Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 862 A little private thing: a killer move against Beihai Dragon Palace

Lin Su sighed: My father-in-law is a genius of a generation, and he really sees the problem to the point! My son-in-law learned that under the vast territory of the world, there is a monument that may bring disaster to all living beings at any time, how can he be calm and calm? Therefore, my son-in-law wants his father-in-law to be open-minded and not harm all sentient beings. If he wants to harm, let him harm Beihai Dragon Palace!

The emperor heard the frankness in these words! Long Jun said: But you still haven't answered my topic. Why do you hate Beihai Dragon Palace so deeply?

Lin Su breathed out softly: My son-in-law didn't want to mention this matter at first, because he was worried that his father-in-law would underestimate his character and think that he was just trying to gain fame and reputation and show favor...

Fishing for fame? Showing favor and asking for favor?

Long Jun's eyes flashed: Tell me and listen!

Lin Sudao: After a misunderstanding between me and my father-in-law that day, I went to the Xihai Dragon Palace to clarify the misunderstanding about killing Long Zi. The Xihai Dragon Palace is quite reasonable, and it is considered irresponsible to have a relationship with my son-in-law. However, the Beihai Dragon Palace unifies the world. She actually disguised herself as the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea and launched an attack on the Dragon Palace of the West Sea. Her son-in-law saw through their treacherous plan and was hated by them. There was a so-called think tank in the Dragon Palace of the North Sea, Xue Qianxun. I wonder if my father-in-law knew that this woman actually colluded with Osumi and cooperated with Osumi. I, Da Cang, are engaged in a bloody battle. I, Lin Su, am a citizen of Da Cang and have an irreversible friendship with Xihai. How can we tolerate her? Since Beihai Dragon Palace happens to be within the realm of Wudao, how can we easily destroy it? Why not?

Long Jun was shocked, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

The dragon queen also disappears

Lin Su held up the wine glass and took a sip.

Long Er looked around and said softly: Ms. sir, have your father, the queen, and your queen left?

Lin Su nodded lightly, stretched out his hand, grabbed her hand, and rubbed it gently.

The blush slowly rose on Long Er's face: The suggestion you gave to my father, will my father... accept it?

Definitely! Lin Su said.

He was really sure of this.

Wudao Dragon Palace is in its current state. Basically, it has to grasp any life-saving straw. What's more, this clever plan he gave to Wudao Dragon Lord is truly wonderful.

What's so wonderful about it? It has all the makings of a real coup.

First, this plan hits others' gaps, and every step is unexpected. No matter how smart you are, you can't see it through, and it is impossible for others not to fall into the plan. Think about it, with just the first step, who would have thought that his men would steal the remnants of the monument that he carefully kept and give it to his competitors?

Secondly, this plan is logically reasonable, insightful into people's hearts, and highly maneuverable.

The people in the Dragon Palace rebelled and gave the broken monument to the Demon Lord. It was normal operation for the Dragon Lord to lead a siege with any number of people, but what about the Star Lord? He must also want to fish in troubled waters. Dragon Lord took the initiative to contact Xingjun and promised him some benefits. Wouldn't Xingjun play into his heart? Don't say that you promised him a bunch of benefits, but you didn't promise any benefits. Xing Jun also hopes to take this opportunity to kill Demon Lord (when there are three pillars, any subtraction of anyone is the benefit of others), the best thing is Yes, the boss of Star King, the second boss of Dragon King, the third boss of Demon King, the second boss and the third boss may not be able to kill the boss together, but the second boss and the boss team up, but they can really kill the third boss!

What happens after killing the third child?

The boss must have wanted to take the three remaining monuments to himself.

It was unreasonable for Lord Long to agree to him directly, so what Lin Su designed for him was: Lord Long promised that after taking back the merit monument under his control from the Demon Lord, he would lend it to Star Lord for three months of enlightenment, and the Demon Lord would control it Long Jun studied the magic tablet for three months, and then the two parties exchanged it.

This is a step up.

The main focus of this level is rationality - any monument is the foundation of the practice. Exchange of insights and simultaneous growth of the two parties' cultivation are originally the usual operations of the big forces.

However, Xingjun will definitely violate the agreement between the two parties!

He must want to get all three tablets!


