Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 842 A genius in poetry and a divine song in music

In the long corridor, all the scribes were shocked: On the Tribulation River, no one without a literary heart can cross it. The best can be used as a board, the best can be used as a boat, and only the best can be made into a dragon. He... he is actually the best. Enjoy your heart!

Exactly! A chief scribe from the Poetry Palace smiled and said: I would like to inform you that this person is Senior Brother Qingquan, the number one disciple of our Poetry Palace. He is a peerless literary heart. This person is The guy surnamed Lin actually fought with him to fish in the sea, he just didn’t know how to live or die!”

Everyone looked at each other in shock...

The first level is so awesome?

How much hatred and hatred is this?

We are all brothers in the same palace. Is this necessary?

When a new disciple enters the temple, he needs to endure the calamity of literary education, so that he can have a longer memory, but there must be a limit. You use this kind of ceiling level as soon as you come up, forming a strong crushing force, which can easily make people's literary hearts dust. of.

On the sea of ​​calamity, Li Qingquan laughed loudly: On the sea of ​​calamity, Wen Xin is the boat! But Brother Lin, be careful, don't overturn your boat plank, otherwise, you will have to kneel down outside the palace and beg for March, Then there’s a chance to try again!”

As soon as he finished speaking, with him as the center, the sea of ​​tribulation suddenly became stormy, with huge waves rolling, and the overwhelming waves seemed to engulf the surrounding areas.

Lin Su stood on the shore, with the strong wind blowing, his white clothes flying, and his voice floating out: Are you sure I can only form the plank of the ship?

Oh? Li Qingquan said, Then you turn into a boat!

Okay! Lin Su's eyebrows suddenly shot out a silver light, and silently, a small boat appeared in front of him!

The boat is in the shape of a dragon, lifelike...

Li Qingquan's expression suddenly changed...

In the corridor, countless people stood up at the same time: Oh my god, it's also a dragon boat! He is also a top-notch Wenxin!

Is it so easy to be a perfect writer? How is it possible...

His dragon boat is not only lifelike, but in terms of perception, it actually...seems... He did not finish his words, but everyone around him understood...

Although Lin Suhua's dragon boat and Li Qingquan's dragon boat are both lifelike, they are quite different.

Li Qingquan's dragon boat is very illusory, like a dragon on paper.

And his dragon boat was extremely solid, as if carved from jade.

The first time they met, he kept up with Li Qingquan and even surpassed him by a head!

How unimaginable is this?

Li Qingquan didn't expect it, but as the first disciple, he was proud of himself and said coldly: On the sea of ​​calamity, poems are like oars. You and I are both top-notch literary minds, so let's see whose poems are better. One chip!

Stretch out your hand, and the precious pen is in your hand!

Write: Sleep in the autumn river under the clear moon at night, beauties in white clothes and black water walk...

As soon as his famous work Beauty's Journey came out, the colorful glow filled the Jie River, four lines of poetry turned into four paddles, and his dragon boat moved forward quickly!

Lin Su stretched out his hand and wrote: A boat on the Yangtze River thousands of miles away, the guests are desolate and startled by autumn, the shadows of the clouds illuminate the Shangen Temple, the setting sun turns over the water towers, the shallow water shines with gold and the carp jumps, the foreshore is dotted with snow, and there are a few gulls roosting, young man The strength and sadness are limited, and I can't bear to fish hooks in the Cangjiang River.

The same colorful rays of light, eight lines of poetry turned into eight paddles, and in the blink of an eye, they were keeping pace with Li Qingquan.

On the corridor, everyone was stunned...

On the sea of ​​calamity, ordinary people had to be careful when driving Wen Xinzhou, but they actually started racing... Oh, no, racing boats!

Everyone knows about Li Qingquan's Beauty's Journey. It was his famous work when he first entered the palace. The colorful poems have already been engraved on the poetry walls of the palace of poetry, becoming something that a generation of young disciples look up to. Today, a new The people who came here did not fall behind in the face of this legendary figure, and even seemed to have a vague sense of transcendence.

Wen Xin's boat is stronger than Li Qingquan's.

In colorful poems, he has twice as many oars as Li Qingquan.

His speed is also higher than Li Qingquan.

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the stage of colorful duel. Will there be a duel between Qingshi? A disciple murmured.

Qing Shi? The person next to him was startled: Senior Brother Li does have Qing Shi, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate to use Qing Shi in a duel. After all, I am a newbie...

Before he finished speaking, Li Qingquan raised his hand and pointed his precious pen in the void...

When thousands of mountains and rivers are separated from each other, the waves surge and a boat is leveled...

