Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 891 Wenyuan Pavilion Discussing Loyalty

On the Lantern Festival, she and he crossed the Lingding Ocean at night.

He explained that the strange object used to deal with the Iron-Blooded Legion was the fireworks from the Fox Clan.

Fireworks, Bi Xuanji knows.

Because she was once the leader of Anxiang, and there were countless similar drugs in Anxiang. She knew that the daily use of Fox Clan fireworks was to make people burn with blood and do stupid things...

She proposed to have a taste of this wonderful medicine, and her banner was very orthodox. After all, this was a fatal blow launched on the enemy's side, which was related to the safety of Da Cang, and even more related to the safety of the newly recovered Jin Dynasty.

But is this the only reason?


She had a very wild idea in her heart, and even though she kept it deep in her heart, she didn't dare to think too much about it...

She wants to be stupid for once!

Want it so so much!

She used to be a Zen practitioner, and all the Buddhist scriptures she read told her that a pure heart is the most important thing.

However, every little bit in the world of mortals made her want to be stupid for once.

She was so stupid that she couldn't keep it off her face, and her sister wouldn't be able to explain it to her in the future, so she wanted to use the power of fireworks to give an explanation to this stupidity.

She did so...

The moment she inhaled the fireworks, her never-to-be-chaotic mood became a mess.

When she saw his excited face, she almost pounced on him.

However, at the last moment, she jumped into Lingding Ocean.

The cold lake water slowly washed away the madness in her heart. After she was completely awake, she once again felt a little regretful.

Yes, it was a crazy but beautiful thing to use the power of fireworks to forcibly bind herself to him, but she still couldn't take this step.

Perhaps the imprint of ten years of meditation on her body is deeper than imagined after all...

At this moment, Bi Xuanji looked at his calm face and listened to his gentle breathing, feeling a touch of melancholy in his heart...

Missed the fireworks date.

Will there be another opportunity like this in the future?

Whether you practice Buddhism or Taoism, this life will eventually come to an end. If one day I die in the hands of the enemy, if one day I grow old after thousands of years, looking back on this trip to the North, I will Don’t you regret jumping to the Lingding Ocean?

There must be something to support you in your life, and you must have something you really want.

In the past ten years or so, what I wanted most was the return of the Jin Dynasty. But today, what do I want most?

Maybe it will be completely thrown off the world of mortals!

A moment of confusion, a moment of melancholy, a moment of passion, a moment of fading...

Lin Su slept peacefully on the bed all night, and Bi Xuanji, beside him, was overwhelmed with thoughts. His mind seemed to be climbing mountains and seas, wandering several times...

Next door, He Su stood in front of the window like a statue.

Li Chi in the palace stayed up all night and looked at the sky.

Mao Shi!

The sky is bright and the streets are awake!

The palace is awake!

All the civil and military officials were present, as were the envoys from the capitals of various countries, and the members of the regional motorbike group were also present. The golden bell rang three times, and a huge dragon chariot left the Osumi Palace and headed south.

The four princes were accompanied by hundreds of civil and military officials.

The momentum is huge and unparalleled.

Because today is the military parade.

The so-called military parade is actually a promotion of force.

Last year, Osumi lost troops and generals. I dare not say that the military was basically collapsed. However, it is also true that Osumi's military, which dominated the north, was knocked off its altar.

How can Osumi, who built his country by force, bear this?

Therefore, Li Chi must let all countries see the majesty of Osumi.

This is the basic idea of ​​​​the military parade.

Only by strongly displaying military power can Osumi regain his iron-blooded glory of conquering the world on horseback.

Only by a strong display of military power can we deal a thunderous blow to the domestic noise that is ready to stir up trouble.

It can be said that this military parade is related to the stability of Osumi's political situation.

Li Chi also believes that as soon as his Iron-Blooded Legion shows up, he can immediately dominate the country with one army! Today's military parade will also sound the clarion call for an all-out war with the world in this new year.

The huge military parade ground stretches thirty miles from Nancheng to Longyin Mountain!

On a land of thirty miles, three hundred thousand troops were neatly arranged in a square formation.

This is the entire Iron-Blooded Legion, an army of 300,000, known as one million. This is a characteristic of this era.

The military flag is fluttering and whistling in the wind.

