Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 880 Entering Qingqiu to meet Jiuer at night

Qingqiu, thousands of miles away from Haining, is the territory of Quzhou, but it is at the southern border of Quzhou.

The mountains here are rolling and the valleys are deep.

Many wonderful legends have been left here...

Some people say that they have seen white alpaca foxes here, strolling leisurely among the grasslands.

Some people say, what is this? I have also seen fairies greeting brides. A large team of fairies carried a red sedan and flew close to the ground. The beautiful music would make everyone drunk.

Others say that there is an ancient temple in front of this place. Scholars study in this temple at night, and sometimes they can see the fox fairy. The fox fairy likes scholars.

As a result, this ancient temple was named Wenyuan Temple, and many literati came here to pursue the rare and rare miracles in the world.

At this moment, the sky of Wenyuan Temple is filled with stars.

Deep in the deep temple, a green lantern shines slantingly.

In the quiet guest room, there are actually scholars reading at night.

In the night wind, something really seems to be happening.

Lin Su's scholar's clothes were fluttering in the night wind. He strolled up the stone steps in front of Wenyuan Temple. On top of the highest Buddhist hall, an old monk slowly raised his eyes and glanced at the front of the temple through the mottled tree shadows. He chanted in a low voice: Unintentional pursuit of fate is fate, intentional pursuit of fate is an obstacle, Amitabha!

The old monk said this greeting many times, but not many young scholars who came to Wenyuan Temple to seek fortune heard it.

What does that mean?

An encounter with the fox fairy in Wenyuan Temple is wonderful and exciting without any responsibility. It is a joy for many young literati. However, not everyone has the opportunity to have such a magical encounter.

It is often the poor students who study in the temple, and eventually get a romantic relationship with the Fox Fairy, befriend a beauty, receive a generous gift of real money and silver from the Fox Fairy, and then enter the highlight moment of life.

But those who come here deliberately to seek fate are in vain.

Why is this happening?

Not only is there no normality in the world as explained by Buddhism, but the key point is that the fox fairy also looks at people when they seduce them!

Fox fairies like literature, so if you sincerely study literature, you are worthy of their bets if you are literary and upright.

Those poor students go to the temple to study at night because they really like literature and Taoism. Other places cannot accommodate their bodies and cannot provide them with food. Therefore, they come to this temple to read sages' texts and learn literature and Taoism without any distractions. Knowledge, they are elegant and upright.

As for those who only want to meet the fox fairy, going to the temple to study is just a pretense, and their goal is to be next door to the ass. Are they righteous? Are you elegant? fart! Just angry!

Foxes are coquettish, but they don’t like others to be coquettish...

Therefore, in their eyes, this kind of opportunistic literati, these kind of literati who have unique goals, cannot enter their eyes. This is the fundamental reason why unintentional pursuit of fate is fate, and intentional pursuit of fate is a hindrance.

The old monk has seen a lot and understands a lot. If he were a secular person, he could talk to this gentle scum who went straight to Wenyuan Temple late at night and dressed up like a human being to talk about the preferences of the fox fairy. But what would he do? He is not a secular person, he is a transcendent person. He does not care about the life or death of these scum, so he chooses to whisper the Buddha's name and let it go.

However, Lin Su did not enter the temple. He moved and crossed the Wenyuan Temple out of thin air. The next moment, he stepped over two entangled trees in front of him. The old monk's heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened... …

What are you doing?

The intersection of two acacia trees is the gate of Qingqiu!

Do you dare to break in privately?

The relationship between humans and demons has become harmonious over the years, and it can even be said to be the most harmonious moment in thousands of years. However, this does not mean that demons do not hurt humans!

Especially when you dare to break into the restricted area of ​​​​the demon clan!

When Lin Su entered Qingqiu, his vision suddenly went dark, and the stars in the sky seemed to disappear at the same time...

In the darkness, a pair of bewitching sharp eyes locked on him: What kind of crime should a bold human race break into Qingqiu without permission?

Lin Su raised his eyes: I'm Lin Su, please see the leader of the Qingqiu clan!

The demon guarding the gate laughed wildly: Bold maniac, how can you see the leader of our clan if you want? Quickly...

Suddenly a voice interrupted his wild laughter. It was a voice as gentle and gentle as spring rain: The third young master came to Qingqiu in person, how lucky am I to be? Please come to Yanyuntai and let me serve you tea!

