Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 839: Zhoutian has no way

Under the giant sword, there is an ancient stone tablet, and the rich power of innocence is exactly what this stone tablet radiates...

Lin Su flew up, grabbed the God-killing Sword, and suddenly pulled it out...

With this pull, he seemed to hear a faint sigh, infinitely ancient, infinitely vicissitudes of life...

The God-killing Sword deformed in his palm and became the size of an ordinary long sword, and the stone tablet also shone slightly in front of him, and an image in the stone tablet seemed to come to life...

This is a human figure, and the human figure interprets a set of strange laws...

The name of this law is: Zhou Tian Wu Dao!

The interpretation lasted only a moment, and suddenly the stone tablet suddenly sank, sinking deep into the ground. There was a roar, and a door seemed to be closed underground...

Lin Su stepped towards the deep pit, but a strange force rebounded. This force was unmatched and sent Lin Su directly back to the door of the backyard. Lin Su was stunned...

This is the power of the boundary wall!

He had experienced it in the Mermaid Cloud Realm. Back then, his cultivation level was very low. Facing the boundary wall, he was like an ant shaking a big tree. Now that his cultivation level had increased a hundred times, facing the boundary wall, he was still like an ant shaking a big tree.

Could it be said that this stone tablet is actually the boundary between the world of Wu Dao and the world of heaven?

At this moment, when it returns to its original position, the passage between the two worlds is closed and a new boundary wall is formed?

Endless thoughts flowed through his brain, with no conclusion for the moment.

Jun Tianxia opened a new chapter with a loud shout: Brother, you really got the God-killing Sword...

Lin Su stretched out his hand and handed the God-killing Sword in front of Jun Tianxia: Take it!

Brother, you are really interesting. The God-killing Sword is a sacred weapon. If you don't give it to me, I really can't do anything about you in this damn place...

Lin Su rolled his eyes: It sounds like you are in the outside world and you can do anything to me!

That's true! Jun Tianxia laughed loudly: Go back to the burial area, and I'll drink you up to death! See if you're still giggling...

Then no need! Lin Su said: I've almost finished my work. It's time to go. Let Brother Yan and Brother Dao drink your celebration wine on my behalf! Of course, the wine is mine!

Hands together, a storage bag was handed to Crazy Knife's hand.

Crazy Blade's face changed: Is there wine in this?

Yes! Top-notch Baiyunbian Baitan!

As soon as he changed hands, he handed Yan Jiuding a storage bag. Of course, it was still top-notch Baiyunbian!

Yan Jiuding was excited again: Brother Lin...oh...Brother Su...

This was the first time he spoke since he stepped into Wudao Mountain. Calling his name to express his excitement would definitely not cause any big trouble, so he called it boldly.

Lin Su patted him on the shoulder: I guess you've finished the wine I gave you that day. I'll give you another batch and make some friends!

Brother Su, I have a lot to say, but...but I really don't dare to say more... Yan Jiuding was about to cry.

Needless to say, I understand! Lin Su smiled: Yao Gu, let's go!

Together, they grabbed Yao Gu's hand, and the next moment, they rose through the air and left Wudao Mountain!

On the cliff, Kuangdao, Jun Tianxia, ​​and Yan Jiuding watched blankly...

Is this the separation? Crazy Blade exhaled softly: Why do I feel like I still have some unfinished thoughts?

No one can figure out Mr. Su's temperament. He refuses to go to the burial area. Will Brother Kuangdao go? Jun Tianxia issued a formal invitation.

Kuang Dao hesitated for a moment: I travel around the world and rarely make friends. It is fate that I met all the brothers today at Wudao Mountain. It is also a new experience to meet in the burial area...

Let's go! Yan Jiuding raised his head and looked at the sky: This place is Wudao Mountain after all, maybe there is...

With a cry, Jun Tianxia held his mouth like lightning: Crow's mouth, you can still bear it, bear it...

Yan Jiuding's expression changed and he didn't even say hmm...

More than ten people ran down the mountain quickly. Just after leaving the cliff, the sky above suddenly changed. A large group of crows flew from nowhere, carrying terrifying murderous intent...

More than ten people speeded up and finally left Wudao Mountain.

Jun Tianxia let out a long breath: Oh my God, I have verified from the bottom of my heart that the crow's beak of yours is still very effective. If I had asked you to finish what you said just now, these demonic crows would have swallowed us to pieces. If there are none left, why am I so prescient?

