Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 873: The Holy Temple and Dharma Palace fired at me?

For a long time, Zhou Mei opened her eyes, with an emotion that she didn't know if it was called disappointment: Is this what you want to do? Give me a lot of names and let me help you investigate the case?

What do you mean, help me investigate the case? You are helping your father investigate the case! Lin Su glared at her.

How dare you pretend to be my father... Zhou Mei jumped up and became furious.

Lin Su stretched out his hand and held it down: What does it mean to act as your father? Aren't you afraid that your mother will skin you? I directly doubt your understanding... Your father is the prime minister! Aren't all major affairs in the court his business? ? You follow the list I gave you, identify a lot of problematic officials, and eliminate hidden dangers in the court. Aren't you helping him clean up the government?

Zhou Mei realized...

Yes, he gave a bunch of lists!

This list is still officials!

These officials colluded with Wujianmen and the former third prince, and did a lot of bad things. If they stayed in the court, they would ruin the overall situation of the court sooner or later. If they ruined the overall situation of the court, wouldn't they be at odds with her father? Take it down quickly to help her father clean up the government affairs.

Well, this is called helping her father investigate the case, not Lin Su, a young boy pretending to be her father.

However, Zhou Mei turned her eyes slightly: Where did you get this information?

Lin Su smiled: On this trip, I forgot to report to you, the royal bodyguard, but I still gained something. I met the third prince and Du Qing...

Zhou Mei is excited...

The third prince, this is the person she has been chasing, because as the leader of Anxiang, she knows how lethal the third prince is. He may not be as powerful as him, but he has been running the court for many years and has connected with the Wujianmen. , holds the lifeblood of a bunch of people and evidence of crimes. As long as these evidences are thrown out, a bunch of people's heads will fall to the ground, and those people will naturally listen to his mercy.

This is an extremely dangerous hazard.

Only by finding the third prince can it be truly eliminated.

However, she could not find the third prince.

But now, Lin Su went on a long trip and found it!

Not only found him, but also killed him. Not only killed him, but also obtained the evidence of these people's crimes from his mouth. Verified the evidence of these people's crimes one by one, and pulled these people from their high-ranking positions, even in the mist. Insidious organizations such as Lou and Wenxin Pavilion have obtained the evidence of these people's crimes and want to use these resources, but they have completely lost their focus. This is the true meaning of eliminating the root of the disaster!

After this great purge, at least the officialdom in the capital will be truly clear.

And the golden brand of Anxiang will be truly polished with this big change.

Zhou Mei left the palace overnight as if she had been given a shot of blood.

Lin Su said goodbye to her back and slowly moved her eyes towards the small house behind...

Tonight, the ninth day of October, is still the first quarter moon.

The moon was not bright, and the starlight was still the main subject. However, he clearly felt that the moonlight was a bit thick in that small room.

Moonlight is her weapon, Lin Su has seen it with her own eyes.

Zhou Mei also saw it with her own eyes.

Lin Su had seen with his own eyes that it was normal, and Zhou Mei had seen with his own eyes that it was abnormal!


Because with Zhou Mei's ability, she shouldn't have seen her take action. Even if someone of Yueying's level had reduced her cultivation by 99%, Zhou Mei would not be able to compete.

But Zhou Mei happened to see her kill four people with her own eyes!

What does this mean?

Does it mean that she is not alert enough? Does it mean her methods are not legendary enough?


It can only mean that she doesn't care!

Yueying doesn't care if her actions are seen!

Perhaps it was her unique pride as a saint, or perhaps her confidence had slowly recovered.

Both pride and restored confidence are dangerous.

Because this means that Yueying may take action against him again!

The most subtle thing is between him and Yueying.

He was afraid of Yueying, and Yueying was afraid of him.

He is afraid of Yueying because his literary world cannot deal with her. The only thing that can give her a blow is the soul-destroying move. The soul-destroying move has a fatal drawback. At this stage, he can only use it once! After using it once, it cannot be used again for at least ten days.

If he had shown a little bit of fear last time, he would have died by her hands without any suspense.

He is the master of stratagems, and he used an empty city stratagem!

He was obviously scared to death, yet he pretended to be relaxed and flirted with her, looking for her reluctantly...

Moon Shadow fell into the trap!

