Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 889 Tian Jueyuan, Sword World

The golden boat crossed the sky, accompanied by heavy snow and strong wind in the north.

It is also accompanied by Bi Xuanji's infinitely complicated mental journey.

The dark city is getting closer and the haze is getting thicker.

Are they like a sharp knife piercing the enemy's heart?

She is not a vase, she never has been, and she has grooves in her chest, she has always been.

After the fall of the Jin Kingdom, as a member of the royal family of the Jin Kingdom, she hid in a foreign country. Her mission was to take revenge. Her way of revenge was to destroy Osumi as much as she could. She killed Osumi's envoy! Kill Prince Osumi! As long as important figures in Osumi arrive in Da Cang Capital, she will try to assassinate them!

She once thought that she was a very magical person among the vast crowd, because every time she made a move, she could touch Osumi's senior officials.

However, she never thought that one day, she would step into the capital of Osumi in this way.

She has never been to the capital of Osumi. For her, this is a place of shame!

Because her four sisters, dozens of aunts, and hundreds of imperial concubines of the Jin Dynasty were sold into the Jiaofang Division in this world and suffered the greatest humiliation in the world.

It’s insulting every day, and even to this day, the insult is still there!

They may have lost their beauty.

They may no longer be alive.

They may have lost their minds in the torture day after day.

They may have long forgotten what the Jin Dynasty was like in the past.

However, Bi Xuanji still remembered.

The Anxiang she sent had inquired about their whereabouts. Three of the four sisters were gone, and the only one left...had betrayed! In order to achieve meritorious service, she provided Li Chi with a list. The fourteen people on this list were all senior officials who pretended to obey Da Yu when the Jin Dynasty was restored. These people were people with a mission and plotting to restore the country. The list Handing it over to her means that these fourteen people have completely lost their chance, and it also means that the mission of restoring the Jin Dynasty has suffered a heavy setback from the beginning.

Such a person is not her sister!

The leader of Qinglong asked her whether she should kill this troublemaker?

She hesitated for a long time, and finally rejected it. She wanted to keep the eyes of this traitor and see how the world was brought into order.

Youdu was once very far away.

Youdu is very close today.

The golden boat slid across the sky and arrived outside Youdu City in one day and one night.

Lin Su's eyes flashed slightly, and the golden boat was put between his eyebrows. He took Bi Xuanji and walked leisurely straight into Youdu.

The snow is still falling!

This is the snow in the north. It started falling a few days ago. It stopped for a long time yesterday, and the snow on the ground was still three feet thick. Today, it started to fall again. The snow just stopped falling like this all winter, but the snow on the ground never stopped. Really dissolve.

A golden light flashed in the sky, and it suddenly filled the city. On each street, snow flew up one after another and disappeared. This is the power of literature and art.

The influence of the power of literature and Taoism is everywhere, from creating the world to sweeping snow and dust.

This literary golden light slipped in front of Lin Su, taking away the snow under his feet. Lin Su clearly felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes accompanying the golden light.

He raised his eyes and looked outside the city through the flying snowflakes. The sky in the north of the city was misty and thick. There was the Confucian Temple in Dayu.

There was a faint smile on Lin Su's face: Although the city of Osumi is sparse in culture and poor in governance, the restaurants for eating and drinking are still quite good. Which restaurant is the best?

Bi Xuanji said with a sour expression: Drunken Flower Pavilion!

After saying the name, she finally couldn't hold it back: I found that after you entered Osumi, you became very sarcastic.

Are you mean? That's not true, right? Lin Su said: When I entered Dayu, I discussed benevolence in Jeju, righteousness in Meishan, etiquette in Dongning, and I discussed half of the essentials of Confucianism in the blink of an eye. How high-end? How many times have you ever been mean?

Okay, okay, you are high-end, right? Let's go into the most high-end restaurant!

The two of them walked along the street...

In the Confucian Temple, there is something strange about the faces of two people...

One of these people is Duan Shiqi, the watchman of the Confucian Temple, and the other one is wearing light clothes and long sleeves. He looks like a scholar, but in fact he is not at all. He is clearly the king of Dayu, Li Chi.

