Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 851 The eagle, the blood, the devil (please vote for me)

I won’t go into details about the meaning of Lingding Yangcheng that night. Early in the morning, Dark Night pushed Lin into the Lingding Villa, clapped his hands and left, leaving behind a shocking sentence: Don't use it either. Looking at me like this, I admit that I have been with him before, now it is your turn, I will avoid it!

People left in the dark night...

As soon as she left, Bi Xuanji's face changed. What do you mean?

I'll run away!

I resolutely avoid becoming that we...

An Ye and Bi Xuanji retreated together. In a separate courtyard, the green clothes jumped up and hooked Lin Su's neck. His mouth came up, his legs retracted, and he hung on Lin Su's body, becoming a tree. otter……

On this day, Lin Su hugged the green clothes and crossed three thousand miles across Shanxi...

On the Jinjiang River, fishermen fish in boats, leisurely and comfortable.

On the grassland, the green grass is like a cover, and there are already sheep.

In various villages, farmers are working in the fields, and songs are heard. The Spring Water on the Border is Clear and Pure comes from their mouths. Most of them are tone deaf, but it is still beautiful.

Above Zhongshan, there is still a colorful light, which is the colorful poem left by the cooperation between Lin Su and Zongchi.

All industries in the city are prosperous. The mirror industry and glass industry have emerged in this city. Countless merchants come from thousands of miles away to compete for quotas.

In the palace of the Prince of Jin, Li Qingquan served the wine. After three rounds, he was very drunk.

Lin Su held the hand in green and walked through the ancient Jin Palace...

At night, the bright moon is in the sky!

Lying in his arms, Luyi slowly moved her eyes from his face to the bright moon outside the window: Ms. sir, you have fulfilled your promise to me today. You took me to see the grassland, travel to the Jinjiang River, and take me on a walk in the past. Every inch of land you walk on.”

Except for Zhongshan Sunrise, right? Lin Su said softly.

The sunrise at Zhongshan is only three hours away. After watching it, you want to leave again, right? Luyi raised his face slightly.

I also want to stay with you in Jinland, so peaceful and peaceful forever, but, I...

I know! My husband has a great cause, and we can't change his path because of us! Lu Yi said: There is one thing I am a little hesitant to decide. I don't know whether I should return to Haining West Courtyard or stay with my brother and sister.

Where do you prefer?

Both places are my home, and I like them both! I can't bear to give up either place. I really wish I could have a pair of eagle wings and be able to travel between the two places at any time... Green clothes raised his gaze, looking up into the sky , a flying eagle just passed by and disappeared into the night sky.

Lin Su followed her gaze and thought for a long time...

Ms. sir, what's wrong with you?

Lin Su smiled softly: You should stay with your sister at this stage, because even if you return to Haining, I won't have much time in Haining.

The next day, Lin Su accompanied Lu Yi to watch the sunrise on Zhongshan Mountain, bid farewell to Li Qingquan, and rose through the sky, heading straight back to the sky.

The prince in green saw him off at the palace.

His figure has gone far away, but Lu Yi is still in a daze...

Sister! Behind her, a pair of warm arms hugged her gently.

Sister! Lu Yi plunged into Bi Xuanji's arms and hugged her tightly.

Bi Xuanji gently stroked her hair: It's easy to say goodbye but hard to see each other, right?

Green clothes didn't speak...

Yes, it’s easy to say goodbye but hard to see!

Gathering and separation are in a hurry...

Bi Xuanji said softly: I once asked him, if one day you go to a higher platform and my...sister can't keep up with you, what will you do?

How did he say?

He said that he will come back to you! He also said that in his dictionary, there is no regret of 'traveling to the Cangshan Mountains, people are far away, deeply regretting the heroes who were once'. He would rather give up a higher platform and only live in the world of mortals. I will stay with you!

Yes, what you do will be different depending on the platform you are on.

In the world of mortals, they were together, cheering for a little bit of progress, overjoyed for overcoming every difficulty, intoxicated by the beauty of the snowflakes, and moved by the blooming flowers...

However, when he steps onto a higher platform, the people around him are gradually unable to keep up. If he always looks upward, he will climb higher step by step and eventually escape their sight. One day, when he suddenly thinks of them, he may have already Unrecognizable.

