Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 845 The Ninth Level of Military Art

Lin Su raised a topic, and any answer to this topic would be wrong!

That is whether you can share weal and woe with the Holy Family when you are in the temple!

If you say you can, then you have lost the justice of the temple. If you cannot, then you have lost the idea of ​​home...

This is the strange consciousness brought about by the strange organizational structure of the current Temple and Holy Family...

The quagmire of thinking that everyone in the temple cannot escape from...

The Temple is like a dynasty, and the Holy Family is like the princes. Almost everyone in the Temple is inextricably related to the Holy Family, and everyone is naturally close to their respective families.

However, this kind of closeness cannot be brought to the table.

In public, everyone must present a selfless and impartial attitude, and must not use the excuse of taking care of their own family and suppressing others.

Lin Su added: Brother Wu may have some misunderstandings about me, and I just clarified it today. The relationship between me and the painting saint family originated from Qinglian's discussion of Taoism. At that time, I was in a bad mood, discussing painting as a non-Taoist, and suppressed I painted one end of the Holy Family, so the Holy Family is not happy and wants to get rid of me and then quickly...

On the corridor, everyone stared...

Above the high pavilion, Li Guihan hid his face...

The destructive power of his words is almost nuclear weapons level. In the name of clarifying misunderstandings, what he exposes is the damage done to the Tao of painting. He discusses painting with a non-Taoist body above Qinglian, and overwhelms the Holy Family of painting. One end, thus making the Holy Family of Painters unhappy... Think about it, what is the nature of this problem? This is a matter of principle! The temple encourages everyone to follow the Tao as a guide and pioneer and innovate on each Tao. People outside the Tao should pioneer and innovate on the basis of their own Tao and make solid achievements. People of this Tao should respect it, which is the right way! How did the painter do it? Suppress him! Want to put him to death!

What a despicable act?

This is a violation of the temple's iron rules! What is cut off is the prosperity of the holy way!

Lin Su was disliked by all the palaces in the temple, and the lower-level disciples above the temple didn't understand the reason. But now, with Lin Su's clarification, the answer is about to come out!

Painting saints and saints are jealous of talents and short-sightedness!

The Painting Palace has lost its fairness and stood up for the Holy Family of Painting!

What about the other palaces?

Are there similar situations?

For example, if the poet-sage Shengjia dislikes him, is it because he has passed down one poem after another?

Is the Temple of Poetry also a platform for the Holy Family of Poetry?

Lin Su briefly clarified, and the senior officials of the various palaces who were hiding everywhere were sweating on their backs. Why do they think this kid has brought a very serious personal belongings? Pulling down the fig leaf of each palace?

Wu Feng shouted angrily: Shut up!

Lin Su stopped and looked at him quietly.

Wu Feng took a deep breath: Your Excellency believes that you are a master of painting, so please come to my painting world!

As soon as the voice fell, his hand shook slightly, and a strange painting unfolded.

Lin Su suddenly felt that the world had changed.

He saw himself!

The front is myself, the back is myself, the left is myself, the right is still myself, the sky and the earth are all myself!

And not just one myself, countless of them!

Above the high pavilion, Li Guihan's pupils shrank: Mirror painting! It's actually a mirror painting!

Yasong said: There are eighty-one mirrors in the mirror painting. Each mirror's reflections are as many as the sands of the Ganges. Among these many mirrors, only eighty-one mirrors can be broken. This painting, now is the time to test his eyesight, how is his eyesight?

His eyesight is definitely the best. However, no matter how strong his eyesight is, he may not be able to do anything in this mirror painting. You need to know that the root of the mirror has a spirit. The spirit of the mirror is eighty-one, ever-changing, all over the world. , who can capture eighty-one mirror spirits in one fell swoop? Even if a quasi-sage enters, there is nothing he can do. I hope this is just trapping, not killing...

Lin Su looked at himself quietly.

He felt strange.

Because the self inside is not exactly the same as the self at this moment.

Some were holding swords, some were holding chessboards, and some were lying on the ground crying. When he saw his tears, his eyes suddenly became wet...


The long sword in his hand that had been refracted in front of him suddenly slashed towards his neck. Lin Su raised his hand and grasped his neck as a reflex. When he took his hand away, Lin Su was surprised to see the sword in his hand. Blood!

