Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 887 The scenery here is unique

In the northern land, it is a time of bitter cold.

If there is one place that can be regarded as a fairyland on earth, it is probably Meishan in Yunzhou.

Meishan is named after plum blossoms, and thousands of plum blossoms are in bloom. It was a popular place for literati in this era.

On the top of Meishan Mountain, there is Wanmei Villa. Wanmei Villa is called Yizhuang by everyone. Yizhuang has a special term in feudal society, which is the morgue. When refugees die on the way and no one collects their corpses, Yizhuang is the place for them. Collect the corpse, so it is righteous. However, the Yizhuang in the people's mouth has nothing to do with this meaning.

Their meaning is filled with admiration.

Their righteousness focuses on one person, Zhou Yi, the owner of Wanmei Villa and a great scholar of the generation.

Zhou Yi was originally the dean of the Zhongyuan Academy of Lu State. He was a half-step figure in the literary world. He was a real Taishan Beidou level in literary education. However, his literary skills could not reverse the general trend of the world. Lu State, under the iron cavalry of Dayu, Turn into ashes.

After this destruction, countless court officials who sat on the fence turned to become high-ranking officials in Osumi, but there were also a large number of virtuous ministers who fought to the end and died under Osumi's cavalry. Zhou Yi was also one of the representatives of the resistance forces, but he did not die. , he did not surrender. He negotiated a condition with Osumi's military. I can put down my pen and withdraw from Zhongyuan Academy. However, I want a mountain to abandon literature and do business.

His position was extraordinary, his demands were met, and his reputation was a mixed bag.

Some people said that he failed to be heroic in the face of the general situation, and some people said that he finally compromised. However, it was more than ten years later that everyone really knew what he was doing.

He is for the descendants of those virtuous ministers!

He wanted Meishan because he wanted these loyal and good people to have a place to live. Based on Meishan, he put aside his status as a literary master and devoted himself to the business that he despised throughout his life. He became a unique literary businessman in order to support these people. These people regard him as their adopted father, and his adopted sons and daughters add up to more than a thousand people!

When talking about him in Osumi literary circles, the word most often used is righteousness!

For the sake of his old friends and loyalty, he was willing to give up the infinite glory of the pinnacle of literature and compete with the wealthy businessmen in the shopping malls, living the life he hated most in the past.

This is righteousness!

At this moment in Wanmei Villa, plum blossoms are blooming proudly in the ice and snow.

In the small garden, an old man in green clothes stood in the snow, with his hands stretched out, heavy snow falling on him. His thin figure was like a century-old plum tree.

A woman in red floated past, leaving no trace in the snow, and appeared behind him. She bowed slightly and said, Father, please put on this mink fur. Your body is no longer what it used to be.

She gently raised her hand and put a snow-white mink fur on the old man. Just after putting it on, colorful lights were flowing on the snow-white fur, which was very special.

The old man smiled softly: Is this the polar colorful ferret?


It is rumored that this mink moves like electricity. Once it encounters danger, it will destroy its fur. But few practitioners can get its skin intact.

The woman smiled sweetly: How can it be so mysterious? The child was only one month old, and he got it.

You! How important is your practice? You spend a whole month doing this insignificant thing, why bother?

The woman said: Anything you can do for your adoptive father is a big deal. How can it be insignificant?

There was a look of relief on the old man's face: Twenty years have passed and the children are all grown up...

Yes, you have been a grandfather for five hundred and thirty-three times. Although the world is big, but when it comes to the number of times you have been a grandfather, if you, the adopted father, are the second, no one in the world would dare to say that you are the first!

Ha ha! The old man laughed heartily, but his laughter gradually became silent. He looked towards the sky and looked thoughtful again...

Is the foster father worried?

The old man lowered his head slowly: Someone is coming, and my father doesn't know whether his coming will be a blessing or a curse.


Lin Su, the first master of Qinglian in the Da Cang Kingdom, just visited Li Jisheng, the great scholar of Chu, in Jezhou City. When he said goodbye to Li Daru, he said that he wanted to come to my Wanmei Villa!

The girl's expression suddenly changed: Is it him?

Xue'er, have you ever doubted whether the person you met at the Yaochi Gala was actually him? No need to doubt! That's it!

The girl's eyes were filled with light: During the grand gathering in Yaochi, how could I have ever thought that the leader of Lingyun who stands on the Lingyun Ranking would actually be the number one Grandmaster of Qinglian who is above all in literature and art?

