Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 858 Reincarnation

The sun sets in the west and the autumn breeze brings coolness.

A boat on the Yangtze River thousands of miles away drifts away to see off passengers in Quzhou.

A little below Lin Su's feet, the leaf boat floating down the water turned into the word boat, which was collected between his eyebrows and disappeared.

After entering the literary world, he could turn a word into a real thing, but he was a bit lazy. He was too lazy to write, so he just transferred it! All kinds of words he wrote are engraved in the literary world. Whatever you want, you can just call it at will.

Today, he truly looks like a god.

If you want a boat, look for this word in poetry and articles.

If you want to be popular, look for this word in poetry and articles.

Mother Lin stood on the steps as usual...

As soon as he saw his mother at the gate, Lin Su suddenly felt like a boat returning to the harbor...

No matter how many miles the boat travels, when you see your mother, you are home!

Mother's smile is so bright under the sunset.

Xiao Zhou shouted: Third Young Master is back home, he is also so familiar.

Lin Su reached her mother's side in one step and spread her arms: Mom!

This trip has been more than three months! This is the longest time you have been away from home! There was a glint in the corner of my mother's eyes.

Yes, actually I went back to Da Cang Capital once on the way, but I didn't have time to go home. Mom, are you okay...

When this topic was brought up, my mother was happy: Mom is very good. Everything is fine at home. Do you know, Saburo? We have another baby in our family.

Lin Su's eyes lit up: Did sister-in-law give birth?

The full moon was just three days ago! Mother said, Come on, let the princess bring Yaozong to show his third uncle...

Before Xiaoxue had time to run to the south courtyard, a figure came over as fast as the wind. It was Princess Hongying. She was holding a little baby in her arms, still sleeping...

Uncle! Princess Hongying said with a blessing, she raised her head, her face full of maternal glory.

Sister-in-law, my nephew was born but I didn't come back. I'm really sorry.

Uncle is a person who does big things. Your Majesty is pointing at you. There are hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers in the sky, and five billion people are looking at you. How can you have time to pay attention to such a small thing?

Sister-in-law, you are wrong. There are not so many important things in my world. I am just a layman. The most important thing is home! Lin Su gently touched his nephew's fleshy nose: His name is Yaozong?

His brother's name is Yaoxian, and his name is Yaozong. Mother said that when you give birth to a son in the future, he will be called Yaozu. The third son of the Lin family will spread his branches and glorify the ancestors...

Dinner was at my mother's side.

The eldest sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law, Sister Chen, and Cui Ying stayed with him.

The second brother has just assumed the post of magistrate of Quzhou, and is at a time of great confusion.

The eldest brother had just taken over as the commander-in-chief of the Southeast Army and sealed the Nanhou, so he was even more busy.

Therefore, these two brothers have not returned today.

At the banquet, her mother drank too much again. Lin Su sent her to the guest room. Her mother stayed up and took the sobering soup handed over by Lin Su. She looked at the bright moon outside the window and sighed softly: Sanlang, Our Lin family is now at the highest official position, both civil and military, and is so prominent that none of our ancestors can match it, but for some reason, my mother always feels a little worried in her heart.

Mom, you are afraid that things will turn upside down when they reach their peak, and things will decline when they reach their peak, aren't you?

Mom is not as knowledgeable as you and can't sum up your exquisite words, but that's what mom means.

Don't worry, mother, my baby is different from others. There is no concept of prosperity in my dictionary. My baby still has a long way to go. Everything in the world is so fleeting to me, so I won't fall into the shackles of prosperity. , and it will not enter the dead end of prosperity and decline!

That's good! Go to the west courtyard!

Returning to the west courtyard, Liu Xing'er served fragrant tea and bowed before retreating. Sister Chen and Cui Ying accompanied him: Ms. sir, after you left home last time, An Ye came back and took Lu Yi away. Both of them, In Jindi, do you know?

Lin Su smiled: I just came back from Jin.

Didn't my husband go to sea? Why did he go to Jin to see An Ye and Luyi? Cui Ying was beside her, her face flushed.

