Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 867: The whole world is closed, and the misty rain is hiding the chess game

Lu Tiancong and almost all the previous ministers shouted at the same time: Your Majesty, you are wronged, old minister...

Ji Guang's face suddenly darkened, like a dark cloud covering his head, and he stretched out his hand suddenly: Unjustly accused? King Wen washed your souls on the altar half a month ago with literary methods, and all of them were recorded. Do you know? I have tolerated it until now, Just because I don’t want to alert others…”

There was a flash of light and shadow in the sky, showing a unique interrogation in the literary world of that day...

All the officials below were stunned...

They were all literary scholars, and there were even a few literary scholars. They never thought that their literary skills were worthless in front of Lin Su. Lin Su quietly cleansed their literary minds. At the same time, they could not resist. , but still don’t know anything about it. This kind of literary method is almost like a saint’s method...

They're finished!

Completely finished!

Their families will also be in disaster because of them!

The State Affairs Hall is full of troubles, and the former officials there have been straddling the court and controlling the world since the Ji Shang era. It is only now that they have finally reached their final point...

There was a big wave in the capital, and the mansions of these officials were immediately put under complete lockdown.

All kinds of people who colluded with these officials were immediately arrested.

Including people from the Wujian Sect, including countless people on the spiritual path...

There is no one from Yanyulou!

Because Yanyu Tower had just gone through a major purge in the early stage, Zhou Mei had already eradicated 90% of the people in Yanyu Tower in the capital. Without arrest, interrogation, questioning, or clichés, they were directly assassinated!

Yanyu Tower is almost broken in Beijing!

The Yanyulou headquarters was so angry that they sent three groups of troops into Da Cang Capital. Each of these three groups of troops was extraordinary, and they were almost at the level of the masters of the Immortal Sect.

However, after entering the capital, nothing happened.

Yanyulou has fallen into deep suspicion...

They suspect a very key and special person, that is Qi Yanran!

The day before the accident in Yanyu Tower, Lin Su and Qi Yanran had a late-night affair, had a heart-to-heart talk, sent a mirror, and wrote a poem. They accidentally wrote a poem that was passed down for generations, and it spread to the capital and became known throughout the city. It became a literary legend. The next day, Yanyulou's hidden clues almost reach the end of the pot. Just tell me, is she the most suspicious?

What’s more…

The layout of Yanyu Tower is almost cut off, but Qi Yanran is leisurely planting flowers in Prince Wen's Mansion without any harm!

If this is enough to make Qi Yanran's suspicion reach 90%, the subsequent incident will make it 10% doubtful. What? The people who came to Yanyulou to find out about the situation all died in mysterious circumstances!

Still have doubts?

Obviously not!

Qi Yanran's rebellion is a foregone conclusion.

There are countless versions of what kind of role Qi Yanran plays on Lin Su's chessboard. No matter what role she is, she is the most dangerous one because she is from Yanyu Tower and her status is quite high. Knowing too many secrets of Yanyu Tower, if she reunites with Lin Su again, Yanyu Tower, not only Da Cang Capital, but the entire layout of Da Cang and even outside Da Cang, will bear an unbearable weight because of her.

Kill Qi Yanran!

Or kill Lin Su!

This is something that must be done during the entire Yanyu downstairs stage!

Without delay!

Lin Su had already left Luzhou City.

After cleaning up and rectifying Luzhou's officialdom, he left.

He was following Yuan Ji.

Yuan Ji stepped into the air, and he also stepped into the air. Yuan Ji stopped at the ferry in front. Her graceful and unparalleled figure faced the spring night wind, like a fairy on a moonlit night. Lin Su's white clothes were like snow, floating behind her. , just like... a prostitute.

Yuan Ji slowly turned around and looked at him quietly.

Lin Su raised his hand and put it on her shoulder.

Yuan Ji sighed softly: Jianghu is small, isn't it?

It's both big and small! The so-called...the world is big, and thousands of years of grievances can't be contained, but the world is small, and we meet again when we turn around.