Green light fills the sky...

Oh my god! Qingshi is really out of this world...

On the corridor, everyone held their breath, looking at the scene in front of them and almost couldn't believe their eyes...

This is a ceremony for newcomers to enter the palace. It is only for the newcomers to learn a lesson, not for them to dust their literary hearts. The poems handed down from ancient times have their own weight, so why use them to bully their fellow disciples?

Suddenly, most of the people in the corridor felt deep sympathy for Lin Su.

They didn't know Lin Su, and some didn't even know Li Qingquan, but that didn't stop them from judging today's events with fairness and justice.

There is a pavilion above the corridor, which is the best place to watch the Jie River. The two women sat leaning on the railing and stopped holding the teacups in their hands at this moment...

If Lin Su could see them, he would be shocked, because one of the two women is Li Guihan.

Yes, he has been separated from Li Guihan for a year.

The other person is a gentle and elegant woman with a bookish air all over her body.

The gentle woman smiled slightly: Guihan, which song will he choose to be passed down to the world?

Judging from her words, she obviously knew Lin Su and knew that Lin Su had written more than ten famous poems and lyrics. She was just not sure which one Lin Su would use.

Li Guihan smiled faintly: In the field of poetry, you really don't have to worry about him. All his green poems are one level higher than Li Qingquan's. Any one of them can easily crush Li Qingquan. Li Qingquan dared to stand up today, but he was just relying on his unparalleled Wenxin. If he does not have the upper hand, he has actually lost!

That's true...

As soon as Li Qingquan's green poem was completed, it turned into four green wings, and the dragon boat under him suddenly took off...

At the same time, the Jiejiang River under him changed its appearance. The green mountains loomed on both sides, and the clear water flowed eastward. It sent his dragon boat away far away. With a bang, the Jiejiang River hit the cliff in front, changed direction, and crashed back. The dragon boat rushing towards Lin Su wants to send Lin Su's dragon boat in the opposite direction...

This is the power of green poetry!

Golden poems can turn into wind, colorful poems can turn into oars, and green poems can turn into wings!

Fly across the Jiejiang River and deal a critical blow to everyone on the corridor!

It turned out that there was such a way to cross the Jiejiang River that they had gone through so hard that day?

Seeing that the evolution of Qingshi was about to push Lin Su's dragon boat into the bottom of the river, Lin Su suddenly picked up his pen and wrote down as fast as lightning...

If Li Guihan were to guess this poem handed down from ancient times, it might be The Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River Passing East because this poem is majestic and heroic.

If it were up to that gentle woman to choose, she might choose On the Orchid Boat Alone. This ancient poem One Cut Plum is her favorite.

However, what Lin Su wrote was...

Looking at the sword while drunk, lighting up the lamp,

Dreaming back to the trumpet company camp,

Eighty thousand miles away, he was divided into subordinates,

The sound of fifty strings turning over the wall,

Autumn brings troops to the battlefield.

Lu Feikuai is so stupid...

Silently, his dragon boat suddenly turned into a celestial horse, rising into the air, crossing the huge waves in front of the sky, and passing Li Qingquan below, whose oars turned into four wings.

When Li Qingquan saw Jiangxin Pavilion right in front of him, he was overjoyed when dark clouds suddenly shrouded his head. When he looked up, he was stunned. There was a huge Pegasus above him. The wings of this Pegasus were more than ten times bigger than his dragon boat wings. .

The bow is like a thunderbolt! Lin Su smiled at him, stretched out his hand, and an illusory long bow appeared in his palm!


An invisible arrow came through the air and shot in front of Li Qingquan!

Big waves rolled in the calamity sea, and Li Qingquan's flying boat retreated a hundred feet away. Lin Su's Pegasus retracted its wings, and Lin Su stood firmly on the Jiangxin Pavilion.

Zhan Qingci! Everyone in the corridor screamed.

He is Lin Su! People shouted: Lin Su who just wrote the second Zhan Qing poem Broken Array!

The first one was written by him, and the second one is also written by him! The person next to him shouted: War poems and lyrics are extremely difficult for others, but it is so easy for him.

I finally understand why his entrance ceremony was so outrageous, just because he deserves the top test...

Yes, in secular terms, the strongest among the strongest, the stronger among the strongest, and the higher the mountain, the higher the mountain. Even the top disciple of the Palace of Poetry cannot stop his journey at all...

In the midst of everyone's excited discussions, a voice suddenly came: You all seem to be very excited? You need to know that this is the civil tribulation to enter the palace. If he really wins, he will be in real trouble!

The faces of all the disciples changed...

Within ten feet of the surrounding area, the sound suddenly stopped...

