Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 868: Countering defense to attack and seek spiritual path

That day in the southeastern Buddhist country, he met Yu Xiaoyao, the saint of Yaochi. The saint told him to be careful of Buyi Pavilion!

Buyi Pavilion is actually a branch of Wenxin Pavilion in Da Cang Kingdom. Behind it are Wenxin Pavilion, Yanyu Tower, Tianling Sect, which is known as the top of the sky on the spiritual path, and Broken Sword Valley, a sect that was defeated by his swordsman. Of course, the third prince Ji Yan and his Du Qing, known as commoner, are indispensable...

The combination of these forces is extraordinary.

Lin Su sent Anxiang to search all over the world, but could not find their true roots.

Things were let go just like that, but Lin Su still felt that the rain was coming...

After returning from Zangzhou, he learned about the organization's plot...

He hooked up with senior officials of the State Council and used their power to plan a rebellion...

In order to carry out the rebellion smoothly, they planned the Dongting Jianghu Conference...

In this way, Dongting Lake became a piece of their puzzle.

Lin Su has been wondering, does this puzzle have only one fundamental purpose - to disturb people's attention? Coordinating the mutiny?

Now the answer is out.

Dongting puzzle is not just for this purpose!

There is another function, which is to take advantage of the gathering of Jianghu people in Dongting to set up a clever plan in a secret corner, aiming directly at someone Lin's head! Lin Su is always the person the other party really wants to kill!

Lin Su slowly withdrew his gaze from the misty rain behind Yuan Ji: What are your countermeasures?

Yuan Ji shook her head: I have no countermeasures, but I have two firm cognitions!

tell me the story!

Yuan Ji said: The first realization: I am the master of my life, I am not a chess piece, and I will not allow my mother to be a chess piece for others!

Lin Su nodded...

This is why she changed her stance today! Not a chess piece!

In the past, she thought that the person who set up the scheme was her mother, and she was so entangled between her mother and her lover.

And now, she knows...

The person who really set up the plan was not the mother at all, but the black hand behind the mother. Then, she does not have to be entangled in the contradiction between family ties and love. As a gene activation of the top generation in the Lingyun List, I have the final say in my life!

Yuan Ji said: Second recognition: You are the genius of wisdom. If I can't solve the problem, don't you still have me?

Lin Su smiled: If you want a solution, I will give you a solution!

Yuan Ji's heart skipped a beat: Say it!

According to their design, take me to that place!

You... what kind of bullshit are you doing? Since I... have told you everything, how can I really let you die? Yuan Ji's face turned red: You still don't believe me!

Lin Su stretched out his hand, hugged her into his arms, kissed her deeply, and slowly raised his head for a long time: Do you feel my trust in you now?

A wisp of red clouds floated on Yuan Ji's slightly pale face: Then why do you say that?

I'm not just saying that, I really want to do it!

The red glow on Yuan Ji's face disappeared again:

Give me a reason to go crazy with you!

Lin Su said...

Since we are facing an organization of the same level as Yanyulou, a close encounter is inevitable. It is absolutely impossible to avoid the crisis. You can avoid the first grade of junior high school, but you can't avoid the fifteenth grade. Rather than being unprepared and being stabbed by them, It’s better to fall into their trap! At least he was prepared for this plan.

It’s the lesser of two evils, that’s reason number one!

Yuan Ji felt slightly relieved: Is there a second reason?

The second reason is that you should not only see the harm in everything, but also the benefits!

What's the benefit?

It just depends on what Lin Su wants!

Yanyu Tower and Wenxin Pavilion want Lin’s head, and Lin naturally wants their heads too!

It would be impossible for Lin Su to find these heads in the vast rivers and lakes when they were idle. However, if there was a chance to kill Lin Su for sure, he could bet with the few remaining innocent people that these heads would appear together! why? Because killing Lin Su is a matter of pride and a sense of accomplishment. The more people hate Lin Su, the more they want to witness his head fall to the ground. Therefore, there are signs that if Lin Su falls into their trap and enters their trap, he can see a lot of familiar heads!

If he can break the situation and fight back, he can get a bonus from the danger, and these heads will be turned into his trophies.