This is the case with people and things in the world.

The hero Yan Nantian in the past, he is today...

Lin Su flew away in the air, passing over the mountains and rivers of Jin, the turbulent Jinjiang River, and the farmland in the south. In front of him was the Yanmen Pass he was familiar with. This majestic pass was covered by ground butterflies thousands of miles away, and the ruins were still filled with the charm of time. After the vicissitudes of life, Lin Su floated up, standing at the highest moment, looking into the sky.

Above the sky, white clouds are floating, and eagles are flying...

In the northern land, there are many flying eagles, and there are many varieties. Some have a wingspan of ten meters, hunting yellow sheep in the mountains. Wherever their sharp talons touch, they are like dominators in the sky. Some flying eagles are petite. Such a flying eagle is basically the same as an osprey. It fishes by the river and lives in the jungle. There is one like this on a tree behind Lin Su.

Who are you? Lin Su softly spat out three words.

As he spoke these three words, he slowly turned around, his thousand-degree pupils firmly locked on the flying eagle on the tree.

The flying eagle looked at him quietly, its wings motionless.

I have seen you on Lingding Ocean, I have seen you on Zhongshan Mountain, I have seen you on Jinjiang River, and now I see you again. The natural eagle cannot be such a coincidence. You are not an eagle, you are Who? Lin Su said.

The hair on the top of the eagle's head shook slightly, and a voice suddenly sounded: It's interesting that you still have such eyesight.

I never belittle myself when it comes to my eyesight. Lin Su said: Show me your prototype and let me see who you are!

I'm a little worried! said the Eagle.

worry about what?

I'm worried that when my prototype appears, I might scare you to death! said the Eagle.

Haha... Lin Su looked up to the sky and smiled: The world may have been looking for who is more arrogant than me in this world. I have to congratulate them. Didn't I find it today?

His laughter spreads throughout the world, full of endless heartiness...

The eagle's eyelids suddenly blinked...

This eyelid blinked, like a stream of light rolling past...

A figure suddenly appeared in the eyelids...

A woman with long hair, moonlight floating in her eyes...

Lin Su's smile suddenly stiffened. His thousand-degree pupils were firmly locked on this figure that seemed to be coming step by step from thousands of miles away. A line of cold sweat quietly oozed out from his back...

It's you! Demonic Moon Shadow!

There was absolutely no drift in his voice, and there was absolutely no fear on his face. However, only he knew that his back was wet and his heart was tightened.

A thought turned everything upside down in my heart!

The demon Yueying actually escaped from the Painting Saint and set his sights on him!

No one has ever doubted the horror of Moon Shadow, not even in thousands of years!

Her only shackles may be the bronze coffin. She can't get out of the bronze coffin. She doesn't dare to step under the heaven, so her risk factor is generally controllable. As long as she doesn't let the devil get close, Yueying can't find him. No matter how powerful you are, it's all in vain.

And today, she stepped into the heaven!

She is free of her shackles!

Yueying smiled: You can't imagine that the omnipotent painting saint in your eyes is actually on the same level as me. Although I can't help him, it is definitely not that he can lock the door with just an ancient painting. You can live in it!”

I thought of it! Lin Su said.

Have you thought of it? Yueying was surprised.

Lin Sudao: It's not that you can't produce ancient paintings, but you don't dare to produce ancient paintings! Because compared to the painters and saints, you are more afraid of the punishment of heaven!

Yueying praised: Smart! Indeed smart! I created the Hanjiang Picture in just one step. However, after I created this picture, I have to face the punishment of heaven. God will punish me and I will die. I can only gamble on it. In the field, I bet that I can keep my soul under the hands of the Painting Saint, and at the same time use the holy way to shield the way of heaven, escape, and truly become a free man in this world!... Now it seems that I won the bet!

Her wings stretched gently, looking extremely comfortable in the sun.

Lin Su's eyes flashed slightly: As far as I know, if the alien spirit remains in the holy realm, it will still be glimpsed by heaven!

What do you mean? Yueying stared at him.

Lin Sudao: It means that although your soul has been retained, the three flowers have been cut off. You are not currently in the holy realm!

