Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 877 Kill the chicken to scare the monkey

The golden light in his eyes flashed slightly...

At this moment, a cultivator behind King Lu Yang shouted sternly: How presumptuous!

With a swish sound, a sword struck Lin Su with an extremely fierce sound!

Almost at the same moment, all the practitioners around him moved together...

At the same time, attack Lin Su with the fastest method...

And Zi Luo, who was under Lin Su's control, suddenly became illusive, as if all her cultivations were activated in an instant...

King Lu Yang did not order the attack!

The practitioners attack on their own initiative!

It was Lin Su's opportunity to use his literary skills to cleanse his heart...

However, Lin Su suddenly smiled...

As soon as he smiled, a golden moon suddenly appeared above Gui Pavilion, and turned into countless golden moons with a chirp...

Each round of the golden moon is like a living creature, burrowing into the Dantian Qi sea of ​​all practitioners...


Hundreds of explosions sounded like one...


The eight spiritual masters who had already rushed in front of Lin Su fell down at the same time!

Hundreds of high school practitioners landed at the same time!

Lin Su had just had a somewhat illusory purple rose in his palm, and it returned to reality with a scream!

King Lu Yang's palm had reached his waist and he touched his long sword, but he was unable to pull it out. A layer of sweat appeared on his forehead at some point...

He had dealings with Lin Suda.

He had seen Lin Su's swordsmanship.

This swordsmanship is indeed terrifying, but he forgot about Lin Su's other identity...

He is a master of literature, and his literature is truly terrifying!

Without moving his hands or opening his mouth, a golden moon will rise and wipe out everyone in the house!

This is his handed down poem Man Jiang Hong!

After the palace examination that day, it was this move that killed eight hundred people in Yaowang Valley and buried a family of medicinal herbs with hundreds of years of foundation. Today, his literary skills have reached several levels. In just one golden moon, several people have been defeated. With more than a hundred Taoist powers, the three masters of Dharma, Earth and Heaven hated the Luyang Palace.

With this method, King Lu Yang felt a deep sense of powerlessness...

There was real fear in his heart...

Lin Su raised his eyes and said, King Lu Yang, you have been fooled again! Before I clear away these impurities on the path of spiritual practice, I can't rest assured to use the arts to cleanse my heart. I put on the illusion of the arts to cleanse my heart, just to force you to issue an order. Let these practitioners take action first!

King Lu Yang suddenly raised his head: As evidenced by the imperial order, I did not issue any orders!

It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter whether you gave the order secretly or not! Lin Su said: I will interrogate Ziluo right now. If King Lu Yang has other means to stop it, he might as well stop it. I just want to remind you that Wang Yin is the most important person. It’s better not to use it! Because I don’t want to have the reputation of using my royal seal to bully my royal seal.”

King Lu Yang's last life-saving straw slipped away from his fingertips.

Yes, he also has the most powerful weapon, the King's Seal.

Wang Yin is one level higher than the master of Xiangtian Fadi, and is almost on par with the top Xiangtian Fadi. However, it is useless in front of Lin Su.

Because Lin Su's Royal Seal is one level higher than his!

He is the two-character king, and Lin Su is the one-character king!

In the officialdom, the first level of officialdom crushes people to death. The collision of royal seals is completely different from the fight on the road of cultivation. When Lin Su's royal seal meets his, it is a direct crush!

Lin Su moved his hand and the golden flag fell to the ground!

Surrounded by three hundred imperial guards, King Lu Yang's face turned pale. A golden light flashed in Lin Su's eyes, and he started to cleanse his heart with literary principles...

Are you Yanyulou?


With just one word Ziluo, King Lu Yang's face turned as pale as paper. His master stood far outside the pavilion, holding on to a rare jade cassia tree next to him. If the jade osmanthus was caught in a heavy rain, his master would also be like the wind. The candle in the middle...

Why did you enter Prince Lu Yang's Mansion?

The third prince, Ji Yan, ordered me to enter the palace of Prince Lu Yang. The order was to instigate rebellion against Prince Lu Yang, to get Prince Lu Yang to side with him, and to plant a secret plot of a traitor in the prince's camp...

The third prince had a relationship with her very early...

