Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 870 Two princes, two think tanks, very different endings

A hundred miles away from the Bishui Sect, a figure suddenly appeared and landed on the side of a cave. When he landed, he staggered and almost lost his balance.

Inside the cave, with stones as the backrest, a teapot squeaked and steamed.

The big head slowly turned around, and the two of them looked at each other for what seemed like millions of years...

The person who came was Ji Wen, who had just escaped from the Bishui Sect.

The man in the cave was Du Jin, who had fought against Lin Sunan on the battlefield.

I was a little worried that you wouldn't listen to me! Du Jin raised his hand and handed a cup of tea to Ji Wen.

Ji Wen took it and let out a long breath: Logically speaking, I really shouldn't listen to you, but the strange thing is that I still listened... How did you know that he had such a terrifying back-up plan?

Jin is not a practitioner, nor is he a scholar. He knows nothing about the methods of life and death. However, there is an inherent law in any game.

you say!

Du Jin said: The trump card is not out of the opponent's judgment, it is extremely dangerous!

What's the meaning?

In the game between the two sides, there is a trump card!

Once you predict the opponent's trump card, the game will be more than half successful. Once your opponent predicts your trump card, it will be a huge defeat! This theory is applicable to all scenarios, especially when facing a master of wisdom who acts impeccably. As long as your trump card is guessed by the opponent, everything that follows will be wrong!

What's their side's trump card?

Yuantian master!

As soon as the master of Yuantian emerged, Lin Su was confident and could talk eloquently. What does this mean? This shows that this trump card is not beyond Lin Su's expectation. For Lin Su, knowing this trump card, he will definitely have a countermeasure. His countermeasure can cover even Yuantian. Ji If Wen stays where he is, he will be cannon fodder!

That's why he sent an urgent message to Ji Wen to run away!

Ji Wen was silent for a long time...

After a long time, he slowly raised his head: After the Yaochi meeting that day, you said that in the game with him, you should not have fixed ideas. It is best to raise your own strength to a big level. I listened to you. Today, you have no reason to do so. You told me to run away quickly, but I still listened to you...

Brother Ji, do you mean that you owe me a favor? Du Jin smiled lightly.

Ji Wen sighed softly: Although I don't want to owe this favor, I still owe it after all!

You and I are walking together. What you gain is my gain, and your loss is my loss. Don't worry! Du Jin said: Have you ever thought about why such a top-secret operation and such a careful arrangement failed?

Ji Wen suddenly raised his eyes: Brother Jin, what do you mean?

The tea cup in Du Jin's hand rotated gently: Brother Ji, have you ever thought about whether his former fellow traveler is really reliable?

Isn't that true? Yuan Ji is the proud disciple of Yanyulou, and she actually led him into the ambush circle. She doesn't know the level and specific settings of the ambush. If she is really the other party's person, how dare she Take such a big risk?”

Logically speaking, this matter is absolutely impossible! However, let me tell Brother Ji one more thing. For him, everything is possible! Brother Ji had better contact Yanyu Tower immediately to remind them to pay attention to this...

Ji Wen nodded: Okay!

Du Jin stood up: Okay, we have to evacuate Da Cang!

Withdraw? Our goal this time has not been achieved yet...

Du Jin said: Who said it was not achieved?

Ji Wen frowned: Brother Jin, what do you mean?

The battle between him and Yanyulou has begun. No matter who wins or loses, it will be good for you and me!

Ji Wen's eyes slowly moved over: Brother Jin, there's something I haven't understood yet. I hope Brother Jin can tell me honestly.

Say it!

What is your purpose?

What do you think Brother Ji? Du Jin kicked the ball back.

Ji Wendao said: Killing Lin Su, you can eliminate a big opponent on the path of wisdom, which can be your goal; clearing the Yanyu Tower and gaining space for your Wenxin Pavilion to lay out the world, it seems that it can also be your goal.

Du Jin smiled and didn't answer.

Ji Wen's eyes slowly moved over: You and I are on the same boat now. Brother Jin might as well tell us frankly, what is the purpose?

Can I have both?

Du Jin asked with a smile.

At dawn, the early winter wind was slightly chilly.

