Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 863 At the end of the strategy, there is still one step left

Just when Lin Su was about to take action, Long Er took action first. This was the first time Lin Su saw her take action. Long Er's action was very strange. A pair of golden wings suddenly grew on her body, and the wings turned into Golden knives, thousands of golden knives combined, the eight robbers in front were wiped out.

At that moment, Lin Su stared at her blankly for five seconds and sighed: Baby, you are very strong. I think I may not be able to beat you.

Yes, Long Er's cultivation at this moment is definitely the leader among the younger generation in Wu Dao Abyss. The seventh realm is upward, and the eighth realm is probably only a little behind.

To change to a concept that everyone understands well, it is probably the actual combat level of Dark Night.

However, she was a shy little girl. After she killed a bunch of robbers, she threw herself into Lin Su's arms and told him shyly that I just had a special bloodline and that I rarely fight. I don't even know how to...

Okay, okay, you are strong, your parents gave it to you.

You are weak because you don't need to be strong at the moment, you just need to be weak.

This handsome guy is not an idiot and he completely understands it. If Lin Su asks her to do something that requires a thin code, she will go down the path of a weak woman and never look back...

On the ninth day, there was a huge cave on the top of a huge mountain. After Lin Su killed a giant tiger with a sword, he peeled off the tiger skin and listened to the roasting of the tiger meat. The cave became a place full of reverie. place.

Long Er was lying on the tiger skin with him and chattering. Lin Su had a feeling that she was a little bit tempted to make a mistake...

However, Lin Su still stopped at the last moment...

Long Er was also impulsive. After Lin Su stopped her hand, she seemed to realize it. She blushed and her heart beat fast. She calmed down her thoughts for a long time. After a long time, she quietly raised her head and looked at the handsome man she could never get enough of through the blurred light. Face……

Lin Su's eyes slowly moved towards her: Long'er!


I finally came to Wu Dao Yuan.

I know!

If one day I...I become different from what I am now, will you be disappointed?

Everyone will become different from the original one, really! Long Er said softly: My mother once told me that she was not a cultivator before, she was just a village girl picking tea, but now she has changed Now, she’s not my favorite mother? No matter how my husband changes, as long as I still have Long Er in my heart, you will be Long Er’s favorite husband.

The two of them lay quietly, Lin Su's heart was filled with waves...

He rarely felt ashamed of someone in his life...

But today we have it!

It's not her fault that she was born in Wu Daoyuan!

It's not his fault that he was born in the world of heaven!

It was not a mistake for him to get to know her!

But will they go against each other?

he does not know!

He only knows that he and Wudao Longjun will eventually come to opposite sides, because Wudao Dragon Lord’s hands are stained with the blood of the human race, because Wudao Dragon Lord has his own plans, and because of this great disaster caused by him. Change, the final direction both of them have something to hide...

In the initial stage of this grand plan, both sides have no reservations...

Join forces with Star Lord to kill Demon Lord, and use the hand of heaven's punishment to punish Star Lord.

The two of them had no reservations about these two matters.

However, their discussion about strategies ends here!

However, Lin Su knew that there was another step behind Long Jun's plan!

But Long Jun didn't know that there was another step behind Lin Su's plan!

This step is their split!

After this step, the feud between him and Wudao Longjun will be irresolvable!

During these nine days, the Abyss of Pathlessness was turbulent...

Something big happened in Wudao Dragon Palace. Dulong, the most trusted brother around His Majesty Long Jun, who was only one step away from becoming a saint, rebelled, killed three elders of Wudao Dragon Palace, and seized the Wudao Monument!

The entire Wudao Dragon Palace was shaken, and seventy-two elders came out of the palace to pursue him!

On his way to escape, Dulong killed eleven more elders, but Dulong himself was seriously injured!

Dulong, who was seriously injured, fled to the Demon Lord's location. More than sixty elders from Wudao Dragon Palace arrived, but were blocked by the Demon Lord's subordinates...

The Demon Lord personally took action to scare the elders, saying that Dulong had pledged allegiance to him and was his brother of the Demon Palace, and would not allow Wudao Dragon Palace to interfere in the affairs of the Demon Palace...

Wudao Dragon Lord was furious and personally led his army to the Demon Lord's station. A war broke out between the two sides!

In the Wudao Abyss, there are three pillars, and the leaders of the three parties are all saint-level cultivators. With such a war together, who can ignore the entire Wudao Abyss?

