Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 881 A beating for two years

Impossible! Lao Ba jumped up suddenly.

Yes, it's absolutely impossible! No matter how magical he is, he can't have the same cultivation potential as his ancestors. There must be something wrong with Jiu Level Mountain. It doesn't work on Jiu Mei, and it doesn't work on him...

Yes, from their perspective, it can only be summed up in two words: failure.

Ninth Level Mountain, the place where the ancestors transformed into Taoism, left behind a rule: only those with the same cultivation foundation as her can reach the top! Jiu'er only has five tail roots, so even if she were killed, she would never be the same as her ancestors, yet she just made it to the top! Lin Su doesn't have a tail, and it's even less likely that he has the blood of the Nine Tails. He can only rely on his cultivation foundation to reach the top, but can his cultivation foundation be the same as that of his ancestors? How can it be?

Therefore, after eliminating all impossible options, there is only one option: the failure of the Ninth Level Mountain!

The Fifth Sister and the Eighth Sister turned around at the same time: Mom, since the ninth level mountain is invalid, we can also climb up. Please ask Mom to send us in...

The clan leader pondered for a moment: Both of you sisters like him, and my mother doesn't favor one over the other. Let's do this. Each of you can do it according to your abilities, but one thing is that you can't do any dirty tricks, let alone arouse his resentment.

The fifth sister and the eighth sister nodded at the same time: Don't worry, mother, the big deal is that the fifth sister (eight sister) and I will serve him at the same time. It's just a matter of order. We are not ignorant people...

The clan leader nodded happily: That's good, let's go!

The two sisters flew up at the same time. When they entered the illusion, their brains were running rapidly. They were probably thinking about how to get the man on the ninth level mountain. However, the reality was extremely cruel. After they climbed to the fifth level, they had no choice but to live or die. Without going, there was a loud bang, and the two women jumped from the ninth-level mountain at the same time. They fell to the ground and could not recover for a long time...

Jiu Mei climbed the mountain, and the nine-level mountain failed. That enemy climbed the mountain, and the nine-level mountain failed... It was my turn, and the nine-level mountain became effective again. Is there any justice... Lao Ba groaned, almost crying with grievance. .

They are wrong!

The basis of their judgment is wrong!

They thought that Lin Su could not have the same cultivation potential as the ancestor Tianhu, which was wrong in itself.

Lin Su's own cultivation level so far is still a Po Guikong plus Po Dao Fruit. Naturally, he cannot compare with the ancestors of Tianhu. However, his cultivation potential is not inferior to anyone else!

What does it mean to not be under anyone?

Meaning: He is infinitely close to the perfect foundation!

The so-called perfect foundation, throughout the ages, all species can only be infinitely close to, but cannot surpass!

In other words, not even the ancient and modern emperors, not even the ancient evildoers, no one could hold Lin Su down based on their cultivation base alone, including, of course, the Patriarch Tianhu.

Therefore, it is normal for Linsu to climb the nine-level mountain.

If you can't climb up, you will be called a ghost.

So, what about Jiuer? Why can Jiuer get on board? Not to mention that the Eighth Sister and the Fifth Sister didn't believe it when they fought coldly, even Lin Su didn't believe it.

And the more he walked up, the more he didn't believe it, because he personally felt the terror of the nine-level mountain. The difficulty of the ninth level of the nine-level mountain, the pressure he felt was shockingly like the late stage of Xiangtianfadi!

His true body is in the late stage of Dao Fruit Realm. Give him the late stage of Heaven, Law and Earth. He is not just a simple cross-border, he has crossed a whole big realm!

On the path of spiritual practice, crossing a level means going backwards and upwards. Crossing a level is an eternal wonder!

He is a miracle on the path of spiritual practice. He has the perfect foundation. He is also the union of the three Daos (each Dao blends into one, indirectly broadening the boundaries between Dao and Dao). He has undergone nirvana and rebirth in the Canlong Palace, and the cells in his body have been optimally combined. His Dragon God Transformation has been strengthening his physical body and changing his physique...

He had so many adventures and was so paranoid in his pursuit of the perfection of his spiritual foundation. Even when he set foot on the Nine-Level Mountain, he exhausted all his energy. What did Jiuer have?

Why can she board?