On the main peak of Bishui Sect, Lu Yiming sat quietly in the attic.

The great elder sat cross-legged opposite him and looked at Si Guoya.

There was turmoil in Siguo Cliff, but now it has returned to silence, but the waves in their hearts have just begun.

They had no doubt that Lin Su would die, but they were still worried about the behavior of the bastard Ji Wen just now.

When facing Lin Su, you don't need to reveal your Dharma body. With the presence of Elder Yuantian, you can control the intensity of the war. You can kill him silently, but Ji Wen reveals his Dharma body.

If this Dharmakaya is exposed, the consequences will be endless.

Lin Su's death will be linked to the Bishui Sect!

Lin Su has a wide circle of friends, including Duguxing, the Qingqiu Fox Clan, the Mermaid Clan and even the East China Sea Dragon Clan on the spiritual path.

He is a master of literature and art and a frequent visitor to the temple.

He is still the King of Yizi, and is His Majesty's right-hand man.

He is also the uncrowned king among the people...

The sensational effect of his death was unparalleled. How could His Majesty and the forces behind him not investigate it all over the world?

After such an investigation, Ji Wen found that the Dharmakaya that appeared on Siguoya was bound to cause a commotion.

Once Lin Su's death is linked to the Bishui Sect, the Bishui Sect will have to shed its skin even if it doesn't die!

You Ji Wen, you are just dragging my Bishui Sect into the water, blocking my way back, I have to follow you all the way to the dark side!

After deciphering this not subtle but extremely vicious strategy, Lu Yiming's chest rose and fell and it still hasn't completely calmed down until now.

He was waiting for Ji Wen to come out, he was waiting for the other party to give him an explanation...

When the early morning sunlight dyed the fog around Siguo Cliff into gold, a portal slowly opened on Si Guo Cliff. All the elders and thousands of disciples gathered their eyes. Suddenly, their whole bodies were struck by lightning...

The person who came out of this portal was a figure dressed in white, as white as snow, fluttering like a fairy, stepping in the air with an absolutely elegant posture...

He is not the visitor from afar a few days ago!

He is Lin Su!

Lu Yiming suddenly stood up, with the messy hair on his forehead automatically...

The Great Elder slowly stood up, probably hoping to use the time to calm down the turmoil in his heart. However, the calm was not complete...

Sect Master Lu, don't you think I, Lin Su, can still come out? Lin Su floated down on the sect leader's peak, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Lu Yiming's heart was in turmoil, and he couldn't even remember a single word...

His eyes turned to Si Guo Cliff, but the door to Si Guo Cliff had been closed, and no second person came out...

How is this going?

What about those people?

Where is his son?

Where is the Yuantian master?

Could it be...

He couldn't believe it at all, but everything pointed to the most terrifying guess...

There is no need to detect, I will tell you bluntly! Lin Su said: Everyone is dead, including Elder Yuantian of Tianling Sect, and your son Lu Sanqian!

Lu Yiming's face changed drastically, and he roared: Kill!

Accompanied by this roar, his body suddenly rose up to a height of three hundred feet...

The entire Bishui Sect was mobilized at the same time, and countless elders flew high into the sky and surrounded them from all directions...

Lin Su smiled: That's right, you take action first, so that I can kill you without any psychological barriers. If you all stretch your necks and kneel in front of me to beg for mercy, it will be hard for me to do it!

As soon as the last two words were spoken, his figure suddenly rose from the sky...

The sword came out, and the mountain wind seemed to be attracted to him at the same time...

The sword falls!

Lu Yiming's three-hundred-foot body was split into two halves!

All the elders in the sky went crazy. Suddenly, big moves flew all over the sky, gathering the strength of thousands of people to besiege Lin Su. Lin Su's forehead flashed with golden light: He was furious...

The sun that had just risen was replaced by a golden moon. The golden moon crossed the sky and turned into a huge sickle in the sky. The Bishui Sect rained blood...

In one hour, all the elders were eliminated!

In two hours, all the disciples who dared to take action were eliminated!

In three hours, all seventeen mountains of Bishui Sect were leveled...

The prestigious Immortal Sect Bishui Sect finally came to its end in the 300th year after its founding!

