Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 859 Entering the Abyss of Pathlessness Again

In this world, if there is a kind of artistic conception that is very confusing, it is undoubtedly Yanyu Jiangnan.

In this world, if there is a kind of pure date, it is undoubtedly the date between Lin Su and Long Er of Wu Dao Abyss. Although the world said that Lin was a troublemaker for girls, Long Er was not included in it.


We only meet once a year, and each meeting only lasts for two-quarters of an hour. In just two-quarters of an hour, you have to pinch your belt to untie it, so there is no way it can be impure.

If Lin Su is a simple cultivator, he actually has no reason to go on Long Er's date. Long Er's high or low status is a matter of the world of immorality and has nothing to do with the world of heaven. The world can't get much help.

If Lin Su was a simple S ghost, he wouldn't even have a reason to go on Long Er's date. For the reason, see the note above...

But he is not just a practitioner, and he is not just a ghost.

Or to put it another way, even if he is a S ghost, he is still a S ghost with an eight-point slut. He firmly believes in one idea, if you treat me sincerely, I will be honest with you. If Long Er and her father are the same thing , Lin Su might as well play with her to death, but she is not, she is just a pure cabbage in the abyss of innocence, she has no distracting thoughts, she has not been polluted by the evil society, he feels very guilty for deceiving such a little girl. feel.

So, he tried not to lie to her.

Three years ago today, Long Er sent Lin Su out of the abyss of innocence.

Two years ago today, Lin Su held up a small umbrella on the river with every kind of 360 gift, and told her with practical actions that although there is a lot of materialistic desires and intrigues in this world, occasionally There is also a breath of fresh air.

One year ago today, according to their agreement that day, Lin Su should let her take a look at the red sun in the human world. However, God is not as good as man. On that day, Lin Su was trapped in the bronze mirror of the Mermaid Holy Land. He forgot who he was, and even more forgotten September 19th. After he came out of seclusion, two months had passed. He didn’t know if Longer felt disappointed and lost that day. He didn’t know whether Longer cried or not. You know, even if Long Er cried, the tears he shed would have flowed along with the Yangtze River to the deepest part of the East China Sea.

That is the helplessness of the world.

That was not Lin Su's intention to break the promise.

Therefore, this year, he wanted to give Long Er a reward. At least he had to tell her clearly that the broken promise that day was not my intention...

So, on September 19th of this year, he made arrangements very early.

Even Yao Gu made it clear to him that not only do you have to remember this time, I will also help you remember it. If you forget, I will remind you.

She did it!

On the night before Lin Su entered the temple through the Nongsheng Holy Family's Tongtian Road, the last thing she told him was: Don't forget that the door will open on September 19th.

In the following time, Lin Su entered the temple, entered the Book Mountain, searched for information, opened up the literary world, made strange moves, met the saint, and killed Yueying...

From the temple to the north, from the north to the capital, he finally returned to Haining a few days before the gates opened on September 19th. In this misty and misty autumn, he came to the water area he had agreed with Long Er. .

The mist and rain drifted from the sky, and Haining City, ten miles away, was faintly visible in the mist and rain...

Above the river, it was misty, with no boats and no people...

Lin Su raised his hand and gently opened a small umbrella. The small umbrella was made of silk and was unparalleled in elegance. On the umbrella, he wrote a line of words with a very literary feel in Lin style: West Lake is drizzled beside the broken bridge.

This place is not the West Lake. There is no broken bridge here.

However, they met because of the Legend of the White Snake, and their lives merged because of the Legend of the White Snake. The beautiful legend of the West Lake and the confusing love of the broken bridge are the tacit understanding between them.

On the west bank of the Yangtze River in Haining, green trees sway in the drizzle.

In the middle of the Great Smoky Mountains, a beautiful small tea garden presents a unique beauty in the mist.

This tea garden appeared miraculously. The locals seemed not to be aware of it when it appeared. After it appeared, everyone was a little surprised when they saw it for the first time, but when they saw it for the second time, they felt a sense of beauty. After the day, everyone was very accustomed to the existence of this small tea garden. No one knew that this tea garden was a literary world.