Yueying lamented: You can tell autumn by looking at a leaf, how smart you are! No wonder you can find my hiding place... Unfortunately, the smarter you are, the more I will kill you!

What a coincidence! Lin Su said, I was just about to... kill you with my own hands!

As soon as the voice fell, there was a chirp, and the sword came out!

The Lonely Nine Swords Drawing Style surpasses all swordsmanship, breaks through the boundaries of time and space, and strikes Yueying's head with incomparable accuracy!

From the drawing of the sword to the assassination, everything went as smoothly as a textbook...

However, when this sword hit, Lin Su was struck by lightning, her whole body flew high, and she was completely stunned...

Yueying sneered: Although I have cut off the three flowers of the Holy Path, is it still something that you, a lowly person like you, can resist?

Kill! Lin Su roared from high in the sky!

With a bang, his sword reached the sky, and all the wind in the north seemed to be absorbed by him at once. With a bang, the sword came down!

This sword merged with the sword's heart, and this sword inspired his strongest sword intention...

However, when the sword reached the top of the big tree, a ray of moonlight emerged from the leaves, and the sword light bounced off directly. With a bang, Lin Su flew out into the deep space, and turned hundreds of somersaults before he managed to find his position.

Silently, an eagle appeared in front of his eyes. Yueying locked his sharp eyes on him: Do you know now that you have no chance today?

High in the sky, like a gust of wind blowing by, Lin Su's pale face quickly returned to normal, and he even smiled: On the contrary! Only now am I truly sure that I have a chance today!

Yueying looked at him like an idiot: What chance?

Lin Su: Beat the drowned dog!

The moonlight floats in Yueying's eyes. Although she may not know what a drowned dog is, she still understands the word dog. How dare a worldly boy dare to scold her...

Lin Su stared at her and said: After two swords, I have initially determined that your cultivation level at this moment is only at the top of the first level of Yuantian, and has not even reached the second level! Therefore, you are no longer a high-ranking saint, you are just a A drowned dog! Believe me, beating up a drowned dog that was once a saint is quite pleasurable!

Unbridled! Yueying's wings suddenly flapped, and a ray of moonlight shot towards Lin Su like a sharp blade. Although this blow was as faint as a fluorescent light compared to when she was at her peak, even if Lin Su's cultivation reached the Origin Heaven realm, she Still sure of killing with one blow.

Just as the moonlight swept across the sky with its sweeping power, Lin Su suddenly spoke and said three words...


With a chirping sound, a golden moon suddenly rose, absorbing all the moonlight!

The golden wheel flew across the sky and slashed straight at the moon shadow!

Yueying was startled and raised her wings!


The moon shadow retreated a hundred feet away, and the golden moon also flew into the deep sky...

Yueying's wings spread fiercely, and she positioned herself in the void. At the moment of uncertainty, a huge bow suddenly appeared on the opposite mountain peak. The bow opened like a full moon, and Lin Su shouted loudly: The bow is like a thunderbolt!


An arrow flew towards Yue Ying, growing in size along the way. Before reaching Yue Ying, the arrow had turned into a giant arrow. The extremely powerful arrow hit Yue Ying's wings. Yue Ying's wings were broken in half, and his whole body was knocked out of the sky. Zhang Zhang, crashed into a city with a bang...

Wen Dao Zhan Po! Yueying roared.

Exactly! Let's see how many arrows you can block?

Yueying laughed wildly: I want to see how many arrows you can shoot!

In this level of literary war poetry, if you shoot one arrow, your literary energy will be exhausted. It's crazy to be able to shoot two arrows.

However, the hell is about to happen...

From the top of the mountain, another arrow flew...

Yueying's wings suddenly opened and he caught an arrow. This time, he was fully prepared and was not injured at all. However, the golden moon in the sky flew suddenly again. As soon as Yueying's wings were closed, he caught the arrow again. He was already shaken back and his footing was not stable. At this moment, another arrow flew...

In an instant, Lin Su fired eighteen arrows in a row, and the arrows hit Yueying...

Jin Yue struck eighteen times in a row, hitting Yueying every time, and the third one of the eagle's wings was broken...

Yueying was completely confused: Original Zhan Qingshi, you are the original creator!