Becoming Lin Su's first sect to be officially exterminated.

He destroyed the sect master, the elders, most of the direct disciples, and its inheritance place. With the last sword, the stone wall with the three characters of Bishui Sect was leveled by him with one sword!

Among the ruins of the Bishui Sect, in all directions, countless disciples were at a loss. Some were crying, some were shouting, and some were kneeling and kowtow...

But when Lin Su stood in the sky like an immortal, all sounds were silenced, and the breathing and heartbeats of tens of thousands of disciples almost stopped.

They also walk in this world with this attitude. When facing ordinary people, they are also immortals. But today, they know that they are just ants. If Sky is a man, if he wants them to live, they can live. If he wants them to die, they must die.

Lin Su's voice came from the sky: The so-called Immortal Sect should help the people and the world, but the Bishui Sect uses force to disrupt the law and oppress the good. It is notorious within thousands of miles. In the past, there were treasonous people who colluded with the Red Kingdom to attack our Qingcheng. It is a great crime to collude with sects from outside the region and cause harm to the world. Yu Linsu, obey the orders of heaven, destroy his sect, remove his name, and cut off his roots!

All the disciples are sweating through their heavy clothes, and their roots are cut off?

Then they...

Lin Sudao: You are just ordinary disciples. Just go down the mountain. From now on, you are not allowed to go in the name of Bishui Sect!

Grandmaster Xie Lin! Finally came the first response.

Grandmaster Xie Lin... The voice from behind became lively.

Accompanied by lively thanksgivings, there was a mass evacuation of the disciples...

Finally, the Bishui Sect was empty...

Lin Su's eyes slowly fell back. There was another person on the cliff below. This person was a female disciple. She bowed slightly...

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat, and the sky fell from the sky, landing in front of her. The woman slowly raised her head, her beautiful eyes were like the Dongting Lake in autumn, with endless variables, but also a perseverance.

Xiao Xiang!

The woman smiled sweetly, raised her hand gently and placed it on her temple. Her face trembled slightly and turned into a completely different look. It was none other than Anxiang's subordinate Hu Yuexiang!

Hu Yuexiang was the first person sent by Anxiang to assassinate Lin Su!

She was also the first person to confide the inside story of Secret Fragrance to Lin Su - even though it was under the purification of literary principles!

After Lin Su subdued Anxiang, Hu Yuexiang released the shackles of her parents and truly became Anxiang's loyal subordinate...

Last time, Lin Su and Yue Ying had an unprecedented battle. When they were wary of each other, they returned to Beijing by boat and had a real confession with Hu Yuexiang on the boat.

Lin Su's instruction to her was to monitor the party on Dongting Lake and if she found any abnormalities, she could contact him directly.

He didn't receive her direct message, which meant that she didn't notice anything unusual.

However, she joined the Bishui Sect, disguised as a disciple of the sect, and met Lin Su after he destroyed the sect.

The young master was robbed this time, and my subordinates failed to find out in time. The crime deserves death! Hu Yuexiang bowed deeply and apologized.

This time I encountered a high-end abnormality, and the level is beyond your reach. What's the crime? Lin Su helped her up.

Hu Yuexiang slowly straightened up: My subordinates caught someone...

After the report, Lin Su's eyes lit up...

Hu Yuexiang participated in the Dongting Meeting, but as they expected, there was no information to be conveyed at the Dongting Meeting. Whether it was Buyi Pavilion or Yanyu Tower, planning this meeting was just to attract others' attention. How much information could there be? ?

Therefore, Hu Yuexiang changed her direction and sneaked into the Bishui Sect!

Because she knew that there was a person in the Bishui Sect who had an affair with those forces. This person was Lu Sanqian, the biological son of the sect leader Lu Yiming. If the enemy entered Da Cang to seek trouble, the Bishui Sect would definitely be a stronghold for the opponent. Based on this, she joined Bishui Sect.

She really got something!

She found someone!

Third Prince Ji Yan!

Other disciples of the Bishui Sect may not recognize Ji Yan, but she does because she has been in Anxiang from the beginning. The Anxiang organization's position from the beginning was to stand against the third prince.