With this question in mind, Lin Su set foot on the top of the mountain. The situation on the top of the mountain was clear at a glance. There was a weeping willow with lush branches and a lot of furry things under the willow. Lin Su stared at the pile of things and his eyes slowly opened...

Depend on!

Each of the five tails has its own division of labor, one tail is used as a bed, one tail is used as a cushion, one tail is used as a backrest, and one tail is spread wide open to block the sunlight and become a tent...

What about the last tail?

Being held in someone's arms as a teddy bear!

This person is none other than Jiuer!

She fell asleep, very sweet...

Lin Su looked at this face and lost his normal thinking for a moment...

He suddenly understood why the fox tribe had so many tails. These tails are really necessary for survival in the wild. No matter where you go, as soon as the tail comes out, you will have a bed, tent, quilt, and cushions in a blink of an eye. You can sleep anywhere. Very fragrant.

What's a little too much is that one of the tails turned into a teddy bear and was hugged by her. Girls usually feel an inexplicable sense of security holding a teddy bear. This is the first time Lin Su has seen someone feel safe holding her own tail... …

Hey, the sun is shining on your butt, get up! Lin Su called out.

Among the pile of furry tails, Jiu'er opened one eye, yes, just one...

Suddenly, two eyes opened suddenly, huffing and puffing, all the tails were gone. Jiuer leaned on his body and stared at Lin Su, with extremely huge disbelief in his eyes...

You don't recognize me anymore? You said it yourself. You are my concubine. Is there any concubine who doesn't recognize her husband? Lin Su slowly leaned over and stretched out a finger to lift her chin.

Ah... Jiu'er shouted and his whole body bounced up.

The next moment, Lin Su was lying on his back. Jiu'er spread his legs and pressed him down: Why is it you? Why are you here? Tell me, you miss me...

I miss you!

How much do you think? Jiuer's eyes were as charming as silk.

I miss your lips, your face, your taste, I want to send you to Qingtan Pass for three years... Note, being sent to Qingtan Pass for three years is a very distant bondage, from the Qingqiu ethnic group If you dare to play with her, I will send you to Qingtan Death Prison for three years. Because of this restraint, the lawless Jiuer adhered to a bottom line during the entire Huichang Examination, until At the end of the test, when her mother sent her into a dreamland, Shou Gongsha was still red.

Therefore, being sent to Qingtan Pass for three years has its meaning in their language system...

Jiuer's face was as red as fire: Qingtan specifically refers to the time period of the general examination. Several years have passed since the general examination. Besides, I haven't been in this illusion for three years? Even if you really did it at that time That matter, I should be released now after serving my sentence...

Holy shit! The policy is quite adequate...

This is letting the birds out of the cage...

But Jiu'er added: My mother said before she sent me into the fantasy realm, she didn't want you to break me. The real reason is that I failed to break the Demon King Realm, and also came up with a set of weird arguments. Anyway, here's what I'm talking about My mother can’t hear her either. To be honest, I usually listen to half of what my mother says and ignore the other half. I’ve always been hesitant to listen to her...

Listening to her narration, Lin Su was stunned...

If the spirit of the demon clan has intercourse with flesh but not with flesh, and if flesh has intercourse with spirit but not with spirit, those who have intercourse with spirit and flesh will be bad for humanity, unless you reach the realm of the demon king, the spirit platform demon transformation elixir is self-contained, and is not invaded by external forces...

This theory does not sound very credible to Jiu'er at all. It depends on what she said to her mother, which is always half and half. It also depends on her past experience. Her sisters all have an easier time with the human race, and the eldest sister's face is not the same. It can become a large-scale army, and it does not prevent her from entering the Demon King Realm. Why should the conditions be so harsh on her? It’s unreasonable...

However, Lin Su was touched.

This is very mysterious and makes sense.

Lin Su said: Jiu'er, as for elders, sometimes we can't break through so easily... Let's talk first. How did you get to the ninth level mountain?

When it comes to going to Jiu Level Mountain, Jiu'er gets very angry...

Do you think I want to go to the ninth level mountain? I just gave it a try. I originally thought that if I climbed to the fourth or fifth level, I would be able to gain face in the clan. Who would have thought that when I reached the fifth level, this broken tree and a willow branch would tie me up. My aunt After all, I am also the pride of the fox clan. I am the only one who has beaten people in my life, and no one else dares to beat me. But this willow tree... I asked my husband-in-law to have it's ancestors for eight generations, and it beat me every day, 5555, for two years. …

Lin Su was stunned...

