Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 874 Law turns out to be a major law

The sister-in-law in front of her slowly raised her head. Looking at her pitiful and pitiful appearance with tears streaming down her face, Lin Su sighed in her heart: Did some bastard teach her some experience? Tell her that the most effective way to impress Lin Su is to bring rain to the flowers? Especially a beautiful woman, bring some rain?

However, I have seen a lot of strong winds and waves. Will I lose my principles under a picture of pear blossoms and rain that I don’t know whether it is true or false?

Lin Su tried his best to straighten his eyes: Take a good look, is this king your brother-in-law? What kind of decency is it to have a random marriage?

Brother-in-law... Zhou Shuang's voice trembled a little, and Chu Chu pitifully added another three points. The pear blossoms not only brought rain, but were also blown by the ruthless wind.

Lin Su couldn't bear it: Miss Zhou, this is the first and last time that I tell you personally that my engagement with your Zhou family ended three years ago. Everyone in the world knows that I am not your brother-in-law. I understand. ?

Mo Wen rolled his eyes slightly and finally understood...

It turns out to be the fourth lady of the Zhou family!

It turned out to be the matter of the world-famous Golden Divorce Letter...

There are many things about marriages in the world. As Mo Wen, it is natural that he should not hear about everything. However, the story of the golden letter of divorce is different, because this is the only one of the letters of divorce between the world that shows the characteristics of golden literature. It is a literary legend.

She can be ignorant of worldly affairs, but she knows everything about literature and art...

Zhou Shuang wiped away her tears: Brother-in-law, I know that my Zhou family is unfair to my brother-in-law. I know that everything is my Zhou family's fault. My Zhou family's business has plummeted. Everything in my Zhou family has not been going well in the past few years. , I said this is the retribution of the Zhou family, we deserve it! But brother-in-law, everyone in my family will be beheaded, including my four-month-old nephew and two-year-old niece, including my guy who has been in the Buddhist hall for half his life. Grandma and brother-in-law who haven't come out yet, please save them, Shuang'er, please, save them...

She lay down again, lying on the ground shaking all over...

Lin Er originally planned to drive her out, but looking at Lin Su's expression, he stopped...

Lin Su originally wanted to correct her words, but he didn't...

Zhou Shuang sobbed: If my brother-in-law can't pardon my grandma and my nephews and nieces, Shuang'er can exchange myself for my niece's life.

Lin Su frowned: You already escaped, but you threw yourself into a trap just to exchange for your niece's life?




Why not a nephew?

When the whole family is being killed, isn't it the most important thing to save the male nephew? Many families facing extermination only want to keep a male descendant to continue their family life, and they have never just wanted to keep a niece.

Zhou Shuang said: She was a concubine and had a difficult delivery. Her mother died giving birth to her and entrusted her to me before she died. Her mother knew that she was just a concubine. When she left, it was rare for her daughter to treat her well... I promised her ! This is the only promise I have made in my life. I once thought that I could fulfill this promise. I named her Zhou Liushuang. I also told her that the so-called willow frost is actually catkins, very light, but Every year when spring comes, it will show its beauty. I also promised her that when she is three years old, my aunt will take you to Haining to see the catkins flying in Haining...

Lin Su raised his eyes and looked at the sky...

In the attic, the wind blew gently.

Outside the attic, the Liuxiang River swayed gently.

Lin Su slowly lowered his head: Lin Er!

The old slave is here!

Send her out of the house!


Zhou Shuang was in front, Lin Er was behind, and they walked out of the long passage one after another...

All farce ends here...

On the attic, Mo Wen gently raised his hand and handed Lin Su a cup of tea: Did you catch a keyword?


Promise! Mo Wen sighed: The engagement that day was actually a kind of promise. The Zhou family went along with it and abandoned it. However, the fourth lady of the Zhou family made the only promise in her life to a dying concubine, but she hoped to use it. It takes one’s own life to complete it, but people are still different after all.”

In this world, there are people who were born in temples but surrendered themselves to depravity, but there are also people who emerged from the mud and remained untainted! Lin Su said.