She also found out that there were articles in Si Guo Cliff, but because of her level, she was not qualified to enter Si Guo Cliff. Fortunately, the third prince had no cultivation, and he did not enter Si Guo Cliff.

Hu Yuexiang will have the opportunity to get close to him.

She successfully approached the third prince and served tea and water to the third prince and Du Qing...

The third prince and Du Qing were very cautious. As long as outsiders were present, they would not discuss the most secret matters. Therefore, she could not find out any information. She had the idea of ​​capturing the third prince at that time, but she did not dare to implement it because She knew that the Bishui Sect had arranged for an elder to protect these two distinguished guests.

Lin Su crossed the cliff and captured all the elders' team. The third prince and Du Qing planned to escape, but Hu Yuexiang took the opportunity to take action and captured them!

Lin Su smiled: Xiang'er, you have made a great contribution!

Hu Yuexiang's face was full of smiles: Sir, come with me!

In a cave of the Bishui Sect, which was riddled with wounds, Lin Su finally saw the third prince Ji Yan and his adviser Du Qing. The two fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Hu Yuexiang flicked her fingers, and a wisp of smoke floated on Ji Yan's nose, and Ji Yan slowly woke up...

When he woke up, he felt like he had seen a big-headed ghost. The person sitting in front of them with a smile was clearly the person he hated and feared the most in his life...

Ji Yan, as people say, we meet each other everywhere in life. You are so sincere that you can't deceive me! Lin Su started with a smile.

Ji Yan closed her eyes tightly, like closing a door...

After a long time, his eyes slowly opened: Lin Su, I fell into your hands. I have no illusions. I have a few words from the bottom of my heart. Are you willing to listen?

Say it!

I have been smart since I was a child and have great ambitions. All the wise men in the palace have said that I am the best candidate for the heir apparent. I believed this, and the eight-year struggle for the heir apparent started. Am I wrong?

From your perspective, that's right! Lin Su said.

There was a spark in Ji Yan's eyes: My father and the late emperor are princes of the same generation. He also aims to fight for the throne, which is why the difficulty of the Zijin Pavilion that day happened. Was my father wrong?

From his perspective, that's right!

Father is right, I am right, who is wrong? Ji Yan yelled sternly. This roar was like venting all his unwillingness...

Lin Sudao: I said you are right, there is a premise! From your perspective! However, this perspective itself is wrong!

The angle itself is wrong, the angle itself is wrong... Ji Yan muttered and repeated.

Lin Sudao: The world of Da Cang is not your personal world. Da Cang is the world of Da Cang people! You are fighting for position. From your perspective, it cannot be wrong. However, it is a big mistake for you to ignore the needs of the people of the world. !”

Human nature is greedy, and people's nature is to pursue profit. Saints are not exempt from vulgarity! Ji Yan said: Lin Su, today you helped Ji Guang gain this world. You yourself are also the best minister. If I dare to ask, you have no selfish motives. ? Dare I ask if Ji Guang has no selfish motives? Today’s Ji Guang, how do you determine that he will not become the second father? Today’s you, how do you determine that he will not become the second Ji Yan?

Everything in the past is finalized, and everything in the future will be seen by future generations, but unfortunately, you Ji Yan can't see it!

No! I can see it! I am buried on the top of this mountain, and I am here to watch your fight for power with Ji Guang with a cold eye!

His shrill shouts resounded throughout the mountains. Beside the distant stream, a leaf fell from Hu Yuexiang's hand and landed on the calm water, creating a circle of ripples...

When a man is about to die, his words are true!

Will Ji Yan's words become reality?

According to the trend of history, it is almost an inevitable reality!

Ji Guang's throne was held by him, and he was also the most powerful minister. The emperor and the powerful ministers helped each other at the beginning, but eventually they would compete for power. Can he break out of this eternal stereotype?

Lin Su sighed: It is said that vision determines thinking. Your vision is only so big, so it is not surprising that you have this mindset. No need to say more, just give some useful information. After that, you can be on your way!

A golden light flashed between his brows, and he started to use literary methods to cleanse his heart...

Half an hour later, Du Qing woke up...