When Lin Su saw the blood on his hands, his face became as dark as water.

He understood the strangeness of the painting.

There is a mirror spirit inside this painting, which can evolve into thousands of states.

The self inside is myself and not myself!

This is an illusion and not an illusion!

Illusion alone can't kill him, but the mirror spirit inside can kill him. Every time he stabs with a knife, it stabs the image in the mirror, but hurts his body.

If the attack is aimed at himself, he has countless defensive methods to block it, but this attack is not aimed at himself at all!

How to break?

The laws of space?

In the mirror painting, the laws of space have been completely distorted.

He didn't even know where the space wall was. All he could see were mirrors, mirrors within mirrors, extending infinitely...

More importantly, the Space Law does not belong to Wen Dao. Even if he uses the Space Law to break the mirror painting, the higher-ups of the temple will definitely judge him as a loser!

After losing this game, he was still not finished. His journey to the temple fell into a ditch before it even started.

Lin Su's thousand-degree pupils were raised, capturing the light and shadow in the mirror...

Soon, his eyes moved through millions of images...

In just a moment, he had already been injured in seven or eight places. Huanchun Miao tried their best to treat him, but they still couldn't keep up with the progress of his injuries...

On the corridor, everyone stood up, their expressions changing...

No one spoke, but everyone felt unbearable...

They saw with their own eyes that the person who should be robbed was covered in blood!

They saw with their own eyes that he was injured inch by inch!

Is this really appropriate?

He just entered the palace today!

He's just being robbed!

He didn't make a big mistake!

Others were given a symbolic warning by the robbery, but he responded by going through seven levels in a row, and now the temple is stained with blood!

Above the high pavilion, Li Guihan looked extremely pale and clung to the fence, but she could do nothing...

Yasong let out a long sigh: Palace Master, let's stop here!

In the distant deep space, an old response came: He can speak for himself! As long as he admits defeat, it will never cost his life!

Yasong's face was gloomy, and she knew why.

The temple master is obsessed with defeating him because it concerns the dignity of the temple.

No one in the temple has ever been able to defeat all examiners, and the temple will never allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, no matter how the palace master really feels about him, he must be suppressed with iron means.

This is the position!

Lin Su! Wu Feng laughed loudly: Have you realized the power of painting? You can kneel down! Otherwise, the next wave of attacks will completely destroy your Wenshan literary world and literary heart!

Lin Su said coldly: It seems that in Qinglian's discussion that day, I still haven't fully explained the essence of painting! How about I add a little bit to you?

There were thousands of injuries and blood flowed everywhere, but Lin Su's voice remained as calm as ever.

Thousands of viewers will be moved by this perseverance.

Wu Feng smiled and said: You still want to discuss Tao? Then I'll invite you!

Seven words are enough for this discussion of Tao... Lin Su said: Painting Tao is the art of light and shadow!

As soon as the voice fell, his hand suddenly raised...

The tip of the pen points in the void...

This stroke is full of ink!

This stroke seems to penetrate the boundless mirror screen...

With this one stroke, the whole world will completely change!

Without the mirror, without Lin Su, there is nothing, only an ancient painting floating in the void. On top of this ancient painting, eighty-one mirrors are painted, with a bright moon above.

However, at this moment, the bright moon was erased by a drop of thick ink.


The ancient paintings turned into butterflies flying, Lin Su stepped out step by step, his clothes had been changed, the bloody clothes were gone, and he was wearing a purple gown, elegant.

Wu Feng's expression suddenly changed and he took a big step back.

Lin Su stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Wu Feng's neck: You have to be grateful that this is the Tribulation Tower, otherwise, you would be a dead body today! Get out!

With a wave of his hand, Wu Feng flew away!

With a chirping sound, the eighth green lotus petal fluttered down...

High in the sky, Luo Wuxin's eyes shone slightly: The way of painting is also the art of light and shadow! As long as the way of looking at the sight, what is not the art of light and shadow? When the light source is destroyed, the mirror painting will destroy itself. This is not just a matter of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Taking the fuel out of the cauldron is another high point in the field of painting!