There is a sentence in your golden divorce letter that day: Untainted flowers cannot grow out of mud!

Yes, it's just difficult to get out, not impossible! Lin Su said.

Mo Wen gently held up the tea cup: So, are you going to fight against the national law and fulfill this promise for her?

Lin Su slowly raised his head: Senior sister, are you willing to protect me?

Dharma protector? Mo Wen didn't understand.

I want to write a book, and you protect me...

Writing a book? Mo Wen sloshed the tea in the cup: Do you still need a protector?

Literary ethics is respected in the world, and writing poems, words, and books is the most sacred thing for a literati. Even monsters and monsters cannot approach, and there is no need for a guardian, let alone in the capital, let alone in Prince Wen's Mansion, which is protected by literary ethics. Mo Wen couldn't believe his ears for a moment.

This book is extraordinary!

With these six words, Lin Su's eyes circled around, including the backyard garden, and also swept across the sky.

Mo Wen's eyes followed him in a circle, feeling a little touched in his heart...

Could it be said that there is actually an undercurrent surging in the palace?

Is there someone he is afraid of in the backyard?

However, she would never have imagined that it was not the person in the backyard that Lin Su was afraid of, but what he was uncertain about: the attitude of the temple!

Because the book he wrote today is not a book, but a code!

His book writing is essentially about fighting for the truth!

Once involved in the dispute between the avenues, the situation will rise to the third level!

What he is fighting for is not the road. He is not yet qualified to fight for the road!

However, he can try to fight for a narrow path. What does fighting for a minor path mean? It is in the inherent Tao realm of the temple, using his extraordinary vision that is ahead of this era to subvert the inherent rules of a certain Tao!

Even if it's just a trail, as long as you fight for it, there's nothing that won't be scary.

Mo Wen, the special envoy of the Temple Le Palace, whether used as a protector or bound, is of value. Now that he is here, give it to me in the bowl...


Outside the palace, Zhou Shuang was sent out of the palace, and the door of the palace was closed.

A woman stood under the willow shade and looked at her quietly.

Zhou Shuang passed over and gently hugged her shoulders: Sister, I violated my sister's prohibition. I took advantage of my sister's meditation and escaped secretly. I can punish my sister if I want!

Zhou Yueru sighed longly: He didn't send you to prison?

Sister, my brother-in-law is actually a very soft-hearted person...


Zhou Yueru raised her eyebrows, and was about to go crazy again. When she said the next sentence, she really exploded: Soft-hearted? Destroying all the properties of my Zhou family is called soft-hearted? Adding insult to injury and destroying my whole family is called soft-hearted? Killing all of my Blue Water Sect? Killing all the elders is so soft-hearted? Sister, I have long said that a cold-blooded beast like him can never be the hope of my Zhou family. Now that you have entered the palace, you should give up this idea completely and leave. , let’s leave the capital immediately! Beware of this beast catching you and bringing me to justice...

Sister, I still want to wait. Although he didn't promise anything today, I think there will be a turn for the better...

Your feet have never left the Zhou Mansion's backyard. You can only see three or sixty-nine people in your eyes. You are just a piece of blank paper. You don't understand the dangers of the world at all. In the past, your parents protected you. Now you should be able to see, The world is cruel, so if you go with me, don't say any nonsense!

Sister, let's stay for three more days! Just three days! Okay? Zhou Shuang said anxiously: Sister, even if we escape the capital, we can only bump around like headless flies in the rivers and lakes. What's the use?

The last sentence made Zhou Yueru silent...

Yes, no matter how idealistic my sister is, no matter how inexperienced she is, no matter how naive and naive she is, the following sentence is true!

What can they do if they escape from the capital?

The Zhou family is in a deadlock and there is nothing she can do!

Although she is weird and omnipotent on the path of spiritual practice, she is not a person who can step on the clouds. She has no access to the kind of power and the kind of master who can subvert the rules of the world!

They are running around like headless flies in the rivers and lakes, but they can't save their loved ones!

Let's stay one more day! Just one day! Zhou Yueru said: Tomorrow morning, we will leave the capital and go to Yaowang Mountain to try...