He looked at Ji Yan who fell on the ground, looked at Lin Su next to Ji Yan, and sighed softly: Since ancient times, people have said that counselors can mislead their masters. In fact, a stupid and stubborn master can even mislead his counselors!

Lin Su frowned: How did he mislead you?

The moment Ji Wen's dharma body appeared, I told him to run, but he refused to run. He heard all Qing's advice in the past, but he didn't listen to this advice. He only makes one mistake in his life, and one mistake means a lifetime! Du Qing sighed sadly.

Lin Su also sighed: You assisted Ji Yan, Du Jin assisted Ji Wen, Ji Yan did not listen to your good advice, but Ji Wen listened to Du Jin's good advice, so your endings are very different, right?


Don't be upset! Lin Su said: If Du Jin can escape today, he will definitely not be able to escape in the future. You, Wenxin Pavilion, and all the senior officials can't escape. You just take the first step and occupy a good place for them in hell. Believe me, your wish to return to Wenxin Pavilion will eventually come true underground!

Du Qing raised his eyes, with a faint smile in his eyes...

What? You don't believe it?

Du Qing said: You must think that the one I hate the most is you, and the one I want to be loyal to the most is Wenxin Pavilion. In fact, you are wrong... My hatred for Wenxin Pavilion is definitely not inferior to yours, just because I, Du Qing, have a With a normal head, I am not worthy of being admitted to the Wenxin Pavilion Orthodoxy? That ugly and funny big head is actually an extravagant wish that I cannot achieve despite all my hard work? When everyone is black, white is the original sin and everyone is drunk. At this time, being awake is the original sin. When everyone is abnormal, being normal is also the original sin. How ridiculous? How ridiculous...

At this moment, Du Qing, the always calm thinker, finally lost his composure!

Lin Su looked at him blankly...

Du Qing looked up to the sky and roared for a while, then slowly lowered his head: Give me the last bit of dignity and dignity. There is no need to use literary methods to cleanse my heart on me. I will tell you the whole picture of Wenxin Pavilion that I know...

Lin Su agreed to his wish!

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head and fell down. His face turned dark, and the flesh on his face rotted instantly...

Lin Su waved his hand lightly, and the boulder above the cave fell, filling the entire space...

Amidst the flying dust, Lin Su slowly raised his head...

What's wrong? Are you feeling something? Hu Yuexiang came to him silently.

Ji Yan said that he wanted to be here to watch the drama between me and His Majesty unfold, and I did as he wished! Du Qingyan, he hoped that I would send his people down to accept him earlier, and I did as he wished! Lin Su smiled slightly. : It's a big dream in the world. The world has been cool for several times. No matter how strong the wind is, it has finally stopped. Go and have a rest!

Lin Su flew away into the air and entered the capital.

Hu Yuexiang rose into the air and descended to the south of the Yangtze River.

The wind has blown, and the wind has stopped. The story of the Bishui Sect, no matter how long and tortuous it is, has become a thing of the past...

In this world, many people have met and left...

Many people have met and separated again...

Many things existed in the past and then turned into the smoke and dust of history...

The wheels are still turning, and the curtain of time is still opening little by little...

On a certain distant mountain peak, an exquisite attic reveals its tranquil appearance under the tranquil autumn sunshine.

The faces of the two stunning beauties in the attic were not peaceful at all.

The news they had been waiting for for a long time shattered their tranquility immediately.

The woman in purple on the main seat held the communication talisman and was silent for a long time, as if she had become a sculpture.

The woman in yellow took a deep breath and sighed: The four barriers were destroyed in one night, and the Bishui Immortal Sect was expelled! Senior sister, is this our carefully planned plan?

Yes, I don't want to believe it, but the facts are there! Senior Sister Ziyi said, her voice was extremely elegant, and her demeanor returned to normal. The surprise just now seemed to only last for a moment.

What's the problem?

When the strategy fails, you should calmly discuss the key points of the problem. This is the necessary psychological quality of a wise man.

The problem is that our understanding of him still fails to keep up with the progress of his skill improvement. The senior sister said: We know the Lin Su of the past, but we don't know the Lin Su of the present. We know ourselves but don't know the enemy. How can we not defeat?

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