This battle will last for three days!

All forces had to take sides, and the relatively peaceful situation in the Abyss of No Way for thousands of years was completely broken!

Immediately afterwards, an even more explosive news came from the Demon Palace, and everyone was shocked when it came out...

The Dragon Lord and the Demon Lord confront each other directly, and a holy-level battle breaks out!

The outbreak of the holy war lasted only three hours, and the biggest change occurred. Star Lord suddenly joined the battle, and with his overwhelming combat power, he joined forces with Dragon Lord. In one blow, the demon king fell!

The master of the holy realm has fallen!

The pale sky of the Pathless Abyss suddenly turned into blood. Countless blood fell from the sky and turned into blood rain. This was the cry of the sky in this area!

The saint falls and the world weeps!

Changes came one after another. After Xingjun killed the demon king, he took away the two broken monuments at the same time. Dragon Lord was so angry that he angrily accused Xingjun of violating morality. Xingjun looked up to the sky, smiled, and walked away in the air.

The dragon king was furious, ordered his army to attack the northern border of Xingxiu Sea...

After Lin Su and Long Er received the news, they welcomed the Dragon Queen on the back.

The Dragon Queen stretched out her hand and grabbed the two of them at the same time. Silently, they stepped thousands of miles away. This place was thousands of miles away from the northern border, but she only took ten steps to reach the northern border.

Outside the Northern Star Palace is the Sea of ​​Stars.

The rays of light from the stars seemed to come from the sky, but also seemed to come from the sea.

In the blurred and strange scenery, there are countless strange creatures surrounded. On the sea of ​​stars, there is a palace in the shape of a dragon. Above the dragon-shaped palace, there is a person who looks like an immortal in the fairy world. He is the Wudao Dragon Lord.

At this moment, he is not what he saw in Lin Sulong Palace. He is the commander-in-chief of thousands of troops! Dragon Queen, Lin Su, and Long Er were all behind him.

A large scale-like sword in Long Jun's hand pointed directly at the deepest part of Xingxiu Sea: Xing Jun, the agreement between you and me is clear. To seize the magic tablet in the hands of Demon Lord, I will participate in three months, and you will participate in three months of my monument. Yue, we will exchange them later. Now, you are taking away the two monuments together, which is against morality. Hand over the two monuments, otherwise, you, Xingxiu Hai, will bear the wrath of the entire lawless world!

Behind him, countless warriors from the Wudao Dragon Palace roared in unison...

The roar was shocking...

Deep in the Sea of ​​Stars, a layer of holy light filled the air, and a voice came softly: Lord Dragon, the sky in the Pathless Abyss has changed, haven't you noticed?

Long Dingtian said: Nature has changed. You and I work together to eradicate the demon king. We stand on three pillars. Now it's two strong powers fighting against each other!

No! It's not this kind of change! Xing Jun said: The three monuments merge into one, and the destiny is opened, which is the change!

You... Long Dingtian roared...


There was a soft sound. Although the sound was light, Long Dingtian's expression suddenly changed!

A blue light lit up, then a yellow light lit up, and the next moment, a red light lit up.

Three rays of light intertwined, and the entire Constellation Sea suddenly changed into thousands of colors...

Three monuments combined into one! Long Dingtian murmured: Xingjun, you actually had this idea...

A long laugh came from the deepest part of Xingxiu Sea: Long Dingtian, you and I are the overlords of the same party. You must not tell me that if you have the chance to unite the three monuments, you will choose to give up!

As soon as the voice fell, a huge stone tablet that blended thousands of colors rose up on the sea of ​​stars...

This stone tablet has three colors. The base is yellow, the middle section is red, and the top section is blue. As the stone tablet rises, the three colors blend up and down like water, and the world is full of mystery.

On the sea of ​​stars, everything is crowded.

Above the sky, it looks like a lotus blooming, its layers cracking.

Under the Great Dao Qi, the expressions of the millions of powerful people under Long Jun's seat all changed, because they suddenly discovered that under this kind of Qi, their cultivation was completely restricted.

On top of the stone tablet, it is also like a lotus flower. The layers are peeled off, and a human figure stands on the stone tablet, like a nine-day immortal.

This person is Xingjun!


Long Dingtian roared loudly, transformed into a giant dragon, and rushed forward!

He was probably the only one who still had the power to strike. However, Xingjun waved his hand gently, and a stream of light traveled through the vast space, hitting the giant dragon with a bang, and the dragon rolled away, thousands of miles away.