The old man smiled softly: My father knows that you broke through the Dharma after meeting in Yaochi, and you are dissatisfied with all the fellow travelers in Yaochi, but don't challenge him today. Today's meeting is not about martial arts, but about literature!

Yes! the girl said, Father, you said whether his arrival is a blessing or a curse is unknown. Is it because you are worried that he will instigate rebellion against you and mention Jiulu's restoration of the country?

This person is impeccable in his actions and specializes in finding real merit from impossible places. How taboo is the restoration of the old Lu Lu? It is absolutely impossible for him to mention it directly. However, his trip is quite interesting. The first stop is to visit Li Jisheng, and the second stop is to visit Li Jisheng. My father is a remnant of the Four Kingdoms in the past. Judging from his past experience in helping the Jin Dynasty recover and his instinct to game the world, it is very likely that he has this consideration.

Suddenly a golden light flashed in the air, and the holy light of literature and art emerged.

The girl's figure flashed and retreated into the inner room.

She was a genius at the Yaochi Gala, and she was also the top genius at the event at that time. Her name was Ning Feixue. When Lin Su entered the Yaochi Gala, among the genius information collected, she was the fourth, the former one. The only woman among the ten.

After Lin Su defeated the swordsman, he originally wanted to compete with her, but Lin Su jumped over her and went to Ji Wen. Ji Wen was defeated by him with several moves, so Ning Feixue no longer had to compete with him. He just admitted defeat, so Lin Su actually never fought against her.

Wen Dao's golden boat landed in Meishan and outside Wanmei Villa.

Without being informed, the gate of the village opened directly, and a skinny old man stood under the plum forest, bowing slightly: Zhou Yi, an idler in the mountains, welcomes the great Confucian master of Da Cang Country!

Lin Su landed, and the golden boat turned into a golden dot and blended into the center of his eyebrows. He and Bi Xuanji came out on the snow and bowed: I entered Lin Su at the end of the literary career and met Grandmaster Zhou!

Please come into the villa to talk...


After some greetings and greetings, Lin Su stepped into Wanmei Villa. The snow was still there, the cold wind was still there, and the cold plum blossoms competed with the snow.

Zhou Yi smiled and said: Master Lin's two colorful poems about plum blossoms in the past truly describe the winter plum blossoms and flying snow. Even though I am far away in the north, I still cheer for 'plum blossoms and snow competing for spring'!

Thank you! Lin Su thanked him.

When you come to my Wanmei Villa today, I have an uninvited request. I wonder if Grandmaster Lin can fulfill it? Zhou Yidao said.

Lin Su smiled: Do you want me to write a poem for you at Wanmei Villa?

Is Grandmaster Lin willing to make it happen?

Lin Su laughed, raised her hand, took out the gold paper, put down her pen, and wrote...

Wanmei Mountain Villa Meeting Volunteers:

The branches in the deep valley are more northerly, and the flowers bloom slowly every year. Do you know the high standard of Yiyun? It’s time for layers of ice and snow!

The pen was closed, and the colorful glow filled the entire plum garden without any warning.

Throughout the Plum Garden, dozens of students suddenly raised their heads, their eyes full of excitement...

Who wrote colorful poems?

Is he the adoptive father?

That's right. In this world, the only person who can write colorful poems is my foster father.

No! No! It's Da Cang Lin Su! Lin Su has just entered the garden and paid a visit to his adoptive father...

Suddenly, the whole garden was in motion.

Deep in the small garden, Ning Feixue stared blankly at Lin Su walking through the plum grove. Her peaceful heart suddenly stirred, it was him! They are really the Yaochi people of the past! However, he is completely different today than he was then!

Back then, he stood on the Lingyun Bang and raised his sword with aura as thick as frost. He was a heroic swordsman in the world and a new generation of sword cultivators in the Sword Sect.

But today, he is a literary genius who strolls in the garden and writes colorful poems. He is also a literary master who can discuss Taoism alongside his adoptive father.

Do you know, Mr. Gaobiao Yiyun? It's the time when ice and snow are accumulating! Zhou Yi murmured: It's the time when ice and snow are accumulating in front of us. Who deserves Grandmaster Lin's comment of 'Gaobiao Yiyun'?

The layer of ice and snow is not only the season, but also the current situation. When he said these four words, it had a profound meaning.

