that it was gold and silver treasures waving to them, but Lin Su knew that this had nothing to do with gold, silver, wind, horses and cattle.

The White River is the charming silver, and the Yellow River is the quiet water.

The charming silver water is connected by a magic circle, producing a strange crystal stone, which is the spirit-dispelling stone.

Countless mysterious demons are working under the moon. They are just low-level demons. They are only engaged in these types of work with little technical content, making day and night.

Suddenly, two horned demons came out of the air, and several mysterious demon leaders bowed to greet them: Do you want to inspect, sir?

The Horned Demon is a high-level species among demons. The Demon Clan is a race that emphasizes blood. Noble blood means strong strength. High-level monsters should be superior to low-level monsters as soon as they are born.

Lin Su and Jiang Yun nodded at the same time.

Your Majesty, please rest inside, please!

In front of him was the magic circle. Lin Su tapped his hand gently on the edge of the magic circle. The magic circle opened from the outside. Dozens of blood demons inside turned around at the same time, a little confused...

This spirit-erasing field is under the jurisdiction of the Blood Demon.

The Blood Demon is also a high-level demon clan, and its status is the same as that of the Horned Demon. Logically speaking, when the Horned Demon enters the territory of the Blood Demon, it needs to be notified, but why did these two people come in?

What's the matter with you? A huge blood demon king in the middle said solemnly.

Kill! There was only one word to answer him!

Jiang Yun's body shook, and the scales all over his body flew out!


Thirty-six blood demon kings turned into blood mist at the same time, and their scales flashed back, returning to the silver armor on Jiang Yun's body. It seemed that she had not made a move at all.

The horned devil's method!

She used her generals so well that she looked more like a horned devil than a horned devil!

Lin Su used his hands together and slapped the center of the formation!

The earth shook with a loud bang!

Huge mountains overturned, the charming water of the Charming River merged together without being transformed by the magic circle, and a poisonous smoke swept across a thousand-mile radius. Wherever it went, the vegetation turned into dust, and the stubborn rocks turned into sand. The demons within this range People, their demonic cores were defiled for the first time, expelled from vitality, and fell to the ground in deathly silence. Their demonic bodies also lost their activity for the first time.

Lin Su and Jiang Yun jumped into the air first, and were frightened when they saw the poisonous mist billowing below...

According to ancient books, enchanted water and ghost water can be converted into soul-killing stones after being transformed by a magic circle. However, if they are directly combined without transformation, they are extremely dangerous and turn into ghost poison, which cannot be stopped by humans, gods, demons, and monsters.

The ancients, I can't deceive you!

In the distant mountains, there is a demon palace. Three demon kings in the temple stood up at the same time. In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the spirit extinguishing field. When they saw the poisonous mist rolling below, all three giant demons were furious...

Why is this so?

Someone is causing sabotage! A demonic hand stretched out in the middle, and the scene just now reappeared in the poisonous mist.

The third troll was furious: It's the Horned Demon!

If you dare to disrupt the Demon Lord's plan, you are seeking death! Go and find them!

The Demon King in the middle was more cautious: Although the Horned Demons and I, the Blood Demons, have had disputes for many years, they are still a powerful group before the Demon Lord. Why would they do such a desperate thing? You need to be cautious. Be careful of falling into the human race's alienation scheme, wait for me to investigate carefully!

He stretched out his giant hand and followed the direction of the two horned demons just now...

Until I saw two horned demons entering the horned demon territory with my own eyes...

All doubts were dispelled. It was the Horned Demon clan who did it, and the person who did it was of quite a high status. His cultivation level should be at the Demon Emperor Realm. After the deed was completed, he entered the Horned Demon Palace!

As soon as this conclusion came out, people outside the customs immediately started to panic.

And Lin Su and Jiang Yun were side by side under the moonlight, using green bamboo boats as boats to swim down the river.

