Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 888 Swordsmanship also has rules

On the flying boat, Bi Xuanji looked at Lin Su for a long time.

Watch Lin Su drink a cup of tea, watch him slowly unfurl his beautiful eyebrows.

She looked at him and smiled at her: Why are you looking at me like this?

Bi Xuanji was slightly startled and calmed down:

I'm thinking about something serious.


Bi Xuanji said: You talked about benevolence in Jeju, and brought some private goods with you, and talked about the tax system reform. You talked about righteousness in Wanmei Mountain Villa, and brought some private goods to talk about the legal reform. Aren't you worried about General Osumi? Have you learned the methods of improving Da Cang?

Lin Su smiled: The so-called national policy is open to the public! Can it be kept secret? What does it matter if I don't say it?

Bi Xuanji frowned: You mean, if Ohsumi wants to learn, they can actually learn it?

No! They can know all the links and key points in our reform, but they still can't accomplish anything!


Because the national conditions are different! There is a new dynasty in Da Cang Country. His Majesty has nothing to do with the old court and the old forces. The team of the new dynasty is almost brand new and has little to do with all the forces. Therefore, we can not care about each other. The big forces are rebounding, and in other countries, the foundation of their imperial power lies in various aristocratic families and major forces. The most fundamental direction of the reform is to break the exploitation of the people by these forces. Do they dare to reform? As long as they dare to move, they will destroy their foundation. !”

Bi Xuanji was impressed!

The same method in different countries will produce completely different consequences!

Learned again!

She turned her eyes slightly: Zhou Yiyan, the place we are going to next is not a good place. What do you understand?

Dongning Fei Yuexiu is probably not a suitable person to visit.

Dongning Fei Yuexiu is famous all over the world for his etiquette. He is known as the first of the ten great masters in Osumi. Although he is also an old minister of Korea in the past, if the expectations are correct, he is already Li Chi's loyal dog!

Judging from Zhou Yi's words, your analysis should be correct.

Bi Xuanji said: Then...are you still going?


Why do you still go when you know you can't instigate him?

Lin Sudao: Today is the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, and there are still three days left before the military parade. Why not find something to do outside? Bullying the Northern Confucians is just a pastime...

Bi Xuanji was speechless...

You are in a foreign country, and most people behave with a pinched neck. Even if they are proud, they should establish a good relationship with the local master and seek some support and shelter. But what did you do?

You just want to bully people when you have nothing to do! Bullying the local master is a pastime! Are you still speaking like a normal person?

They landed in Yangcheng, an ancient city a hundred miles away from Dongning City, and entered an inn.

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, Bi Xuanji, who was meditating in front of the window, slowly opened his eyes. It was another new day!

Lin Su knocked on the door: Let's go, you and I will get some rejection!

Bi Xuanji rolled his eyes at each other: You knew the door was closed, but you still barged in to eat...

Dongning City, east of the city!

The entire holy land of literature and art in Osumi!

It is a high-class family with a strict atmosphere. It is not as simple as Li Jisheng's humble house in Jeju, nor is it as natural as Wanmei Villa. Fei Mansion does not emphasize scenery, but humanities!

What is humanities?

On the huge gate tower, the words Fei Mansion were written by Fei Yuexiu himself. The power of the literary world is humanities.

Under the Fei Mansion, the imperial plaques are also humanities.

On the plaque, various titles are humanities.

The hall was filled with flowers and drunken guests, and it was even more humanistic.

Yes, Lin Su once wrote a shocking masterpiece: Three thousand guests were drunk in a house full of flowers. In fact, such a scene has never happened in the Lin family, but in the Fei Mansion in the north, this situation was perfectly presented.

What kind of flower is it?

The flower of literature in the heavy snow!

What kind of guests are three thousand guests?

All the literary geniuses of Osumi Kingdom are our guests!

As the palace examination approaches, it has become a common practice for students from all walks of life to pay homage to their masters and ask for advice. Almost all the great Confucian families have disciples coming from thousands of miles away to join them. Even in the house of the extremely poor Li Jisheng, there are scholars who turn into servants and serve him tea. Water?

Not to mention Fei Yuexiu, whose reputation for conduct and literature was far superior to that of Li Jisheng.

