Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 855 In the literary world, true colors are revealed (2)

Ge Xin brought a cup of tea to Lin Su.

Lin Su took the tea and slowly raised his head: Have you noticed that these places have one thing in common?


All along the coast, or in other words, these places are the only places to land on the sea! Lin Su raised his hand: Ningzhou City is the landing point in the South China Sea; Saofeng City, Dongyang City, and Nanhe City are the landing points in the East China Sea; Beiling City, landing point on the West Sea!

Ji Guang's face changed greatly: Hai Clan invasion? The ultimate purpose of their rebellion is to welcome the Hai Clan invasion?

Ge Xin's expression also changed: However, there is a dividing line between the human sea and the higher sea people cannot cross the line! How dare the sea people break through the dividing line between the human sea and the sea?

Yes, brother, what Ge Xin said is true! Ji Guang also said.

Lin Su held up the tea cup: It is true that the Sea Clan cannot cross the border, but what if it is not the Sea Clan but the human army?

Human race? On the vast sea, where is the human army?

For example, Ohsumi!

Ji Guang didn't understand even more: Da Yu is far in the northwest, confronting Li Xiaotian in Lingding Ocean, how can he cross the vast sea and come from the east, west, south?

Of course they can't do it alone! Lin Su said: However, there is a Beihai Dragon Palace above the vast sea. The Beihai Dragon Palace has to send a few human armies across thousands of miles of sea. It is a piece of cake! With the help of the Beihai Dragon Palace, Ohsumi can Smoothly sent the Osumi Cavalry to the other end of the sky, catching us off guard.

Ji Guang's face was as dark as water, and he slammed his fist on the coffee table. The cup on the coffee table jumped up...

The emperor's wrath!

He was angry because the courtiers had no bottom line!

Just because they were dismissed from their official positions, they actually led the enemy to invade!

Such courtiers should be cut into pieces by a thousand swords!

However, these are all things for later, the immediate priority is to face the war situation.

If the Osumi Cavalry came across the sea as Lin Su expected, it would be really dangerous...

You need to know that the defenses of these landing points have always been very weak. It is not to blame for their lax armaments. They were not the key defense areas in the first place. Since the establishment of the human sea dividing line, it is basically impossible for the landing points to be On the battlefield, where war is impossible, how can there be any armaments?

It is nothing more than a garrison point for several armies.

If the enemy comes from the sea, how can they fight if they are not prepared, have no strength, and have no combat experience? Of course, there are also several armies that can serve as backup, such as the army at Xueyuguan and the powerful Cangshan Army under the Southern King, which can rush to support at starry night.

These two armies are real elites who have fought long and bloody battles. However, if a mutiny happens to happen at this time, the Cangshan Army and the Xueyuguan Army will definitely be in chaos even if they are not taken advantage of. In this case , it has become inevitable for the enemy at sea to march straight in. Once the barrier is broken, it will be a tiger among the sheep. Even if troops are finally mobilized thousands of miles to meet the enemy, it will be difficult to extinguish the war smoke all over the thirteen states in the south.

Even if they succeed in defeating them, the price Da Cang will pay will be beyond imagination.

The southern part of Da Cang will be full of catkins, the political situation of Da Cang will be in unprecedented turmoil, and the national power of Da Cang will be wiped out!

Ji Guang's back was filled with cold sweat just thinking about such a serious battle situation...

Lin Sudao: Now that you have seen through this layer, the next step will be much easier...

Ji Guang and Ge felt relieved at the same time...

First of all, the enemies from the sea need to give them a painful memory! Lin Su raised his hands, and a golden conch appeared in his palm...

Brother Shang!

As soon as the voice fell, a ray of light like dragon scales appeared in the Zijin Pavilion. Deep in the light, a person appeared, it was Long Shang, the crown prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

When Long Shang saw Lin Su, his face was filled with a smile: Brother, this is the first time you have taken the initiative to contact me as a brother!

There's something I need your help with!

You give the order directly! The 70 million sons of the East China Sea Dragon Palace must obey the order!

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Guang and Ge Xin, who were hiding behind the curtain, looked at each other, East China Sea Dragon Palace? Seventy million sons and daughters obeying orders?

At the end of this month, there should be several large armies moving across the sea to attack our country. I want you to hide in the East China Sea outside the dividing line of the human sea. But if the enemy comes, I will kill you without mercy!

Where is the enemy coming from? Long Shang asked.

If nothing else, it should be the Osumi Iron Cavalry, but we cannot rule out the possibility of having a foreign counterpart!

Da Yu is far in the north and spans thousands of miles of sea. He cannot do it. Long Shang said solemnly: That must be the North Sea Dragon Palace transporting troops!


Okay! Long Shang said: The eight great navy masters and three thousand elders of the East China Sea Dragon Palace will enter the sea today!

Don't be so arrogant. You can't send too many people, but you must be extremely precise! Because blockade is not the goal, what I want is a decisive kill, so don't try to scare the snake in advance! In addition, focus on the five directions...

Don't worry, brother! I know how to do it! Long Shang said: But, I still can't guarantee that all areas are guarded. You have to be prepared for some fish that slip through the net to land.

That's natural! The vast sea is thousands of miles away, and the one transporting troops is the Beihai Dragon Palace. How can we block them all? You just have to do your best. If there are any that slip through the net, I will make arrangements of my own!