According to Jiang Yun's idea, after they accomplished the task and entered the Horned Demon's territory, they would have completed their frame-up plan. However, Lin Su was more sophisticated and insisted on entering the Horned Demon's Palace!

Entering the Horned Demon Palace is risky. Even now, Jiang Yun's heart is still pounding when he recalls the scene just now...

They entered the Horned Demon Hall and directly asked to see the Demon King. When the Demon King came inside to report, they transformed into ordinary Horned Demon guards and watched with their own eyes as the Demon King, who was definitely above them in cultivation, walked past them and said, Mumbling: Who is it?


There is no more!

They walked away with the steps of guards!

The Demon Emperor's suspicion also came from behind him: He asked for a meeting, but he didn't see him. Who would make such a joke with me?

This is no joke!

This is framed!

This is the husband... Oh, for the time being, it is still what my brother said: You have to do the whole thing when you are acting!

On the green bamboo boat, the two of them could hear each other's breath. The night was very quiet and the moon was very light.

Can the moon be light?

Yes, it's OK!

When the bright moon shines through the mist on the river, when the breeze blows and passes through Jiang Yun's hair, when the moonlight hovers mistlessly on Jiang Yun's face, it can be said that it is very light.

Brother, this river was once the river that protected the Holy Family. It was also an outing ground for hundreds of millions of people. On both sides of the river, there are pavilions and pavilions, and there is a steady flow of people. Jiang Yun's voice floated gently in the night wind. Come, with endless sadness.

You can still see the shadows of the pavilions and pavilions! Lin Su raised his finger and pointed to the west: There should be a city over there, but now the city is in ruins and the people are gone. On the city wall, there is only a vague trace of history. Wheel prints.”

My father and my mother were like us, walking across the Jiande River on a moonlit night. My father also wrote a poem. It was this poem that moved my mother, and she followed him for a long walk.

What poem?

After half a lifetime of ups and downs and thirty autumns, I realized that my practice has not turned back. All kinds of worldly things have gone with the flow, and the sorrow of travelers is sent on the Yanbo River.

Sending guests sorrow on the Yanbo River! Lin Su sighed: Once upon a time, the human race was a prosperous place, but now the human race is just a guest residence! A ray of sorrow is sent by a guest, and all kinds of melancholy are sent to a foreign land! It is simply unreasonable!

Yes, my mother told him at that time that you have been living outside the customs for ten years, and I will also come to your human world once, so she followed my father to the human customs... Who would have thought that this time, she would be a guest in the human world. It’s beyond redemption!”

Lin Su looked into the sky: I really want to ask her if she regrets it?

Jiang Yun said softly: She never regretted when my father suffered all kinds of oppression. She said that walking in the world is like sailing in the wind and rain. Only when the sea is crossing the sea can you show your true colors as a hero. But that was only when my father was still alive. My father When she died in her arms, she didn't mention whether she regretted it or not, but at that moment, everything in her eyes was filled with despair. I think she regretted it after all...

A line of clear tears slid down her face silently.

Lin Su gently raised her hand and wiped away her tears: Nine out of ten things in this world are not as expected. She has never failed the human race, but the human race... has failed her!

She has never failed the human race, and the human race has failed her! If my mother could hear my brother's words, she would definitely be happy and feel like she has found a close friend! Jiang Yun murmured: After walking in the world, it is difficult for anyone to fail someone. The conclusion is that, just like today, my brother is accompanying me outside the customs. If my destiny changes in the future because of this, then I will be responsible for my brother.

Lin Su smiled softly: Don't ever worry about me!

My brother's plan is watertight, my talent is shocking, and you are fearless in the world. However, you are a scholar after all. No scholar can escape unscathed when you get involved in military matters. These words, Jiang Yun actually wanted to say it a long time ago, but she didn't dare to say it, because in the human world, she always felt that there was a pair of eyes in the sky, monitoring every move in the world.

Only outside the gate, without this monitoring, she could let go.

