Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 876 Spring Breeze Travels Southward for Thousands of Miles

Yueying's beautiful eyebrows moved slightly: Your Majesty invites me to accompany you? Why?

Two reasons, one true and one false, which one do you want to hear?

These words came from Lin's mouth, and they were commonplace. He was such a piss-poor, but this was Yueying's first time experiencing this conversation mode, and it was a bit novel: What's the fake reason?

The fake reason is...what King Lu Yang does is just stupid, but the garden structure is unique in the south of the Yangtze River. Pavilions, flowing water, springs, and exotic flowers and plants can all be incorporated into paintings and poems. You Garden masters, you might as well appreciate it.

Yueying murmured: Such an orthodox reason is false...then what is the real reason?

The real reason is... looking at other people's picturesque pictures, how can it compare to my own picturesque pictures? Miss Yanran is following me, and the spring breeze is traveling south for thousands of miles. Isn't it a beautiful painting in itself?

Yueying doesn't know what's happening in her heart...

She is definitely not a love brain. She has a bottomless contempt for love and affection in the world. She is absolutely insensitive in the field of seduction. However, she can still tell that this damn S ghost is here. Playing seduction...

Seduce me? ! Are you crazy or am I crazy?

Yueying's heart was full of ups and downs: If I agree to go with you, I will be traveling south for thousands of miles. What if I don't agree? What poems are there?

There are infinite painting hands in the world, but there is no way to paint a picture without sadness!

There are infinite painters in the world, but they can't paint a piece of sadness! Yueying sighed like a groan: Your Majesty, don't you feel that you have used too much force for such a wonderful poem here?

Haha... Lin Su laughed loudly: I'll pick you up tomorrow!

The next day!

King Wen left Beijing!

Different from all the previous ways of leaving Beijing, King Wen's departure from Beijing was very high-profile this time.

He himself was wearing a royal uniform with the word King, and behind him was the Royal Forest Army. Although there were only three hundred people, it was still a standard guard.

A royal flying boat rose into the sky, broke into the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

In Zongzheng Mansion, Governor Ji Lie raised his eyes and looked at the sky for a long time without moving. An old man beside him also looked at the sky for a long time. The clouds in the sky had just experienced a turmoil, and slowly turned into white clouds in the clear blue sky... …

Going south! Who will his target be? Ji Lie said.

80% may be King Luyang, 20% may be King Dong.

Yesterday the Law was released to the world, and today the sword is pointed at the prince. It is really resolute... Ji Lie sighed: How should we resist?

The old man said: The law has been made clear. You cannot resist forcefully. You can only take a winding path...

As he narrated, Ji Lie listened quietly...

The law has made it clear that taxation is based on land, and no one can resist it, because the most powerful and terrifying thing about this law is that it is thorough and blocks all loopholes.

If you don't pay on tax day, penalty interest will be levied. If you don't pay for three months after the due date, the penalty interest will be doubled. If you don't pay for half a year, the landlord will be held accountable. If you don't pay for one year, the land will be nationalized!

The progressive punishment is harsh, but there is also room for relaxation. It will not kill someone with a stick, but there is absolutely no room for escape.

Identity is no reason, all privileges are revoked!

Lack of money is not a reason. When there is really no money, the court cannot just nationalize your land without your money and find someone else who can pay the taxes! What can you do?

The old man's idea for Ji Lie was to lead to a winding path...

What's the common method?

Not taking it hard, but if something happens when paying taxes, what will happen? There is too much room for manipulation, such as bribery of some local government officials, killing some people, and more flowers. As long as Lin Su Nanxing touches the key point of the tax system, problems and people will continue to arise in the process of tax collection. Murder cases, murder cases of people from all over the world came together, and all forces came together to let literati write articles and poems, defining the new law as the source of disaster in the world, and making everyone change their expressions after hearing the law.

On that day, the Zongzheng Mansion came forward, and all the kings came together to change the tax law with great righteousness!

Let's see how Ji Guang'er and Lin Su's thieves can control this war-torn country!

Objectively speaking, this is a problem that has been encountered by all reforms in all dynasties.

You act with the great justice of the law in mind, and others maliciously cause trouble, inciting the people, inciting public opinion, and making the superiors anxious. In the end, you will not tire of it. By that time, it no longer matters whether the new law itself is good or bad. What matters is: your law No matter how good you are, if you make the sky full of smoke and smoke, you are still bad!

