Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 841 Lin Su enters the temple

After three rounds of wine, the five flavors of food have passed, and the moon is in the sky.

Yaogu took Lin Su into the guest room, but after walking a few steps, Yaogu changed her mind: Otherwise, you should come to my place to rest!

So, he was taken to the back mountain.

There used to be her boudoir in the back mountain, which was an elegant house on the hillside. But as soon as Yaogu arrived, the hillside changed magically. The weeds outside turned into a vegetable garden, and there was a river next to the vegetable garden. Her elegant house It has become a small bridge and flowing water.

Lin Su looked at this scene that seemed familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, and sighed: The intersection of virtuality and reality, you have made a breakthrough in the real world!

Only people at his level can feel this magic.

This elegant house is real, this river is real, but the vegetable garden is not, nor is the small bamboo forest behind the vegetable garden. These are Yaogu's true world.

But when these things are put together, something changes.

The real elegant house has some illusory decorations, and the illusory vegetable garden has a little more solidity.

Over time, these things will become real. When everything is transformed and returned to reality, her true world will truly take shape. This is called the true world projects reality in literature and art.

Yaogu smiled softly: Do you know why I left home that day? It was probably because of your water-melody song...

The legendary poem Shui Tiao Ge Tou triggered her inspiration, but she could not make the real world take shape. The master told her, you have never left the Holy Family, you have never experienced joys and sorrows, how can you understand separation and reunion?

So, she traveled far away from home.

So, I had this encounter with him on the side of Nanshan Mountain...

Lin Su nodded: Traveling across the country, a journey of thousands of miles, and a time span of a whole year. Have you ever experienced the joys and sorrows that you deliberately sought?

Yaogu shook her head gently: I have some feelings, but it is not enough to truly condense the true world. After sending you away, I may have to travel far away. Please give me some advice, where should I go this time?

I really can't come up with this knowledge! Lin Su said: I'm afraid that because of my words, your life path will change from now on.

Yaogu smiled softly: Actually, I really want to give you some advice, but I don't dare to give you this advice easily, because you will also be in a dilemma in the future...

what for?

Yaogu said: There are two ways for you to enter the temple this time, one is to be high-profile, the other is to be low-key...

What does high-profile mean?

Let the main entrance of the temple be opened wide and enter. The main entrance of the temple cannot be opened unless it is San Yuan Ji Di, and he happened to be San Yuan Ji Di.

This is the reward of the temple, and it is also the greatest honor for literati in the world.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to give up this honor.

However, she also knew that if he used this method to enter the temple in a high profile, he would arouse the fear of the heroes in the temple.

As beautiful as a tree is in the forest, the wind will destroy it. This is true in all industries and major sects. This is true in the secular world, and it is the same in the temple!

If you don’t want to be so ostentatious and put yourself at the forefront of the storm from the beginning, there is also a low-key way, which is to give up this favor, enter through the side door, and complete your journey to the temple without showing off, if you are willing By doing this, the various palaces in the temple will surely receive your signal of goodwill as soon as possible, and it may not embarrass you too much during the entrance examination ceremony.

Lin Su's eyes flashed: You know I don't care about temporary fame and fortune. It is of course the best way to keep a low profile and enter the temple. You have no reason to be in a dilemma. Why are you in a dilemma?

For others, it is a big psychological obstacle to put down the great honor of the third grade and not enter through the main door.

For Lin Su, these false names are not worth mentioning at all.

Logically speaking, Yao Gu does not need to hesitate or be in a dilemma, but she is in a dilemma, which can only mean that there is another mystery.

Yaogu said: The real reason lies in the rules of the temple! The iron rule of the temple is that only those who enter through the main entrance are qualified to enter Lingyan Pavilion.

What's in Lingyan Pavilion? Lin Su said.

I don't know what is in Lingyan Pavilion. Yao Gu said: But I know that the literary world forged in Lingyan Pavilion is the real literary world, and it has the real power of the literary world. The world's literary world Thousands and thousands of them, if they don’t enter the Lingyan, they’re all in vain!”

Lin Su's eyes flickered: In that case, I can only enter the temple with a high profile.


His next literary step is the literary world!

The literary world achieved in Lingyan Pavilion is the real literary world, and it has all the power that the literary world should have.

Fame can be false, but power is real!