The ten square formations are like mountains.

These ten square formations have different weapons, including knives, spears, swords, and hammers; different battle flags, including dragons, tigers, flying eagles, and white wolves; different mounts, including green wolves, war horses, white bears, and mad lions... …

However, there are several similarities.

They are all murderous and full of energy, and the background color of the flags is the Osumi military flag.

See you, Your Majesty! The flag in the center of the commander's hand was pointed directly at the sky. The strong wind was blowing. He was He Beilai, the commander-in-chief of the three armies. He was a master of martial arts.

See Your Majesty! The three phalanxes on the left roared at the same time, their voices piercing the sky, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be shaken away.

See Your Majesty! the three phalanxes on the right shouted at the same time.

Join Your Majesty! the two phalanxes at the front and back shouted at the same time.

The roars intertwined, and Li Chi was very satisfied. The expressions of the envoys from various countries around him were all different.

It's not that they have never seen a military parade before, but have they ever seen a military parade like this before? Every soldier's spirit seems to be flowing straight through his hair, the weapons in each person's hands seem to be like blood-eating demon blades, and every big flag seems to be the incarnation of heaven and earth.

Such soldiers, not to mention confrontation, can make people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at them.

Your Majesty, are each of these soldiers comparable to Wu Ji? An envoy from the Yelang Kingdom spoke, his voice trembling slightly.

Exactly! Li Chi glanced at another person. This person was none other than Ding Man, the envoy of Da Cang Kingdom. Yesterday, Lin Su came to Beijing and Ding Man wanted to meet him. However, his deputy envoy blocked him because the deputy envoy blocked him. He was a subtle person and sensed something was wrong. Then, he sent out his secret guards and quickly brought back the information. There were countless masters around the Zuihua Pavilion where King Wen lived, and there were also countless masters outside their post station. They should not be touched lightly.

Therefore, he did not visit Lin Su.

Today, as Emperor Osumi was conducting a military parade, his heart beat wildly when he saw the military might in front of him.

Every soldier is comparable to Wu Ji. How could there be such a tyrannical army?

What is the concept of Wuji?

He is a general-level figure in the Da Cang Army!

Does this mean that if any one of these 300,000 people confronts the Da Cang Army, they can single out generals or even commanders?

You must observe carefully today!

If this army is really so terrifying, Da Cang Kingdom must not fight across the border, or even anger Li Chi...

Li Chi's eyes slid across his face, nodded with satisfaction, and strode towards the parade platform with the Imperial Guards clearing the way.

The parade platform is located in the middle of the three armies, on the same line as the Chinese Army where the parade commander is located. However, the parade platform is nine steps higher than the Chinese military tent.

Zuihua Pavilion in Beijing.

Lin Su stretched and sat up from the bed. Bi Xuanji, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor next to him, opened his eyes: Wake up!

What time is it now? Lin Su said.

Bi Xuanji looked out the window: Chen is two quarters of an hour away.


It’s time for the military parade to begin!

The two made eye contact and both understood each other's thoughts.

It's quite early! Lin Su said: In theory, no one will visit so early, right?

Theoretically yes! Bi Xuanji said.

Okay, order breakfast!

Bi Xuanji opened the door, and there was a maid standing outside the door, holding a tray: Sir, miss, this is breakfast for the two of you... In addition, there is also a treat!

The two people's eyes fell on this invitation at the same time...

The golden worship sticker is extremely luxurious.

Please open the post and write a few lines...

The character is Linsu Daru of Da Cang Kingdom:

I was shocked to hear that Lin Daru had come to our corner, so I specially invited Lin Daru to come to our Wenyuan Pavilion to discuss Tao through literature.

The inscription is: Cao Ru, Grand Scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion of Osumi State.

Lin Su smiled and said: A great scholar from Wenyuan Pavilion of a country actually sent an invitation to me, Lin, the day after he entered the capital of Osumi. This shows that he values ​​me very much. He told the great scholar that he will attend the appointment as soon as I finish my breakfast.

The maid bowed deeply: Grandmaster Xie Lin! The masters of Wenyuan Pavilion are waiting in Zuihua Pavilion. I will go and reply to them now.

Breakfast was brought into the room, and the two of them picked up the bowls and chopsticks at the same time.

