Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 890 The famous poem passed down from generation to generation in Zuihua Pavilion

The sun sets!

In the heavy snow, the sunset is just a concept.

There is no sunset, but the sky slowly darkens, which means the sun is setting.

The days in the North are short, and the nights in the North are extremely long.

From the next room, there was the sound of the waiter opening the door and delivering tea.

Lin Su stood up, with a signature smile on his face, left the room, went to the next door, and gently knocked on the ajar door.

The waiter straightened up and looked at the person at the door.

He Su changed into a lavender light shirt. It was windy and snowy outside. She was wearing white clothes. Here, she was wearing a lavender light shirt, which made her look even more elegant.

Lin Su smiled: In the vast world, meeting each other is fate. Do you agree, girl?

He Su also smiled faintly: Meeting each other is fate... Which meeting is Mr. Lin referring to?

Since you recognize me as Lin, you can only refer to Dongning!

Dongning, I am not an enemy of you! Yes, He Su just showed up at that time and did not follow the guards to take action, so he could not be considered an enemy of him.

Lin Su smiled and said, I didn't say that you and I were enemies.

Then what is the purpose of the young master coming here?

Lin Su chanted: Green ants have newly fermented wine, a small red clay stove, it's snowing in the evening, can I have a drink?

Bi Xuanji next door was holding a teacup in his hand, and the teacup just stopped in mid-air...

She could imagine that Lin entering a woman's room at night would create different sparks, but she could not imagine that sparks would start without warning before she entered the door.

A fresh little poem, a five-character poem that he rarely wrote in his life, as a door-knocking poem.

You spend a lot of money...

He Su also seemed a little dazed: Green ants have newly fermented wine, a small red clay stove, it is snowing in the evening, can I drink a cup... If this poem were written on gold paper, would it be colorful?


Colorful poems are an invitation to invite guests, and the little girl dare not say goodbye! He Su bowed slightly: Master Lin, please!

Lin Su strolled in, and the waiter stepped back and closed the door...

No one noticed him, and the two of them probably only had each other in their eyes...

When Mr. Lin came out of the sky, the New Year was probably not silent yet? He Susu raised her hand gently and handed Lin Su a cup of fragrant tea.

Young girl has a keen eye. The sound of firecrackers on the Xiaosheng Yuan Festival has not yet faded away, and it has passed by a tiny ocean.

Where did you come from?

Spring outing!

Thousands of miles north of the ice and snow, Mr. Lin is actually on a spring outing? Dare I ask where spring is? He Su smiled lightly.

Lin Su raised the tea cup in his hand slightly: Don't look at the ice layer, it's spring when my heart opens!

My heart is full of spring. He is indeed a genius of a generation! This little girl admires Mr. Lin's heroic spirit! A slight smile appeared at the corner of He Su's mouth.

You know me as Lin Su, but I don't know who the girl is. How dare you give her a surname?

He Sudao: On the rivers and lakes, we meet by chance, and an encounter is just a fleeting thing after all. Why bother to leave a name?

The girl is free and easy! Then I will call the girl 'Miss He'!

Miss He?

He Su frowned slightly: Why do you call it that?

Lin Su smiled and said: I asked the girl what her surname was, and she said why. Then I can only take the only common ground between your and my words. Miss He, please!

Raise your tea cup and walk coolly!

He Su held up the teacup, filled with questions...

Do you know my origin? I suspect you know!

He Su said: Master Lin wants to find common ground, but it is wrong to find a little girl.

what for?

Young Master, a talented scholar in literature and art, should look for the genius of literature and art in Osumi State to recite poems over wine!

Lin Su chuckled: You don't necessarily have to find a close friend if you drink wine, but you can also find a beautiful woman by reciting poems!

Reciting poems can also be used to treat beautiful women!

Bi Xuanji next door was greatly moved...

Originally, she had ruled out the possibility of him seducing He Su, but when she said these words, she felt that she might have guessed wrong. This bastard had the attitude of never looking back.

Reciting poems can also be used to treat beautiful women!

What woman can resist this temptation?

She and He Su were swapping places. She couldn't resist, but what about He Su? Apparently so!

Sure enough, He Su's rarely fluctuating thoughts began to waver: What poem do you want to recite, young master?