The face of the gatekeeper demon changed drastically, and his voice trembled: Clan leader...

The voice of the clan leader came, still gentle: Third Young Master has declared his name, but you don't know the true face of Gao Xian, and you ruin our reputation in Qingqiu. How can you be a short-sighted person and be worthy of the responsibility of guarding the gate? Goug out your own eyes and banish Nanzhao!

That's true...

Before Lin Su said the word no need behind him, two bloodstains suddenly appeared on the eyes in front of him, and the darkness disappeared. The demon guarding the door was banished, and Lin Su saw light in front of him. The pavilions and pavilions were as picturesque as a poem and a brocade. Take me directly to the distant lakeside, where fairy music is floating, and peach blossoms are flying all over the ground...

Lin Su moved her feet and stepped on the flowers.

In Qingqiu, all the monsters were alarmed, and countless pairs of coquettish eyes cast their eyes on this passage, with confusion and shock.

The leader of the clan is in Yanyuntai, but he actually receives distinguished guests directly at Yanyuntai?

Oh my god, Yanyuntai is not an ordinary place. It is the place where the clan leader takes a bath, and even the great elders cannot enter!

A human man was welcomed by her like this!

And the words are still so ambiguous and friendly - I am serving you tea!

Who has such a giant face that reaches the sky?

Third Young Master? Lin Su?

This name instantly flowed through Qingqiu, turning into an invisible wave. Everyone who heard it had strange expressions, either obsessed, obsessed or jealous...

A little fox demon didn't know what was going on and asked his sister, Sister, who is this Lin Su?

My sister looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle: He is probably a dream that all our sisters in Qingqiu want to touch...

Why? Is he great?

Amazing? How can the three words amazing sum up him? He is the most powerful person in literature and art, and the first master of Qinglian! His poems are either green or colorful, his Dream of Red Mansions, and the pillow book of the clan leader ! A few days ago, weren't you so fascinated by Singing Songs in the Misty Rain that you didn't go home for three days? It was composed by him, and it was only one of his many famous songs passed down from generation to generation...

Ah... I think... I think... The little fox was dying. His whole body seemed to have been soaked in wine. He seemed to have gone through the youthful stage in an instant and entered the estrus stage...

What are you thinking about? My elder sister slapped my younger sister on the head: Who doesn't think about it? Sister, I think about it too, eight of the nine princesses think about it, even the clan leader... Oh, you can't say this nonsense, anyway, you remember Just live on one street, that’s really not what we can think of!”

The little fox's eyes were half impulsive and half confused: Mom said, people still have to have dreams, what if they come true?

Suddenly, I don’t know how many waves were stirred up in Qingqiu...

Lin Su ignored the countless beautiful figures peeping around and stepped away from the clients... Oh, no! He didn't dare to take such a step, so he took the steps of a scholar and walked forward step by step. The veil in front of him was blowing in the wind, and his charming face was faintly visible. Until he passed through seven layers of veil, the surroundings were extremely quiet. , Qingqiu clan leader Yingying stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Meet the clan leader! Lin Su bowed.

What are you seeing? You are His Royal Highness King Wen now, and your status is equivalent to that of the king of a country. I cannot bear your great gift. The clan leader smiled sweetly.

Lin Sudao: Su rose at the end of Fengping. He also faced difficulties and dangers at that time. Without the help of the clan leader, how could there be King Wen today?

The clan leader sighed quietly: He is talented and handsome, but he is also affectionate and righteous. Who wouldn't like a young master like this? No wonder you charmed my nine daughters into five and three ways. No wonder you entered my Qingqiu, Qingqiu. Qiupingdi eight feet spring tide...

Ahem... Lin Su couldn't bear it even though his old face was unparalleled. He raised his hand and said, The festival of the world is approaching. Su has a small gift to give to the clan leader.

The storage bag in my hand slowly opened...

There are thousands of altars of wine beside the white clouds, and the altars are Class A...

Thousands of sets of porcelain, all of high quality...

Three thousand pieces of perfume, one thousand each of Spring Tears, Spring Hate, Autumn Tears...

Finally, there is a bright mirror...

The clan leader was shocked: What is this?