Fei Yuexiu himself is a member of the literary world, and his status in the literary world is unattainable.

He is also a person deeply trusted by Li Chi and is regarded as the emperor's mentor by Li Chi.

This is a person endorsed by both the Holy Power and the Imperial Power.

In the eyes of all the students, isn’t he the best teacher?

What's even more terrible is that Fei Yuexiu is an excellent preacher, and he accepts all the people who come to him as long as they are cultivable. In this way, his disciples will really be all over the world.

Bi Xuanji could feel the grand occasion of Fei Mansion from three streets away, and she was also very touched: It would be best if someone like him could really be your helping hand. Do you want to adjust the plan? I really want to How can we take him down?

She is someone who has been standing on the side of the chessboard for more than ten years. She is also a person of imperial power and wisdom. She sees the problem sharply. She knows that Lin intends to subvert Li Chi's imperial power and needs the help of various literary leaders.

And people like Fei Yuexiu are worth ten thousand!

Lin Sudao: Things are sometimes very contradictory! He is the kind of person that leads to this situation. It is precisely because of this situation that he is not the person I should win.

The words were hard to pronounce, but Bi Xuanji still understood.

Fei Yuexiu was a leader in the literary world and was loyal to Li Chi, so he was able to entertain three thousand guests and achieve the current chaotic world.

Precisely because of this appearance, he was simply not something Lin Su could win.

Even in Lin Su's dictionary, he was not worth winning at all.

However, you have come, and you will see what you should see.

Lin Su walked across the long street and bowed slightly: Please inform me that Lin Su from Da Cang Kingdom Haining is visiting!

This sentence is different from his visit to Jeju and Wanmei Villa. There is a subtle difference. In the first two places, he was asking for a visit, but here, he was just visiting!

The results are also different!

The middle-aged concierge slowly raised his head: I'm sorry, the master of the house is receiving senior officials from the Ministry of Rites in the capital today and has no time to meet with literati from other countries.

It's Chenshi now. It's okay to meet the head of your family later in the afternoon.

Under normal circumstances, the reception only lasts for one or two hours. Lin Su's words can be said to be quite a face-saving gesture.

But the concierge smiled slightly: Sorry sir, today Mr. Zhou from the Ministry of Rites has brought a gift from His Majesty. The head of the family still needs to worship ancestors and burn incense. He has no leisure in the afternoon. Let's see if my head of the family has any arrangements tomorrow afternoon?

Bi Xuanji was shocked...

This timing is a bit tricky...

Today is the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, and this place is still one day away from the quiet capital of Osumi. If you rush to Osumi after meeting Fei Yuexiu today, you will have just one day to prepare for Osumi's military parade.

But if we stay in Dongning today and visit Fei Yuexiu tomorrow, there will be no time to plan the military parade.

Could it be said that the other party has already figured out their true purpose?

Just wipe out his day without leaving a trace and completely disrupt his plans?

Lin Su raised his head with a look of surprise on his face: Grandmaster Fei still wants to worship his ancestors?

The concierge's face suddenly darkened: Grandmaster Lin is also rumored to be a master of literature and art. How can he be so ignorant of etiquette? How can my family, the head of the family, accept His Majesty's grace and not worship his ancestors?

This deep voice was very loud. Perhaps he intentionally increased the volume to send a signal to the three thousand students behind him. He finally seized the opportunity and reprimanded Lin Su in person!

How rare an opportunity is this kind of justified rebuke for a literati?

As God testifies, Lin Su is famous all over the world for his impeccable and sharp-tongued words, and his mistakes in words are almost unheard of. How many people in the world can criticize Lin Su and render Lin Su speechless?

Just now, Lin Su made a stupid move and delivered a high-sounding excuse directly into the hands of the concierge. If he didn't catch it, wouldn't he regret it for the rest of his life?

Even Bi Xuanji felt that Lin Su had made a mistake just now.

How solemn is the act of worshiping ancestors?

You are indeed disrespecting the etiquette of people worshiping their ancestors.

You are a great master, why have you fallen behind today?

