Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 844: One stroke breaks the path of ink, one word talks freely

Lin Su wrote like water, and in the blink of an eye there were eight hundred words, and soon, there were one thousand words...

Those who serve as politicians and serve the people, and who succeed in doing things, will be destined by heaven for eternity. As the saying goes, if one person is happy, all the people will rely on him!

Put away the pen, green light fills the sky!

The blossoming green lotus flew high, holding the guillotine above Lin Su's head and flew far away!

With a bang, everyone in the corridor was shocked!

Legendary Qingwen!

Under the balance, a young scholar is born who will be passed down from generation to generation!

The holy voice in the sky sounded: The ancient Chinese text On Criminal Law, its creator, Lin Su! I will give you a card to break your sins!

The guillotine formed by the balance shook and scattered, and a bronze magic tablet flew towards Lin Su!

Above the high pavilion, four people looked at each other (including Xun Lei, who had just returned, his heart was ashen and his eyes were like dead fish)...

Damn it, under the balance of the law palace, Xun Lei, a legal master, was stabbed with a guillotine, leaving deep scars on his heart. However, Lin, who was not a legal practitioner, gained a lot with his Criminal Law Theory A reward from the temple, and it’s also a sin-breaking magic card!

What is the meaning of the sin-breaking talisman?

Any crime you commit can be punished once!

Avoid death penalty.

Felony Reduction.

A misdemeanor never comes.

This is to loosen the reins of this stubborn guy who has a bone in his back...

This is really inconsistent with the general environment of the temple...

What happened to Wenbaotang? Are you going to act against the sages of the temple?

Suddenly, these four defeated heroes felt a strange feeling in their hearts at the same time...

They were all the top disciples in each palace. They were all defeated by Lin Su, and they were all in their respective areas of expertise. Now, the people they jointly suppressed actually had the protection of the absolution card - the absolution card did not count. What a particularly precious cultural treasure, but with a very strong symbolic meaning. It also has a miraculous effect on people who repeatedly violate the rules of the family.

Why not let their imaginations wander?

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at a green lotus petal floating in the air, and his heart was filled with waves...

When you step into the temple, what your eyes see may not necessarily be reality.

He already knew the depth of water in each palace.

To know the whole picture by glancing at a spot, and to know the autumn by glancing at a leaf, these are the basic sensitivities that he must retain.

However, he has never been able to discern any clues about his literary rewards.

These literary rewards have accompanied him a long way...

Everything seemed to be what he needed most at the time...

He felt that someone in Wenbao Hall was paying close attention to him...

Who is the one?

What is its purpose?

With a chirping sound, the fourth green lotus petal shot into the center of his eyebrows. Lin Su once again felt the calamity of literary education. This calamity of literary education was unbearable for ordinary people, but for him, it was a kind of opportunity.

Every literary calamity shocked his literary spirit and heart, and also quietly changed the color of his literary style. It turned out that he was an authentic literary style, and his literary style was silver-white. But now, with each literary calamity, his literary style has changed. With a faint golden edge, he is slowly getting closer to the literary world...

On the fifth floor, Mo Chi, the first disciple of Mo Palace.

Mo Chi slowly raised his head, and a hint of cold murderous intent flashed from the corner of his eyes: The Mo family's soldiers are 18, Brother Lin might as well break it!

As soon as the voice fell, eighteen soldier puppets suddenly slid out from behind him, some holding pens and some playing chess. Each soldier puppet was obviously a great scholar in the literary world, and their literary and Taoist power was overwhelming.

On the corridor, everyone's expression changed.

They have long heard about the power of Mohist soldiers, but very few people have seen it with their own eyes. These soldiers use magical laws to connect the power of literature and art, and have almost no weaknesses. First of all, they are not human beings. Any harm you do to their bodies , cannot damage their true foundation, as long as the power of literature and Taoism is still there, they can be endless.

Secondly, they have no emotions and no worries. They only know to follow the set route.

Eighteen soldiers suddenly launched an attack in such a small space.

Lin Su hands together...

I read the sword while I was drunk, and I dreamed of the trumpet-playing company... The horseman was flying so fast, and the bow was like a thunderbolt string...

Silently, a big bow appeared in his hand!

The bow was opened like a full moon, and eighteen sharp arrows flashing with green light were shot out at the same time...


Cum on eighteen dolls!

The locations are different, some are shot on the chest, some are shot between the eyebrows, and some are shot on the arms...