This was the key reason why he had to enter the temple through the main entrance.

Yaogu said: Since you have made up your mind, you must be prepared for a head-on game with the various palaces in the temple. This game is very similar to your one-on-one challenge at White Deer Academy. The only difference is that you have to sweep all the palaces. Tao! The difference is that this time your opponent is incredibly strong!


Yao Gu said: There is one more thing, it still concerns your literary world! What you are going to take is the road of 'Bo Realm'. This road is extremely difficult. Anyway, I have never seen or even heard of it in the world. Who has achieved Bojie? Even in the temple, Bojie is rare. I only know its name, but I don’t know how to achieve Bojie. After you enter the temple, you’d better find someone and ask her. If you can get her advice, You’ll get twice the result with half the effort.”


Ode to the Saint of the Book Mountain.

The Saint of Shushan...

She is not human!

She is the spirit of Shushan!

She is well-read, she knows all the secrets of literature, she is the master of all things in the temple...

A mountain of wilderness...

A bright moon...

A gentle stream...

A long talk all night...

The early morning wind blew through the backyard of the farmhouse. Lin Su slowly stood up and Yaogu came out of the garden to see her off. The reflection on the riverside was mottled and blurred in the stream...

Can I come back before September and a half? Yao Gu said softly.

You should be able to come back!

On September 19th, a door opens. In which body of water is it located?

Outside Haining City, above the Yangtze River!

I know the next stop of my journey! Yaogu said: I will set up an elegant house on the beach of Haining River and watch the joys and sorrows on the Yangtze River.

Can't you? When I met her, were you watching from the side?

Yao Gu chuckled: What kind of tricks can you come up with in just two quarters of an hour? How shameful are you?

That's not necessarily true...

A fast shooter can accomplish something in two quarters of an hour and still smoke a cigarette...

Of course, Lin Su wouldn't say this. He only needed to know that his separation from her happened in a relaxed and comfortable state, and that was enough!

The Tongten Pavilion door opened, and the two teams of students lined up.

The farmer's elder sent Lin Su to Tongtian Pavilion, and the farmer's children were envious and jealous.

Even if they are the genius of the peasant family, there are only a few people who are qualified to embark on the path to heaven. To be precise, there is only one among the younger generation of the peasant family!

Farmer Saint Jia Xianyao!

However, Yaogu rejected the Road to Heaven, because at the moment when she set foot on the Road to Heaven, she was just an ordinary disciple of the Temple Farm Palace, and was lost to everyone else.

She wants to achieve her true world of literature and art!

Only by achieving the extraordinary true world can she have her own right to speak. Only when she enters the temple can she have her own world.

At this moment, Yaogu was extremely determined.

Seeing his back as he entered the cabinet, she became even more determined.

If not entering the temple before was her unique behavior, not entering the temple now adds a few new elements...

This element is him!

He is a dragon and a phoenix among men, and he is destined to step into the world of geniuses!

My Yao Gu is ugly and I was born ordinary. If I want to be by his side, I must make myself extraordinary!

The true world of literature and art is the only link that connects me to him. Without this, what can I do to chase my dreams?

His back disappeared into Tongtian Pavilion, and the door of the pavilion was closed.

In the pavilion, he turned back and turned his eyes to Yaogu. Yaogu looked at him blankly. Can he really return in September and a half?

Is he still the same person when he comes back?

Is the path between him and her really as expected?

No one can guarantee it!

Ninety-nine percent of worldly people who enter the temple will never come back!

If he leaves like this and never looks back, where will the dream in her heart be placed?

The sentence from Shui Tiao Ge Tou suddenly appeared in her mind: People have joys and sorrows, separation and reunion, and the moon waxes and wanes. This is difficult to do in ancient times. I hope people will live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles away.

Everything is just a wish...

In Tongtian Pavilion, there is a ladder that truly leads to the outside of the sky...

Lin Su strode forward, step by step...

After climbing the ninety-nine steps of the ladder, white clouds floated beneath my feet, and there was no Tongtian Pavilion anymore.

It was level ninety-nine again, and there was no sound in the surrounding areas. He was walking alone in the blue sky and daylight.

It's level ninety-nine again, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, people are like ants, and the heaven and earth are like tides.