After all the reforms of the past dynasties, who can escape this deadlock?

If you touch interest groups that shouldn't be touched, you are guilty of original sin!

If you can't stand the storm, you should change your ways...

On the side of Yangjiang River is the Palace of Lu Yang.

The sky in early winter is particularly high, and the river in early winter is getting darker and bluer.

King Lu Yang was sitting on the side of the waterside pavilion, looking at the Lu River below. A stunning woman was sitting next to him, and a teacup was gently handed over to her: Your Majesty, are you upset because of yesterday's Law?

Her name is Zi Luo.

The concubine that King Lu Yang took more than a year ago.

Yes, it was the concubine that the prince took in on the day Lin Su took office as the magistrate of Nanshan, and caused the forty-eight officials of Nanshan to be collectively dismissed.

King Lu Yang liked this concubine the most, as evidenced by the fact that he never got tired of playing with her for more than a year.

King Lu Yang nodded lightly...

Some things are just like this. If you don't go online, you can play with rules, relationships, and influence. Once you go online, you will be informed directly and clearly, and there will be no room for play. You can only play small tricks in this chessboard.

Therefore, for those of them who had no intention of paying taxes in the first place, the law is equivalent to creating a barrier and restricting their performance.

King Lu Yang was not very happy.

But what?

He didn't dare to openly resist the law, he didn't dare to be the first bird at this juncture, he could only join forces with the other four kings to form a force that would make His Majesty use rat weapons, and wait for the situation to move in the direction they wanted to see, wait Your Majesty's side will be in chaos first...

Currently, the five kings are tied together. One will be prosperous and the other will be harmed. Even if the opponent wants to attack, the prince has to avoid its edge and let the other four kings block it first... Zi Luo said.

Yes! King Lu Yang nodded: Fortunately...

Fortunately, just as he uttered these two words, a piece of news suddenly came. When King Lu Yang looked at the communication talisman in his hand, his expression changed...

What's wrong?

King Lu Yang suddenly raised his head: Lin Su is coming!

Zi Luo was also shocked: He came in person?

We are also bringing His Majesty's royal guards with us! King Lu Yang stood up and walked around the pavilion: Zi Luo, how should I deal with this?

After the new emperor came to power, King Lu Yang was no longer as arrogant as before, but his strength was still there. Generally, he would not care at all when the prince came, but Lin Su was obviously an exception.

Lin Su was just a small prefect of Nanshan at that time, so he gave him a slap in the face, and he has been disgraced to this day.

Now he is the King of Yizi, with a higher status than King Lu Yang. He personally leads His Majesty's Royal Forest Army, so how can there be any good fruit for him?

The current plan is to compromise and seek perfection! Zi Luo said: He will definitely ask the prince for a clear answer on the tax system. The prince must not resist him forcefully. He might as well accept it first and wait until the tax is actually imposed. At that time, the five kings were in chaos, and the situation changed...

King Lu Yang nodded slowly: That's the only way it can be! You immediately send an order to the entire government and practitioners from all walks of life not to cause trouble!


Lin Su stood on the dragon boat and looked at the thousand-mile Yangjiang River below. The Yangjiang River passed through the Nanshan Mountains, giving this quiet wilderness a sense of movement. The Yangjiang embankment was white and neat in the sun, and red pavilions were dotted on both sides. The breeze blew, and the air was filled with excitement. There is a vague floral fragrance, that is chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemums are not the main variety of Nanshan Mansion, but they are also planted spontaneously.


Industrial integrity!

The flowers of Nanshan have become the pillar industry of Nanshan Prefecture. There are cherry blossoms in spring, lavender at the turn of spring and summer, and osmanthus in autumn. Only in winter are they blank. The villagers follow the basic guidance of making money as long as there are flowers. Thinking, I started to think hard about flowers that can be planted in winter. What are the flowers in winter? Plum blossoms, camellias, chrysanthemums...

When chrysanthemums were planted all over the mountains and plains, He Xingong, the magistrate of Nanshan, made a report to Sister Chen.

Sister Chen was a little confused when she heard it: Master He, I really don't know whether chrysanthemums can be used to make perfume. I have never tried it.