The same is……

Eighteen dolls were frozen at the same time!

On the corridor, everyone was stunned...

He drew his bow once and fired eighteen arrows, hitting eighteen puppets. However, the scene was completely still...

Did he win again?

A voice shouted: When entering the Mohist level, you should use Mohist methods, right? What does this mean? This is just the power of Zhan Qingci, a poetic method! Lin Su deviated from the direction of the Tao and should be considered a failure!

This person is a disciple of Shi Palace. After Lin Su defeated the top disciple of Shi Palace, he has been silent, and now he finally broke out.

And the sound was extremely loud, and almost everyone heard it.

Suddenly, the entire corridor was filled with discussions about whether Lin Su had violated the rules...

Some people think this is a violation!

Because this is not a civil war in the conventional sense, you must choose which one you fight against.

Some people think that this is not a violation. Every scholar has his or her own area of ​​expertise. No one can be proficient in all areas, not even a saint. How can you ask a newly recruited temple disciple to defeat everyone in all areas? The first disciple of the Tao?

During the discussion, Lin Su slowly raised his head: Senior Brother Mo, some people question that the method used by me is not a Mohist method. What do you think, senior brother? Is it a Mohist method?

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Whether it is the Mo family's methods or not, ordinary disciples cannot tell, but how can the number one disciple of Mo Palace not know?

Mo Chi raised his eyes and sighed: Although it is a bow transformed by Zhan Qingci, the location of each arrow is a key part of the flow of literary power in the doll. How can it be seen through the doll's mechanism settings at a glance? Could it be that it's not the Mo family's tricks? Mo Chi can't stop Brother Lin's path, I'm so ashamed!

With a bang, Mo Chi was swept into the void, and the fifth green lotus petal shot into Lin Su's eyebrows.

In the high pavilion, Mo Chi appeared!

There was originally no one in this high pavilion, but every time Lin Su passed a level, one person was added to it, and all the losers gathered here.

Li Qingquan, Feng Jiuxiao, Li Xiaoyao, Xun Lei, Mo Chi!

Mo Chi entered and faced Xun Lei. Xun Lei's eyes were cold: Brother Mo, is this your all-out effort?

Yes! Mo Chi walked towards the window, tapped his finger on the coffee table, and signaled the maid to pour tea.

Xun Lei said: I have some doubts as to whether you are deliberately letting off steam!

As soon as these words came out, the three people next to them had something strange on their faces...

This is too sensitive...

Judging from today's battle situation, it really looks like letting go.

Others were risking their lives, either injured (such as Xun Lei from the Dharma Palace) or their magic weapons were damaged (such as Li Xiaoyao from the Dao Palace), but it was like child's play for him. When the eighteen puppets were revealed, he was hit by the opponent's eighteen arrows. If he stopped, he would just bow and admit defeat, lacking a bit of determination.

Mo Chi slowly held up the tea cup: What? Xun Lei, I am not as scarred as you, so I have to bear the reputation of being a liar? Don't forget, you are a legalist! The responsibility of being undocumented, It’s not very legal!”

You... Xun Lei was furious.

Li Qingquan stood up suddenly: You two, please don't lose your status... don't be impatient!

Feng Jiuxiao also said: Exactly, you all need to face one thing. Is it possible that none of the eight levels we have set up can stop him!

Everyone's hearts jumped together...

Lin Su entered the palace, and everyone in the palace was very excited.

Whether it is the Holy Family below who has enmity with him, or whether he is too talented in a certain field and has damaged the reputation of each palace, everyone wants to seize this opportunity to torture him.

This abuse is supported by the temple and promoted by the holy way.

But all the palaces have also secretly gathered their strength...

They all hope that in this part of their palace, Lin will be tortured to the point of doubting life!

As long as they can do it, their palace will be famous throughout the palace.

Therefore, almost all the first disciples were in their best condition (except Mo Chi, whose condition was questionable).

However, it has been five consecutive defeats!

After this five-game losing streak, Feng Jiuxiao came up with a terrible hypothesis...

Is it possible that an unprecedented event will break out...

That is: the carefully prepared Eighth Palace was collectively defeated!

If the temple entrance ceremony looks like this, it will be a big event for the temple. Note: It is definitely not a good thing!

Because this thing will refract!

This reflects one thing: the temple is nothing!

Lin Su defeated the entire temple by himself in an understatement!