Just now, the Holy Light of Wen Dao swept the capital. It seemed like it was just cleaning, but it also had the meaning of spying.

They saw Lin Su!

It has passed the test of Wen Dao Holy Light and is genuine!

However, their detection did not give them the joy of success, because those few words Lin Su said...

The literary culture in Osumi City is sparse! Say who?

Govern the next three kinds of abuse! Say who?

He discovered our spying! Duan Shiqi said.

Li Chi frowned suddenly: Did you find it?

Otherwise? Duan Qiqi said calmly: Why do you think he is so harsh and mean?

Li Chi's face gradually darkened...

The first one to meet!

This was the first meeting between him, the king, and this troublemaker!

Just one meeting made him feel frustrated...

He spied on the Confucian Temple watchmen from a distance, but he didn't escape his counter-reconnaissance at all, and he even demonstrated against them!

Vitriol is his demonstration!

Your Majesty, this person is so alert, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take action against him. I wonder how your Majesty arranged it? Duan Shiqi said.

The gloom on Li Chi's face slowly dissipated: Your Majesty, please relax, my arrangements are absolutely foolproof!

I would like to remind your majesty that this person specializes in seeing his true skills from impossible places. Your Majesty, you must not let him get close to the military camp tonight. You must not...

Don't worry, tonight, he won't be able to take a step away from Zuihua Pavilion. By tomorrow morning, all routes will be out of his control!

Lin Su and Bi Xuanji stepped into Zuihua Pavilion.

Zuihua Pavilion, like other restaurants in the world, first shows you the power of culture as soon as you enter.

Just like the Haining Building, Deng Xianchu copied the three-story building three times and turned it into a twelve-story building with the word qi.

There is also a word on Zuihua Pavilion, but it is the word Fu. This time, Zuihua Pavilion, which covers an area of ​​three acres, has been transformed from the same place. From the inside, it covers an area of ​​at least thirty acres.

This is similar to the Haining Building back then.

However, Haining Tower asks for space from the sky, while it asks for space from the earth.

It must be said that in the busy city of Beijing, where land is at a premium, horizontal expansion of area is far more ambitious than Haining Tower.

Zuihua Pavilion is full of gardens, with pavilions and pavilions stacked on top of each other, which is an eye-opener.

A waiter came to greet him: This young man, this girl, do you want to dine or stay in the hotel?

You can dine and stay in a hotel at the same time! Lin Su said, One room in the room, and all the signature dishes in the store will be brought to the room.

A hundred-tael silver note was handed over, and the waiter took out an ebony house sign with his backhand...

Bi Xuanji took it blankly, cast a glance at Lin Su, and said along with the message: A room?

Yes, the sage said, diligence leads to frugality and luxury leads to extravagance. When you go out, you should save more or less...

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat...

You actually used the saint as a shield?

Diligence leads to frugality and luxury leads to extravagance. The principle is correct at all, but why am I so doubtful when it is applied to you?

You have never been frugal in your life!

Suddenly frugality came over me!

You could have had two rooms, but you decided to have one!

You...what tricks are you going to do to me?

Her rarely disturbed heart suddenly became confused...

Following him upstairs and entering the room, she felt even more confused when she saw the door closing behind her...

Lin Su's eyes moved over: Don't overthink it! You and I are in the same room. Just because of one thing, Zuihua Pavilion will not be peaceful. You and I need to take care of each other, even at night!

With one word, the surging tide in Bi Xuanji's heart instantly dissipated.

Yes, he shouldn't have been reminded of this sentence.

She should have thought of it a long time ago.

When they entered the enemy's base camp, if nothing unexpected happened, they should have fallen into the enemy's eyes and moved in the heart of the enemy. The enemy had too many cards in his hand, and she and him could not be separated at all times.

Bi Xuanji raised his face and said in a calm voice: How could I overthink it?

I really didn't think much about it? Why did I see that you were so confused just now? What were you thinking about? Lin Su looked sideways.