Yeah! Yan Jiuding nodded heavily with lingering fear.

As soon as the word um was spoken, the group of crows suddenly flew away from Wudao Mountain and shot towards them like arrows...

Holy crap! Can your word um be effective? Is there any justice? Run...ah, no, fly!

The huge coffin flew up, and a clanking and clanking sound came from outside...

Fortunately, this place is already the junction between the law of heaven and the lawless land. The crows born in the land of lawlessness can fly, and so can they, but at a very slow speed, but it still makes the people in the coffin so scared that they break out in cold sweats...

As the collisions outside the coffin became less and less, the speed became faster and faster. Finally, after flying hundreds of miles, the coffin lid opened. Jun Tianxia saw the last crow turning into light smoke under the sunshine of heaven, and then it grew longer. He breathed a sigh of relief: Yan Wuwu, say something unlucky. This is the world of Heaven, and I'm a little bloated...

Yan Jiuding said: Do you think that my specialness is only in the world of immorality? In the world of heaven, if you offend me, you will still be struck by thunder!

It was a clear day, and suddenly lightning pierced the sky...


The people in the coffin were shouting, and lightning struck the coffin all the way into the burial area...

The sky is clear and the breeze is blowing...

In a small garden, Lin Su held a broken mirror in his hand and had been observing it for a long time.

There are cracks all over the mirror, and the mirror body is stained with patina.

Yaogu held a cup of tea and sat next to him, observing Lin Su.

During this trip to Wudao Mountain, some things did not exceed her expectations, but there were also many things that exceeded her expectations. She wanted to communicate with him, but he was observing the biggest result of this trip.

Lin Su finally raised his eyes and met hers.

Yao Gu held hands together and offered a cup of tea: Are you going to start looking for someone?

There was no beginning or end to this statement, but Lin Su understood it.

Lin Su smiled and said: This mirror is completely broken. I don't know if it can still be used. Let me try it!

As soon as he finished speaking, the mirror suddenly lit up. Inside, an old man blew his beard and glared: Don't look down on people! I...oh, I claim to be searching for Zhou Tianxiang's relics, but looking for people is nothing. Who are you looking for? If he puts out his belongings, if he exceeds three breaths, I lose!

Hey, you old man can't stand it even before the excitement starts?

That's great!

Lin Su and Yao Gu were excited at the same time. Lin Su raised her hand and placed a piece of hair on the sky mirror...

Yaogu's heartbeat accelerated!

This was their ultimate goal after traveling hundreds of thousands of miles away. Once tracked, this magic lead would directly trigger a major earthquake.

Zhou Tianjing suddenly lit up, and his hair seemed to turn into a speck of dust, blending into the starry sky. Suddenly, the starlight magnified, and a small garden appeared in the mirror, with a young man with a playful smile...

Yaogu was stunned!

The mirror spirit in Zhou Tianjing was angry: Are you kidding? Try it with your own hair?

Lin Su laughed loudly: Although this is indeed teasing in nature, it still has an effect. At least it shows that you still have some moral integrity. This hair is indeed my own!

Take a breath and let your hair float.

Yaogu patted her head, laughing and crying.

Lin Su stretched out his hand, and a jade pendant appeared on Zhou Tianjing: No joke this time, find the former owner of this jade pendant! The owner 200 years ago!

The light of Zhou Tianjing shines again, and the jade pendant is like entering the starry sky thousands of miles away...

A strange scene appeared in the mirror, a vast sea, with strange birds flying all over the sea. These birds were completely beyond Lin Su's imagination. They were unparalleled in size and strange...

Yaogu's face changed: Wuxinhai! This is the unique sea-dwelling eagle in Wuxinhai, comparable to an eighth-level monster...

Zhou Tianjing's camera turned, and a strange island appeared in front of them. The base of the island was as red as blood, dyeing the surrounding sea water red, but the top of the island was lush and extremely green. A river flowed down from the top, and the water was clear. Like blue, it stirs up countless broken jade below. Among the broken jade, a beautiful woman is sitting on the reef. A red fish tail is soaked in the water under her body. She gently raises her eyes and looks into the sky...

The mermaid clan! Yao Gu said.

Finally found it! Lin Su let out a long breath.

Yingying's mother was finally found, she was in Wuxin Sea!

No wonder the people in Baixiang Tower couldn't find her, no wonder they couldn't find her in Da Cang Country, because she was not in Da Cang Country at all, and had even left this continent. She entered the Wuxin Sea and is still in the Wuxin Sea.