She was also frightened by Lin Su's sword. She had no idea that Lin Su's blow was a desperate move. She was worried that Lin Su's consecutive big moves would completely destroy her soul...

Therefore, she followed Lin Su all the way to the capital.

She just quietly took over Qi Yanran and settled in Lin Mansion.

Nearly a month has passed, and after a full moon night, her cultivation has improved greatly, and her confidence is slowly recovering...

Lin Su sensitively captured all of this through the few words Zhou Mei said.

So, he let Zhou Mei go!


Double purpose!

First, in the confrontation with Yueying, Zhou Mei is in danger! Once Yueying wants to attack him, he must be the first to get rid of Zhou Mei. Why? In Yueying's understanding, Zhou Mei is Lin Su's personal bodyguard. When she treats Lin Su as a formidable enemy, she will not allow any variables around her. Therefore, she will definitely get rid of Zhou Mei as soon as possible. , eliminate variables! With her methods, Zhou Mei would never even have a chance to react if she killed her.

In order to save Zhou Mei's life, he had to let Zhou Mei leave his side.

As long as Zhou Mei is not by his side, Yueying has no reason to kill her.

This is one of them.

What is the second one?

Lin Su is still using tactics, and he is still using the empty city strategy!

The so-called empty city strategy is psychological warfare!

Yueying killed someone and didn't care if Zhou Mei saw it. Of course she knew that Zhou Mei reported her murder to Lin Su.

If Lin Su was alert enough, she would certainly find that her fake Qi Yanran was a dangerous person.

In this case, Lin Su should keep Zhou Mei by his side and pool their efforts to be just in case.

However, Lin Su exiled Zhou Mei.

Yueying needs to think about it seriously...

Where does this guy's confidence come from?

There is only one conclusion, this kid is not afraid of her at all! He has a trump card to restrain her, or a big move that makes Yueying deeply afraid, or maybe something even more terrifying...

He exiled Zhou Mei, maybe he was attracting Yueying to assassinate him!

Everyone is like this. The more expert and well-informed the person, the better they are at making hollow plans!

When she learned that Lin was confident, she herself would not be confident. She couldn't find Lin Su's hidden trump card, but she didn't dare to take a risk.

What Lin Su wants is to fight without defeat!

He doesn't want Yue Ying's life at this stage. He wants to use Yue Ying to complete a series of big plans. If he really kills her, the big plan will be completely ruined.

Therefore, he set up an empty city strategy to maintain the immediate peace. After a few days, he would tailor a clever strategy for her!

The capital is calm...

The night breeze blows slowly in the capital...

In Prince Wen's Mansion, a place of literary and elegant people, theoretically there would be no danger. However, that night, Lin Su collapsed like a string, and the moon shadow in the small house next to the small garden behind also collapsed like a string.

Lin Su was worried about this little girl entering his room.

That little girl was actually worried about Lin Su entering her room.

The two are afraid of each other...

Until early in the morning, a ray of sunshine came in through the window. Lin Su's eyelids came into contact with this ray of sunshine, and his heart suddenly became peaceful...

Last night was the most dangerous night.

She didn't activate it last night, which means she won't activate it in the next few days.

The crisis was over again and he could sleep peacefully.

What he didn't know was that in the small house in the back garden, Yueying sat up, holding a bright mirror in his hand, staring at himself in the mirror, somewhat doubting his life.

What's wrong with me?

When did it take the turn of a person who is not even like heaven and earth to make my heart tremble?

It seems that we have to continue to recover. Today is the tenth day of October, and in five days there will be the next full moon night. On each full moon night, a small level of cultivation will be restored, and the plan to kill him will be scheduled for October 16th. Bar!

However, Lin Su never thought that he was destined not to sleep.

Just as he closed his eyes, the butler's voice came from outside the door: Your Majesty, we have a visitor!

Fuck! Lin Su sat up suddenly, planning to set a rule for this housekeeper. The biggest rule is that when I am sleeping, you should not come to me to report that there are visitors. I am the type who does not sleep when receiving guests, and does not receive guests when I am sleeping...

The housekeeper said respectfully outside: Don't be surprised, Your Majesty. I also know that Your Majesty doesn't like to be disturbed by secular guests. However, Your Majesty must see the guests who come today. They are coming from the temple!