Yes, Lin Su's way of destroying this mirror painting is to block the light source in the painting!

As long as the light source is turned off, all the magic tricks of light and shadow achieved with the help of light will be destroyed.

The reason is very simple, but how many people in the world can find the hidden light source - the bright moon through countless mirror images?

On the attic, eight people gathered.

They looked at each other as if they were dead.

The chief disciples of the Eighth Palace joined forces to fight, but they were collectively defeated! Li Qingquan exhaled softly: Next...

There is one more level to go! Li Xiaoyao said: With the nine-story tower lit up, what palace will it be?

Everyone raised their heads and stared at the ninth-floor tower that had just been lit up...

For a moment, everyone felt like they were out of a desperate situation.

On another attic, Li Guihan and Yasong held hands. Before they could recover from the thrill of the past, they were shocked by the lights of the ninth floor tower.

Nine levels! The legendary nine levels finally appeared today... Palace Master! Should I say that I am lucky in my three lives? Yasong's voice spread into the void.

The old voice in the air came back: Yasong, don't be so weird. You have to believe that this ninth level was not set by the master of this palace, nor by the seventeenth palace!

Yasong frowned suddenly...

Li Guihan was also shocked...

The ninth level!

It was not set up by the Seventeenth Palace of the Temple, so where did it come from?

Could it be the third heaven?

If it were really the third heaven, then it would be a really big deal...

When Lin Su stepped towards the ninth floor, he was also confused inside!

He had long noticed that there were only eight levels of assessment in this Tribulation Tower, but just as he was finishing them all, the ninth level suddenly appeared!

The assessment rules are nine as the ultimate!

This is the upper limit of the temple!

However, this upper limit has never been used in thousands of years, because the previous assessments were not so strict.

Today he did the Baji assessment for the first time in ten thousand years.

But finally Jiuji came!

You guys really won’t give up until you step on me!

Well, I will sweep across the temple!

If at the beginning, Lin Su didn't intend to compete with the temple, but as soon as Jiuji came out, he really became angry and his temper became fierce!

If God blocks God, kill God, if Buddha blocks Buddha, kill Buddha, so what?

It’s nothing more than making your temple unhappy!

When will I let you pass quickly?

Since it makes you unhappy, it is inevitable, then do it to death!

Stepping onto the ninth floor, there was a coffee table in front of him. Sitting beside the coffee table was a young scribe, dressed in black like night, with an unparalleled handsomeness. He slowly raised his head with a slight smile on his face: I am Ye Wushuang, from Mo Pavilion!

Lin Su was stunned...

Mo Pavilion? !

If there were still people he trusted in the temple, there were only two. One was Chang Shiba, the former watchman of Da Cang Capital, and the other was Mr. Hei of Mo Pavilion.

On the ninth floor, it turned out to be someone from Mo Pavilion!

Everyone in the corridor was shocked...

It turned out to be Mo Pavilion!

Hei Lao takes action!

The black and white elders have a transcendent status and are above the seventeenth palace. It seems that the temple will not tolerate the matter of victory and clearance after all!

It's been a thousand years since he has been able to reach this point. It's only reasonable that he loses to the ninth level! Someone said: Can anyone make a bet? I bet that he will never pass this level.

Does that need to be said? If this kid is even a little smart, giving up at this level would be the best choice. From now on, his journey in the temple will be much easier...

Things in this world must be done in moderation.

Your previous eight levels have fully demonstrated your various achievements. There is no shame in admitting defeat at the ninth level.

The eighth level embodies means, but the ninth level embodies wisdom...

However, they could not guess what Lin Su was thinking, and they did not dare to say whether Lin Su would expand his career path in the temple according to their best ideas.

Lin Su sat down in front of Ye Wushuang: How does Brother Ye want to test this level?

I have heard that Brother Lin is unparalleled in military skills. Ye wants to use war chess as a game to compete with Brother Lin on the battlefield! Ye Wushuang smiled and said, I hope Brother Lin will go all out!

Lin Su raised his gaze and stared into Ye Wushuang's eyes: What about you? Will you also go all out?


Brother Ye please!

Brother Lin, please!

Ye Wu put his hands together and placed a chessboard on the coffee table...

The ninth floor of the Tribulation Tower suddenly completely changed its appearance...