Only then did everyone realize the difference today.

Today is no ordinary civil war!

It is Wen Jie!

What is the fundamental purpose of Wen Jie? To show off to the new entrants to the palace!

Therefore, the person taking the assessment must win!

Only by winning can we set rules for people, let people know that they are ants, and have respect for literature and the temple.

On the contrary, if the person being assessed defeats the assessor, the assessment will not serve the purpose of assessment. It will not establish prestige, but will encourage his arrogance, and the matter will be serious.

This kind of thing has happened before. Every time it happens, it is an accident, and it will also create some heretics in the temple. For example, Luo Wuxin defeated the examiner three years ago, causing today's Luo Wuxin to become the temple's heresy. Taboo among disciples...

On the Jie River, Li Qingquan slowly raised his head and stared at Lin Su in Jiangxin Pavilion.

Lin Su also looked at him calmly.

Li Qingquan said: You and I are competing to catch the dragon fish first. Although you have the advantage of the location, you don't win.

Of course it doesn't count! Lin Su said: May I ask how to catch this dragon fish?

Li Qingquan smiled slightly and started writing...

Between the boundless clear water, a light boat is leaning against the railing alone under the moon...

In the blink of an eye, four lines of poetry were written in one wave, and the colorful glow suddenly turned into a fishhook.

Lin Su picked up the pen and wrote again, The young man is strong and sad, but he can't bear to fish hooks in the Cangjiang River!

The poem was completed, but there was no fishing hook in his hand!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

On the attic of the corridor, Li Guihan frowned suddenly: He doesn't know the rules!

Yes, the past has paved the old road, and a new poem sets the hook! The gentle woman said: To cross the Jie River, you only need old poems and lyrics, but to catch the literary dragon fish, you need to create the first work to make the hook!

Being the first to write is not a problem. He can write colorful poems at his fingertips. The problem is that if he doesn't know the rules, he will be in big trouble! Li Guihan said: If you don't tell him the rules and win by speculation, what's the reputation of the temple? Saint, is there any way you can remind him?

The saint shook her head slightly: What is the robbery of the river? It is a place that should be robbed. How can others remind others?

Li Guihan stood up, but she could not cross the Jie River, and her reminder could not reach Lin Su's ears.

The people on the corridor looked at each other...

After robbing the Jiangxin Pavilion, Lin Su’s hands were empty...

But Li Qingquan has a fishing hook in his hand...

The dragon fish below are coming from all directions, and they are about to be caught by him...

As long as he caught the dragon fish, Lin Su would be defeated and would have to leave the palace again and kneel outside the palace gate for three full months before he could have a second chance to take the assessment.

Although this is a process that every beginner must go through.

Although this is in line with the purpose of the temple's entrance tribulation.

However, isn’t it a bit too clumsy to express it in this way?

He clearly doesn't know the rules!

Otherwise, with his impressive record of writing countless colorful poems handed down from generation to generation, he would be able to temporarily write an original colorful poem and use it as a fishing rod to fight hard.

Whether he can catch the fish first depends on how attractive his literary style is to the arowana.

However, it is a bit too much to seize the opportunity when he does not understand the rules and let him not even have a fishing rod in his hand.

These words lingered in everyone's mind, but no one dared to say them out.

Because they were all members of the temple, they knew that in this test, the best choice would be for Lin Su to fail and retreat and kneel outside the temple for three months.

In the midst of the robbery, Li Qingquan finally smiled...

He felt the arrival of the dragon fish...

In three breaths at most, this thrilling test that sent chills down his back would be over...

However, at this moment, Lin Su suddenly picked up the pen...

Thousands of feet of silk droop straight down, only one wave moves and thousands of waves follow. It's a still night, the water is cold and the fish won't eat, and the full boat returns empty-laden at the bright moon!

Once the poem is completed, it becomes colorful!

Layers of colorful light penetrated into the Jie River, and the fish that had reached Li Qingquan's hook suddenly swam away...

Li Qingquan's face suddenly sank...

I C!

The fish here are about to take the bait, you come up with It's a still night, the water is cold, the fish won't eat, the boat will return empty and the moon shines... Now, the fish won't eat...

On the long corridor, the Shi Palace disciple was preparing to cheer. Suddenly he saw this scene and was stunned: Ye Jing Shui Han fish doesn't eat... This is cheating!

The eyes of everyone around him were wide open, and they were all shocked by this scene.

Things got interesting. Lin Su obviously didn't know the rules. Therefore, he didn't get the fishing rod in the first stage of fishing. Naturally, he would lose with nothing. But he was not a religious man. I didn't have a fishing rod, but You can’t even hope to catch one!