I heard that your brother is coming at starry night. Are you sure you don't want to wait for him? Yuan Ji was talking about Lin Zheng. After Lin Su dealt with Luzhou officialdom, military news came that Lin Zheng had led the Southeast Army to Baili. outside.

No wait! Lin Su said.


Because my eldest brother can't run away, and my wife, if I don't follow you closely, you will really run away!

Yuan Ji slowly bit her lips: Should I remind you... We had an appointment before, and I would be your wife for only one month. After that time, we are still strangers?

The agreement can't be broken? Lin Su glared at her.

Above the world, how can you go back on your word if you keep your word? Yuan Ji said.

Lin Su: Then I also remind you of our original agreement...Wang Jinyu and Lei Zheng, if I kill one of them, you will be my wife for a month. You will pay Wang Jinyu's debt, but Lei Zheng's You haven’t paid the debt yet. Do you have to pay the debt again in the next month?”

Yuan Ji was dumbfounded: What does Lei Zheng have to do with you? Everyone in the world knows that he was killed directly outside Ji Shang Palace!

This is a subtle plan. Normally I would not reveal it, but in order for you to fulfill your responsibilities as a wife, I worked hard... I was the one who planned the East Palace assassination that day!

East Palace Assassination Case...

The East Palace assassination case that day is still an unsolved case to this day...

Lei Zheng assigned the masters of Wu Jian Sect under his control to raid the East Palace at night. Thirteen people were captured alive by the former prince, who testified against Lei Zheng in person. Ouyang Dong, a scholar at the Hanlin Academy, used his literary power to restore the truth and saw Lei Zheng's instructions with his own eyes. Zhu Shiyun, the young minister of the Supervisory Yuan, testified that he had met these people at Lei's house in the past. All kinds of irrefutable evidence and various testimonies left Lei Zheng really speechless...

Ji Shang was furious, of course, mainly because he didn't want to be implicated too much, so he killed Lei Zheng outside the palace...

At first glance, this case seems to be very tight, and there is irrefutable evidence that Lei Zheng committed the crime. However, after careful consideration, Lei Zheng really has no motive for committing the crime.

Senior officials in the capital were also deeply suspicious, and there were even conspiracy theorists who, in line with the basic guiding ideology of pointing the finger at Lin Su whenever something happened, also pointed the finger at Lin Su.

However, it is useless to point out, Lin Su is harmless to humans and animals in the whole process!

Therefore, the case is a mystery...

Yuan Ji's eyes widened: In order to play with me for a month, you even put such a taboo assassination case on the East Palace on your own head?

The word taboo is a taboo word for one time and another. It was really taboo at the time, but it is not anymore. I am not afraid of Lei Zheng crawling out from the ground and beating me, and I am not afraid of Ji Shang either. On the contrary , he was scared to death of me... Why should I hide it? I would exchange this secret for a wife to play with for a month, wouldn't it be delicious?

Faced with his righteous reasoning, Yuan Ji sighed: You really work hard to play with women! But... is there any evidence for what you said?

Lin Su is stupid, he still needs evidence?

Yuan Ji said: If there is no evidence, the credibility of your words will be greatly discounted. Correspondingly, my promise will also be greatly discounted... I will be your little wife for three days at most, and I will be your little wife for one more day. no!

Lin Su was stunned. He looked at the sky, the ground, and the beautiful woman in front of him who was as beautiful as a fairy on a moonlit night. He nodded: OK!

At the ferry in front, a boat docked late at night, and Lin Su took her little daughter-in-law, who could taste it for three days, on to the boat.

After asking for a guest room and drinking some wine, Yuan Ji let out a long sigh and said: I have to set a rule for myself. From now on, I will not make any promises in the world, otherwise I will regret it.

Then, start to undress...

The next morning, when Lin Su opened her eyes, Yuan Ji had already gotten up. She was sitting in the corridor on the ship, looking at the rising sun. Her brows were clearly melancholy...

Baby, what's wrong?

Lin Su hugged her from behind.

Yuan Ji sighed softly: A bit melancholy.