Only now did she truly understand that there was only one explanation for the other party's ability to perform such a dense battle poem. He was the original author!

Lin Su laughed loudly: After so many beatings, you have only now figured out the first question. Your reaction is really slow. I won't bully you. Before launching the second round of attacks, you might as well take a look around. !”

Yueying raised his eyes and saw that there were city walls on all sides. Outside the city walls, you could vaguely see the mountain peaks you just saw. There were countless mysteries on the mountain peaks, and the literary and spiritual power was overwhelming...

Literary world! Yue Ying said coldly: You actually included me in the literary world. You are really arrogant. Even the quasi-sage would have to stand down under me, let alone you, a small literary world?

Really? Then try it! Lin Su shouted coldly: Gossip!

Silently, a strange pattern suddenly appeared around Yueying, with endless yin and yang variables. Yueying spread her wings and rushed towards the door she had spotted. However, when she just arrived, the door suddenly changed, and the door of life changed. At the door of death, a chance of life and death was stirred, and the moon shadow retreated back.

She was really shocked: What kind of ghost world are you in, why do you still have formations?

This is just the Yin Yang Bagua diagram, not the formation. Since you mentioned the formation, then I will do as you wish! Lin Su's voice suddenly became a little excited: The peerless killing formation, start!

With a buzzing sound, a golden light suddenly rose from the periphery of the Yin Yang Bagua array...

Quickly penetrate into the Bagua chart...

The moon's shadow rises into the sky, one wing cuts through the golden circle...

However, with a slight chirping sound, the wing turned into a stream of light, and Yueying's expression on half of the wing really changed...

After I have completed my training in the literary world, I have not yet tested the world. Today, I am lucky enough to test the world by killing a saint. Yueying, you can go on your way with peace of mind. After all, the person who killed you is eight points more handsome than the old painter...

I'm going to kill you! Yueying's nose was almost crooked with anger.

Come on, do it to me!

Don't worry, I will definitely kill you!

You are quite graceful in your true form. If you had a physical body, you would probably be able to fuck me in bed...

Ah... Yueying roared!

With a chirp, she rose into the sky and faced the peerless killing array that was covering her!

With a soft sound, the entire body of the eagle turned into blood mist. However, at the moment the blood mist was generated, a strange force was generated from the formation. With a bang, Lin Su's entire literary world completely collapsed...

A drop of blood!

A drop of blood broke through the boundary and shot towards Lin Su's eyebrows!

Lin Su's thousand-degree pupil was firmly locked, but he couldn't avoid it...

The blood accurately hit Lin Su's eyebrows, leaving a slight redness on his eyebrows, and a ray of soul broke into Lin Su's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the last moment, Yueying abandoned the body of the flying eagle she had harvested, inspired all her soul, and unleashed a trace of the saintly energy in her blood. She braved the huge danger of being glimpsed by heaven and broke Lin Su's heart. The literary world!


She was so driven that she almost went crazy!

Who can tolerate a dignified saint being teased like this by a worldly boy? Anyway, I can’t bear it anymore...

But she never expected...

As soon as her soul broke into Lin Su's sea of ​​consciousness, she was greeted by a long sword, accompanied by Lin Su's hateful smiling face...

I like it the most when my soul throws itself into a trap!


A sword is coming!

This sword carries the peerless energy to destroy the Yuanshen. This sword carries the unfathomable power to destroy all invisible things. This sword strikes Yueying Yuanshen heavily. It is as strong as Yueying and also the great soul of the dead. Risk...

There was a loud bang, like thunder coming from within the sea of ​​consciousness...

Half of Yueying's spirit was destroyed by this blow!

The remaining half of the soul flew far away from Lin Su's sea of ​​consciousness and merged into a passing butterfly...

Lin Su glanced this way, Yueying's heart trembled, butterflies burrowed into the flowers...

Lin Su lightly touched his forehead with his finger and slowly held it to the tip of his nose: Yueying, your blood is quite fresh. Could it be that you, a thousand-year-old witch, are still a virgin?

Under the flowers, the butterfly's wings were trembling slightly. It was so angry.

However, she didn't dare to move!

She is really a bit timid!

