Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 879 The news from Dayu brought by Bi Xuanji

Quzhou was the first to flap its butterfly wings, and land rents plummeted from 60% to 50% to 20%, or even a crazy 10%!

People who farmed the land began to have a way to survive, and those who lost their land also had a way to survive. The only losers were probably the big landowners. However, in the face of the general trend of the times, the landowners who used to dominate the countryside and cover the sky with one hand have transformed into the torrent of history. Cornflowers before the wheel…

Naturally, these big landowners were not willing to sit back and wait for death. They united and went to the magistrate's office to cry to the magistrate.

Lin Jialiang received them patiently and listened to their calls with a smile. After everyone finished speaking, Lin Zhizhou asked them a question...

If the farmers force you to farm your land, this state can punish them. But if the farmers don’t farm your land, what law has been violated?

All the landowners looked at each other, unable to answer.

A man who looked like he was studying among the landlords stood up and said: Since ancient times, agriculture has been the basis, and profiteers have disrupted the government. Now in the world, business is rampant, and the country will not be the country...

It is a long and eloquent article, containing countless sacred words...

Lin Jialiang waited for him to finish speaking and replied lightly: Mr. Wang keeps saying that the business world is corrupting government and that the business world is heinous. However, the clothes he wears are products of the business world, and the utensils used in his home are also products of the business world. Come on! Take off all the products of business Tao from this person, so that he can keep his Tao pure!

All the government officials swarmed up and stripped the scholar naked.

From then on, there was another joke in Quzhou, and Lin Jialiang got a strange title for this: Knowing the state by stripping clothes!

When Lin Su heard this anecdote, he almost dropped the teacup with laughter. The second brother also changed...

Quzhou resolutely implements the three major national policies of the imperial court, and is at the forefront of the country in taxation, people's livelihood, and legal systems. Lin Jialiang, a staunch reformer, changed his previous way of becoming an official by asking for the holy way before encountering problems. His general blood was inspired in his bones, and he has There is a certain degree of deviance from tradition, but it is undeniable that Quzhou has been able to advance smoothly due to his iron fist. As a feudal official, he has the support of the emperor, and later he has the support of King Wen, so he should not be too convenient.

The success of Quzhou has led to forty states across the country. The official atmosphere has changed drastically, and the civil society has changed day by day. The whole world is moving forward step by step towards a wonderful vision that has never been dreamed of...

October has passed, and the golden autumn sunshine is getting colder day by day by the Yangtze River in Haining.

The winter moon has passed and plunged into the twelfth lunar month.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, under the afternoon sun, Lin Su was lying on a recliner, Cui Ying was leaning next to him doing embroidery, and Liu Xinger was busy in the kitchen. Yes, there was already a small kitchen in the west courtyard. Liu Xinger, the former My concubine, walking towards the cook's path, she already has a bit of Mei Niang's style.

Xiaoyao came in and jumped in front of Lin Su: Master, why are you lying down again? We agreed yesterday that we will go to the south of the city today. The barbecue restaurant in the south of the city is opening...

Oh my god, why didn't you change your mind for four whole years? You are determined not to have barbecue today, Ying'er, tell her why not! Lin Su said.

Cui Ying pulled Xiao Yao away: Xiao Yao, you are stupid. The young master is the prince. A small barbecue restaurant has opened. You let the young master go. That is the prince congratulating the opening of the small shop. The tail of that small shop will not be raised in the future. Has it gone to heaven?

Xiaoyao scratched his head: Is this the reason?

Lin Su shook his head and sighed: Yinger, you have to look at the essence of the problem. This reason is really not a reason. The real reason is... look what Xiaoyao looks like now? The bucket is not so round, and the pot lid is not so big. , can she still eat it? I personally think the best place for her is not a snack bar, but to be dragged into a woodshed and starved for three days and three nights...

Cui Ying burst out laughing, Liu Xing'er laughed, and even the autumn water painting screen in the attic laughed. Xiao Yao quit: How can I be so fat? I only weigh ninety-nine pounds!

Cui Ying smiled and said: I know the reason. If you broke the scale, you can only weigh 99 pounds at most. Even if you are 180 pounds, the display will still be 99!

Lin Su was dumbfounded: No way? Xiaoyao, you have the characteristics of a profiteer and are self-taught. How can you still play this trick?

