Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 838 The Eternal Legend Zhou Tianjing

Lin Su quietly searched for his soul...

Others watch quietly...

Either have feelings or be touched...

What Jun Tianxia thinks is that Lord Lingyun is indeed Lord Lingyun, and you will never be able to figure out the secrets he possesses.

What Kuang Dao was thinking was that on Wu Dao Mountain, one could actually cultivate without losing any strength. Could it be that Wen Dao was unique? He is a cultivator, and he does not understand literary arts. The woman in front of him can display literary arts in Wudao Mountain, and he, who is an absolute legend in literary arts, can naturally do the same! If his reverence for literature and ethics truly arose in his life, it was undoubtedly at this moment.

If Yao Gu knew about the idea of ​​Crazy Sword, Yao Gu would definitely refute it. What bastard said that Wen Dao could be used on Wudao Mountain? My legendary level True Realm has been crushed into a ball, and my holy treasures have become ordinary weapons. Do you know how badly Wen Dao has been crushed by the power of Wu Dao?

As for Lin Su's peculiarity today, she interpreted it from the perspective of wisdom and practice...

Lin Su said a long time ago something that sounds like poetry but not like poetry: People fly in the sky, and they are chased on the ground. If you cast the net without any reason, there will be a lot of fish!

He knew early on that someone would be after him.

He also used Wudao Mountain very early as the finale to break the game and counterattack.

She knew that he had made preparations, and she had been guessing what the preparations were.

Now she knows that this preparation is: when other people's cultivation is all under control, he can maintain his identity as a cultivator!

She has no idea what this principle is, but it does not prevent her from taking a high look at the spiritual path. The spiritual path is really magical. People say that Wen Dao is the first of the five paths, and Wen Dao also accepts it calmly, but this After traveling a long distance, the spiritual path left a deep impression on her, making her understand that the magical methods on the spiritual path even surpassed the magic of literary education.

If Lin Su knew that during this trip, the two companions had refreshed their understanding of the other party's way because of him, he would probably laugh and cry.

Lin Su slowly opened her eyes...

I came into contact with Crazy Knife’s eyes...

The two have met three times, the first time at the Yaochi meeting, the second time at Wangxiang Tower, and this is the third time. But only this time did the two really take a serious look at each other...

Crazy Sword exhaled softly: Is my protection today a bit ridiculous?

In Wangxiang Tower, he unceremoniously ate all Lin Su's food, leaving behind a few words of protection, and left freely. But today, when he came to Wudao Mountain, he didn't have the ability to protect the road at all. Instead, it was Lin Su who rescued him. The man who was as arrogant as a mad sword felt a little ashamed.

Lin Su smiled: Brother Dao's protection of the road is of great significance?

Why? Crazy Blade asked.

Lin Sudao: Brother Dao's protection allows me to really see Brother Dao clearly!

The question is simple, the answer is simple, but the meaning is clear to both parties...

Lin Su actually discovered the Crazy Knife a long time ago!

At the beginning of the war, he did not kill the enemy immediately. In fact, in addition to attracting the real leader of the Wing Clan, he also had another purpose, which was to monitor the Crazy Sword!

He wanted to see what kind of person Crazy Sword was!

If Crazy Blade is really a spy, he will be greeted by death!

If Crazy Blade is on their side, then they are friends!

In this world, words are unreliable and background is unreliable. However, choices at the moment of life and death are reliable.

Makino Sanso knows how to put contestants in desperate situations and then see how everyone reacts.

Lin Su's move today had the same purpose. He put himself in a desperate situation and observed the reaction of the mad sword.

Fortunately, Crazy Sword passed the test!

From then on, the first and second lords under the Lingyun Ranking became people on the same journey - Kuangdao, who was originally the third among the top three in Lingyun. After Xumizi became a ghost, his position moved forward and became the second lord.

Crazy Blade's heart was filled with ups and downs: Brother Su, at the Yaochi meeting that day, did you ever think that you and I would still have this day?

Actually, I really thought about it! Lin Su said.


Because your killing skills come from the battlefield, and I also have the blood of a general in my body!

You can have wine here! Jun Tianxia strode over: It's a pity that you can't drink wine here, so I'll send it to you for now! Look, you two, something has happened in the Bronze Demon Palace!

