Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 857 A clever plot against Yanyu Tower

Zhou Mei pondered: They will think that Qi Yanran has been subdued by you!

That's inevitable! Therefore, in their dictionary, Qi Yanran became a traitor and revealed information about the members of the Yanyu Tower, which caused a huge defeat for the Yanyu Tower in Da Cang Capital.

Zhou Mei said: They will find Qi Yanran. Can Qi Yanran be cleared?

Not to mention whether it can be cleaned, the key is that she doesn't bother to clean it at all! Lin Su said: Don't forget what kind of identity she is? In her eyes, organizations like Yanyu Tower are like ants. She needs to ask Can these ants explain themselves?

Zhou Mei's eyes really lit up...

At this moment, she truly understood Lin Su's plan!

Lin Su's hook tonight is a complete plan, a strategy of heart and mind...

When he hooked up with Qi Yanran, his goal was not to sleep with her, but to show her to others!

When he eliminated the remaining members of Yanyu Tower, he did it for the people of Yanyu Tower to see!

His purpose is to cause a collision between Yanyu Tower and Qi Yanran!

Yanyulou's power in Da Cang Capital was wiped out overnight. How could Yanyulou not ask Qi Yanran to find out?

When asked, Qi Yanran couldn't explain it at all - could she tell the people in Yanyu Tower that the current Qi Yanran was not Qi Yanran at all, so what happened to the traitor in Yanyu Tower had nothing to do with me?

She didn't even bother to explain.

There is only one outcome, Yanyulou must kill her, otherwise, she will continue to use the secrets of Yanyulou to cause greater damage to Yanyulou.

This killing was exciting.

Qi Yanran has evolved, and there is an otherworldly soul living in her brain. How terrifying is such a person?

Yanyulou pointed the finger at her, it was seeking death!

Lin Su's real goal came out, which was to use her as a tool to eradicate Yanyu Tower!

One night, a small drama caused such an uproar...

Although Zhou Mei's clear eyes occasionally show stupidity, she is really not stupid. Her stupidity is only in front of Lin Su. In front of outsiders, she is extremely smart.

But even such a person was so shocked by Lin Su's plan that he didn't know where he was.

After thinking about everything three times in her heart, she let out a long breath: I'm really glad that I'm by your side. If I were your opponent, I guess I would have been fooled into bed by you and played with you for countless times. …”

Lin Su's eyes fell on her face, feeling a little numb...

Zhou Mei smiled sweetly: Leave!

The next moment, disappear!

This night, Yueying was actually confused...

To be honest, at the moment when Lin Su wrote the song Butterfly Love Flower, she had a frightening feeling. She suspected that Lin Su had already known about her seizure, otherwise, why could he use a poem to describe her? His inner thoughts are portrayed so well?

Therefore, she was confused during the second half.

However, after Lin Su left, she took the time to interrogate Qi Yanran's soul and slowly found the answer from Qi Yanran's soul.

Qi Yanran's family background is also very complicated. Her family was originally a high-ranking official in the court, with rich clothing and good food. Later, her family fell into decline and was suppressed by those in power. The Qi family went to the northwest. In the past few years, they have experienced numerous major changes. The prosperity of the past is long gone. Her relatives Travel far away...

It turns out that this sentence: I have experienced the pain of separation at the end of the world, and it comes from here...

She felt relieved.

But upon careful interpretation, her mind wandered a little.

Looking at the dying Yuan Shen curled up in the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness, Yueying gave up the idea of ​​completely destroying this Yuan Shen. This was a rare situation in her life. She had always been very decisive in killing and never killed anyone. A woman's benevolence cannot be eradicated, but Qi Yanran resonated with her at a certain point, which made her let go.

Continuing to interpret, Yueying made a new discovery, Yanyu Tower?

It's actually a very secretive organization, and there's nothing special about her entering Prince Wen's Mansion...

Haha, interesting!

A despicable organization actually targeted its target and played a similar game to her!

Early the next morning, September 14th, Lin Su left the capital.

Seeing his back disappearing on the roof of the State Hall of White Deer Academy, Lu Tiancong let out a long breath.

No one knew that ever since Lin Su came to Beijing, the former prime minister's heart had been in doubt.

He did something.

This matter probably went against the ancestor's decision.

But he has no regrets!

