Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 846 Mo Ge’s good intentions

Every temple has a regular presence and is qualified to stay in it.

Lin Su walked forward step by step, surrounded by handsome men and beauties from the temple, with envy on their faces.

During the assessment, they may have sympathized with Lin Su.

But now they know each other normally. Lin Su is a person who doesn't need sympathy at all.

He has already been given the standing order of the temple. As long as he passes the assessment, he will be a high-ranking member of the temple: standing order!

Regular practice is equivalent to the status of a temple elder.

Even those high-ranking first disciples in each palace are not as good as him from a legal perspective.

Of course, it’s just legal theory!

In fact, the first disciple of each palace, in the minds of the top people in the temple, and in the minds of ordinary people in the temple, their gold content is higher than that of Chang Xing.

There are many Chang Xing, and even more elders, but how many are the first disciples of the younger generation?

Changxing and elder are just positions, representing the glory of the moment.

But the first disciple is a genius in the growth stage, and their future is completely unlimited.

However, some things are subversive.

For example, Lin Su.

He is Chang Xing, but is his Chang Xing a pension position?

Don't forget, he just tortured the first disciple of the Eighth Palace to the point where he doubted his life!

He is also on the rise!

Among the people watching him, there was a woman wearing a maid's costume. She opened her mouth several times and made up her mind several times, but she still couldn't utter the words that had been lingering in her heart for a long time...

She is Xiaoya!

She is the maid in the corridor!

She is a low-class person who costs ten taels of silver to walk!

She is a low-level person who doesn't dare to show her displeasure even after being kicked by others!

Of course she knew that her mother's illness could be changed by this most magical line, but she didn't dare to speak rashly. She knew how far away she was from him...

Lin Su stopped in front and looked at a courtyard in front of him. In the courtyard, there was a tall acacia tree with branches hanging down from the courtyard wall. This acacia tree was very similar to the acacia in Haining West Courtyard...

With his hands together, Chang Xingling emitted a golden light, and a brand appeared in the air, imprinted on the door.

This means that he has become the master of this courtyard.

Lin Su pushed open the courtyard door and stepped inside. Suddenly a voice came from behind: Lord Chang Xing!

Lin Suhuoran turned around and looked at a woman kneeling on the ground: Is something wrong?

Xiaoya slowly raised her head, with tears streaming down her face: Although the little girl knows that Master Chang Xing has just settled down at this moment, she should never make undue demands at this time, but...

She choked up and told her story about her mother...

A bunch of people nearby frowned. What a bold little woman. How dare you ask Master Chang Xing for help when he hasn't even entered his home? who do you think You Are?

It makes Lord Chang Xing unhappy, so you don’t want to hang out in the temple anymore?

Lin Su frowned: What you are talking about is indeed special, but I know nothing about the Medical Palace at the moment, so it is not convenient for me to ask for the elixir for you... Why don't you take me to your home and I can personally save your mother?

After hearing the previous sentence, everyone accepted it.

But as soon as the next sentence came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Oh my god, he said yes!

And save it with your own hands!

The light of hope flashed in Xiaoya's tearful eyes, but there was also a look of doubt. She heard the words she wanted to hear the most, but she didn't believe that such words would come from such a big shot...

Lin Su stretched out his hand and pulled her up: Rescuing people is like putting out fire, don't hesitate, let's go!

The onlookers stared with big eyes and small eyes...

Disperse slowly...

Near the side of the holy lake, under the shade of willow trees, Li Guihan and Yasong also looked at each other...

He has overturned the nine paths of the temple, and now he has not even entered the door. He has overturned the hierarchical model of the temple.

Li Guihan nodded: Yes, in the temple, the hierarchy is solidified. How can the top people really look down at the bottom people? Let alone treat them with their own hands? However, this is too normal in his... dictionary , as soon as this little girl asked, I knew he would put down everything in his hands and go with her!

Wait! Yasong said: I really want to see how this genius, who has been separated from you for a year but has left a deeper and deeper mark on your heart, will write the story between you and him. Meet in the palace.

The breeze blows, and the holy lake ripples...

Acacia petals fall with the wind, performing a leisurely posture in the wind...