He Xingong's heart suddenly became cold. If chrysanthemums could not be used to make perfume, then all the things that the villagers had worked so hard to make would be useless. At this moment, a woman stood in a small garden on the side of Nanshan. He came out and told them: The little girl didn't know whether chrysanthemum could be used to make perfume, but the little girl knew that it was a kind of medicinal material. If people with headaches and brain heat could use it to boil water and take it, they would get immediate results.

He Xingong ordered someone to give it a try, and it turned out to be true.

As a result, a new industry was born, and Nanshan chrysanthemum tea became popular all over the world...

This is a small thing in the development process of Nanshan, but it also has several subtle results, that is, Nanshan has an additional industry, a small gap has opened in the door of medicinal materials, and Sister Chen and the woman named Yao Gu have become friends. Good friends...

These were all beyond Lin Su's prediction.

He returned to Nanshan today and looked at the river embankments that had become tidy on both sides, at the red pavilion on the river embankment that fully embodies the elegance and elegance, at the people working in the fields, and at the two-story small building that was impossible to see before. , his heart was filled with peace and joy.

In front is the Lu Yang Palace.

The dragon boat passed through the clouds and shot towards Prince Luyang's Mansion. It fell into the void and landed outside Prince Luyang's Mansion.

The expressions of the palace guards all changed...

The captain of the guard stepped forward: His Royal Highness King Wen has arrived, and King Lu Yang has come to greet him!

The gate of Prince Lu Yang's Mansion was fully open, and the guards on both sides were lined up neatly. Inside, a tall figure strode forward, pretending to be welcoming, and it was Prince Lu Yang.

A voice came to Lin Su's ear: In just a moment, he was dressed so neatly. He obviously knew in advance that you would arrive!

This is Yueying's message.

Lin Su's dragon boat was extremely fast. There was almost no time difference between when Prince Lu Yang saw the flying boat and when King Lu Yang dressed up to greet him. This only meant that King Lu Yang had already heard about Lin Su's arrival.

King Lu Yang strode over and saluted five feet away from Lin Su: See King Wen!

I've met King Lu Yang! Lin Su returned the greeting.

With the arrival of King Wen, our mansion is really shining. Please come to Gui Pavilion!


The meeting between the two kings was as smooth as water. They greeted each other by titles and no nonsense. It seemed that the two had no past grudges at all.

In the Gui Pavilion, Lin Su sat at the guest of honor seat, and Yue Ying sat under him. Yue Ying's role was said to be his staff, but in the eyes of everyone, of course, it was quite interesting. King Wen had many women, so how could he be around him when he went out? No woman? I don't know what the role is, but it's best to treat her as his quasi-princess and treat her with full courtesy.

When the fragrant tea was served, King Lu Yang raised his glass and said, What business does King Wen have on his way south this time?

It's nothing official, just a private matter!

Private matter? But I don't know what it is? King Lu Yang's heart suddenly jumped. What do you mean? I'm waiting for you to ask about tax law. Can you ask me a personal question?

Lin Sudao: I have recently been composing a song, and I have fallen into a bottleneck. I need eight kinds of wonderful instruments to polish it. I have already received seven instruments, but the sound of 'se' is still missing. I heard that there is a concubine in Prince Lu's house who is proficient in 'jinse'. ', known as 'I'm drunk in Zhonglou, Guazhou is purple smoke', I wonder if King Lu is willing to let this famous Ledaoqi woman in Zhongzhou perform a piece of music?

As soon as these words came out, Yueying was shocked...

What? When you entered Prince Lu Yang's Mansion, you came here for his concubine?

The reason is: You have conceived a wonderful song that needs eight instruments to polish it, and there is still one missing, so the idea came to my concubine.

Is this rude?

Logically speaking, it would be rude to call someone's concubine by name as soon as you enter their house. However, in Lin Su's case, it was very reasonable. First, the concubine is not the official wife. It is normal for a concubine who is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting to play the piano and entertain guests when she meets a distinguished guest. What about the second one? Lin Su’s identity! The throne of Lin Su is higher than that of King Lu Yang, and he is the first grandmaster of Qinglian and the master of Ledao. He communicates with a concubine in the name of Ledao. The courtesy to this concubine is too great. .

King Lu Yang himself was surprised!