Zhou Zongzong is a scholar of elegance and integrity. If you can't bear it, who else in the world can?

Zhou Yi bowed deeply: I am too ashamed to deserve it. I am too ashamed to deserve it!

Lin Su held up the poem manuscript with both hands: This poem is given to Master Zhou!

Zhou Yi took it with both hands, and there was a faint blush on his face...

Twenty years ago, he gave up his career to engage in business. Over the past twenty years, his reputation has always been mixed. He also told himself that he was indifferent to fame and fortune. However, coming from a foreign country and being a master of literature, a song has been sung for thousands of years. The colorful poem brought his fame to the top instantly, and he was still a little excited.

In front is Mei Pavilion.

Plum Pavilion is a pavilion, but it is also a pavilion.

Inside the Plum Pavilion, the heating is warm, coal is burned, tea is served, and there are all kinds of fresh fruits and melons. Northern melons and fruits are not ordinary things, and the high prices make people question life. However, it must be said that Zhou Yi He is a completely different type from Li Jisheng. Li Jisheng's main focus is ugliness, while Zhou Yi's meaning is righteousness in his bones. He is currently essentially a businessman, and his life is rich.

Grandmaster Lin discussed benevolence in Jeju City. Li Daru has already sent a message to me, saying that he is ashamed of himself. Can we discuss it when we come to my Wanmei Villa today? Zhou Yidao said.

Lin Su smiled and said: Please ask Grandmaster Zhou to come up with the question.


Zhou Yi struggled with the word righteousness all his life.

His name is righteousness, and his life has changed because of righteousness. He has fallen into troughs and reached peaks again because of righteousness. It is true that success is also righteousness, and failure is also righteousness. Therefore, he has a special feeling for righteousness.

Lin Sudao: Grandmaster Li's benevolence and Grandmaster Zhou's righteousness are both at the top level of literature and art, and they both unite knowledge and action. Su deeply admires them. Grandmaster Zhou takes righteousness as his title, and Lin Su dares not to criticize it. This is a small essay. Once upon a time, Grandmaster Zhou corrected me!

Zhou Yi held the teacup with both hands, pointing his fingertips downward, in a posture of listening to the Tao.

Lin Suyan: Holy words, a gentleman is likened to righteousness, and a villain is likened to benefit. Righteousness and benefit are at two ends. Therefore, people often say that righteousness can only be obtained by relics, and righteousness will disappear when you pursue benefit. In fact, this is not the case, the saint The original intention is definitely not like this. What is righteous can be consistent with justice...

What's the meaning?

When people mention the word righteousness, they often put it in opposition to profit, which means that if you pursue profit, you will be called unrighteous. If you insist on righteousness, you should not pursue profit.

This kind of black and white thinking is wrong!

Justice is not that complicated. As long as your behavior is righteous and in line with the laws of nature and human ethics, it is righteousness. It has nothing to do with pursuing profit or not.

When Zhou Yi heard this, he felt happy. Regardless of whether others liked this argument or not, he obviously liked it.


This is completely consistent with his life experience.

When he abandoned literature and started doing business, he only pursued profits!

Many people attack him on this point, saying that he is a literary scum and that he has blasphemed the word righteousness.

However, if he does not pursue profit, how will he support his loyal and loyal queens?

Use air?

Lin Su's opening remarks directly touched the deepest part of Zhou Yi's heart. With just these words, the old man felt that Lin Su was his soulmate!

If it was just this paragraph, Zhou Yi would at most regard him as a confidant. However, he never expected that the word righteousness that he had practiced all his life would be revealed in Lin Su's mouth...

Righteousness is about human nature!

Righteousness is the character of a gentleman!

Righteousness, the main purpose is to respect elders!

Righteousness, its soul is suitable!

Righteousness has a strong behavioral characteristic. It is not only the main character, but also a program of action. A righteousness without action is not righteousness. A righteousness that is inappropriate is not righteousness...

Without any warning, the plum garden is white with snow, green lotuses cover the ground, Taoist flowers bloom, and then the world of peach and plum blossoms...

Zhou Yi's whole body was shaken. He had experienced Taoism in Tao Li Tianxia before, and it could be traced back to the ancient Lu period. The beauty of Taoism in that moment made him look back for half his life.

Today, Wanmei Villa is once again in the spotlight!

Just because he talks about the soul of righteousness...