After hearing this, Yuan Ji was silent for a long time: Besides the strategic consideration of choosing the lesser of two evils and your innate madness, is there any other reason?

Yes! Lin Su said: If we don't fall into this trap, my mother-in-law and my daughter-in-law will not be able to pass this test. For you, I will tie my head to a belt and risk my life!

Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, these words are provocative.

However, the meaning behind the words is heartwarming...

Yuan Ji breathed out softly: Let's put aside the flirtatious things... I want to ask you the last question. How sure are you of breaking the situation and counterattacking?

When this question came out, Yuan Ji was nervous. Her nervousness was holding the handle of the umbrella. The small umbrella was motionless in the mist and rain. At this moment, the wind and rain were impervious to the slightest.

Lin Su sighed: It's getting a little cold already. Wife, please don't throw cold water on me. How can such a thing be described with certainty? If everything in the world is guaranteed, there is really nothing you can do. When I first rose up, , if someone asks me how sure I am of fighting against Ji Shang, how should I answer? Any number as big as zero is arrogant! When I first met you, if someone asked me how sure I am of turning you into bed, any number larger than zero would be arrogant! Ninety percent of the opinions are not objective, so there are some things that must be done even though you know you are not sure enough. Fortunately, there are still a few days left. You can develop your career as a little daughter-in-law for a small period. Let's do this I took a leisurely stroll to Dongting Lake. Perhaps under your warm stimulation, my wisdom exploded. When I reached the edge of the trap, I suddenly became enlightened and increased the success rate of this breakthrough to 15%.

It’s a long story and full of truth!

But Yuan Ji was stunned and didn't know where she was.

Comparing this matter with the game between him and Ji Shang, she really realized how difficult it was.

But what does it mean to compare this matter with turning her into bed? Any probability greater than 90% cannot be considered objective. Does this mean that when you first met me, you were 90% sure about me? Please! I was...half-hearted and half-hearted!

In addition, he also came to a small exhibition...

My little daughter-in-law hasn’t had enough fun in three days, so hurry up and play for a few more nights...

Regardless of whether this was his daily speaking style or the atmosphere he deliberately created, Yuan Ji came out of the haze that was so thick that she could not see the light of day and regained hope for the next trip...

The two of them walked on the waves, passed Luzhou, entered Chuzhou, passed through Quzhou, and went straight to Zhongzhou...

For three days, the two did not analyze the difficult battle ahead, because from now on, they had to be on full alert!

No one has ever been able to see through all the methods on the path of cultivation, and no one knows who is around them in Yanyu Tower or Wenxin Pavilion.

What Yuan Ji has to do is to rationalize all the itineraries.

Let the secret snoops see that she is doing her best to push her plan further.

She plays with him, makes trouble with him, travels with him...

Intimacy in words…

Intimacy in action…

An occasional look back, lingering love, an occasional kiss, passionate and unrestrained, and an occasional gentle pick up of a leaf on his shoulder, are all so full of harmony.

If people in the organization saw this scene, they would admire her superb acting skills.

No one knows that she is acting in her true self at this moment!

She doesn't need to suppress her heart, she turns all her inner emotions into actions, and it's smooth and smooth!

Because of this operation, she was originally asked to do this!

Only by using the most loving means can you lure him into taking the bait!

As for Lin Su, she actively responds to her every consideration and tenderness. She is no different from the caring and caring person she used to be, and she also plays her true character.

Of course, there are endless thoughts flowing in his brain...

Did he ever doubt Yuan Ji?

Objectively speaking, yes!

Which time?

The day he saw grandma for the second time!

Grandma had told him that Yuan Ji did not live in Yueling all the time. To be precise, she hadn’t returned to Yueling in eight years. He had doubts that day. Although I, Lin, have sex from time to time, but after eight years, It's a bit abnormal for someone who doesn't come back to establish such a close connection with me in just half a month after coming back.

But, that was once!

Now, he doesn't doubt Yuan Ji because he feels her truth! Not just today, but also on Da Cang Mountain Yueling, on Yaochi Road, and even when she walked with him outside Xixin Temple. He could feel it all the way to the end of the entire Nanshan Mountain!

The spiritual resonance between lovers is very mysterious and mysterious, and it never needs a reason!

He believes her!

