Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 886 Taking Confucianism and Taoism as the pioneer

Lin Su smiled: Zhou Daru's words clearly show that you have confused the distinction between Tao and Tao. Confucianism has it that war is dangerous and dangerous. On the battlefield, Confucianism and Taoism do not apply, only the way of war, not even Confucianism and Taoism. It is applicable, and the way of benevolence cannot be applied to the battlefield. As for the officialdom, clearing up the accumulated disadvantages and benefiting the people's livelihood is the proof of the 'great benevolence' that Su just discussed. What's wrong with it?

Zhou Yifang was speechless for a moment...

This answer is perfect...

Lin Su continued: However, what Zhou Daru just said struck a chord with me. The unity of knowledge and action is the Tao, and the disunity of knowledge and action is hypocrisy. Su has devoted himself to the unity of knowledge and action in Rendao for the past three years, and now he has gained a little. How about showing it to you two?

Li Jisheng and Zhou Yifang looked at each other: Please!

The two spoke in unison, but their thoughts were different.

Li Jisheng is a person who has studied the way of benevolence all his life. He is also committed to the unity of knowledge and action. However, he also knows how difficult it is to unite knowledge and action. There are so many sufferings in the world. His own power is ultimately limited. Even if he is exhausted, The wealth of the family brings benevolence to the fullest, but the suffering is still there and getting worse.

He wanted to know how the legendary literary genius in front of him could combine knowledge and action on the path of benevolence.

This is a purely academic discussion.

But Zhou Yifang is not like this. He is an official of the Osumi Dynasty. He is a strategic thinker. He sensitively captures that Lin Su will show something that others don't know. What is this called? This is called enemy sentiment!

Sensitive people, people with gaps in their hearts, can see the secrets through phenomena.

As long as you, Lin Su, dare to show Da Cang's true side, he will be able to decipher a lot of information, which can be used as a reference for His Majesty to counterattack Da Cang.

Lin Su raised his hand, and the brilliance of the royal seal in his palm rose into the sky, creating a miserable scene in the sky.

A big river flows eastward, and there are countless refugees on the riverside. The ice and snow are still there, the refugees are not fully clothed, they live in low thatched houses, and there are frozen corpses on the roadside. There is a desolate atmosphere in the whole world...

Bi Xuanji was stunned, where is this place? It felt a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember where it was. The screen zoomed up, and her heart skipped a beat. She saw Wangjiang Tower, and she also saw Meiling...

The whole city was stunned, even the homeless people on the streets were stunned. Is there any place in the world that is more miserable than my own place in Dayu? I have found a sense of superiority. Even though I am very poor, I am not the poorest. There are people who are poorer than me...

Where is this place? Zhou Yifang's eyes flashed.

This is the Haining River Beach in Dacangqu Prefecture, and it is also Su's hometown! Lin Su said: But this was his hometown three years ago!

Three years ago? Li Jisheng asked.

Exactly! Three years ago, Su's hometown, although it was known as a literary and romantic place, a misty and rainy painting village, it also had such tragic scars. There were hundreds of thousands of homeless people, without houses, wealth, food or clothing. Every winter, there would be Tens of thousands of people freeze to death, and thousands of people drown in every rainy season. There is one detail that Grandmaster Li may have felt. Among the homeless people on the river beach, there are many people named Chun Sheng, Qiu Sheng, and Xia Sheng, but there is no one. They are called winter born, just because almost no children born in winter can survive.”

Li Jichang sighed: The world is so big, and there are so many sufferings. Am I the only one in this big corner?

Lin Sudao: That's it! That's why Su Li vowed to change the world based on benevolence...

Li Jisheng suddenly raised his head...

Zhou Yifang suddenly raised his head...

The mentality of the two people changed instantly!

They finally remembered that today's display was actually a verification of benevolence...

Could it be said that in this place where there is no hope at all, he can actually change?

The aerial scene suddenly changed...

The gloomy clouds are gone, replaced by another winter!

The river is still the same river, Haining City is still Haining City, and Meiling is still the same ridge, but suddenly the bottom has completely changed, becoming earth-shattering...

The river embankment, which was originally overgrown with weeds and had gaps everywhere, turned into a snow-white line, neat and tidy!

The original messy thatched houses were swept away and turned into overwintering wheat fields. Behind the wheat fields, there are countless small buildings, neatly planned. At this season, there are actually plum blossoms in bloom, and countless people are walking on the river embankment, wearing cotton coats. , faces full of red light and smiles, children were having snowball fights on the river embankment, chasing each other, and childlike laughter seemed to clear away all the gloom.