After the discussion was over, Zhou Yi still seemed to be in a dream. After a long time, he raised his eyes and said, Grandmaster Lin's discussion of Tao has been praised all over the world. I really admire it! But I don't know the appropriateness of this meaning. Can Grandmaster Lin interpret it?

Lin Su smiled: The appropriateness of justice is something Grandmaster Zhou always interprets, and Su Ziran has also acted it out before.

Most people may not understand this, but Zhou Yi understands it.

For example, he has struggled with righteousness and profit for half his life. In fact, it is about balance and appropriateness. If he pursues profit excessively, righteousness will be gone. If he pursues profit not enough, righteousness will be gone.

So, how did Lin Su perform?

Lin Su said: The appropriate person only needs to grasp a 'measure'. There is no 'measure' in the world than the law. Su has just established a legal system for the Da Cang Kingdom. Grandmaster Zhou must also know about it. I don't know how to look at it?

When it comes to the legal system, Zhou Yi feels deeply...

Even though they are in the northern border, the people of Dayu are very aware of the changes in the world. Any disturbance in the world will be magnified in this world.

Not to mention the heavyweight signature move in the wind and grass?

Lin Su's Law is the heavyweight among the heavyweights!

A law, established as a sacred law in the temple!

Ji Guang immediately issued an order to learn from Da Cang's legal system in its entirety!

From then on, the Da Cang Reform officially kicked off in legal terms!

As the curtain opens, no one can see the final results. Everyone is paying attention to the final results. Some people say that the country will fall into civil strife because of the reform. Some people say that the most exciting scene in the country has officially begun.

Whether it is good or bad, superior or inferior, no one can decide, even Ji Guang himself is probably worried.

The same is naturally true for Zhou Yi: Master Lin's Law is a sacred and important document. I am lucky enough to see it with my own eyes and have many emotions. This law covers the integration of military, government, agriculture and business, including division, staff, flow, reform and punishment. Therefore, the depth of thinking and the precision of classification are astonishing. Grandmaster Lin, in his weak years, can actually see everything in the world. How can we, the old Confucians, be embarrassed? The only thing I have to worry about is this. I don’t know how this method will be implemented. What will the world look like now? ?”

This is called a thousand hammers hitting the gong, and one hammer is the final word.

The laws of the world all depend on their effectiveness!

A good law is only one that is effective. If there is a problem with its effectiveness, no matter how good the law is, it cannot be called good.

Lin Su said with a smile: The so-called law regulates the behavior of all living beings and protects the rights of all living beings. At present, this law has only been implemented for a few months, but I, the great Cang, have already managed the government and people, and everything is prosperous. Although it cannot be said that we can't stay home at night. , there are no lost things on the road, but the officialdom is clean and upright, and the people's fighting spirit is high, but it has already begun to show its signs!

Zhou Yi was greatly touched: The officialdom is clean and upright, and the people's fighting spirit is high? Why is this so?

Because this law has clear definitions for various illegal activities and accurate sentencing. Officials know the law and can judge! Only when the people know the law can they abide by it! At the same time, the greatest benefit of this law is that as long as the people know it, They do things legally, and their legal gains cannot be appropriated by anyone. There is a law above their heads to protect the safety of their lives and property. They have the confidence to live a happy life with their backs to the big trees. power!

Zhou Yi was greatly moved...

Officials know the law and can make judgments, people know the law and can abide by it, and accurately determine punishment. Everyone knows what has been committed and what the punishment will be. If no crime is committed, no one can encroach on what is lawfully obtained.

In just a few sentences, each one refers to the shortcomings of the old law.

What is the old law?

All these are just holy principles, which are complex and specious. Not to mention that the people don’t understand them at all. Even officials who have officially become scholars have different understandings. The consequence of this is that when encountering a case, officials rely on their own To judge based on the understanding of the holy law, the people resigned themselves to fate and had no confidence at all.

Just because they have no confidence, they dare not let go and do things. They are worried that they will accidentally be involved in the whirlpool of the law. In fact, people who are innocently involved because of the law exist in every country and at any time. exist.

Many scholars say that the law is something profound because it is profound and sacred.

However, the person in front of me explained this profound thing in the simplest and most precise way, and used clear and specific terms to turn all types of criminal and civil matters in the world into something that everyone can understand.

Zhou Yi couldn't see the effect of what he said with his own eyes, but he stood high and saw far, and he knew that what Lin Su said was all true!