When I come back today, I will pay special attention to you! Lin Su stretched out his hand and held the two women in his arms...

After the two girls fell asleep sweetly in bed, Lin Su went up to the attic...

In the attic, the situation has changed...

Qiushui Painting Screen has officially opened up the literary world...

Her literary world was bounded by Dongting Spring Water Pictures and Lin Su's immortal poems were its heart. Although she always felt that it was a bit outrageous that her husband and her husband could not become famous in this sacred literary world, she could not bear it. Live with the spring water of Dongting and let yourself be rippling with blue waves...

It's almost dawn when everything is done.

Lin Su returned to her bedroom and put her hand on the window sill. Above the window sill, a soft branch quietly stretched out.

The peach tree has grown and its branches have begun to grow horizontally. According to Liu Xing'er's opinion, the prince's bedroom should be kept clean and tidy, and the peach branches should be trimmed. However, Qiushui Painting Screen stopped it. She said that everyone has the same personality as the prince. You know, it's elegant for him to play with flowers and mess around with flowers. When peach branches enter the room, it can be included in poetry: In the middle of the night, the moon is full of flowers, and a peach pistil breaks through the window. Think about it, how comfortable it is?

As soon as this poem came out, the girls looked at each other...

In line with the basic attitude of fully affirming good poetry, this peach blossom branch is kept...

Lin Su was holding a peach branch in his hand, sitting by the window, and a ray of soul entered the peach demon's inner space.

As soon as the soul entered, Lin Su had a strange feeling...

What does it feel like?

It's like stepping into a mature peach orchard, with the energy of ripe fruits coming from inside, and the feeling of appetite...

The peach demon sat on a big tree, swaying gently on his toes: You have done three games in a row, shouldn't you take a rest?

I come here to rest! Lin Su's face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat. He had done this kind of thing a lot, and he was thick-skinned.

You are bullying me for not having a physical body, but you must believe that I will soon have a physical body. When I do, I must verify a long-standing doubt.

Lin Su frowned: What's the question?

Why do those women hum when you press them? What's the point? It's simply inexplicable...

Lin Su raised his hand and pressed his forehead: Can we not discuss this topic? I have something very important to ask you...

Tell me, I feel refreshed now and have recovered most of my memory...

Lin Sudao: There is a person who was an ordinary village girl three years ago. Is it possible for her to become a saint three years later?

Three years? Tao Yao said.


Three years to become a saint with the Tao? Are you thinking too much? Tao Yao said: Don't think it's you, even the most amazing emperor in history, never think that it takes three years to become a saint with the Tao, no matter what kind of person you are. With your physique, no matter what opportunities you have, it’s impossible! Absolutely, absolutely impossible!”

This is the authoritative answer.

Peach Demon, Lin Su can basically be regarded as a holy level master, because according to past legends, she fought with the Supreme Master for thirteen years. At the holy level.

The saint-level master has concluded that it is absolutely impossible to become a saint through Taoism in three years.

So, the saint in white on the South China Sea that day could not be Sun Zhen, but why was her appearance, body shape, and star-shaped birthmark on her neck the same as Sun Zhen?

I'm not talking about me! Lin Su said.

Tao Yao frowned slowly: Have you ever seen an acquaintance from three years ago who became a saint through Taoism today?

I'm not sure if it's her, so I asked you to ask...

The peach demon pondered for a long time, his expression changing...

Lin Su's heartbeat accelerated: What? Is it still possible after all?

There is a possibility! Or rather, the only possibility! Tao Yao said: Do you know the law of reincarnation under the law of heaven?


The peach demon talked about reincarnation...

Under the way of heaven, all things arise and die, the path of reincarnation is the starting point, and the path of reincarnation is also the end...

Regardless of whether they are devils, demons or humans, whether they are all living beings or powerful beings, they all come from reincarnation and eventually go to reincarnation. No one can escape from reincarnation.

Once he enters the path of reincarnation, his consciousness disappears, and his physical body restarts, he will no longer be the same person.

However, there are always exceptions to the rules.