The picture progresses and crosses the Yichuan River to reach the North Beach of Yishui. The North Beach of Yishui is even more beautiful. Under a big lake, plum blossoms are blooming everywhere. Many people have spring couplets on their doors and their doors are clean...

Such a scene - a scene that is almost invisible to this world, rose up to the sky of Jeju City without any warning. Everyone was like looking at a fairy scene, and unbelievable thoughts were swirling in everyone's mind...

Without the previous projection, it would have been impossible for them to believe that this was the Haining River Beach that was in dilapidated condition three years ago. But with that projection, they could believe it even if they didn’t believe it, because of the geography, mountains and rivers, and the scene next to Haining City. , exactly the same as the previous projection.

The mountains have not changed, the river has not changed, the ancient city has not changed, only this scar has changed...

Lin Su's voice passed softly: This is still Haining Jiangtan, where Su Xing Industrial has set up factories, hired refugees as workers, and changed the style of its hometown. Today, the population of Haining Jiangtan has expanded to 570,000, totaling 13 There are more than ten thousand households, each with a small building, and each with a surplus of wealth. The painful memories of freezing to death, starving to death, and drowning in floods have all become history. Grandmaster Li, in your opinion, can this be regarded as the unity of knowledge and action in benevolence? '?

Li Jisheng suddenly stood up: In just three years, Grandmaster Lin has turned Haining River Beach into such a paradise on earth. Who dares not to admit that this is the 'unity of knowledge and action' of benevolence? I deeply respect him!

Bow deeply.

Zhou Yifang's face was green and white, and he was completely speechless.

His original intention was to pose a problem to Lin Su and give him the hat of hypocrisy that Lin Su wore on his majesty's head. However, Lin Su came up with this move. With this move, Lin Su really won Li Jisheng's Respect.

It’s not just Li Jisheng?

The hearts of the people all over the city were shaken, and they were swept by a Category 12 typhoon!

Osumi has been so difficult this year. All walks of life have suffered a huge impact. Even the rich households have no surplus food, let alone the poor. Their mortality rate is the highest in history.

People in the government spread it everywhere, saying that the cause of the people's suffering is because of Da Cang. Da Cang's new king is extremely cruel, and Da Cang Linsu is like a demon. They have completely lost the benevolence of the holy way and turned into evil ghosts in hell. They also intend to capture it. Osumi, once they occupy Osumi's land, you will know that even if you are currently in a situation of lack of food and clothing, it will be a paradise for you to live in for the rest of your life!

This kind of publicity works!

The people also felt that even if they were short of food and clothing, it would be much better than losing their lives as grass during the war. They were content and stopped struggling, and the people's resentment could be subsided.

In addition, many of them have never recognized the name Lin Su, and have always hated it.

However, as soon as Lin Su made this move, many people changed their perceptions...

They suddenly felt that if Lin Su really occupied Dayu, would it mean that the people of Dayu would also have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step?

Ideals may be illusory, but reality is always real...

Lin Su faced Li Jisheng's bow and bowed in return: Although Su single-handedly promoted the transformation of Haining Jiangtan and Yishui Beichuan, he is still essentially Xiaoren! Because their changes originated from the changes in several factories of the Lin family. Blood transfusion.”

Li Jisheng's heart was pounding: Grandmaster Lin is too modest. One benefit can help millions of people. If it is small, how can the world be big?

Lin Sudao: Our country has recently introduced three major national policies, namely tax reform, people's livelihood assistance and legal reform. Under these three major national policies, earth-shaking changes are taking place in our country every day. This is the true benevolence. !”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yifang suddenly saw an opportunity to counterattack: I heard that the national policy of Da Cang was formulated by Grandmaster Lin himself?

Yes! Lin Su admitted frankly.

Zhou Yifang smiled and said: I heard that the real core of it is to abolish the privileges of literati. The great Cang is so contemptuous of the literati. No wonder the holy way is difficult to prosper!

Is it difficult for the holy way to prosper? Lin Su chuckled: But I don't know where Zhou Daru came to such a conclusion? Qinglian discussed Taoism, and I, Da Cang, won the first place in one fell swoop, saying it is difficult for the holy way to prosper? In this year's palace examination, I, Da Cang Saint, won the place of Jinshi Three hundred and six, you only have eighty-one in Dayu, I will grant the number of Jinshi to 1,200 people, and you only have three hundred and six, are you prosperous or am I?

Zhou Yifang was speechless again!

All the literati in the city were blue in the face!

This year's palace examination is about to begin, and the quota for the palace examination has been announced. If Osumi scholars have something to feel unhappy about, it's probably right here.