Her entry into Prince Lu Yang's palace was closely related to the two sons' fight for the throne. Prince Lu Yang was a close ally of the prince. The third prince started from this ally and planned to lay a hidden clue for the prince.

However, this is just the third prince's wishful thinking.

What Zi Luo accepted was not his order.

Zi Luo is from Yanyu Tower, and Yanyu Tower’s order to Zi Luo is to use the power of King Lu Yang to bring trouble to the world...

King Lu Yang knew that Zi Luo was from Yanyu Tower, and King Lu Yang also had his own plans. He also hoped that the new dynasty under Ji Guang's rule would collapse quickly. Once Ji Guang died, he would have a chance, and his descendants surnamed Ji would Who can't be a king? He, King Luyang, also wants to be the king...

These words reached King Lu Yang’s ears without any cover. King Lu Yang’s face became paler and paler, and his sense of crisis became stronger and stronger...

Zi Luo slowly collapsed and fell into coma...

Lin Su looked at him: It's your turn!

With these three words, King Lu Yang fell into a literary world...

Lin Su's first words were: Did you know that Ji Shang killed the late emperor?


As soon as these two words came out, the master's face changed drastically. The jade cinnamon in his hand could not support the weight of his whole body, and he collapsed...

What role did you play?


Who are your accomplices in your house?


The names were announced one by one, and the master was among them. The princes of the Luyang Palace also knew it. However, they chose to go along this road with their father. Next, they also have their own arrangements. During the tax reform, instead of resisting forcefully, they resorted to underhanded tactics and used a series of vicious methods to disrupt the tax reform situation and make the tax law notorious...

King Lu Yang talked for half an hour.

Finally he collapsed.

Lin Su raised his hand gently: Commander, did you hear everything clearly?

Listen carefully! the high commander in the pavilion said solemnly.

Do you know how to do it?

I know! The flag in the commander's hand suddenly raised: All the people involved will be arrested. Prince Lu Yang's palace will be sealed off. No one is allowed to go out. Anyone who dares to trespass will be killed without mercy!

Lin Su stretched out his right hand, and an official seal was withdrawn from the top of the attic. It was his royal seal.

With Wang Yin in his hand, Lin Su smiled slightly: Your Majesty, do you see clearly?

Within the royal seal is the Zhengde Hall!

On the dragon chair in the Zhengde Hall, Ji Guang said: Not only can I see it clearly, but all the ministers in the court can also see it clearly. Governor Zongzheng, can you see it clearly?

Zongzheng Mansion Yin Jilie's back was completely soaked. He fell down suddenly: Your Majesty, I don't know that this traitor Ji Yang was actually involved in the regicide case in the past. Today, there is irrefutable evidence. Your Majesty has issued a strict order to punish him... Mansion!

Facing the prince, it was not possible to kill the nine clans, because the nine clans included the emperor himself, so he immediately expressed his determination to kill the whole family!

This is division!

This is a statement!

This was the only way out he could find at this moment when his heart was in turmoil.

He knew that Lin Su was traveling south...

He knew that Lin Su was looking for trouble for the prince...

He predicted that all of Lin Su's goals would revolve around tax laws. Zong Zheng's mansion and other princes had also formulated complete response plans and were ready to fight him in a tax law battle at any time.

However, he guessed the beginning but not the end.

Has Lin Su ever talked about tax law?

He found someone from Yanyulou in a few sentences.

With a wave of his hand, all the practitioners in Prince Luyang's palace were crippled.

With the enlightenment of literature and enlightenment, King Lu Yang was led into the Regicide Case, an irreversible road of death.

There is no doubt that King Lu Yang will die. He, the Zongzheng governor, must cut off and take a stand as soon as possible, otherwise, he will also be liquidated.

Ji Guang shook his head gently: The Law has been published, clearly abolishing Zhulian! The governor is still proposing to punish the whole government. After the dynasty is over, study the new law!

The governor knelt down and kowtowed: I am old and fatuous, and my words are wrong! Thank you for your Majesty's teachings. I will definitely obey your orders. From tomorrow on, I will study the new law in seclusion...

Ji Guang nodded with satisfaction: Shilang Qiu, according to the provisions of the Law, what crime should Ji Yang be guilty of?

