Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 860 The world of innocence is broken into two realms

Although it is a bit strange, Wudao Longjun's vision is too high. He himself was once a genius in retrograde advancement, and he obviously did not pay much attention to retrograde advancement.

He only wants to be famous.

You! Long Jun pointed at another guard: Teach him how to behave!

The guard stepped forward like a mountain.

Long Er was startled...

The Dragon Queen also sighed: Your Majesty, it's over! His cultivation level at the moment is only the fourth level. If you get the fifth level, I won't bother to tell you. Now that you have the sixth level, I will ask you. You only had the fifth level now. When there are four realms, can we cross two realms?

Long Jun's face darkened: I just told him not to be arrogant in front of me.

Lin Su bowed deeply: What my father-in-law said is wrong. How has my son-in-law ever been arrogant? I can't beat this eldest brother in front of me. Maybe I can fight with him tomorrow, but definitely not in front of me.

Tomorrow? Long Jun said in a deep voice.

Go back to my father-in-law, it's tomorrow! Lin Su said.

Long Jun raised his eyes: Madam, you heard it too! Now tell me, is he arrogant?

The Dragon Queen shook her head gently: What's wrong with a man who has high aspirations? How can a man without dreams or pride be worthy of being your son-in-law? Your Majesty, just as he said, in a few days, you will test his cultivation again. Isn’t that a beautiful thing?”

Lord Long said slowly: Not a few days from now, it will be tomorrow! If you can survive ten moves under him tomorrow, I will forgive you all your sins!

Long Jun fluttered his sleeves and left, and everyone looked at each other...

The Dragon Queen sighed softly: Long'er, take...him to the guest room!

In the guest room, the door closed, and Long Er threw himself into his arms, hugging Lin Su tightly: Mr., I'm sorry!

Why are you saying sorry to me? Lin Su gently touched her shoulder.

Long Er raised his face slightly: I don't want my love for you to cause harm to you, but it still caused harm.

You only have unadulterated feelings for me. Even if you cause harm to me, it is not your fault! Lin Su said: Besides, it is too early to talk about harm at this moment.

Long Er was slightly startled...

Having fallen into the abyss of innocence, it was extremely difficult for him to return to the human world, but his demeanor was so peaceful...

Lin Sudao: Long'er, I don't quite understand why your father is so hostile to me. Is it because... there is some unfavorable news about me from the outside that has spread to Wudaoyuan?

When asked about this topic, Lin Su's face was calm, but his heart was a little high.

Wudao Longjun was once the genius of the Xihai Dragon Clan. Because Xihai Dragon Palace was rubbed against him by the Soldier Saint, he gave up the opportunity to reach the peak of cultivation and fought against the Soldier Saint, which showed that he still had feelings for Xihai Dragon Palace.

Now, the Xihai Dragon Palace has been wiped out under Lin Su's plan. If Wudao Dragon Lord knows about this, then the feud between them will be really big.

He was not sure for a moment whether there was this element in Wu Dao Long Lord's real reason for hating him.

Logically speaking, Wudaoyuan is incompatible with the world of Tiandao, and any news from the two sides is also isolated. However, things are never absolute. After he killed the illegitimate son of Xihai Longjun who was living in the world, Xihai Longjun was still not a sect. Have people arrived at Wu Dao Abyss?

Long Er sighed softly: How can the news between Wu Daoyuan and the outside world be conveyed so easily? The real reason why my father hates you is me!

Because of you? What's going on?

Because I have a place in Father's grand chess game...

Long Er said...

It is related to the overall situation of Wudaoyuan.

Wudaoyuan, three kings are together, the demon king, the star king, and the dragon king. The three are all saint-level masters. They have the same cultivation and the same power, but they restrain each other. Each of them has millions of subordinates. , forming a three-legged situation.

Why do we say they have the same origin?

Involving three Wudao sacred objects and Wudao remnant monuments.