Because it's so real.

Yes, it is one of the most unique worlds in Wen Dao, the legendary true world of Wen Dao.

Yaogu sat in the tea garden, and the endless drizzle turned into the canopy of the real world.

She looked at the figure on the distant river longingly, and her heart was filled with mist.

Maybe there is always a kind of person in this world who is not destined for such an encounter, and it is her kind.

She is a peasant saint, and her vision is unparalleled. However, the characteristics of a peasant family are like that. She is just a village girl in front of and behind her, and she is a village girl without any sense of beauty.

Most people look down upon her.

She looked down upon ordinary people even more.

Therefore, she is destined to be lonely.

The lonely saint, the lonely soul left the holy family and wandered alone in the rivers and lakes, because she wanted to understand the sentence in the handed down poem Shui Tiao Ge Tou: people have joys and sorrows, separation and separation, the moon has waxing and waning, This matter is difficult to solve in ancient times. I hope that people will live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart.

Is that annual meeting on the distant river surface the joys and sorrows?

How can I expect this to last long?

Long'er, who lives in the abyss of innocence, can only see the sunshine of the heavenly world and feel the misty drizzle of the heavenly world for only two quarters of a year. In her opinion, this is tragedy.

However, seeing this man standing on the river holding a small umbrella, Yaogu suddenly felt that she was the one who was sad.

Because she knew that she would never have such a time in her life. A person who would never see this scene or experience this heart-pounding feeling would have the right to be someone else's once a year And sad?

Time seems to flow eastward with the river, and seems to freeze in the misty drizzle.

I don’t know when, a circle of golden light slowly bloomed on the river surface, like a golden lotus blooming under the water...

The river surged gently, and a golden lotus rose from the bottom of the water. On top of the golden lotus, there was a person!

With her incomparably graceful figure, her boundlessly beautiful face, and the golden lotus rays of light all over her body, she is like a rosy cloud in the misty rain...

Her eyes were closed because she didn't dare to look!

She was worried that when she opened her eyes this time, she would see the vast river again, empty of anyone!

However, a voice came softly: Long'er, I'm coming!

Long Er's eyes suddenly opened, and he saw a scene that seemed to be carved in the deepest part of a dream. He was standing on the river, with a familiar umbrella in his hand, and above the umbrella was a familiar sentence: West Lake Drizzle breaks the bridge.

Young Master! Long Er called softly, crying and complaining.

Lin Su moved her feet and stepped onto Jin Lian. She stretched out her hand and hugged her shoulders: I'm sorry! I didn't come last year today. It wasn't that I intentionally broke the promise, but I couldn't help myself.

Long Er's eyes were full of joy: In the past three hundred and sixty days and nights, I have thought over and over again whether something happened to you and whether you have forgotten me. But from now on, I will never think too much. If I still can’t see you today next year, I still believe that you didn’t break the promise intentionally.”

This is what I want to tell you! Lin Su said: When people walk in the world, of course they have their own concerns, but also the world is unpredictable. You believe that I did not break the promise intentionally, and I will try my best to avoid this kind of breach of promise.

You and I make an appointment, and it lasts for a thousand years!

Thousands of years? You are overestimating my lifespan! Lin Su smiled softly: You are a dragon and I am a human. After a hundred years, I may be old.

Although I am a dragon, I am also a mixture of human and dragon blood. My mother is a human, so my lifespan is not that long, and I will not let myself live that long. When the young master dies of old age, I will leave the Wudao Abyss. This heavenly world will be destroyed with you.

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at Jinlian, who had turned from prosperity to decline: Long'er, our meeting is still as short-lived as ever. These are some gifts I gave you...

A storage bag was handed to Long Er.

Long Er took it without opening it: Is it the most magical wine and perfume inside?

Yes, seven hundred and twenty for each kind! In addition, there is something new this year, this! Lin Su raised his hand and held a bright mirror in his palm. The mirror rose from the sky and spun in circles in front of them.