The reason why she climbed the Nine Level Mountain was found!

She didn't get there by her own ability, she was fished out of it by this tree!

And when they are fished out, they will be beaten for two years.

Who wouldn't be angry if I changed him?

The more Jiuer talked, the more she felt aggrieved. She showed her arm to Lin Su. No scars could be seen on it. She began to undress, intending to show Lin Su her scarred fart...

Lin Su was a little unsure of herself and quickly stopped: Why?

How do I know? I didn't offend it at all...Mr., please see if it's broken. If you break it, it's over. I will give you a son in the future... Jiu'er burst into tears and felt even more aggrieved.

With a placating attitude, and after Jiu'er's repeated emphasis, Lin Su finally... checked it carefully. After this check, Lin Su was completely stunned...

There are actually eight coccyx bones at the base of her tail!

Although three of them are currently in a budding state, Lin Su clearly feels an extremely mysterious energy...

On Jiujiu Mountain, a tree picked her up without warning and beat her up every day for two years. Jiuer was so angry that she couldn't stand it, but she actually changed from a five-tailed girl to an eight-tailed girl!

Could it be that……

Lin Su looked at the willow tree again, with a completely different perspective...

There are many kinds of transformation in the world. Some masters' transformation is death, while some masters' transformation is the continuation of another life. Did the ancestor of the fox clan, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, turn into a willow tree? ?

Was her beating of Jiu'er preaching in another sense?

He looked at the tree, and Jiu'er looked at him: Hey, sir, do you want to try the fire of literature? Let's work together to burn this broken tree.

Lin Su was startled: Can't you?

Jiuer held his arm and shook it: But this broken tree won't burn, and it won't let me go down the mountain. How can I get to your house? During the shaking process, the red spot on her arm was also very conspicuous, and it seemed that it was Lin Su was reminded that this red dot was looking forward to being annihilated.

Maybe the heat hasn't come yet! Lin Su gently stroked his chin: If it beats you for a few more years, you may break through to the Demon King realm. By then you can go down the mountain, and there will be no obstacles between us... …”


How could it be? I came all the way to your house. Even the sky and the bright moon know how much I love Jiuer. When I kissed you, my body temperature rose by three and a half degrees... Oh, by the way, I brought it to you. A lot of good stuff...

Lin Su opened the storage bag and started giving away gifts.

Perfume, beside white clouds...

Forget about soap, there is no water for bathing here. The important thing is the mirror, which is a woman's favorite.

Sure enough, when Jiuer got the mirror, she was overjoyed and looked around in the mirror...

Am I beautiful? Why do I look pretty?

What do you mean you look good? Except for one kind of person, everyone in the world looks good on you...

Except what kind of person?


Jiu'er dove into Lin Su's arms, feeling happy all over his body: You are so good at talking, why are you so good at talking? You must have coaxed many, many women...

How could it be? Don't worry, be good, it won't happen...

Is the red dot I put on the green shirt still there?

Depend on!

Finally mentioned this...

Lin Su used the method of diverting attention: ...Oh, by the way, after you left, I wrote two books. You are all alone here, so this book is for your entertainment!

A copy of The Legend of White Snake and a copy of Dream of Red Mansions were given to Jiu'er.

Jiuer was so happy: You also specialize in writing books. I love reading books the most. Is there me in the book?

Ahem, these two books are not currently available, but if you want to be included in the book, I will write a Liao Zhai for you at any time...

Oh, are there any green clothes?

Oh my gosh, two books can't distract you from the green gecko sand?

There is nothing we can do, take more drastic measures...

Lin Su shook his head: The so-called writing of books is basically based on fiction. Green clothes and pink clothes are actually not that important... Oh, by the way, I even wrote a song specifically for you. God testifies, this is my life This is the first time I write a song specifically for one person, and I will sing it to you...

You are a fox who has been practicing for thousands of years,

A thousand years of practice and a thousand years of solitude.

In the dead of night, can anyone hear me crying?

Can anyone see me dancing in the dimly lit place...

Jiu'er's beautiful big eyes opened very wide, looking at Lin Su, her little mouth opened slightly, full of disbelief, full of endless surprises...

