Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 869 The world of liberal arts and erudition shows great power

A voice sounded: How do you know that this king is also here?

The voice was no longer as free and clear as before, and it had a more or less connotation of vicissitudes of life, but it was unmistakably Ji Wen's voice.

I am the king? Lin Su smiled: You call yourself the king, are you forcing me to reveal your scars?

The fire in Ji Wen's heart instantly turned into a torrent, and a volume rose into the sky...

He has experienced too many things, and he originally thought that he would no longer be angered by anyone's words, but this sentence was not included!

The words that sound very polite reflect too many vagaries of the world...

He was originally a king!

His father was originally the emperor!

However, just because of the man in front of him, his father abdicated the throne and he became a bereaved dog. Da Cang, which used to be his family's private land, has now become his family's restricted area. This is an unparalleled pain for anyone! It's hurt!

Lin Su! I'm too lazy to say another word to you, go to hell! Ji Wen roared into the sky...

With his roar, all the ancient images within the death knell lit up at the same time, like a sky filled with stars...

A phoenix lights up, Lin Su is hit hard, a dragon and a phoenix light up, Lin Su retreats ten feet away, and all the patterns in the sky light up at the same time, what kind of horror will it be?

It is true that Yuan Tianju can be killed!

This is the treasure of heaven. The ancient patterns contain the power of heaven. At the same time, blocking the power of literature, Lin Su can only be earth-shattering in literature at best. But since he launched a murderous attack on him, how can he leave this way to break the situation?

That's why they used the death knell in the first stage to completely kill Lin Su.

Lin Su faced the bright stars in the sky and said calmly: You don't want to say more, but I just have something to say... Your death knell will only ring your death knell, not mine!

As soon as the voice fell, a layer of fog suddenly rose up, covering the stars in the sky...

The stars lost their light in the mist, and the expected shocking blow came to an abrupt end before it officially started...

Everyone on the periphery was shocked at the same time...

how so?

What happened?

Why can't Deathstroke's power of heaven work?


A sword cry came from within the huge death knell...


The knell is torn apart!

Lin Su appeared under the starlight, looking up at the sky...

The starlight was very faint, and it seemed like there was a lot of fog. There was a lonely cliff in front of me, which looked a bit familiar...

Lin Su's smile slowly appeared: The Blue Water Sect has thought about crossing the cliff! As expected, the Blue Water Sect never stopped on the road to death!

This is Bishui Sect!

The cliff in front of him is Siguo Cliff!

The fog lingers all year round, and the place where you think about your mistakes is also the place where you conspire to kill!

Ji Wen frowned deeply, as if he still couldn't understand why the sect's magic weapon Death Knell, which could kill the source of heaven, was broken through by him. It was absolutely impossible in theory, but the reality was that he saw Lin with his own eyes. Man makes the impossible possible…

Which part went wrong?

Lu Sanqian's expression also changed: It's really extraordinary to be able to bring out the death knell, but do you know what else is in front of you?

Array! Lin Su opened his thousand-degree pupils and looked at the golden lines in front of him.

Good eyesight! But do you know what kind of formation it is?

Lin Su sighed softly: I was really short-handed that day. I decrypted a rejection formation for the Bishui Sect. You modified this formation and used it against me?

Yes, the formation outside is derived from the resistance formation in the past, but it is only derived from it. The formation in front of us has been improved. The resistance formation has become a trapping formation, and murderous intent has been added to the trapping formation. It has 50% of the charm of the peerless killing array.

Lu Sanqian laughed loudly: You have become famous on the battlefield with the killing formation. Millions of people have died under the killing formation. You might as well try this formation yourself today!

Lin Su praised: Brilliant!

Gaoming? Do you understand? Lu Sanqian stared into his eyes.

Lin Su smiled faintly: I guess you applied this formation on me because you want to get the secret of cracking the peerless killing formation, right?

Everyone's faces froze at the same time...

Because Lin Su's guess was spot on!

The peerless killing formation is a pain to all countries and to the spiritual path!

Almost all countries and forces that covet the world are thinking hard about how to break the peerless killing formation. However, no one can crack it. Some people have said that if there is anyone in the world who can break this formation, it is undoubtedly it. The founder of this formation!