This is a major incident that damages the dignity and reputation of the temple!

If someone had asked such a bullshit question in the past, everyone would have laughed, but now, they can't laugh!

Because Lin Su actually defeated them in the first five levels.

If he can defeat them, who can say that he cannot defeat the examiners of the next three levels?

At least Li Qingquan and others will never admit that they are worse than those who will be assessed in the next three levels.

The topic has reached here, urgent analysis...

The next three levels include the Zongheng Dao of the Zongheng Palace, the Yin and Yang Dao of the Yin Yang Palace, and the Painting Dao of the Painting Palace!

When thinking of these three levels, everyone looked at each other...

The way of Zongheng is eloquence, which happens to be what he is good at! Feng Jiuxiao said: It depends on Yin Yang Palace and Painting Palace!

Xun Lei said: The painting palace has the deepest grudge with him, and at the last level, I still believe in Wu Feng. At least he will really go all out!

As soon as these words came out, Mo Chi's lips were about to move, but they immediately tightened, holding up the tea cup and directly becoming the audience.

Li Qingquan didn't notice this, he frowned: Should we set up another level? Zhi Palace, or Book Palace, or Confucian Palace...

Everyone shook their heads together: Ru Gong has never been involved in such small events, Shu Gong... he single-handedly created two major schools of calligraphy. Shu Gong must not be able to stop him, and Zhi Gong, he happens to rule the world with his wisdom, and the secular world. What is most talked about in the world is his wisdom...

For a moment, the five heroes looked at each other...

Suddenly there was a strange sentiment that no one could stop him from the Seventeenth Palace of the Temple...

They have this emotion, and Li Guihan and Shushan Saint also have it!

There are people on the eighth floor of the nine-story robbery tower. They currently have eight levels. Yasong said: I wonder if the ninth floor will be a new variable.

Li Guihan said: The calamity of the holy way is nine. No matter how unhappy they are with him, they only have room for maneuver at this level. Let's see if they can take this road!

The calamity of the holy way is nine.

what for?

It means: The entrance calamity of the temple can only be nine at most, and it can never exceed nine.

What is certain at present is that they have laid out eight paths, leaving room for the last one. Will this tribulation be used?

Whether you can use it or not is also a matter of knowing the autumn in one leaf.

If the temple is used, it means that the rejection of Lin Su in the seventeenth palace of the temple has become the mainstream. Lin Su's road to the temple has not yet started, it is a dead end!

If not, it means there are still some variables.

Lin Su went to the sixth floor...

The sixth floor is the first disciple of Zongheng Palace, Gongsun Changyang.

Gongsun Changyang has a delicate face, a man in the form of a woman, holding a white cat in his hand, stroking the cat's fur: Brother Lin has reached the sixth floor, how about you and I discussing the Tao?

Senior Brother Gongsun, please! Lin Su sat down.

Gongsun Changyang caressed the white cat in his arms: I said the white cat is not a cat! Is that true?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the corridor was shocked. Isn't the white cat a cat?

what for?

The dignified No. 1 disciple of Zongheng Palace, if you plan to debate, is it a wrong proposition in the initial stage?

However, Lin Su didn't think so...

What he was thinking of was: the eternal fallacy of a white horse is not a horse!

Lin Su smiled: Of course!

In the first session, Gongsun Changyang was beaten unexpectedly...

Are you arguing?

If you don't argue, how can I show off my arrogant tongue?

Lin Su raised his eyes and smiled: Brother, why don't you ask me?

No need! Gongsun Changyang said: The cat is the shape of destiny, and the white color is the color of destiny. The color of destiny is not the shape of destiny. Therefore, a white cat is not a cat...

This fallacy made almost everyone on the corridor confused. They thought that if they sat opposite Gongsun at this time, they were afraid that their hearts and minds would be broken immediately.

However, everything followed Lin Su's two words ran...

And lost all its power!

Because Lin Su didn't argue with him!

No matter how brilliant his argument was, it was just an explanation for Lin Su's ran just now.

Gongsun Changyang made a great speech, which was very heartfelt...

Finally stopping, Lin Su looked at him with a smile: Senior brother, thank you for your hard work. I spent so much time and effort arguing for the word 'Ran Ye' for my little brother. How dare I take it?

Gongsun Changyang suddenly felt as if he had eaten a blowfly, with the shell still attached...

Lin Su added: I also have a question for Senior Brother Gongsun.