In Prince Wen’s Mansion!

In the study!

Lin Su had never entered this study because he only stayed in Prince Wen's Mansion for a few nights.

Now that he has entered the study, Mo Wen follows him.

Several girls who specially decorated the study room were excited...

In Prince Wen's Mansion, which is named after Wen, the study girls are the most high-end girls. However, after they have been in the mansion for several months, they have no sense of presence at all, and Prince Wen doesn't even study!

But today, King Wen is here!

Several girls knelt down to welcome Lin Su, opening the door to the study room and welcoming King Wen to the territory they had carefully prepared.

However, Lin Su didn't take a glance at their neatly arranged Four Books and Five Classics, the various flowers they matched, the strange fragrance of the monsters, and the various neat curios. He waved directly: Everyone, go down!

Several girls looked at each other and bowed away.

Mo Wen smiled softly: It is rumored that His Highness King Wen cherishes the beauty, but you probably didn't see the disappointment on the girls' faces today. I must say something to them. The organization of this study has reached the level of meticulousness.

You mean, I should pat them on the shoulder and praise them?

Yes, these things are easy for you, but they can be happy for a month and feel that all the early efforts were worth it.

Lin Su smiled: I didn't expect you to be such an empathetic person!

In your mind, what kind of person should I be?

...This is a long story! Lin Su said: Let's get down to business!

Mo Wen's heart skipped a beat...

His casual words made her a little excited. First, his evaluation of her was a long story! She really wanted to know what was in this long sentence... What about the second thing? Just business! She wanted to know more about the book he wanted to write today. What kind of book was it?

If it were another full-length novel, similar to A Dream of Red Mansions, then today's journey to protect the Dharma would be a lifelong legend for all literati in the world...

Lin Su picked up the precious pen and spread the gold paper...

Write it down!


As soon as the word law came out, Mo Wen's heartbeat instantly accelerated ten times...

General Provisions...

Law refers to the general term for standardizing behavior. Law refers to the detailed rules of regulations. Crimes are legal and legal punishments are appropriate. Regardless of high or low, they all comply with the law...

The opening chapter is a subversive judgment of law...

It covers the basic arguments of the literary sages about the law, and extends them based on these basic arguments. It seems to be within the framework of the sage's paintings, and it seems to escape from the sage's judgments, pushing the theory of law into a new field. , more rounded, more reasonable, more convincing...

In just three hundred words, the green lotuses in the study blossomed into a nine-story tower!

Mo Wen opened his eyes wide and could hardly believe it!

She was born in the highest position and had the highest position. However, she had never seen anyone who could reach the ultimate point of discussion like a nine-layered lotus blooming with only three hundred words of discussion.

The opening of the Nine-Rank Dao Lotus means that Lin Su's general principles of the law have reached the point where the saint has no choice but to nod.

How can this be?

There are also specialties in literature and art. Lin Su is famous in many areas of literature and art, but he has never set foot in the way of law. Now that he has set foot in it, he will reach a height that even the master of the law palace may not be able to reach!

She was shocked!

Or more than just her?

When the ninth-grade Dao Lotus was completed, Prince Wen's palace was filled with splendor, and the entire capital was shaken...

On top of the Confucian Temple, she suddenly stood up for no apparent reason, stepped onto the third floor that she easily avoided, and looked at Prince Wen's Mansion from afar...

Her figure and movements also made countless students below the Confucian Temple look towards Prince Wen's Mansion...

In the palace, Ji Guang, Chen Geng, and Zhang Ju were having a small meeting. Suddenly, the three of them raised their heads and looked at the layers of green lotus shadows floating on Prince Wen's palace...

The faces of the three people changed.

Nine-grade Daolian? Chen Geng asked: Who is he discussing Dao with?

Zhang Juzheng raised his gaze, and the light in his eyes floated: It seems that it is not a discussion of Tao, but something amazing that he wrote. This amazing work contains a flawless theory of Tao!

Chen Geng talks about Taoism, while Zhang Juzheng talks about Taoism. The two are not the same thing.