Lin Sudao: Sorry, sorry, Lin made a mistake. Lin just heard that the ancestral temples of the old Han Dynasty have long been turned into pastures, and ancestor worship has gradually become a taboo among the people. There are even cases where people who wrote poems about ancestor worship were imprisoned and executed. . Who would have thought that Fei Yuexiu, a great scholar, would dare to worship his ancestors in front of high-ranking officials of the dynasty. He is so strong-willed and a scholar! Lin admires him so much!

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was completely silent...

There were expressions of disbelief on everyone's faces...

Because of Lin Su's words, a bloody scar was revealed...

When the old Korea fell, the Osumi Cavalry destroyed the Korean ancestral temple, angering all the people. Countless people were killed because of this important event that violated the laws of nature and human ethics. The resentment among the people has never subsided.

Osumi has always suppressed with an iron fist.

Later, a well-known incident occurred, which was the Black Cloud Poetry Case.

There is a poet who wrote a poem: The majestic dark clouds are pressing down on the sky gate, weeping rain and sad news of the world, new people only see the shepherd's whip is raised, and the old ghosts are crying in the sky!

This poem is truly audacious. The newcomers saw the shepherd's whip raised and pointed the finger at the Osumi cavalry. They turned people's ancestral temples into pastures, a taboo matter, and the old ghosts cried in the grass and went to their graves. It suddenly touched the hearts of all Korean survivors. Hurt.

This poet was executed by his entire family!

Since then, ancestor worship has become a sensitive word among the people!

Of course, it is nonsense to say that ancestor worship is completely prohibited, but to oppose Ohsumi's rule through ancestor worship is to be disobedient!

Now, Lin Su lightly revealed this topic that everyone had kept secret, vigorously revealed it, amplified it, and spread the news throughout the city. He faced Fei Yuexiu directly and seemed to be extremely praising Fei Yuexiu. However, the irony was so profound.

You, Fei Yuexiu, are also from the old Han Dynasty. People talk about ancestor worship and their expressions change.

What about yourself?

Emperor Osumi has shown kindness to you, and you have paid tribute to your ancestors and thanked him!

Ironic or not?

The people in the city felt like they were suddenly filled with vinegar, which was sour and bitter.

The three thousand students under Fei Yuexiu's sect looked at each other, full of dissatisfaction, and the holy scriptures were swirling in their minds. However, no one of them could stand up, because if they stood up, the situation would become serious. The person who came was a man with words like swords and a reputation. The first grandmaster of Qinglian who was broadcast, no one knew what crooked moves he would make. He didn't catch any of them. What was bad was Grandmaster Fei's plan, and what was bad was His Majesty the Emperor's plan.

A clear and elegant voice came from the depths of the distant manor: Lin Daru needs to know what land he is standing on. Is it a courtesy to a guest to maliciously spread right and wrong in our Dayu territory?

As soon as this voice came out, although it was soft, it covered the whole city.

He did not follow Lin Su's preset track, but started another topic: courtesy as a guest!

As a guest, when you come to someone else's home, you should be careful in your words and deeds, and stay away from right and wrong. If you violate this rule, you will be rude. As for the content, it doesn't matter.

This is the response of Fei Yuexiu, who is based on etiquette.

Across several courtyards, we responded from a distance.

Fei Yuexiu Fei Daru, right?


Lin Sudao: Fei Daru raised two questions, which are really difficult to answer! First, Fei Daru asked me, do you know where the land is under your feet? Lin suddenly felt that to whom this land belongs does not seem to be a concept of ownership. But the concept of time, for now, belongs to Osumi, but if you move the time forward twenty years or even four hundred years, it belongs to South Korea. But I don’t know what time node Fei Daru is asking about?

Fei Yuexiu's forehead was covered with black lines without any warning...

People all over the city were confused as usual...

Fei Yuexiu spoke, but failed to shock him or lead him into the track set by Fei Yuexiu. On the contrary, he took another step forward on the road of instigating rebellion.

This person's lawlessness and sharp words make it difficult for people to guard against him.

The most terrifying thing is that every word he says is polite and logical.

Fei Mansion fell into terrible silence...

Lin Su continued: The second question raised by Fei Daru is to maliciously spread right and wrong. It is not a courtesy for guests. Fei Daru obviously understands the way of etiquette, but I don't know whether Fei Daru understands history? The dissemination of historical materials is objective. For the best, since it is a fact, how can there be any bad intentions or good intentions?