However, it does not mean that he accepts all her judgments unconditionally.

For example: her positioning of her mother!

Yuan Ji told him that she thought her mother was the instigator before, but now she knows that her mother is actually innocent and she has no choice but to do so!

This understanding changed Yuan Ji and made her make a major strategic adjustment that she completely rejected...

Of course it is normal for Yuan Ji to have this view of her mother. When a daughter looks at her mother, she always sees the side she wants to see.

Lin Su saw more sides.

He knew that Meng Ji was a vain woman...

She spent her childhood at the head of Cangshan Mountain...

The thinking of the head was firmly implanted in her heart during her education...

This probably creates the background of this beautiful, coquettish, and mysterious woman!

In the later period, Cangshan was divided. What role she played in it is unknown. Her purpose of seducing King Nan is unknown. Her husband (Yuanji's father) was killed by the court officials. It is unknown whether she was one of the murderers. Her husband's impending death is unknown. The last look he stared at her before he died was an unforgettable attachment or a deep-seated hatred. It is unknown...

Although there are many unknowns, Lin Su has always believed that it is not easy to straighten a tree that has grown crooked at a young age! The badness of some people is just bad in their bones!

Is Meng Ji someone else’s pawn? It's most likely true!

But does this mean she is innocent? But not necessarily! Aren't those who help the tiger all become pawns and still guilty of serious crimes?

However, he could not discuss this judgment with Yuan Ji.

This discussion is not only pointless, it is also cruel.

Three days later, a small swallow boat broke through the waves by the Dongting Lake. There was no boatman, only two people on the boat. Lin Su gently held up the boat. The boat looked like a beautiful bird in the windy and sunny early winter. The swallows quietly slid into Dongting Lake.

On the shore, passers-by raised their eyes and looked at the boat, with envy and yearning on their faces.

Among them was a green-roofed sedan chair with the young lady inside, with a complicated expression in her eyes...

No one paid attention to her, because green-roofed sedans like this are everywhere in this season. Winter is coming soon. Grabbing the tail end of outings and going out for an outing is what many young ladies from wealthy families do...

The boat was sailing ten miles away, Yuan Ji smiled softly: The east wind blows the old Dongting waves, and the boat owner has a lot of gray hair overnight. When he is drunk, he doesn't know the sky is in the water, and the boat is full of clear dreams... The last two sentences of the world are quatrains for the ages. But I am a layman, and what I am more interested in is, Mr. Zhou has so many white hairs, what kind of strange sight does it look like?

Today is the sixth day of October, the first quarter moon. If you want to see it, I will take you to see it! Lin Suyan.

Okay! Yuan Ji beamed.

At night, the moonlight is beginning to rise on Dongting Lake. On the small island in front, the weeping willows are like hair. The light of the stars and the moon shines on it, like white hair flying...

Yuan Ji sighed: Zhou Jun's hair turned gray overnight. Now I really believe in the poet's eyes. They are so different!

Lin Su smiled and said: That's natural! A poet's eyes are good at discovering beauty. For example, you are the beautiful clouds that I found in the vast sea of ​​people!

Yuan Ji rolled her eyes at him, her eyes as silk as silk: If you want to use such sweet words to coax me and you into making a name for yourself here, don't even think about it. You can't say anything in the wild!

How about a kiss on the mouth?

After attaching it, Yuan Ji turned up her arms and hooked them around his neck, forming the most beautiful shape under the stars and moon...

No one knows that these two people who are sweetly connected have aroused a wave of resonance in their consciousness...

Under Zhoujun's tree is the killing ground!

I roughly guessed it!

Yuan Ji said: There is still a chance to turn back. Are you sure you want to take this step or not?


Ms. sir, do you regret meeting me?

Eight words, trembling gently in the consciousness...

This is the first time you call me husband-in-law...

Yes, I don't know if there will be a chance to meet again. I'm afraid...

Don't let your emotions overwhelm the acting stage! Send me off with a smile! Lin Su's voice was calm.

Yuan Ji's lips slowly parted from her lips, and her eyes were infinitely blurred: Go and break a branch of Zhou Jun's white hair!

Lin Su smiled: Why?

Dongting night under the moon, broken branches grow old together, how about these two lines of my poem? Yuan Ji smiled playfully.