Lin Su, Kuang Dao, Yao Gu, and Yan Jiuding all looked at each other...

On the bronze demon palace above, layers of light emerged...

Layers of golden light! Crazy Blade's eyes glowed brightly: This is a statue to welcome guests. Could it be that we are really destined to the Ancient Bronze Palace?

I'm not as fanciful as you. What I saw was that a treasure seemed to be born! Jun Tianxia said.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Everyone went up the mountain together.

There was no wind or waves in the second half of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, they stood in front of the Bronze Palace. The Bronze Palace seemed to really express goodwill to them. Above the ancient palace gate, the light flowed more and more rapidly. In front of the palace, an ancient In the pool, the strange fish are swimming faster and faster, which seems to indicate that something strange is about to appear...

Just when everyone was approaching.

The palace door suddenly opened!

There was a strong wind in the hall, and a swarm of strange mosquitoes came towards us...

Lin Su's eyes suddenly locked. This was an enlarged version of mosquitoes. Each one was like a bird, with a mouth eight inches long. They shone with a frightening light in the sun. Their bodies also looked like they were made of green iron. , tens of thousands of mosquitoes gathered at the same time, densely covering the sky and the sun...

Jun Tianxia's expression suddenly changed: C! This is not a chance, this is a killing situation, the blood-eating mosquito...


The brother at the front was penetrated by a demon mosquito between his eyebrows. This terrifying mosquito actually penetrated the armor, entered from the eyebrows, and exited from the back of the head. The bloody moment put everyone's crisis to the greatest extent...

Lin Su raised his hand, drew his sword with Dugu Nine Swords, and stood in front of everyone at the fastest speed, sweeping away a large area!

However, the terrifying pressure from the sword still knocked him back ten steps!

The mad sword came out and slashed Demon Mosquito hard. The iron-blooded mad sword that created the world in the outside world slashed at Demon Mosquito. Sparks shot out. Demon Mosquito just sank, but his knife bounced up...

It's terrible!

He couldn't even kill the demon mosquito with one sword, Jun Tianxia couldn't do it even more, he was knocked away as soon as the sword came out!

Yan Jiuding showed his power, and the big bell in his hand covered more than ten magic mosquitoes. He was about to shake it violently, but the huge power inside the bell came, and he couldn't control it at all, and the bell flew away...


Damn it!

All of a sudden, countless curse words were shouted at the same time...

At this moment, flowers suddenly bloomed around them, and they seemed to be in a small garden. Yaogu took action, and with her action, the real world enveloped everyone. In the real world, the holy shear turned into a bee, and in the real world, she turned into a bee. Flying up and down in the garden, this is the true world that incorporates the power of the Holy Shears. It blocks all the magic mosquitoes at once. It seems like an understatement, but Yaogu's body is shaking slightly, and her forehead is dripping with sweat...

Lin Su's brows suddenly furrowed...



The sound came from all directions like dense raindrops, it was the devil mosquitoes attacking fiercely outside.

The flowers in the small garden swayed gently, falling red to the ground.

There were twenty-three of them in total. They had a fierce battle with the Wing Clan and three of them died. Just now the demon mosquito attacked and killed another three people, leaving seventeen people. Among them, two of them had their hands and feet penetrated by the demon mosquito. My head screamed in pain there.

Jun Tianxia frowned: You injured your hands and feet, what are you doing holding your head?

Headache! It hurts... The two shouted, their voices getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, their heads tilted and they fainted...

Everyone looked at each other...

Lin Su suddenly raised his head and stared at the pool outside.

Jun Tianxia's eyes followed his gaze to the pool. The fish in the pool were swimming very fast, and some were even swimming close to the water, stirring up waves. Suddenly, he saw a magic mosquito avoiding the splash. of waves...

Jun Tianxia suddenly had an idea: This devil mosquito is afraid of water!

Everyone was reminded at once, and all eyes were focused on the pool outside...

Crazy Blade's eyes widened: Everything is mutually reinforcing. There are devil mosquitoes inside the palace, and there is a pool outside the palace. Could it be said that hiding in the water will be okay?

The inspiration in everyone's mind lit up at the same time...

Yes, there are many mysteries on the path of spiritual practice. Under the way of heaven, everything is interdependent. There is a pool outside the Bronze Palace. Is it really a place for survival?