Today's heavy snow covers the fields, which corresponds to the poem that Lin once wrote and handed down from generation to generation. How about reading it to the girl? Qinyuan Spring Snow!

He Su's face suddenly darkened...

Qinyuan Chun. Snow is the most hated poem by the entire Osumi senior management!

Because this poem reduced the Ohsumi Li Dynasty to nothing!

Because of this poem, the hearts of the people of Han, Chu, and Lu were moved, and the seventeen tribes of the grassland were surging!

Li Chi ordered that the public should not recite this word.

However, his orders can only target the people of Osumi, and his bans cannot control Lin Su!

She immediately understood Lin Su's intention. This thief wanted to tear open the gap in the ban and spread this poem in the capital so that the people in the capital could hear it.

Thousands of thoughts were swirling in her mind...

Lin Su opened his mouth, and the ancient poem Qin Yuan Chun. Snow came out loudly...

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow falling...

As soon as the sound came out, it covered the whole city, and the people were alarmed at the same time...

He Su raised his head in surprise and stared at the sky outside the pavilion...

In the sky outside the pavilion, thousands of miles of snow drifted, but the floating clouds did not move, the wind did not blow, and the surrounding fields seemed to be suddenly imprisoned by a mysterious force. This was thousands of miles of ice!

He not only sent this poem to the ears of the people in the city through literary transmission, he also performed the unknown power of this poem - thousands of miles of ice!

This poem is not as simple as a famous poem handed down from generation to generation. This poem has special effects similar to that of a war poem!

Yes, Lin Su's poem is a poem by a great man. It is infused with a will that is like the will of heaven. It was recited by his literary power and pronounced as the original author, giving this poem another kind of meaning. Power is not a word of war, it is better than a word of war!

In Osumi Capital, the snow was as heavy as a mat, covering the sky and the earth, forming a general trend.

In the general trend, people are like ants and people are like catkins.

Everyone raised their eyes and listened blankly to the sound like a holy voice coming from Zuihua Pavilion...

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall,

There is only so much left,

Up and down the river,

I suddenly lost my eloquence...

Within the capital city, the river that had been surging suddenly stopped!

On the top of Zuihua Pavilion, there are three water tanks. There are nine goldfish in the water tanks and three water lilies on the surface. These are not ordinary water lilies, they are array eyes!

The array eyes kept running day and night, bringing endless vitality to the Zuihua Pavilion array. But at this moment, under the thousands of miles of ice, the water in these three water tanks suddenly froze...

The waiter next to the water tank was startled, and he straightened up. He suddenly saw a strange scene. In front of him, there was no Ohumi Capital City. Instead, there were two peaks and a city. On top of the peaks, a golden man. General A drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and an arrow flew towards him...

Accompanied by a poem that goes deep into the bone marrow: The bow is like a thunderbolt and the string is startling!

The waiter's whole body rang, but he couldn't transform or move. He could only watch the golden arrow go straight into the mourning hall, destroying his soul...

The thirteen tea leaves in the teacup in He Su's hand had turned into swords.

It was like thirteen swords waiting to be fired in the tea, but she did not fire because she suddenly saw a small dot in the tea. It was a golden moon!

A very small moon, but it contains endless literary power!

Man Jiang Hong!

This is his legendary battle cry Man Jiang Hong!

He was already prepared. While he was reciting poems, he had already activated another trump card, his world-famous Man Jiang Hong!

If she doesn't move, he won't move. If she moves, Man Jiang Hong will also launch a desperate counterattack!

This counterattack was a life-and-death battle between her, an absolute legend in swordsmanship, and this absolute legend in literary arts!

Together with the ultimate move, Zuihua Pavilion will be wiped out!

Osumi Capital, centered on Zuihua Pavilion, will be swept by a Category 12 typhoon!

He Su, who had only thought of killing people all her life, broke out in cold sweat on her back. For the first time, she truly experienced the suppression from the Tao of Literature. Even though she was from the world of swords and walked sideways on the Tao of Cultivation, facing the leader of the five ways She still didn't dare to move lightly despite the mysterious power.

She didn't dare to move, and Lin Su's Qin Yuan Chun. Snow swept the whole city without any cover...

