Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 852 The shadow of the moon follows

Lin Su's sleep lasted from the red sun to the misty night, and from the night to the red sun.

He finally opened his eyes.

Under the unique effect of the rejuvenation seedlings, his mental power slowly returned, and his soul became clear again from ignorance. Although his mental power was only minimal, and although his soul still seemed to be seriously ill, his energy and spirit had recovered. .

As soon as he regained his energy, Lin Su's first focus was Zhou Tianjing.

On the Zhou Tianjing, the shadow of the moon was floating on the river, three hundred miles away from his large ship, with no intention of getting closer. In other words, she was just following and didn't dare to get close at all.

Lin Su felt relieved!

If there has ever been a truly thrilling experience in this life, yesterday's battle was undoubtedly it.

If Yueying was more decisive and attacked him again, he would be able to finish without any suspense.

However, Yueying was frightened by the soul-killing move and the empty city strategy he staged in a pretentious manner, and did not dare to make a decisive blow.

If you don't dare, Lin Su's opportunity will come.

His mental strength will be fully restored in another seven or eight days.

Once his mental power is restored, the Soul-Destroying Style will be at full health...

What would happen if he faced Yueying again?

Definitely not what happened yesterday!


Because of Yueying's soul injury, it is absolutely impossible to recover so quickly!

She was a lost dog, and her strength further declined.

At that time, this decisive battle, which has been seriously unequal from the beginning, will have a completely new way of opening...

As soon as Lin Su's mental state returned to normal, he suddenly discovered another strange thing...

Hey, old man, why do I suddenly feel that the wrinkles on your face have faded a lot?

What I am talking about is wrinkles, but actually it refers to the mirror surface of Zhou Tianjing. The mirror used to be full of cracks, and it is still full of cracks now. However, there are some cracks that have healed. Most people may not be able to see it. Lin Su is certainly not an ordinary person...

The old man in Zhou Tianjing also stretched his face, and he was a little excited: Because this drop of blood is not ordinary blood, it is the blood of Ziyue! The blood of Ziyue has its own moonlight energy, which supplements my origin to a certain extent... …”

Purple Moon bloodline?



Lin Su's heart suddenly moved slightly, and she thought of a record about Ziyue's bloodline, which came from a person who ate shit three hundred years ago...

Jing Ling raised his head with light in his eyes: Can you think of a way to capture Yueying, make her a physical entity, cut her once a month, and use her blood to continuously replenish my origin?

Lin Su glared at him: It's a good thing to catch him, but who will catch him? You?

I am at a huge disadvantage. I may not be able to defeat her... The old man scratched his head.

Yes, you can't beat her. In fact, I can't beat her either. She is at her weakest right now, so we have a chance to beat the drowned dog. Do you really think she will always be so weak? You raised the knife to cut her and put it away. Her blood... I seriously doubt that she will bleed me as soon as she turns over!

The excitement on the old man's face disappeared...

Yes, ideals are plump, reality is skinny...

Lin Su's eyes slowly moved over: You know Ziyue's bloodline, so there is a rumor that I don't know if it is true or not.

you say!

Lin Sudao: Purple Moon Bloodline is a rare bloodline in the world of cultivation. Those with this bloodline have a very special affinity with heaven and earth, and their cultivation journey is rapid. However, this bloodline also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, she must practice every day. The moon replenishes the moonlight, otherwise, the blood will dry up and the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

Yes! Jing Ling said.

Lin Su's eyes flashed: Is this rumor true?


Lin Sudao: Then there is a question. She is in an ancient bronze coffin, buried deep under the Peach Mountain. Where did she get the moonlight from?

If someone else were faced with this question, I'm afraid they would immediately give this answer...

Although the ancient bronze coffin is underground, it can come out. In the past thousand years, blood-colored coffins have traveled around the world. It is not unheard of. Lin Su alone has seen it several times.

However, Lin Su knew that this answer could not solve Yueying's problem.

Because relying solely on moonlight is not enough to form a moonlight.