Xingjun's long smile came from the air: Long Dingtian, your cultivation level is already inferior to mine. Now that I have obtained the highest secret of Wudao, what are you going to do to fight me? You should be more honest. After I open the realm of innocence, I can consider keeping your harem! Haha...

Amidst laughter, the last barrier in the sky was broken, and the giant monument rose up, straight into the sky. Above the sky is the world of heaven...

Lin Su and Long Er held hands and felt the sweat on each other's palms...

A grand plan is coming to an end!

Is everything going as they expected?

Together with the huge stone monument, great changes have taken place in the world of heaven...

Beihai Dragon Palace shook the mountains with a loud bang...

The great elder shouted: What happened?

With a shout, countless elders went up to the sky, and were surprised to see the Forbidden Palace suddenly open. A huge stone tablet soared into the sky, and the rich alien energy swept through the Beihai Dragon Palace like a tsunami...

Nearly a hundred palaces were immediately enveloped in the strange Qi machine. As soon as the people inside came into contact with this strange Qi machine, their whole bodies trembled, as if they had been exposed to the most poisonous poison for the first time. Their Qi and blood were blocked, like the sky. The people below the Fa Di fell to the ground directly. Their souls wanted to escape, but as soon as the souls rushed out of the spiritual platform, they were like delicate babies entering a poison pool. For a moment, they were beyond recognition and their consciousness was confused...

The power of the lawless! This is the power of the lawless! An elder shouted in agony!

The screams of agony stopped abruptly, and the elder fell headlong and fell under the power of Wu Dao.

The hairs all over the great elder's body suddenly exploded with unreasonable power!

How can it be?

How is this going?

Stop it with all your strength! Otherwise, Beihai Dragon Palace will suffer an unprecedented disaster! A crisp voice sounded and spread throughout the palace.

Snow Chihiro!

She left the border in an emergency!

The formation is the first level! The inner palace elders are on the second level! Under the law, retreat! Xue Qianxun's order was issued urgently...

With a bang, countless people rose into the sky and fled to the outside...

The elder shrinks inward, and countless white mist rises to block the power of the lawless...

However, the blocking effect is minimal...

As soon as they made contact, the top elders trembled all over. They seemed to feel that this unruly force was like a living creature, extending along their skills to their spiritual platform...

Something's wrong! This Wu Dao power is too strong! Xue Qianxun shouted: Retreat three hundred miles!

Her order once again rescued thousands of elders in time. The army of elders retreated three hundred miles, and they watched half of the main palace of the Dragon Palace fall into the power of lawlessness, and watched thousands of elders fall into death. Bureau...

Xue Qianxun's face turned blue...

What exactly is going on?

On the top of the stone monument, Mr. Xing stepped on the stone monument, as if he were stepping on the whole world. The joy in his heart was truly endless.

The unjust struggle for supremacy has lasted for thousands of years.

The curtain finally came to an end today.

The Wudao Dragon Lord presented a clever plan, and his Star Lord played into his heart. The two parties worked together to kill the Demon Lord. In the Dragon Lord's view, this was his great victory, right?

Haha, have you ever thought that my Xingjun’s plan has just begun!

The three secret monuments combined into one can break the barrier of heaven!

Now it really comes true!

From now on, I, Xingjun, sit on the territory of the Heavenly Dao Realm thousands of miles away, and at the same time occupy the Pathless Abyss. I collect all kinds of Heavenly Dao materials and combine the strengths of the two realms. I should be the Nine Heavens Immortal Lord!

Suddenly, the world shook slightly!

Xingjun suddenly raised his head, and in the sky, a giant hand covered the sky...

As soon as the Qi energy emanating from the giant hand fell, the Wu Dao Qi energy rising along with the giant monument dissipated instantly like light smoke meeting a strong wind. Xing Jun suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart. This feeling has never happened before... …

What is this? Xingjun shouted...

Haha! A loud laugh came from the distant Abyss of Pathlessness: Xingjun, this is the end of the plan! If you enter the world of heaven, you will be punished by heaven!

The punishment of heaven... Xingjun's dead soul emerged, his body suddenly transformed, and his whole body's holy power cultivation was activated, and he was about to escape.

However, as soon as this holy level cultivation level was activated, the big hand of the sky fell faster, and in just an instant it turned into a curtain of heaven, covering his whole body in it.