Why has she stayed in Wuxinhai?

But Wuxinhai won’t return to the Mermaid Holy Land?

Are you trapped?

The look she cast towards the sky, was it the melancholy of a kite with its string broken, or the longing for her loved ones?

What's the name of this island? Lin Su asked.

In the Zhoutian Mirror, a voice came: In the world of this spirit, the land of Zhoutian is just a symbol of Zhoutian. How do I know what the people on this island call it?

That's true! Lin Su said: You can recover on your own for the time being. After a few days, you can help me find another crucial thing.

Is it crucial? Jing Ling said: How important is it?

A fatal thing!

Jing Ling became energetic: Since it is so important, I have to negotiate some conditions. You have to find me some purple moon essence to supplement me. Otherwise, I won't do this job! Well, just say no. Don’t do it!”

Damn! Are you still rebelling? Lin Su Yuanshen rushed into Zhou Tianjing and beat the old man up...

Keep beating him until the old man no longer calls himself me...

Yaogu ran away, she couldn't bear to bully people like this...

When Lin Su clapped her hands and threw the mirror into the inner space, she came out holding the teacup: Do you really plan to get along with him like this in the future? If you don't agree, you'll beat him up? This is the magic mirror that was famous all over the world thousands of years ago. spirit.

Lin Sudao: Now is the time to set rules with him. Raising a magic mirror is like raising a child. If you don't beat him when you are a child, you won't be able to beat him when you grow up.

Yao Gu chuckled: You should try to raise a child. If you really beat him like this, he will definitely be as rebellious as you... Let's not talk about this. Let's talk seriously. You have no intention of looking for Yueying at this time. ?”

It's useless to find him right now. Can I still deal with him? Lin Su said.

Yes! The smile on Yaogu's face disappeared: Maybe you can borrow the knife!

Of course I have to borrow the sword, but whoever borrows the sword is also very knowledgeable! A hint of mystery appeared on Lin Su's face.

Finding the moon shadow is their ultimate goal in traveling thousands of miles.

This goal is now within reach.

However, this matter does not end with finding Yueying, the follow-up is the most critical, you have to kill this monster!

Lin Su's little arms and legs said I can't be punished!

Therefore, Yao Gu reminded him to borrow the knife!

But whose knife should I borrow?

This incident may be the beginning of another big drama...

Yaogu's eyes flashed: You have been working for the temple, but you have never entered the temple. I'm afraid you have to enter now.

Yeah, when I see other regulars activating their regular orders and going home, I feel like they have a sense of belonging. Unfortunately, my regular orders don't have the function of going home yet.

Yaogu said: Your standing order has not yet completed the temple entrance ceremony, so you cannot return to the temple directly. Follow me back to the Holy Family of Nongsheng, and use my farmer's 'Tongtian Dao' to complete your temple entrance ceremony first.

Lin Su said: This matter is not urgent. Let's finish the things that should be done in Mingzhou first.

Yaogu's heart skipped a beat: What else is there?

The Wing Clan suddenly jumped out and wanted to kill me on Wudao Mountain. Someone was instigating it from behind...

Yaogu stared into his eyes: Zhuge Qingfeng, right?

Why do you think of Zhuge Qingfeng? Lin Su asked back.

He's half alien!

Zhuge Qingfeng has half of the alien blood, but that half of his blood comes from the Fire Tribe, not from the Wing Tribe! Lin Su slowly raised his head: But the people who attacked us are from the Wing Tribe!

There are three branches and eighteen leaves of the Wing Clan in the world. There is a Yi Clan group on Feilai Peak in Burial State, which can be regarded as one leaf among the three branches and eighteen leaves.

The wing clan that ambushed them came from Feilai Peak.

Who is the instigator behind?

Lin Sudao: You and I both know this person...

Buried in the capital of the state, buried in the Flower Pavilion.

In the private room at the top, the Seventh Prince quietly listened to the new song Po Zhen Zi played by Lady Po Zhen.

His fingers gently played on his knees, seeming to follow the melody very far.

Next to him, a richly clothed young man held a jade cup in his hand, sipping the unique rose-scented wine from Burial State, looking at the seventh prince with a smile on his face.

He could tell that the seventh prince was in a good mood.

He was also very proud because the seventh prince was in a good mood because of him.