Lin Su returned after stepping on the moon, looked up at the sky, and felt that the moon seemed no different from the moon in the secular world...

The Changxing Garden in front of us is brightly lit, just like the tranquility and depth of Haining City...

I never expected that I would accidentally become a family man!

Lin Su looked up at the sky and stepped into his room.

As soon as he entered Changxingju, he was a little surprised, holy shit! This is not just a house, there is actually a row of girls in the house. Seeing him come in, all the girls knelt down and called themselves the master of the house!

What are you... Lin Su was a little confused.

Fortunately, the girls are all sensible, and some of them have had experience in hosting other regulars. They know that some regulars are not clear about the rules of the temple, so they explained...

They are all lower-level members of the temple. They were recruited by the temple and are at the command of the elders and regular staff.

Each Chang Xing is equipped with a starting number of eighteen girls. Of course, if Chang Xing is willing to raise more girls, it is naturally possible. As long as you can support them, you can have hundreds of girls.

Lin Su's Changxing Garden is currently equipped with the basic number: 18!

Lin Su touched his head: How much are your wages?

The eighteen girls looked at each other, and they were all confused for a moment. Finally, one of the more clever girls spoke cautiously: Master... what is wages?

If you do things for me, how much money should I give you? Lin Su said.

All eighteen girls were shocked: Master, we don't want money!

Master, don't drive us away, please!

Master, we eat very little. We have planted a vegetable patch there. We try not to cause any trouble to the master...

It was Lin Su's turn to be surprised!

Doing things for free, even trying not to bother the family owner even when eating, just asking the family owner not to drive them away, what are you planning?

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the door: Grandmaster Lin is happy to move to a new residence. Do you need old friends to come and congratulate you?

Lin Su raised his eyes and was stunned for a moment...

Under the moonlight, a woman stood quietly by the courtyard gate. There was a faint moonlight on her face. Her figure was so familiar. To be precise, her plumpness was unusual...

Lin Su stepped in front of her, put his hands on her shoulders, and stared into her eyes.

What? Don't you know each other? Li Guihan smiled half-heartedly.

Lin Su took a deep breath: There is something that needs to be explained first!

you say!

I'm a very emotional person. Sometimes I do something that goes too far. It's purely out of emotion, not taking advantage of the opportunity...

Li Guihan directly raised his hand and touched Lin Su's eyebrows with one finger: I'm warning you, I am a very rational person. I do not accept anyone's emotional excitement, whether it is intentional or excused. allow.

Lin Su glared at her: We've been apart for more than a year, why don't we just give her a hug?

A wisp of little flowers bloomed playfully in Li Guihan's eyes, and he shook his head helplessly: I really have to believe in an old saying today, a country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change... Lin Su said: The words country is easy to change are especially emphasized. What are you reflecting?

Li Guihan chuckled: After I entered the temple, I heard a lot of rumors. I know that the country of Da Cang has been changed lightly by some troublemaker. Isn't it that the country is easy to change?... I don't want to Invite me to come in and sit down?

Lin Su scratched his head: There's something very strange. This is technically my home, but I don't know where my living room is!

The clever girl jumped up and said: Master, please come with your slave!

He led Lin Su and Li Guihan into the living room.

The living room was clean, and the flowers and bamboos outside the living room were neatly trimmed. Lin Su nodded: Give us some good tea!

The girl's eyes rolled slightly, but she didn't answer for a moment...

Lin Su frowned slightly: Is there no tea?

The girl sighed: It's all my fault. I didn't prepare tea for the master...

Lin Su stretched out her hand and handed a small package into the girl's hand...

The girl took it blankly...

Here is the tea I brought myself! There are also 10,000 taels of silver notes. Each of you will take 100 taels as your salary for this year. The rest you can buy some food, clothing, daily necessities, etc. at home!

Lin Su already knew something about the temple. The temple was very high in his mind at first. He even thought that in the temple, banknotes were very low-end things. In fact, they were not. There were many treasures in the upper echelons of the temple. There are countless people at the top who do not use banknotes very much, but banknotes are still popular at the lower levels. It can even be said that the mainstream unit of measurement of wealth in society is still banknotes.