Xing Jun shouted: Dragon Top Tengu Thief, you...


The overlord of the generation who has broken through the holy realm in cultivation and is about to embark on a new journey, Xingjun... will die!

In the world of innocence, I hear the sky cry again!

Long Jun laughed loudly: The unjust struggle for supremacy has finally come to an end! Go to Jambi!

Around him, more than a dozen elders rose up from the sky at the same time, straight into the sky.

This is the last step of Long Jun's plan!

After Heaven Punishment killed Xingjun, his elders who had not broken through the Holy Realm seized the secret tablet and truly had the dominance of this newly opened area. He, the Dragon Lord, had broken through the Holy Realm and did not dare to enter this world. However, he His subordinates can do it. He is sitting in the Abyss of No Way, and he can also control the newly opened territory of thousands of miles in the world of heaven.

This is where the Dragon Lord is one level higher than the Star Lord.

Everything Xingjun did was to make wedding clothes for Dragon Lord!

Hundreds of elders headed towards the monument...

At the same time, there were hundreds of elders heading towards the stele on the other side of Xingxiu Sea...

These elders are all in the eighth realm, and their cultivation is equivalent to that of Yuantian in the heavenly realm. How fast...

In the blink of an eye, we were only a hundred feet away from the top of the monument...

However, their speed suddenly slowed down, and their expressions suddenly changed...

The power of heaven! an elder shouted!

As soon as the voice fell, the elder fell from the sky like an ordinary person without cultivation...

Everyone’s expressions changed…

Just now, Heavenly Punishment appeared and killed the saint named Xingjun...

At this moment, the top of this monument is filled with the power of heaven brought by heaven's punishment...

People in the world of heaven regard the power of the lawless world as savage beasts, and people in the world of the lawless world also regard the power of the law of heaven as a scourge. With the power of the law of heaven left on the top of this monument, practitioners from the world of the lawless world cannot climb...

However, one person roared, rushed up a hundred feet, stretched out his sharp claws, and grabbed the top of the secret monument.

This person is Du Long who rebelled against Wu Dao Dragon Palace!

Not only is Dulong's cultivation one step away from becoming a saint, but his physical body is also extremely terrifying. Only he can turn the tables in this impossible situation and seize the secret monument that still has the power of heaven.

As long as he stands firm, he will be able to use his own power to resist the power of heaven. Once the two sides are exhausted, and the people behind him make up, he will be able to truly complete the Dragon Lord's mission and seize the secret monument for the Dragon Lord. , from then on, he is the actual person in charge of this thousands of miles of territory!

This is the order Long Lord gave him, and this is also the reward he paid so much for Long Lord.

The moment he was about to step onto the top of the secret monument...

A person suddenly appeared on the top of the secret monument!

The man raised his hand, cut the long sword through the air, and struck Dulong on the head with a bang. Dulong let go of his hand and fell from the top of the secret monument. When he fell, he raised his eyes and looked at the top of the secret monument in great surprise. people on.

Lin Su!

Why is he the good son-in-law of Wudao Dragon Palace?

The Wu Dao Dragon Lord suddenly raised his head, and his pair of dragon eyes were like flames suddenly rising from the Wu Dao abyss, and they were firmly locked on Lin Su.

The faces of Long Er and Long Queen were also full of surprise...

Wonderful son-in-law, what do you want to do? Six words flew out of the abyss and straight up to the sky.

The word virtuous son-in-law has never been spoken by Wudao Longjun. Even though he has actually recognized Lin Su's son-in-law status, he has never called him a virtuous son-in-law. Now, it has finally come out. This may be another generation of tycoons. The first level of characteristics is to be able to smell an unusual scent.

Lin Su smiled slightly: Father-in-law, I have only promised you from the beginning to the end to help you obtain the sole hegemony of the Pathless Abyss. I have fulfilled my promise! Don't think about more plots!

Why do you say this, a good son-in-law? You and I are one family. This emperor has promised to marry Long'er to you. You are also a member of my Wudao Dragon Palace. You can also become my heir. Why not open up the situation? , help this emperor achieve greater hegemony?

Father-in-law! Lin Su sighed softly: You used to kill hundreds of millions of people in our country. If I didn't include you in the plan and kill you, it was for Long'er's sake. Why would you go the extra mile? , Insatiable? I need to know that the expansion of your lawless world requires my heavenly world to pay a price. You have your dominance, and I have my principles. I also know that you hid the last step of your plan from me. Unfortunately, there is also something in my plan. This step is hidden from you, but you don’t know it.”