I...I was thinking that tomorrow is the military parade. If I were Li Chi, I would seal the Zuihua Pavilion tightly and not let you out until the military parade is over! Bi Xuanji said.

Lin Su was a little relaxed, but also seemed a little disappointed...

Just now he noticed the change in Bi Xuanji's demeanor, which made him a little distracted. However, as soon as Bi Xuanji said these extremely orthodox words, he felt that she didn't think too much, but that he was overthinking...

In response to Bi Xuanji's question, Lin Su smiled softly: Can he block it?

Bi Xuanji was slightly startled: What method do you have to break out of the encirclement?

Do you still remember the assassination in the East Palace that day?

Bi Xuanji's heart suddenly jumped...

Outside the city, on Wuli Slope, a figure in white walks over. This is an elegant woman walking on the snow. She is one with the snow. The snow in the sky seems to be her coat, and she is the spirit of the snow. .

Suddenly, her footsteps stopped, because a red shadow appeared silently in the heavy snow in front of her.

As soon as the red shadow appeared, it was as if the heavy snow did not exist, and there was only such a red shadow between the sky and the earth.

She is Ning Feixue!

In the past, at the Yaochi Conference, Lingyun, the top four in the world in terms of skills, has now broken into the Dharma state, and his eyes are no longer fixed on the genius of the generation, Ning Feixue.

Where are you going, girl? Ning Feixue said calmly.

The woman in white smiled slightly: Where did the girl come from?

Where to go?

Where did one come from?

Both of them seemed to be people who were used to asking questions, not answering each other's questions.

Ning Feixue said: Let him go with the flying snow in the sky, and let him go with the pool of spring water. Smart people, don't be a guest in the snow, let alone the one who disturbs the spring water!

The meaning of her words is very clear...

Just four words to put it simply: Don’t be troublesome!

It can be seen from this that she has seen the hostility of the woman in white towards Lin Su!

She told the woman in white clearly not to think about taking action against Lin Su and to stay out of it!

Yes, this woman in white is the woman behind the guard outside Fei Mansion. Lin Su made a big fuss in Dongning, but she did not take action and watched coldly. Lin Su left Dongning and she followed her all the way, but Ning Feixue followed her. .

The woman in white smiled softly: People say that Lin Su has a fatal temptation for women. I didn't expect that this temptation would be so great. When I first entered Da Yu, some idiots like you would die for him. !”

Ning Feixue's face suddenly sank. All around her, the snowflakes flying in the sky suddenly positioned themselves: Dead?

The smile on the face of the woman in white slowly dissipated: I said you are mentally retarded because you have no idea who you are. What's more terrible is that you don't even know who I am!

A long sheathed sword suddenly appeared in her palm!

With a choking sound, the long sword was unsheathed!

Once out there is no trace!

Ning Feixue's eyes suddenly opened wide...


Her head flew up, and there was a little blood on the snow, but only a little.

The woman in white locked her eyes on the drop of blood and sneered: The clone of the drop of blood, Feitian Feng's sect-suppressing skills are extraordinary! It's a pity that you met me!

Her eyes suddenly raised, and the void in the sky suddenly parted, and a red shadow appeared. It was Ning Feixue's true body!

Ning Feixue's face turned pale: Dugu Nine Swords? You...who are you...

Few people in the world could recognize the lightning strike just now, but Ning Feixue could recognize it. This was Lin Su's world-famous swordsmanship at the Yaochi Association in the past, the sword-drawing style of Dugu Nine Swords!

However, the sword she wielded in her hand was more than a hundred times faster than what Lin Su had wielded that day?

Even though Ning Feixue's cultivation level has long been different from what it used to be, when she encounters the Dugu Nine Swordsmen at this level, she can still be destroyed with one move. What is destroyed is her bleeding clone, and what is injured is her main soul. She has been injured. !

Just one move and he was already injured!

What's even more terrible is that the eyes of this woman in white seem to be able to see through illusions, and with just one look, she can force out her true body hidden in the snow!

The woman in white smiled and said: Is it just Dugu Nine Swords? Look at this...