These three broken stele are all fragments of the Wudao Holy Stele. One of the three forces owns one. The broken stele owned by Long Jun is called the Gong Stele, which records the Wudao Kung Fu. Therefore, their line of cultivation It is profound; the Demon Lord's side occupies a piece called the Skill Tablet, and their moves and various methods are unparalleled; the Star Lord's group occupies the Dharma Tablet, which records the rules of the law, and their low-level combat power Not powerful, but with high-end combat power, even his father is afraid of three points...

The competition between the three parties has already become fierce. They are competing for resources and killing each other every moment. Wu Daoyuan has been in chaos for a hundred years, and it has become more and more intense in recent years.

The father intends to join forces with the demon king, and she, Long Er, is a pawn in this joint game.

Because the demon king's legitimate son fell in love with her.

As for Long Er, after meeting Lin Su, he focused entirely on Lin Su and strongly resisted the marriage.

Her mother was still doing her job, but after she got Dream of Red Mansions and The Legend of White Snake from Lin Su, her mother changed her attitude and opposed the marriage.

When his father fell into Wu Daoyuan, it was his mother who saved his life. Every step of his subsequent success was supported by her full support. She usually obeyed her words, but this was the only major matter related to hegemony. , he just stood up to his mother and refused to give in.

Lin Su completely understood!

My interactions with Long Er had flapped the wings of butterflies in this abyss of no-knowledge, quietly changing the trajectory of her life, thereby ruining Lord Long's plan.

Lord Long's hatred towards him actually stems from this.

It’s pretty good here!

At least, it is much easier to resolve than the hatred of genocide!

The expression on Lin Su's face relaxed...

For some reason, when Long Er saw his relaxed expression, he felt a lot more relaxed: Ms. sir, why did you call me father-in-law when we first met? I think my father's face turned green...

Want to hear the truth or lies?

Naturally, Long Er would not make the wrong choice: Tell the truth!

The truth is, this is a strategy! Lin Su said: I seduced you shamelessly, and you would be worthy of the eighty-one unjust tortures anywhere, whether as a monarch or as a punishment officer below. , there is no psychological barrier in performing it, how sick am I to want to try your eighty-one tortures? So, I used the four words father-in-law as an invisible rope to tie his hands and feet.

Ah? Why is this a rope? Long Er's eyes widened...

I call him father-in-law. The matter between you and me is your father's family business, right? He has the nerve to let his subordinates torture his son-in-law? The people below have the nerve to torture His Majesty's consort? He follows the principle of not exposing his family's scandal to the public. The guiding ideology is to kill me quietly at most, and it is unlikely to torture me in a big way.

Long Er was stunned...

It took a long time before he breathed out softly: You keep calling me father-in-law and mother-in-law. My mother almost laughed. You turned out to be just a tactic...

It's different on your mother's side! On your mother's side, I call her mother-in-law sincerely. It's not a strategy, it comes from my heart!

Why is this? Long Er didn't understand again.

I don't know why, as soon as I saw your mother, I felt a close feeling from the bottom of my heart. Maybe it's the natural closeness of the same human race, maybe it's because she has your shadow in her body. I love you, and naturally I feel that she is amiable and respectable. .”

Long Er stared at him blankly. If he felt a little uncomfortable at first, he was now completely surrounded by sweetness...

In a certain palace, two people looked at each other...

It was the Dragon Lord and the Dragon Queen.

The initial anger in Long Jun's eyes turned into confusion...

The Dragon Queen's initial disappointment turned into tenderness...

Your Majesty, do you know now? A title can also contain mysteries. Although you suddenly feel unhappy when you hear it, if you think about it carefully, you should understand that this shows his wisdom! The Dragon Queen said: Based on this wisdom alone, It may not be impossible to create a foundation in the abyss of innocence.

Madam... Long Jun pondered for a long time and slapped himself on the forehead: Madam, I rely on you for everything else, but you have to listen to me on this matter. It is related to the great cause of Wudao Dragon Palace. Yours The love between children can only ruin the entire Wudao Dragon Palace, so don’t blame me!”

The Dragon Queen stood up suddenly: Your Majesty, don't forget what you promised yourself! If he can take the ten moves of Hei San tomorrow, you will absolve him of all his sins.