...When you fell in love with me, I was penniless and studying hard.

When you left me, I already had many names in Kyoto.

Can you dance for me again?

Just a review in front of Bishui Mountain...

Jiu'er rose up and danced the dance of the fox clan amidst the beautiful songs...

She didn't know where she was, she only knew that her heart was full of happiness, but there was a hint of sadness in the happiness, which seemed to announce that he and she were separated again...

No one noticed that the willow tree next to them seemed to be transformed into a goddess, dancing gracefully to this wonderful music, and the whole world seemed to be illusory and real...

The song is muted and the wicker vision disappears.

Jiu'er's beautiful shape is fixed under the tree.

Lin Su hugged her gently.

Why can you still write songs? Jiu'er seemed to be in a dream.

I know a lot. When you come out of seclusion, I will show you all!

You said in the song that when I left you, you were already on the gold medal list and famous all over Kyoto. Is it true?

Then you still want to brag? I'm already the real number one scholar in the world!


Jiu'er jumped up and threw herself into Lin Su's arms. She happily found the right spot, chirped, and kissed him...

If love is like a jug of wine, you are already 100% drunk at this moment.

If passion is like a noose, it is now inextricable.

However, the willow branches behind him suddenly shook, and a willow root tied up Jiu'er and was carried into the air. Jiu'er shouted: Here we go again! Don't spank me...ah...I asked my husband to rape your ancestors. Yashiro...

Lin Su next to him looked funny, surprised, and a little bit sour...

Although he knew that it was generally a good thing for her to be beaten, he still couldn't bear to see Jiu'er being beaten until he screamed again and again...

Another willow branch vibrated and hit Lin Su's waist with a bang. Light and shadow flowed in front of Lin Su's eyes. He left the ninth level mountain and the illusion. Silently, the face of the clan leader appeared in front of him.

With surprise, with confusion...

Clan Leader, I have brought back a piece of news. I am 80% sure that this is good news... Lin Su said.

The clan leader's expression changed: Have you found her?

Yes! She is on the Ninth Level Mountain and is beaten every day!

The clan leader frowned suddenly: Who beat her?

A willow tree, nine willow branches, two years of beating, she has... grown eight tails! Lin Su said every word.

The clan leader jumped up suddenly: Eight Tails? Are you sure?

...sure! Lin Su's heart was beating a little. As a mother, you have to act like a mother. But don't ask me how I knew it. The process of knowing it was very embarrassing...

Fortunately, the clan leader had no intention of pursuing the matter, and she fell into an extremely excited frenzy: The ancestors preached... the ancestors preached... the Qingqiu clan actually has an eight-tailed earth fox... an eight-tailed earth fox...

In her extreme excitement, Lin Su had no chance to say the next words. What he wanted to say was: The preaching is still continuing!

Your eight-tailed earth fox is so excited. What will happen if she accidentally creates a nine-tailed sky fox?

However, this is just an unknown.

Nine-tailed celestial foxes are unique in heaven and earth. Every celestial fox that attains enlightenment will be recorded in the annals of heavenly events...

You can't just guess about something like this...

Lin Su stood up slowly: Clan Leader, after meeting her once and knowing that she is fine, I feel relieved and will return to Haining. If Lin Su is of use to me in the future, Clan Leader will send you a message at any time!

The clan leader felt uneasy, Yingying stood up and said: Congratulations to see the young master off!

Lin Su left the palace and the clan leader stood for a long time...

Without this breaking news, she might have made some hospitality arrangements for the Fox clan, and might have kept Lin Su for a few more days, but suddenly with this breaking news, she was completely out of sorts.

A family, a force, especially a branch force like the Qingqiu Fox Clan that is not top-notch in strength, is in great need of the sudden rise of its descendants. An eight-tailed fox is enough to bring Qingqiu into the top palace of the Monster Clan!

The Qingqiu Fox Clan actually has a chance to rise!

The legendary preaching of ancestors actually exists!

why is that?

What’s so special about Jiuer?

Why could the ancestral teachings that the Fox clan has been pursuing for thousands of years fall to her?

She completely forgot that there were two daughters in the fantasy, the fifth sister and the eighth sister. These two daughters looked at the Ninth Level Mountain, and their hearts were surging. They didn't know that Lin Su had left the Ninth Level Mountain. They were still imagining Lin Su. Su came down from Jiuji Mountain and performed with them the ultimate experience of the Human Fox Way...