Xi Ying Huang He Wu,

Slightly less literary,

Kangzong Yuezu,

A little less coquettish,

A generation of genius,

The white wolf respects the head,

I only know how to bend my bow and shoot at the big eagle,

All gone,

Count the famous people,

Let’s look at today!

In the deep palace, Li Chi suddenly clenched his fist, and the wine in the golden pot in his palm spurted out with a pop: Dog thief!

His roar echoed in the study...

As soon as Qinyuanchun. Snow was written, it was evaluated by the temple as a poem passed down from generation to generation. The poem passed down from generation to generation spread to the nine countries and thirteen states. Every day it caused great damage to his Li Dynasty. He Li Chi , a generation of heroes controlled the entire Dayu, so they suppressed this poem and banned its spread.

But today, Lin Su came to Dayu in person, and at the very center of the capital, using his literary skills, he recited this ancient poem in its entirety.

This move alone broke his blockade for an entire year!

How abominable?

Cao Ru in the study also had his white beard trembling: Zuihua Pavilion was originally a prison for forest thieves, but he took advantage of this location to sing forbidden words. This thieves is lawless. This fact alone is enough to show. But Your Majesty, he is The temple is always on the road, and what he sings is also the poems handed down by the temple. On the surface, he cannot be questioned...

Li Chi's sinister eyes moved over: Tomorrow, I will destroy his reputation!

In Zuihua Pavilion, after the recitation of this ancient poem was completed, everything seemed to return to normal.

The ice in the three water tanks on the roof melted, the water lilies flickered, the formation was reactivated, the bone-deep cold in each room slowly dissipated, and the warmth returned.

The waiter at the shop next to the water tank woke up from his dream and went down to the roof...

No one pays attention to him...

He Su didn't pay attention either. What she paid attention to was that the small moon in the tea cup in her hand disappeared with a ripple.

She raised her eyes and looked at Lin Su quietly.

Lin Su smiled and held up the tea cup: This poem is about the snow in the North. What does Miss He think?

Young Master has humiliated all the great kings of Dayu in this way and acted so unscrupulously. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to leave the capital of Dayu? There was no more touching smile on He Su's face.

Insult? Lin Su smiled faintly: It is only humiliation to create something out of nothing and to frame it with malicious intent. Dare you ask me, where in this poem is something made out of nothing? Where is it maliciously framed? I say that in your eyes, the heroes of the past dynasties are less literary and elegant, but Is it untrue? They are not convinced, but they want to take a look at the literary classics they left behind? Oh, they are no longer here, so there is no way to make up for the fire temporarily, but Li Chi can! Why don't the girl send him a message and let him He came to compete with me? I let him understand that I was being polite when I said he only knew how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle. In fact, he may not really know how to bend a bow and shoot a eagle!

He Su was suddenly motionless. Snowflakes were floating outside the window, and her hair was also floating. However, these two kinds of floating were not in the same trajectory at this moment. She seemed to be suddenly separated from the world...

Mr. Lin, when you are traveling far away from home, has your Majesty ever told you that you need to be careful about your words and deeds when you go out?

Her voice was still soft, but a coolness without any emotion or fluctuation could penetrate a person's bone marrow and penetrate into the deepest part of the soul.

Lin Su smiled and said: Young lady is really my close friend! You can even guess what my mother said. I, Lin Su, know my filial piety all over the world. How dare I disobey my mother's orders? I am very cautious every time.


Yes, if you are not careful, how can you kill Ji Shang under the horse? If you are not careful, how can you march three thousand miles and kill more than a million enemies? If you are not careful, how can you make Li Chi furious and unable to do anything? If you are not careful, how can you do anything? In exchange for Lin Su's praise for his impeccable behavior?

He Su held up the teacup again and gently blew a tea leaf on the teacup: Including this trip to the north?

Of course! Although Li Chi is a idiot in my eyes, I still dare not ignore the heritage of an empire that lasts for thousands of years.

But I don't know what Mr. Lin's trump cards are.

The so-called trump card is something that can save your life. Although the girl and I met by chance and hit it off like old friends, and we have no ill intentions towards each other, but... Lin Su looked a little troubled.

He Su's heart was almost in knots. You and I have absolutely no ill intentions towards each other?

What does that moon in my teacup mean?

Lin Su said: Why don't I write a poem for the girl.

The little girl is not a literary person, and she has never been fond of poetry. Young Master, I'd better spare you this!