Lin Su said with a smile: Everyone in Qingqiu is the most beautiful person in the world. It is the right way to use this mirror on you. However, the current production of this mirror is limited, so I only bring a hundred faces. I hope the clan leader will accept it.

The clan leader smiled and said: Third Young Master said this is just a small gift, but in fact it is a generous gift... If you say that you want to use this gift as a job to hire the princess of our clan, I'm afraid you can pack up all nine princesses and take them away.

Don't dare! Don't dare have such thoughts! Lin Su immediately denied it.

The clan leader said quietly: It's okay to have this thought, and it's okay to even be a little wilder...

Holy shit!

Lin Su's heart was beating wildly...

It's okay to be wilder. How else can you be wilder? Wild in which direction? You can't talk to her in this way, otherwise, if you get confused and say something excessive, it will be bad...

Clan Leader, I came here to ask for something.

The leader of the clan smiled: You come here late at night and you don't ask for anything, I don't believe you, so please come and tell me!

Lin Su said: I'm asking for something, and this thing's name is 'Fireworks'!

Fireworks? The clan leader's eyes widened: The fireworks of 'flowers blooming in half-dream, touching the sky with love'?


The clan leader looked at him blankly, his eyes slowly changed, it seemed like he was smiling rather than smiling...

Lin Su's heart moved slightly. Damn, what's going on with that look? I think you are thinking wrongly. Although fireworks have the magical effect of stimulating spring and are widely used by women of the fox tribe to charm all living beings, the scene I plan to use is very upright and there is absolutely nothing shameful about it. place, but you look at me with this look, I think you are thinking wrong...

The clan leader smiled softly: Third Young Master, what kind of extraordinary woman in the world have you met? She can actually hold her body and observe etiquette when facing the Young Master... Do you need fireworks to help you undress?

Depend on! I really thought wrong!

Lin Sudao: Clan leader, please don't interpret it like this. When I look for fireworks, it will never be a matter of men and women. The purpose is very orthodox.

Third Young Master, there is no need to explain! The clan leader smiled softly: I don't care about the Young Master's private affairs. If the Young Master wants it, I can just give it to you...

She stretched out her hand gently, as if it were endless. At the end of the gauze vine, a secret space opened, and a small bottle appeared in her palm. The bottle was withdrawn and handed to Lin Su. It was a green bottle, made of jasper. The bottle is made of a tree with a strange flower. Under the flower, there is a white fox. The fox tail is connected to the bottle cap. Opening the bottle cap is basically the same as opening the fox tail.

You really can’t over-interpret things about the Fox Clan...

Lin Su put the fireworks away and slowly raised his eyes: Ahem, are Jiu'er okay?

The clan leader bit his lips lightly: Sir, you just got the fireworks and immediately raised Jiu'er. Is this a clear goal?


Lin Su has a long mouth all over his body, and it is difficult to explain clearly...

The purpose of the fireworks is top secret and no one can know until it is done.

However, if you don’t tell this secret, it’s hard to win people’s trust.

Everyone knows that the Fox clan’s fireworks are seductive! That is a seductive holy thing! The women of the Fox tribe use this thing on the men they like, and the men are so distracted and infatuated that they become her guests. On the other hand, the men use this thing on women, and the results are the same.

Lin Su had just gotten the fireworks, and before he pretended to be hot, he asked about Jiu'er...

Is this goal clear?

The clan leader smiled softly: Jiu'er knows what the young master means to Jiu'er, and I...have no intention of beating up the couple. However, tonight and today, it is difficult for her to marry the young master as he wishes. She has been in the illusion for three full years, and I don’t know her current situation.”

The clan leader doesn't even know? Lin Su was slightly surprised.

Yes, it stands to reason that she is aware of every move she makes in the illusion. However, something happened suddenly two years ago, causing her practice to completely change...

This is about the uniqueness of fantasy.

The illusion is within the Qingqiu Fox Clan, but it is not completely under Qingqiu's control. At least there are some things in it that Qingqiu cannot control at all, such as the Ninth Level Mountain.

The Nine Level Mountain is the place where the ancestors of the Fox clan transformed into Taoism. It is so sacred that no one can climb it.

Even the current clan leader of Qingqiu can only reach the seventh level at most.