To form the moonlight, one must use a unique technique to absorb the moonlight over a large area. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the movement. With the cultivation level of the Moon Shadow Saint Realm, one can use all his strength to make the moonlight completely disappear within ten thousand miles.

And once such a big movement occurs, Heaven will definitely detect it!

As soon as Tiandao detects it, she is seeking death!

Therefore, if she wants to keep Ziyue's bloodline alive, there must be another way!

The old man in Zhou Tianjing smiled: I sensed that there were some impurities in this drop of her blood, which are the common residues of five spiritual things, namely earthyin water, Xiangyin flower, Lingyin stone, Beiyin mud and Nanyin Sha, the combination of the five Yins can form an effect similar to the 'Moon Essence', which can barely keep Ziyue's bloodline from drying up.

Lin Su's whole body was shaken...

The five kinds of spiritual objects mentioned above are distributed everywhere, and it is difficult to find any one of them. The probability of two kinds of spiritual objects existing in the same place is extremely low. The probability of five kinds of spiritual objects existing in the same place can be said to be absolutely impossible. exist.

Therefore, the gathering of the five Yins is not a natural concept, it is man-made!

In other words, Yueying is connected with someone!

Someone collected five spiritual objects for her to keep her Ziyue bloodline alive!

There is no unreasonable kindness in the world. How can she repay others if they do such difficult things for her?


The chain in Lin Su's heart seemed to be connected all of a sudden!

For thousands of years, Yueying's murder has been famous all over the world, but no one knows who Yueying is or how she kills people. Now the secret seems to be solved...

This is a deal!

Moony needs someone's help.

And someone uses the moon shadow to kill people.

Who is this guy?

First of all, his ability is powerful enough, because collecting the five Yin spiritual objects is not something ordinary people can do.

Secondly, he has enough eyes and ears, because the Moon Shadow Killing also requires target positioning. This target positioning requires a huge information network and sufficiently high-end executioners to complete.

Finally, this person is theoretically old enough, because Yueying was a person from a thousand years ago, and their deal should have been reached a thousand years ago...

People, or forces, who meet all three conditions...

Who could it be?

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Su's back again...

He suddenly thought of something...

What the painting saint said!

After the painting saint killed Yueying, he came down from the clouds and came to him and told him: The devil Yueying has brought harm to the world. You are the first to find this devil...

This sentence is very normal in this context.

Full of compliments with absolutely no malice in them.

But what if Yueying is nearby?

Doesn’t this statement bring with it another thought——

Tell Yue Ying who is her real enemy and let Yue Ying drive Lin Su to death?

Lin Su can't doubt the saint!

He must not doubt the saint. The slightest doubt in his heart is a capital crime...

However, incredible things happened one after another...

Yueying escapes from the hands of the saint!

Yueying immediately targeted him!

Yueying has survived for thousands of years under the holy land where the Painting Saint became a Taoist!

Someone from the Holy Family of the Painting Saint took Yueying's magic lead and almost killed Lin Su!

Painting Saint meets all the conditions for collecting the five yins and extending Yueying's life - no matter how few people in the world fully meet the conditions, he is one of them!

Some people may say that Hua Sheng is a saint of a generation, and his own abilities are not weaker than Yueying's, or even much stronger. It is not difficult for him to kill anyone in the world. What reason is there to raise such a killer?

The reason is very simple!

A saint has many inconveniences in his actions, but a killer hidden underground has no taboos in his actions.

It’s the same reason as the Temple Yangtianming Dao Palace.

How strong do you think Tianming Dao Palace is?

No matter how powerful it is, can it be stronger than the temple?

The significance of the existence of the Destiny Palace is that they can do whatever they want, while the temple has many inconveniences.

So, is this the meaning of Yueying's existence?

This guess was too terrifying, and the thousand-year-old world was too complicated. Lin Su did not dare to speculate deeply, and he did not dare to have any confirmation. There might be only one breakthrough in all of this, and that was...

Moony himself!

The boat sailed on the river, and the clear water flowed eastward. As the midday sun moved, the curtains behind Lin Su floated gently, and Lin Su's fingers tapped lightly on the coffee table.