Grandmaster Lin takes such malicious revenge because he must be resentful for not meeting me today. Fei Yuexiu said: Please come into Fei Mansion, I will help you!

These words are not moral, but they are also very sharp.

All Lin Su's words were classified as nonsense, and the reason was positioned as: Lin Su asked for a meeting, but he failed to meet him, so Lin Su was angry.

Because he is angry, he takes revenge maliciously.

In this way, Lin Su's literary name will be cast into a shadow. Is it the style of a literary person to retaliate?

This is called winning in defeat!

Lin Su smiled: Fei Daru is free now? Sorry! I'm not very interested anymore! Fei Daru should just relax and worship his ancestors... By the way, Lin really couldn't help but want to ask, Fei Daru, you How to worship ancestors? Do you need to bring a shovel and a broom? Otherwise, how will you clean up the horse dung all over your ancestral temple?

Fei Yuexiu suddenly felt that his heart was about to burst...

The people all over the city suddenly felt that their hearts were about to burst...

The greatest shame in the entire land of Old Korea is that the ancestral temple was destroyed and turned into a horse farm for the Osumi military...

Now he was torn open by the person in front of him in the most brutal way!

Sprinkle with salt and knead repeatedly!

Such a thing has never happened!

Who dares?

Probably only Lin Su dares!

Because he is not from this land, and he has no respect for Osumi. He just wants to fight in a place that no one can stand. What can you do to him?

Bold maniac, how presumptuous! A roar arose from Fei Mansion, and countless guards suddenly appeared around Lin Su, surrounding him with thick murderous aura.

Bi Xuanji raised his eyes and stared at the face of a person outside. It was a person without murderous intent, and she was a woman in white. She stood quietly on the street, just like an ordinary Xiaojiabiyu who went out to watch the snow. .

But Bi Xuanji ignored the guards who were full of murderous intent and targeted her directly.

Lin Su smiled faintly: What? You want to take down me, Lin? Do you want to kill me like you killed the poet in the Black Cloud Poetry Case in the past? Sorry! I have a get-out-of-jail-free card!

He raised his hand gently, and in his palm was a token, neither gold nor wood, with the temple on the front and Changxing on the back!

Temple Standing Orders!

All soldiers stay in place!

Lin Su said lazily: Lord Zhou, tell Li Chi that the Temple Changxing travels all over the world and is not subject to the imperial power. On the contrary, it can hold the imperial power accountable. The Changxing of the Holy Temple enters your corner today. In fact, it means holding you accountable. That day you The Osumi Cavalry invaded South Korea and destroyed the ancestral temples, which harmed Tianhe. No one dares to make decisions for them. I, Lin Su, will make decisions for them!

His voice spread throughout the city, and millions of people in Dongning City heard it. Everyone looked at each other, and a sudden surprise rose from the bottom of their hearts...

Oh my god, he's here to help us!

The ancestral temple of the old Han Dynasty was destroyed. Who among the hundreds of millions of people in the old land of the old Han Dynasty would not hate it? Who doesn’t fight?

But who can take the lead?

Today, Osumi's biggest enemy has come to this land. He is a regular in the temple. He can hold the imperial power to account. He wants to intervene in this matter. He wants to give justice to the old Han!

In an instant, Lin Su completed the most incredible transformation.

He is no longer a hateful person who repeatedly provokes and exposes the scars of the people of Old Korea. He is the greatest reliance and hope of the people of Old Korea.

The three thousand disciples in Fei Yuexiu's mansion looked at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes.

Everyone knew that Lin Su came to Dongning last night.

They thought about thousands of possibilities, but now they all came to nothing.

Lin Su did not meet with Fei Yuexiu, but Fei Yuexiu was still disgraced.

He stirred up public dissatisfaction with a few words, and used the knife in the most inhospitable place. His standing orders tied up the public opinion of the city. He suddenly changed from a lonely man to a popular one.

Fei Yuexiu, the number one popular Confucian master in Dayu, became the opposite of the people after he made such a fuss.

Can the halo on his head still shine?

It was a foregone conclusion that he would fall off the altar, so was he still worthy of three thousand students traveling thousands of miles away?