He imagined a lot of scenarios for Lin Su's visit, and every scenario made him tremble with fear. He never thought that Lin Su's visit today would be completely unrelated to his imagination. It was not a tense situation or official pressure. People actually enjoy communicating?

Could it be that the concubine he took in could actually bring about a change in his destiny?

If the relationship between him and Lin Su could be eased, let alone letting the concubine come out and play a song normally, even if Lin Su wanted to play something abnormal, he would be completely willing to send the concubine out directly. What you want!

Thousands of thoughts quickly flowed through King Lu Yang's eyes, turning into a comfortable smile: King Wen, who loved everyone in this world, actually looked up to a little girl in our house. Zi Luo is so lucky! Someone, let Zi Luo come over , give the harp to His Royal Highness King Wen!

A moment later, a woman strolled over from outside the Gui Pavilion. Her grace and grace could not be separated by ten feet of space. The elegant fragrance of her body also came early. Yueying cast his eyes on Lin Su. With just one glance, there was something about her. Suspicious, Lin Su took a deep breath and her eyes became a little brighter.

Depend on!

I doubt you are really interested in this concubine. Otherwise, why would your eyes be so bright?

Ziluo entered the pavilion and saluted Lin Su Yingying: Public girl Ziluo, please see His Highness King Wen!

Lin Su smiled slightly: Sure enough, the country is beautiful and fragrant. King Lu Yang has such good eyesight!

Although the common girl has little knowledge, she also knows that His Highness King Wen is surrounded by peerless beauties. How dare he be the one to criticize His Highness? Her eyes flicked across Yueying's face, and suddenly, there was a slight change in her expression. …

But this change only occurred in an instant. Zi Luo quickly cut in: Hearing what the prince said, His Highness intends to let the common women play the harp?

Lin Su nodded: I've heard for a long time that the girl is proficient in the music instrument. It would be a blessing if you can learn it!

Zi Luo smiled sweetly: Your Highness is the master of music in the world. It is a lifetime blessing for a common girl to play a piece of music in front of His Highness. I wonder what song Your Highness would like to hear?

Whatever! Lin Su said.

Zi Luo said: How about the little girl pay tribute to His Highness with the wonderful music Misty Rain Singing Quzhou composed by His Highness?

Very good!

Lin Su closed her eyes...

Zi Luo sat cross-legged, the harp stood in front of her, and she played twenty-five pillars of the harp. She flicked the harp, and a rustling sound started...

Yueying's heart skipped a beat...

She once towered over the sky and covered the earth, and her knowledge was far beyond the imagination of the world. The people, things, and joys of the world were all a passing thing to her. All the things that shocked the world were not enough to move her in the slightest.

However, not now!

This was the first time in her life that she heard this music!

With just a few notes, she felt the ultimate beauty.

She seemed to be walking in the mist and rain, and a light and dynamic picture slowly opened in front of her...

What kind of music is this?

Why is it so bizarre?

In the great holy world of the past, after thousands of years of wandering, how many music wizards appeared and disappeared during her journey, and how many wonderful pieces of music came and went. But, had there ever been such music? …

Her eyes closed quietly at some point.

A final sound as light as a sigh also represents the end of this strange song!

Lin Su slowly opened his eyes and looked at Zi Luo in front of him quietly.

Zi Luo also raised her eyes and looked at Lin Su, with an obvious charm in her eyes...

Lin Sudao: My girl's Taoist attainments are really good. Did she teach her in the building?

Zi Luo smiled sweetly: Your Highness, I am pleased that the daughter of the common people once entertained guests at Piaoxian Tower in Zhongzhou, and one of the joys came from Piaoxian Tower.

Lin Su smiled faintly: The building I am talking about is not the Piaoxian Tower, but... the Yanyu Tower!

Yueying's eyes suddenly opened...

King Lu Yang was just holding the teacup and was about to take it to his mouth when he suddenly stopped...

Zi Luo's face was a little confused, her mouth was half-open, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't seem to know how to say it. She had a very helpless and stunned expression...

Lin Su gently put down the tea cup in his hand: I heard that Yanyu Tower has cultivated a large number of extraordinary women in the world in order to disrupt the world. They have put real effort into playing chess, calligraphy, painting, romance, and romance. Now it seems that they are truly worthy of their reputation.

