Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 853 All problems are solved overnight

Da Cang Palace, Zijin Pavilion.

Ji Guang sat in the pavilion, looking down at the memorial on the table, his brows furrowed tightly.

Ge Xin stood beside him, looking at the memorial and Ji Guang, also a little fascinated.

Everyone in the world envies the Nine-Five Supreme Being, but she is probably the only one who understands that the Nine-Five Supreme Being also has troubles.

She understands Ji Guang's troubles because of a conversation between Ji Guang and her...

More than a month ago, she accidentally asked a question: Your Majesty, why do you not like working in the Zhengde Hall, but prefer the Zijin Pavilion?

This is a fact. As long as His Majesty is not in the imperial court, he is basically in Zijin Pavilion.

But no one dared to ask, and only Ge Xin dared to ask.

Ji Guang answered her: Because I am in Zijin Pavilion and I can feel my father staring at me, so I dare not act recklessly!

This answer moved Ge's heart.

As the Ninth Five Supreme Being, the husband has reached the pinnacle of power in the entire world, and he is afraid of losing his true feelings.

How many emperors in the world have done things like killing powerful ministers and killing queen mothers in order to cut off the shackles? Only Ji Guang, who clearly had no restraints, created a restraint for himself, using the illusory restraint of his father's spirit in heaven to warn himself.

Ge Xin didn't know how to evaluate it, but she was very pleased.

In the Zijin Pavilion, she saw Ji Guang's frowned brows countless times because the current situation was very difficult...

To be exact, this difficulty was brought on by oneself...

If Ji Guang chooses to govern in the same way as Ji Shang and just muddle along, he can fly freely. As Lin Su said that day, we have to thank Ji Shang. He left such a mess. No matter what he does, he will be better than him. Well, even if you don't do anything, as long as you don't work hard to compete with Ji Shang, you will probably manage better than Ji Shang.

However, Ji Guang is a person who is unwilling to be lonely!

Lin Su too!

Therefore, after a meeting in Xishan, the three major national policies were implemented simultaneously.

These three major national policies are a bottomless pit. Once implemented, Ji Guang's head will grow...

Your Majesty, each of your three major national policies is more difficult than the last. His Royal Highness King Wen doesn't know where he has gone, and he doesn't come to help share your worries... Ge Xin couldn't bear to see Ji Guang worried.

When he mentioned Lin Su, Ji Guang's face magically relaxed: He, he ran really far this time. The secret guard just reported that he was in Guancheng of Zhanzhou half a month ago.

The secret guard reports directly to His Majesty? Ge Xin frowned.

Ji Guang smiled softly: I have arranged that you are pregnant and should not work too much. Therefore, I asked them not to disturb the imperial concubine regarding the secret guard.

Ge Xin shook his head gently: I can ignore other things, but the secret guard matter is related to your Majesty's safety. How can I ignore it? Your Majesty, I have to take over this matter.

Okay! Everything depends on you! Ji Guang said: The secret guard is paying close attention to the appointment on Dongting Lake. This matter is quite unusual. You need to choose capable generals...

At this moment, the voice of the good king came from outside: Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Wen has arrived and has arrived outside the Zijin Pavilion.

Ji Guang's voice stopped suddenly, and a hint of excitement suddenly appeared on his face: This kid is back!

Ge Xin chuckled: Your Majesty, I can't accept your words. I don't dare to call His Highness King Wen... disrespectful.

What's there? You are his sister-in-law! Ji Guang stood up and took a few steps to the Zijin Pavilion...

As soon as he arrived, Lin Su's handsome figure also appeared in front of him...


No need! Ji Guang reached out and grabbed Lin Su's shoulders: Come in!

The eunuchs outside were all stunned...

Your Majesty is really different from King Wen. He even omits a normal greeting as much as possible.

As soon as Lin Su entered the Zijin Pavilion, he saw the center of the pavilion, which greeted him with a smile: Your Majesty just mentioned the prince, and the prince was already in front of your majesty before he finished speaking. You guys really have a clear understanding.

Lin Su laughed: What did you say about me?

I said you were in Burial State half a month ago. Ji Guang said together, Brother, sit down!