Using Lin Su's spear and attacking Lin Su's shield, you can force out the solution to this formation!

Therefore, they are besieging Lin Su today. The second level is this formation. If Lin Su can't break it, he will die! Lin Su can break it, and they can also get the secret of breaking the peerless killing formation.

They have gained something both inside and outside.

Lu Sanqian sneered: What an amazing talent, he actually understood this plan, so what choice do you make? Will you die to hide this secret? Or fight to the death?

As his voice fell, murderous intent from all directions approached at the same time. Under the murderous intent, Lin Su's hair could not even fly. This formation only killed him, and the coverage was extremely small. In three or two sentences, Lin Su had already been killed. Su Bao became a dumpling with a radius of several feet. Life and death only happened in an instant.

Lin Su smiled: Three sentences! The first sentence... your formation is not a real peerless killing formation, your imitation is specious!

Everyone's hearts tightened at the same time...

Lin Sudao: The second sentence... this formation obviously won't have any effect when used against me!

Everyone's hearts are beating...

Lin Sudao: The third sentence, it's useless for you to know my cracking method, because you can't use it at all!

As soon as the voice fell, his hand suddenly raised, the void shook, thirty-six inscriptions, and a passage appeared out of thin air!

Laws of space! Ji Wen shouted...


This is one of Lin Su's trump cards, the law of space!

No matter what kind of formation, as long as it is based on space, the law of space is the absolute nemesis!

Including the peerless killing array!

However, as Lin Su said, what's the use of this kind of breaking method if you know it?

No one can master this magical law except him!

As said before, the peerless killing array cannot kill the saint!

Everyone knows that the saint cannot be killed. This is the shortcoming of the peerless killing formation, but so what if they know? Are you a saint? you are not! You can't become a saint. Even if you know the shortcomings of the formation, you still can't get out of the formation!

Lin Su stepped out of the peerless killing formation with millions of lives and deaths!

This time he came out, he really used the two killing moves created by the enemy for him!

When he comes out, he is literally face to face with the enemy!

With a chirping sound, the swordsman flew towards him with his sword...

He was the first to speak, feeling suffocated, and couldn't say a word after that. However, this did not prevent him from making the most thorough preparations to welcome Lin Su's appearance!

What is the most thorough preparation?

He has already completed the first six steps of the Seven Steps of the Heavenly Slaughter Sword, and all the energy and energy in his body has reached its peak!

This sword combines all the potential of his genius!

This sword combines all the fighting will of this year!

This sword also incorporates his super-powerful cultivation that penetrates the heaven and earth!

With this sword, the floating clouds above Siguo Cliff were swept away, finally revealing the perfect night sky for the first time after being covered in dust for thousands of years.


Lin Su swings his sword!

As soon as the sword came out, there was a chi sound, and the depression that was so thick that no trace of life could be seen in the sky was divided into two halves...

The swordsman flies away!

With just one sword strike, the wizard of Broken Sword Valley who had needed a thousand moves to defeat him in the past was defeated again!


There was a flash of silver light in the sky, and a sharp long sword struck down with the force of Mount Tai. The road was three thousand!

Lu Sanqian used the essence of swordsmanship from the Broken Sword Valley to perform the Bishui Qianxun of the Bishui Sect. This attack was far inferior to that of his father Lu Yiming!

Lin Su flicked the sword in his hand, and thousands of green lights appeared...

Suddenly turned into a wonderful fruit...

Miaoguo met Qianxun Bishui, and Lu Sanqian's domain was instantly shattered. The genius of Da Cang Sword Dao, who had never looked down on Da Cang Cultivation Dao and even his father did not pay attention to him, his face was as pale as paper. Lin Su just struck with a sword. It broke his Taoist heart.

Golden light bloomed in the sky, and a huge seal rose...

Rising above Ji Wen's head!

Ji Wen's whole body was shaken. The golden body of the Imperial Dao was filled with golden light, and his body suddenly turned into a body of 500 feet. The sword in his hand, with unparalleled majesty, slashed down with one sword...

The entire Bishui Sect disciples raised their heads at the same time and looked at Si Guo Cliff in the distance.