A colorful poem on the scene emptied the fish from Li Qingquan's fishing hook, and gave Li Qingquan a literary curse of full boat but empty load!

Really awesome...

What's even more awesome is that when this original poem was released, the colorful glow filled the air and turned into a fishing rod in Lin Su's hand.

Lin Su suddenly realized: It turns out that it is the first original work, so you can exchange it for a fishing pole! This pole is not auspicious for fishing. The fish won't eat, so I'll change it to another one...

He picked up his pen and wrote again: Mo Xiang's extraordinary achievements shocked the seaside, and there were many incidents of hiding bows and cooking dogs. Just look at the fishermen on the river, who were used to fighting on the battlefield!

The colorful rays of light rose again, and there was the faint sound of weapons. The boundless rosy clouds merged and turned into a new fishing rod in Lin Su's hand. When the fishing rod came out, it pierced the enemy's formation like a spear...

On the corridor, countless people rose up...

Two colorful firsts in a row?

Colorful original creation is as easy as eating beans?

This is simply born for poetry...

This person……

On the corridor, it was very lively...

Li Guihan and the saint looked at each other, and four little flowers bloomed at the same time...

In the distant sky, there is a lamp like a bean, and under the lamp there is a person, dressed in brocade and fur, it is Luo Wuxin and his concubine Jun Yue...

Jun Yue breathed out softly: Master, isn't his talent too scary?

Luo Wuxin nodded slowly: The previous two poems were both old works. They were carefully polished to achieve this achievement. However, the two poems just now were clearly created on the spot in a moment. Lin's talent is truly astonishing. But I was shocked. It’s not just this…”

what else?

The meaning of his poem! Luo Wuxin's smile slowly emerged: Mo Xiang's extraordinary achievements shocked the seaside, and there were many incidents of hiding a bow and cooking a dog. Just look at the fisherman on the river, who was once a veteran of the battlefield... The world is sitting back and enjoying the achievements of its predecessors. , did the unsightly thing of hiding a bow and cooking a dog, who is he talking about? Is he himself the same... person from the past?

Jun Yue's expression changed...

Cook the dog with a hidden bow!

This is a very taboo thing to say, and it is even more taboo when it is associated with the person from the Third Heaven.

The man from the Third Heaven who worked hard for 80,000 years ago and made great contributions to the human race. The human race lay in the comfort zone he created, expelled the military palace, and framed him...

Isn't this just cooking a dog with a hidden bow?

He just entered the temple today, and he used such a poem to mock the sages in the temple, so what’s next for him...

Master, I changed my mind. I think it's not appropriate for you to be too close to him. Jun Yue grabbed Luo Wuxin's hand.

Luo Wuxin smiled faintly: I also know that it is more beneficial to be his opponent than to be his friend. However, I am afraid that more people in the temple will put me and him in the same category, because he and I have been together for nearly ten years. , the only two people who defeated the assessment envoys!

Defeat? Can he be defeated too...

Before Jun Yue's voice fell, Lin Su raised the fishing rod, and an arowana rose up with the rod. With a bang, the sea of ​​robbery shook, Li Qingquan's dragon boat broke apart, and a scream was swept into the sea of ​​robbery.

There was a brilliant light in the sky, and a green lotus leaf floated down, accompanied by a bizarre electric light.


The green lotus leaf penetrated into Lin Su's eyebrows, and Lin Su's hair stood up suddenly, as if she had received a high-voltage electric shock.

The catastrophe of Wen Dao still came, but instead of knocking him out of the palace, the high platform was robbed. After the catastrophe, he was given a green lotus petal. This was the super reward for defeating the assessor.

One leaf of green lotus is a great reward in the arts, but who knows whether it is a reward or a punishment? Luo Wuxin muttered to himself, looking up to the sky.

With the holy light, Lin Su left Jiejiang Jiangxin Pavilion and returned to Yingjie Tower...

The first floor was already empty, and Lin Su strolled up to the second floor.

On the second floor, cigarette smoke curled up, and a man in white hugged Yao Qin and slowly raised his head: My name is Feng Jiuxiao, and I come from Le Palace!

Nice to meet you! Lin Su bowed slightly.

If Lin Su ranked the eighteen holy families in the world, the Le family was a relatively friendly family.

Feng Wu has become his friend.

He has also dealt with Feng Ji and has a very good impression.

In addition, the people in Le Palace also have good intentions.

Feng Jiuxiao smiled slightly: I have heard that Brother Lin is very knowledgeable in music. I would like to invite you to listen to a song!

Brother Feng please!