As for your news, I may say that it is well-informed, but it cannot be said that it is well-informed or well-informed! Lin Su said with a smile: It's true that I was in Burial State half a month ago, but in the next half month, the place I went to was... A whole lot.”

Oh? Which places?

I entered the burial area, met the burial king, entered the temple, met the saint, arrived in the north, and traveled three thousand miles of the past. By the way, King Jin was so drunk that he is probably not fully drunk yet. Awake……

Ji Guang was fascinated: Stop teasing me, if you keep teasing me, I will keep you in this position for a few days, and I will travel around the world on your behalf...

Lin Su laughed loudly: Do you look like a king?

Why don't you look like a king? Let me tell you, the position of this king is a bottomless pit...

What's wrong? Are you worried? Lin Su stared at him.

Do I need to ask? Ji Guang sighed: Your three national policies today are all about worries. You still ask me if I have worries. I will ask you, is there any reason not to worry?

Okay, okay, tell me, where is the trouble?

Ji Guang hesitated for a moment: I'd better let them come over. Let's break down all the problems encountered by the three major national policies in Zijin Pavilion today and talk about them carefully...

About a quarter of an hour!

A bunch of people gathered in Zijin Pavilion...

Prime Minister Zhou Zhang, bachelor Zhang Juzheng, dean of Bailu Academy Chen Geng, Zhang Haoran, Qiu Mochi, Li Yangxin, and Huo Qi.

They were a row of bitter gourds who were struggling on the same line back then, and now together they form the members of the Zijin Pavilion Meeting Party. When everyone saw Lin Su, everyone beamed with joy, and even Zhang Juzheng had a look of surprise on his face.

Ge Xin hid. She only appeared in front of Lin Su. When the other important officials arrived, it was not suitable for her to show up.

Ji Guang said first that today's meeting is not a formal court meeting, so everyone should not be cautious and discuss all issues freely.

Zhang Haoran reports first...

He is the Minister of the Ministry of War and implements the military reform. The military reform is relatively easy. The entire society values ​​civility over military affairs. The ministers in the DPRK do not pay special attention to soldiers. There may be a rebound in increasing the number of troops, but the reduction of troops and administration will be reduced. Expenditure, there is no reason to object.

Therefore, the military reform passed directly at a large level.

However, in the actual implementation process, there are also considerable problems. The problems mainly focus on two points. One is that some generals cannot let go of their positions as commanders and are reluctant to hand over military power. Some even reach the point where conflicts are about to arise. In this situation, His Majesty did not show mercy and ordered several commanders to be dealt with. Li Xiaotian, Nan Wang, Lin Zheng and other commanders told the entire army: If any troops disobey the orders of the Ministry of War, the Cangshan Army will be punished. , the Flying Dragon Legion, and the Bloody Rain Pass Legion must be suppressed!

Under such iron-blooded pressure, the military did not dare to act rashly. The obstacles at the policy level were cleared, at least no one dared to object openly.

The second problem is the only problem, placement!

How to place tens of millions of soldiers? Some of these people are disabled, some have lost their hometowns, and their land is gone. If they are ignored and directly exiled, then they may not be able to survive.

After finishing the first question, Zhang Haoran looked very serious: Brother Lin, we are all people who have been on the battlefield. We all know the dedication and sacrifices made by soldiers. In the past, you also asked for pensions for 30,000 heroic souls. If you let them I believe you can’t bear to live on the street like this.”

He didn't ask His Majesty, because he knew that His Majesty had nothing to do.

Lin Sudao: There are 20 million soldiers in the world. At this moment, there are 15 million cuts, which covers a wide range of areas. As Brother Haoran said, they have bled and sacrificed on the battlefield from generation to generation. We cannot let them bleed and shed tears. Every retired person will be given adequate resettlement allowance, disabled soldiers will be given sufficient disability allowance, and those who have no home, we will give them a new home!

Everyone looked at each other...

He answered the dilemma raised by Zhang Haoran neatly in a few sentences, and he was more straightforward than Zhang Haoran, the Minister of War, but...

Brother Lin, the treasury is really out of money! Huo Qidao.