There is no Jiejiang River, no Jie Tower...

There is only a thousand miles of battlefield!

A blue flag was raised high, with a big word on the flag: Night!

On the opposite side, there is a red handsome flag with a big character on it: Lin!

Each man has a thousand soldiers, and each soldier is a cavalryman, riding a war horse, and all the weapons are spears. They are all the same team.

General Lin! Ye Wu pointed the blue flag directly at Lin Su: Come on, fight until the death!

Fight! Lin Su raised his flag suddenly.

With a bang, the two armies started to move out at the same time...

Halfway through the fight...

Suddenly there was a flash of light on Ye Wushuang's commander's flag, and he shouted loudly: One is worth ten in the art of war!

Hula, the thousand-man army he sat down instantly expanded tenfold, and the army of ten thousand people surged toward Lin Su's thousand-man army like a tide.

Everyone on the corridor was shocked.

This is Temple Art of War!

The peerless art of war left by the Sage of War is worth ten!

Ye Wushuang actually made him so amazing...

Lin Su's army of thousands was about to be destroyed at the first meeting.

Lin Su suddenly raised his flag: Thirty-six strategies to hide the truth from the sky!

His army of thousands of people instantly changed its shape, seeming to be there or not. The army of thousands of people passed by, but there was nothing. However, in the ranks of the army of thousands of people, the sound of killing was loud. The army of thousands of people did not know when it passed through the ten thousand people. Surrounded by the army, he entered the queue of ten thousand people, chopping melons and vegetables for a meal.

Ye Wushuang shouted: The art of war knows how to betray others!

A powerful force of literature and art covered the entire army, and the thousands of people in Lin Su's queue were completely restored to their original state, and they could no longer achieve the effect of invisibility.

Lin Su raised his hand: Thirty-six strategies to kill with a borrowed knife!


Half of the tens of thousands of people who rushed over suddenly rebelled!

A stab in the back to the comrade next to him!

In the blink of an eye, there were only five thousand left in the army of ten thousand people!

The art of war means 'every tree and grass are soldiers'! Ye Wushuang shouted...

The grass and trees surrounding Lin Su's army of a thousand people suddenly turned into male soldiers and swooped in. In an instant, half of the army of thousands of people was cut off...

The remaining half were about to be swallowed up. Lin Su came up with the Thirty-Six Strategies of Li Daitao Zhan. Silently, more than 500 people disappeared from the encirclement. A large group of people surrounded them, but they were killed. It's the Ye family army.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three thousand people left in the Ye family army!

As for the Lin family army, there are only 500 people left!

On the corridor, in the void, almost everyone was shocked speechless by this extraordinary battle...

Although this war game situation is a literary interpretation, it can be truly restored on the battlefield...

With Ye Wushuang's military skills, a thousand soldiers and horses entering the battlefield are enough to kill the opponent's army of 100,000, because he can use one as ten at any time, and he can use all the grass and trees as soldiers.

However, Lin Su's thousand soldiers and horses were not inferior at all. Calculated based on the loss rate alone, he still had the upper hand. Ye Wushuang's 10,000 soldiers were left with 3,000, with a loss of 70%! And he still had 500 of his 1,000 soldiers and horses, half of which was lost.

These two people are like entering the battlefield. Who in the world can stop them?

These two people demonstrated the best military skills in the world!

Ye Wushuang relied on the military skills left by the Soldier Sage in the past, while Lin Su relied on his own thirty-six strategies!

No matter who wins or loses, they have blossomed their own military skills in the temple!

Rangbing Dao, this long-forgotten path, has returned to everyone's sight!

Li Guihan frowned...

Yasong also frowned...

None of them spoke, because everything involving the art of war was taboo.

As for Luo Wuxin, there are no taboos. He himself is a taboo. He dares to speak: The ninth level is not a level in essence, but it uses this level to tell the entire temple about the existence of the art of war! The magic of the art of war! Lin! It’s not surprising that someone has this original intention, but why did Mo Ge cooperate with him in this big drama?”

Jun Yue's voice came back: This probably involves the origin of Hei Lao!

Luo Wuxin was slightly shocked: Hei Lao's roots...have you verified it?