Suddenly, the West Courtyard burst into laughter...

At this moment, a voice came from the door: Why is it so lively? Are you celebrating the New Year early?

Lin Su jumped up...

Cui Ying also bounced up suddenly...

At the entrance of the west courtyard, two people came side by side...

Dark night on the left, green clothes on the right!

Sister An Ye, sister Lu Yi... Cui Ying rushed over, hugged An Ye excitedly, and then hugged Lu Yi: I thought you wouldn't come back...

An Ye answered on behalf of Lu Yi: What Lu Yi said is that it is not good for a married daughter to celebrate the New Year at her parents' house, so it is only right to go back to her husband to celebrate the New Year...


Green Yi quit: I didn't say!

There was a commotion in the west courtyard, surrounding whether a married daughter should celebrate the New Year at her husband's house, and whether losing her virginity was considered a marriage. Anyway, it was very noisy.

In the afternoon, all the girls gathered in the Nuan Pavilion. An Ye, Lu Yi, and Sister Chen also returned from the river beach. Together with Cui Ying, the autumn water painting screen did not go to the pavilion. She still could not break through the window paper. However, the movement in the Nuan Pavilion was... Of course she knew it...

Lu Yi was very happy and snuggled up to Lin Su to report the situation...

Jindi has truly recovered. The glass factory is already busy and has become the leader of Jindi's recovery. This time she came back from Jindi and brought some things, including glass and a mirror...

The mirror is mainly given to the wife and the sisters in the house, while the glass has a clear purpose.

Our villa on the North Beach of Yishui is very windy in winter. With these pieces of glass, our villa can use glass as windows. Snowflakes are flying outside and the interior is bright and warm. It is the fairyland on earth described by my husband...

This batch of glass products followed them south and has arrived in Beichuan, Yishui. Uncle Deng is arranging for people to install it. In just a few days, we can see this wonder...

The mirrors they brought back were the latest ones, with brass frames, yellow wood frames, purple wood frames... everything was exquisite to the extreme.

The lady has four mirrors in total, a full-length mirror as tall as a person with a silver frame, a wall mirror half as tall as a person with an ebony frame, and two small vanity mirrors with genuine gold frames.

The mirrors of Princess Hongying, Quxiu and Yulou each have silver frames.

These gifts from the leaders of the Lin family were personally delivered by Sister Chen, An Ye, Lu Yi, and Cui Ying. The autumn water painting screen was also pulled down by An Ye. What it said on the surface was: Don't you want to see the specialness of this mirror?

A message was sent quietly in the dark night: Don't pretend to be there. If others can't see it, can't I also see it? You have been my sister for a long time, why are you pretending?

Qiushui Huaping just followed him, showing an expression of not participating in the specific affairs but just watching the fun...

The entire Lin family was in shock!

In fact, regarding the mirror, Lin Su carried several mirrors with her. The wives in the West Courtyard and even Liu Xing'er all got one. However, this was the first time it was made public in the whole house. The girls really opened their eyes. Madam looked at the exquisite mirror. Looking in the mirror, look at the daughter-in-law-to-be who is as happy as five flowers blooming in front of her...

The girls also got a piece each, which was a tailor-made Lin family mirror. The Lin family mirror had a big word Lin on the back, which represented the Lin family. It was completely different from the bright mirrors sold in the market. The girls looked at the mirror. Looking at the beautiful face, you can feel the pride of being a member of the Lin family when you turn the back...

That night, Qiu Shui Huaping fell into deep thought for the first time in his life, and became entangled...

The long journey back in green clothes is just because of one rule: a married daughter must celebrate the New Year at her husband's house.

Based on this, she came back from Jin.

Dark Night comes back at a critical moment in practice.

What about yourself?

Will I go back to Qiushui Villa to celebrate the New Year this year?

so tangled……

Three days have passed, and another round of climax has set off in Yishui Beichuan.

The appearance of the Lin family's villa has all changed, and the villa has been installed with glass!

Standing at Yichuan Lake and looking over, you can see a beautiful villa in one color, with a front yard and a backyard, and glass windows of the same color. The cold wind is howling outside, but the room is transparent and warm.

The residents of Yichuan Lake and the residents of Haining River Beach can be regarded as the richest group in the world. They were all moved when they saw this spectacle. However, a few old people beat them cold with just one sentence...