This may be another replica of Wenyuan Temple from the outside world.

Seeking for a predestined relationship without intention is a predestined relationship, but seeking a predestined relationship with intention is an obstacle...

Humans are like this, demons are like this, immortals are like this, fate is like this, nothing else is better than this...

Lin Su Qingqiu and his party lasted only one day and one night. The sun set the next day and he returned to Lin's house in Haining. When he came back, An Ye and Qiu Shui Huaping were eating chicken drumsticks on the moon floor. It is said that this was carefully made by Xiaoyao. An Ye Without respecting martial ethics, he snatched half of it from her, then gnawed on the autumn water painting screen while holding it.

Seeing someone Lin coming back, An Ye and Qiu Shui Huaping's eyes changed...

Looking at this high-spirited look, I'm afraid that a certain woman has been kicked off again... An Ye curled her lips and commented.

Wasn't he in Lu Yiyuan last night? He played tricks with Lu Yi, are you jealous? Qiushui Huaping didn't understand.

... An Ye was speechless.

She couldn't tell Qiu Shui Huaping that her preset target was not Lu Yi at all, but Lu Yi's sister, right?

Bi Xuanji's trip to Haining was related to Dayu's military affairs and was a taboo matter. She and Bi Xuanji's sisters had already reached a consensus not to let anyone else know about it except Lin Su.

That night, An Ye had a taste of her husband. Judging from her unique sensing method, the situation last night was relatively optimistic. It seemed that her husband did not take advantage of Xiao Bi's beauty...

Not bad!

Another Xiao Gu follows Chun She near!

The new year is coming...

Lin Zheng went home on New Year's Eve, and Lin Jialiang also went home that day...

The three brothers gathered in the south courtyard of the eldest brother, and the girls outside were extremely proud...

In today's world, there may be some controversy if one is to judge by the strength of an individual; but if one is to judge by the strength of brothers, I am afraid that the three brothers of the Lin family are well-deserved to be second to none.

The boss is the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Army of the six major armies of the empire. He has 600,000 elite soldiers under his command. Wherever the military flag goes, the city will fall and the people will be killed!

The second child, the governor of a state, and the official residence of the second rank.

The third child, Qinglian's first grandmaster, is at the pinnacle of literature and art, and is known as the King of Side by Side.

Not to mention that the girls had this understanding, even Lin Jialiang was deeply moved: Third brother, do you still remember the scene when you and I took part in the examination three years ago? I met a Taoist on the way, and this Taoist said, The Lin family has both civil and military affairs and established itself as a portal, and you are the one who is left blank behind this portal?

Lin Zheng was greatly surprised: Is this happening? This Taoist really has some skills, but who is he? Can I find him?

Lin Su shook his head gently: This Taoist does have some skills, but it's not necessary to meet him. He is a member of the Tianji Taoist sect, and I have already been inseparable.

Lin Zheng pondered slightly: Tianji Dao Sect is at odds with you... Third brother, there is something that I have to tell you.

Brother, please tell me.

Lin Zheng said: One month ago, when the Southwest Army was being integrated, there was a traitor who had an affair with the demons. When he was interrogating this person, he said that there was a person from the Tianji Dao Sect who crossed the southwest border and went to the Demon Kingdom. This person The status of the traitor is not very high, so I don’t know what this one-armed Taoist wants to do when he goes to the Demon Kingdom, but now it seems that he must have a plan...

Lin Su frowned slowly: One-armed Taoist?


There were footsteps at the entrance of the garden, and Uncle Sun, the housekeeper, came quickly: Young masters, my wife has prepared the incense table. The time for ancestor worship has come. Please move to the ancestral hall...

This little past incident about Blood Rain Pass has no beginning and no end, leaving only a faint trace in Lin Su's heart...

But the traces are very weak, because Tianji Dao Sect will stand on his opposite side, which is not new in itself. He has already predicted it, and it is nothing more than an entry point for intervention.

Now it seems that their entry point is more biased than expected, their actions are more bottomless than expected, and they actually choose to collude with the demons.

After the trip to the North, should I go to Tianji Daomen? Or should Wenxin Pavilion be destroyed first?

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