But, he is also afraid!

He wasn't afraid of a young boy like Ji Guang, he was always afraid of Lin Su.

He was afraid that Lin Su would come to the State Hall and give him a fatal blow from an unexpected position.

Fortunately, there is a legend that is true. When Lin Su opens the gate on September 19th, as long as he is in Da Cang, he will definitely go to Haining.

Sure enough, he went!

Just go!

As long as he stays in Haining until the first day of October, the whole world will change drastically. Even if you, Lin Su, have extraordinary means, you will still be in dire straits.

Lu Tian slowly moved his gaze towards the palace.

The palace is splendid and resplendent, exuding a charming atmosphere in the early morning sun. This is the atmosphere of power.

Power is like poison, and power is like incense. Once you have tasted it, you will never give it up for the rest of your life.

Ji Shang is like this, and he, Lu Tiancong, is not exempt from the vulgarity.

In his later years, he couldn't bear the feeling of suddenly losing power and becoming an idler! He wants to return to this palace, and he wants to once again continue his glory that is inferior to that of ten thousand people.

Ji Guang, Lin Su, I want you to understand that without me, Lu Tiancong, in charge of the officialdom, there would be no peace in your world.

Above the Confucian Temple, Lin Su, who was staring into the void for no apparent reason, did not move for a long time...

Sister, he has entered the temple, and he is already an official regular member of the temple! Mo Wen gently held up the tea cup and took a sip.

Inexplicably, he said: Yes, the Poetry Palace where I am, the Music Palace where you are, even the first disciples were unable to stop him.

I originally thought there was only one difference between me and my sister, but now it seems that there are quite a few differences. Mo Wendao.

Tell me!

Sister is focused on the glory of the palace where she is, but I am focused on the prospects of the temple! Mo Wen said: Yes, he swept the first disciple of Jiugong forcefully and made Jiugong lose face. However, from another Interpreted from this perspective, doesn’t it just mean that there are successors to the temple?”

He smiled inexplicably: Sister, at this moment, do you feel that your position is higher than mine?

Don't dare! My sister has ridges in her chest. I always admire her. You are just blinded by the prejudices of the past.

Inexplicably, he said: You said that you are focused on the future of the temple, but do you think that the temple is achieved by the excellence of one person?

Of course not, it depends on the holy way, everyone competes for the first place!

Yes, above the temple, everyone strives to be the foundation of the holy way. No matter how outstanding a person is, he cannot achieve the glory of the temple. Thousands of years ago, that person... was outstanding? But, he gave the temple What did it bring? Tear! Severe tear! The strength of the temple plummeted, the sky was lost, and countless great sages were wiped out. Isn't it the serious consequences of one person's excellence?

Mo Wen raised his eyes and was speechless for a long time...

younger sister……

Mo Wen glanced back: Sister, don't discuss this issue, I'm worried that it will cause a moral dispute between you and me!

He looked at her for an inexplicable long time: Sister, your idea itself is a huge hidden danger. The Taoist disputes thousands of years ago still exist today. Everyone thinks they are right, and it is from the bottom of their hearts that it has nothing to do with their stance. , It’s all about true feelings, it’s precisely because my sister sees this that she doesn’t want her to go down this wrong path and never look back.”

Sister, I only tell you one thing... Mo Wendao said: Although the lessons learned thousands of years ago are painful, it does not mean that his path must be wrong! In things in this world, sometimes it is just time that is wrong. The place is the person, not the Tao itself!”

Lin Su really felt the increase in speed from this start.

After breaking into the literary world, his meteoric rise truly became a legend. He left the capital in the early morning and arrived in Huichang an hour later. Originally, he had no intention of going to Huichang, but when he saw the ancient spire of Xixin Temple, he felt a strong feeling in his heart. The string touched, and Lin Su fell into the air and landed in front of the Xixin Temple.

Many things in this world are changing.

The situation of that day has long been changed beyond recognition, and the people of that day have also changed beyond recognition.

However, there are always some things in this world that remain the same. For example, the temple gate of Xixin Temple is still so dilapidated, and it is still so unconventional to stand opposite the brothel.

Lin Su gently pushed open the creaking temple door. The little monk who was cleaning fallen leaves in the yard still had a bright forehead. When he suddenly saw Lin Su, his eyes were still the same as before...