Behind every prince who aspires to compete for the throne, there is a think tank, and he, Young Master Yang Jiu, is the think tank of the seventh prince. Yesterday, he gave the seventh prince a brilliant plan, and today the good news should come.

Suddenly, the seventh prince's eyes suddenly opened...

Could it be that the long-awaited good news has arrived?

But why did the seventh prince's expression change so drastically?

Yang Jiu followed the direction the seventh prince was looking and was greatly surprised. Near the window, in their private room, two people suddenly appeared out of thin air!

One man and one woman!

That man, Yang Jiu Gongzi’s eyes fell on his face, as if he was struck by lightning...

How can this be?

How could it be him?

Lin Su!

He actually appeared in the Flower Burial Pavilion. Shouldn't he... have already returned to the underworld?

With a choking sound, the Yao Qin in Lady Po Zhen's hand broke. She also discovered that there was one more person in the room. Her music stopped abruptly, and her surprised eyes moved to the Seventh Prince.

Lin Su also slowly moved his gaze towards the Seventh Prince, half-smiling but not smiling: Your Excellency, we just parted ways, and now we are reunited. The world is still small, right?

The expression on the Seventh Prince's face slowly changed: It turns out that Third Young Master Su has arrived! This world is indeed a little small... It is a great honor for me to have a famous person visit me. Come and buy some drinking utensils for Young Master Su.

No need! Lin Su said, I'm not here to drink!

Oh? Then why are you here?

Lin Sudao: I would like to ask His Highness the Seventh Prince, what are the considerations behind joining forces with the Wing Clan to eradicate him?

With a cry, Yang Jiu suddenly jumped up, his face changed drastically...

The Seventh Prince's face suddenly darkened, and the atmosphere in the entire space suddenly became solemn and depressing...

Presumptuous! How dare you... Yang Jiu shouted.

Yang Jiu, right? Lin Su interrupted directly.

Yang Jiu was shocked: How do you know my name?

You are also a member of the Wen Dao. You should know that Wen Dao has a magical power: tracing shadows and tracing the source. I have just traced the source. The person who came up with this idea for the Seventh Prince was you! The place where the idea came up was also in this private room! You The reason I told the Seventh Prince is: Your Highness is currently in the key position of competing for the throne. You must not make enemies. It is unwise to arouse the hatred of the demons in Guancheng. The only way is to kill me, Lin Su, the great enemy of the demons. Being killed by His Highness, no matter how much hatred the demons have for His Highness, it should be gone. Those forces related to the demons will not only not target you, but will also help you. You will gain a large number of helpers in one fell swoop. On the road to fight for the throne This is a crucial step!

Yaogu's face suddenly darkened!

In order to compete for the throne, he deliberately tried to please the devil!


How abominable!

The expressions of Yang Jiu and the Seventh Prince changed at the same time. They never expected that for such a top-secret matter, Lin Su would go directly to this private room and conduct a trace on the spot. This private room has special settings. It will be automatically cleaned within seven days. Under special circumstances, It can be cleaned at any time. Once cleaned, no matter how high the magical power is, it will be impossible to trace it back. But they never expected that Lin Su broke into the private room directly and was caught off guard.

Once this secret spreads, the seventh prince's path will be completely ruined.

The Seventh Prince remained motionless, his fingertips touched something, and a piece of news came out of the Flower Burial Pavilion...

Lin Su added calmly: As a dog with no bottom line, it is reasonable to make such bullshit suggestions. What I can't imagine is that the royal genius who wants to compete for the throne actually adopts it. The Seventh Prince Your Highness, I want to know if you have any more direct reasons besides these bullshit reasons. In addition, I also want to know what are the forces related to the demons that you are worried about!

Suddenly, a qi machine came from the sky.

The Burial Flower Pavilion shook slightly, and countless sweet-scented osmanthus flowers fell down in the pavilion.

A man in golden armor suddenly appeared in front of the seventh prince, leaning forward slightly: Bold maniac, dare to break into the prince's private room, do you want to rebel?

Who is your Excellency? Lin Su slowly raised his head and spoke calmly.

How dare you ask me for my name? The man in golden armor said solemnly: Take it!


There was a response from outside the house, a bang, the door opened wide, and more than ten men in golden armor stepped out at the same time, walking towards Lin Su...

Lin Su's face darkened...

Yaogu raised her right hand lightly...

However, all movements suddenly stopped...

Because the dozen or so golden-armored guards who rushed over suddenly changed...