Glass is something more valuable than flawless jade. The third young master can install it in his home, but how can we ordinary people have the financial resources? Even the imperial palace cannot afford such beautiful jade.

However, soon news came that the price of this glass was not expensive. Such a large piece only cost five cents of silver. If all the windows were used, it would probably only cost dozens of taels of silver. As soon as the news came , almost everyone was excited. Although dozens of taels of silver were not cheap, the people in Beichuan, Yishui, and Jiangtan, Haining were so rich that a few families with a lot of labor gritted their teeth and seemed to be able to afford it...

There are signs that Green Yi’s journey of thousands of miles to transport glass is not only transporting glass, but also this industry!

The Lin family of Haining used itself to drive the glass industry out of the distant Northern Jin Dynasty and towards the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States!

The sky was gloomy, and Yichuan Lake was a little depressed. In the cold wind, various small courtyards were laughing and laughing, as if the New Year had arrived in advance. Green clothes quietly pulled Lin Su aside, and put her little mouth to his ear: Mr. , go to my Green Garden, I will show you something interesting.

I can roughly guess what the fun thing on your body is. Are you sure you are playing so wildly in broad daylight?... Lin Su looked at the round figure in green clothes and mink fur, imagining the scenery inside.

Green Yi glanced at him: There are even wilder ones. As long as you dare to play, I will open the cage and let the birds go...

Lin Su followed her into the Green Garden, and a room was gently pushed open. Lin Su's eyes widened...

Under the bright glass window, a stove warms the seating. In front of the seating, there is an exquisite ebony coffee table. On the coffee table, there is a delicate teapot. Behind the teapot, there is an extremely peaceful side face, Bi Xuanji!

Bi Xuanji was holding a book in her hand and wearing light clothes. The book formed an extremely beautiful angle with her chest. She raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Su quietly.

Why are you here? Lin Su said.

I came here just to see you, aren't you welcome? Bi Xuanji said.

How could that be? I didn't even know you were here.

Bi Xuanji smiled softly: I asked my sister not to let anyone know... Come on, sit down!

A cup of fragrant tea was handed to Lin Su's hand, and Bi Xuanji said: As soon as we entered Jin, I sent three batches of green dragons to Dayu. So far, I have gained some results...

Lin Su's eyes lit up slightly...

Bi Xuanji was once Anxiang’s number two figure...

After she returned to Jin with Li Qingquan, she separated from the capital secret fragrance, and the capital secret fragrance was controlled by Zhou Mei. However, her instincts were still there. After she arrived in Jin, she reorganized a secret fragrance, which was independent of the capital secret fragrance. The main target is Osumi.

The manpower used were some people from the Qinglong Legion. In addition, they also absorbed the Hidden Dragons from the Jin Dynasty at that time.

It seems that a separate ocean separates the two countries. In fact, spies from both sides have already entered the other country and collected all kinds of intelligence.

Bi Xuanji reported the intelligence she collected...

Seven months had passed since the Northern Expedition, and things were already turbulent in Osumi...

In terms of military basics, Osumi lost the Steppenwolf Regiment, the Northern Plains Army, the Chu Army, the Ji Family Army, and the million elites who had just crossed the sea in an attempt to attack Da Cang from the east, west, and south. In theory, the loss was 30%, but in terms of combat power, the loss was more than 60%!

In terms of civil affairs, there was already a problem in Dayu. Lin Su issued a ban and banned grain and cloth from Shanxi. This winter in Dayu was extremely difficult, with hungry people everywhere and people in dire straits. The high-end products coming from the sea have once again aggravated this problem. The rich and the poor are at odds, and the people have no food for a day, but high-ranking officials spend money like water. On the other side of the Lingding Ocean, in Chuzhou, small boats are smuggling across the country every day. The people who come over are reviewed by the border army and confirmed to have no problems, and they are properly resettled. Many refugees have been resettled in the glass factory, and news came back that there are countless refugees in Osumi. Countless refugees from north to south hope to cross the Lingding Ocean and enter Jinland. It is said that there are currently at least one million refugees concentrated there!

In terms of power, four tribes on the grassland quietly united under the slogan: Return my ancestral land and avenge my blood. This was the terrible influence of Lin Su's poem Qinyuanchun. Snow. In addition, the old people of the three kingdoms of Lu, Chu, and Han were also ready to take action, and the whole Dayu was in turmoil...