Normal disciples are not qualified to enter Si Guo Cliff at all. Even if they make a mistake, at most they will have their cultivation level abolished directly. Why bother sending them to Si Guo Cliff?

All the disciples knew about the mystery in Siguo Cliff, and suddenly saw the appearance of the top master's Dharma, and everyone was eclipsed.

What happened?

Who is this expert?

Everyone was talking a lot...

At the top of the sect leader's peak, Lu Yiming's expression also changed, and he cried out in his heart, I am! Cursing Ji Wen, what did you do? Shouldn't you kill him quietly? Once your Dharma appears, it can be seen from hundreds of miles away. Even if Lin Su is killed, how can I, the Bishui Sect, win the trust of the world? How to fight against the dynasty?

On the top of another peak, there was a person with starry eyes: Did the Second Emperor intend to drag the Bishui Sect into trouble? It's interesting!

Opposite him was a man dressed in blue as night, but his brows were slightly furrowed.

If Lin Su were here, he would definitely recognize that these two people were the third prince and Du Qing.

The third prince was a little excited because he saw the intention of the second prince brother. The second prince wanted to drag the Bishui Sect into trouble!

The Bishui Sect is very powerful, and within Da Cang territory, it is a regular large sect, even a super sect (Da Cang standard). If they are tightly tied to them, it will be of great benefit to them without any harm - even if Ji Guang To settle accounts with them, Bishui Sect is also a good fire-blocking brick, isn't it?

As for the price that the Bishui Sect would pay, it was obviously not something that the two brothers considered.

Du Qing murmured: He actually came out of the death knell and the killing array...

Sir, there is no need to worry. We are so well prepared that there will definitely be no more variables.

Du Qing said: I have been dealing with him for a long time, and His Highness is still so careless! As long as a variable occurs, we must be prepared. Let's go!

Leave? The third prince was shocked...

Your Highness, be careful with the Wannian Ship. You and I can't afford any mistakes now, so leave quickly! Du Qing's face darkened.

Although his title is still the same as before, his demeanor is different from before. He obviously lacks respect for the third prince and speaks very impatiently.

The third prince's face also suddenly sank: I have gained a lot from this great plan. If I leave, how can I share the results with them? I won't leave!

You... Du Qing stood up suddenly...


Lin Su drew his sword and struck in the air. Ji Wen fell back a hundred feet and almost hit Siguo Cliff...

Even though Ji Wen's combat power increased tenfold compared to that day, Lin Su's improvement was even greater. In the second fight, he was even stronger than Ji Wen and was able to defeat him with just one move.

However, the next moment, Ji Wen swayed and suddenly transformed into tens of thousands of people, seemingly completely blending into the wind.

Lin Su's Qiandu Eyes locked onto his true body, and he felt the sword coming from his heart!

The sword slashed down, hitting Ji Wen in the middle. However, this sword slashed out, but it was empty and had no force at all. Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, and murderous intent surged behind him. Lin Su backhanded the sword again, but it was still empty. For a moment, The sky is full of Ji Wen, so weird!

Lin Su's Qiandu Eyes could lock onto his true body. At least, he was sure that it was his true body. However, when he attacked, it turned into wind. The wind was everywhere, and Ji Wen was everywhere. When Ji Wen attacked him, It was an entity. Once hit by him, Lin Su had no doubt about the power of the attack. However, all his actual attacks on Ji Wen were in the air.

Lin Su shouted loudly and struck three times in a row, all three of which failed. Ji Wen around him laughed loudly: This is the rule of the wind. Lin Su, are you still my opponent today?

The rules of the wind!

After Ji Wen was severely injured last time, he was rescued by Ruan Juelun. The essence of the ancient wind beast was fused with it to create a unique physique called the Wonderful Wind Body.

Let him realize the rules of the wind and make rapid progress.

What are the rules of wind? Virtual reality changes!

No fear of any physical attack!

People who possess this law are almost invincible in battle!

Are you going to fight the rules? Lin Su sneered: Then you try my rules!

His sword moved together, and the wonderful fruit suddenly shot out, turning into a drop of water...

As soon as the water droplets came out, the entire Siguo Cliff was shrouded in mist and rain...

In the mist and rain, the wind could not cross. Ji Wen's expression changed. He suddenly felt that he was trapped in a quagmire, unable to switch freely between reality and reality...