Bi Xuanji's voice passed over: Open the door, there will be breakfast, and the breakfast is hot, and the time is so precise. When you yawn in bed, it is probably the signal for them to start taking action.

Lin Su smiled: This is probably the biggest disadvantage of being in an enemy country. There is no privacy at all. If we...

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat, what if we? Do you still dare to say that it won't work if we do that?

Lin Su's voice turned here: ... Wenyuan Pavilion Cao Ru has seamlessly connected with the maid. Apart from tying us to Wenyuan Pavilion, does his purpose have any other plans?

Isn't it the opponent's biggest goal to tie you up in Wenyuan Pavilion to prevent you, this troublemaker, from getting out of sight and disrupting the military parade? Bi Xuanji asked.

If it was just this goal, he shouldn't have invited me to Wenyuan Pavilion and wanted to tie me down. There are many ways to do it. Being tied up in Wenyuan Pavilion is a tie, but being tied up in Zuihua Pavilion is not a tie. Why should I stay close to him? Seeking distance?

Bi Xuanji frowned slightly: Could it be that they set some kind of trap in Wenyuan Pavilion?

Wenyuan Pavilion is the outer gate of the temple. If you dare to set a trap outside of Wen Dao in the face of my orthodox practice in the temple, you will be destroying yourself! Lin Su said: So, the trap set by Wenyuan Pavilion The trap will only be a literary trap!

Wen Dao trap... Bi Xuanji's heartbeat quickened: You don't even know what kind of trap it is, so you agreed?

Of course I have to agree! Do you know why? Lin Su's voice penetrated into Bi Xuanji's ears...

Bi Xuanji felt clear-minded...

This is a mutual calculation!

Wenyuan Pavilion was worried about Lin Su. Before the military parade officially started, he must be firmly within sight and not give him any room to operate.

As for Lin Su, he also has a plan.

He just wanted to use an authoritative force to tell the world that when the changes occurred at the Osumi military parade, he was in the capital and not at the military parade at all.

Who is the most convincing?

Wenyuan Pavilion is a good choice.

If Lin Su is in Wenyuan Pavilion and demonstrates his unparalleled and unreplicable literary skills, it means that he is indeed in Wenyuan Pavilion!

What happened at the military parade ground dozens of miles away from Wenyuan Pavilion obviously had nothing to do with him.

The lawsuit between the two parties suddenly flew into flames.

However, things are moving in an irreversible direction.

Lin Su stepped out of the room, shook hands with Bi Xuanji gently, and walked downstairs.

In front of the building, a large sedan was parked quietly in the open space. Two officials in purple beside them bowed to Lin Su and Bi Xuanji, who were dressed as book boys: Master Lin, these two are the students of Wenyuan Pavilion. Xiang Yufan, this Du Ligang, made a special trip to welcome Grandmaster Lin into our Wenyuan Pavilion.

Master Xiang, Master Du! Lin Su handed over his hands: Lin entered Dayu. He didn't want to alarm all the adults, but you still found out, please excuse me!

How dare you! Grandmaster Lin invites you! The two second-rank officials bowed at the same time.

Lin Su and Bi Xuanji stepped into the sedan chair, which rose out of thin air and flew towards Wenyuan Pavilion.

In another room in the Zuihua Pavilion, He Su looked at the sedan chair flying through the air in the distance, his brows furrowed...

This person is definitely Lin Su!

The person he was accompanying was definitely the one who went to Beijing with him!

No counterfeiting!

They really stepped into Wenyuan Pavilion, and at this moment, it was less than a quarter of an hour before the military parade!

Could it be said that he really had no intention of targeting the military parade when he came to Beijing this time?

Could it be that the father's judgment was wrong?

How can it be? !

Everyone knows that the establishment of the Iron-Blooded Legion has Da Cang as its specific goal. As a military genius like him, he is even more sensitive.

He has come late or long ago, but he definitely came here at this time for a purpose. Even if he could not disrupt the military parade, he should create all possible conditions to get close to the military parade site and see the Iron-Blooded Legion with his own eyes.

However, he made no attempt.

He easily withdrew from the ranks of parade rioters.

This is not normal!

Absolutely not normal!

Could it be that he has some plan beyond his appearance?

Completely beyond everyone's expectations?

No, I have to go to the scene and watch!

