Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 875: The clear target is King Lu Yang, but the secret plan is to lock Yueying

In Lin Su's study, Mo Wen frowned deeply: Chongdian? Why only Chongdian? The green lotus fire in the pen and the three-story building behind him are obviously signs of the birth of the book. Why was it downgraded?

There are three types of codes...

Treasure code, heavy code, sub-code...

The Baodian is the most important of all scriptures, almost comparable to the Classics. It is the Baodian that is really admitted to the imperial examination, not all the scriptures (not many people know about these). What does it mean to be admitted to the imperial examination? This means that the arguments in it are very authoritative, there is no noise, and no discussion is needed. Literary students can just study directly.

Chongdian, the temple believes that it is of great weight and value, but the content is still somewhat controversial, so it is not included in the scientific examination, but it has the qualifications to be disseminated and cited.

The Temple considers the Dictionary to be of great academic value and can be used as a reference for the highest level.

Lin Su looked away from the sky, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: Chongdian is enough! It can only be Chongdian for now!


The temple has a code. The code is a treasure book and the basis for the establishment of the temple's Dharma Palace!

Lin Su wrote the Law today. Many of its articles are different from the Code and the legislative purposes are different. This is a direct attack on the Code! This is fighting authority! This is the ancestral tomb of Zhanfa Palace!

In this case, the Temple must personalize this Law!

It's possible that the temple will directly cancel this book...

It is possible that the temple will depose Lin Su...

Both possibilities are great, but Lin Su has hope for the temple!

Where is the hope?

It lies in the evaluation agency of the article: Yuewen Palace!

The Reading Palace of the Holy Temple is the palace for evaluating articles and poems. Anyone with literary roots, as long as they choose to write with precious paper and precious pen, their poems and articles will be judged by them immediately.

No one in the world will question the fairness of Yuewen Palace.

Lin Su, a rebellious guy with a backbone in his head who was suspicious of everyone, felt that Yue Wen Palace was trustworthy after such a long period of verification.

Because it has never rejected the value of his works because of its own position.

Therefore, what he has to do is to write this Law!

He believed that this brand-new legal structure, this masterpiece of law that truly embodies the spirit of the legal system, and this highly operational and practical law, could have a place in the temple.


Yuewen Palace did not disappoint him and gave this Law the highest rating - Chongdian!

Is Chongdian the highest?

It's not the highest, but it can't get any higher.

No matter how high it is, it is a treasure code, and the treasure code must be uncontroversial. If you say that the Law is uncontroversial, what about the Code, the treasure of the Dharma Palace that suppresses the palace and establishes the palace?

That's not showing Lin Su great love, that's putting Lin Su on the fire and putting the Dharma Palace on the fire.

Therefore, Yuewen Palace can only give it a second-level status: Chongdian!

Even though he was at the second level, Lin Su still believed in this assessment, which was soaked in the goodwill of the senior officials of Yuewen Palace!


Lin Suxukong thanks!

In the void, the pages of the Chongdian were opened, and lines of words soaked in the holy way flowed through, and the sky was filled with fragrance. Suddenly, a line of words jumped into Ji Guang's eyes...

Ji Guang chanted: No punishment is more severe than large-scale punishment, and no evil is more severe than indiscriminate killing!

Zhang Juzheng locked eyes and his expression suddenly changed: This is the fundamental reason why he wrote the Law today! He pointed his sword at his ancestors to make the law...

There is only one person in the capital who can see Lin Su's intentions through the general rules.

There is a restaurant in the west city. Two women stand side by side in front of the window. They can't see this, but they still can't hide the strangeness in their eyes...

Zhou Yueru's heart tightened as she looked at the wonders of literature and art that spanned the world.

This feeling is very familiar. She felt the same way when she saw him climbing higher and higher at the Yaochi meeting that day.

This is her former husband, the kind that Mingwen is marrying.

If the engagement is not broken off, then she will be his princess!

Then all the surprises and sensations in his life are her pride, including the first master Lingyun on the spiritual path, the first master Qinglian on the literary path, and also the eternal glory that is written down today...

However, there are no ifs in the world...

Now he and she are completely in two worlds. He is at the top of the nine heavens, while she is humble under the soil...