Long Jun said: What I said is absolutely true!

The Dragon Queen arrived outside the house...

Hei San!

Hei San ran over in a hurry: Mother, what are your orders?

The Dragon Queen transmitted the message into the secret, and Hei San's eyes widened suddenly...

Immediately afterwards, another sound penetrated into his ears, and Hei San's whole body trembled...

The Dragon Queen asked him to let go. If he didn't let the boy survive ten moves, the Dragon Queen would kill him!

Long Jun asked him to go all out. If he couldn't kill that kid with more than ten moves, Long Jun would kill him!

It's so hard for me...

Can't you handle your housework on your own?

You have to let me get caught in it...

No matter what happens, I will die...

In the guest room, the sight of the two bosses had left, and Long Er had also left...

Long Jun's attitude has been made clear. Naturally, it is impossible for Long Er to stay with him at this critical point. Otherwise, what if this kid knows that he will die tomorrow and in line with the principle of deep binding, what should he do if he harms Long Er?

So Longer must go!

Long Er didn't want to leave her husband, not even for a while, but she was worried about irritating her father, so she had no choice but to leave.

She left, the door closed, and Lin Su slowly raised his eyes. People who knew him well would be heartbroken when they saw this look, because this look represented the beginning of his thoughts...

Yes, stepping into Wu Dao Abyss is an absolute surprise!

However, Lin Su never wanted to sit still and wait for death...

He has implemented several strategies...

First, the title of father-in-law and mother-in-law is a trick, and this trick is called a scheming plan! He just wants to use this title to make Long Jun do nothing wrong! At the same time, let Dragon Queen Tiexin help him - there are few women in the world who are indifferent to the title Mother-in-law.

Secondly, he actually knew that he and Long Er were under surveillance in the guest room just now! And this boss will definitely be the Dragon Lord and the Dragon Queen - based on his cultivation, he cannot make this judgment, but based on logical judgment, surveillance will definitely exist.

It was also a plan for him to reveal all of this plan even though he knew that Lord Long would be monitoring him! Some people may say that when you know that Mr. Long is listening nearby, you don’t seize the time to say some warm words to impress Mr. Long, but instead use a cruel truth to stimulate Mr. Long. Isn’t it counterproductive? Really not! The warm-hearted route is suitable for the Dragon Queen, but not for the Dragon Lord. The warm-hearted route cannot impress a genius like Long Jun! There is only one thing to impress him, the genius route! Let him know that Lin Su is not an ordinary person, he is a genius! As for this genius, it doesn't matter at all whether his words will displease Lord Long. For a generation of geniuses who have hegemony in their hearts, they don't look at people based on whether the person's words are pleasant or not, but whether the person is useful or useless! Useful people can come into his eyes, useless people can be discarded like crumbs, it's that simple!

Thirdly, he has another plan, which is currently being implemented.

What plan?

He wants to shock the entire Wudao Dragon Palace with a wonder on his way to practice!

Lin Su sat cross-legged and started to exercise!

The strong power of Taoism came in strands, and his cultivation level increased step by step...

On the path of cultivation, it is difficult to increase one's cultivation, and it is even more difficult to break through. Under normal circumstances, it takes three to five years to break through from the fourth realm to the fifth realm. However, don't ignore one key point. Lin The framework of Su Tiandao Kung Fu has been set up. His Tiandao Kung Fu has entered the sixth realm of Dao Fruit plus Peeping into the Sky. The framework has been established. Wu Dao Kung Fu is nothing more than following this framework. , but the materials used are different. If the Tiandao method uses cement, and the Wudao method uses another pipe along the framework and fills it with concrete again, is there anything wrong? Nothing wrong...

In one hour, the four realms are perfect.

In three hours, the flowers of the Dao Realm bloomed and the Five Realms were broken through!

Lin Su opened his eyes and felt a strange feeling.

In the world of innocence, he has a feeling of doing whatever he wants.

Lin Su stood up and stepped out of the guest room.