Suddenly, this dean of a top academy who had gone through countless ups and downs and emerged from Jiulu was filled with emotion: Reforms in ancient and modern times are like the passing of a torrent. Some have washed away the mud, while others have been devastated. Grandmaster Lin has such courage. I admire you!

If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be open, and if you are open, you will be long-term! If you want long-term peace and stability, some things must change after all! Lin Su said.

If you are poor, you will change. If you change, you will be successful. If you are flexible, you will be long-lasting... Zhou Yi murmured these nine profound and profound words: Grandmaster Lin can change because the new dynasty of Da Cang Kingdom was established because of you.

Yes, if it were the former pseudo-emperor Ji Shang, no matter how talented Lin Su was, he could only mess around with one-third of an acre in Haining, but there was no way to benefit thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Zhou Yi was silent...

Lin Su also fell silent...

The key to Da Cang's reform is Ji Guang!

Ji Guang has lived in Meiling for a long time and is well aware of the shortcomings of the people. Therefore, he adopts Lin Su's suggestions, no matter how deviant they are. No matter how great the storm, he dares to stand up and face it. He has no selfish thoughts. He What we want is the peace of our country and the well-being of our people!

However, what about Osumi?

Ohsumi, who established a country by force and believed in killing the world, could he ever listen to the words of the Holy Way?

The foundation he relies on is not ordinary people at all, but those aristocratic families!

Any decision he makes will only take into account the interests of the wealthy families, and will not take into account the ordinary people at all!

This is the most fundamental difference between Da Cang and Da Yu!

With this difference, no matter how successful Da Cang's experience is, it cannot be replicated in this world.


Unless this throne is overthrown!

Just like what Lin Su did after three years of sharpening his sword, he overthrew Ji Shang's throne, and only then could the sky clear the clouds and see the sun!

But, what does Zhou Yi say about these?

Lin Su stood up slowly: Wanmei Villa for a while, it will comfort me for a lifetime, Lin Su takes leave!

Zhou Yi also stood up: Master Lin's next stop, where do you want to go?


Dongning is not a good place... Zhou Yi looked a little complicated.

Lin Su smiled and said: The east is about to dawn, so don't leave early. People who have traveled all over the green mountains are still young. The scenery here is unique! The peaks outside Meishan City are connected directly and exquisitely. You can lean on the railing to guide the Jin Dynasty in the distance, which is even more lush and green!

While chanting for a long time, he stepped onto the golden boat of the literary world, jumped into the air, and broke through the sky.

The person has gone, but the words are still there!

Everyone wrote down this poem one after another.

Including Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi wrote this poem in his own hand and marked it with the name Lin Su. The poem showed a colorful light without any suspense.

Zhou Yi stared blankly at the manuscript in his hand, as if he was in a trance.

Father! A soft female voice came to her ears. It was Ning Feixue. She held a cup of tea and handed it to Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi took it and took a sip.

Father, another colorful poem...

The green poetry madman Lin Saburo recited the poem casually, and the colorful beginning is not surprising at all...but the meaning behind the words...

Ning Feixue's heart skipped a beat: What's the meaning of the poem? Isn't his poem inspired by what he said in response to his adoptive father? You said that Dongning is not a good place. He said that the scenery here is the best. Praise for Wanmei Villa.

Zhou Yi smiled softly: Ning'er, you are not a man of literature, and you are not a person of imperial power. It makes sense that you can't understand the profound meaning of this poem...

Dawn is dawning in the east, and the world will change dramatically!

Mo Daojun went early, he wanted me to make a decision earlier!

You are not old when you travel across the green hills, but as a father... you are actually really old!

The scenery here is unique, but he values ​​​​our Wanmei Villa and recognizes that our Wanmei Villa is a breath of fresh air in troubled times!

The last four sentences are the real finishing touch...

He asked me to look south and see the three thousand miles of rivers and mountains in the old Shanxi...

The new Jin Dynasty can regain the glory that the Jin Dynasty never achieved in the past. Can my motherland still have a glimpse of it?

Ning Feixue's heart beat faster: Father, you...

Don't think so! Zhou Yi waved his hand gently: The Kingdom of Lu has become history. What I worry about has never been the restoration of the country. Instead, I worry about the hundreds of millions of people under the Wanmei Mountain and on the old land of Lu. They When will they be able to see the true face of the Holy Way? Will they have the opportunity to touch the beautiful vision he described?

...(End of chapter)

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