Even Yaogu felt like she had survived a desperate situation...

Everyone was in the small garden, and she was the only barrier, but she also knew that she could only hold on for a quarter of an hour at most...

Kuang Dao said: Although the girl's literary world is amazing, it can't last for long. You need to make a decision immediately! Let me give it a try!

As soon as the voice fell, he stood up and was about to rush out of the small garden...

However, just as he started, his shoulders suddenly sank, and a hand pressed on his shoulders: Don't move!

The mad knife suddenly stopped...

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Su's face...

Illusion! Lin Su said: This is an illusion. The real goal is to lure us into the water!

Illusion? Kuang Dao was shocked: Isn't it true? I really experienced the power of the ultimate collision. If it were an illusion, it wouldn't be like this.

Your feeling is also a kind of 'illusion'! Lin Su said: Look carefully at the fish inside! They are not fish, they are souls! If I guess correctly, these are the masters on Wudao Mountain. The reason why they can never come back is that their souls have turned into fish in the illusion!

Crazy Blade's eyes were extremely wide open, staring at the fish in the pond. At first glance, these fish looked like fish, but upon closer inspection...

His forehead was covered in cold sweat...

Oh my God, it’s really Yuanshen...

All kinds of souls are endless...

The movements of these souls transformed into fish are extremely enchanting and weird, making people feel hairy from the bottom of their hearts...

Illusion of Zhou Tian! Jun Tianxia's teeth chattered: There is a record in the clan's ancient books. In addition to the function of searching Zhou Tian, ​​Zhou Tianjing also has a special ability to create illusions. It is known as 'mirror to observe the world's objects. , containing all kinds of souls, have we really crashed into the illusion of Zhou Tian?

Yao Gu's voice came to Lin Su: If it is really an illusion, you should contact You Sanniang immediately. She is the ancestor of illusion. She must have something to think about.

Lin Sudao: This is actually the fundamental reason why I discovered that this is an illusion. You Sanniang is missing!


Yaogu was shocked, the remaining red color fell to the ground again in the garden...

You Sanniang is in the white jade hairpin at your waist, how could she be missing? Your white jade hairpin is obviously still there...

Yes, the white jade hairpin is still there, and it is still there when you touch it, but You Sanniang is no longer in it!

This is why Lin Su became alert...

When he was fighting with the Yi Clan just now, You Sanniang was still there, and she even gave him some bad ideas (from her point of view, the ideas were not bad)...

But now it's gone!

No one can destroy You Sanniang in him on Wudao Mountain, so something must be wrong...

As soon as Lin Su thought about it, he immediately discovered the mystery...

While fighting the Demon Mosquito, although all the fights were in line with normal fighting, Lin Su, who was infinitely sensitive to the meridians throughout his body, still noticed something unusual.

For those who were bitten by the devil mosquito, the bites were on their hands and feet, but the pain was on their heads, which also confirmed some kind of change.

The biggest confirmation was still in the pool. From the moment he discovered that the fish in the pool were not fish at all, he fully understood that this was not a real scene, this was an illusion!

What should I do? Yao Gu was anxious.

Come on, everyone connect with my hand! Lin Su stretched out his left hand to grab Yao Gu, and stretched out his right hand to grab the crazy knife. In a moment, everyone was connected...

Come out! Lin Su's voice sounded together...

The light and shadow changed, the demon mosquito disappeared, and an ancient bronze palace appeared in front of them. The cold palace was covered with dust. In front of the hall, there were bones everywhere...

Crazy Blade and Jun Tianxia exclaimed in unison...

The cold sweat on Yaogu's back instantly wetted her armor...

It’s really a fantasy!

On the Bronze Palace, a sudden ray of light blurred, and an old voice came: Boy, who are you? Why can you appear in the illusion of Zhou Tian?

Everyone's eyes gathered together. The voice came from the top of the hall, and a misty light transformed into an old man with a white beard, floating in the air...

Zhou Tian Jing Ling! Jun Tianxia was shocked: It is indeed not erased.

Hahahaha... Jingling laughed loudly: A group of low-level humans who are indiscriminate and want to destroy me? I...