The clan leader banished Jiu'er to the fantasy world so that she could practice in the fantasy world in order to form an elixir and enter the Demon King Realm as soon as possible. The first year was normal, and Jiu'er's practice was normal. However, in the second year, Jiu'er became impatient. Yes, she went up the nine-level mountain.

This is something that almost all illusion practitioners would try, and the clan leader did not stop it. In her expectation, Jiu'er would be shaken down if she reached level five at most. However, Jiu'er broke through the norm, and she actually reached level nine. Mountain.

As soon as she went to the Nine Levels Mountain, there was no news at all...

People who can't see her can't connect to her information. She is in a place where others can't get in, so they don't know her current situation at all...

Lin Su was anxious: Is there a crisis on the Ninth Level Mountain?

The clan leader was pleased: Young Master asked, which shows the truth. Although the Nine Level Mountain is where our ancestors transformed into Taoism, it is not a dangerous place. However, things in the world are unpredictable and the secret realm is unpredictable. No one can guarantee that there is absolutely no danger, let alone What's more, it is rumored that the top of the ninth level leads directly to the Holy Land of the Monster Clan. Maybe Jiu'er has left the illusion and entered the Holy Land.

Lin Su frowned: The clan leader did not send anyone to search for the Holy Land. This person has been missing for two years and there is no news at all...

The practice of the demon clan relies on chance. It is not uncommon for a disciple to disappear for tens of hundreds of years. Besides, there are many schools in the Holy Land, and countless giant monsters gather together. It is beyond human power to find people in the Holy Land.

This is probably the difference between the demon race and the human race.

The human race attaches great importance to feelings, and every child is important. The demon race does not have so many human elements, and pays more attention to opportunities. Perhaps there is another reason. They have many children. Sometimes a mother gives birth to dozens or hundreds of little demons at one time. Life is not that important at all.

However, Lin Su was very anxious when she heard the news.

Jiu'er was his fellow traveler during the examination. Although he only had a few days before and after Huichang, her coquettishness, her cuteness, her escape, and her style, which was almost the same as that of a modern little girlfriend, still attracted him. She felt the warmth. Not to mention him, even Sister Chen and Lu Yi paid close attention to her. Every year during the Chinese New Year, they would always talk about when the little witch would come back and when the little witch saw Lu Yi. The question of whether the guarding sand will become hairy after it is gone has triggered a lot of discussion...

Now, she's gone!

She might not be there at all!

Lin Su said: Clan leader, can I climb the nine-level mountain?

The leader of the clan was surprised: Nine-Level Mountain, for this clan, tests the purity of the bloodline. For outsiders, the test is probably the foundation of cultivation. It has nothing to do with the level of cultivation itself, and it has nothing to do with literature. Can the young master climb up?

Lin Sudao: Jiu'er could only go up to the fifth level originally, but now she has gone up too? So, many things are just a matter of chance. Maybe the ancestors of the demon clan like me? If you don't try, how will you know?

The clan leader stared at him for a long time: I am touched by your kindness! If Jiu'er is still alive, she will naturally be yours. If she is no longer here... I still have eight daughters. You can choose them as you like. Hers These sisters are not inferior to Jiu'er in talent, appearance and intelligence. They are also well-informed and knowledgeable...

Speaking of the first half, Lin Su did hear how moved she was.

After hearing the second half, Lin Su had the urge to hold his ears.

You also have several daughters who are both talented and beautiful. They are also well-informed and knowledgeable. What do you mean?

Being experienced in that area is actually an advantage in the eyes of a mother like you?

Holy shit!

There is a difference between shemales and shemales after all!

The leader of the clan waved his hand gently, and Lin Su moved lightly, and followed the brocade belt all the way down. With a chirp, it broke into the lake, as if a bubble had been popped open, and a foreign space appeared in front of him.

Peach blossoms are everywhere, red and fragrant.

Deep in the peach blossoms, the red pavilion is like a cover.

A stream passes through the forest and goes straight into the long lake. Above the long lake, there are vast mist...

A mountain with a strange shape.

This is better called a statue than a mountain.

It's a statue of a fox.

A snow-white fox with nine tails.

The fox is the mountain and the tail is the level.

The nine steps are like nine circling tails, and the road surface is also a delicate pattern.

Nine-tailed Sky Fox...

Lin Su's mind was spinning with the records in The Strange Beasts of Zhou Tian...