Long Er's eyes fell on the mirror. In the mirror, she and he were hugging each other tightly.

Her face is so beautiful and moving, and the red glow on her face is like colorful clouds filling the sky.

Master, I really want to call you my husband! Long Er said softly.

Then you scream!

Ms. sir! Long Er threw himself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Of course, only in their consciousness, time stands still.

In fact, time flies at a speed that never stops.

The golden lotus spins in the water, and every wave rolls by, mercilessly chipping away some of its brilliance.

The first golden lotus petal withered, the second petal withered, the third petal...

Long Er's eyes moved towards the withering golden lotus: Mr. Sir, the time has come again!

I really hope I can understand the laws of time soon and stop time temporarily! Lin Su exhaled softly.

This sentence was said by Long Er last time. What Long Er said was: I heard that there is a law of time under the law of heaven that can stop time.

Lin Su knows that the Law of Time does exist, but he cannot yet freely use it in the outside world (in the literary world, he can use it to a small extent, but that is not the free use of the Law of Time, but a modification of the power of literature).

Time cannot stop.

In the blink of an eye, this encounter came to an end again.

Next year, what do you want? Tell me! I have one year, and I will do it for you! Lin Su held up her face.

Long Er burst into tears: I just want you! I just want to be able to see you the moment I step out of the river! You must do it. I can accept being out of the water a hundred times without seeing anything, but I can't accept never seeing you again. !”

You and I make a promise, and we make a promise again for a thousand years!

Promise me you won't die first! Long Er pushed Lin Su out of Jinlian with a gentle push...

This push represents the end of their meeting this year.

This push left their fate to the vastness of time and space.

However, at this moment, the golden lotus that had begun to sink suddenly closed and tightly wrapped Lin Su. With a chirp, they disappeared from the river together...

Along with Long Er shouted: No!

On the far west bank of Haining, a small flower branch that Yaogu had been holding suddenly broke. She stepped to the river and looked at the silently rotating undercurrent below, her face as dark as water.

what happened?

Did he leave with her?

Oh my God, if I go this way, wouldn’t I be entering the abyss of pathlessness?

What kind of crazy soup did this little girl give him? To make him so unrepentant?

In the Heavenly Way, when a person enters the Abyss of No Way, it basically means his fall. Although he has shown his uniqueness on the No Way Mountain and can still display his cultivation in the realm of No Way, which is astonishing to the world, this is not the same as entering the Abyss of No Way. Definitely two concepts.

However, things have happened.

And it was his decision!

Yao Gu wandered back and forth on the river for countless times, feeling very confused...

She was not sure about something.

Lin Su's entry into the abyss of innocence today was definitely not his initiative.

He is ready to leave!

But the moment he left, the golden lotus closed and he was involuntarily carried down the river.

In a flash of light, the sky above closed. Through the petals of the golden lotus, he saw the gray sky of the Pathless Abyss that seemed to remain unchanged forever. He closed his eyes gently and sighed in his heart...

My day!

People say that there is a risk of having your legs broken when you pick up girls. I accept this level of risk. It’s okay to break your legs. You can just have one or two. However, this is not included. It will directly drag me into the abyss of innocence. Even if I can go out, it will take a whole year!

Who did it?

I wish it was the Dragon Queen!

I hope the Dragon Queen was just deeply moved by the close bond between him and Long Er, so she took his prospective son-in-law to her house for a casual meal...

If Mr. Long did it, he would be in big trouble.

This lawless dragon king has no good impression of the human race. With his habit of massacring hundreds of millions of human beings, once Lin Su is brought down by him with hatred, Lin Su feels that it will be difficult to see the sky of heaven again...

As soon as the golden light dissipated, the soft lotus retracted from the sky, stretched out, and Lin Su saw the familiar lotus pond.

Yes, quite familiar!

The Legend of White Snake begins here.

Long Er was hooked from here.

The nine-curved corridor is elegant and unique.

Father... Long Er's cry was full of trembling, and Lin Su's hand was covered with sweat, and her face was as pale as paper.

Lin Su followed her gaze and saw someone!