Talking about the Tao is done with the mouth.

Taoism is written with a pen.

Discussing the Tao may cause a sensation for a while, but the theory of Tao can be passed down for a lifetime!

Your Majesty, are you going to take a look?

Ji Guang shook his head gently: It's a must-see, and I just want to discuss something with him, but don't disturb him, just watch it from the top of the palace!

The three of them quietly climbed to the top of the palace, not even daring to use the imperial seal for fear of disturbing him.

The general principles are finished, totaling 800 words.

The green lotus on the periphery is layered on top of each other, and it seems that it has returned to reality.

The ninth-grade Daolian has almost reached the perfect state.

Just almost, because the true state of perfection does not exist.

The state of Tao cannot be fulfilled, and the way of heaven is still lacking. This is the ultimate conclusion of Tao. Therefore, Lin Su's 800-word theory of Tao has reached the ceiling of all Tao discussions.

The outside world is turbulent, and all parties are paying attention, but no one knows what is written.

Only if you don't hear it, you can see clearly if you are close at hand...

The tip of her nose was sweating...

Staring at a line of words and sweating...

No punishment is more severe than large-scale punishment, and no evil is more severe than indiscriminate killing.

what for?

When a person is punished, the most severe punishment is the death penalty. There is no punishment more severe than the death penalty!

If you kill innocent people indiscriminately, then the evil you have done is the ultimate evil!

What does this mean?

It means that the bubble that popped up in her heart just now reflects a certain pattern here...

His target is directly at the law, and he wants to change the law!

Because the Da Cang Ancestor’s law clearly stipulates that there is a punishment more terrifying than the death penalty, and that is to kill the Nine Clan! And he clearly concluded in the Law that there is no punishment heavier than the death penalty, and implicating others and killing innocent people indiscriminately is the greatest evil. This is a sentence that vetoes the execution of the Nine Tribes!

Is it only the Da Cang Chengfa that is being rejected?

No, this veto also includes the Code of the Temple Dharma Palace!

Because in the Code, there are also clauses that punish the nine tribes!

This is a fight!

Play opposite to the Temple of Dharma Palace!

Mo Wen's back was instantly covered in cold sweat. Looking at Lin in front of her, she suddenly understood what a protector meant...

I asked why writing a book requires someone to protect the Dharma. It turns out that you, the bastard, are using me as your shield to prevent the Holy Temple and Dharma Palace from giving you a stick when you are writing vigorously!

What have I done? I just came to visit you, and you still call me senior sister affectionately... Is your senior sister cheating like this?

At this moment, two slightly thinner words appeared in Lin Su's writing...


Under the details, dozens of them leaked out in the blink of an eye...

Lin Su writes extremely selflessly...

Because what he has to do is a big project...

Criminal law, civil law, tax law, etc., in his era, any law was the crystallization of countless people's efforts, and every word was unmistakable. Every law was the result of repeated weighing and multi-party argumentation. It is a huge difficulty for him to combine these laws into one law.

What’s even harder is that this world is completely different from that world and many things need to be changed.

For example, the people in that world are afraid of prison terms, and no one wants to go to jail. In this world, more than 80% of the people don't even have enough to eat. If they know that they will be in jail. Even though he was taking care of food and shelter, he still didn't do any work. His eyes might be shining with golden light, eager to get in as soon as possible.

So, change!

Those who commit serious crimes such as treason and indiscriminate killing of innocent people will be punished by death! Forget about a reprieve of death, the simpler it is, the more scientific it is. The minds of ancient people cannot accept things that are too complicated.

For example, what should we do if the death penalty is not enough, but the crime is relatively serious? In this hellish age, a fixed-term prison sentence is equivalent to welfare. Naturally, it has to change. A better way is to do labor reform. This labor reform can be combined with exile. Those who have committed crimes are taken to barren mountains and ridges thousands of miles away to open up wasteland. , guarding the border, acting as a prison warrior, etc.

No matter how minor the crime is, it falls into the civil category. Is it a slap in the face, compensation, what? You said that in the modern legal system, corporal punishment of prisoners is not allowed? Depend on! In this day and age, everyone loves to play the game, okay?