As soon as the voice fell, the space around Ning Feixue seemed to be blocked instantly. Every snowflake turned into a sword, and she suddenly fell into the world of swords.

Sword World! Ning Feixue shouted: You are Tian Jueyuan He Su!

Her screams are also scattered in the sword world. This sword energy seems to be able to separate even the sounds, which is indescribably weird...

Remember, you were killed by Lin Su!

The sword energy all over the sky suddenly moved towards the center!


A cloud of blood mist floated away, falling to the ground covered with red hair...

He Su stood up in one step and broke into the sky. The next moment, she passed through the city gate, entered the capital, and stood outside Zuihua Pavilion.

On Wulippo, a cold wind blew up, and the bright red hair also circled strangely. The blood on the ground rose up, and the blood mist in the air also fell down, slowly turning into a human shape, and the human shape became more and more lifelike, and finally It turned into an ice and snow sculpture, which resembled Ning Feixue.

Silently, a figure slid down, it was an old man with white hair and white beard. The old man held hands together, and the statue of Ning Feixue went straight up to the sky, accompanied by a long sigh: Xue'er, do you know now that there is a sky outside the sky? , Is there anyone here? Your special bloodline can still save your life today, but in the future, if you encounter this person in the world, you must stay away!

Master! Ning Feixue's weak voice came to the white-bearded old man: Do something for me!

What's the matter?

Immediately go to Zuihua Pavilion in the capital and tell Lin Su why Tian Jueyuan wants to kill him. This man is proficient in Dugu Nine Swords and has entered the world of swords!

You... you can retreat in peace! Don't let it hurt you any more!

You promise...promise disciple...this is my foster father's instruction. He lives in the name of righteousness and has never failed in his righteousness in his life. I will never let him fail in his righteousness!

Okay! I promise you my master! The old man promised, and Ning Feixue gathered the last bit of her soul and entered a state of rest.

She failed to complete the task assigned to her by her adoptive father, but her master agreed.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that her master hesitated...

After a long time, the master sighed silently: Xue'er, you might say that the older you are, the less bold you are. I am indeed afraid! People from Tian Jueyuan are not people we at Feitian Peak can afford to offend, let alone someone as talented as her? In a head-on fight, I can't defeat her. What's more, her sword world, even in the bustling city, can kill people invisible. If I leave, I am afraid that neither master nor disciple will be able to return to Feitian Peak...

Zuihua Pavilion!

There is heavy snow outside the pavilion, but it is warm as spring inside the pavilion. This is caused by the formation.

It is impossible for ordinary people to use the formation to keep warm, but Zuihua Pavilion can, because its price is high enough to support any excess consumption.

Just one room, not including food and drinks, costs fifty taels of silver per night!

What concept?

After just staying here for one night, a third-grade official returned to Zuihua Pavilion with a month's gift!

Crazy, right?

But Lin was naturally not someone who was stingy with this little money. He and Bi Xuanji not only jumped out of the shackles of the room fee, but also ordered almost all the top-notch food in Zuihua Pavilion. This was something he handed over to the waiter. The hundred taels of silver are cleared directly.

Lin Su sipped tea and ate the food on the table, frowning slightly...

Are you finally feeling distressed?

certainly not!

She's here! Lin Su glanced at the entrance of Zuihua Pavilion.

Bi Xuanji also moved her gaze, and through the window, she saw the woman in white.

At this moment, the demon clan's communication talisman in her arms lit up. Bi Xuanji held up the communication talisman, and a message came...

It confirms our initial judgment! Bi Xuanji said: In the entire Northern Territory, there is only one person walking around in the Sword World, and that is He Su from Tian Jueyuan, and her physical features are completely consistent with her! She is He Su! This is He Su! The woman has made three moves in this world, leaving behind three thrilling records, and what is very coincidental is that every time she made a move, the ultimate beneficiary was Li Chi. Some people even rumored that she was Li Chi's illegitimate daughter! She I just took my mother’s surname.”

The father is the king of this world, and the illegitimate daughter is the most mysterious force in the local area. Is it this way to bind Tian Jueyuan? It's quite interesting! Lin Su said.