Lin Su's long sword broke through the rain and fog and struck Ji Wen hard.

Ji Wen pulled out the long sword in his hand and faced a head-on collision. Ji Wen retreated again. Lin Su suddenly appeared in front of him like a flower floating in the rain. The long sword in his hand gathered all the stars in the sky and slashed it down. Ji Wen once again felt the threat of death. threaten……

At this moment, the sword light suddenly dispersed...

The rain and fog all over the sky seemed to be frozen in the sky...

Lin Su's pupils shrank, staring at the person walking out of the rain and fog...

This man, dressed in the attire of an elder of the Tianling Sect, was walking as if he were an immortal traveling in the sky...

Origin Heaven Realm?

The old man smiled lightly: Lin Su, did you ever think that we would value you so much? Beyond the three passes, there is a chasm that you cannot cross at all?

The first level, death knell!

The second level, peerless killing array (revised version)!

In the third level, there were two geniuses who competed with Lin Su on the same stage that day and have now broken into the Dharma Realm, plus a super nova Lu Sanqian, who although he did not participate in the Yaochi Association, the world will change as soon as he enters the world!

In addition to the three levels, there is a fourth level...

The ultimate source of spiritual practice!

The four levels came out at the same time, targeting Lin Su, a Taoist who had not even reached the Dharma level in his body cultivation. It could be said to be thorough or decisive.

Who would have thought?

Lin Su slowly raised his head: Are you Tianqian?

His voice was as calm as before, without any change.

Ji Wen, Swordsman, and Lu Sanqian looked at each other, and they all saw complicated meanings in each other's eyes. No matter how unhappy or dissatisfied they were with Lin, they all had to admit that this opponent was powerful enough. The magnanimity of God is beyond their reach.

The old man sighed: It stands to reason that a descendant of the unbroken Dharma and an authentic Dharma should be the natural chasm. Your Excellency has subverted it enough, so I can only be the natural chasm.

Yes, the word Tianqi differs from person to person.

Ordinary Tao and fruit, the Dharma is a natural chasm.

Extraordinary Taoist fruits, the source of which is the natural chasm.

Lin Su nodded: What the senior said is true, but the senior has forgotten... I am still a scholar!

Yes, you are still a scholar! The old man said: If it hadn't been for the battlefield battles in the past few days, which vividly demonstrated your literary skills, it would not have been my turn to be the last insurance.

His words contain a lot of information, and the meaning behind them is worth pondering...

What does it mean?

All Lin Su's affairs are under their control these days. The terrifying lethality of Lin Su's tactics and Zhan Qing Ci on the battlefield are also under their consideration. It is precisely because of this consideration that they made temporary adjustments. To reach the level of killing him, Yuan Tian can really be used.

Strategies that change due to the enemy are the real strategies.

Lin Su's expression did not change at all: Senior, are you sure that the Wen Dao I performed a few days ago is the limit of my Wen Dao?

This old man is really sure! The old man said: Osumi's one hundred thousand cavalry can obviously push anyone to their limit.

Lin Sudao: You can think of pushing me to my limit through a hundred thousand cavalry, and I can naturally think of it. Do you think it is possible for me to use the trick to retain my strength and mislead you?

The old man's pupils shrank suddenly...

Can you still retain your strength in the face of 100,000 cavalry?

Why do I not believe it so much?

However, the calm demeanor of the person in front of him gave him a very dangerous sign...

His hand suddenly rose...

With a strike from Yuantian, the color of heaven and earth changed...

However, as soon as he raised his hand, Lin Su suddenly disappeared on the spot!

Surrounding the old man is a huge city wall. On the city wall, countless war flags are erected, countless soldiers and horses appear on the city head, and the peaks on the four sides have also changed. They are no longer gray and plain rocks, but pure white. The jade-like Jade Mountain, the ever-dark sky of Siguo Cliff has also changed, a golden moon rises high, and the rich literary energy seals the entire Siguo Cliff...

Literary world! the swordsman shouted.

Draw your sword and soar into the sky!

As soon as he rushed forward, the golden moon in the sky suddenly sank. Phew!

A month later, the swordsman's head was missing.