Yes, at least humanoids!

The man was on the corridor, slowly turning back...

He was two feet tall, with an extremely strong build. On his resolute face, wherever his eyes went, even the ripples in the lotus pond were strangely frozen.

Lin Su's whole body, not to mention the cultivation of literature and martial arts, all these things were sealed when he entered the world of innocence.

Even his innocent cultivation was completely suppressed under these dragon eyes, and not even a drop of sweat could fall from the tip of his nose.

What a pity, Wu Dao Dragon Lord!

Although he entered the Abyss of Pathlessness last time and was lucky enough to have an encounter with this super fierce man, he did not see his appearance like this. He only saw a pair of eyes that were like the sun and moon in the sky.

Now his true identity is revealed!

The peerless genius of the Dragon Clan, who was shorter than the Soldier Saint that day, finally revealed his true form in front of him.

The aura on Wudao Longjun's body was gradually withdrawn, and the suppression on Lin Su's body was also gradually relaxed. Long'er flew up: Father, how could you do this? He...he is a person from the world of heaven. You will send him Are you trying to kill him by pulling him down? Find a way to get him out quickly, please, father...

Wudao Longjun turned a deaf ear to his daughter's plea, and slowly moved his cold eyes towards Lin Su: Boy, back then you shamelessly seduced the emperor's princess and escaped from Wudao Abyss. Did you ever think that you would be here today?

Confusion slowly appeared on Lin Su's face: Why did my father-in-law say this? My son-in-law...

Shut up! Wudao Dragon Lord roared...


Throughout the corridor, countless guards and girls knelt down, trembling at the roar of the Wudao Dragon Lord.

A trace of red glow suddenly appeared on Long Er's pale face.

It originated from the four words father-in-law.

I hate human scholars the most. Being a human is the first crime, being a scholar is the second crime, and seducing my princess is the third crime. The three crimes are the same. I will not let you suffer the eighty-one inhumane tortures. God cannot tolerate it!”

Long Er's expression changed...

She knew where her father's biggest pain point was, which was a war a thousand years ago!

The Human Soldier Saint destroyed half of the West Sea Dragon Palace, and used half of the military book to knock his father into the abyss of innocence, which started his father's thousand-year suffering. His father's hatred for the human race was unparalleled, especially for human scholars, and he happened to that is.

Lin Sudao: My father-in-law's words are wrong. If you are guilty as a human being, where do you put my mother-in-law?

Here comes another father-in-law, and here comes another mother-in-law...

The girls and guards all over the place looked at each other. This human race is really looking for death. You can clarify and explain the matter of seducing the princess, but you just focus on the pain point of Lord Long...

Wudao Longjun's face suddenly sank: Come on...

All the guards straightened up, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Lord Long, but it was a beautiful human woman!

Wudao Longjun's expression suddenly changed and became a bit exciting: Madam...

Long Er seemed to have found a life-saving straw: Queen Mother!

Several guards looked at each other...

The Dragon Queen slowly raised her head: Since Your Majesty hates the human race so much, I must also be among the ones Your Majesty hates. I will leave the palace now and never come back!

Madam! This emperor has absolutely no such intention, absolutely not. Madam is a madam, and the human race is the human race... Wudao Longjun's expression changed, and he quickly stopped her.

The Dragon Queen's face softened slightly: Your Majesty, you mean that this palace is my palace and cannot be equated with ordinary human beings?

That's natural, that's natural...

Can my son-in-law be the same as the Soldier Saint from a thousand years ago?

Long Jun was stunned...

Lin Su bowed deeply: Mother-in-law, my son-in-law and the Soldier Saint are not related to each other. I have only heard of his name in my life and never seen him. How can I dare to equate him with him? This time I met and fell in love with Long Er. I am full of satisfaction. I want her to be good, and I never want to harm him. There is a saying in the world about loving a house and a crow. There has never been a saying about hating someone because you love what you love. My father-in-law was once the supreme genius of the Dragon Clan. He had lofty vision and a broad mind. How could he be so indifferent to right from wrong? ? My father-in-law is only angry because my son-in-law violated the etiquette. This matter is my son-in-law’s fault. Mother-in-law, please don’t think too much. If my parents are at odds, wouldn’t my son-in-law be ashamed and lose his place?