Suddenly, the tapping stopped…

The door knocks...

Lin Su stood up and walked towards the door. With a gentle pull of her hand, the door opened.

The moment the door opened, Lin Su's heart skipped a beat...

At the door of the room, a beautiful woman stood quietly with a tray in hand. Her beautiful eyes met Lin Su's, and a wisp of complex emotions flowed through thousands of rivers and mountains.

You know you! Lin Su smiled softly: Hu Yuexiang!

This woman turned out to be the secret killer of the day. On the boat that Lin Su and Zhou Mei were on their way to Beichuan, Hu Yuexiang poisoned Lin Su's wine and cooperated with another top killer to assassinate Lin Su.

However, Lin Su saw through her plan, and worked with Zhou Mei to kill the top killer, and interrogated Hu Yuexiang with literary methods. During Hu Yuexiang's last assassination, he kicked Hu in the butt, killing this little kid. The beauty kicked down the Yangtze River and was never heard from again. Now she appears.

I would rather you not have such a good memory! Hu Yuexiang's face changed.

Subordinate? Lin Su frowned slightly: Are you sure you used this word correctly?

Not sure! However, I feel that it is not too important whether I am sure or not!

Come in! Lin Su turned around.

Hu Yuexiang walked in and closed the door...

The tray in his hand was placed on the coffee table, which contained a variety of food.

Lin Su picked up his rice bowl and had a lunch with side dishes. Hu Yuexiang stood beside him the whole time...

Lin Su put down his rice bowl and Hu Yuexiang poured him a cup of tea...

Sit! Lin Su pointed to the opposite side.

Hu Yuexiang sat down.

Why are you here? Lin Su said.

Hu Yuexiang said: Buyi Pavilion invited all Jianghu colleagues to a meeting in Dongting on the first day of October. The subordinates went to the north invisibly. They wanted to integrate into this group at the first stage so as not to appear too abrupt.

Buyi Pavilion? Lin Su frowned slightly.

Exactly! Hu Yuexiang said: My subordinates have received instructions from Zhuque Hall to spy on the people behind Buyi Pavilion.

Lin Su took a sip of tea and said, This is the fourth time you claim to be a subordinate! Are you sure that I am Xiang Fei?

It is impossible to confirm, but my subordinates know clearly that Anxiang has been in the hands of Mr. Anxiang for a long time, and everyone in Anxiang sees hope in Mr.

What hope?

It is hope for the Green Dragon and the White Tiger to fight on the battlefield, it is hope to advance to the land and serve as an official, it is hope to eliminate evil and promote good, it is also hope to get rid of the shackles of the body and walk freely under the sun!

What kind of restraints are you wearing?

The secret fragrance of the past, my restraints are my parents and brothers. The superiors control them in the palm of their hands. If I dare to resist, they will be killed on the altar. Hu Yuexiang said: Today's restraints have been terminated with the order of Concubine Xiang. Fully lifted, Xiang Fei ordered: In the dark fragrance, we are all brothers and sisters, and we are not allowed to use the lives of parents and relatives to force brothers and sisters to act.

So, you are no longer bound! Lin Su said.

No, I still have a bondage, and that is the assassination of my husband! This is the biggest bondage in my life...

Her meaning is very clear, she once assassinated Lin Su!

She had committed a crime against this spiritual totem!

This sin is also a bondage.

Lin Su smiled: You forgot one thing...


I said at that time, you are a little traitor! It was you who told me the inside story of Anxiang. If I should be rewarded based on my merits for taking Anxiang, you made the first contribution! Lin Su said: So, the entanglement you had on my boat that day was not a crime or a bondage, but a merit!

Hu Yuexiang’s face changed suddenly...

Some are red, some are white, some are shy...

She had seduced him that day in order to carry out the assassination!

Later, the success failed and she fell into his hands. Whether she wanted to or not, she became a traitor.

Once this traitor is found out, she is determined to die.

However, now that she mentioned it again, she couldn't control herself...