Huo Qi, the left minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, saw that the topic turned to the issue of money, and he was filled with resentment. Brother Lin, with a stroke of his pen, provided sufficient pensions, resettlement fees, and disability benefits. All of this requires money. Ah, the treasury is empty, how can we give money?

You are putting me on the fire.

Everyone's eyes focused on Lin Su's face...

Lin Su smiled: The treasury just doesn't have money right now, but that doesn't mean it will never have money. Brother Huo, what will happen if the people don't have money for a while?

The only way is to borrow money! Huo Qidao said.

Yes, the people can borrow money if they don't have money, and the country can borrow debt if it doesn't have money! Lin Su said: We can introduce a new concept called 'national debt'! We issue a batch of national bonds and agree on a suitable interest rate. The country has People with money can buy it voluntarily and treat it as an investment. When facing this group of soldiers who need to be resettled, they can also directly give the national debt. They can use this national debt to buy rice, noodles, land, and no one is allowed to refuse it!

Ji Guang's eyes brightened...

National debt?

new concept?

This seems to work!

God is my witness, he has been having a big headache during this period, and the most worrying thing is money. If he goes by what Lin Su said, wouldn't the most difficult problem be solved?

Zhou Zhang tugged at his beard desperately: It seems a bit inappropriate for the dynasty to borrow money from the people.

It's not inappropriate at all. In the past, before saints became successful, they would borrow money to survive. As long as they acknowledge their debts and repay principal and interest, I think it's a new way! Zhang Juzheng said.

Chen Geng nodded: I think it is indeed a new way. People deposit their money in banks, and the banknotes issued by banks are popular all over the world. No one questions it. If a dynasty uses the reputation of the dynasty as a guarantee, isn't it better than a bank? National debt , it should be harder than a banknote!

The two big guys came to such a conclusion, and everyone agreed!

Do you agree? Lin Su said: If you agree, then I have to explain in detail the key points of this national debt... First of all, the total amount must be controlled. The total amount must not exceed the total tax revenue of a year, and it should not be used at one time. Enough, in batches and installments...

Ji Guang frowned slightly: Why is this?

Lin Sudao: This involves a profound knowledge called economics. If the national debt is issued too much and too densely, it will cause the prices of various items in the market to skyrocket. Therefore, we must act cautiously on this issue and would rather be slow. Some things must not be done quickly! Everyone, remember this!

Ji Guang nodded lightly: It's all up to you. Tell me, are there any other taboos?

The second key point in the matter of national debt is anti-counterfeiting. At least a country's national debt must have higher anti-counterfeiting technology than banknotes, right? If fakes appear, it will really hurt the people and the foundation of the country.

Everyone nodded in unison. This can be assured. Banknotes are popular in the world and can be controlled. Naturally, a country's national debt can be controlled.

No one had any objections to this, and the first problem was easily solved.

Lin Su's heart was pounding, holy shit! I have introduced the concept of currency. If national debt is not signed and has liquidity, it is basically no different from currency.

Many feudal dynasties have tried to deal with currency, and most of them have failed. However, this is simply because those in charge do not understand economics and finance. As long as Your Majesty and the people in the Ministry of Revenue have more common sense about the economy, the concept of currency can still be implemented. of.

Currency played an unparalleled role in promoting the feudal dynasty. Once this door is opened, the entire society will come alive.

Regarding the issue of military reform, Zhang Haoran jumped with excitement...

It also irritated Li Yangxin. He is from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. His first priority is to control farmland water conservancy in various places...

He raised a question. His question was about efficiency. Is there any good tool that can quickly advance the progress of cement production and farmland water conservancy renovation? There is only more than half a year until next year’s rainy season. He is worried that when next year’s rainy season arrives, the progress will not be completed. If he keeps up, he will not be able to achieve his ambition of basically eliminating flooding within a year.

When this question was raised, everyone rolled their eyes. Shouldn't you ask the Ministry of Industry this question?

Ask him about it?

However, Lin Su held a pen in hand and drew a few sketches...

This is a wheelbarrow with an extremely simple structure. However, when used on a construction site, it is at least three times more efficient than manpower!

This is a conveyor belt, mainly used for mining ore in mines. Although it is still powered by humans and animals, the efficiency of transporting materials is at least ten times higher!