Their bodies turned into blood mist and flew up, and they turned into bones...


With an exclamation, the singing and dancing beauty who had just taken over as the Lady Breaking the Formation fainted on the spot because she saw the most terrifying scene, with more than ten white skeletons walking over in neat steps...

Following her scream, more than a dozen skeletons wearing golden armor fell to the ground, and their bones scattered...

Several maids followed the unconscious Madam Po Zhen to see Gong Zhou...

Yang Jiu took ten steps back and hit the wall...

The Seventh Prince also stood up suddenly and took three steps back to stop...

The face of the golden-armored general also completely changed, turning pale...

Silently, blood atomized snakes in the air and shot into the sky. Above the sky, a golden coffin appeared out of thin air. On the coffin, there was a person who looked like Maitreya Buddha...

Bury... bury the king! All the prestige of the golden-armored general was completely gone, and his lips trembled.

Yes, the person who came is none other than the Burial King!

The Burial King seemed to have turned a blind eye to the screams below and the panic in the private room. A smile actually appeared on his fat face: Whatever Mr. Su wants to do, just go ahead and do it, no matter who it is, no matter who it involves. Whatever you do, you can do it!”

Thank you, King Burial! Lin Su stood up and bowed lightly in the air: What I am going to do is actually not that taboo. I just want to ask His Highness the Seventh Prince a few questions in a literary way!

His voice was not particularly loud, but the entire Burial Flower Pavilion heard it...

The Burial King in the sky smiled and waved his hand: Ask!

As soon as these two words were spoken, Lin Su's words directly covered the entire city, including the palace!

Lin Su's eyes flashed with silver light, and he shot towards the Seventh Prince. The Seventh Prince was shocked and just wanted to use the power of the literary world to resist, but he saw the eyes of the Burial King.

As soon as he saw the eyes of the Buried King, his mountains were covered with corpses and seas of blood. How could he resist?

Problems are expected!

This is the topic Lin Su mentioned just now!

But the voice of the seventh prince spread throughout the city, causing a commotion like a level 10 tsunami...

The Seventh Prince answered personally:

I killed demons in Guancheng in the early stage, but they were tabooed by the demons, which was not good for the fight for the throne. Based on this, I plan to kill you, whom the demons hate! In order to eliminate the hatred of the demons, in exchange for the favor of the forces related to the demons... …”

I have friendship with the Yi Clan. I promise that once I inherit the throne in the future, I will fly to the land three thousand miles below the peak and belong to the Wing Clan forever...

The forces that I know are related to the demons are Lu Huatian, the Minister of Rites of the Central Government, Wang Xinghan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Zuo Shilang...

In one breath, he reported more than ten court officials, more than ten aristocratic families, and four sects...

The city is full of fried pots...

Countless people rose up...

This is unreasonable! Such a royal member deserves to die!

Beyond Guancheng, the whole country is against the same enemy, but there are so many forces that are involved with the devil. How shocking...

Before I became emperor, I sold my country three thousand miles away. How could I be buried in the state? There are such royal children?

Submit a letter, submit a letter immediately...

The official system was in turmoil, the scholars were in turmoil, and the people were in turmoil. There were three floors inside and three floors outside the Flower Burial Pavilion, and there were more and more people. The Flower Burial Pavilion was like a lonely boat in the vast ocean, almost being swallowed up by the crowd... …

Above the sky, a dragon roared suddenly, and a golden light of the imperial seal covered the whole city. Under the huge and boundless pressure, the seventh prince's voice suddenly stopped and he fell into a coma.

A voice came from the air: Brother Buried King has come to our capital. He is a distinguished guest. Why don't you bring this gentleman with you to my palace for a chat?

The Buried King cast his eyes towards the distant palace and said with a smile: There is no need to enter the palace, I will kill your son and leave!

The power of the golden dragon in the air suddenly increased: Brother Burian Wang! The seventh prince has done this unworthy thing, I will definitely destroy him. I can also deal with the thirty families he mentioned strictly. I hope Brother Burian Wang will show mercy. Let him live and change his ways.

When he was talking, the Burial King kept smiling and listening in a friendly manner.

After finishing speaking, the Burial King smiled: Are you done?

That's all I've said...

After that, I, the king, can take action!

His hand suddenly stretched out...

No! A loud roar came from the air...


In the Flower Burial Pavilion, the seventh prince, the golden-armored general, and Yang Jiu all turned into bones at the same time!

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