Hi, little master, we meet again! Lin Su greeted him.

The little monk turned around and ran away. In Lin Su's surprised eyes, he quickly picked up a large merit box from the eaves next to him...

The poor monk has seen the donor! The young monk bent down in front of Lin Su.

Lin Su handed over a thousand taels of silver notes, and the young monk took the notes and put his head in his hands, wary of Lin Su's warning that he would use his head as a melon to strike a bell.

But Lin Su gave full play to the fine tradition of respecting the elderly and caring for the young. He raised his hand and just touched his head gently: Where is your master?

The young monk was very happy that he was not beaten: Master is meditating in the Zen room and is very melancholy.

Melancholy? He has been taken advantage of recently... Oh no, there are not many pilgrims, so is he very melancholy?


The young monk said sheepishly: Amitabha, Master said: Buddhism does not talk about the number of pilgrims, it talks about the depth of fate...

Depend on!

You don’t talk about the extent of the injustice, but the depth and breadth of the injustice?

I'll give you a thousand taels at a time, and one person who was taken advantage of is worth a lot!

I suspect that you are still good at what you get...

Just when Lin Su was about to settle the score with the young monk, the young monk was very clever and lured Lin Su out of the master's meditation room. He lent him a chance to make tea and ran away without a trace...

Lin Su opened the Zen door and saw the old monk Yi Yao.

The master was sitting by the window, looking at a quiet house opposite, with a really melancholy look on his face.

Of course, he also knew that the expression on Master Yi Yao's face was completely unreliable.

Master Yi Yao heard the movement behind him and slowly turned around: Amitabha, the donor has entered Han Temple again, and his relationship with Buddha has deepened.

The golden threads of Buddha's relationship are stacked deep, and every inch of incense brings every inch of love. Our friendship advances with the song of my incense, and it seems to be deeper and deeper step by step. Lin Su said: What are you looking at, Master? Do you look so melancholy?

Master Yi Yao said: Donor please!

Lin Su looked in the direction he was looking and was surprised...

There was actually someone in this quiet room, and she was a woman. A girl was sitting on a chair, writing with a brush, while a maid-looking woman next to her helped her sharpen ink.

There is a woman hiding in your Xinxin Temple...

Amitabha, Buddha saves all living beings. Are all living beings divided into men and women?

Okay, okay, even if you are farting, it still tastes pretty good! Lin Su did not argue: You are sitting here, looking at the two little girls with melancholy expressions on their faces, but what do you mean?

Donor, please take a closer look at this woman copying Buddhist scriptures. Does she have the image of a dark cloud covering her forehead?

As soon as Lin Su's thousand-degree pupils opened, the distant Zen room seemed to be suddenly pulled in front of him. Was it ever covered by dark clouds? Isn't this woman just a fresh and tender peach blossom?

His eyes moved to the tip of his pen. Under the tip of the pen, there were lines of delicate handwriting, which were clearly the Lin style he created.

The words written are: I climbed the mountain, crossed the water, passed through the trees and flowers, and rushed to the place where I and Daiyu buried the flowers that day. I almost arrived at the flower grave, and I still didn't turn around the hillside. I only heard the sound of sobbing on the other side of the hillside. …”

Lin Su raised his head in confusion: Master, let's not mention that I can't tell whether there are dark clouds covering her head. Just talking about what she copied... Are you sure she copied Buddhist scriptures?

It's a Buddhist scripture! Master Yiyao nodded.

Lin Sudao: Dream of Red Mansions, a story about a man who hates a man and a woman who hates women, does the Master think it is a Buddhist scripture?

Master Yi Yao said: The clear mind and nature are the Buddha, and the sincerity and sincerity of people are the Buddhist scriptures. This woman copied this book, she is frank and sincere, and has a clear mind. To her, this book is the Buddhist scriptures.

Lin Su rolled his eyes directly...

He really wanted to ask the old monk, according to your logic, if men and women do that thing, as long as they do it happily and honestly, it can be regarded as doing Buddhist deeds. However, considering that this kind of impact is beyond the ability of ordinary monks to bear, it is exempted... …

And the voice from the Zen room came...

Xiaochu, why do you think my brother-in-law is so thoughtful? He seems to understand everyone's thoughts in Dream of Red Mansions...