The sky and the earth moved when he waved his hand, but she just wanted to find someone in the officialdom to send a message to her parents on her behalf, which was even harder than reaching the sky...

Green light circulated in the sky, and the whole capital was jubilant. Only she, Zhou Yueru, felt sad...

At this moment, my sister suddenly screamed and pointed at the sky with her fingertips trembling...

What's wrong? Zhou Yueru was shocked...

Brother-in-law...Brother-in-law, he took action! My parents are saved... Zhou Shuang hugged Zhou Yueru suddenly, and her tears were like a flood...

Why are you so crazy? Zhou Yueru raised her eyes. With just one glance, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning...

Article 13 of the detailed rules of the Law... Anyone who participates in the crime of treason will be punished by death. Illegal gains will be confiscated to the national treasury. Three generations of direct descendants are not allowed to serve as officials...

She hugged her sister fiercely: What he said was...the house was confiscated, and he didn't say that all nine tribes would be executed together!

The tone of her voice changed.

Zhou Shuang's face was filled with tears: Even the direct descendants are only allowed to be officials for the third generation. The direct descendants can live without death, but do the subordinates still have to die? Sister, I told you, my brother-in-law will take action! He really did. !I...I'll go find him!

Zhou Yueru pulled her back. She wanted to say that this was just a code written by him, not the law of Da Cang. She didn’t know whether His Majesty recognized it or not. However, the intense ups and downs in her heart made her completely lose her ability to express herself in words. My hands are covered in sweat, and I don’t know where it came from…

In the Xishan Villa, Lu Youwei looked at the sky quietly, two lines of clear tears silently sliding down her flower-like face.

For ten days, her face had lost any color.

But now, the former Yanhong has once again climbed the jade-like peak.

Xie Xiaoyan gently raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. Her voice was as soft as a sigh: Ten days ago, I wished I could change places with you. I couldn't bear to see you with tears streaming down your face. Today, I also want to Let’s live in your shoes and feel for yourself that your sweetheart changes the world for you.”

Princess Yufeng's eyes were filled with sparkles, she opened her arms and gently hugged the two sisters.

They are all talented women. They already understood Lin Su's intention as soon as they saw the general rules. It was only when they saw the details that they finally understood that Lin Su wanted to change the law!

Why change the law?

For Lu Youwei!

For the woman you love, even the laws of the country can be changed!

What kind of man is this?

Zhang Haoran and Qiu Mochi stood leaning against the window in the Criminal Department. Their ideas were obviously different from those of the other girls...

Brother Zhang, there are about 80 people in the capital who think that Brother Lin has transformed into a beauty. What do you think? Qiu Mochi said with a smile.

Zhang Haoran smiled: Changing the law to be a beauty obviously underestimates his pattern. I am more willing to believe that changing the law to Mochi!

Qiu Mochi glanced at him: To borrow what he said yesterday, you and I are both high-ranking officials, so don't talk nonsense, and quickly change the last two words of change to Mochi!

Okay, change the law for the common people!

That’s right!

Different people stand in different positions and have different thoughts and concerns.

Zhou Shuang is a blank piece of paper, and innocence is her true nature. She feels that Lin Su wrote the law today in response to her request. She entered Prince Wen's Mansion and begged him to save her parents, and then he wrote the Law , saved the father and mother from the root cause, so the brother-in-law is still the brother-in-law, it is about affection.

Xie Xiaoyan is a love brain, and all she can think about is how the love affair between Lu Youwei and him will play out. Lin Su's law was launched, and it naturally merged into: changing the law into a beauty, and the talented girl from Xishan was attracted by this earth-shattering love affair. I was so moved that I almost fainted.

Zhang Haoran and Qiu Mochi were high-ranking officials in the court, and they could see the true effect of this law at a glance.

This law is a textbook for law enforcers from the Ministry of Criminal Justice!

As soon as this law came out, officials from all over the country had a clear basis for deciding cases. They no longer had to do their own thing. All the troublesome things became no longer troublesome. The criminal and civil matters were all at once...

That's why he joked about changing his method to Mo Chi.