Worried about whether the three-day period should be extended?

No, I'm just sad because a certain bastard man sang a song when he said goodbye to me last year, which made people feel uncomfortable...

That was last time!

That was in Nanshan!

That was their last January expiry!

Lin Su sang a song: I wish all my wanderings could be replaced by a place in your heart...

It's just a song that starts without warning and ends without warning.

Yuan Ji's heart suddenly rose to the clouds, but she drifted away again.

Every day after leaving him, she was thinking about this song. It was so beautiful that it was not like the music of the world. She tried to figure out the melody behind it. However, it was impossible for her to figure it out. No one in the world could figure it out. , that song that penetrated deeply into her heart became the biggest itch in her heart...

This man said, see you next time in the world, and I will finish singing for you!

This is his rope, the rope used to bind her!

She is really looking forward to our next meeting!

She really realized how bad this man was!

She simply wanted to use bad things to make bad things worse. Next time, when he was at his most passionate and unrestrained moment, she would step away and let him experience this feeling of being extremely beautiful but ending suddenly...

These vague feelings have been lingering in her heart for too long...

Lin Su picked her up and fulfilled his agreement with her...

I wish all my wanderings,

Find another place in your heart.

Like the nomadic people,

Drive all loneliness and sorrow to heaven.

I wish all my wishes,

Follow you through every migration pasture.

Like the horses I let go,

Let the journey of love be filled with sunshine...

Yuan Ji closed her eyes and listened with her heart to his slightly aged voice. She forgot that the boat beneath her was passing through the Spring River, and she forgot the undulating scenery of the water around her. She seemed to feel the vast grassland, and she and him Sitting on horseback, feeling free, surrounded by sunshine and the fragrance of flowers...

...With you by my side, it doesn't matter if I get drunk?

As the lyrics were muted, Yuan Ji became drunk!

She also thought it was okay to be drunk!

After a long time, she softly exhaled the fragrance: After last year, I have searched for it over and over again. I have also walked through major cities and major music studios. I want to hear the second half of this song, but I have never heard it. arrive.

Of course you can't hear it. I've never sung this song to anyone else.

Just use this song and wait for me to fall into your trap, right? Yuan Ji said.

Yes, love is like a snare, and lovers throw themselves into it!

Yuan Ji slowly opened her eyes and looked at his close face for a long time: When people walk in the rivers and lakes, every turn around is a new encounter.

Yes, it's like two water drops meeting on the sea. One moment, they don't know who the other is and where they come from, but the next moment, they stir up the most beautiful waves. This is the impermanence of the rivers and lakes, and this is also The beauty of rivers and lakes.”

Yuan Ji closed her eyes gently: There are still three days left, let's put everything down and feel the beauty of the rivers and lakes!

They left the boat and went straight into the sky.

On this day, they came to Luzhou Huicheng, the ancient Qingshi Alley. They walked hand in hand, and each of them had a bunch of street snacks. Yuanji was dressed in the clothes of an ordinary village girl, but her face was still delicate and delicate. The candied haws was a little naughty and rubbed against her face, leaving a mark on her face. Lin Su hugged her and helped her wipe it. Yuan Ji chuckled. Seeing the looks in the eyes of several children, she felt shy and pushed. Kailinsu ran away and ran out of the sight of the children. She stopped again and took the initiative to put her hand into his.

The next day, they left Huicheng and went out of the city into the wilderness. The chrysanthemums on the roadside were quietly blooming and had a slight fragrance. Lin Su picked one and inserted it among her flowers until night fell. Yuan Ji stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the stars in the sky before taking it off and holding it on her fingertips.

On the third day, a small boat entered Lihu Lake, and Lin Su took the oar. The two of them paddled out of the lake. The breeze blew, and the sweet turbulence drew circles of ripples in the lake until early morning.

The fourth day!

Lin Su woke up on the boat and saw the first drizzle of winter.

In the mist and mist, a man stood on the bow of the boat, holding an umbrella.