After a long sentence came out, everyone was confused.

This boy's words were extremely logical and his tone was extremely comfortable. Not only did he refute Long Jun's words perfectly, he also gave Long Jun a high hat and a step up.

What is a top hat? You, Mr. Long, are far-sighted and broad-minded, and you are not a person who cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

What are the steps? My son-in-law has bad etiquette!

In addition, there is also a very warm sentence: If Lei's parents are at odds...

To put it another way, the key point is the word parents, they are kid!

The guards all changed their minds at once. No matter how worthy of dealing with this young man, it was not their turn to deal with him. He is close to His Majesty...

Wudao Longjun's eyes were wide open, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

God testifies that he is a peerless genius in the world of cultivation, but he is really not a genius who speaks and debates. Otherwise, he would not be constantly manipulated by the Dragon Queen.

The Dragon Queen moved her eyes to the old Dragon Lord, and a voice penetrated into his ears: He gave you a good step, you still have to step down!

Although it is a question, why does it have the tone of asking a question?

This is an order, you must give it!

Get it off quickly, mom!

Wu Dao Longjun’s heart is filled with confusion...

Long Er stepped forward and held up a bright mirror with both hands: Mom, he brought this to my mother. He said that my beautiful face cannot only be seen by my father, but my mother can also see it with my own eyes!

The Dragon Queen's eyes widened suddenly, and she stared blankly at herself in the mirror, so bright, so transparent, so beautiful...

Long Er raised his hand: Father, this is the wine he brought to my father. There are seven hundred and twenty jars in total, and the jars are all top-notch Baiyunbian!

Long Jun raised his hand reflexively and was about to take it, but he stopped under Long Er's nervous gaze...

Slowly, Lord Long raised his eyes and stared at Lin Su: Young man has a clear mind and is eloquent, but it's a pity... the daughter of this emperor only marries unscrupulous heroes!

The Dragon Queen's face suddenly darkened...

Lin Su raised his head with a smile: I wonder what kind of person is a hero in the eyes of my father-in-law?

Long Jun said: Anyway, you are not a soft-footed shrimp like you who can't even defeat the guards!

How does my father-in-law know that I can't beat him?

Everyone was suddenly shocked...

Including Dragon Queen, including Long Er...

Wudao Longjun's sharp eyes seemed to move away from his face for the first time and turned to his whole body...

There are some Taoists, and there is still such a small amount of cultivation! Wu Dao Dragon Lord raised his hand: You!

Pointing his finger at a guard next to him.

The guard stood up straight suddenly. This was a ruthless creature with a dark face and the shape of a human.

Take care of him!

Long Er jumped up suddenly: Father, this is not fair. He is a monk of the Heavenly Dao. If you want to test his cultivation, you can wait until the Dao Gate opens next year and let him fight with the guards on the river. This is not the way to fight with him in the world of lawlessness. It's bullying...

Long Jun's face was full of black lines: Take care of him!

Turn around directly.

The guard stepped forward and reached Lin Su's side. Lin Su suddenly drew his sword. The sword flashed and with a bang, the guard flew far away and fell into the lotus pond with a thud.

Long Er's eyes widened suddenly...

Long Hou Yanqing finally moved away from the mirror with difficulty and looked at him in surprise...

The Wudao Dragon King suddenly turned around...

A bit surprised!

The guard he appointed was not just a random person. He was a cultivator in the Holy Realm. How sophisticated is his vision? He had already seen that Lin Su's cultivation at the moment was at the fourth level, but the guard he assigned was at the fifth level. What he wanted was for a guard to take care of Lin Su. Unexpectedly, after just a meeting, Lin Su took this person. The guards were defeated.

Go backwards and forward!

Regardless of the world of heaven or the world of immorality, it is the standard for genius.

He turned out to be a genius who could go backwards and forward! (End of chapter)

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