Lin Su was a little surprised and stood up: Then I'll say goodbye!

Good riddance, young master! He Su bowed slightly...

As soon as the door closed, her peace instantly turned into frost.

In the first confrontation, she seemed to have to admit that she was defeated!

Not defeated in battle, but defeated in momentum...

She was under his control when she entered Zuihua Pavilion, but in front of her, he broke through her control. The song Qinyuan Chun. Snow swept the whole city and then the entire Osumi, causing political chaos in Osumi. Dilemma, this is her defeat!

She could force a stop, but various worries kept her from moving.

For the first time, she truly experienced the intimidating power of Wen Dao. This kind of intimidating power, even though she has completed the sword world, she still cannot guarantee a kill with one blow. If she cannot kill with one blow, she cannot move. This is what her father gave her. Strict order!

She couldn't move, and he moved without any fear.

With this move, everything he wanted to do was accomplished, and she became a loser.

Her defeat was not a defeat in battle, but a defeat in the overall situation.

She was brooding over this defeat, but she didn't realize that she had also failed in another area. The defeat in this area was the truly fatal defeat!

Lin Su entered his room, and Bi Xuanji looked over...

Lin Su blinked his eyelids slightly, his eyes flashed, and Bi Xuanji's face suddenly turned red...

She received his message...

She knows...the first step has been successfully completed!

Li Chi, Duan Shiqi, Cao Ru of Wenyuan Pavilion, and He Su, who was sitting face to face with Lin Su, all took it for granted that Lin Su's main purpose today was to publicize this forbidden poem. Tianxia, ​​thereby creating trouble for Ohsumi.

Only Bi Xuanji knew that this was just a small goal he had set.

What he really wants to do is ten thousand times wilder than this!

He took this opportunity to display his literary power!

The true power of Qin Yuan Chun Snow was released and integrated into his literary world, forming a field. Within this field, he was the king!

In the eyes of everyone, he hid an extremely dangerous action - he attacked a shop waiter!

This is something that no one can imagine.

No one thought that he would sit opposite He Su, chanting poems and sipping tea, and quietly change the spirit of the waiter!

Zuihua Pavilion was already the core of Li Chi's blockade. Lin Su didn't even have a door to the pavilion, and it was even more impossible to get close to the military camp.

But who cares about a chess piece they planted themselves?

The waiter came out of Zuihua Pavilion, displayed his Dharma Realm cultivation, and shot in the direction of the palace.

This time, don't say that there is no one to monitor. Even if there is someone to monitor, it is the most reasonable option, because the real insiders know that this waiter in the shop was personally arranged by His Majesty. Who dares to say that it is abnormal to report the military situation to His Majesty.

However, the next action was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

The waiter disappeared into the alleyway and disappeared from the world. Next, a blind man walked out of the alleyway with a cane, blending alone into the night.

The next moment, Lin Su used the mirage secret technique to transform into seven forms. He arrived at the military camp. After entering the military camp, he became a general and patrolled majestically. The next moment, he entered the coach's mansion.

What's the matter? Coach He Beilai raised his thick eyebrows.

There is news from Zuihua Pavilion!

Come closer and talk!

In Zuihua Pavilion, Lin Su held up his wine glass and suddenly smiled on his face...

Bi Xuanji's hand trembled slightly: Is it done?


Bi Xuanji's heart was pounding. Each question and answer, three words, represented another step in the plan of this trip!

The commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the supreme leader of tomorrow's military parade has been replaced!

He Beilai, Li Chi's direct descendant and the controller of the Iron-Blooded Legion, but the soul in his brain is no longer He Beilai, but him!

Lin Su became the supreme commander of the Iron-Blooded Legion!

He holds the Iron-Blooded Army Flag in his hand!

He has the power to command the entire army!

Tomorrow's military parade has not started yet, but it has already changed beyond recognition!

Can I transmit messages freely? Bi Xuanji asked.


Bi Xuanji breathed out softly: In addition to the two purposes we have already agreed upon, is there a third purpose for your meeting with her today?

Lin Su smiled: Did you see it?

I didn't see it, but as a general rule, are you taking this opportunity to get close to her to detect her swordsmanship?

He Su is their opponent!

He Su comes from the mysterious Tian Jueyuan!