Gongsun Changyang cheered up: Please!

Lin Sudao: Suppose a saint builds a world where he can do anything. Then, can he build a stone mountain in this world that he cannot move?

As soon as this question is raised...

The literati on the corridor immediately felt a sense of participation, and finally found a sense of participation...

Of course you can! Someone said: The premise has been made clear. In this world, a saint can do anything!

But... someone said: The stone mountain he needs to build cannot be moved by himself. Doesn't this mean that he is not omnipotent?

Just two questions, one positive and one negative, instantly turned everyone's brains into a mess...

You say he is omnipotent, right?

He cannot build such a stone mountain!

Because if he built it, then he would fall into another paradox: he could not move the stone mountain he built, which proved from another level that he was not omnipotent...

Everyone understands this topic and is deeply involved...

For a moment, my hair was sweating...

Gongsun Changyang's brows knitted together, and he was completely confused...

Lin Su smiled softly: Senior Brother Gongsun, can you answer?

Gongsun Changyang's brows trembled slightly: I'm ashamed! Brother Lin, please!

I got the sixth green lotus leaf, this level is so easy...

Above the attic, the two women looked at each other...

Guihan, is there an answer to this question?

Li Guihan shook his head gently: I don't need to think about the problem he raised anyway. He must be confused. However, he was still polite today. If he had to argue that Gongsun Changyang is a dog, I guess Gongsun Changyang would argue. Not sure...


Yasong slapped himself on the forehead: Continue!

The seventh floor!

Zou Bansheng, the first disciple of Yin Yang Palace!

He gently tapped his hand, and on the seventh floor, there were scattered lights and shadows, dark like hell, and yang like the sky. There were lines going back and forth, with endless murderous intent. For a moment, the seventh floor actually disappeared from the light of literature, leaving only What remains is the interplay of reality and reality, and the most profound principles of yin and yang.

On the attic, Li Qingquan finally showed a smile on his face: The line of life and death, even this sacred weapon is illuminated, Yin Yang Palace still invested money.

Yes, at least they are really going all out! Xun Lei interrupted.

Mo Chi slapped the case and stood up: Xun Lei, what are your intentions? All six of us were defeated, how can it be your turn to ridicule us again and again?

Li Xiaoyao next to him had a flash of light in his eyes: It's not six people, but seven people!

As soon as his voice fell...

Lin Su suddenly drew a pen across the void in his hand, and a strange picture appeared in the void. As soon as the picture appeared, all the yin and yang energy was collected in the entire space, and the two yin and yang lines collided and fell into the picture. , transformed into two yin-yang fish in the picture.

Zou Bansheng's expression changed drastically: What is this picture?

Bagua Diagram! Lin Su said: I entered the temple and came empty-handed. It is disrespectful. This Bagua Diagram was born out of the Yin and Yang Dao and is closely related to the Literary Dao. If the Yin Yang Palace and the Mo Palace study it in detail, it will definitely be able to exert its influence. Its true power is why I dedicate this picture to all the saints!

With his hands together, the Bagua diagram in the air rotated and went straight into the deep space.

An old voice came from the air: Goodness!

Along with this, is the seventh green lotus leaf...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

He got the seventh green lotus leaf, but he gained more than once. He felt that his literary world was buzzing with strange changes...

Looking inside, his nine-sided literary world has finally been filled!

After taking the foreign examination, the first literary gift I received was the Nine-faced Literary Forum!

He didn't know why there were nine sides to the literary world at first, but later he realized that these nine sides of the literary world were just for him to fill in the blanks. The poems he wrote were classified into one side, the lyrics he wrote were classified into another side, and the art of war was written about. All the songs he sang can be classified into one side. Before entering the temple, he had already filled eight sides.

Poems, lyrics, music, Mohism (the design drawings of spinning wheels and toilets are quite speechless), art of war, painting (Qinglian's One Painting Theory, calligraphy, novels), and now, I finally add the last The gap is filled with the Yin and Yang Dao - the Bagua Diagram!

In fact, it is not that he has never used the Bagua Diagram before, but this is the first time it is drawn on gold paper for the temple to see, so the temple has truly filled his nine-sided literary world at this moment.

This seems to be a sign that his literary career can take a step forward!

Above the attic, Li Guihan frowned...

Yasong also frowned: Guihan, what does this mean?