Yuan Ji put on the Jianghu clothes from three days ago and held up her fame umbrella again. In the mist and mist, she turned her back to Lin Su and looked at the vast Lihu Lake...

Lin Su floated up, dressed in white like snow, came behind her, and gently pressed her shoulder with his hand.

Yuan Ji didn't look back. She gently backhanded her hand and held his hand on her shoulder. Her hand seemed to have lost a little warmth in the light rain and became a little cool.

Three days have passed. It's beautiful, really beautiful. It's so beautiful that I will never forget it in my life... Yuan Ji sighed softly.

Lin Su said nothing and gently touched her shoulder.

Yuan Ji said: Three days ago, I asked you how to define every encounter in the world. You said it was beautiful. I didn't want to break this sentence at the time, but what I want to tell you now is... …Not every encounter is beautiful, sometimes encounters are not beautiful.”

Lin Su's fingers stopped moving, but he still didn't speak.

Yuan Ji continued: Yueling of Dacang Mountain is the starting point of our encounter. You didn't ask, and I never told you. In fact, I haven't been back to that place for eight years. That day was my mother's visit. When I passed by, she told me that when I return to the Yueling of Dacang Mountain, a man will pass by within half a month. That man is your target! I believe her because I know there is an accountant behind her. A mysterious organization with no legacy.

Tianji Dao Sect! Really? Lin Su finally spoke.


As she said the word, Lin Su closed her eyes...

The first drizzle of winter passed through the rain and fog, and was a bit cold. It wasn't that he couldn't block the rain, but he just wanted to try the feeling of the rain on his face. He did, and it was a bit cold.

Yuan Ji said: After that day, I told you that in the world, seeing each other is like strangers. Maybe in your opinion, this is a little bit of reserve that a woman forcibly retains, but what I want to tell you is that this This is the most sincere wish in my heart. I really hope that we will never meet again in the world. No matter how much I emphasized that day, you would not believe it, but today, do you believe it?

Letter! Lin Su spat out one word.

On the rivers and lakes, seeing each other again is like a stranger.

It sounds heartless at first.

It’s subtle to think about.

A woman gave her body to a strange man, and then made this agreement...

This agreement has many interpretations...

The interpretation of the spiritual path is: She had an indescribable talk with him in order to open up the shackles on her spiritual path and allow her to move to a higher level. The purpose of meeting each other like strangers on the rivers and lakes was not to affect her spiritual realm.

The interpretation on the secular road is: She left a reserve for herself.

Both interpretations are reasonable, and Lin Su has been wandering between these two interpretations...

However, today she bluntly told the truth that both interpretations were wrong!

What she said about meeting people in the world is like strangers, which is far more complicated than this interpretation...

She set up a plan for him on the order of her mother and started a game with him. Maybe it was because women always have special feelings for their first man. Maybe it was someone Lin's fancy tricks that made her mind go astray. , after she gave herself to him, she didn’t want to harm him!

Pandora's box has been opened, and the game has begun. She can't terminate her mission, and she can't change the direction of events, so she is very entangled. She hopes that she will never meet him again on the road to avoid her own dilemma.

Yuan Ji breathed out softly: With all the turmoil in the world, I realized that things are irreversible. At the Yaochi meeting, I didn't want to meet you, but I did; in Huichang City, I didn't want to meet you, but I did; in the capital, I didn't want to I went deeper with you, but I still went deeper. I was getting deeper and deeper in my whirlpool. I thought I was destined to be in a dilemma in this life, but I suddenly discovered something!


Yuan Ji said: I always thought that all my missions were my mother's instructions. I thought that my biggest constraint was the dilemma between family affection and love. But now, I suddenly discovered that my mother actually had no control over her. Behind her, there is a pair of black hands firmly controlling her, she is actually a pawn, more pathetic than me!

A pair of black hands... Lin Su breathed out softly: Who are they?

You should have imagined it!

Yanyu Tower?

Yuan Ji said: Yes!

Yanyu Tower...

Entering the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes are in turmoil.

Entering the court, a country is in chaos.

Yanyu Tower has existed for at least a thousand years.