Lin Su's eyes widened and he looked at the old monk in surprise.

The old monk seemed a little dull now. He lowered his head to drink tea. Judging from the tea he drank, it seemed that the tea was still wine...

Am I your brother-in-law?

Who are you?

Miss, don't call me that. He is already His Royal Highness King Wen. He really has nothing to do with our Zhou family. If you continue to stimulate him like this, maybe he will really take revenge on our Zhou family. The girl next to him said.

The young lady slapped her chest, feeling very tragic: Retaliation is also necessary. Who made my father and mother do wrong things? Don't worry, if he really bullies the weak and comes to humiliate my third sister, I, Zhou Shuang, will take his place! Fight for my innocence. Even if I don’t need my body, I have to pay off this heavy debt on behalf of my third sister!”

The girl had a sour expression.

Lin Su also had a sour expression...

Master, with your guidance, I managed to understand her Buddhist scriptures... But, I still didn't understand her dark clouds...

The dark cloud cover is not something you can read, it's something you can see! Master Yi Yao pointed to the top of his head: Look, the dark clouds are coming from the north!

Lin Su raised his eyes and really saw a group of dark clouds coming from the north...

This is just an ordinary cloud. What does it have to do with her?

Yes, it has nothing to do with her! It shouldn't have anything to do with it! Since the donor also thinks it shouldn't have anything to do with her, then it doesn't matter...

Lin Su was stunned, and once again felt that he had given too much money. The old monk was trying to figure out the number of words, and the method was quite straightforward, going around and around without using much brain.

Suddenly, Lin Su's heart moved...

The polite smile on his face stiffened...

Dark clouds are coming from the north!

It had nothing to do with her originally!

It shouldn’t matter!

Since you think it shouldn't matter!

That doesn't matter!

This passage is very convoluted, but when I read it carefully, Lin Su's heart was pounding...

He thought of something!

Theoretically, only Ji Guang, Ge Xin and himself know about this big event...

That is the treason of court officials, including Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites, which involves border affairs and mutiny. There is a plan, an action, and a chain. This is the first-class treasonous felony with irrefutable evidence - (This is not as cheap as Lin Su Father Lin Dingnan was in two completely different situations that day. Lin Dingnan and Zhang Wenyuan initially charged him with treason, but they could not find evidence. In the end, they could only be convicted of liaison with the demons. If treason was established, then Lin Suyuan would be guilty of treason. Whether the Yunxi Sect can escape remains to be seen, at least Lin Mu, Lin Zheng, and Lin Jialiang will definitely finish it).

The first-class crime of treason, according to the national law, is to punish the clan, whether it is to punish the nine clans or to punish the three clans, it all depends on the mood of the monarch.

No matter whether it is to punish the Nine Clan or the Three Clan, it seems that the Zhou family in Huichang cannot be retained!

Is this a dark cloud?

Could this be considered a dark cloud coming from the capital in the north?

Why does it really matter as long as he, Lin Su, thinks it has nothing to do with her? Because the only person who can save the Zhou family is him!

No one in the world can change national policy.

But he can!

All it takes is one word from him, and no matter how iron-blooded Ji Guang is, he will show some warmth.

The question was whether these people were worth his words.

Whether it was worth it or not, Lin Su didn't need to analyze it with him.

Turn around, Lin Su said: Master, do you still remember Sora?

Remember! The master answered clearly this time.

Where is his path?

The way of the world is to ask about the feet. The way of the monk is to ask about the heart. If you ask me about it, wouldn't it be like seeing flowers in the mist or looking at the moon in the mirror?

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: What will happen if I see the moon in the mirror?

The old monk's seemingly unintentional words triggered a very sensitive point in Lin Su's heart...

That is Zhou Tianjing and Yueying...

He is really looking at the moon in the mirror. This is not an elegant way of saying it, but he is actually looking at the shadow of the moon with the Zhoutian Mirror.

What is a mirror? What is the moon? What is fog? What is a flower? In the eyes of ordinary people, the mirror is a mirror and the moon is the moon. In the eyes of an expert, the mirror is not a mirror and the moon is not the moon. The shadow of the moon has been shining for thousands of years. Who can recognize the cold moonlight? …”

As soon as the topic started, hundreds of words were gone in a blink of an eye. When Lin Su mentally counted the number of words he said today to 996, the old monk said Amitabha, then took a sip of wine and closed his eyes.

