Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 854 In the literary world, true colors are revealed (1)

High profile or low profile? Ji Guang asked.

The situation is unknown, so of course we can only keep a low profile! Lin Su said: So you must not take out the imperial seal and go out arrogantly while everyone is kneeling and worshiping. I will show you how to use espionage.

Ji Guang rubbed his hands happily.

At that time, he was also a weird prince who tried all kinds of novel methods in the world. Now that he has become the Supreme Being, how can he have the chance to pursue novelties? But Lin Su can take him to play...

In the whole world, Lin Su is probably the only one who has this qualification.

Lin Su's eyebrows lighted up slightly. The Purple Gold Pavilion was filled with light. As soon as the light disappeared, Ji Guang was surprised to find that the surrounding situation had changed. He and Lin Su appeared in a room. When he looked outside through the window, he saw that it was Bailu Mountain.

They quietly entered White Deer Academy and appeared in an unused room on the top floor of the State Hall.

Brother, is this a literary method?

To tell you the truth, I have entered the literary world!

When you were in the literary world, you were able to kill Qu Feiyan, an authentic literary world. Now that you have entered the literary world, what will it be like? Ji Guang's eyes flashed, and he was very excited.

Lin Su smiled softly: Don't expect me to tell you that my literary world can kill quasi-sages. The most I can tell you is that in my literary world, none of the old guys from the State Council can escape!

With a flick of his finger, the surrounding walls seemed to be completely opened suddenly...

In Ji Guang's eyes, Bailu Mountain does not exist, Bailu Academy does not exist, there are only a bunch of members of the State Council, Lu Tiancong, Song Du, He Jingjun, Zhou Yunzhi...

Time seems to have stopped completely, these people seem to be completely still...

Lu Tian held a teacup in his hand, squinting his eyes and looking into the void...

Zhou Yunzhi stopped halfway through a book in his hand...

When Song Dynasty was writing, there was no drop of ink left...

Everything is so weird...

Ji Guang is not a person in the literary world, nor is he a spiritual person. When he sees all the literary world, he thinks it is a fairyland, so he cannot see the horror of Lin Su's literary world at all.

If any truly top literary figures saw this literary world, they would be heartbroken.

Because his literary world has incorporated two top laws: time and space!

Lin Su has already gained some knowledge of the law of time. Although it is still very superficial and cannot be applied to the outside world, in the literary world he created, small clues have emerged, and even he was shocked - if he faced Yueying again , do I have a new trump card?

This is not the time to be narcissistic, it is the time to close the net.

Lin Su's voice came to Lu Tiancong, and he was enlightened!

Although Lu Tiancong was profound in literature, he had not entered the literary world after all. Among Lin Su's literary circles, he answered everything. When he spoke, Ji Guang's whole body was shocked...

Immediately afterwards, Song Du...

Zhou Yunzhi...

He Jingjun...

All members of the State Council were interrogated, and there was a lot of information...

After all the interrogations were completed, Lin Su waved his hand and he and Ji Guang returned to Zijin Pavilion. In the State Hall, nothing was abnormal. Song Du was writing, Zhou Yunzhi was reading, and Lu Tian moved from the teacup to his mouth. No one noticed that all of them People, in fact, they had gone through some interrogation just now, but Lu Tian moved his gaze to the window and suddenly realized that it was time to go to the next duty. Why did time go by so fast today?

However, no one said anything about this little doubt.

It was a joke to say it out loud.

In the past, when they were busy with many things to do, they would often lament that time was so short and the day passed by without them realizing it. Now that time flies by so fast, everyone feels sour in their hearts. Now everyone has nothing to worry about. Spending the day in the State Hall, I am worried that time flies by slowly. How can anyone say that time flies by fast?

In the Zijin Pavilion, Ji Guang's face was gloomy!

The first trial just now revealed something he never expected!

These senior officials have done something big!

They extended their hands to the military camp, Saofeng City Guard Duan Changde, former Heyuan Army Commander Li Yubin, Dongyang City Guard Yue Shouli, Nanhe General Deng Dafei, Beiling General Zhou Zekang...

They also reached out to the magistrates of three prefectures: Xunzheng, the magistrate of Ningzhou, Qingdong, the magistrate of Huizhou, Zhang Ji, the magistrate of Luzhou...

Their mission is to launch a mutiny on the first day of October. They have three goals. One is to kill King Nan! Second, kill Lin Zheng! Third, seize Saofeng City, Dongyang City, Nanhe City, Beiling City and Ningcheng!

When I ascend the throne, I do not want to punish the former ministers. However, those who dare to conspire against the country and those who dare to disrupt our border troops will not be enough to anger the people if they do not punish their clans! Ji Guang said in a deep voice: Brother, can the imperial edict be issued at this time? ?”

Lin Su raised her hand gently: Pause!

Ji Guang said: Don't worry, I will pardon some of them!

The crimes committed by these people are really too great. Even if they kill the Nine Clan, there will be no obstacles. However, with the imperial edict of the Clan, everyone in this line will suffer. Ji Guang's promise is to tell Lin Su that the execution of Lu Tian will be done from now on. , he can pardon Lu Youwei, punish Song Du, and he can pardon Lin Su's aunt.

As an emperor, being able to make such a statement is the greatest favor to Lin Su.

Lin Su shook his head: There is a huge mystery in this!