It's level ninety-nine again, the clouds have dispersed and the fog has settled, and the world seems to have changed.

It was level ninety-nine again, and a green lotus floated from the sky. There were sounds of books on the green lotus, reciting the Agricultural Scripture.

Lin Su stepped on it, and the green lotus turned into a boat and flew high into the sky, instantly passing through thousands of miles of clouds, until the sky was filled with holy light, and countless jade buildings, pavilions and pavilions were faintly visible behind a pool filled with colorful clouds.

Qinglian gently landed on the shore in the Caixia Pond, and a gentle force sent Lin Su to the edge of the pond.

Ahead is a huge gate tower...

The gatehouse is in the shape of a huge book page, with holy light flowing and majestic.

On the page of the book, an old man with a high crown slowly appeared, leaning down: Who is it?

Disciple Lin Su wants to enter the temple!

A ray of light shone from the standing order in Lin Su's hand toward the page. The page buzzed, and all of Lin Su's information appeared...

The old man looked on coldly and nodded slightly: If you pass three yuan, you will be given a permanent trip, and you can enter the temple! You have two choices, one is to enter the main entrance, the other is to enter the side door. Have you thought about it? Which door should you enter through?

Main entrance!

The old man said: When you enter through the front door, you need to endure the calamity at the entrance. Be prepared for the calamity after an hour!


Lin Su sat cross-legged and waited for the main door to open.

A message was transmitted into the temple, and all the palaces in the temple shook at the same time.

In the Palace of Poetry, a scholar in purple suddenly lowered his head and stared at a circle of ripples in the lotus pond in front of him. The ripples turned into a lotus. On top of the lotus, a man in white appeared.

Brother Qingquan, what we discussed last time is about to begin! said the man in white on the lotus boat.

The purple-robed scribe named Qing Quan was slightly surprised: Lin Su entered the temple?

Yes! I chose the main entrance! It will start in an hour!

Haha, he is as flamboyant as the rumors say, he really dares to choose the front door! Qing Quan laughed loudly: Then let him doubt his life?

The man in white smiled and said: This time is not just as simple as making him doubt his life? In addition to the Painting Palace and the Poetry Palace, the Music Palace, the Ink Palace, the Dao Palace, the Book Palace, the Yin and Yang Palace, and the Wisdom Palace will all be moved. All assessments will be carried out. All are upgraded to Level 3!

Qing Quan's eyes widened: Raise the file to level three? Doesn't that mean you and I have to take action personally?

Exactly! The first disciple of each palace took action personally. Brother Qingquan, you are the first to come on stage, so you must hold on to this first big stick!

Haha! Qing Quan said with a smile: This little brother will swing the stick down, and the Lin family's madmen will be demoralized. I'm afraid you will go back and forth in vain, and you will have no chance to take action.

Behind the temple, there is a long pavilion. Above the long pavilion, there is a continuous flow of people.

The man is dashing and the woman is beautiful, just like a dragon or a phoenix among people.

In fact, it’s not “all like”, but “all is”…

Those who can stand in this ten-mile long pavilion and chant the wind and moonlight are originally the best among men.

Because this is the temple.

What is the temple?

The end of literature!

In the secular world, only the best people are qualified to enter the temple. Don't worry about what it will be like after entering the temple. The conditions for entry are already there, and ordinary people are not qualified to enter.

Which ones can come in?

The literary world is accessible!

Those with outstanding contributions to Wenlu are welcome to join!

Those who are candidates for scientific examination can enter (in theory, they can enter, but in fact, most of them will not get the chance to enter in their lifetime)!

Outstanding disciples of the Holy Family can enter!

This is the main part of the temple. Which one is not a dragon among men?

And Phoenix!

What are phoenixes?

A woman of the Holy Family! Moreover, the rule is that the legitimate daughter is the legitimate daughter, and the concubine wants to enter the temple unless the nepotism is particularly strong, such as being brought in by a big shot in the temple.

In this way, wouldn't it be true that those who sweep the floor and serve tea and water in the temple are geniuses?

That's not the case.

The temple has existed for thousands of years. These geniuses did not become monks after they came in. They still have physiological needs and will have offspring. These offspring will have the green card of the temple when they are born.