Lin Sudao: Can't you retreat unscathed? But do you know that in my dictionary, there is no such thing as retreat! There is another art of war among military strategists. Do you know how to say it?

What did you say?

Offense is the best defense!

How are you going to attack?

There's something I need to apologize to you first!

Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat: You said...

The marriage recruitment held by your Makino Villa is not simple, and I, participating in the marriage recruitment, are even more not simple... I came here for Zhou Tianjing, and I once thought that your dowry was Zhou Tianjing! I want to use Zhou Tianjing, which is a powerful weapon in the attack. !”

Zhou Tianjing? Jiang Yun's eyes widened...

Lin Su looked at her quietly...

Jiang Yun breathed out softly: Brother, you are going to be disappointed. Zhou Tianjing has been lost for a long time. When the military strategist was disbanded a thousand years ago, his whereabouts are unknown...

The military strategist has completely lost contact with this legendary treasure. Even if he wanted to look for it, he would never be able to find it...

Even the military strategists themselves don’t know!

Lin Su couldn't help but feel a little confused...

If the military master himself didn't know it, then where did Master Yiyao get the news? Gave him the exact coordinates of Wudao Mountain and the Ancient Bronze Palace?

What is the origin of this old monk?

The abbot of Lingyin Temple once said something. This sentence was said in one sentence, and no one had any impression. However, Lin Su suddenly remembered it now...

The abbot of Lingyin Temple said that Master Yiyao was both good and evil, and his words and deeds were completely unreliable. However, he was the most senior person in the entire Buddhist world.

Da Cang has been a country for thousands of years.

Buddhist temples even predate the founding of Da Cang.

Seniority in Buddhism is unusual. You can achieve cultivation quickly, but seniority cannot. If you want to get a higher seniority, there are only two ways. One is to find a senior master. The master's seniority is reduced by one level, which is the apprentice's seniority. He also took this path when he got a senior rank like Kong Ziyi. He worshiped Master Fuyun as his teacher. Fuzi Generation is the senior person in Buddhism in various countries. The one below is Kong!

As a young boy, he accidentally got into the same generation as Kong Wen, the master of Qianfo Temple.

This is a Buddhist relationship, which is difficult for ordinary people to get along with.

Then there is only one other way, just rely on your age!

When the bald heads of the senior generation are gone, my own seniority will rise...

Most people are like this, but what about Master Yi Yao?

Where did his seniority come from?

By virtue of Buddha's fate? He didn't look like a monk. The eminent Buddhist monk shook his head when he saw him. It would be embarrassing to accept him as a disciple.

So, it is most likely that you get through it slowly with age.

If this is the case, his age may exceed a thousand years!

Zhou Tianjing happened to be lost when the military strategist disbanded a thousand years ago. Could he be an insider from a thousand years ago?

Jiang Yun caught Lin Su's expression out of the corner of his eye. She felt a little relieved, but also a little disappointed...

The relief is: the marriage recruitment at Makino Villa was not innocent, and she felt sorry for her brother. Now that her brother has told her frankly, his participation in the marriage recruitment was not innocent, which offset it.

What's disappointing is that she feels she understands why her brother doesn't allow her to call him husband-in-law...

The marriage recruitment at Makino Villa is over.

According to the rules, she chose him.

However, she forgot to ask: Do you really accept this choice?

If his purpose is pure, then he should definitely accept it without saying anything! Why do you apply if you don’t want to be accepted?

However, his purpose is not pure, so there is another question - whether he is willing to accept her as his wife!

This is the subtlety of a girl's heart, a bit sour, a bit worried about gains and losses...

Lin Su glanced back: I actually have another question...

you say!

Getting back the military pot is the first priority of Makino Villa. With your unique invisibility skills and your profound knowledge as a military strategist, it's not particularly difficult to get it. Why do you have to wait until after the wedding?