This time Buyi Pavilion gathers at Dongting Lake, it's not as simple as you think! Lin Su said: Things are quite wrong!

Hu Yuexiang's confusion instantly disappeared: Why did you say that, sir?

Buyi Pavilion should already know that both His Majesty and I have become interested in them. Under such circumstances, they actually dare to make such a big move, which is against common sense.

Hu Yuexiang's brows furrowed tightly: If Buyi Pavilion really wants to fight against the imperial court, then spiritual cultivation is the only resource they can hope to integrate. From this perspective, it seems to be reasonable.

Is it possible to compete with the dynasty by issuing a notice and integrating individual practitioners from all over the world? Lin Su said.

Hu Yuexiang slowly shook his head: Of course this is not enough, but it is still a foundation of strength. They can slowly develop it. Hegemony in the world grows from small to large, from weak to strong.

Lin Su smiled: You are thinking conventionally!

Shouldn't we use conventional thinking? Hu Yuexiang said.

Lin Sudao: When facing ordinary people, you must think conventionally. When facing extraordinary people, you cannot use conventional thinking. Your understanding of Buyi Pavilion is not deep enough. The people behind Buyi Pavilion are definitely not ordinary people! I have a suspicion...

Hu Yuexiang's heart was pounding...

Lin Su did not say any more: Suspicions need to be confirmed. Suspicions that are not confirmed do not need to be analyzed at the moment! In this way, follow your planned itinerary, remember one thing, just look at it! Observe all doubts, but do not take any action Take action! If you gain something, report it directly to me!

Direct report? Hu Yuexiang's heartbeat accelerated.

Yes! Report directly! Lin Su held up her hands and handed her a communication talisman: No one should disclose what happened today, including your boss and your subordinates. You are only responsible to me!

The big ship went down the river, covering a thousand miles in one day and one night.

On September 12th, Lin Su returned to Da Cang Capital.

He disembarked from the ship and landed at the pier in the capital. On the deck, a group of Jianghu people looked at the capital from a distance.

One of them is dressed as a chivalrous woman. She is Hu Yuexiang. Her current identity is a disciple of a declining sect in Jin. There are many disciples of sects like her. It can be said that the Dongting Society is the most attractive to declining disciples like her. Because they have no backing behind them, they are in urgent need of some opportunities...

She stood on the deck and watched this handsome figure stepping onto the pier. Her heart was like the waves of the Yangtze River.

She still didn't know if he was Xiang Fei.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that she clearly knows who has changed the scent of the past.

This person once gathered all her hatred, but as the haze over her parents, relatives, brothers and sisters cleared away, the embarrassment, unbearableness, and humiliation she once felt in front of him had long since turned into a wisp of smoke in the autumn wind, replaced by grateful!

Now, she finally put this gratitude in front of him.

She also literally took off the restraints on her head.

She will start another relationship with him with a new look.

This is the new birth of the human world!

Where is Lin Su?

When he returned to the capital, his heart felt like water from the Yangtze River, especially what Tianjing reported to him this week...

The moon shadow turned into a butterfly and arrived in the capital!

This little girl is really my C...

Facing her, Lin Su needs to think carefully...

Digging a hole was necessary, but he was very confused about the nature of the hole...

Kill her outright?

Killing her is not absolutely impossible. The stick that can beat a drowned dog is not only Lin Su's soul-killing style, but also at least His Majesty's imperial seal, and the peach blossom branch from Haining's hometown. The combination of the two is enough for her to drink. A big pot...

Of course this killing is risky!

Among the saints from thousands of years ago, who didn’t have the means to squeeze the bottom of the box?

When pressed, no one can tell what kind of combat power she can unleash.

Why not kill her? Isn't there any risk?

fart! The risk is greater!

This little bitch has never changed her original intention to tease him. As long as she is given a chance, she will turn over. As soon as she turns over, she will dominate the whole situation...


This little bitch is useful!

If used well, her effect is greater than anyone else, because she is the source of a thousand-year secret, and her existence may shake the three worlds of the temple!