Someone is coming from the temple? Lin Su was surprised: Who is it?

It's a girl who has moved into the pavilion. She said she is an old acquaintance of the prince...

When Lin Su stepped into the pavilion, he saw a girl with big breasts and a thin waist. She was holding a tea cup from his palace and looking at the Liuxiang River at her feet.

Lin Su frowned: Brother Mo?

The girl slowly turned around at the window. It was Mo Wen. Mo Wen stood up and said with a blessing: Master Lin, Mo Wen sees you as a woman today. You can just call me by your name!

In the past, I wore men's clothing. Why did I change into women's clothing today?

Mo Wen smiled sweetly: Today Grandmaster Lin is one of our own, so why do we need to cover it up with makeup?

One of our own!

The meaning of these words is very clear. In the past, Lin Su had not entered the temple, but today he has entered the temple! When you enter the temple, you are brothers and sisters.

Lin Su smiled: Do you know about me entering the temple?

Mo Wendao said: One person cut down nine flags, who dares to ask the temple who doesn't know?

Lin Su touched her nose and sat down opposite her: Senior sister, don't mention this matter. In fact, I also know that this matter has made all my classmates very unhappy.

Senior sister? Mo Wen opened her red lips lightly and uttered two words.

Lin Sudao: Senior Sister, you are beautiful and beautiful. You are as delicate as a twenty-eight-year-old beauty. You are more like my junior sister. However, you entered the temple before me, so there is nothing wrong with me calling you sister. Junior brother entered the temple for the first time. I hope senior sister will take good care of me.

Mo Wen sighed softly: I thought about how you would tie me up and use me to do something. I thought about songs and poems, but I never thought about the title of 'senior sister'. I just feel like I feel a bit sorry if I don’t do something for you...

Lin Su almost laughed in her heart, but her eyes were very clear, and she seemed a little confused, as if she was saying, Senior sister, why are you like this?

Mo Wen took a sip of tea and said: Okay, I'm actually a little older than you anyway, so it's okay if you insist on calling me senior sister... Since I'm senior sister, I'll give you a heads up!

you say!

Mo Wendao said: The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them. It is true that the sorrow of human nature is sometimes caused by youth and frivolity. When you entered the temple that day, you cut down the nine flags by one person, and the nine palaces were disgraced. Although you became famous in the temple, but you Do you know that you also paid the price?

At what cost?

There are two kinds of prices. One is the invisible price. You and the elites of each palace are on opposite sides; the other is the real price. You had the opportunity to get the ticket to 'Tianwaitian', and because of the Dharma Palace blocked and turned into a fantasy.”

Lin Su understands the invisible cost.

He entered the temple and killed nine palaces in a row. It was originally agreed to give him a show of strength and let him, a rising star in literature, know that there is heaven above heaven and there are people above people. But what is the result? He gave each palace a show of strength and killed all the heroes who came to block his way.

How could the faces of the various palaces in the temple be so proud of such a beheading?

Who among those elites doesn’t hate him to death?

This is the fundamental reason why the trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.

But the real cost? Ticket to Tianwaitian? what?

Mo Wen explained...

The outer world is the battlefield for the game between the temple and the foreign space!

It is also the most high-end two-realm battlefield in the entire world!

On this battlefield, the real elites of the temple gathered, and the saint personally sat in charge...

The ticket to Tianwaitian is the qualification to enter the battlefield here and participate in the battle!

Some people may ask, is the qualification to participate in the war very good?

Fragrant to the extreme!


Because this battlefield is said to be a foreign battlefield, in fact it is not that dangerous.

There are rules of heaven, and saints from foreign lands cannot cross the border, but there are saints stationed in the outer world. Who do you think can break through?

As long as it's not a special mission, no one here has to seek death and enter a foreign space.

The enemy can't get through either. Where does the danger come from in such a battlefield?

There is not much danger, but the rewards are extremely rich.

As long as those who have admission tickets have cultural contribution points distributed every year, there are also contribution points for the battle of guarding the gates and defending the city. These contribution points are truly tens of millions of times more valuable than gold and silver, because the contribution points can be used in Wenbao Hall and Zhenbao Hall. Cash in all kinds of cultural treasures and all kinds of natural treasures.

Lin Su is very excited, holy shit! This is a preparation.