Facilitating criminal officials to handle cases is only a small aspect. Regulating social behavior and benefiting people all over the world are the real functions of this law.

This law covers all social levels and clarifies various rules. Not only scholars can understand it, but also ordinary people. Only by knowing the law can we abide by the law. Only by abiding by the law can we ensure the order of the entire world. Who does this guarantee? What is protected is the common people!

The biggest beneficiaries are the common people!

This is called: Lin Lang takes action to benefit the common people!

This is called caring for the world!

This is the interpretation of Zhang Haoran and Qiu Mochi, two senior officials in the court.

But, is this really what Lin Su meant?

It is of course Lin Su's original intention to establish a law for Da Cang to ensure the normal operation of Da Cang's various organs.

However, his vision is not just in the sky.

He's still staring at the temple!

Today’s Dharma is a test!

What to test?

Test the temple!

The promulgation of the Law is not the same as the Code which is the basis for the establishment of the Dharma Palace. What does it mean? Does this mean they are digging the ancestral graves of Dharma Palace? This cannot be said in formal situations. It has a relatively neutral definition called fighting for the road - not fighting for the big road, but fighting for the small road.

Fighting for the small road is also fighting for the road!

Lin Su wanted to see if the temple's absolute taboo: fighting for the Tao, was really a tiger's butt that couldn't be touched.

Now the results are out and they are ideal!

Facts have proved that as long as no issues of principle are involved, the trail can still be fought over!

Haha, with this verification conclusion, his situation in the temple suddenly became clear!

Aren’t you palaces displeased with me, Mr. Lin? Don’t you think I have no way to counter you? I might have really had no choice before, but now I have!

I will argue with you!

Whoever dares to stand up to me, I will dig up your ancestral graves... Oh, no, I will fight with you!

Let me see who vomits blood!

He wanted to be in high spirits, but Mo Wen was watching from the side, why did he feel like there was something bad going on?

The housekeeper of Prince Wen's Mansion came over again, his face flushed with excitement: Your Majesty, your Majesty is here...

Mo Wen calmed down the ups and downs in his heart: Farewell!

The next moment, she crossed through the void and returned to her mountain peak at White Deer Academy. A person in front of the window slowly turned back, it was her sister, inexplicably...

Sister, how do you feel today?

Mo Wen slowly walked over and tapped his head gently, feeling a little frustrated: I feel like I've been taken advantage of by him. I'm a little depressed. I'd like to lend you a shoulder to lean on...

The inexplicable anger was deflected by the sudden feelings of children...

You finally understand that his relationship with you has never been innocent! He sighed inexplicably: He is showing his sword to the Dharma Palace. He is worried that the Dharma Palace will destroy him, so he uses you as his shield. He uses Maybe it’s not you, he’s trying his best to tie up Le Gong behind you.”

Mo Wen slowly turned his eyes towards his sister: Sister, do you think... will he and Le Gong really... in the future...

He shook his head slightly inexplicably: There is one more thing I need to remind you! Le Gong is Le Gong, and the Le family is the Le family. Just because he is on good terms with the Le family in the secular world does not mean that he can also be on good terms with Le Gong. There are many The matter can be seen clearly from his entrance ceremony. Feng Jiuxiao sent by your Le Palace directly used Quicksand Song. You need to know that Feng Jiuxiao has the intention to kill him!

Mo Wen's eyes revealed a complex light...

Yes, do you have some prejudices yourself?

His songs are indeed touching, his music can indeed open a new chapter, and his relationship with the Lesheng family is indeed getting closer, but this does not mean that Legong has to join his pirate ship. Legong and the Lesheng family are completely different. Two different things.

Lin Su walked through the corridor and bumped into Ji Guang, who was coming in a hurry, and the two officials behind him: Zhang Juzheng and Chen Geng.

See Your Majesty... Lin Su bowed deeply.

Thank you, King Wen! Ji Guang also bowed deeply.

Your Majesty, this is...

Chen Geng took a step forward and said with a smile: King Wen has brought Da Cang to the pinnacle of glory with this important ceremony. There is nothing wrong with His Majesty's thanksgiving with the state.

Dean Chen is overly praised! Lin Su smiled: Your Majesty, Grand Master, Dean Chen, please come to the pavilion to speak!