There are powerful people who are reluctant to give up their lifelong practice, so they study the law of reincarnation and reach a very high level. They may have a glimpse of some mysterious method of reincarnation, and reincarnation is born because of this.

What is reincarnation?

The great powers merged their lifelong practice into the path of reincarnation, escaped the law of reincarnation, and were reincarnated again. After reincarnation, there is a very small probability that they can awaken the consciousness of the previous life. Once awakened, their cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds. It is possible that two or three He became a saint with Tao in a few years.

However, the conditions for this kind of reincarnation are extremely harsh, and the possibility of successful awakening is extremely slim to the point of inconceivability.

First of all, you have to understand the law of reincarnation. Not many people can do this alone.

Secondly, on the path of reincarnation, he has to encounter several magical physiques. Under ordinary physiques, there is no chance of awakening, unless he is an innate Taoist body, an innate Buddha body, a Tianyin Jue body, a Tianyang golden body, etc. Think about it. , such a physique is rare among billions. How difficult would it be to happen to hit one of these physiques on the road of reincarnation where there is no choice?

Lin Su's heartbeat accelerated again...

Tianyin Juexi happens to be a physique with the possibility of awakening in reincarnation?

Peach Demon said the third point...

Finally, there must be a kind of exercise for traction. Almost all exercises related to reincarnation are taboo exercises. What are taboo exercises?

It’s just that very few people practice it!

It's possible that this small world doesn't even have this kind of technique at all!

Therefore, Peach Demon's final conclusion is: Although reincarnation is theoretically possible, it is unlikely to appear in this small world. You must have read it wrong.

Lin Su's mind was spinning...

Sun Zhen is extremely talented!

This ghost place of Tian Jueyuan seems to be not in this world at all, which is consistent with the characteristics of possessing forbidden skills!

Could it be that she is really the reincarnation of a certain big shot?

Lin Su slowly raised his head: If...I'm just saying if! If this person is reincarnated, then does she still remember her journey in this world? Does she have any knowledge about this world and these people? Memories? How does she define this encounter in the human world?

Tao Yao smiled: He just awakened another memory of his. He did not erase the memory before awakening. He naturally remembered this trip. However, you need to understand that the position you are in is different. How to view the past The attitude will also be different, just like this metaphor... A young child accidentally passed by a certain intersection and saw a red fruit. At this time, he was very interested in the fruit, but this young child He has grown up to be a generation of King Wen, with immense financial resources, and all the novel fruits in the world will be piled in front of him with a wave of his hand. Will he still care about the wild fruit he accidentally saw in the past?

Yes, depending on where you are, your attitude towards the past will be different.

The flying eagle is already in the sky, and it doesn't care about the ants that it had a close interaction with.

The elephant has already set out on its journey, and it will not care about the gaze it had with a little sheep on the grassland when it was a child.

Height determines vision!

She didn't forget herself!

She just no longer bothers to know herself!

Tao Yao added: In my messy memory, I vaguely remember a reincarnation. After this person awakened, he destroyed his family. Therefore, you'd better not expect that someone you meet will be reincarnated. Reincarnation, because you can't predict it at all, his existence will be a disaster or a blessing for you.

Destroyed your own family? Why?

Maybe it's to cut off the bonds of this life, maybe it's just to cover up his unbearable state before awakening. Only you humans can understand the complexity of human nature, and I, a demon clan, can't understand it, Tao Yao said.

Lin Su breathed out softly: What if this person appears to save my life?

This is also a normal option! Tao Yao said: Practice people can reach the other shore only if they have mastered the Tao. If you receive a great favor from someone before awakening, the favor is also a concern. You can repay the great favor once and return to the bridge. The bridge is the way back, we owe each other nothing, and we have no worries...

Repay the favor and have no worries anymore!

From now on, the sky is high and the sea is vast, you are you and I am me...

A wave of waves flowed through Lin Su's heart, whether it was sour or bitter...

Suddenly, an idea flowed through his mind...