Entering the temple is not entering the establishment, because you are not paid a salary, but getting the ticket to Tianwaitian is called entering the establishment, and contribution points are paid regularly...

Mo Wen glanced at his eyes and knew that this junior brother understood...

She went on to say…

Literary contribution points are as valuable as the gifts from your officials, but the value of this ticket is far more than that. In addition to the explicit contribution points, there are also implicit ones.

There are several levels of concealment...

First, status! People who have admission tickets are respected in the temple, so how can they respect the Dharma? Let me illustrate something that you, Lin, feel the most. If you compete with a guy who has a ticket for the same girl, the girl will choose the guy who has the ticket! She doesn’t care how handsome you are, how exquisite your poems are, how sultry your songs are...

Second, opportunity! Tianwaitian has gathered almost all the temple elites, and even saints can see it. Once there, if you have a good enough chance, the harvest will be immeasurable, and it is even possible to be directly accepted as a disciple by a saint.

She said three or four things in a row, and Lin Su truly understood what an admission ticket was!

This is not a qualification for fighting on the battlefield, this is a stepping stone for the upper class society in the temple...


You said I had a chance to get it?

Yes! According to the rules of the temple, those who have written the scriptures and go to the temple without a number are eligible to obtain admission tickets!

Lin Su frowned: But you said, I lost it!...

Mo Wen sighed: It's bad. There is another rule behind this rule, unless... unless you violate the relevant laws of the temple! You have broken the law!

Have I broken the law? What law have I broken? Lin Su was confused.

Mo Wendao: Collude with foreign races and harm the human race!

Which time? Lin Su was a little confused. Does this refer to the Qingqiu fox or the mermaid clan?

What time! Mo Wen also laughed angrily: If you use these words to attack the people of Dharma Palace, they will laugh to death. Didn't you admit it? And more than once! What they said is... In the Battle of Cangyu that just passed, you colluded with the East China Sea Dragon Clan to bury Dayu’s 700,000-strong army under the sea!”

Damn! Lin Su cursed loudly: I'm too lazy to argue with anything else, but you are talking about Ohsumi's invasion. Do they know that Ohsumi first colluded with Beihai Dragon Palace? Are they colluding with foreign races?

The people from the Dharma Palace took out the code... The code clearly states that the responsibilities of the law are accomplished, not undecided! Your junior brother Lin colluded with the East China Sea Dragon Palace to actually destroy 700,000 people. Colluding with foreign races and harming the human race; and the Beihai Dragon Palace that he colluded with in Dayu stopped outside the dividing line of the human sea. It is just an undetermined reason and is not a done thing. Therefore, it does not constitute colluding with foreign races and harming the human race!

The responsibility of the law is something that has been accomplished, not an undetermined cause.

What's the meaning?

Punishment under the law must be based on the facts and results, and cannot be far-fetched with some reasons, intentions, etc...

Osumi colluded with Beihai Ryugu, but Beihai Ryugu didn't go ashore to directly kill people. He just borrowed a troop transport ship from Ohsumi. It's not a crime for aliens to help humans transport supplies, right?

But Lin Su was different. He directly asked Donghai Dragon Palace to take action and kill Osumi's 700,000-strong army!

The principles are consistent and quite consistent with the spirit of the legal system.

This is similar to a principle, what is it?

You see a beautiful woman and you want to do it to her. Is there anything wrong with her? Nothing wrong! It's not illegal at all, it's an undetermined reason, but if you take actual actions and achieve that result, you will be breaking the law. This is an established fact!

You said you had sex with her because you were broken in love and you were in a bad mood. Do these reasons and prefixes have any effect in court? It has no effect at all. The court doesn’t care what your reasons are, they only care about the outcome of this matter!

This is called results orientation!

But when used here, it is a typical indiscriminate and typical use of words out of context!

Lin Su suddenly became furious: Is this the explanation of Fa Gong?

Yes! Mo Wen said: What's your excuse? If so, you might as well send a message to Mr. Hei, Mr. Hei is almost depressed...

Is there any need to defend? Lin Su asked back.

Objectively speaking, there is really no need! Mo Wendao said: Even if you win on this issue, it is actually meaningless. Even if Ohsumi is involved in colluding with Beihai Dragon Palace, the same crime and the same punishment will be They're not half hurt, and they're not half helpful to you.