Makino's recruitment of relatives has been straightened out in Lin Su's dictionary. It is not simply a recruitment of relatives, but an opportunity to comprehensively inspect the future of the young generation in this world, which is related to the power layout and grand strategic adjustment of the villa.

However, at the strategic level, this matter is very high-end.

But what about the tactical level? There are many operating modes…

You can fake it!

You don’t have to pretend to be real!

It is actually very simple to turn a marriage into a fake one. Lin Su has even paved the way for her. If she is not allowed to call her husband, she will not lock the rope. As long as Makino Villa is smart enough, it can completely detect the future master. , and silently loosened the rope around Jiang Yun's head.

But the villa has no intention of loosening the ties, and even intends to lock them up!

This is a pedantic thing!

This is not military thinking!


Jiang Yun's face turned red...

This red is very sudden...

Then, she slowly raised her head: Brother, I must tell you the truth! My mother put a restriction on the box of the weapon pot. The person who opens it must be a husband and wife. Even if they are not a husband and wife, after opening the box, they will be... couple!

Lin Su's eyes widened...

Holy shit!

Could it be that your box is made of aphrodisiac? As long as he touches this box, he must be that one. Therefore, Jiang Yuncai told him that although this move has strategic intentions, it is essentially a real move. If it is not a real move, it will not work. If he touches the box, it will become a fake one. real……

What kind of mother are you? Are you cheating on your daughter?

Brother, if you really don't want to keep going, then...

Lin Su grabbed her shoulder, and Jiang Yun stopped...

I have to confess something!

you say!

Lin Su let out a long breath: I admit that there is a kind of emotion that people are looking for in the world, which is very touching, but things are so unpredictable that sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between east, west and north. Over the years, I have, ahem... found several wives... ...Although the overall number is controllable, after are not the only one for me...

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed: It's okay, that proves that my brother is really good...

Depend on!

I have a lot of wives. Most women interpret them as scum and bastards, but you actually interpret them as excellent? You are so talented!

Lin Su hugged her shoulders:

So, when this trip is over, I will be your true husband-in-law?

Jiang Yun was so shy: Well...

I can't give you an unprepared husband...

Is there any turning point now? Jiang Yun's heart beat fast again: So...

So we need a warm-up, for example, a kiss...


Lin Su's lips came down and stamped her lips, which were like petals just opening, and the ink pad was quite generous...

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly opened wide, oh my god...

I'm afraid you won't understand!

But I’m also a little afraid that you’re too enlightened!

You talk like a gangster, move your hands and feet around without any worries, you are completely letting go...

For a long time, Jiang Yun forgot where he was...

The river water passed by my feet, seeming to stir up heat in my bones...

However, the last bit of rationality allowed her to break away with difficulty and grasped a pair of restless hands: Brother, don't...this is not the place!

From now on, the word 'brother' will come and go everywhere. I won't be this brother without oil and salt. What I want to do is... husband-in-law! Lin Su waved his hand gracefully.

Ms. sir! Jiang Yun was hugged tightly by him again, and the moon quietly hid in the clouds.

After a long time, her husband's voice came to her ears: On this river back then, your father's poem made your mother sink forever. Now I must say that talents come out from generation to generation, and new generations are better than old ones. I don't need poems. , it only takes one kiss to make you fall into my sinking state.”

Jiang Yun's charming eyes were as silk as silk: There are talented people from generation to generation, and the new generation is better than the old. It is a poem that is hard to find through the ages. husband, is it really appropriate for you to compare my father's ability to seduce women? ?”

Haha, Lin Su laughed.

Amidst the laughter, two huge heads suddenly appeared in the river in front...

Human adventurer!

He actually sneaked here!

Kill that man, leave that one...


With a soft sound, two magic cores fell into Lin Su's hands, roaring desperately in the circle of true energy in his palms...

I killed you as a human being and told you that this was once a kingdom of humans! Lin Su said: Then I entered your forbidden area as a demon and told you that in terms of means, you demons are scum!

Poof, the magic core shattered!

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