Long Er and Long Queen held hands and were shocked.

He finally broke with his father!

At this time when we should be done, break up!

Wudao Longjun said in a deep voice: Wonderful son-in-law, I recognize you as my son-in-law just because you are a smart man. You should understand that the general trend of the world will be united if it is divided for a long time, and it will be divided if it is united for a long time. The trend of the general trend cannot be stopped by human power, so why should you Are you such a lucky person? Why should you be such an ignorant and shallow person?

The general trend of the world is unstoppable! However, when people are established, they have to do something and not do something. I, Lin Su, cannot stop the general trend of the ages. But I want to change the general trend of this generation. I'm sorry, father-in-law. , your grand plans and great achievements, today... I will destroy them with my own hands!

His hands jerked together...

A strange space-time vortex suddenly appeared!

Appear at the top of the secret monument!

With a click, the top of the secret monument was involved in the turbulence of time and space, and was shattered...

Lin Su, if you dare to ruin my plan, I will kill you... Long Jun roared.

Sorry, father-in-law, you are going to be disappointed again! At least in the short term that can be seen, you can't kill me!


The entire secret monument disappeared without a trace!

Below him, layers of air flow rotated and formed into a crack, which shrank rapidly...

Ms. sir... Long Er shouted loudly, weeping and complaining...

High in the sky, Lin Su's eyes met hers, and she sang in a sweet voice: Time has always been limited, it is easy to say goodbye easily, wine feasts and songs are endless; the mountains and rivers in the eyes are far away, and the falling flowers and wind and rain hurt the spring...

The song Huanxi Sand has not been finished yet, and the sound is gone!

The door to the world of innocence that was just opened is closed again!

And there is no chance to open it from now on.

Because the three secret tablets were completely destroyed!

This is the final move in Lin Su's Wu Dao plan!

Three secret tablets, combined into two, can create a Wudao Mountain and open a gap in the world of heaven, let alone the three tablets combined into one.

Of course, it would be difficult to unify the three monuments into one. However, Lin Su never believed that there were no exceptions. He did not want to bet the fate of the world of heaven on the probability of something happening in the world of innocence.

Therefore, he will completely destroy the three monuments!

Completely cut off the possibility of the three monuments becoming one!

A big plan, everyone has their own thoughts...

When Xingjun captured the three monuments, he thought his plan had succeeded.

Long Jun watched Xing Jun being punished by heaven, and he thought his plan had succeeded.

Only Lin Su knew clearly when his plan would succeed, that is when the three secret monuments would be completely destroyed!

The process was complicated, long, and difficult, but he succeeded in the end!

He stared at the invisible world of Wu Dao and was silent for about three seconds. His eyes slowly moved to the Beihai Dragon Palace, which was still filled with the power of Wu Dao in front of him. A smile appeared in his eyes...

The Wu Dao Realm opens and closes, and although the strong Wu Dao power has not had time to create the Wu Dao Realm that spans thousands of miles, there is still one in the Hundred Miles area!

This area is filled with people from Beihai Dragon Palace!

Aren’t you awesome?

Aren’t you all plotting against me?

Aren't you acting as a troop transport for Osumi, and want to destroy my great land with holes in it?

Okay, let me see how you vomit blood today!

Lin Su's body rose and fell, and he shot into the completely undefended Beihai Dragon Palace...

There are people in every corner. On normal days, each of these people would be a strong enemy of someone Lin. However, in this lawless realm, they are all ordinary people, and they can sit up pretty well.

Lin Su's long sword shook, and these earth-shattering figures received their lunch boxes...

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, a thousand elders died under his hands...

He finally reached the edge of the realm of innocence...

Lin Su sank into the sea and left the Wudao realm...

The moment it came out, it was like switching the engine of an airplane. The power of Wu Dao was closed, and the engine of Heaven was turned on. Using the rules of water, he merged into the North Sea and shot to the periphery silently.

The people above were too terrifying, regardless of the sky, the earth, or the sea monsters, there were a lot of them in the sky, and he also vaguely felt a tyrannical energy that was on the same level as the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea, Long Canghai. Could it be that Beihai Longjun came to the scene in person?

It's a pity that no one knows that at the bottom of the water where fish and dragons are mixed, there is a drop of water that does not emit energy at all, and quietly leaves this troubled place...

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