Because he is the overlord of the generation, and because he is stronger than Long Jun,

As long as he gets the upper hand, unifies the three monuments into one, and creates an unruly realm. The rules of this realm will be set by him, the founder, and the Dragon Lord will have to hold back no matter how big his opinion is.

As for Lin Su, what he wants is for him to violate the agreement, and what he wants is for him to unite the three monuments into one!

Lin Su definitely does not underestimate the intelligence of these peerless heroes.

However, this plan relies on IQ!

The higher the IQ, the more heroic thinking, and the more inescapable he is from his designs!

Of course, in Lin Su's design, bringing private goods is a basic operation. Without private goods, it is impossible. Long Jun also does not really trust his son-in-law who fell from the sky. If Lin Su is purely unreasonable for him, Dragon Palace, this old dragon really doesn't dare to implement his clever plan with confidence.

Lin Su's private goods, Lao Long, have been deciphered...

First, Lin Su is based on the interests of Da Cang Kingdom. He was worried that this new realm of lawlessness would bloom as a flower of evil in the land of the Great Cang, bringing harm to the great Cang. Therefore, he banished Old Long’s own monument far away immediately, and let this flower of evil bloom in Beihai. Dragon Palace Blooms, this method of bringing personal goods is not only decisive, but also very popular.

Secondly, Lin's grievances with Beihai Dragon Palace are also very consistent with his plan to divert trouble to the east.

Of course, Old Long has to investigate whether this grudge is true or not!

Although it is said that Wu Dao Abyss has basically lost contact with the human world, don’t underestimate the foundation of Wu Dao Dragon Palace. Wu Dao Dragon Lord summoned a few people to ask...

All kinds of clues are intricate...

Ohsumi and Ohso have really been at war over the years.

Beihai Dragon Palace really has the ambition to unify the world.

There really is a Xue Qianxun in Beihai Ryugu, who is known as a think tank. Beihai Ryugu's expansion of ambition is directly related to her, and Beihai Ryugu really has a conspiracy with Ohsumi and then annexes Da Cang.

All this proves that Lin Su has a deep hatred for Beihai Dragon Palace, giving him logical support for diverting trouble eastward...

However, there is also one thing that makes Wudao Longjun uneasy, that is, he cannot contact the inside of Xihai Dragon Palace.

Could it be said that something has happened to the Xihai Dragon Palace?

Was it destroyed by Beihai Dragon Palace?

This thought took root in Wudao Longjun's mind and never left it.

He had no idea that the truth and lies in Lin Su's words had already caused his thinking to go astray...

The West Sea Dragon Palace has been destroyed!

It was the East China Sea Dragon Palace that destroyed it!

Lin Su cannot guarantee that Wudao Longjun knows nothing about this matter...

So he played a trick and threw out a sentence among a bunch of real details: Beihai Dragon Palace disguised as East Sea Dragon Palace and attacked West Sea Dragon Palace.

Even if Wudao Longjun has some special secret insider information and delivers the breaking news that East China Sea Dragon Palace has destroyed West Sea Dragon Palace, Wudao Dragon Lord's first reaction will be: it was the grandsons of Beihai Dragon Palace who did it!

Only when the water is muddy can you fish, right?

Lin Su came to this abyss of innocence, faced with the super master who confronted a generation of heroes a thousand years ago - the Soldier Saint, faced with the massacre of hundreds of millions of people, faced with Long Dingtian, who had a deep connection with the West Sea Dragon Palace, couldn't help but Playing tricks is simply asking for death!

No matter how much fun Lin Su played with Long Dingtian, he had no mental barriers.

However, after Long Dingtian and Dragon Queen left, Lin Su felt a little embarrassed when he looked at the cute little girl next to him with her round eyes. She trusted him so much, she was so pure and clean, and yet she still used such amazing skills. A trick to play with her father...

It's a pity that no matter how guilty he is, he can't be honest with him!

Just change the way...

For example, hug her to show some extra comfort.

This appeasement is a waste!

The little cute girl was aroused by him, wrapped her hands around his neck, and played with herself...

However, just after completing the circle, a voice came from outside: Princess, Prince Consort, please come over and sit down.

Long Er suddenly got off Lin Su's body, his face red as blood...

Lin Su shook his head gently. There was no way he could stay here. There was surveillance at all times. If one word revealed the truth, Lord Long might come out and pick off his head. If he and Long Er were not under control, Long Er would Then he jumped out and called a timeout...