Lin Su suddenly raised his head: After reincarnation and rebirth in this small world, does that mean he is not a person from the original world? Even if he breaks through to the holy realm, he will not be punished by heaven?

You finally realized it! Peach Demon giggled: Do you know what the biggest gain is from my relationship with you? That is that I get rid of the shackles of heaven, and I can become a saint in a different place in this world...

Lin Su looked at her blankly, as if she didn't understand...

Yes, he wasn't talking about her!

He is talking about the biggest shackles in the world!

Saints from other lands want to enter this small world, but heaven will not allow it. Their fundamental purpose is to maintain the safety of this world, so as to prevent saints from the outside world from entering at will and killing the creatures in this small world wantonly.

With this punishment from heaven, this world will have peace. Why?

Because there are saints born and raised in this world!

If the saints from the outside world want to enter this world, they must use the Jue Tian Blood Coffin to block the way of heaven. Think about it, there are saints in the local area who can move freely, but the saints from the outside world can only carry the blood coffin on their heads. Once the blood coffin is broken, they will be punished by heaven!

In this case, how can outside saints compete with saints from this world?

Only saints have the ability to truly protect this home!

But now, a variable has appeared...


If an external great power uses reincarnation to reincarnate and be reborn in this world, then he is no longer a saint from another world. He is a local saint, and he will be free from the punishment of heaven!

Isn't Sun Zhen one of them?

If Yueying becomes a saint again, will she be one of them?

At least Tao Yao admitted that she was one of them!

Among the people he knew, there were three!

How many will there be in the whole world?

He suddenly felt that this world did not seem to be the world he had known for a long time...

If the Soldier Saint drew a dividing line between the sea of ​​humanity and blocked the war between the Sea Clan and the Human Race, then Heaven's punishment for the invasion of outside saints was another more important Tiandao dividing line, and now, he Suddenly, I discovered that this seemingly unsolvable dividing line can also be penetrated!

So, is it possible that the infiltration has been completed?

Are there any outsiders among the seventeen saints sitting at the highest level of the temple?

Yes, they cultivated the Way of Literature, which seems impossible, but who stipulates that people outside the region do not understand the Way of Literature? Maybe in a foreign land, the culture is thousands of times better than the local one?

Aren’t you just a visitor from a foreign land?

Isn’t it because of his foreign literary skills that he has been able to show his prominence in this world?

In the next three days, Lin Su once again lived a happy life at home.

He made Sister Chen look a few years younger, made Qiu Shui Painting Screen so much that she no longer wanted to paint, and made Cui Ying so hard that she couldn't walk. It was all his doing. The girls were so excited that they almost thought they were happy and happy in the past. The days are back.

However, no one knows that the world has changed dramatically...

In Da Cang Capital, seventeen beauties died overnight in various places, some in brothels, some in flower gardens, and some in the mansions of high officials. The Ministry of Punishment intervened. After an investigation, everyone was shocked. These dead beauties , all have one common feature, an eight-petal green lotus is engraved somewhere on their bodies.

Yanyu Tower!

As soon as he heard this name, Ji Guang's complexion changed, and with an order, he started a massive investigation operation, uncovering dozens more people with eight-petal green lotus on their bodies, and even the harem. There is one!

The secret guards were dispatched, and the captured Yanyu Tower people followed the clues. The turmoil spread out of the capital and spread all over the world. Hundreds of families were involved in it. The layout of Yanyu Tower in Da Cang was revealed bit by bit, which was shocking...

There was a rumbling sound all over the capital.

Everyone in the big families is in danger.

Prince Wen's Mansion is an exception.

No one dared to be arrogant in Prince Wen's Mansion, which was as quiet as night.

On September 15th, the moon was full. Yueying was sitting on the roof of her small building, looking at the moon in the sky quietly. It seemed that she was just admiring the moon, but if you look carefully, you will find the clear moonlight on her face. A little more rounded than before.

As dawn approached, she slowly stood up and stepped into the darkness...

In the darkness, I don't know when a figure appeared, her face covered with gauze. The night wind blew, and the gauze on her face rose with the wind, and her whole body was fluttering like a fairy.