He Su is the sword world!

Therefore, detecting this opponent's sword skills is something that must be done, even if it is risky.

Lin Su did it, so what was the result? Bi Xuanji is very concerned about this.

Because she knows that this time they are taking chestnuts from a fire in Osumi, and whether they can return to Da Cang safely depends on the swordsmanship of this ultimate opponent.

Lin Su shook his head gently: I'm not testing her swordsmanship, on the contrary...

What does the opposite mean? Bi Xuanji didn't understand.

There was a mysterious smile in Lin Su's eyes: I came to her door to detect it! I want her to understand the state of my literary skills. I want her to understand that she can't do anything in the world of swords alone. Kill me with one strike!

Bi Xuanji's crazy thoughts and thinking suddenly got stuck...

What does it mean?

Why can't I read it?

Lin Su's voice transmission decrypted: She realizes this, and she needs Li Chi's cooperation! I want Li Chi to use the imperial seal to merge with her sword world, and launch the ultimate blow against me!

Bi Xuanji suddenly broke out in a cold sweat...

She understood everything she didn't understand before!

He made a special trip to He Su's room to create an opportunity for He Su to see clearly his cultivation, and to let He Su understand that to kill him, He Su alone could not kill him with one blow. If the attack can't kill, she can't take action at all, because if you push her in a hurry, Lin Su will activate the standing order, and Hongfei will disappear in the blink of an eye.

So, is there any way to kill with one blow?

Only the imperial seal!

Li Chi can combine the power of the imperial seal with He Su.

But why did he force the two top opponents to join forces to kill him? Is he really tired of living?

Bi Xuanji realized something again: Is there any iron rule in the temple that would make the imperial power unbearable if the secular imperial power directly confronts the Changxing Order?

Lin Su smiled, and his smile was unpredictable: There are still variables in this strategy, so I'm sorry, I can't even share it with you! Just wait quietly.

You are probably the biggest madness in the world when you enter Dayu. I can't do much for you. Maybe there is only one thing I can do for you. You can sleep peacefully and I will protect you! Bi Xuanji said.

Okay! Lin Su lay down.

Eyes closed.

Bi Xuanji sat beside the bed and slowly moved his eyes towards his face...

The snow is still falling outside the window, and the wind is still cold...

In the small room, in the eye of the storm, he remained calm...

Bi Xuanji's heart could not calm down.

She had experienced moments like this twice in her life...

The first time was her own. She sneaked into the Nu River and was injured by the dragon's energy. Her brother rushed in all directions to treat her injuries but failed. He came back and used the art of rejuvenation to put herself into a deep sleep.

That night of deep sleep, there was no warning line in her heart.

She didn't seem to worry at all that he, a notorious old gangster, would do anything to her while she was sleeping.

The next morning, she clearly remembered how upset she was when she checked every part of her body and found out that her body was still clean. She was indeed relaxed, but she also felt a little bit disappointed, just a little bit...

The second time it was him!

He used the same method tonight to distract Ruan Bin from the Tianling Sect and create the world-famous assassination in the East Palace. That night, he slept beside her like he did tonight.

My sister mentioned it several times, sister, we have been separated for so many years, and I don’t want to be separated from you for a moment. Why don’t you go to Haining too, and we can get along day and night.

From her sister's perspective, it was not surprising at all to say this, but how could she not understand the meaning in her sister's eyes?

Get along day and night? Where? What you are probably not talking about is that I live in Yichuan Lake and you live in the West Courtyard of the Lin Family. What you are talking about is that I live in the West Courtyard with you.

She had practiced Zen for thirteen years, and her mind should have been as still as water.

However, looking up at the slightest movement of clouds in the sky, and bowing her head to see the lingering world, her Zen door has already opened a crack...

Two solitudes in the mountainside residence, Night on the Prairie on the grassland outside the Great Wall, the capture of the dark fragrance to the separation of the dark fragrance, the rise of the dream of Jinland to the realization of the big dream, bit by bit, piece by piece, Bi Xuanji's A heart has gone astray.

This time when she learned that she would go to the North alone with him, she quietly indulged herself in the thin sunglasses and carefully examined her face. There was still a hint of spring...

She has imagined thousands of variables, including her sister's hiding place... (End of this chapter)

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