Haha... Lin Su laughed: When I come back, I will continue your poem!

With a chirp, Lin Su floated up and shot toward the island. Just as he was approaching a willow tree, a sudden flash of light made Lin Su's figure disappear from the island...

Yuan Ji looked at all this, let out a long breath, and showed a satisfied smile on her face...

Suddenly, she turned around suddenly, her expression changed...

Behind me, a beautiful woman appeared at some point, the stars were like a sky, and the beauty was like a demon...

Mom, why are you here?

The beauty smiled sweetly: Mom has been at Dongting Lake all this time. My daughter, you finally succeeded. The Lord is very satisfied!

Your Majesty... Your Majesty is here too?

No! But the Lord monitored Dongting and was full of praise for your performance. She said that you are qualified to enter the Misty and Rain Wonderland. My daughter, you have opened a new era!

Yuan Ji's face was full of surprise

Lin Su felt the formation flow.

This is a strange formation. It is not a killing formation or a trapping formation, but a capturing formation. But when the target person reaches the pointing position, the formation is activated, picking up the target person out of the air and teleporting them to where they want to be. The place of transmission.

Lin Su is the master of formation.

Few people know about his formation attainments.

Few people even know that Lin Su, a great slacker who can lie down instead of standing, has never been lazy in studying formations.

He knew that this absorbing formation was extremely high-end.

The biggest beauty is that the setup of this formation is seamless.

The formation was set up on an island in the middle of the lake. Even if the people on Lin Su's side knew that the formation existed, it would be impossible to trace the person behind it through the formation.

The wrong people came, they couldn't activate the formation, and the mystery of the formation was completely lost.

The person coming is the person they want to kill. The formation is activated and time and space are switched in an instant, making them unable to catch up.

This is the shrewdness of this alliance. It can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and can cut off the chain at any time.

But just because he is smart enough, he also knows that this formation has flaws. The biggest flaw is: the transmission distance is not too far!

When the light in front of him was endless, Lin Su had a preliminary prediction, that is, he would be teleported thousands of miles away at most!

A land of thousands of miles is still within the borders of Da Cang!

Let’s see which force is involved with these bastards!

The stream of light disappeared, Lin Su's thousand-degree pupils shot into the dark sky, and he was slightly surprised...

This is an arc-shaped palace, a bronze palace!

He was in a bronze palace. Above him was the arc-shaped bronze palace roof. The walls were engraved with countless patterns, including tigers, dragons, phoenixes, birds, and more, all kinds of strange monsters.

The same goes for the floor.

There is no door!

No windows!

My day...

This is a magic weapon!

He was teleported directly to the inside of a magic weapon!

Lin Su felt slightly apprehensive...

The magic weapon is also hierarchical. If they get a sacred weapon to use as a cage for him, he will be blinded even if he has the ability to do it every day. And he also feels that this magic weapon has the power to connect the heaven and the earth. His literary skills, Unable to be applied, except for the Thousand Degree Eyes, Rejuvenation Seedlings and Pingping Qingyun that have been integrated into his body.

However, he was not too nervous, because these were also expected by him.

Since the enemy plans to kill him, he will naturally block his biggest reliance - Wen Dao as soon as possible.

Magical weapons and formations can all play a role in shielding the Wen Dao.

Then let's see where their real killer move is...

There was a soft buzzing sound, and the magic weapon was activated!

The phoenix pattern above suddenly lit up and turned into a lifelike phoenix. A phoenix chant suddenly sounded, with a strange melody and mysterious movement. Lin Suling tightened the platform, and the secret technique of mental power suddenly started to block the sound. The soul-stirring sound.

The phoenix spread its wings, its light flowing infinitely, swooped forward, and shot towards Lin Su!

With this spread of wings, the magic weapon contains endless murderous intent!

It pounced like a meteor falling from the sky!

Lin Su raised his hand, and the long sword in his palm vibrated violently. He shot out the sword and slashed the phoenix directly. There was a loud earthquake, and the phoenix knocked back. Lin Su's eyes also lit up. Good guy, this blow is not the best. It is nothing short of a full blow like heaven and earth!

what does that mean?