Outside the guest room, a guard stared at him coldly: I, Hei Er, have ordered me to test your skills. You only need to take three moves, and your Majesty will absolve you of all your crimes.

Three moves? Didn't we talk about ten moves yesterday? Lin Su raised his eyes. The pale sky seemed to be full of eyes, but he couldn't tell whether there was a pair of dragon eyes from the West Sea among them.

The ten moves are aimed at Hei San. When he was practicing last night, he accidentally injured his foundation, so he replaced it! He is at the middle stage of the Sixth Realm, which is half a level higher than him. Therefore, the number of moves is reduced by seven moves. ! Hei Er answered very carefully.

In a nearby attic, the Dragon Queen bit her lips tightly...

She knows which game Black Three is playing...

He gave Hei San an order, and His Majesty also gave an order. He was in a dilemma with this order, so he made it impossible for him to get out...

Your Majesty is really decisive. In this case, she actually replaced a Hei Er with a higher level of cultivation, and blocked all the transmissions, so that she could not give orders even if she wanted to...

You old dragon, if you dare to hurt my son-in-law even a hair, I won’t let you sleep with me for a hundred years!

Three moves! Very good! Lin Su raised his hands and held the long sword in his hand: Go all out!

Hei stretched out his hand and held a strange weapon in his hand. As he held the weapon, the whole space seemed to be filled with a strange aura.


Lin Su draws his sword!

As soon as he drew his sword, his aura split into two!

Hei Er's heart trembled, how could it happen so quickly?

He is also an elite in the battlefield, and he raises his hand to block his throat like a conditioned reflex...

He got in the way!


If he hadn't blocked it, the sword would have definitely landed on his throat, but once he blocked it, the sword disappeared out of thin air like a sword that broke through time and space.

Hei Er was shocked...

At this moment, a sword came towards me, carrying an unparalleled momentum...


Hei Er flew away and hit a rockery behind him. Half of the manor was filled with rockery rubble...

Beside the Dragon Queen, Long Er jumped up and grabbed his mother's arm. Her face was red, and her eyes were full of surprise...

The Dragon Queen's eyes widened: How is that possible? He...he broke through a lot overnight!

In the endless smoke and dust, a person suddenly stepped out. With this step, the smoke disappeared and the gravel returned to its original position, turning into a rockery and returning to its original place.

It is Wu Dao Longjun.

His sharp eyes were firmly fixed on Lin Su: Achieve a great realm overnight?

Yes, father-in-law! Lin Su moved his hand, the sword disappeared, and he bowed respectfully.

Wudao Longjun said slowly: It really shocked me a little bit... You, come here!

Where the finger points is the top of an attic.

Silently, a figure passed by in the air. This pass almost covered the entire sky. In a flash, the black shadow appeared in front of Lord Long: Your Majesty!

You, squeeze out all his potential and see! Long Jun said.

Yes! The dark figure slowly turned around and faced Lin Su.

Lin Su looked at him: Father-in-law, this is the seventh realm, I can't beat him in front of me!


Wudao Longjun almost rolled his eyes. I still don’t know that you can’t beat me? What the hell if you can beat him!

However, Wudao Longjun really didn't want to talk to him, but he could only reply with two words.

Lin Su added: So, father-in-law, if you want me to defeat him, you may have to give me a day!

Everyone was stunned...

Long Jun's eyes slowly widened: One day? Defeated?

Yes! I can defeat him at this time tomorrow!

The guard's dark face suddenly turned red. If Long Jun wasn't right in front of him, and if he didn't have the somewhat controversial but still shocking title of Consort on his head, he wasn't sure whether he should have killed the other person. Take off the head.

You were in the fourth realm yesterday, you temporarily broke through the fifth realm last night, and you defeated the sixth realm in a retrograde march. Now you actually say that if you give him one more day, he can even do the seventh realm.

I have been practicing for three hundred years and I have never seen such evil things...

Wudao Longjun seemed to have never really looked at him seriously until this moment, and time seemed to have completely stopped...