Lin Su raised his hand to interrupt: You are just a trace of ignorant wisdom born from the stubborn iron. In front of the human race, the spirit of all things, you are the only one who behaves badly!

Presumptuous! I... Jingling was furious.

Respect your mother! Lin Su interrupted again.

I'll kill you! Jing Ling was completely angry: Zhou Tian Illusion, open!

Silently, the devil mosquitoes were everywhere in front of them, killing them endlessly. Moreover, the size of the devil mosquitoes increased tenfold, each one was like a giant eagle, and everyone was shocked.

Lin Su let out a long laugh: It's a small trick! Come on!

As soon as the voice fell, everyone returned to the hall again.

Capture the soul! The mirror roared again, and the light and shadow turned again...

Photographing your mother... Lin Su replied again.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight times later, Lin Su and the others returned to the Ancient Bronze Palace. The figure of the mirror spirit above became extremely illusory, and its beards trembled...

I've told you that your Zhoutian Illusion is nothing in front of me. You have to work hard. Now it's better. Your original source, which was not much, is almost gone. Why don't you come?

Jing Ling looked up to the sky, feeling helpless: Why? Why is this?

Because your era has ended, because you are no longer useful, and maybe I am too good... Lin Su said.

Yao Gu has an urge to touch her forehead. You have pissed off a bunch of people in the human world. Are you going to piss this weapon spirit to death when you set foot on Wudao Mountain?

A voice from Lin Su's waist came into his consciousness: Actually, I also want to know why you can leave the Zhoutian Illusion Realm. The level of this illusion realm is far higher than mine...

You Sanniang, she finally spoke, with endless confusion.

She is a master of illusion. Facing the illusion of Zhou Tian, ​​she is like facing her ancestor. However, Lin Su, a younger generation, tortures her ancestor to doubt her life, and she also has deep doubts about her own inheritance.

Lin Su's voice came back: Because there is something in my body that is closely connected to my soul. Based on this thing, no matter what illusion it exiles me to, I can return to it in a matter of seconds!

You Sanniang was completely stunned...

Basic point!


The real world...

These were the three words she pondered over and over again. She seemed to have touched the key to the next stage of her illusion...

But she never imagined that the basic point of the body that Lin Su mentioned was not a treasure, but his other soul!

Lin Su has two souls. One soul is exiled to the long river of time and space, and he ponders the laws of time and space day and night. Under normal circumstances, Lin Su closes the communication channel between this soul and his own soul to avoid schizophrenia. So as not to affect his free and indulgent nature...

However, under special circumstances, this soul will be released!

When he realized that he was trapped in an illusion and could not come out, the two souls communicated!

Lin Su suddenly found the starting point of going home!

Therefore, he can break all illusions, because illusions are like a maze, and he has a coordinate base point outside the maze - the anchor base point to avoid getting lost!

You Sanniang doesn't know.

Zhou Tianjing doesn’t know either.

Zhou Tianjing only felt that he was a failure. Why couldn't he defeat this little guy with tens of thousands of years of cultivation?

Could it be that my era is really over?

Do I really deserve to be obliterated?

Suddenly, the weapon spirit, which had no emotional entanglement at all, actually experienced some vicissitudes of life...

Zhou Tianjing, you actually still have a chance to recreate the power of a generation of artifacts! Do you want it? Lin Su said.

Everyone looked up, including Jingling...

God is my witness, it trembled a little, and it felt like it was surviving from a desperate situation.

Accept me as your Lord, and I will lead you to conquer the world!

Impossible! Jing Ling shook his head: How can you be worthy of being in charge of me?

Lin Su sighed: You are so shameless when I give you face, you have to beat you to a pulp, right? Well, I'm very good at beating people... Your body is already in tatters! Your origin It has been exhausted! You have been trapped here for thousands of years, and there are signs that you will be trapped for another ten thousand years, but I don’t think you can last that long! When your source is completely exhausted, you will be wiped out...a few years later , maybe someone took your body out of Wudao Mountain, and you looked like a broken mirror when you looked at it from left to right. In fact, you were indeed just a broken mirror. Bang, throw it on the ground, and an ordinary lady would sweep you up with a broom. When you enter the garbage heap, there will be chicken excrement on your left and pig excrement on your right, and then you will be thrown into the manure pit...

Boy, you... Jing Ling was so angry that his white beard was knotted.