As the saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice give birth to burrows. In fact, this is not always the case. There are still a large number of tiger fathers and dog sons. No matter how good the genes are, some will develop and deform. The offspring of the temple people are really not qualified. People gradually became reduced to the lower levels of the temple, becoming maids, waiters, and the like. When there were people above them to protect them, they could live in peace, but if the people above them were gone, they would truly be reduced to the lowest level.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Wherever there are people, there will be sin.

The same is true in the temple, and the competition is even ten times and a hundred times more fierce than other places in the world, because the resources of the temple are far more than anywhere else, and these resources are the foundation of the temple!

The high-level disciples want to find a big figure in the temple as a backer.

The lower-level disciples want to find high-level disciples as their backers.

People at the bottom want to find a formal supporter.

People at the bottom whose lives and livelihoods are in danger can't find a backer even if they want to, so they rely on people at the bottom with some connections to survive...

A girl serving in the third corridor was the most eager.

Her name is Xiaoya. Her mother is about to die of illness and urgently needs life-saving medicine. This life-saving medicine is in the hands of Yaogong and she can't get close to it. Today, she uses all her property - ten taels of silver to exchange shifts with a sister. The target is the young man sitting by the window.

This young man’s name is Li Lingyun. He is a member of the Poetry Palace and officially walks in the temple. As long as he gets his favor, she may be able to get her mother’s life-saving medicine. Unfortunately, she has no way to get close to him. There is a beautiful woman next to this young man. The beauty was a legitimate daughter who had just come up from the Poet Saint's family. She was very close to Li Lingyun and looked at her with vigilant eyes.

She was worried that if she acted too hastily, she would arouse the beauty's wariness. If she caught wind of it, all her plans would be turned into nothing but flowers in the mirror.

However, her mother's illness cannot be delayed...

At this moment, Li Lingyun received a message and laughed loudly: Lin Su enters the palace? After hesitating for so long, you finally can't help it?

A young master opposite smiled and said: Brother Ling Yun called him hesitant? Is it hesitation? He is afraid! He knows that all the senior officials in the palace and almost all the geniuses are unhappy with him. Does he dare to come and abuse him? That's why he is getting After being qualified to enter the temple, it took nearly a year to enter the temple.

Another person next to him said: Although it has been delayed for a long time, what is supposed to come is still coming! Brother Lingyun, what do you think the level of today's entrance tribulation will be?

Ling Yun smiled and said: What kind of level? Go straight to the third level!

Ah? Everyone was shocked at the same time...

That means that the person taking the assessment today will be the number one disciple in each palace?

How did I hear that the Eighth Palace took action?

Oh my God, the Eighth Palace, the eight first disciples, what...why is this? The people at the table next to him were shocked.

The clothes this man was wearing were also walking clothes, so Li Lingyun was quite polite to him...

I'm not afraid to tell you that this Lin Su is too arrogant in the secular world and is involved in all walks of life. If he doesn't suppress his arrogance, won't he underestimate the foundation of the temple? Therefore, all the palaces are vying to stand out, and they must be allowed to He understands that the temple is not a place for his arrogance, he is just an ant above the holy way!

What he said was not explicit, he even made sense.

On the Holy Path, anyone who steps on it is just a little ant, and they will not tolerate being looked down upon. Therefore, no matter which path you excel in, the Holy Temple will crush you to death on this path.

This is the original intention of the initiation ceremony: to let you know that the holy way has no boundaries, to let you know that there are people above us, and that there is heaven beyond the sky, so that you can truly respect the holy way.

This is a very serious topic.

Even if it is suppression, it is suppression based on the law, and it must be suppressed!

Everyone also understood.

Lin Su is no stranger to everyone in the temple...

The temple may ignore other people, except Lin Su...

So far, this person has written a lot of famous poems and lyrics that have been handed down from generation to generation, and he can overwhelm half of the poetry palace with his own power! Can Shi Gong endure it?

This person, Qing Lian, talks about painting and turns the painting saint's family into a scandal. Can the painting palace tolerate it?

This person opened the Qiyue Tao and robbed the music Tao of coquettishness. Can the Music Palace tolerate it?

This person's Mohism, Wisdom, and Calligraphy are all equally bizarre. Can these palaces tolerate it?

If you gain the literary heart of a certain path and you are outstanding in this path, the corresponding palace may be really tolerant and even make the greatest efforts to cultivate you. However, Mr. Lin’s literary mind is not of these paths. His literary mind It's from a military strategist!