In the past, Ohsumi and Da Cang were both members of the Four Great Schools, and the number of Jinshi scholars was the same.

This year, Da Cang won the first prize with Qinglian Lun Dao, nearly four times the number of Jinshi and Confucian scholars.

Another country that used to be on the same platform is suddenly on top!

You, Zhou Daru, still dare to say that people are not well-educated? How prosperous do you want? Are you talking too much? You are bringing disgrace upon yourself!

Lin Su continued: As for the abolition of the privileges of literati and the establishment of a full tax system, there are also some scoundrel literati in Da Cang Country who are strongly opposed to it. My answer, Lin Su, is: Holy Cloud, the people are the most precious! But I did not say that the people are the most important. Noble! The sage also said: Scholars, the way that connects the yin and yang of the heaven and the earth. When it moves in the world, it becomes the way of the world. When it is carried out, it becomes the law of the world. When it is spoken, it becomes the law of the world! Propaganda for heaven, the way is your responsibility, forget your own private life, To be a public instrument of the world... Scholars who claim to be scholars and want privileges but are unwilling to assume social responsibilities are violating the holy words!

Without any warning, the Qinglian that had dissipated gathered at Lin Su's feet again.

His words caused the Tao realm to blossom again.

Zhou Yifang stared blankly at Qinglian in front of him, not daring to argue anymore...

People all over the city were talking about it...

There is almost overwhelming support for Lin Su’s argument...

The literati also started a heated discussion. Some supported and some opposed. Those who supported were right and righteous, while those who opposed were somewhat lacking in confidence. There are signs that after this discussion, there will be a wave of momentum among the people in Dayu. The huge and protracted discussion is about the tax system...

Zhou Yifang took a long breath: Grandmaster Lin's theory is indeed shocking. However, how can governing a country be just like a scholar's spirit? I dare to ask if the master Lin's mastery of Da Cang can make it smooth?

This is another counterattack!

I know about your national policy in Osumi. The opposition is almost overwhelming. You can’t say it’s going well, right? The whole Osumi is waiting to see your joke!

Lin Sudao: I'm sorry Zhou Daru, you may be a little disappointed. The implementation of our Da Cang national policy has been very smooth. The land rent of the people has been reduced to about 20%. All industries are prosperous, people's livelihood has been greatly improved, and the national tax revenue has actually increased last year. It has basically tripled! The national treasury is also full as never before.”

Land rents have generally dropped, commercial taxes have also dropped, and the total national tax has tripled! It is rumored that Grandmaster Lin is a master of arithmetic. This rumor is probably exaggerated! Zhou Yifang stood up: I'm taking my leave!

Li Jisheng stood up to see him off, and Lin Su gestured with his hands as a farewell gift, not even bothering to bow.

Li Jisheng sat down slowly: Master Lin's theory of governing the country is the theory of 'great benevolence'?

Country? What is country? Lin Su smiled softly.

Li Jisheng slowly raised his head and met Lin Su's eyes, which were somewhat mysterious...

Lin Su put down the tea cup and added: The it a country?

Li Jisheng's whole body was shaken...

Is the motherland a country?

With just one sentence, his heart was filled with waves. He truly understood the meaning of Lin Su's meeting with him. No one mentioned this meaning when Zhou Shilang was around. As soon as Zhou Shilang left, he immediately said it. This old man from the Chu Kingdom is completely out of shape...

Lin Su stood up slowly: Grandmaster Li, do you know why I, Lin, met you at the first stop in Dayu?

Li Jisheng also stood up slowly: Why?

I would like to ask you to take a trip across the Lingding Ocean at the right time and see with your own eyes the Jin Dynasty today! Let's see if you can get a glimpse of the true face of the word benevolence in this hot land that has been war-torn for a long time... This glimpse has nothing to do with your position. It’s not about friend or foe, it’s just a discussion of benevolence!” Lin Su bowed deeply: “Goodbye!”

Together with his hands, the golden boat of the literary world reappears...

Who do you want to meet at your second stop? Li Jisheng asked.

The flowers in Meishan are still beautiful today, so you can enjoy the flowers on the snow! As soon as Lin Su's voice fell, he gently moved his hand, took Bi Xuanji, jumped into the air, and flew through the snow.

In the Osumi Palace, the snow was falling and the wind was blowing. Li Chi pressed his palm on the dragon table in front of him, and his half-bowed figure remained still for a long time...

Zhou Yifang, the Minister of Rites, just received a piece of breaking news, which suddenly aroused the most sensitive nerve of this heroic monarch...

Prime Minister Wang Qunshui, first-grade doctor Du Ruxin, and Wenyuan Pavilion scholar Cao Ru stood aside tremblingly...