After a long time, Lord Long said slowly: Instead of one day, I will give you three days! After three days, you will fight Heiyi!

Lin Su bowed and smiled: My father-in-law is tolerant, but my son-in-law dare not go back on his words and say that one day is just one day. At this time tomorrow, my son-in-law will hand in this answer sheet to his father-in-law!

Okay! Mr. Long waved his hand gently: In this day, I will give you the best cultivation resources!

With this wave, Lin Su rose from the ground. A door in front opened. Lin Su entered the door. The door closed, blocking out everything.

Silently, two women appeared in front of Long Jun, it was Long Er and Long Queen.

The Dragon Queen's face was gloomy: Your Majesty, he has exceeded your Majesty's conditions. Now the conditions have been upgraded. As the Lord of the First Palace, are you going back on your word or breaking your promise?

Long Jun said: Madam, are you being unreasonable? How often has this emperor broken his promise and gotten rich? His crimes have been pardoned, and the escalation of the war was his own initiative. I just agreed to his request. Is it wrong?

Long'er's little mouth curled up: He has completed the impossible task, and he is already the son-in-law of the emperor. Father, you are so harsh on your son-in-law, what does your daughter think?

Presumptuous! The Dragon King was so angry that he did not dare to express his anger towards the Dragon Queen. He turned to his daughter: My father only promised to pardon his crimes, but why did he agree to recognize this son-in-law? As a princess, she is so partial to a wild man of unknown origin. In what manner?

Mom... Long Er turned to her mother with tears in her eyes.

The Dragon Queen took one step forward: Your Majesty, how about I make a bet with you?


Exactly! Dragon Queen said: Tomorrow's battle, if he can catch Hei Yi's three moves, you recognize him as our son-in-law! If he can't catch it, send him out of Wudao Abyss and cut off Long Er's influence from now on. Such thoughts.

Long Er's heart skipped a beat, she understood what her mother was thinking...

What my mother wants is exactly the same as what I want!

If he can take the next three moves, his dream will come true. If he can't, his father will have to send him away. His crisis will be resolved. This is mother, who will always stand by her daughter's side.

Long Jun pondered for a long time, then softly exhaled: You, you have to have a certain way of pampering her... Hey, just follow what the lady said!

The Dragon Queen let out a long sigh...

Taking advantage of the breath, a voice came to Heiyi...

However, this voice was blocked, and Long Jun had a complicated expression: Madam, you have already made Hei San hurt his own foundation, are you going to make Hei Yi hurt his own foundation? Since we have reached a bet, we should not do it. These little moves, everything depends on his luck! Heiyi, you enter the training room immediately, no one is allowed to see you before you fight him!

Heiyi escaped and ran away...

Dragon Queen and Long Er looked at each other and felt helpless...

In the practice room, the power of Wu Dao is unprecedentedly strong...

Lin Su didn't practice the exercises immediately. He seemed to be sitting blankly for one hour, two hours, three hours...

Suddenly, his eyes opened suddenly...

The moment he opened his eyes, the training room suddenly turned into a whirlpool with him as the center. Boundless power poured in at an unbelievable speed.

Lin Su's eyes flashed with surprise, and he slowly closed his eyes, feeling another sudden change in his body.

His luck this time was extraordinary.

He used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique!

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique was originally a Heavenly Dao technique and was not applicable here. However, he changed this opportunity. He opened a secret entrance to the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique and activated this magic technique in the world of lawlessness. This is the one method that can lead to all methods on the path of spiritual practice...

Once the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique was activated, the speed at which he absorbed the power of Wu Dao was astonishing.

At some point, a door appeared between his eyebrows, which was vaguely his magic door.

The Demon Gate is his Dao Fruit!

If the Wudao world also has the level of Dao fruit, he has officially entered the sixth realm of Wudao!

This is just an appearance. What is really shocking is inside the Demon Gate. It seems that there are two worlds inside the Demon Gate, where the world of heaven and the world of innocence merge.

The purple lightning was faint, the waves were turbulent, and there seemed to be endless variables, but he had no idea what these variables represented.

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