Since the existence of Yanyu Tower, every pore has been filled with conspiracy, chaos, and evil ways.

And Yuan Ji, the woman he met by chance, forgotten each other in the world, met by chance, had been his little wife for a month, and had just been together for three days and three nights, turned out to be from Yanyulou.

How do you comment on this?

Why did you suddenly tell me such exciting news today?

Yuan Ji sighed: Believe me, I don't want to lift such an ugly veil so early.

They gave you an ultimatum?

Yes! They have set up a plan to exterminate the family, and I am the executor. If the plan succeeds, you will die. If the plan fails, both my mother and I will die! I have no room for maneuver, and I have no more opportunities to create more trouble. Big chance encounters and surprises... No matter whether this kind of encounter in the world is something I don't want on my lips or something I don't want in my heart, it doesn't matter anymore, yes, it doesn't matter...

Lin Su looked at her back for a long time...

There was tenderness in his eyes, but it was a pity that Yuan Ji could not see it...

The three days they had just passed were an agreement, but also a deliberately created excuse...

If she wants to resist, she has a hundred reasons...

If she wants to get close to him, there are a hundred reasons...

However, she resisted half and got close to half - giving him three days!

Now that the answer came out, Lin Su didn't know how to evaluate it - she seized the last moment of maneuver and became his wife for three days, devoting herself wholeheartedly to it and leaving everything behind.

Can you tell it's cold? No, it's hotter than anything else.

Can you tell it's hot? No, it's cold and brutal...

Their entanglement is probably just like this... entanglement...

Lin Sudao: Why don't you look back today?

Because I don't want to see the disappointment in your eyes...

Look back and see if there is disappointment in my eyes!

Yuan Ji slowly turned around and saw his eyes. There had never been any disappointment in his eyes. Some were just tender and some were just happy...

Isn't it strange why such exciting news didn't stir up the waves it should have in my eyes? Lin Su said softly.

Don't tell me, you actually knew I had a problem a long time ago... Yuan Ji murmured.

Lin Su smiled mysteriously: Do you remember that chance encounter between you and me outside Xixin Temple?

Xixin Temple? A strange wave flashed across Yuan Ji's eyes. It was an encounter that was absolutely beyond her expectation. She entered Xixin Temple with the original intention of finding Master Yi Yao to wash away the entanglements in her heart. However, Xixin Temple She saw through his deceptive tricks at a glance, and there was no need to ask about the entanglement in her heart. Then, his relationship with her entered a new stage. She became his genuine little wife for a month, and she truly Let her sink forever...

Now, Xixin Temple, which he had ignored at first, was mentioned in a mysterious tone.

Lin Su smiled softly: Before you entered Xixin Temple, I had just been there! Master Yiyao pointed at the residual tea I drank and invited you to drink it. You took it as an insult, but how could you know that this was not the master's instruction? He just let you drink it. You and I face it calmly and are close to each other!

ah? Can it still be interpreted this way?

you sure?

Yuan Ji opened her mouth slightly...

Lin Su continued: The master once gave me a message: flowers are not flowers, mist is not mist, flowers are flowers, and mist is mist! At that time, I didn't quite understand this message, but now I understand!

What do you understand about this speech? Yuan Ji didn't understand.

Lin Sudao: You were not you back then, but as time has passed, you will still be you! For example, you today have taken off your disguise and revealed your true self. You... are still you!

Yuan Ji looked at the horizon, looking at Xixin Temple in the distance and not knowing whether it was in the right direction...

Lin Su breathed out: Okay, last question! How do you want those black hands to kill me?

Yuan Ji hesitated for a while...

Although this hesitation was only half a moment...

However, what she has gone through in her heart is thousands of rivers and mountains, and what she has crossed is an extremely important threshold...

She finally spoke: Lead you to a place in Dongting Lake. There is a hidden formation there. As long as you step into it, they can transfer you to the trap they have prepared while you are absolutely defenseless. Among them!

Dongting Lake!

Lin Su's eyes were as bright as stars!

The last piece of the platter in his heart was put together...

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