Once upon a time, His Majesty would get nervous whenever Lin Su made any big moves, let alone this big move, pointing his sword straight at Da Yu!

Lin Su actually entered Dayu!

And he came in swaggeringly!

What's the purpose?

Two years ago, Li Chi, as a heroic king of the generation, had no interest in the name Lin Su. Even if he became the first grandmaster of Qinglian, he only felt a little bit. But later, every step he took made Li Chi feel... Terrified.

Especially on the northern battlefield, whenever he joins the battle, Li Chi will be defeated in every battle!

This is a thorn in the heart of a generation of heroes!

He, Li Chi, thought of countless ways to hope that Lin Su would enter Dayu. As long as Lin Su entered Dayu, he could squeeze Lin Su at will.

However, Lin Suzhi is famous for being slippery, and he is also famous for being tight-knit, but he just doesn't fit in!

Even at the Jinshi Banquet where he was selected as a Jinshi, senior Da Cang officials and even Da Cang Emperor Ji Shang cooperated with him in trying to send Lin Su to Dayu, but all failed.

But now, Lin Su has entered Dayu!

Come in with a swagger!

He even made a bold plan to disrupt the people's support - he discussed benevolence in Jeju City, pointed the finger at Li Chi as a hypocritical benevolent, and showed how good Haining was under his rule. It was all a trick to attack people's hearts! It’s the people’s hearts and minds in Osumi that are being attacked!

As the Lord of Osumi, he had a hundred reasons to cut this thief into pieces, but none of them could be put on the table.

This thief is very rampant!

The key is that he still has the right to be rampant!

He is a temple walker!

He traveled around the world, and all countries could only treat him with courtesy!

I C The courtesy of eight generations of his ancestors...

Your Majesty! Cao Ru said: This thief is a regular in the temple. It is obviously impossible to kill him. Perhaps only the power of spiritual practice can kill him.

Li Chi did not speak, but a figure suddenly appeared next to Li Chi silently. This man was wearing a black hood, and there was nothingness in the hood. His voice seemed to come from the nothingness, and it was indescribably weird: On the path of practice, There aren’t many people who can kill him!”


The three ministers were shocked at the same time.

Three adults, do you know that this person experienced a sniper attack at Da Cang Dongting Lake in October last year? An elder from the Tianling Sect had broken the source of heaven, and he still died under his hands! In the territory of Dayu, those who broke the source of heaven How many more people are there? What’s more, this person has activated the Standing Order and can return to the temple with a single thought. He only has one chance to attack, and once he misses, it is impossible to continue!

This person is the leader of the Dayu Ansi, his name is Long Fei, and he lives up to his name. He is a real dragon that sees its head but not its tail. Everyone only knows that he is extremely knowledgeable, but few people can see his true face, perhaps only Li Chi. , only to truly know who he is.

The three ministers looked at each other in shock. Even Yuantian realm had died under his hands. It was really difficult for Osumi to find the knife that could kill him.

But, should we just let him go on like this?

Spreading his lies all the way to confuse the public?

Where is Osumi's face?

What's more, this person's arguments are really frightening and incredibly deceptive. If he is allowed to freely discuss his doctrines, the people's hearts and minds that the Osumi Dynasty has worked so hard to control may really be led astray by him...

Li Chi slowly raised his head: My dear friends, think carefully, what is the purpose of this thief entering Dayu at this time?

His words at this time were meaningful. Prime Minister Wang Qunshui's eyes narrowed: Could it be... the military parade in three days?

As soon as these words came out, Du Ruxin was suddenly shocked: It must be so! During the military parade, millions of troops gathered together. If he uses military tactics, the consequences will be disastrous!

Li Chi's eyes suddenly brightened...

The most important thing for every hero is soldiers!

The most feared thing about Lin Su who is famous all over the world is his art of war!

If, just what if, if this thief came for the military parade, it would really be a huge and extremely dangerous situation!

If others want to cause trouble during the military parade, they are seeking death, but Lin Su is a super god of war who is his home field whenever he has soldiers. His killing with a borrowed sword strategy can make millions of troops kill each other.

This move, just thinking about it, makes people sweat on their backs.

No matter what, don't let him get even half a step closer to the parade ground! Wang Qunshui suddenly waved his right hand down with great determination.

Cao Rudao: That's it! Why not let Beiliang Academy come forward to challenge him and contain him in Beiliang Academy...

Inappropriate! Du Ru said in his heart: Although Beiliang Academy is the top academy in Dayu with a profound foundation, it is only on par with Great White Deer Academy. White Deer Academy was swept away by him, and Qu Feiyan died because of him. Xiaomi, if Beiliang Academy challenges him with his literary skills, maybe he will be able to succeed!