Jun Yue said: It has not been finally verified, so Jun Yue does not dare to report to the young master. According to the current limited intelligence analysis, the time when Mr. Hei appeared in the temple happened to be the time when the one from the third heaven was robbed. Some people speculated that these two , there is some kind of connection, but no one dares to prove it. After all, Hei Lao’s strength is on par with the palace master...

The battlefield situation becomes more intense...

The art of war performed by Ye Wushuang is eye-opening...

The wind and clouds become soldiers, and a broadsword appears in the sky...

Fire serves as soldiers, and countless fireballs appear around Lin Jiajun...

Water is a soldier, and any place near water is a burial area...

And Lin Su's military tactics are also unimaginable...

Walking is the best, no matter what kind of surrounding, he will leave as soon as he says.

To capture the thief and capture the king, Ye Wushuang was almost killed by him several times.

Taking advantage of the fire and the fireballs surrounding him, he not only escaped injury, but also used the fire to confuse him and killed a bunch of Ye Family troops.

He mainly turned against the guests, and more than 300 people were transformed into an offensive of 30,000, causing Ye Wushuang to retreat hundreds of miles away.

All of a sudden, the endless interpretations of military tactics, the iron blood on the battlefield, and various twists and turns left everyone stunned.

After half an hour, the fight between the two came to an end. There were only 300 people left in the Ye family army and only a hundred people in the Lin family army. The entire territory was almost stained red with blood.

The iron blood on the battlefield is performed to its fullest here!

Ye Wushuang raised the banner high: The final blow! The art of war breaks through physical strength and kills them all!

As soon as the voice fell, the uniforms of the Ye family army were all covered with a layer of blood red. Everyone looked up to the sky and roared at the same time. When the killing sound shook the sky, they attacked!

In just one encounter, the Lin Family Army was cut in half by the Ye Family Army who was possessed by the God of War!

This recruitment method can actually increase the combat power of soldiers tenfold!

However, when Lin Su raised his banner, something came out of nothing!

A large group of troops rushed into the opponent's formation, and the Ye family army's vision was completely confused...

Fifty real people walked in and killed each other...

The teams on both sides decreased rapidly...

Until finally there were only two people left, Ye Wushuang and Lin Su!

Chi! Ye Wushuang chopped off Lin Su's head with one knife!

Everyone in the audience was shocked. Did they finally win?

However, a dead body behind Ye Wushuang suddenly jumped up and cut off Ye Wushuang's head with a knife...

Ye Wushuang's head rolled in the air and landed with a thud. His eyes were still wide open: What is this plan?

Resurrection from a corpse! The soldier who killed him smiled and suddenly turned into Lin Su's appearance.

As soon as his hand fell, the night flag fell down, while the forest flag fluttered high.

With a chirp, the battlefield scene disappeared into the war chessboard.

The two of them sat on the coffee table and looked at each other.

What a Thirty-six Strategies of War! Ye Wushuang smiled brightly: At this level, I will admit defeat!

Silently, he was exiled far away...

The last green lotus petal fell from the sky.

Lin Su stood quietly on the top of the Tribulation Tower, eyes slightly closed...

On top of his Wenshan Mountain, a nine-petal green lotus was completely formed, spinning in the void, and every rotation seemed to carry endless mystery...

On the tower, a portal opened out of thin air, the sky was full of green orioles, and fairy music floated...

Lin Su stepped towards the door. Outside were three temple elders. The three of them bowed at the same time: Welcome Lin Su to the temple, and welcome Chang Xing to officially take his place!

Under the cover of the holy light, the regular token around Lin Su's waist underwent magical changes, as if a door had opened.

This is the official opening of the Standing Order in the Temple.

From then on, Lin Su entered the temple with only one thought.

Lin Su bowed slightly: Thank you, elder!

The Changxing Order has been activated. Lin Changxing can use this order to choose a residence in Changxingju.

Thank you again, elder!

The three elders separated, and Lin Su walked forward along this golden avenue of fairy music. In front of him was a lake like a fairyland. All around the lake, there was fairy mist floating in the air. The fairy mist was like a ribbon, covering countless people. The courtyard is divided into relatively independent spaces, where is the Changxing Garden. (End of chapter)

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