Some people say that the temple has too many big things to do, and it doesn’t even bother to spend energy on reconstructing a value system. Some people also say that this is actually the good intention of the Holy Way. It uses the same wealth measurement system as the lower world to reflect that the Holy Way is with the people and the branches and leaves are connected.

The girl's hands trembled suddenly, her eyes widened, and she saw ten thousand taels of silver notes, one hundred taels each...

Did I hear that correctly?

Li Guihan smiled softly: Girl, you probably don't know who the head of your family is. He has so much money that he can't spend it all. Don't be polite to him. Go make tea and I'll talk to him about something.

The girl knelt down with a bang, kowtowed, and left the pavilion. Soon the three girls came over at the same time and presented them with fragrant tea. Their faces were all red, and they obviously knew about the strange thing about the head of the family giving out money.

The tea was already fragrant, and the girl had left at Li Guihan's signal.

Lin Su looked away from the girl's back: What's going on with these girls?

Li Guihan sighed softly: Actually, the temple is not as glamorous as the people below imagine...

The temple, in the minds of the world, is the highest palace of literature and art.

In the secular world, it is regarded as a fairyland.

However, only when you step here do you know that it is not.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there are also superiors and inferiors.

In the temple, the elders are at the top, the students are at the middle, and there are a lot of people at the bottom.

Most of these lower-class people are local aborigines. Why are they aborigines? It's because they were born here and have never left this place in their lives. Naturally, there are some among them who have entered the literary world. However, just like the outside world, there are always only a few people who successfully enter the upper class.

Most people actually live a very miserable life.

Their ancestors must have been glorious. Without glorious ancestors, it would not be their turn to be born in this magical fairyland. However, the glory of their ancestors is only that of their ancestors. Hundreds and thousands of years have passed, and their ancestors are no longer there. They have lost Asylum, you can only struggle on the poverty line.

These girls and maids are all low-class people!

They are also the top people at the bottom carefully selected by the temple. They are sent here to serve these big shots. It is their destiny. They are actually profitable. What profit? At least no one in their family members or relatives dares to bully them. As long as they stay with a certain big shot for a day, the big shot's influence is enough to protect the safety of their relatives.

Others have to look at the Buddha's face even if they don't look at the monk's face.

But if one day, they make the big shots unhappy and kick them out, then they will be in misfortune. Therefore, almost all of them do not need to be paid, and they do not even bother to support their masters...

Having said this, Li Guihan smiled softly: You raised your hand today for ten thousand taels of silver to pay these girls. In fact, you are subverting the structure of the temple. I'm afraid that once you make this move, countless The big shot will hate you again.”

Lin Su looked up to the sky and sighed: It's a crime for me to be soft-hearted! Forget it, let's not mention this worry, let's talk about you, why are you here?

Why is Li Guihan here?

It's really a big mystery in Lin Su's heart...

Rumor has it that she entered Han Valley!

Where is Hangu?

Once the Taoist saint enters the holy place, once the descendants enter, if they cannot break into the quasi-sage, they will not be able to leave Hangu at all.

Li Guihan's name is Guihan, which refers to this direction - she will eventually enter the Han Valley in her life, so she is called Guihan.

Before meeting Lin Su, she had actually planned to enter Han Valley.

However, after meeting Lin Su, she hesitated and hovered at the edge of the culvert...

Before she met Lin Su, she felt that Tao had no big secrets in her heart, and she was not afraid of entering Han Valley; after meeting Lin Su, her mentality changed because of this troublemaker, and she felt that Tao was in She had countless secrets in her heart, so she was a little afraid to enter Han Valley.

So, did she enter Hangu?

Li Guihan answered...

After all, she did not enter the Han Valley. She did not want to be an ignorant and fearless hermetic person of the Tao. She wanted to see wider and farther on the Tao, so she borrowed the Taoist Tongtian Dao to enter the Han Valley. temple!

She wanted to perfect her own path in the temple, answer all the unknowns in her heart, and re-enter Hangu with a more open-minded attitude and a more complete system of Tao.