Qiu Mochi stepped forward and bowed: Your Majesty! Ji Yang has violated the first paragraph of Article 10 of the Law and should be sentenced to death! Participants in his government will be divided into executions and exiled to labor camps according to their severity. All the land belonging to the Luyang Palace can be confiscated to the national treasury, and all the property in the palace can also be confiscated.

Ji Guang nodded: Since the judgment is based on the law, there is no room for discussion. Come on, pass the order...

One stone stirs up thousands of waves...

In the Dongwang Mansion, the teacup in Dongwang's hand suddenly broke, and the hot tea flowed down his hand. He suddenly didn't realize it...

King Lu it over? His voice was a bit hoarse.

Yes! Your Majesty! The master took a deep breath: Your Majesty has just issued a decree that King Lu Yang, all his princes, and more than 300 subordinate officials in the palace will be executed and executed, and more than 400 people will be exiled for three thousand miles. After more than ten years of labor reform, three million acres of fertile land in the Luyang Palace were returned to the state, and all the property in the palace was confiscated.

Why is this? Why? Dongwang's lips trembled slightly.

Because of Lin Su! Master said: Lin Su just arrived at Prince Lu Yang's Mansion...

After recounting what happened, King Dong was completely stunned. After a long time, he breathed out softly: He obviously went for the tax system, but he chose not to talk about the tax system, but started from another angle to completely destroy the famous people. The Luyang Palace, such terrible methods, this son, this son...

The master said: Don't worry, my lord, the palace of Prince Lu Yang is in this disaster just because Prince Lu Yang has a flaw, which is different from the other four princes...

King Dong stood up and said, A bruise? What kind of injury is a bruise? Who dares to say that everything is right when everyone in the world is established in the world? Under the purification of culture, he can also forcefully remove a small injury. If you are seriously injured, as long as you are targeted by him, it will be extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous!

The master's back was sweating, and he naturally understood this.

No prince is truly clean.

As long as he cleanses your mind with literature, as long as he carries the rhythm with you, he will bring out wounds for you even if there are no wounds.

This is Lin Su's method.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

King Lu Yang is the chicken, and the other four kings are the monkeys!

If you dare to cause trouble again, Lin Su will dare to visit from thousands of miles away. As long as he comes, it will be a disaster that can easily destroy the house!

This is the battle over tax reform.

Whether Zong Zhengfu or the Five Kings, one of the cards they drew was the choice card. They used the tax system to make small moves. They bet that His Majesty would compromise on the tax system for the sake of national tranquility.

And what about Lin Su?

He didn't fight with them, and he didn't fall into the whirlpool of tax laws. He just started a new chessboard and I made the decision!

He started directly from other directions and killed King Lu Yang with one move!

The tricky angles, the terrifying lethality, and the decisiveness of the actions are all unexpected!

The game of chess he played seems to be a hidden game of tax law, but in the eyes of this group of people who are at the forefront of the storm, how can they not understand it? Dongwang is also a big boss who has been in the court for more than 40 years, so he naturally knows how to do it...

Pass this king's order! King Dong raised his hand gently: All taxes on all the land in the palace must be paid immediately. Not a penny can be owed. All taxes must be paid within today...

The world is turbulent, and the new law is being implemented across the country at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The four princes who had acted as stumbling blocks before turned out to be the vanguard. Their enthusiasm for paying taxes even stunned the local officials. These princes immediately sent their masters and housekeepers to take the initiative to show their accounts and calculate them. After calculating clearly, they waved their hands. Boxes of silver and bundles of banknotes are delivered to the government, often accompanied by a few heroic words: Your Majesty implements the Law, how can my prince, as a descendant of the royal family, not take the lead in setting an example? This is the tax for this year. If next year's tax period comes, the government will send someone to tell you that the old prince will prepare early...

When the princes acted like this, all the aristocratic families from all over the place were confused. Once they found out the situation, they cursed and opened the treasury to prepare money and send it to the government to pay taxes...

These strange things quickly spread to the capital, and Ji Guang laughed...

And what about Lin Su?

After leaving Prince Lu Yang's Mansion, I walked with Yueying under the moon in Yangjiang River.

In just one day, the prestigious Luyang Prince's Mansion collapsed. This little girl is really convinced by the prince's methods! Yueying smiled softly.