This is a waterwheel. Haining has been using it for more than two years. I don't think it is used anywhere. Please, I, Lin Suzhen, have no intention of charging royalties. If you can use it, just use it...

This is a mountain-breaking hammer. In fact, it has no technical content at all. It is just a hammer, but the handle is soft. The soft handle is used to break rocks, and the impact is greater than a hard hammer.

This is a crane. With this thing, an ordinary person can lift a huge stone weighing thousands of kilograms. Brother Li, don't look at me like that. Whether you believe it or not, you have to try it first before talking...

After seeing the five sketches, Li Yangxin blinked and was completely confused for a moment...

Okay! Let's talk about the most difficult question! Lin Su clapped his hands...

The most difficult issue has always been tax reform...

Regarding this issue, everyone here has made efforts...

Chen Geng gave a lecture at White Deer Academy. From a historical perspective, he told the painful lessons of not treating the people well. This tax system is to treat all people well.

Zhang Juzheng had a discussion on Taoism in Wenyuan Pavilion. What he focused on was one sentiment. The Tao of literature is the holy way. The holy way is also the way of benefiting the people. Literati have gained the respect of the whole people, so of course they should become an example for the whole people. It is shameful to be a moth lying on the people and suck blood, and it is shameful to enjoy privileges and selfish interests.

What do they say about their doctrine?

very successful!

Taoist flowers are blooming at the scene!

The literati triggered extensive discussions and generally tended to agree.

However, the actual operation is another level...

Lots of resistance!

Most people are still pursuing profit. They talk about benevolence, justice and morality, but in their hearts they are all about personal calculations.

They can persuade others to be honest and upright, but when it is their turn, they have ulterior motives.

They are not willing to give up the privileges they have enjoyed for many years and use real money to pay taxes. Therefore, the bureaucrats in the capital have ideas, the bureaucrats in various places have ideas, and scholars have begun to cynicize, and even a large number of poems have been published. …

There are bones of hateful counselors in the sky, and there are silent undercurrents on the earth!

These are two widely circulated poems. What do they mean?

Da Cang is unconventional, pointing the finger at the scholar class, knocking the bones and sucking out the marrow. Don't think that the scholars are easy to bully. There are voices of opposition everywhere, and there is an undercurrent surging all over the world!

Hearing these two lines of poetry coming from Zhou Zhang's mouth, Ji Guang frowned again.

If the money problem added a few wrinkles to his forehead, the privilege of being a scholar was the reason why he had a few gray hairs.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are social classes.

Scholars are the first.

Literary ethics is respected, and in this special world, literati are destined to be a group that cannot be offended.

Tax reform targets all kinds of privileges. As God testifies, privileged people are untouchable...

How to solve this set?

This is related to whether the world can truly have long-term peace and stability.

Playing games with all kinds of privileged people may be a fate that he cannot escape in his life...

Lin Su rested her chin on her hand, listening to everyone's words...

Finally, the audience was silent, and Lin Su slowly raised his head: Since ancient times, revolution has been easy to revolutionize others, but it is extremely difficult to revolutionize oneself, but it is not insurmountable!

Say it! Ji Guang was excited.

Lin Sudao: Scholars, who claim to be scholars and want privileges but are unwilling to assume social responsibilities, are violating the Holy Word! Let us first take a look at the definition of a scholar in the Holy Word: A scholar, The Tao of yin and yang connects the heaven and the earth. When it moves, it becomes the Tao of the world. When it is carried out, it becomes the law of the world. When it is spoken, it becomes the principle of the world! Propaganda for heaven, taking the Tao as one's duty, forgetting one's own private life, and becoming a public weapon for the world... I only know personal gain. , How can a person who forgets public interests be worthy of being a scholar?

Zhang Juzheng clapped his palms on the table: Well said! He who declares enlightenment for heaven, takes the Tao as his own responsibility, forgets his own private life, and serves as a public weapon for the world, is a scholar. This holy saying will be engraved on the wall of the Taoist Temple immediately. , in the name of Wenyuan Pavilion, I will give you the correct solution!

Wonderful! In the name of the holy words and righteousness, I can give the people of the world the right solution! This is the right move! Chen Geng said: His Royal Highness King Wen should have a follow-up!