Interesting? There are so many interesting things in your world... Bi Xuanji sighed softly: It's a pity that she is definitely not the interesting type.

You have to meet her to know if she is an interesting type. Maybe I can talk to her!

Isn't it? Bi Xuanji's eyes widened: Are you doing your old habits again?

What's the old problem?

What other old problems do you have? Whenever you meet a woman, you always think that you can... take her down. I must warn you that as long as you get close to her, your life will not be yours to decide. The cup in your hand may happen at any time. Everything will turn into a sword. The coffee table in front of you and her may turn into a sword at any time. Even a strand of her hair may turn into a sword. What's more, the breath she exhales may turn into a sword!

Don't worry, you know my methods!

Bi Xuanji shook his head gently: I really know your other methods, and I'm really relieved, but I'm really worried about this matter...

It makes no sense whether you feel relieved or not! Lin Su said.


Because you forgot one thing, this restaurant does not belong to us. If nothing else happens, this girl will be next door to our house! Lin Su said: Whether we are willing or not, we will still meet by chance!

As soon as his voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps, and the waiter came up, followed by He Su.

Girl, if you want to see the scenery from a high platform, this is the highest point. You can even see the golden dome of the palace. If you don't mind it, you can stay here. The waiter said.

He Su looked around, passed through the window, circled around the faces of Lin Su and Bi Xuanji, and nodded lightly.

The door to the next door opens...

Alright! Bi Xuanji spread out his hands: A super expert is monitoring you at close range. Even if your dividing technique is superb, it may be difficult for her to pass under her eyes.


This is the beginning of a big plan!

Bi Xuanji sent him this message because she understood what Lin Su had said before: Do you still remember the assassination in the East Palace that day?

The East Palace assassination case that day is probably still a mystery in the capital to this day. Only two people in the world know the truth, namely Bi Xuanji and Lin Su.

On that day, Ruan Bin, the Holy Son of the Tianling Sect, entered Da Cang Capital City with two Yuantian Realm elders. Bi Xuanji used shadow magic to attract Ruan Bin and chased him out of the city. Lin Su killed Ruan Bin's soul with a shocking blow and used the magic of distraction to seize it. She turned into Ruan Bin and assassinated the prince.

This triggered the whole world's verbal and written criticism of Tianling Sect, and also tore apart the conspiracy between Ji Shang and Tianling Sect.

The three top masters who directly led Tianling Sect to enter Da Cang all died in Da Cang Capital.

The Tianling Sect could not argue with that grand plan, because Ruan Bin's body was indeed in the East Palace, and every inch of it belonged to him.

Only Bi Xuanji knew that this body was Ruan Bin, but the person who dominated this body was Lin Su.

This is a distraction!

When they entered Ohsumi Capital today, from the moment they entered, Lin Su and she were both under each other's surveillance, unable to play any tricks. The only way to break through this deadly situation was to be distracted!

She applauded Lin Su's fantastic idea.

However, He Su suddenly lived next door to them, and even the distraction suddenly became unfeasible.

Lin Su smiled: It's hard to pass the test? Should I just play with her?

How to play?

Have you noticed this waiter? What kind of cultivation do you think he has?

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat. The waiter in the shop also had some cultivation level? Is he also Li Chi's person?

The most difficult part of the distraction technique is to choose a scapegoat! Otherwise, even if I control his soul, this body is too rubbish and cannot break through the military camp's protection, so it will be in vain. But Li Chi is too sophisticated, and even There is such a great master arranged in Zuihua Pavilion... People say that cleverness can lead to mistakes, and he is probably the one they are talking about.

Bi Xuanji's heart suddenly rose to his throat...

The waiter is Dharma, and next door lives a sword world ten times more terrifying than Dharma...

Do you want to seize this Dharma form under the eyes of the Sword World that is specially monitoring you?

Are you sure you're not crazy?

You yourself are not the Dharma...

The World of Swords! It was indeed out of reach of me before, and I regarded it as a fairyland, but not now! Lin Su said: I can just tell her why everyone in the world says... Wen Dao is the first of the five ways. !”

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