Stepping into Jiangnan Garden where the Dragon Queen lives, Lin Su had an illusion...

He suddenly felt that this was not Wudaoyuan, but Misty Jiangnan!

The sky is misty and misty, and in the garden, flowers are blooming...

On a small red pavilion, the Dragon Queen sat leaning against the window. Outside the window, a small boat rowed down the river. Everything was a scene from the south of the Yangtze River.

Two umbrellas rose from the head, and several maids who looked the same as human women bowed: Prince-in-law, princess, and empress are waiting for you at Yanyu Pavilion!

So, Lin Su and Long Er entered the Yanyu Pavilion side by side.

In the Yanyu Pavilion, the Dragon Queen stood up and said, This is my residence. What did Su'er see?

My son-in-law saw only four words: It's hard to leave our homeland! Lin Su said.

It's hard to leave my homeland! That's right! The Dragon Queen sighed softly: This Jiangnan Garden is the mark I left on my hometown when I left home. I never thought that that separation would be a farewell forever. From now on, the dream of homeland will remain. All in this garden.”

From now on, the dream of homeland can be found in this garden!

Even if she is sealed in the abyss of innocence for a thousand years and cannot return to her homeland for the rest of her life, she has replicated the appearance of her homeland in this garden. What kind of feelings is this?

Wanderer's heart!

Dream chasing heart!

Lin Su sighed softly: I wonder where my mother-in-law's hometown is? After my son-in-law leaves Wudaoyuan, he can look for his mother-in-law to see if there are any descendants.

So much work for Su'er! The Dragon Queen sighed softly: The west side of my hometown, Yandang Mountain, was called Ximu Country at that time. It was the boundary of Yingzhou and the place where the three rivers converged. It was also called Jiangnan. The terrain is like this now. My My family is just a small family, making a living by picking tea... Thousands of years have passed, and dozens of generations have passed in this world. My family should have long since passed away. There are only two people, and maybe there is still a little hope. One is Duan Yongchang, and I My elder brother, Duan Muchun, and my sister, if they both enter the Dripping Water Temple to practice together, if they are broken like heaven and earth, they may have a thousand years of life.

Dripwater Temple? Lin Su was slightly surprised: Dripwater Temple still exists, but the ancient Ximu Kingdom is no longer there. If I am lucky enough to find these two people, what message does my mother-in-law want to give them?

The Dragon Queen was silent...

What should you say if you find a relative you haven't seen for a thousand years?

She didn't know what to say for a moment...

After a long time, she let out a long sigh: Thousands of years have passed, and things have changed. I don't know what to say. Let's do this. This is a silk handkerchief given to me by my sister. If you see her, tell her that I... I am still alive. ! That’s enough!”

A piece of silk handkerchief was handed to Lin Su's hand. It was an ordinary silk handkerchief, with a woman embroidered with silk thread on it, which was very similar to the Dragon Queen. In addition, there were four beautiful embroidered words: Seeing the words is like the face.

Is this the portrait of my mother-in-law and sister?

Yes! But this is just a portrait from a thousand years ago. Over the course of a thousand years, things and people have changed. Even if my sister is still alive, she may not look like this.

Lin Su solemnly took the silk handkerchief into his arms: Mother-in-law, as long as she is still alive, my son-in-law will definitely find her!

Don't force it, everything depends on chance...


Mentioning the thousand-year-old events, the Dragon Queen sighed endlessly...

A trace of sadness filled the teahouse...

Long Er personally held the pot and poured a cup of tea for his mother and Lin Su. Queen Long seemed to have recovered from her distant thoughts and smiled softly: Su'er, are you a scholar?

My mother-in-law, I can barely be considered a scholar!

Why barely?

Because my literary skills are not pure.

I have read A Dream of Red Mansions and The Legend of White Snake. Are you the author of these two books?


As soon as one word came out of his mouth, Long Er and Long Queen were all excited...

These two books were their pillow books, A Dream of Red Mansions. The Dragon Queen even copied it by herself. She was so shocked by the author's amazing talent that she didn't know where she was.

She believed her daughter's words at first, this book was written by him!

But the more she read, the more doubtful she became. Is this possible?

How much talent does it take to complete such a masterpiece?

How could such a literary genius be randomly pulled over from the sea of ​​people?