The current focus issue is Lin Su's feeling of unfairness.

Why does Dayu's collusion with Beihai Dragon Palace not count as colluding with foreign races to harm the human race?

Why did he collude with the East China Sea Dragon Palace to kill the Osumi invading army, but instead colluded with the aliens to harm the human race?

It’s a typical case of different punishments for the same crime.

But, as Mo Wen said, this makes no sense!


Even if you win, what if you get the same crime and the same punishment?

Can the temple punish Ohsumi? How to punish? Li Chi is not allowed to obtain the ticket to Tianwaitian? Please, Li Chi can't even reach the threshold of the temple, and the ticket to Tianwaitian won't cost him half a penny, so what if he receives this penalty?

And what about him? The ticket is gone!

It was confusing to come, and even more confusing to go!

Temple Dharma Palace!

I C, your ancestors are eighteen generations old, what grievance do I have against you? You have to destroy my honorable job...

Do you really think I can't counter you?

I don’t want a ticket anymore, I’ll dig up your ancestral graves!

The butler came over again and knelt down from a distance: Your Majesty, we have a visitor!

We have another guest? Who is it this time? Lin Su said.

It's a young woman. She said that the prince is her brother-in-law...

Lin Su was stunned: Who is her sister?

She didn't say...

Let her come in! Lin Su frowned. For a moment, she really couldn't think of who it would be. Lu Yi only has one sister, Bi Xuanji. Sister Chen has no family. Cui Ying has a girl, but Cui Miao will come. The capital? Could it be Qiu Shui Hongshang, the girl from Qiu Shui Huaping? For her husband's scientific examination? Oh, there is also Qi Yao, Princess of Nanwang. Does she have a girl...

Mo Wen in front of him stood up and stared at Lin Su: I actually know that I should say goodbye at this time, but I really can't help but want to ask one more question... She has already pointed out that she is your wife's sister. Guess Is her identity difficult?”

Ahem... I'm laughing... Lin Su was a little embarrassed.

Mo Wen smiled: Have you realized the disadvantages of having many wives now? A sister-in-law comes to the door, and you can't guess who she is...

Lin Su looked forward, eyes slowly widening, Holy crap! Why is it her? Zhou Shuang, the fourth daughter of the Zhou family, whom he had met through the window at Xixin Temple, was copying A Dream of Red Mansions written by him that day, and she kept saying that it was written by her brother-in-law...

Mo Wen turned around and said, Please meet your sister-in-law, I'm leaving!

Lin Su stretched out her hand and stopped her directly: You are not allowed to leave! I need to clarify to you face to face that this so-called sister-in-law is not my sister-in-law at all! I have no relationship with her sister at all!

ah? Is there such a thing?

Mo Wen's eyes widened and he sat down again to appreciate the anecdotes that were rare to encounter in a century.

A woman came to King Wen's house and claimed that King Wen had cheated on her sister. King Wen still refused to admit it. Haha, this melon must be popular in the world. Although she is a member of the temple, she is also very interested...

The person who came was petite and light, holding his clothes between his legs and running all the way...

Coming under the attic, boom boom boom...

He went directly into the attic and came to Lin Su and Mo Wen...


Get down!

Yes, lie down, definitely not kneel...

Brother-in-law, help me...

Wait a minute! Lift your head and take a closer look. I'm not your brother-in-law! Lin Su said.


The housekeeper who was trotting behind almost fell into the lake!

In Prince Wen's Mansion, there had been no interruption of guests from yesterday to today, with three batches in succession. It was very different from the past situation of hundreds of officials came to visit and were rejected for hundreds of reasons. He had already sensitively sensed that the prince was a little displeased, but why did he come? Everyone is a person who cannot refuse.

Zhang Haoran and the other four people are people who the prince himself said can enter the mansion at any time.

Visitors to the temple are guests that no one can refuse.

A sister-in-law is a close relative in the world.

He didn't dare to refuse.

But, she’s not my sister-in-law? !

In this world, there are fake wines, fake things, and fake words. How can my sister-in-law be fake?

You little bitch, if the prince wants to skin me, I will definitely skin you first...

The gentle and elegant housekeeper Lin Er, his heart is like a wildfire burning the mountain... (End of this chapter)

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