The masked man stood quietly in the darkest darkness before dawn, a pair of bright eyes falling on Yueying's face: Do you know about some recent things?

Her voice was very soft, as light as a sigh, and penetrated into Yueying's ears, leaving no one else aware of it.

What's the matter? Yueying asked.

Hundreds of sisters in this building fell to the capital in unison, suffering a setback unprecedented in the past hundred years. The masked woman said: Junior sister, don't you want to give an explanation?

What kind of explanation do you want? Yueying said calmly.

I need to know whether you leaked the identities of the sisters in Beijing! The masked woman slowly leaned forward: I also want to know that in addition to writing words to express my goodwill to you and giving you a mirror to express my goodwill, Thief Lin Besides, what other benefits were promised to you to make you act so decisively?

Yueying smiled: So you suspected that I reported the information about Yanyu Tower. It's quite funny, isn't it?

You can give me an explanation and let's see how your tongue blooms like a lotus flower.

Yueying shook her head slightly: I suddenly discovered two things. One, it's really hard for me to explain...

What about the second one? the masked woman said coldly.

Yueying slowly raised his head: The second thing is, why should I explain to you? Wouldn't it be over if I just kill you?

Presumptuous... The masked woman's face suddenly sank...

Suddenly, her whole body was shaken, and her expression suddenly changed...

In the dark corner, the clear light of the moon seemed to suddenly arrive here. As soon as the moonlight arrived, the darkness was dispelled, and with the darkness, there were people...

There is no one in this corner!

A big living person turned into moonlight and disappeared without a trace!

Yueying gently raised her fingers and brushed through her hair, with a faint smile on her face. On a full moon night, how long will it take for her cultivation to reach a higher level and return to her previous height?

Maybe one year, maybe two years!

This physical body with a Changchun physique is really quite good.

With a Changchun constitution, one can live hundreds of years without practicing cultivation. When one embarks on the path of cultivation, it is even more extraordinary. It is infinitely compatible with the vitality of heaven and earth. It can make plants and trees bloom against the seasons, accelerate the growth of medicinal materials, and also speed up the recovery of her cultivation.

This unbelievable scene happened in Prince Wen’s Mansion. No one saw it, maybe only one person, Zhou Mei!

Zhou Mei was not in Prince Wen's Mansion. She was on the roof of a distant building. There was no one next to her, but there was a demonic wind, and her mother's voice came from the demonic wind: Mei'er, he is right, this person is definitely extraordinary. .”

Mom, did you see her take action?

It is impossible to see her actions clearly even if you are close at hand, because they are the power of rules! Her mother exhaled softly: Mei'er, when he is not in the palace, you must not take even one step closer to the palace. The terror of women cannot be resisted by human beings!”

An enemy that cannot be resisted by humans is a double-edged sword. It is a sharp weapon when used against Yanyulou, but if it backfires, it is also a poisonous blade! Zhou Mei said: I have to remind him !”

Her mother smiled faintly: You don't need to remind me. He is smarter than ghosts. How can he not see this? If he makes another effort to put this woman on the bed, there will probably be another one on our side. A real heavyweight.”

ah? Zhou Mei's eyes widened: Mom, are you sure this is how he dealt with her?

Mom doesn't know, but I know one thing. As long as a woman is a little bit normal and is tricked into the bed by a man, it's probably the best way to tie her up. I think that's what your father did back then. I pity your mother for being innocent. The witch has been harmed by him like this until now. Hey, everything is fate and no one can control it at all...

Mom, don't say that. Your sigh sounds very fake to me. I know your original intention is to show off, saying that my father is now the prime minister of a country and is very awesome, very awesome, very awesome, but I still want to talk a little bit with you. Liang Shui, my father is indeed very great, but compared with him, he is still a little bit behind...

As soon as the Enchantress's gaze fell, a light flashed in her eyes. Zhou Mei turned invisible and started to run away. However, she was still a bit worse than her mother in ethics. She didn't run away, but was pinned down on the bed and punished by her mother.

...(End of chapter)

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