No one has ever known why he made moves on the chessboard...but I vaguely feel some clues about this matter, but I don't know if this is his original intention. Li Guihan said: So, let's wait for him Let’s end this farce and let’s talk about it.”

Zou Bansheng was also exiled to the Losers Alliance...

Eight people sniped, seven people exiled...

Zou Bansheng also enjoyed the same treatment as Mo Chi, that is, other people in the attic were somewhat suspicious of him...

Your Yin and Yang Yao is known as a weapon of life and death, but it was broken just by him drawing a picture?

Have you released any water?

In addition, this kid gave the temple a generous gift, the Bagua Picture!

Moreover, it was pointed out that the Bagua Diagram requires joint research by Yin Yang Palace and Mo Palace. Does this lead Yin Yang Palace and Mo Palace to his side?

If this is differentiation, it is also a very clever differentiation!

The Eight Diagrams diagram is extraordinary. The senior officials of the temple are all knowledgeable. If used properly, such Bagua Diagram can advance the Yin and Yang Way of Yin Yang Palace a big step forward. In the same way, the Mohist School is closely related to formations. They can also gain a lot from the Bagua diagram.

In this way, the two palaces were tied to him!

Is this Lin Su's original intention?

It stands to reason that no one would interpret such a complex and ambitious plan from an ordinary person who has just entered the palace. However, facing Lin Su, anything is possible!

His way of combining vertical and horizontal directions was most vividly reflected in the Great Cang Emperor's plan to change his position!

The eighth level!

The last level!

It is also the level that attracts the most attention!


Because the feud between Lin Su and Hua Gong is well known.

Every time there was a strategy to suppress Lin Su, Hua Gong was at the forefront.

For example, today's Eight Palaces teamed up to teach someone Lin a lesson, which was also promoted by the Painting Palace. In the early days, the Grand Elder of the Painting Palace traveled around the palaces and donated a wall of ancient paintings to the palace!

Now, the Qigong sniper attack failed, leaving only the Hua Gong family.

Some conspiracy theorists even speculated that Hua Gong’s attack would be a fatal blow!

After the assessment has reached this stage, everyone's mentality is a little abnormal...

One is that Lin Su's overthrow of the temple's entrance disaster is a foregone conclusion, because there has never been such a strict entrance ceremony before him.

The second is that before him, there was no such way of passing the test.

The third is that no one has ever successfully picked the seven-petal green lotus before him.

——Seven-petaled Green Lotus, do you think it’s that simple?

Each green lotus petal represents that he has trampled down a certain palace in the temple!

The influence brought by stepping on the seventh house in succession is absolutely unprecedented.

If the painting palace at the last level cannot stop him, then his entrance ceremony will become the biggest joke of the temple, and the dignity of the temple will no longer exist.

Therefore, at some point, a vague figure appeared in the sky outside the Tribulation Tower, and many retreatants appeared in the corridor outside the Tribulation Tower.

Everyone's attention is focused on the eighth level of the Tribulation Tower, and they are either happy or worried...

Above the high pavilion, Li Guihan and Yasong's hands were tightly held at some point. Yasong was not a human being, but she also felt the cold sweat on Li Guihan's hands.

They didn't have time to comment on Lin Su's amazing performance in the previous seven levels.

They didn't even dare to look forward to the upcoming follow-up.

Because no matter what kind of outlook, it is actually a dead end.

Lin Su was defeated at the eighth level, perhaps dead.

If he wins them all, the temple will lose face, and he will be deeply disliked by the temple's senior officials...

So, what step do they want him to take?

Lin Su stepped onto the eighth floor.

On the eighth floor, a very flamboyantly dressed young scribe slowly raised his head: I, Wu Feng, come from the Painting Palace!

Lin Su arched his hands slightly: In the past few years, I have had a lot of contact with several saints of the Holy Family of Painting Saints. I have learned their painting techniques, but I have never learned the painting techniques of the Temple Painting Palace. I am lucky enough to learn them today!

I can't find anything wrong with this at first listen.

But it was full of unpleasantness when it fell into Wu Feng's ears.

The two sons of the Painting Saint and Holy Family died in your hands, and you are now making it public...

Wu Feng was very angry: Are you provoking me?

Lin Su was surprised: Why does Brother Wu have such a provocative interpretation? Could it be that Brother Wu is in the Temple Painting Palace, but he still feels the same for the honor and disgrace of the Holy Family?

Wu Feng was stunned and speechless for a moment.

The others looked at each other and were speechless.

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