Lin Su slowly withdrew his gaze from a distance and glanced at the group of guards in front of him, as if looking at a pile of wood, without paying even the slightest attention to them.

No words!

Lin Su's eyebrows flashed, and a golden boat appeared in front of them. The two of them stepped on it and jumped into the air...

A poem descended leisurely from the sky: Mountains are one step away, water is one step away, I am walking towards the border gate, thousands of tents are lit in the depths of the night; the wind is changing, the snow is changing, my hometown is shattered. Dreams cannot come true, and there is no such sound in my hometown. !”

On the top of a distant mountain, a woman dressed in red like blood was none other than Ning Feixue.

With a flick of her fingers, she wrote a word in the void...

It is the wonderful poem that just appeared in Dongning City...

The wind is blowing, the snow is blowing, the dreams of hometown are shattered, and there is no such sound of hometown! Hometown and hometown are words that should be deeply rooted in the bones, but when used here, every word is confusing people's hearts. A generation of swords on the path of spiritual practice. Xiu, a rebel on the road to imperial power, is it the sword cultivator who has gone off the rails, or is it the wen dao who has messed up his legs?

Her gaze suddenly focused outside the Fei Mansion, on the woman in white that Bi Xuanji had been staring at, and her expression changed slightly...

On the golden boat, Bi Xuanji gently raised his hand and poured Lin Su a cup of tea: There is someone, I wonder if you have noticed it.


A woman, she is a sword cultivator, but she is definitely not an ordinary sword cultivator!

Lin Su frowned slightly...

Bi Xuanji said: The wind around her can turn into a sword, and the snow around her can turn into a sword!

Lin Su's heart skipped a beat: Sword World?

The Sword World is the end point of sword cultivation, because in Lin Su's cognitive system, there is no more terrifying kendo than the Sword World. The Sword World is an endless world of kendo.

There is the Small World of Sword, the World of Sword, and the Big World of Sword.

As for whether there are any more bizarre realms after the big world, Lin Su doesn't know.

But he was lucky enough to have seen the sword world, Duguxing's sword world.

In the entire Da Cang Kingdom, there are hundreds of millions of cultivators, but he has only seen this ultimate power of swordsmanship in Dugu Xing.

Could it be said that that delicate and ordinary looking woman is actually from the sword world?

I don't know if she has reached the Sword World, but I know that she has mastered the rules of Sword Dao! After mastering the rules of Sword Dao, it doesn't actually matter whether she has entered the Sword World. If she wants to, she can do so at any time!

The rules of kendo...

Lin Su also knew it.

Under the way of heaven, there are seven laws and three hundred rules, and the rules of swordsmanship are one of them.

This is the third branch of Kendo.

The heart of the sword represents the attitude towards using the sword.

Sword intention represents the skill of using a sword.

The rules of the sword represent the origin of the sword.

In the later stage of cultivation, they are integrated and mutually reinforcing each other. To enter the sword world, the highest realm of sword intention, you need to gain insight into the origin of the sword. If you touch the original power, you will actually have the key to open the mysterious door of the sword world...

The rules of swordsmanship! The world of swordsmanship... Lin Su's eyes flashed: Where could she come from?

Bi Xuanji said: There are only two places that Li Chi can borrow that can truly be called giants. First, Beihai Dragon Palace, and second, Tian Jueyuan! Beihai Dragon Palace is blocked by the dividing line between human and sea, and their cultivation It’s not the same as sword cultivation, so the most likely possibility is Tian Jueyuan! This may be the real trump card that Li Chi uses to deal with you!”

Lin Su nodded slowly: She didn't follow!

Not keeping up doesn't mean it's a good thing. At this level of cultivation, the emphasis is on killing with one strike. Maybe she's waiting for a better opportunity.

Lin Su smiled: The only better chance is to cooperate with Li Chi...

Bi Xuanji looked at his smiling face and was confused: You can actually laugh?

Lin Su comforted her: Don't worry, your sister will never become a widow...

Bi Xuanji looked at his smug face and bit his lips a little tight. My sister was turned into a ruin by you for no reason. This is a very honorable thing, right? You're still showing off here, why don't you give him a kick... (End of chapter)

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