After saying this, Bi Xuanji and Lu Yi were very excited.

Because the former northern hegemon, Osumi, is now facing many conflicts and undercurrents, all because of Lin Su!

The basic military foundation was lost to Lin Su. In terms of civil affairs, it was caused by his commercial wars. Even the discord between the various forces was related to one of his immortal poems. In his hands, everything could be used as a soldier, and together they formed a Overcome Osumi’s internal and external troubles...

Lin Su gently held up the tea cup: What countermeasures does Li Chi have?

Li Chi was a heroic king of his generation. He moved the army to key positions. He reorganized the officialdom and took down several problematic high-ranking officials. He administered benevolent policies to the people. He appeased the eighteen tribes in the northern grasslands. He asked literati to write poems and essays. To praise himself, in addition to these conventional methods, he also had an extraordinary move. Bi Xuanji came thousands of miles away today just for this extraordinary move...

What extraordinary measure?

He built a super army!

This army is ten times stronger than the Steppenwolf Regiment of the past!

It is said that everyone surpasses Wu Ji!

Lin Su was shocked: Are you recruiting at a designated location for cultivators?

The lowest level of martial arts, what does that mean? It means that this army can compete with the Dragon Palace Navy with its real combat power!

The human army is not that powerful. Only through targeted recruitment of cultivators can we recruit soldiers of this level.

Bi Xuanji said: It is indeed recruiting for practitioners, but it is not recruitment in the general sense...

The biggest advantage of practitioners joining the army is that their individual strength is much stronger than that of ordinary sergeants, but they also have a major shortcoming, that is, poor discipline. Such an army can fight with ease. Once the battle situation is unfavorable, practitioners will They will be self-centered and disperse in a hurry, and no one will fight hard.

The army recruited by Li Chi was unusual.

They are highly cultivated, powerful in battle, and not afraid of death. How do they do this?

There were three former Hidden Dragons under Bi Xuanji's banner. They infiltrated this force and learned accurate information. The matter was related to Beihai Dragon Palace.

After this army was established, it went to sea for special training. The so-called special training actually meant entering a secret realm in Beihai Dragon Palace. There was a strange spring water in the secret realm, which was light yellow in color. Once soaked in it, the physical body almost reached its peak, and the true energy increased greatly. Moreover, his temperament changed drastically. As soon as he entered the battlefield, his energy and blood boiled like crazy. He had no fear and fear and moved forward indomitably...

The name of this spring is: Longyou!

Longyou! The leaves rustled in Lin Su's mind, and a record appeared on it...

Longyou Spring is a spring where dragon energy gathers. It is masculine in nature and contains the laws of heaven and earth. The dragon clan uses it to refine their bodies, and their physical and spiritual energy rises...

Then, another record emerged from the vast sea of ​​information, and Lin Su's eyes suddenly opened up...

This is a taboo about Longyouquan...

Bi Xuanji said: Long Youquan is a special cultivation resource for the Dragon Clan. Who among the rest of the human race can get it? People on the Cultivation Path are madmen who can go to heaven and earth, life and death for the sake of opportunity. When I heard this recruitment news, how could I not help it? Tempted? So, Li Chi easily recruited a million troops and is currently sending them to the forbidden area of ​​Beihai Dragon Palace. In addition to this, Beihai Dragon Palace has also opened the Dragon Armor Pool. The Dragon Armor Pool is even more amazing. Especially outstanding generals or warriors from Long Youquan can enter the Dragon Armor Pool. The Dragon Armor Pool is extremely special. In forty-nine days, a layer of dragon armor can be formed. This dragon armor is highly integrated with the physical body and has almost become a Once the dragon armor is formed, part of the body will be invulnerable and have a natural resistance to the mighty power of literature and art. In other words, when this army is formally formed and attacks the Great Cang again, even if you fight it with peerless military skills, The effect will not be good.”

Lin Su gently sipped the tea and signaled to continue.

Bi Xuanji continued: This is just the training of the army. There are other more targeted magic weapons, such as the indestructible Dragon Palace Divine Weapon, the Dragon Palace armor you saw last time, and the formation-breaking shuttle that specializes in breaking various formations. The demon-hating needle aimed at the mighty power of literature and art, the delusion flag aimed at the art of war...

Lin Su put down the tea cup gently: Beihai Dragon Palace, please be careful!