Everyone looked at each other...

That's right, Lin Su's literary prowess was unparalleled, and his profound attainments were even more terrifying to the literati of his generation.

If Beiliang Academy launches a challenge and ultimately loses, then where will Dayu's face be?

This risk is too high to take.

Wang Qunshui pondered: I have a clever plan!

Prime Minister, please speak! Li Chi said.

Wang Qunshui said: Let Wenyuan Pavilion come forward to discuss morality and loyalty with him!

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was overjoyed...


Wenyuange came forward to discuss the Tao with him. He believed that the literary name was indispensable, and discussing loyalty was the most elaborate part of the whole plan. Lin Su was extremely knowledgeable and seemed to be able to accept any Tao. However, there was something There was one thing that he could never discuss, and that was loyalty!


Someone Lin has a bone in the back of his head!

He is not born to be a representative of loyalty, he has always been the opposite of loyalty!

Li Chi's serious face finally showed a smile: The prime minister's plan is very good! It's settled! Go down and prepare!

The ministers retreated.

Li Chi slowly raised his eyes: Have you made any decision about the candidate for the assassination?

Containing Lin Su is one aspect. In the end, he is the ultimate goal. Lin Su enters Dayu. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that Li Chi will not let go.

There is a force that may be the only suitable force. Long Fei said.

Which force?

Tian Jueyuan!

Li Chi's eyes lit up again...

Tian Jueyuan is really a good move. Everyone knows that Tian Jueyuan is not influenced by any imperial power from the outside world. If one of their people kills someone, the blame cannot be placed on the imperial power. No matter how old Lin Su is behind him. With his power, no matter how taboo he is, Tian Jueyuan can kill him.

Because Tian Jueyuan is a place where not even the temple can do anything...

Lin Su and Bi Xuanji were once again on the golden boat.

Tell me, what is your plan for today's game? Bi Xuanji said.

Lin Sudao: What about you? What did you see?

Bi Xuanji said: I see your twofold intentions. One is to instigate rebellion! The other is to attack the heart!

Not bad! Lin Su praised: Although Li Jisheng lives in a shabby house, he is the literati leader of the seventeen states in the south of the Yangtze River. More importantly, this man has thoughts about his homeland. The Chu Kingdom was destroyed by Ohsumi's cavalry. , he was determined to die with his young prince in his arms. Although he did not die in the end, he scattered all his wealth and settled in a humble house, which also showed his character as a scholar. If there are people in Osumi who are worthy of instigating rebellion, he will undoubtedly bear the brunt.

Bi Xuanji said: You explained the rebellion very well, but you were a little ruthless in attacking the heart...


Yeah, didn't you see the suffering of the people along the way? Didn't you see the corpses of freshly dead people in the heavy snow in Jeju City? In this case, you put Haining's paradise on earth in front of them, and the impact was simply... ...Are you really not afraid of them crossing the Lingding Ocean overnight?

Haha, Lingding Yangpan, haven't you already prepared an escape route? I don't care whether there are millions or tens of millions of people escaping, as long as they get through, I will give them a living! I won't let them regret today's impulse , what I want is for Osumi’s basic market to go up and down like this.”

“Is this considered seeking a country in the true sense?”

Yes! In the struggle between countries, although the art of war is the most intuitive, it is the final stage. The real struggle lies in people's livelihood, in the people's hearts, and outside the battlefield...

Bi Xuanji gently brushed the hair beside his ears: Besides these, are there any other considerations? Considerations that I didn't see?

Of course! Lin Su said: I use Confucianism and Taoism as the pioneer, and I have a purpose!

Bi Xuanji's wonderful eyes suddenly fell on his face, with strong surprise...

Lin Sudao: My entry into Dayu this time is destined to shake the world. I don't want anyone in the temple to say that I use my military skills to disrupt the government of a country. If they have to say it, then I hope they say that I use my military skills to disrupt the government. Confucianism and Taoism disrupt the governance of a country!

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat...

Battle of avenues?

He walked forward with a plan at every step. This was obviously the art of war!

However, he just used Confucianism and Taoism to make a coat for military Taoism!

Matters involving the struggle between the great avenues are earth-shattering events on the third level, and extremely dangerous matters. Quietly, at the moment of entering the great corner, he made such a secret move.

He never takes the normal road!

Every step he takes is filled with extraordinary tactical thinking!

He once said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it can create a tornado on the other side of the distant ocean. Now, she saw with her own eyes that this butterfly seemed to flap its wings intentionally or unintentionally...

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