After the arrangement was completed, Lin Su put away the Golden Conch and the golden light dissipated. Ji Guang came out from the curtain and said, Brother, you actually have such appeal in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Seventy million sons of the Dragon Clan act according to the instructions of one clan. Really? It’s unparalleled in the past.”

Lin Su smiled softly: Because of the battle in the East China Sea... let's not talk about the Dragon Palace, let's talk about the current situation!

you say!

The key time point is the first day of October. Before the first day of October, we will not alert others, but we must be prepared...

As Lin Su explained step by step, Ji Guang's face lit up with excitement...

There are dangers and opportunities in this world...

Transporting troops thousands of miles to raid the south is a great danger, but on his chessboard, it is an opportunity!

What kind of opportunity?

A good opportunity to eliminate Ohsumi's vitality!

A good opportunity to rectify the internal affairs of Da Cang!

If they take down a group of dog officers in the State Hall at this time, if they kill the generals in the army they have controlled at this time, the enemy will not dare to come if they know that the situation has changed.

This is not what Lin Su wants!

What he wants is a sure kill!

Therefore, all the people in the State Council did not move!

The generals and lieutenants are all immobile!

However, two secret orders were sent to Lin Zheng and King Nan himself!

These generals who come into sight will also be surrounded by dynasty secret guards. When the time comes, they will be captured in one fell swoop!

Only three people knew the whole plan, and that was Lin Su, Ji Guang and Ge Xin.

The rest of the people, even Zhang Juzheng and others on their line, knew nothing.

When Lin Su said goodbye to Ji Guang and left the palace, the sun was already setting.

In Prince Wen's Mansion, the lights were brightly lit.

Because everyone in Prince Wen's palace knew that their prince had returned to Beijing. Although he had not returned to the palace, it was because he wanted to see His Majesty. He would naturally come back after he finished talking to His Majesty.

The housekeeper Lin Er has been standing at the gate since lunch, not even going to the toilet.

He was worried that when the prince returned to the house, he happened to go to the toilet and would not greet him immediately.

However, he never imagined that his welcome would be in vain.

Because Lin Su stepped in the air, he crossed the high wall of Prince Wen's Mansion and landed outside his study.

The girl outside the study was startled and knelt down with a bang: Your Majesty!

Let the guys in the yard relax and don't act like they're ready to greet you. Tell them that for me, home is a place to rest, and freedom is home. Everyone's nerves are tense. It doesn’t mean anything. From now on, when I leave home and return home, I will be very casual. There is no need to adhere to so many rules.


The girl went out, ran all the way to the front yard, and said this to the housekeeper Lin Er. Lin Er and a bunch of servants, guards, and girls behind him looked at each other...

The palace came to life, and a team of girls brought food to the study. In the backyard garden, Qi Yanran raised her eyes and stared at Lin Su's study. There was a little complexity in her eyes for a moment, but soon, she lowered her head and looked She was looking at a new flower in front of her. On this flower, a butterfly appeared at some point. Its wings were trembling slightly in the wind, and it seemed that it was also looking at her.

The rice is very fragrant and comes from Jin region. Jin region is in the north. Northern rice has a long growing season and the rice fragrance is more pure.

The vegetables are also very fragrant. They are fresh vegetables from vegetable farmers in the northwest of the capital, and are cooked using the Lin family's cooking method.

Speaking of this frying method, it is still Lin Erguang’s insistence.

He specially sent more than a dozen cooks to the Lin family in Haining to learn from their masters. It was said that the people from the Lin family in Haining were from the Third Young Master's palace and came specifically for the Third Young Master's food. How could they not do their best?

There were even a few girls from the Lin family who wanted to follow, but Lin Er did not dare to make the decision without Lin Su's permission, so he learned the Lin family's cooking methods and brought them back to Prince Wen's Mansion. In addition, Lin Er She also made a special visit to the West Courtyard, meeting all the girls with the courtesy of a princess, and even learned from the housekeeper of the Lin Mansion, asking the prince for advice on his daily preferences.

The old housekeeper doesn’t even know how to speak. Can I tell you that the prince’s daily preference is women?

If you, an old boy, go back to Prince Wen's Mansion and pimp the Third Young Master, won't the girls in the West Courtyard strip me? I don't want to fall into your trap at my age, so Lin Er went to Haining in person and still didn't learn anything real...

Lin Su ate the meal, sipped the fragrant tea, walked leisurely, and entered the bedroom accompanied by the girl...

After entering the bedroom, he waved gently: Go down!

The door to the girl's room closed gently, and Lin Su walked to the window, a smile slowly appeared on her face...

This familiar smile seems to have a familiar ending...

A voice came from behind: There are two things that seem to disappoint you!

When you suddenly appear in my room, I won't feel disappointed, I will only feel surprised! Lin Su slowly turned around.

Zhou Mei appeared behind him, biting her lip gently: It's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change one's nature, so I won't bully you if you are honest! His Highness King Wen is really very reasonable, very friendly, and flirtatious in front of women who have never actually gone to bed with him. There is no principle at all in raising people...

Holy crap! Lin Su leaned back slightly: In front of you, it's hard for me to tell who is teasing whom...

Do you need to figure it out? Who in the world doesn't know your true nature and you haven't decided yet? You flirted with her as soon as we met, how is that appropriate? Zhou Mei raised her lips: Do you still want to hear my breaking news?

Just tell me, I'm numb... Lin Su sighed helplessly. (End of chapter)

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