This means that with just this blow, at most, less than a hundred people on the Da Cang Cultivation Path can receive it!

No, there is a soul-stirring sound in front of it. This sound is designed to shock the soul, and its lethality is even greater than this blow!

To sum up, there may not be ten people on the Da Cang Cultivation Path who can survive this first round of lightning!

This is round one, and it's not just one round...

A dragon roar suddenly sounded, full of endless majesty, and seemed to penetrate the deepest part of a person's soul!

A green dragon on the top of the hall suddenly peeled off, and its body circled as if it was magnified thousands of times...

With a chirping sound, a claw fell from the air!

At the same time, the phoenix suddenly turned into a ball of destructive fire and flew across!

The two sides attacked each other, and Lin Su became a lone boat in the big wave!

His long sword was raised suddenly and pointed straight at the sky. Thousands of green lights formed on the sword's body...

Suddenly, the green mango turned into a strange fruit!

As soon as the wonderful fruit was completed, his sword seemed to be magnified ten million times in an instant!


A sword came out and struck the green dragon's claw!

The aroused frenzy flooded the entire space. The blue dragon was shattered, the phoenix was shattered, and turned into fireworks all over the sky. His heroic spirit has completely lost his scholarly style.

Master Lingyun, you are indeed very charming! A voice suddenly came.

Lin Su slowly raised his eyes: Swordsman?

Swordsman is not a title, but a personal name. At the Yaochi Festival, the first real opponent Lin Su encountered was the swordsman, because he was among the top five figures on the Lingyun List. At that time, the two of them fought fiercely. It took more than a thousand moves to determine the winner, which shows the swordsman's weight.

We have been separated for more than a year, and yet you are able to recognize my voice with just one sentence. I did not expect that you would value me so much, the swordsman said.

You are thinking too much! Lin Su said: I am a scholar, and my photographic memory and photographic memory are basic skills. Even if I meet a dog on the roadside, after a year and a half, I still remember that it belongs to Its bark.”

The swordsman was looking for trouble for himself.

Another voice sounded: It is said that Lin Su's tongue is more powerful than the sword in his hand. I understand it. However, do you know that any verbal dispute today is meaningless?

Of course there is no point in a war of words! Lin Su said: But I don't know what is meaningful in Brother Lu's mind? Is it more meaningful to provoke the human race to get involved in the disputes between the sea clan and serve as cannon fodder? Or is it more meaningful to cause trouble to breed you? Da Cang is more meaningful?

In just one sentence, he declared that he recognized the speaker again!

This person was born in the Bishui Sect, but looked down upon the Bishui Sect, joined the outside sect, and encouraged practitioners from all walks of life to get involved in the disputes between the sea clan and Lu Sanqian on the side of the East China Sea.

Nearly a hundred people in the periphery had one emotion at the same time...

This person is really a monster...

As long as he met someone on the spiritual path, whether it was a one-time meeting or a casual friendship, as long as he opened his mouth, he would be able to pinpoint him accurately, and as long as he opened his mouth, his words would be like a knife, which would make people depressed or difficult to explain.

Lu Sanqian's face sank, and he said solemnly: It makes more sense to kill you!

Seven words, back to the topic!

Killing me is of course more meaningful for clowns like you, but Lu Sanqian, are you so sure you can kill me? Lin Su said: Remind you, if you can't kill me today, then you Father, I will die for you!

As soon as these words came out, nearly a hundred people in the surrounding area felt a chill in their hearts at the same time!

Lin Su was very vindictive. Those who had offended him in the past were all defeated by him one by one during the era when Ji Shang was in charge. They were either dead or executed. This was still the era when Ji Shang was in charge!

What now?

He is the most powerful king in the world!

His energy even exceeds that of the king of a country!

If he is not killed today, everyone present will suffer his revenge. Even if the Bishui Sect is a generation of immortal sects with profound strength, they will never be able to stop his revenge methods.

This boy must be killed today!

Lu Sanqian laughed loudly: Then it depends on how you break through the 'Death Knell'!

The death knell! This is a good name. Once it rings, you and I will naturally have to send one away! Taking advantage of the gap before the death knell actually rings, I want to chat with someone for a few words! Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at her. Next four weeks: Ji Wen, are you there?

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