Zi Luo had a surprised expression on her face: What your Highness said is not understandable to civilian girls...

Lin Su turned to King Lu Yang: King Lu Yang, she doesn't understand, do you understand?

King Lu Yang frowned: I don't understand what King Wen said... What did King Wen mean?

Lin Su sighed softly: Prince Lu Yang, you still can't shed tears without seeing the coffin! Don't you know the notorious Yanyu Tower, which specializes in disrupting national affairs? No one else knows the true identity of this girl. As her pillow, you ,do not know either?

King Lu Yang stood up and said: King Wen! I respect you as a king and treat you with courtesy. How dare you talk nonsense? Wantlessly framed in my palace?

Framed? Lin Su laughed: The person from Yanyulou has the mark of the eight-petal green lotus on her body. Do you dare to let her take off her clothes to check it?

You... King Lu Yang was furious!

With his anger, the whole palace suddenly became turbulent, as if countless beasts were ready to move...

Zi Luo let out a sweet groan, covered her face and stood up: King Wen, you have insulted people too much, and the daughter of the people will die...

Together, she reached the side of Gui Pavilion in an instant, jumped up, and threw herself towards the cliff below...

If she really threw herself into the river, there would probably be a saying in the world: Wang Linsu went to the palace of Prince Lu Yang and forced Prince Lu Yang’s concubine to take off her clothes. The concubine refused to be humiliated and jumped into the river to her death...

It's a pity that how could her little trick work in front of Lin Su?

Half of her body was already off the ground, and Lin Su suddenly appeared in front of her, stretching out her hand: Want to run?

Zi Luo suddenly shrank, and her whole body seemed to disappear completely in the air...

However, as soon as Lin Su's palm fell, Zi Luo's true form reappeared, and Lin Su pinched her neck tightly, her face turned pale...

Lin Su! King Lu Yang stood up, veins pulsing on his face: You dare to be so unscrupulous and lawless in my palace, Prince Lu Yang, how can I tolerate you? Come on!

With a bang, countless black shadows rose into the sky!

The next moment, more than ten masters descended on Gui Pavilion, tightly surrounding Lin Su!

At least three of them are Xiangtian Fadi, and the rest are either half-step Xiangtian Fadi, or are in the late stage of Daoguo or the late stage of Kongkong...

In Gui Pavilion, it immediately fell into a big wave and frenzy.

Lin Su faced the experts around him and the furious King Lu Yang, his face remained as calm as ever, and he softly uttered two words: Here comes someone!

With a whoop, three hundred golden-armored warriors took off into the sky, and with a whoosh, a big flag unfurled, a golden dragon flag!

A golden-armored general in the air said solemnly: Your Majesty's dragon flag, as if you are here in person, anyone who dares to be arrogant will be regarded as rebellion and rebellion!

The palace guards, who had been rushing from all directions, suddenly stopped...

Commander Lu, who was at the front, pressed his sword with his hand and pulled out half of it and could no longer pull it out...

The eight masters behind King Lu Yang had their eyes fixed, staring at the dragon flag in the sky...

King Lu Yang’s face changed dramatically...

King Lu Yang! Lin Su said: You need to understand that when I was still the prefect, I never put you in my eyes. Today, I am holding the imperial order and coming to your palace wearing a crown. It is even more impossible for you to do so. If you can resist, I will put aside any plans you have, and obey all my instructions honestly. If you disobey, I will kill you like a chicken!

King Lu Yang's forehead was filled with blue veins, and he finally calmed down: King Wen is carrying out the imperial order, how dare I resist? It's just that what King Wen did today is too overbearing. In front of me, he humiliated my concubine. How can it be Wen? What Master Dao did? Is it beyond the scope of King Yi Zi Jian Jian to do this? Where can we place the royal laws? I ask King Wen to free the innocent and weak people first!

He cupped his hands and bowed.

Lin Su said coldly: Innocent and weak? How can you be sure that she is innocent?

The veins on King Lu Yang's forehead were flaring again: King Wen insists on taking off her clothes? You need to know that if King Wen does this inappropriate thing, she will live without shame in the world...

Lin Su smiled and said: King Lu Yang thinks that I can only prove his origin by taking off his clothes? Have you forgotten my literary virtues? (End of this chapter)

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