The nine-tailed sky fox is an oddity among foxes. Each of the nine tails has its own abilities...

One tail is called charm, which confuses all living beings in the world;

One tail means killing, and one shocking blow can rival the divine dragon;

One tail is called trapped, and the other tail can form a trapped formation;

One tail is called illusion, creating a top-notch illusion in one thought;

One tail means birth. If the birth tail is not removed, the sky fox will not die;

One day before the end of the day, one can predict destiny;

One tail means change, which can change all things;

One tail is Ling, wise and intelligent;

One tail is said to be heavy, and one hair can collapse the earth's mountains and rivers.

The nine-tailed celestial fox has entered the realm of Great Perfection, and the nine tails have unified into one, and can focus on the above nine categories of great supernatural powers. However, the eight-tailed earth fox, the seven-tailed spirit fox and the various fox tribes under it who have not reached the nine-tailed realm can no longer reach the nine-tailed realm. You may have nine types of magical powers at the same time, and you can only interpret half of the essence of one or two of them...

Therefore, Tianhu is the ancestor of all foxes!

Lin Su was also deeply afraid of such strange objects, because he stood high and could see far away. He clearly knew how miraculous such a legendary ancestor must be. Any one of these nine miraculous arts could be practiced to the best of his ability. To the extreme, you can start a sect and have nine magical powers gathered together, which is directly against the heavens!

Now, he set foot on the nine-level mountain. Although this mountain is not the physical body of the nine-tailed fox, a mysterious energy still penetrates the air and seems to penetrate his whole body and this area. Heaven and earth, even throughout ancient and modern times...

Lin Su stepped onto the first step, and he felt the pressure of the ladder to the cloud world in the Mermaid Holy Land that day.

The leader of the clan is right. The steps on this nine-level mountain are a test of the bones (the Fox clan tests bloodline, and the two are not contradictory. In the practice of the Fox clan, bloodline itself is equated with potential, and the higher the bloodline, the more likely it is. The pure, the greater the potential).

Lin Su is currently in the realm of Dao Fruit, so the first step he takes is to put pressure on him from the Ninth Level Mountain, which is the standard Dao Fruit stage plus a little bit... How much is this? A Taoist fruit!

Step up on the second step, three Taoist fruits.

Step up on the third step, five Taoist fruits.

Step forward on the fourth step, eight Taoist fruits.

the fifth step!

Like heaven and earth!

The pressure he felt was like heaven and earth!

On Yanyuntai, the clan leader's eyes suddenly opened wide, full of surprise...

Next to her, there are two beauties who are very similar to Jiu'er. They are Jiu'er's fifth sister and eighth sister.

Ah, crossing the border! The eighth sister held her chest in her hands, with very obvious peach blossoms on her face...

The fifth step is the step across the border. What does it mean? This means that he, a cultivator in the late stage of Daoguo, has now exploded with combat power as strong as heaven and earth! On the path of spiritual practice, there are countless geniuses, and there are many who can transcend the same realm, but those who can transcend the realm, at least in Qingqiu, do not exist.

The fifth sister said: This elegant and elegant young man actually has such a strong foundation in spiritual practice... Mother, have you asked him? What did he say?

She was asking about what her mother had just mentioned to Lin Su...

If Jiu'er can't be found after all, you can choose from the eldest to the eighth. These girls are all born from the same mother anyway, and they are all beautiful and fragrant. Moreover, these girls all have experience in that kind of thing. It's quite rich, and the experience is definitely better than that of a newbie like Jiu'er.

The fifth sister saw Lin Su's strong physical fitness with her own eyes, and the bubbles in her heart turned into colorful lace. She mentioned it to her mother in person. Did her mother say it? Did he agree or not? When this question was asked, the fifth sister and the eighth sister were all excited, just like lottery players waiting for the lottery results...

Their mother stared ahead and uttered one word: God!

What does day mean?

It doesn't mean anything, it's just a modal particle...

Because when the Fifth Sister and the Eighth Sister were deeply concerned about Lin Su's opinion, the clan leader's heart flew away because she saw an eternal wonder, Lin Su stepped onto the sixth step in one step!

The eyes of the two women were wide open. Before they had time to sigh, Lin Su stepped up the seventh step, then the eighth step, and then...

There was no more, Lin Su disappeared from their eyes.

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