However, Lin Su admitted it personally...

Although Lin Su admitted it, the Dragon Queen was still dubious...

Su'er, the poems in your book are truly shocking. Your poetry skills are evident. I wonder if you can write one on the spot?

As soon as these words came out, Long Er's heart skipped a beat.

What does the queen mean? Test his poetry level?


What if he just told a lie, what if he couldn't stand the test, wouldn't that make him embarrassed? However, the queen mother had already said it, and it was too late for her to object.

Lin Su's expression remained unchanged: Of course that's okay, my mother-in-law, please give me a proposal!

How about taking Jiangnan as the theme?

Lin Su nodded: Mother-in-law, do you want poems or lyrics?


The Dragon Queen's heart suddenly jumped...

She was familiar with the genre of poetry, but the word had not been invented at all when she left the world of heaven. She only saw it for the first time on the packaging of perfume and soap. As soon as she saw the word, she fell in love with it... …

Now, her son-in-law actually asked her to order some food and ask for a poem or a sentence!


Lin Su raised his hand, pen in hand, and a piece of paper appeared on the coffee table...

He just picked up the pen and wrote...

Remembering Jiangnan

Hello Jiangnan,

The scenery is familiar to me before,

When the sun rises, the flowers on the river are as red as the fire,

When spring comes, the river is as green as blue,

Can you not remember Jiangnan?

When the pen falls, there is no holy light of literature, because there is no literature here.

However, in the eyes of the Dragon Queen, it is wonderful. She is a discerning person. She can see the beauty of this poem at a glance. There is not a single obscure word in the whole poem. The whole poem is like vernacular, but when combined, it has an endless sense of beauty. .

That's the word!

This is the mood she likes!

How can one not be addicted to a word! The Dragon Queen sighed softly: This word should be in Jiangnan Garden from now on!

She raised her hand slightly, and on the pavilion behind her, this poem appeared out of thin air. Lin Su's handwriting and Lin Su's words were only magnified ten times.

Lin Su's eyes also lit up. Although the Dragon Queen seemed to carve a few words lightly, Lin Su clearly felt that her cultivation level was unfathomable. This method of changing the world at will was not a saint level, but it was not as good as a saint. ah.

Out of a practical need to get out of trouble, my mother-in-law, who kept shouting, turned out to be a towering tree?

The Dragon Queen turned her eyes slightly: Su'er, your father-in-law has decided to adopt your plan!

As soon as these words came out, Lin Su's heart skipped a beat. He knew that this plan would be adopted. However, he was still quite excited when he heard it with his own ears, because this matter was really closely related to the pattern of the unruly world. The survival of Beihai Dragon Palace is also related to his escape...

When to act?

in three days!

Okay! Lin Su said: Mother-in-law, please rest assured that this strategy will definitely have hundreds of benefits and no disadvantages in Wudao Dragon Palace!

The Dragon Queen smiled slightly: We have already talked about the business, Su'er might as well relax and enjoy Jiangnan Yuan's Jiangnan ditty! As the saying goes, when you come from your hometown, you should hear the sounds of your hometown. This ditty is suitable for entertaining a good son-in-law!

More than ten maids walked through Jiangnan Garden...

Like a gentle breeze blowing across the south of the Yangtze River...

The wonderful hands and postures are pleasing to the eye...

A piece of piano music enters the brain and heart...

Lin Su closed her eyes slightly and walked through the Baili Tea Garden accompanied by this fresh and melodious sound...

The wind blows, the music is silent, and the rain falls...

The Dragon Queen sighed softly: Thousands of years have passed. I don't know how far I have come from the joy of my hometown.

She was just talking to herself...

She didn't expect an answer...

However, Lin Su said: Mother-in-law, I don't know what kind of wonderful music there was in Ximu in the past, but there is a song in Da Cang Jiangnan, which is quite in tune with the scene in front of me. How about my son-in-law sing this song for my mother-in-law? how?

Long Er's eyes widened...

The consort who looked at her didn't seem to recognize her...

The Dragon Queen's eyes suddenly lit up: Su'er, you can actually sing?

My mother-in-law is in the abyss, thinking about her homeland. Naturally, my son-in-law has to help her. This song is called Tea Fragrance Night Rain...

Lin Su took a sip of fragrant tea...

Open your voice...