Lin Su also laughed: What is this? When I was a small prefect in Nanshan, I overturned half of his palace!

Yueying said: There are still rumors here about the subversion of the prince back then. The little girl can vaguely get a glimpse of the prince's peerless style at that time, but she doesn't know why the prince had to go against the general trend and never change his stubbornness over and over again?

There seemed to be something in her words...

Lin Su hesitated: There are two answers, one false and one true. Which one do you want to hear?

here we go again……

Yueying chuckled: Fake!

The fake answer is: I have a bone in the back of my head and I don't want people to yell in front of me.


Yueying smiled: Really?

Lin Suchang sighed: The truth is that I am suffering and unlucky. I don't know which god I have offended. Anyway, there are an endless stream of people who want me dead. If I relax just a little bit, there will be at least three grass on the grave. Zhangshen, do you think I am so idle that I defy heaven and earth and rebel against the king? I have this free time to accompany you... Wouldn’t it be nice to accompany you on your journey of thousands of miles? I was forced by these bastards...

Yueying is a little surprised...

Is this the true temperament of the person in front of me?

Putting aside the nobility of a king, putting aside the elegance of a scholar, putting aside the depth of his wisdom and talent, and revealed the truth under this beautiful moonlight, very good, at the moment when the cultivation level has not yet recovered, As an enemy, you should also learn from his intellectual thinking. First figure out what kind of person you are before you can decide which way to kill you...

Yueying smiled faintly: The spring breeze travels thousands of miles, but I don't feel much spring breeze. That is, I feel a little like the spring breeze when I listen to the song Singing Songzhou in the Misty Rain... Did you create this song?

The topic transitions easily...


You said you have a new song, is it true or false?

Half true and half false! Lin Su said: It's true, this music really exists, and it goes very well with music like the harp. What's false is that my intention was not to listen to the music, but just to meet the person who played it. .”

Can you play this song for a while?

This is a song. There is a bright moon in the sky tonight, and it really fits this song... This song is called Moonlight Night. If you want to hear it, I will sing it to you...

Walking through thousands of mountains, I have experienced many hardships,

Only then can I return to you,

The face of waiting,

Is it still unchanged?

I was greeted by a world full of dust.

Waiting for my people,

Are you still sitting in front of the window?

Welcome the morning and dusk with a few lines of clear tears.

Is it still the same?

Hang a small lamp in front of the door,

Lead me back to you...

As the song began, Yueying fell into confusion again, and fell deeper. One of the lines lingered in her heart over and over again: Is the person waiting for me still sitting in front of the window...

Three thousand years have passed. What kind of window can still exist after three thousand years?

What kind of person can sit for three thousand years?

What kind of lamp can light up millions of dark nights?

The top of the distant Nanshan Mountain...

Two figures quietly watched the figures on the riverside in the darkness...

There were stars floating in their eyes.

Walking so intimately by the river, their relationship is indeed extraordinary! said an old male voice.

A female voice next to him said: Others don't know Zi Luo's identity, but this cheap maid knows it. Lin Su took her south, and even before entering the palace, Zi Luo's identity was locked. Except for this cheap maid, , anyone else?

This despicable maid has caused harm to our fellow sects in the capital. Now her claws have been extended to the whole world. She is extremely dangerous. Third Elder, do you want to take action?

The female elder slowly shook her head: The Lin thief is traveling with her, so we must not activate him. We need to create opportunities for them to separate!

The male elder pondered for a long time and finally nodded slowly...

In the past, he would not have nodded this way. Killing one person is a killing, but killing two people is better. However, he must nod his head today because Yanyulou still hasn't figured out where the flaw lies in the killing trap that was just set for Lin.

Until the secret of Lin Su's breakthrough and counter-attack is found, the attack against him must be postponed, otherwise, it is very likely to fail.

In the face of Lin Su's failure, the price was too heavy, and Yanyu Tower couldn't afford it...

On the bank of Yangjiang River, Lin Su's singing stopped, and Yueying's eyes slowly opened, looking a little confused...

What's wrong? Lin Su said softly.

I...I feel a little homesick! Yueying said.