Ji Guang's heart was slightly shocked, and Ge Xin, who had just walked out of the curtain, was also slightly shocked.

Pay attention to a time! The first day of October! Lin Su said: Why did they choose to launch on this day?

The first day of October! Ji Guang frowned deeply: The meeting in Dongting happens to be on this day!

Exactly, Buyi Pavilion openly announced that a Jianghu conference will be held in Dongting Lake on the first day of October. I have always been suspicious that Buyi Pavilion has other agendas. Now the answer seems to be out!

Ge Xin's eyes flashed: They are disturbing people's attention. They want to divert the attention of the court to Dongting Lake on this day, but on this day, they launch a mutiny.

Exactly! Lin Su said: Buyi Pavilion knows very well that as long as they make trouble, we will be infinitely sensitive. Your Majesty's secret guards, the eyes of the court, and my eyes will all focus on Dongting Lake. Dongting Lake is vast and boundless, and the heroes of the rivers and lakes are all here. A mixed bag of fish and dragons, no matter how much strength we have, we will be involved, but they are out of sight, carrying out mutiny! Greatly improve the success rate! This is the same as what we did when we directed Ji Shang's attention to Minling Tomb and the thirteen armies , different approaches but the same effect.

That must be the case! Ji Guang and Ge Xin's eyes lit up.

The name Buyi Pavilion was not in the minds of these two people at first. For them, let alone one pavilion in the world, a hundred pavilions were just dust.

It was Lin Su who put Buyi Pavilion in front of them for the first time and told them that Buyi Pavilion was unusual and that there were foreign forces behind it, such as Wenxin Pavilion and even Yanyu Pavilion. That was why they attached great importance to Buyi Pavilion.

Buyi Pavilion's high-profile announcement that they would crowd around Dongting Lake fell on their ears and touched their sensitive nerves.

Ji Guang personally ordered that half of the secret guards enter the cave.

Ge Xin personally ordered that a secret force under her also entered the cave.

Even Zhou Mei sent the secret fragrance she controlled into the Dongting.

However, Lin Su saw something was wrong...

Because he knew that Buyi Pavilion was so high-end that it was beyond imagination.

Buyi Pavilion actually knew that even if he really gathered thousands of troops from all the major factions in the world, it would still not be able to shake the foundation of the Da Cang Dynasty. So, what reason did they have to be so brazen?

The only reason is that their skills are off-screen!

Now Lin Su has found the standard answer, and this skill is indeed off-screen!

What Buyi Pavilion wants is not at all the power of these lonely ghosts. What it wants is to focus attention from all directions and allow the mutiny to be implemented smoothly!

The purpose of spreading the Dongting meeting is to disrupt the line of sight and carry out a mutiny! Lin Su said: Then, what is the purpose of the mutiny?

As soon as this question came up, Ji Guang and Ge Xin looked at each other...

The purpose of the mutiny is naturally to change the regime!

Lin Su's eyes moved over: Just three states? Just their rabble? Even if they kill Nan Wang and my eldest brother Lin Zheng, they can really control Cangshan Power and Blood Rain Guan Er under Nan Wang An army of one hundred thousand? Even if they can really control it, they should think that I, Lin Sushang, am in the capital! If I personally lead an army of one million, what can they do to compete with me?

Ji Guang was silent...

Ge Xin frowned...

Yes, in the thinking logic of ordinary people, mutiny is the ultimate goal.

However, Lin Su brought up another strange thing. What happened after the mutiny? Even if you really succeed in seizing control of the Xueyuguan army and the Cangshan force, why do you think these two armies can stop Lin Su's army under your control?

In terms of military strength, your combined strength is only 400,000.

In terms of territory, you can only control the territory of three states.

When it comes to the art of war, Lin Su is a true legend. He is the originator of the Thirty-Six Strategies!

Why do you think mutiny can be successful?

When a goal that seems to be the ultimate goal is actually not feasible at all, you have to look beyond the phenomenon to see the essence! Re-examine whether there is a more secret goal behind this ultimate goal! Lin Su said: I want to know these The city, the location of these territories... is there a detailed map of Da Cang?

Yes! Ji Guang raised his hand, and a map appeared clearly in the golden light of the imperial seal.

There are mountains, rivers and cities. Lin Su secretly admired that this world of literature and education is probably the best. Everything related to literature and education is extremely magical. This map is not the kind of paper map common in feudal society. , but a three-dimensional view. The mountains, rivers, and cities on it all look like satellite shots, and they are truly clear at a glance...

What a picture! Lin Su sighed.

This picture was presented by King Nan. It came from a senior scholar from Lingnan Academy named Li Zhou. This old man was favored by Princess Nanwang and was able to open up a literary path. He drew this picture to repay his kindness. I was very surprised at the time.

Lin Su is a bit funny...

He gave the map to Princess Qi Yao casually. The princess used it to associate it with Lingnan University as a high-end and classy link. The relationship between Nanwang Palace and Lingnan University was already very good. Nanwang Palace was on the border of Ningzhou. Fame spirals upward.

But now, he has no time to lament these things. He is carefully observing the map...

Ji Guang is also watching...

He found the place names he had just obtained on the map, but he had to admit that he could not see any mystery. However, Lin Su's eyes flickered, and he had obviously gained something! (End of chapter)

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