A military strategist has no palace!

The way to a temple without a palace is a way without roots!

People on the rootless path are creating storms above other paths. What are you doing?

Therefore, these ways that he has disturbed cannot be tolerated by him!

No matter what, he must be suppressed to maintain the eternal glory and thousand-year orthodoxy of this palace. Matters involving orthodoxy and dignity have always been as big as the sky!

Lin Su's trip to the palace immediately set off a storm in various palaces, and also made this seemingly normal entry into the palace become abnormal from the very beginning...

It's about to start, I'll wait to enter the palace to watch it! The temple opposite Lingyun stood up walking.

Okay! Ling Yun also stood up.

Xiaoya is anxious...

She spent ten taels of silver to get the opportunity to get close to Mr. Ling Yun.

Her mother's life still hangs in the sky.

Now that Young Master Ling Yun is gone, won't her ten taels of silver be wasted?

She couldn't care anymore. She stepped forward and knelt down: Mr. Li, I would like to ask you for a favor...

Get out! The beauty next to Mr. Ling Yun kicked out, and Xiaoya received a heavy kick. Several people rose into the air and disappeared without a trace...

A maid next to her ran over and helped Xiaoya up. There was a clear blood mark on Xiaoya's forehead, and the oozing blood flowed with her tears...

Xiaoya, don't be like this. This is beyond our reach. Some things all depend on chance.

Sister Maple Leaf...but my mother can't wait any longer. Really...maybe today, maybe tomorrow, she will leave me forever... Xiaoya shed more tears.

Maple Leaf gently wiped away her tears with her sleeves: This is the cruelty of fate. Our ancestors were also brilliant, but after all, the glory is just a passing cloud. Now we are like Qiuping, we don't even deserve to have a surname, but we can Who can be saved?

Outside the temple!

Lin Su slowly raised his head, and the main entrance of the temple slowly opened!

There's a lot of excitement inside!

Countless green oriole shadows are shaking, with infinite holy sounds inside, and the ground below is filled with flowers. This is the main door opening!

The front door is open, it is the ultimate glory!

It is the favor that comes from the three yuan of fortune. However, if you really regard it as a favor, it would be superficial. Things in the world have always been if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

Lin Su entered the temple through the main entrance, so he had to pay accordingly...

Maybe it's an eternal legend, maybe it's the end of prosperity...

The majestic holy voice sounded: The temple has no boundaries, the literature has no boundaries, and people have their own extremes. Do you understand?

Lin Sudao: Literature is like the sea, and I am a wave. Literary knowledge is boundless, and I strive for the ultimate with my heart!

The Holy Sound reminds us that everyone’s knowledge will come to an end, and one needs to be humble towards literature.

Lin Su's answer is that I am very humble myself. I am just a wave in the literary world. However, I strive for the best with my heart!

On the way to the top, I am always just on the road!

Although I dare not call myself a terminator, I dare to be this pathfinder!

Neither humble nor arrogant, but also sharp-edged.

Enter the tower to be robbed!


Lin Su took a step forward, and the green oriole under his feet flew high. A tower appeared in front of him. It was an unknown number of floors high. The power of literature and art was everywhere. When Lin Su stepped onto the first level, the scene in front of him suddenly changed...

A small lake is rippling with blue waves, and a scholar in purple is sitting quietly in the pavilion. One person, one pavilion, one lake, one spring...

The purple-robed scribe smiled slightly: My name is Li Qingquan, and I come from the Palace of Poetry!

I've met Senior Brother Li! Lin Su saluted.

Fellow disciples in the temple are called senior brothers...

Qing Quan said: Brother Lin, have you ever gone fishing?

“Naturally, I also fished!”

Qing Quan said: Then you and I will use Wen Xin as a boat and go fishing in Jiangxin Pavilion on Jiejiang River to see who can catch an arowana first.

Senior brother please!

Li Qingquan had a proud smile on his face: Wen Xin! Come out!

As soon as the voice fell, a holy light shot out from the center of his eyebrows, and a dragon boat with flashing green light appeared in the lake in front of him. The dragon boat seemed real, illusory, and lifelike.

Lin Su stared at the lake blankly, seemingly stunned...

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