She doesn't care about physical attacks, because the physical body she borrowed was not brought from her mother's womb. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

However, she was afraid of the sword he just struck!

This sword destroyed half of her spirit!

If she strikes again, she will really die!

It’s the same for everyone. When you feel that you are not in danger of life and death, you have one thought. When you realize that the danger of life and death is imminent, you have another thought...

You are really at a loss. After living for so many years, you have been lying in a coffin, so cold that there is not even a male mosquito. How does it feel? Why don't you come out, and I will have a spiritual connection with you to let you Is this thousand-year-old virgin trying to taste like a man?

Intersection of spiritual consciousness?

Want to try a man's taste?

The fluff on the butterfly's body stood up, but she still didn't dare to move.

Lin Su looked around: Okay, I'll go back to Da Cang Capital first. If you want to try your hand at being a man, you're welcome to come to me. I've really changed my mind. I don't want to kill you, I just want to sleep with you! Really, you have to believe it!”

Lin Su raised his hand and wrote one word, boat!

The word boat turned into a real thing. Lin Su stepped on it and stood on the bow of the boat with his head held high. When standing on the bow, he turned around and looked around, as if he was a little reluctant to let go...

Finally, he left!

The butterfly stopped among the flowers and looked blankly at the starry sky...

Oh my God, I must have seen a ghost...

I started thinking about killing him, and now I'm actually afraid of him!

I'm not afraid that he will do it with real swords, but I'm afraid that he will look for me everywhere...

Actually, Yueying didn't know one thing...

Lin Su stepped on the boat of the literary world and left a hundred miles away. He sat down. The moment he sat down, sweat ran down his back.

Yueying was deeply afraid of the last blow just now.

However, Lin Su was even more afraid!


Because his two souls merged into one, after delivering the final blow, his mental power was wiped out, and his soul was extremely weak.

If it was in the past, he would just fall down and sleep for the rest of his life, no matter what was around him.

However, today he did not dare to show any signs of fatigue.

Because he knew that he would never be able to take Yueying's second blow!

If Yueying uses the soul invasion method to deal with him again, he will be completely finished!

His body will be taken away by her. Once taken away, this body will become the carrier of Yueying's evil deeds in the world, and the consequences will be truly unimaginable!

Facing the thousand-year-old demon, if he showed any weakness, he would die!

So, he showed strength!

He teased Yue Ying, and he tried hard to provoke Yue Ying to come out. The more relaxed and wanton he appeared, the more Yue Ying did not dare to appear.

What he wants is for Yueying not to show up!

Flying five hundred miles away, Lin Su kept holding on, but the light of his literary golden boat was also scattered...

Below is a large river, which is a tributary of the Yangtze River. A ferry boat goes down the river. Lin Suqiang used the last bit of his strength to land on the big boat and smiled brightly at the maid who came to greet him: One of the top-notch rooms, please don't disturb us!

Accompanied by a one hundred tael silver note.

The maid Yingying said, Yes! Sir!

The scholars who came from nowhere were naturally great Confucians, and great Confucians had their own status.

The door opened, Lin Su entered, and said, Thank you!

Then he closed the door leisurely and reluctantly walked to the bed. A voice came to Zhou Tianjing: Monitor Yueying. If she comes within a hundred feet of me, alert her immediately.

However, he fell asleep.

On top of Hewen Mountain, the Zhou Tianjing was spinning smoothly, and a drop of blood on it traced the direction of the moon shadow at this moment.

After Yueying lost her body, the hair could no longer trace her whereabouts.

Fortunately, there is still half a drop of blood at this moment.

This half drop of blood comes from the same source as the half drop of blood that Yue Ying took away. Unless Yue Ying is willing to destroy all the half drop of blood from her body, otherwise, her whereabouts will be locked again by Zhou Tianjing. And this half drop of blood, Yueying is absolutely reluctant to destroy all of it, because with this drop of blood, her cultivation is rooted and she can barely exert half of her combat power.

After destroying this half drop of blood, her cultivation level started from scratch. It would be even harder to return to her former height than to reach the sky!

Under the Zhoutian mirror, the moon's shadow did not move. She remained beside Yanmen Pass.

Finally, the moon shadow moved and flew to the south, but it flew very slowly...

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