Feng Jiuxiao moved his hands together and pointed his fingers on the strings. With a rustling sound, the smile on Lin Su's face suddenly solidified...

Song of Quicksand! Li Guihan stood up suddenly, his face suddenly turned pale.

It's The Song of the Quicksand! The Song of the Quicksand has never been a song to discuss Taoism, but a song to annihilate the world! The face of the saint opposite also darkened: Today's assessment is not a normal assessment, it is a battle song to annihilate the world! Put him to death...I want to see the palace master!

She stood up suddenly...

Lin Su, on the other hand, had already felt a strong murderous intention. With the sound of the other party's piano, the air around him was like sand, and quicksand was everywhere, trying to decompose his whole body.

The power of his literary power spread all around in an instant. The first layer of protection turned into flying sand and flowed away in an instant. The second layer of protection was riddled with holes. The third layer of protection was covered with cracks. The quicksand had reached the center of his eyebrows. As long as it entered the center of his eyebrows, his literary power would be there. Under the power of this strange holy way, it will be shattered into pieces.

Why is this happening?

I have nothing to do with your Le family, and we have even formed a lot of good relationships. You actually resorted to such a deadly move? This is no longer a civil war, this is a life and death battle!

Lin Su's gaze caught Feng Jiuxiao's cold eyes through the power of Wen Dao, and completely understood his murderous intention...

He suddenly raised his hand and held a jade bamboo flute in his hand. The moment he held it, the skin on the back of his hand suddenly turned into flying sand...

As for this terrifying scene, the outside world knew nothing about it. The music Quicksand Song heard by the people on the corridor was extremely light and pleasing to the eye.

Only those who are in the music can truly feel the greatest crisis.

Lin Su moved his flute horizontally, and a high-pitched flute sound suddenly sounded...

The flute sounds together, like a strong wind thousands of miles away, wanton and overwhelming...

The layers of quicksand in front of him suddenly rolled back, and Lin Su seemed to be on top of the vast rivers and lakes, smiling at the heroes of the world...

On the attic of the corridor, the saint who was about to take off into the air suddenly turned back and stared at the second floor of the Tribulation Tower, her eyes full of shock...

War song?

A wisp of red cloud suddenly appeared on Li Guihan's face, turning her pale color into a touching bright red: If there is anyone in the world today who can play a legendary war song that can compete with Song of the Quicksand, there is no doubt that It's him!

Why is Liusha Yin so powerful?

Because it is a battle song handed down from generation to generation created by Le Sheng himself!

It has never been a romantic piece of music, it is Le Sheng’s famous combat skill!

In the past, by the lonely ocean, the music saint fought with the saint from outside the territory. The legend of defeating the saint with the song The Song of Quicksand is still circulated in the northern land today. From then on, The Song of Quicksand became the handed down war song!

The war song is similar to the ancient Zhan Qing poems and Zhan Qing lyrics, but it is performed with Le Jia Zhili and Le Jia sacred weapons, and its lethality is ridiculously powerful.

Seeing that Lin Su was about to die under the war song (maybe not directly die, but Wenshan was shattered, it was not much different from dying), but Lin Su was directly reversed by a song.

Luo Wuxin in the air was shocked: The legendary war song! It can actually compete with Song of the Quicksand...

Jun Yue's heart was surging: Sir, is it really a war song handed down from ancient times? I feel a strong sense of the world from it, a sense of joy of being proud of the world, and a kind of open-mindedness that makes me feel carefree when the storm breaks. This song... is incredible. …”

As soon as the Xiaoyao flute in Lin Su's hand blew out the first sound, the sound of the Yaoqin in Feng Jiuxiao's hand was already in pieces. The volume of his Xiaoyao flute suddenly turned up. Feng Jiuxiao's face turned red as blood, and the Yaoqin in his hand had a slight vibrato. …

The sound of Xiaoyao flute is added again!

Between heaven and earth, it was like mud and sand were falling, and Xiaoyao Flute suddenly turned into a silvery white color...

There is a thread of blood inside like a dragon, circling back and forth...


All five strings of the Yao Qin in Feng Jiuxiao's hand were broken!

His fingers dripped blood, dripping little by little on the Yao Qin. He slowly raised his head, his face pale: What...why is this music?

Swordsman! Lin Su shook his hand slightly and retracted his Xiaoyao flute.

With a bang, the second-story mountain collapsed and the ground cracked. Feng Jiuxiao was swept up in the dust and disappeared. From the sky, a second green lotus floated down and shot into Lin Su's eyebrows.

Lin Su's eyes flickered, staring coldly in the direction where Feng Jiuxiao disappeared. (End of chapter)

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