Lin Sudao: After the main move, it's time for the surprise move... Facing tens of thousands of scholars, we can introduce a new concept called 'scholar cards'!

What is a Shipai?

Wenyuan Pavilion will determine whether this person is a scholar based on his travels! Those who meet the qualifications of a scholar will have a 'scholar plaque' engraved and mounted on the gate by the local government, making it prominent in the countryside...

At the beginning of his interpretation, everyone looked at each other and frowned, but as his interpretation deepened, everyone's hearts were pounding...

Holy shit!

This is poisonous!

Who in the world does not yearn for the golden sign of scholars?

The door is engraved with a taxi card recognized by Wenyuan Pavilion and mounted by the government himself. It is an honor for people from all over the country. The people who live there have a bright face, and it is easier for their sons to find a wife.

This seems to be a reward and respect for scholars, but in fact, the real knowledge lies behind.

If you want to get recognition, you must abide by the Holy Word. You are selfish, you forget public interests, you resist tax laws, you do bad things, you live in a fish and meat village, you can never get this recognition...

In this way, all scholars in the world must abide by the law!

Not only does he abide by the law, he also has to win the reputation of the people and the local government!

Of course, word of mouth can be whitewashed and deceived, but as long as scholars have such a restriction on their heads, they will restrain themselves a lot, and they have to do some work of expression. The more they express themselves, the more likely they are to be true or false. So important.

Therefore, this Shipai is a conspiracy!

The target is the scholar’s ​​sense of honor!

Scholars relied on their special status to obtain privileges, and now they also had to pay the price for their special status.

This is called using the other person's way to repay the other person's body!

This means that if you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight!

Zhang Haoran laughed: Your Majesty, I don't know if Your Majesty agrees with His Highness King Wen's plan. At least I admire him so much!

Ji Guang also laughed loudly: Has a legend been confirmed today? Is there really no problem in the world that King Wen cannot solve?

Ha ha ha ha……

Everyone laughed...

In the Zijin Pavilion, the portrait of the late emperor was also blowing in the wind, seeming to sense their joy...

All dear friends, please go down and follow His Highness King Wen's arrangements to fully implement them! Ji Guang said.

Everyone knelt down and resigned...

Lin Su stood up to see them off. After everyone left, he sat back down again...

Now it's time to talk about another thing! Ji Guang said: You used to make moves on the chessboard. Is it now time to lift the lid?

Lin Su smiled: We're here! You and I can go to White Deer Academy now!

Ji Guang didn't say it explicitly, and Lin Su didn't say it either, but they both knew each other.

The incident they mentioned was the collective banishment of senior court officials, including Prime Minister Lu Tiancong and the Six Ministers, from the State Affairs Hall that day.

Exiling the Guoshitang was just a piece that fell on Lin Su's chessboard.

They are not just exiled.

The purpose of this piece is fishing!

These high-ranking officials in the court are very fragrant bait!

If there are extraterritorial forces, if there are separatist forces in Da Cang who plan to plot something, these high-ranking officials in the court will definitely become their targets, because they used to be in high positions. In fact, they are still in high positions at this moment - first- and second-grade officials, Member of the State Council! The emperor would discuss important matters with them. Look, what kind of status does this have? Of course, whether the emperor actually consulted with them or whether he was indifferent is not considered.

They are valuable resources in their own right.

Each of them has vast resources at their disposal.

These things are coveted by all forces, and these forces can understand the meaning of putting them in the State Hall, and can also read their sky-high complaints!

A group of people who are very resentful towards the current dynasty and have great use value. How can they be willing to use it if they don't use it?

Therefore, both Ji Guang and Lin Su have a basic judgment that those people from the outside world will definitely come to them!

Ji Guang's idea at the time was to send secret guards to monitor.

Lin Su vetoed it!

No matter how much you monitor, you can't prevent pervasive penetration. On the contrary, you will alert the enemy.

It’s better to be more generous and not monitor at all!

Just let them open the box and shake it vigorously!

Anyway, the more pleasing their connection is, the more they will gain when the time comes to close the net!

Today is the time to close the net!

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