Sooner or later, he will have to stir up the third heaven of the temple. The unique stick that can stir up the third heaven may not be me, Lin Su, but this thousand-year-old Moon Shadow...

Should we first solve the hidden danger of the little girl turning over and taking charge? Or is it more important to have a grand plan?

It’s really confusing...

Lin Su stepped into the city...

Upon entering, a general at the top of the city suddenly stood up. A soldier next to him was startled. Why was the general's lips trembling?

With a whoop, the general jumped directly from the top of the city, and with a thud, he knelt down on one knee: General, I will see His Highness King Wen!

As soon as he knelt down, all the soldiers in half the city knelt down: See His Highness King Wen!


The people around Lin Su also knelt down at the same time...

Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead: Damn it! Are you going to let me play happily?...General, can I ask you something?

The general's face suddenly turned red: Your Majesty, if something happens to you, just give me the order. You will go through fire and water, even if you die!

Through fire and water, I will not give up! The soldiers at the top of the city also shouted in unison.

I'm begging you, can you just pretend not to see me when I'm wearing casual clothes in the future? Lin Su said: I'm also a young man, and I also like to walk around the capital. It's relaxing, isn't it? You are doing this to force me to dare not leave my house. This is very inhumane, quite inhumane...

Everyone was stunned...

The general raised his head, hehehehe, scratching his head...

Smile honestly...

Can you fulfill my little wish? Lin Su asked.

Yes! The general stood up suddenly and waved his hand: Everyone, listen, from now on His Highness King Wen will travel in plain clothes, no one is allowed to disturb him!


That's right! Lin Su looked around: Folks, you've heard it too, don't do this in the future, you... I'm talking about you, uncle, your hair and beard are all white. My dad is already old. If you don’t get up, I can only kowtow to you...

The villagers all stood up, surprised and confused.

The general said: Your Highness, Your Majesty has issued an imperial edict two months ago. If His Highness returns to Beijing, he will be welcomed into the palace no matter when. If His Highness is free at this time, how about entering the palace?

Okay! I'll enter the palace right now! Lin Su jumped into the air and entered the palace...

Under the sun, a butterfly flew up and landed on a tree within the city wall, its wings trembling...

Yueying was a little confused. She didn't understand for a moment how many identities this person had...

People in the temple, in the literary world, the original author of Wen Dao and Qing Ci is obviously Wen Dao.

But his terrifying sword was clearly kendo.

Now that he has entered the capital, everyone calls him His Highness King Wen.

But he became a prince again!

Shouldn't the worldly prince be a fat-headed, pot-bellied waste?

When did you get involved with such a young man?

Together, the butterflies landed on the hair of a young scholar, fluttering their wings slightly. The scholar's eyes were confused and he stayed still.

The butterfly flew away, and the scholar shuddered, looked around confusedly, and left again.

In Yueying's consciousness, he already had all the scholar's knowledge of Lin Su...

Da Cang Zhuang Yuan Lang, Wen Dao Grandmaster, Qing Lian's First Grand Master, set things right and drove the king of a country out of power. His Majesty's current empire is basically given to him, so he is named King Wen Wang...

Followed by the second person, this person is an old businessman. Leaving this old businessman, Yueying is even more confused. Holy shit, is he still a business wizard? Is the Lin family rich enough to rival the country? Countless wonderful things, the wine to drink, the incense to wear, the mirror to look in, and even the soap to wash clothes, bowls to eat, coal to burn in winter... Do these things have something to do with literature? Is it related to the spiritual path? How come I don’t know this after I have been cultivating it for thousands of years? It’s not like I don’t know this world when I’m lying in a coffin. Why does the world in my memory seem to be two different worlds from the current world?

The third person followed, a rich young lady. As soon as she entered this lady's consciousness, Yueying was even more confused. This lady was reading a book called A Dream of Red Mansions. Yueying couldn't help but read a few pages. It didn't matter. , she was obsessed, and next to that young lady, there was a butterfly, whose wings had not flapped for a long, long time...

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