For Lin Su, copying books is easy!

With his current literary attainments, he can easily write hundreds of thousands of words in one hour!

However, it is difficult to perfectly integrate various terms that do not belong to this world into this world!

The most difficult part is not yet here, it is that he must reflect the grading of punishments, which cannot be heavy or light. For example, if something like robbery is a bad thing, right? bad! But, can he be sentenced to death without mercy? able! But there are consequences! What are the consequences? People are always going to die anyway, why not just kill the victim? Maybe he can still kill people and silence them so that he can escape disaster.

The purpose of your legislation is to prevent people from robbing people, but the final result is killing people and stealing goods. Do you think this legislation is good or bad?

Therefore, the punishment must be appropriate, neither light nor heavy!

This correspondence between severity and crime and punishment is the biggest problem for him.

Fortunately, Lin Su has too many things in his mind. This difficult problem that no one in this world can solve has been adapted to the greatest extent by him. The logic is smooth, the considerations are thorough, and the system is perfect. At least. , a large framework, the details inside echo from beginning to end, covering all aspects from treason to governing the people, and it is basically complete...

Ten thousand words, twenty thousand words, thirty thousand words, seventy thousand words...

Ten, twenty, seventy were written on the gold paper!

The 80,000-word Law has come to an end...

He was focused on the fusion of laws and the correspondence of laws. He did not notice that his study had completely changed...

At the tip of his pen, Qinglian Hokage appeared at some point...

Behind him, three empty buildings appeared at some point...

Beside him, Mo Wen pressed his hand on his chest and stared at the tip of his pen...

The green lotus fire in the pen is behind the three-story building!

A sign of the birth of a treasure book!

God, the book he wrote is a treasure!

The scriptures are written by saints, and the scriptures are written by heroes. Although for thousands of years, the temple has been filled with heroes and scriptures from generation to generation, but how many people have witnessed the birth of the scriptures with their own eyes?

In her lifetime - twenty years, she has only seen one book published, namely Essential Techniques for Elevating the People, also written by him!

And today, another book is about to be born, Law!

Lin Su finally completed this masterpiece!

A huge project that integrates modern legal thinking with contemporary special scenes...

A grand work that integrates criminal law, civil law, tax law and many other laws...

Covering all social levels including military, government, business, and agriculture...

Regulations cover all areas ranging from committing crimes to committing treason and causing treason...

This law is not the concept of law as we usually understand it. It is read separately, law and law! Law is the general term for social normative behavior, and law is the specific law.

As soon as the pen fell, the green lotus in the room suddenly shook, and the seventy pieces of gold paper on the table flew up out of the air, forming a book in the air. Amidst the brilliant light, the book soared into the sky, straight into the sky.

Above the sky, the sky is also full of blue light, which can capture the noon sun.

The clouds disappear, and the green lotus becomes the cloud. This book is magnified thousands of times, covering the sky and the sun...

The word Law stretches across the sky, and the sacred sound is sung...

The Temple of Heaven and Da Cang Lin Su wrote the Law. The meaning of the Tao and the law contains the functions of the law. Its merits will last for thousands of years and its benefits will last for eternity. This law is the most important code of the Temple. It will be made public to the world and benefit all people!

As soon as the sacred tone fell, the pages of Law were opened in the air...

Da Cang Capital is full of auspiciousness...

The whole city exploded in an instant...

What is Chongdian? This word that ordinary people don’t understand very quickly has become popular...

Above literature and art, the first priority is classics.

The scriptures were annotated by saints, and the classics were written by literary heroes!

The importance of the scriptures is only inferior to the Sutra written by the saints, and it is located at the second level of literature!

This can be seen from one thing, scientific examination!

What does the science test test? classic! Sutras account for eight points, classics account for two points!

In other words, the code written by Lin Su today may be tested in the scientific examination next year!

With just this explanation, all the literati went crazy...

The capital is boiling...

But everywhere where there are Confucian temples, everything is boiling...

Chongdian was born, and the Confucian Temple spread simultaneously...

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