Lin Su waved his hand: It's better not to wait for others to bury you in the manure pit. I'll do it myself! I'll make sure that all the feces of all kinds of animals around you are collected, so that you can have a great time...

Lin Su suddenly jumped up and went straight to the top of the hall. He raised his hand and held an ancient bronze mirror with many cracks in his hand.

Jing Ling's whole body trembled: I'm convinced! I'm convinced!


Lin Su slapped the mirror: Who am I, please change my title first!

This... this spirit is convinced! The mirror spirit sighed: But don't even think about me calling you master! I will never be your slave! Otherwise... otherwise... this spirit will destroy its origin in one shot. Disperse!

That's right! Lin Su wiped the mirror gently: Where's my master, I try my best to be gentle, how about you? I also learned that Governor Xing, how good would it be if we cooperated? After leaving Wudao Mountain, what are you doing? I have made great contributions and helped you restore your origin. Will your generation of magic weapons slowly become divine weapons?

Jing Lingsheng's loveless eyes changed again: Can you really restore my true nature for me?

Lin Sudao: You have been trapped in Wudao Mountain for a thousand years, and you don't know my magic at all. I have looked for a lot of wives. Do you think it is so easy to find a wife? That is a comprehensive consideration of ability, wisdom, and chance. , to see how capable a person is, it directly depends on whether he has many wives or not. I can definitely stand the test in this regard...

After a moment of deception, Jing Ling deceived him directly...

Yaogu finally raised her hand and pressed it on her forehead, her eyes blurred.

Is this abduction?

His avatar has transcended men and women, races, and even living things and non-living things...

Crazy Blade and Jun Tianxia looked at each other, and both of them breathed out a word that transcended the world at the same time: I am C!

Behind the Bronze Palace, there is a dilapidated and desolate scene...

Everyone's eyes gathered together and they saw a giant sword!

The sword body is like a giant mountain, and on top of the giant mountain is a huge word, Execute!

God-killing sword! Jun Tianxia shouted, and the entire Bronze Palace shook...


The fifteen burial area warriors and Jun Tianxia himself rushed towards the location of the God-killing Sword at the same time...

By the way, after Zhou Tianjing reformed, he released the warriors in the burial area who died in Zhou Tian's illusion. Of course, he could only release them. As for the souls that had been devoured by it for thousands of years, it could not be released, because these souls could not be released. In fact, the spirit of the god has been wiped out, and the physical body of the master of the soul has long been rotten to the bone, and it is useless to release it.

However, everyone was content. The eighteen warriors who went to Wudao Mountain originally planned to die, but only three died. The battle loss ratio was insanely low.

Sixteen people ran towards the God-killing Sword, but they walked slower and slower...

It seems that he is under tremendous pressure...

Suddenly, there was a click, and the armor on a warrior broke. The warrior fell on his back, without any breath...

Jun Tianxia was suddenly startled. He raised his feet and froze in the void...

Brother Jun, bring the brothers back! Lin Su said: The unruly power over there is not something this armor can withstand.

I... Sweat dripped from Jun Tianxia's face. He was unwilling to give up. The fate of the burial area was about to change, so he stopped like this?

I'll get it for you! Lin Su stepped forward...

Lin Su moved forward step by step, feeling the changes in the power of Wu Dao...

If there is just a fog of innocence outside, the power of innocence at this moment is already a drizzle of innocence...

He fully understood the difficulties of the dozen or so people just now. In the world of heaven and earth, ignorance is poison. They just stepped into the poison pool forcefully.

However, for him, this power of innocence is a great tonic!

Lin Su's Wudao roots grew rapidly, and his third-level cultivation quickly replenished...

When they arrived at the area where Jun Tianxia and the others were, he waved his hand lightly, and Jun Tianxia and the fifteen people sitting under him flew up at the same time, returning to the entrance of the backyard. Even the warrior who had just been killed by the power of Wu Dao also waved lightly. Suddenly, with a glimmer of hope, several samurai quickly put his armor back on. This samurai had a chance of survival.

A hundred steps!

Thousand steps!

Lin Su is one step away from the God-killing Sword!

The Wu Dao system in his body broke through the fourth realm!

Lin Su's eyes fell and he saw the scene under the giant sword...

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