Bi Xuanji said: It's not just hard work, it's extremely hard work! With this help, Li Chi is extremely ambitious. He will hold a grand military parade on the 20th of the first lunar month. This extremely powerful force will appear in Osumi Capital for the first time, and he, I will personally visit the military parade and show the power of this iron-blooded army to the entire Osumi.

There's a military parade? Lin Su said with a smile: Li Chi is really a damn talent!

That's natural. Although he has been defeated by you many times, you must not underestimate the nature of this person's greatness. This person knows that the people's morale is scattered and the military's morale is unstable at this time. Therefore, he spent several months. Build a strong army. As long as the power of this strong army is displayed in public, the morale of the army in the whole country will immediately rise. With this strong army, Li Xiaotianzhen may not be able to stop Lingding Yang.

Lu Yi said: My sister and I have analyzed it, and the most important thing is... this powerful army will be destroyed forever, because the resources of Beihai Dragon Palace are too tempting for human cultivators. As long as Beihai Dragon Palace Still behind Li Chi and fully supporting him, Li Chi is qualified to speak in front of the cultivation sect, and hundreds of millions of practitioners will listen to his instructions in exchange for various unheard-of resources.

After the two sisters finished speaking, their beautiful eyes turned to Lin Su at the same time.

They are all princesses of Jindi. They have witnessed with their own eyes the earth-shattering changes that are happening every day after the return of the three thousand miles of mountains and rivers in Jindi. They feel the pride and pride of being Jindi people. They hope for this beautiful vision. Moving forward step by step, they do not want the war situation between Osumi and Da Cang to change again.

However, Ohsumi and Beihai Ryugu worked together to perform changes that shocked them. Therefore, they hoped that this strange man in front of them who could solve all kinds of problems would give them peace of mind.

Lin Su raised his fingers slightly: So, we have three goals! First, to destroy this so-called iron army, second, to draw a deep rift between Li Chi and Beihai Dragon Palace, third, to completely Destroy Li Chi’s ruling foundation.”

In the blink of an eye, the three goals landed heavily.

Such a heroic spirit.

Bi Xuanji was deeply worried: What are we going to do?

There is a military parade on the twentieth day of the first lunar month, right? Lin Su said: On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, you and I will meet by the Lingding Ocean. We will use this military parade to truly ring the death knell of Li Chi!

Luyi's heart was beating fast, and he held Lin Su's hand tightly: Mr. sir, what do I need to prepare?

Yeah...what do we need to prepare? Bi Xuanji said.

You don't need to prepare anything else. You only need to do one thing... Find out the actual leaders of Li Chi's major forces!

Okay! Bi Xuanji said, I will leave back to the Northern Jin Dynasty tomorrow.

Don't take risks! Don't go into Dayu yourself! Have faith, no matter what happens, it will be sunny! Nothing in this world is worth risking your life for. Lin Su stared at Bi Xuanji and said slowly.

In just one sentence, Bi Xuanji's heart, which he had cultivated for many years, turned into the water of the West Lake...

Okay! I promise you!

Luyi was beside him, looking at his sister blankly and at his husband-in-law...

That night, Lu Yi did not return to the west courtyard of the Lin family, and neither did Lin Su.

Sister Chen and Cui Ying were thinking wildly. My husband was seduced by Lu Yi, and he was celebrating with Hu Tian and Hu Di in Lu Yi's Lu Yi Garden.

The dark night that followed them all the way back, thought even more wildly, this bad guy husband wanted to play in green clothes, where couldn't he play, there was no need for him to be in the green clothes garden, right?

Is he really playing in green clothes there?

Could it be that you are playing Bi Xuanji?

In everyone's mind, Bi Xuanji is a Buddhist. Although everyone now knows that this person is Luyi's sister, practicing Buddhism is just a hidden method for her in the capital. However, practicing Buddhism for thirteen years, regardless of the starting point What is it, ultimately formed her pure and peaceful character.

However, what if someone Lin targets her?

What if he gets the idea to have some fun?

It's hard to imagine what it would be like for a quiet girl who had practiced Zen for more than ten years if he opened the gate and turned into a vixen.

However, all the guesses were wrong. Lin Su was not in Haining tonight, not in Beichuan, Yishui, or even within a thousand miles radius. He entered Qingqiu.

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