That's it! Lin Su held up the tea cup: So, after entering the temple, do you feel that your path has become perfect?

Li Guihan shook his head gently: In the Taoist palace, I have been given enough preferential treatment, and I also have a best friend. However, on the Taoist road, I am becoming more and more confused. Can you understand this A strange feeling?

Lin Su smiled: There is a saying in the world: knowledge and cognition are like the inside and outside of a circle. The bigger the circle, the bigger its outer edge. In layman's terms, it is a seemingly paradoxical truth. The more you understand, the more you understand. The more you realize your ignorance!

The more you know, the more you will discover your ignorance! Li Guihan said: If your sentence can be brought to the Taoist forum, I am afraid that just by this sentence, the Taoist realm will blossom... Let's change the topic. How did you feel when you entered the temple today?

Her voice was very low when she said the next sentence.

Lin Su's eyes flashed slightly, and a blockade blocked off the outside...

First of all, I can feel the goodwill of Daogong. Regardless of whether this goodwill has anything to do with you, I have to express my gratitude to Daogong!

Li Guihan smiled...

no answer!

She knew he would understand!

At the beginning of the calamity, the Eight Palaces and One Pavilion launched an attack, but in Lin Su's eyes, they were all different.

Taoist palace Li Xiaoyao showed great hostility towards Mr. Lin from the moment they met, showing a tense posture. In fact, it was just for others to see.

The real Taoist palace is for him.

Because they chose the Thirteen-Character True World as the assessment topic.

This question can't stump him, but this question can stop Youyou from talking. The other palaces will never suspect that Li Xiaoyao is cheating!

Moreover, he was able to cleverly publicize Lin Su's literary heritage and change the misunderstanding of Lin Su in the temple. The mainstream view of Lin Su in the temple is: This person has some small talents and is not worthy of being a gentleman! His interpretation of the Tao Te Ching in The Thirteen-Character Realm is enough to shatter this view.

Secondly, Mo Palace and Yin Yang Palace at least have no ill intentions towards me!

Li Guihan was slightly startled: How did you tell?

Mo Chi has not brought out the true power of Mo Palace Soldier Puppet. His contest with me is a purely literary contest. The Yin and Yang Yao of Yin and Yang Palace can actually suppress cultivation. If he wants to plot against me, he is better than anyone else. It’s all convenient, but Zou Bansheng gave up on this killing move!”

Li Guihan said: That's why you sent the Bagua diagram and pointed out that the Mo Palace can be a co-cultivator with the Yin and Yang Palace. In your heart, you still hope that these two palaces can stand on your side.

Lin Su smiled and did not answer: The third point is that there is a palace beyond my expectation.

Le Palace! Li Guihan said.

Exactly! Lin Su said: If Li Xiaoyao is putting on a tense posture, but actually has good intentions, then Le Gong is just the opposite. Feng Jiuxiao is putting on a friendly posture, but what he is doing is sinister. Murder plan! I don’t know if this is Le Gong’s attitude towards the enemy or his personal attitude towards the enemy. But I can clearly feel his malice!”

Le Gong... you probably feel the goodwill from the Le Sheng Holy Family, and you can't accept Le Gong's hostility for a while, but what I want to tell you is that Le Gong cannot be measured by common sense! Li Guihan said.

Lin Su nodded: The last point! I can't understand the setting of the ninth floor!

Li Guihan said: Do you trust Mo Ge very much?

Before I stepped into the temple, I only trusted two places in the temple, one was the Farm Palace, and the other was the Mo Pavilion... Of course, now I have added one, the Dao Palace!

Li Guihan breathed out softly: Although I am pleased that you trust Daogong, I still have to say that there is only one place you should really trust! That is Mo Pavilion! When it comes to good intentions, Mr. Hei is the real one. Well intentioned!”

Lin Sudao: What are the considerations on the ninth floor?

Li Guihan said: I will give you a green lotus petal!

That's it?

As you said, you probably don't know the difference between the nine-petal green lotus and the eight-petal green lotus... The eight-petal green lotus has no real effect, but the nine-petal green lotus is very important to you. thing……

Keep talking...