Entering the pavilion, Ji Guang picked up the tea cup: I have decided that King Wen's Law will be implemented immediately! All national laws that are contrary to this Law will be abolished!

Chen Geng smiled: Since ancient times, reforms have been carried out with the light of swords and shadows. Only King Wen's reforms can calm the storm with force. King Wen's methods have never been seen before in the thousand-year history of the world!

What the two pillars of the court said revealed Lin Su's fundamental intention in writing Law.

When Lin Su wrote the Dharma, he first obtained the name of the Chongdian of the Temple, which had far-reaching implications.

What is the role of temple certification?

It is because the temple has endorsed this law with its authority and transcendence, telling people all over the world that this law can be used!

Just one certification has eliminated almost all the routines of the previous reform conservatives.

In the past, during the reform, the conservatives would use a large number of great Confucian scholars, and would quote various Bibles and classics to find flaws in the new law. They would go on and on endlessly to disparage your new law and make it completely unreliable and riddled with refutations.

In this protracted battle, the reformers were on the defensive, while the conservatives were on the offensive.

There are many types of attackers and various points of attack, while those who defend can only improvise at the drop of a hat and are always at a disadvantage. Coupled with the intertwining of various forces and the new tricks of various means, nine out of ten the reform will fail. .

But today is different.

Lin Su's law has been certified by the temple and is a heavy standard!

Chongdian is also a classic!

The temple has been certified, how can conservatives attack it?

You attack its flaws, and they only need to say one sentence for you to roll your eyes: It is a heavy canon recognized by the temple. Is it your turn to find this flaw? Do you think you are wiser than the sages of the temple?

Just one certification blocks almost all the moves of conservatives.

This is cleverness!

Of course, the conservatives will definitely not be willing to fail. They can say: This Chongdian Temple certification is available and is not required! The laws of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States have always been determined by each country. We should still follow the laws established by our ancestors.

This goes beyond the law itself to talk about trade-offs.

At this point, Ji Guang has quite a lot of room for maneuver.

He is the emperor and he has the power to make laws.

He decided to adopt this set of laws, which is justifiable. His fists are bigger. If you have any objections, please hold them back!

Chen Gengdao said: King Wen's method has gained the name of the temple and has eliminated any objections to the law itself. His Majesty, in the name of the king of a country, forcibly promotes this method, which is justified. Theoretically, the path to reform can be achieved, but Zongzheng should not be underestimated. The five princes have reached a high degree of consensus on this issue regarding the strength of the government. They are actually an alliance. His Royal Highness King Wen has always been wise and knowledgeable. I wonder if there is a clever way to break this alliance?

Ji Guang and Zhang Juzheng looked at Lin Su at the same time.

This is the real purpose of their entry into Prince Wen's Mansion today.

First of all, I would like to congratulate and thank Lin Su.

Second, ask about the toughest problem at hand.

The alliance of the five princes, what should we do if the tax reform cannot be pushed forward...

Lin Su held up the tea cup: Dean Chen mentioned the word alliance, but I wonder if you know the biggest drawback of the alliance?

What are the disadvantages of the alliance? Chen Geng pondered: The Five Kings Alliance says they share the same hatred, but in fact they all have their own agendas. Does the prince mean that they can be divided and attacked?

You can choose one of the kings, strike with an iron fist, knock on the mountain and shake the tiger! Lin Su said: The other kings have seen the fate of this king with their own eyes, and the two forces are fighting, and they will choose to be loyal to His Majesty!

Chen Geng frowned: To defeat one king in the name of tax law will inevitably trigger the warning line of this alliance. What if the five kings collectively rebound?

Their alliance is based on the issue of the tax system. If they break the law in the name of tax law, it will naturally trigger a warning line. But what if it is not in the name of tax law but in the name of other violations? Will this warning line be triggered?

Of course not! Chen Geng said: But what other illegal behaviors did these five kings commit?

Of course there is!

The three bosses looked at each other, and Ji Guang finally said: Who is your sword pointing at?