On a rainy night,

The aroma of tea fills the building,

Make strong tea in the drizzle,

Just listen to the whisper,

The small building is swaying,

The distant sound of oars,

Thick Jiangnan rain,

The fragrance of tea will keep you...

Everyone in Jiangnan Garden seemed to have been immobilized at the same time.

Including the group of professional singing and dancing waiters who just finished playing.

They all couldn't believe that there was such wonderful music in the world, as if there was a pair of invisible hands that quietly penetrated every cell of their lives with the most beautiful notes in the world.

Just by opening his voice, the whole Jiangnan Garden was completely intoxicated...

Long Er looked at her husband infatuatedly, not knowing where he was...

The Dragon Queen, holding a cup of tea in her hand, sat there blankly, motionless...

The song is quiet, the garden is full of life, everyone looks up at the same time, and they are all surprised...

The Dragon Queen exhaled softly, as if waking up from a dream...

After leaving Jiangnan Garden and entering the guest room, a pair of jade arms wrapped around Long Er, and Little Zuier also found the right direction with great interest, Baji...

Tired of it, Long Er let go and looked at her husband longingly: Sir, I really didn't expect that your poems and lyrics are so praised by the queen, but your songs are even more magical.

Then let's go out for a walk, visit the mountains and rivers, have fun, and occasionally sing you a little song to satisfy all your needs...

Regardless of whether Long Er had the habit of going out to play or not, regardless of whether the Dragon Queen had imposed a ban on her not to leave the palace easily, she had to break through the restrictions and take Lin Su out of the palace.

In Jiangnan Garden, the Dragon Queen was restless. The most considerate maid next to her didn't understand. She asked the empress what's wrong with you?

The Dragon Queen let out a long sigh: I am very confused. Forget it, I won’t follow her anymore. When she comes back, let her play the wonderful song she has recorded to her mother a hundred times...

The maid Bingxue is smart and basically understands.

The mother-in-law’s dilemma is: should she spy on her daughter’s whereabouts with him?

With her cultivation level, it is very easy to do this. She can smell Lin Su and Long Er farting thousands of miles away. The problem is that one is her daughter and the other is her son-in-law. The two of them are having sex with each other. Yes, you hold it and nibble it as soon as you get interested. As an elder, you have the nerve to peep at it?

But she was reluctant not to peep, not that she couldn't bear to watch this romantic affair, but what she couldn't bear to do was Lin Su's song!

His songs are more beautiful than poems and articles!

Put in the abyss of innocence that has never known what entertainment is, it is a nuclear weapon-level trump card. Even though a wonderful person like the Dragon Queen has experienced the endless romance in the world, she still doesn't know where she is when she hears it.

For this hobby, she really broke through her own control and allowed her, a relatively innocent girl, to go crazy outside with her family's arrogant man who had a bad name, bad words, and was actually of unknown origin. .

There is only one condition: when you come back, show your mother the wonderful song you recorded!

Long Er took his mother's ultimate instructions and hit the road!

This road leads directly to a road of no return!

Don’t get it wrong. It’s not the point of no return in the conventional sense, but the point of no return in the mind…

It was the first time that Long Er knew that a man's kiss could be so sweet...

For the first time, Long Er knew about a man's irregularities, which also made her heart flutter...

For the first time, she knew how good a well-spoken literati could be...

This was the first time she knew that musical notes in the world had such diverse forms...

Walking on the river, there is a song called Folk songs are like spring river water...

In the moonlit night, there is a song called Prairie Night...

When I miss you, there is a song called Love Song of the West Sea...

Even the wonderful Dream of Red Mansions and The Legend of White Snake have songs. Every song makes her addicted, every song makes her fall into a dream...

During the seven-day trip, they walked through the central mountains and rivers of the Pathless Abyss, boats floated in the river, they saw the sky on the mountain peaks, the wind blew through the canyons, they tasted countless strange fruits, and Lin Su even caught them with her. A turtle. This turtle is completely different from the creatures in the Pathless Abyss. It is all white. It is held in Long'er's arms. Long'er is as happy as a big rabbit...

On the eighth day, they encountered a group of bandits. In fact, there were bandits everywhere in the Pathless Abyss. It's just that the bandits who appeared this time are a bit stronger, they are all in the seventh realm (equal to Xiangtianfadi)!

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