How about you go home? Anyway, the New Year is approaching, and I don't plan to go back to the capital. If you go home this time, you can spend the New Year at home... Do you want me to see you off?

No need! The little girl can go home on her own. Your Majesty... there is no need to see her off, Yueying said.

Indeed, as a student of Baihua Valley, you walk sideways in the world... Lin Su smiled slightly: Then I'll say goodbye here and see you again outside the year!

See you outside the year!

You must come to my house outside the year. I'm still waiting to design our garden with you. Lin Su added.

It's a deal! Yueying smiled.

Lin Su waved to her and walked away.

Yueying looked up at him and waved goodbye...

Thousands of miles of Dongting passed by in a flash, and thousands of miles of Yangtze River crossed in a flash. Two hours later, Haining was close at hand. On the surface of the Yangtze River, a small boat rotated gently, and a woman looked up...

Lin Su was slightly startled, fell from the air, and landed on the boat. He stared at the graceful punting girl: Little witch, why are you in Haining?

Follow Concubine Xiang's instructions and investigate the case. The little witch blinked.

Fuck! Are you Xiang Fei or am I Xiang Fei?

In front of the others in Anxiang, I am Xiangfei, and in front of you, you are Xiangfei! The little witch's logic is very strong, and this is actually the same reason. Xiangfei is the top leader of Anxiang. Under normal circumstances, the little witch It's Xiang Fei, but the little witch listens to him. Who do you think is Xiang Fei?

Okay, okay, this is not the key. The key question is why did you come to Haining? Are you investigating my mother?

Zhou Mei smiled sweetly: I really want to investigate your mother and ask her how she gave birth to such a disaster like you, but I don't have time right now. I really investigated the case. There is a person in your Haining Jiangtan and Yishui North Beach. Lots of people with problems!”

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: Then what?

Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm here now, can those problems still exist?...

Zhou Mei explained the situation in a few words. Lin Su was frightened and felt a chill down her back...

In the past few years, he has played games with Wujianmen, Wenxin Pavilion, various princes, and various forces, all of which have been very high-end. He has neglected the rear area behind him. Haining Jiangtan and Yishui Beitan are his birthplaces and also His basic base has continuously brought massive wealth to the Lin family, and has also become a stabilizer of his people's hearts.

The enemy can't do anything to him and has already penetrated into these two areas. It is too easy to penetrate and it is even easier to destroy.

Fortunately, there is Zhou Mei's subtle fragrance, which also penetrates into this place.

When Lin Su left Beijing, Zhou Mei also received a report from here. Those people had a premonition that Lin Su was going to attack the prince and planned to mess up his rear. Zhou Mei immediately gave the order to close the net!

She took this matter very seriously and rushed over in person!

At present, the operation of closing the net has been completed. The thirty or fifty trash fish are not worth the extra effort and have been thrown into the river to feed the fish.

Lin Su grabbed the little witch's hand and squeezed it gently: You are beginning to slowly enter the role, and you are beginning to take a solid step on the bright road of being a good wife, thank you!

The little witch felt the warmth of his hand, and was actually a little confused, but as soon as the words good wife came into her ears, she waved her hand and crotched her waist: Please tell me clearly, is your good wife a bright road? , or a bottomless pit?”


Lin Su has a slight cold...

The little witch raised a cold eyebrow and waited for him to finish coughing: You still want to kidnap me, right? You have to have a kidnapping attitude, right... Tell me carefully, why did you carry that fart Yanran with you for thousands of miles in the spring breeze? ?What’s your plan?”

Lin Su smiled, and his smile was meaningful...

You just mentioned a very magical word, called a bottomless pit! Lin Su said: It is normal for me, Lin Su, to dig holes. If I don't dig holes, I will become a T. But I still have principles, Lin Su The trap of a family is not to trap a virtuous wife, but to trap all the pretentious people in the world...

The little witch's eyes became a little rounder, and there was passion in her round pupils: Continue...

Haha, please allow me to laugh first. This matter is actually a bit funny... Lin Su said: As for the topic, let's start with me entering Prince Lu Yang's Mansion. Prince Lu Yang was wary of me digging a hole for him. Yes, but the spring breeze I carry with me is so cold that she can’t even imagine that the first hole I dug was for her... (End of Chapter)

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