Lin Sudao: As the former Nanshan magistrate, I haven't visited Nanshan for a long time. I will take a leave of absence from Your Majesty tomorrow and go to Nanshan for a visit. I want to borrow one of Your Majesty's guards to support my career!

The hearts of the three of them were bright at the same time...

Nanshan Mansion?

King Lu Yang?

Although they had already guessed Lin Su's goal, they stopped talking about it. Some things were secrets, some things were taboo, and some things were still tacitly understood.

The only thing they can do is to believe in him!

After some small talk, no more state affairs were involved, and after a few cups of tea, Ji Guang and the other three left Prince Wen's Mansion. During the whole process, Chen Geng spoke the most, Ji Guang didn't say a few words, and Zhang Juzheng didn't say a word.

how? Does this old man have any objections to Lin Su?

certainly not! You can tell by looking at Lao Zhang's face that this old man is happy, pinching the tip of his beard and always looking triumphant. Chen Geng is not used to it. He really wants to reason with Lao Zhang. What are you doing? what expression? The third young master is not your grandson-in-law, so what does his outstanding performance have to do with you? You are not indifferent, you are simply blabbering for no reason...

Ji Guang returned to the palace and held a court meeting immediately, and the Law was directly implemented in the form of an imperial edict.

The master of Zongzheng Mansion's face was ashen, he moved his lips several times, stood on tiptoes several times, and finally retracted...

Several court officials also looked at him, but they did not speak...

In the early stage, the treason case of sixteen senior officials of the State Council involved tens of thousands of people of all kinds. Overnight, more than 10,000 people were given a new lease of life. There is no dispute that this has nothing to do with the treason case, but just because they were born in a country. A person who is implicated because of his family.

The treason case has not yet been fully concluded, and some people are still in custody. However, there are signs that many of them will still be released.

Zhou Yueru and Zhou Shuang finally met their parents again, as well as their little niece Zhou Liushuang.

Zhou Yueru accompanied her and came outside Prince Wen's Mansion again with her little niece in her arms. No matter how complicated the relationship between her and him was, no matter how much she hated him in the early days, but today he did such a big thing for the Zhou family, she had to give him three points of kindness, both emotionally and rationally.

Zhou Yueru revealed her identity and looked at the housekeeper with a strange look in his eyes when he came in to report. He felt a little nervous and a little complicated. Soon, the housekeeper came back and told Zhou Yueru expressionlessly: The prince said that he is not interested in talking to Miss Wednesday. Any intersection occurs.”

In one sentence, Zhou Yueru directly broke through the defense.

What does this mean? It shows that everything he did has nothing to do with her, Zhou Yueru, at least. She takes herself very seriously, but Lin Su doesn't even see her in her eyes!

Zhou Shuang broke off a willow branch outside King Wen's Mansion, handed it to Zhou Liushuang, and told her: Liu'er, no matter whether there is a chess piece of the Zhou family in his chess game or not, your life will ultimately be saved by King Wen. Kneel down and kowtow to him through the courtyard wall! Return the favor to him!

When Zhou Liushuang kowtowed, a group of people knelt and kowtowed in a corner outside Prince Wen's Mansion. They kowtowed quickly, and then disappeared into the night without looking back.

This is an ambivalence.

As the family members of sixteen senior officials of the State Affairs Hall, they hated Lin Su every day in prison because they knew that Lin Su was the key person who caused them to suffer disaster.

But it was also him who allowed them to see the light of day again!

This kowtow is to express gratitude.

He hid his face and ran away quickly, but it was because of their grudges...

In Prince Wen's Mansion, the moonlight has already reached an eighth circle...

When Lin Su came to Yueying's hut, Yueying sat leaning against the window, looking out the window. The moonlight was like water, and her face was infinitely soft and full of blurred beauty.

Your Majesty! Yueying stood up and bowed, just like before.

Lin Su had a gentle smile on his face: It's late at night, haven't you rested yet?

Yueying smiled softly: There is no hard work in the prince's house, every day is rest.

This is true, rest during the day and rest at night. Since they are all rest, why bother to be particular about going to bed or resting in front of the window?

Are you bored?

Two soft and gentle words came, and Yueying was slightly startled: It's okay!

Lin Su said: I am leaving Beijing and traveling south tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?

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