Your literary world should take the path of the Exalted Realm, and the Exalted Realm needs the nine-petal green lotus as its foundation! Although there is room for supplements to the temple's green lotus, they are all scattered. Even if the scattered green lotus The nine petals gathered together are not as good as the nine petals that have the same root and the same origin. Among the green lotuses that have the same root and the same origin, the newborn lotus in the temple entrance ceremony is the best, with the most growth and variability. Hei Lao, for your blog The world is flawless, and it can be said that I took the biggest risk!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

He doesn't know this!

In fact, he has never quite understood Mo Pavilion's ninth-level assessment.

Because in his opinion, Mo Pavilion suddenly jumped out and implemented this ninth round of assessment. It was stupid. The ninth round of assessment was about the art of war, and the art of war was very exciting in the temple. There was no reason to put the art of war under the spotlight. If you show off, Mo Ge will have to withstand the pressure from various palaces.

What reason do you have for doing such a thankless job?

If you think you have great military skills and can stop me when no one else can stop me, it would make sense to turn the tide, but don't think about it, how can I, Lin Su, be able to stop me with my military skills? My strongest skill is the art of war!

Now he understands!

Mo Ge's real intention was to give him the ninth green lotus petal to complete his world.

Although Hei Lao only met him once, he cared for him so much that Lin Su's heart surged with passion...

But it was not inconvenient for him to talk more about this, so he changed the topic again: It seems that you still have to enter the temple. After entering the temple, you will understand everything and you can already guide me in my practice.

Li Guihan smiled: I know this not because of myself! As I said just now, I have a friend who is the real know-it-all. She told me about the world of Bo.


Ode to the Saint of Shushan!

The Saint of Shushan...

A sentence came to Lin Su's mind, which Chang Shiba once told him: If you enter the temple one day, you have to thank someone, Yasong, the Saint of Shushan.

Because your literary Qingmu Order was obtained by her for you.

For this Aoki Token that can cross the sea of ​​tribulation in the world of mortals, she holds the Red Mansion and goes to the third heaven, using her own sincerity as a guarantee to get it for you.

This past incident flowed through Lin Su's mind, and he slowly raised his head: Unknowingly, I have a lot of friends in the temple. It's really heartwarming to think about it... Can you take me with you tomorrow? Want to go to Shushan to have a look?

I really want to know, if she hears your words, will she feel that tonight is extremely long... Li Guihan smiled softly: I'm leaving!

When you get up, you have to break through the sky...

Lin Su also stood up: Where are you going? You can stay here tonight.


What's the inconvenience? You and I have slept in the same room for several nights. Besides, this is a temple. Your parents are far away on the other side of the world. We have enough reasons to let the birds loose and challenge the world. All etiquette...

Li Guihan rolled his eyes and wanted to have a debate on whether human nature will ever change. However, after thinking about it, he felt that he might not be able to win at all. Forget it, I'll leave...


Lin Su held up the tea cup and poured tea for herself. The door outside opened slightly, and the girl came in, holding a small bag in both hands: The master of the house is generous and pities the sisters' poor family. He intends to show kindness, but the sisters are all Not daring to accept the generous gift of a hundred taels of silver notes, the slaves took matters into their own hands and gave each of them ten taels of silver. In addition, the sisters worked separately and bought some rice, flour, meat and the like, spending a total of three hundred and twenty-one taels. Four cents and seven cents, and the remaining nine thousand six hundred taels shall be returned to the owner of the house!

Lin Su looked at her blankly...

The girl was very uneasy: Master, is there anything wrong with the slave? If so, just punish the slave...

May I have your name?

Slave's fragrance.

Xianger, you need to understand one thing!

Qingxiang trembled slightly: Please give me instructions, Master!

Lin Su said: Since you are people in my house, you are my people! I, Lin Su, have a principle, that is, I will pamper my people! Don't save money for me, I really don't know how to spend my money. , all the wages you should be paid are in place, and you are in charge of all daily expenses. There is no need to report to me, and I am too lazy to ask. When the money is spent, you just say nothing...

Xiang'er cried!

When the words I will pamper my people spread throughout the Lin Mansion that night, all the eighteen girls in the Lin Mansion cried!

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