Lu Sanqian suddenly flew out, and the long sword in his palm exploded out of the Milky Way. However, Qianxun Qianxun, who looked like a Milky Way in the outside world, was completely suppressed in the literary world. A golden-armored general on the west mountain peak raised his hand and flew out with an arrow. Chi!

Lu Sanqian was torn all over...

Dozens of figures flew up at the same time. It was the dozens of people who had set up the formation for Lin Su before, and the dozens of people hiding in the dark. At this moment, they were trapped in the literary world. In the blink of an eye, two people whose real combat power was still behind them. The genius above had his head missing. They became anxious and flew up at the same time, hoping to break through the sky and escape from the literary world.

However, they obviously underestimated the power of the liberal arts world.

The sound of killing in the air suddenly sounded, and the air was completely torn. The invisible and qualityless sound of killing penetrated their protection and tore their spiritual platforms into pieces.

Ah... The Yuantian master roared wildly, and the killing sound was suppressed by his roar.

He got through it with one kick!

This time, it seemed that the entire literary world was inspired by him!

However, a golden light suddenly flashed above his head, and a terrifying murderous intention came from the sky. Master Yuantian suddenly stopped only three feet away from the golden curtain, and the golden light shone on his face, making him confused...

His eyes were full of disbelief: The peerless killing formation... this is impossible!

How could the Peerless Killing Formation, a collective project that could only be played by thirty-six people, suddenly appear in Lin Su's literary world?

Playing a group project alone? This is a subversion of the strategy!

Lin Su's voice sounded, full of comfort: In the world of literature and art, all the ways are integrated. Is it difficult for me to create thirty-six formation base points in my own world? So, you are basically a frog in the well!

I don't believe it! I absolutely don't believe it! the old man yelled crazily.

Don't believe it...welcome to test!

As he spoke, bowstrings formed on the mountain of words, and rows of long arrows were shot at the other masters who were already dizzy. In just three breaths, all the people who were included in the literary world were killed, with only two exceptions. …

One is this Yuantian master, trapped in the peerless killing formation.

The other one is Ji Wen!

Lin Su shot an arrow and penetrated Ji Wen's eyebrows. The light of the arrow passed by and there was nothing. In the literary world, a fallen leaf fell, and Ji Wen disappeared!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, Ji Wen turned out to be an avatar!

His true identity is not in the literary world at all!

Ji Wen was able to escape by using the rules of wind at the moment when the literary world was formed. Wasn't his reaction too fast?

In fact, Ji Wen did not have such reflexes. From the bottom of his heart, he did not believe that Lin Su could escape Yuan Tian's hands. However, he suddenly heard a message from a person he trusted very much...

There are only two words in this message: Run!

So, he ran away reflexively!

As soon as he ran away, the literary world was born and enveloped the mountain peak where he was just now...

Ji Wen's back was instantly covered in cold sweat...

Time actually only passed for a moment, but for Elder Yuantian, who was in the peerless killing array in the literary world, it seemed that ten or a hundred years had passed. His heart was full of torment. He deeply suspected that Lin Su was bluffing - the gold on his head. The circle is not the legendary peerless killing formation at all. How could the peerless killing formation be performed by one person? This is his deep-rooted thinking.

However, he didn't dare to try!

He was worried that this was true. If it was true, he wouldn't be able to stop it even if he was in the Origin Heaven realm.

Just when his heart was full of madness and entanglement, Lin Su had already cleaned up everyone else!

Then, Lin Su laughed: Elder, you missed your only chance to escape. In fact, if you had broken the formation with all your strength just now, I would have lost sight of the other, and it was really possible to escape, but you were still too entangled and didn't dare to take the risk! It’s too late now, I’ve already cleared out everyone else, and the peerless killing array launched by concentrating all my literary energy will really sound your death knell!”

Elder Yuantian's heart was beating so hard that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: Zhu Zi, suffer death!

The golden net slammed into the sky!


The golden net spread across the sky, the elder's physical body was shattered, and the soul was also confused...

He finally verified that the peerless killing formation performed by Lin Su was real!

Lin Su opened his eyebrows, and the elder soul entered his sea of ​​consciousness and was swallowed by him. In the process of swallowing, he interpreted a bunch of clues... (End of this chapter)

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