Lin Su looked back and wanted to find the young monk to renew his payment, but the young monk disappeared.

He kept saying to boil water for Lin Su to make tea, but he disappeared!

Lin Su didn't renew the fee, and the old monk had no reason to speak. Today's trip to Xixin Temple is over!

Lin Su stood up: Master, I'm leaving, do you want me to leave you with a hundred altars of Class A Baiyunbian?

The old monk raised his finger lightly and pointed to the ground, indicating to Lin Su to place Bai Yunbian on the ground.

Lin Su suddenly realized: Master, you are reminding me to pay attention to where this place is, right? This is an important place for Buddhism, and meat and fish are prohibited. I understand, I am ashamed of myself. I will never mention wine again when I enter Xixin Temple from now on!

Standing up, Shi Shiran left Xixin Temple.

Master Yi Yao's eyes bulged and he kept looking at his back. Until Lin Su went out, he finally slapped himself on the forehead, where he doubted his life...

Lin Su laughed!

Finally dug a hole for you!

You old guy strictly adheres to the standard of one tael of silver per word, I have to break it for you!

Put the things you are most interested in until the end. If you don’t speak, I will misinterpret any of your directions. If you don’t speak, I will make you regretful.

After teasing Master Yi Yao who was not easy to trick, Lin Su left Xixin Temple with satisfaction.

Walking along the streets of Huichang City, Lin Su had a strange feeling. What was it like? Am I getting old...

Three years ago at this time, I was a candidate for the Huichang General Examination. Now, listening to the remarks made during this autumn's general examination, I feel that they are talking about things from another world.

Also, the residents of Huichang are talking about the newly appointed magistrate...

Who are the people who know Quzhou?

Lin Jialiang!

Yes, the second eldest son of the Lin family!

Lin Jialiang was still a small county magistrate half a year ago. After Ji Guang ascended the throne, he was immediately promoted to the prefect of Meiling in Chenzhou. He was promoted from seventh grade to fourth grade and six levels in a row. Everyone has not yet recovered. , this is great, from the prefect of Meiling to the prefect of Quzhou! Here comes another four-level upgrade in a row.

He rose to level ten in half a year. How many times have we seen this in officialdom in the world?

However, it is acceptable to be in the Lin family. This huge empire was almost obtained by Lin Su for His Majesty on his own. Anyone in the Lin family is qualified to be promoted to ten levels in a row!

Let alone others, the Zhou family is the most depressed...

The Zhou family has a profound heritage and amazing financial resources. Therefore, his family's mansion is in front of the Zhizhou Mansion. No matter which Zhizhou took office in the past, the Zhou family was the first to welcome the Zhizhou on behalf of the local merchants. They were also famous for living in Zhizhou Street. lock up.

But after Lin Jialiang took office, Mr. Zhou Love and Mr. Zhou became rarely silent...

Not that he meant to remain silent, he immediately came to visit him in person, but Lin Jialiang refused him directly...

This rejection made Zhou Luofu feel a cold wind blowing in his heart, and the war drums beat...

The world in Quzhou has really changed!

The whole world has truly changed!

The successive magistrates who opposed the Lin family died and were destroyed...

His backer in the capital, his younger brother Zhou Yunzhi, the Minister of Rites, was relieved of his duties as the head of the Six Ministers and took up the position of the State Affairs Hall, which became a false title. In the past, the Lin family, which he had humiliated in every possible way, rose strongly, rising in Huichang, rising in Quzhou, and also Rise up all over the world...

Zhou Luofu was extremely frightened...

The talkative woman in his family did not dare to speak anymore, so she built a small Buddhist hall in the back hall, chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha every day...

Zhou Yueru, who once firmly stood on the same side as her parents, self-imposed a ban on the Bishui Sect, and there has been no news for more than half a year...

The entire Zhou family is in panic all day long...

His family's business also plummeted...

Zhou Luofu, a veteran businessman who is accustomed to using official power to suppress rivals in the mall, experienced for the first time what it feels like to be targeted and suppressed...

Lin Su did not go to Zhizhou Mansion to meet his second brother. Instead, he jumped into the sky and left Huichang to go home when the examination was about to begin!

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