This person is so slippery that a few old guys can't keep an eye on him.

He Su moved and appeared outside Wenyuan Pavilion. Who would have thought that she would be blocked by someone...

Wenyuan Pavilion is an important place, and women are not allowed to enter!

He Su is so angry...

Lin Su just held a woman's hand and walked in with a big show! Although that woman changed into the clothes of a book girl, her dress was not elaborate at all and was so perfunctory!

Even a blind person can tell that she is a woman, and you blind people don’t even ask.

It's my turn, but you won't let me in?

Whose territory is this?

Murderous aura swirled in her eyes, and the hearts of several literary scholars suddenly tightened. They suddenly felt as if the temperature had suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees...

Fortunately, He Su raised her hand and a token appeared in her palm.

Several great scholars were suddenly startled...


He Su turned around and disappeared without a trace.

Entered Wenyuan Pavilion.

In Wenyuan Pavilion, Lin Su walked all the way, with countless literati on both sides.

Some sit on the pavilion and read in the morning, and some stroll along the flower bed and chant to the sky.

He didn't seem to know these people, at least the courtesy he paid to them was only for the two second-grade senior officials around him. However, people like Lin Su and Bi Xuanji were keenly aware that these people had a deep understanding of him. attention, even with the deepest hostility.

They know who he is.

They also know who Bi Xuanji is.

They immediately broke through the ban on women in Wenyuan Pavilion and were selectively blinded. Why?

It can only explain one thing. Compared with the big things they have to do, these minor violations are not worth mentioning at all.

So, what are you preparing for today’s Wenyuan meeting?

Poetry, music, arithmetic, ink, painting?

Lin Su couldn't figure it out, but he knew clearly that this was a battlefield!


A battlefield, right?

You create a battlefield, I will create a battlefield, and we will start the show at the same time!

At the door of Wenyuan Pavilion's Taoist Hall, an old man in purple stood quietly. The flying snow in the sky had stopped, but the thick dark clouds were still there. He was under these dark clouds, with his feet on the earth and the sky above his head, showing extraordinary courage.

Behind him, there were a hundred literati lined up in a long row, and everyone was a scholar or above.

No one would see such a battle in normal times, but today they came for Lin Su.

Lin Su approached, and the old man in front of him bowed deeply: The old scholar Cao Ru of Wenyuan Pavilion, led by ninety-seven senior deacons of Wenyuan Pavilion and the top literary and Taoist figures in the capital, has come to welcome Grandmaster Lin thousands of miles away. !”

The ninety-seven people behind him also bowed at the same time.

How dare Lin Su accept such a generous treatment from a great scholar? It's so polite! Lin Su returned the favor.

Grandmaster Lin please!

Grand Master, please! The Confucian team separated, Lin Su and Cao Ru went first, Bi Xuanji followed closely behind, and ninety-seven Confucian scholars entered the Lun Dao Hall together.

Today's Lundao Hall is different from the past.

In the past, there was a high platform, and people who talked about Tao were high up, but today, it is a semicircle, all on the same platform.

The solitary tip of the semicircle was empty, Lin Su was on the left, Cao Ru was on the right, Bi Xuanji also had a seat, and was placed under Lin Su, while the others sat in a row, and Bi Xuanji suddenly stood close. There was something strange about being surrounded by hundreds of great scholars. As a woman, she rarely had the opportunity to sit on an equal footing with great scholars. It was because of his glory that she had the opportunity to stand alongside a bunch of gray-haired great scholars.

Although it felt novel, she also felt pressure.

The so-called treating people with courtesy must have a plan!

Lin Su glanced out the window, taking in all the boundless scenery outside.

The Lundao Hall seems to be in a busy city, but being inside it is like being above the sky. Looking from the platform behind him, it is like being on the top of a hundred-meter-high building, with the boundless scenery of the capital at your feet. If you look at the Wen Dao Hall With great power as the basis, discussing the Tao on this high platform is truly the holy sound coming from heaven.

Grandmaster Lin came to Dayu this time to discuss benevolence in Jeju, righteousness in Meishan, and etiquette in Dongning, showing his Confucian and Taoist style. I made a special trip to welcome Grandmaster Lin to Wenyuan Pavilion to discuss Taoism.

Cao Ru's words were heard all over the city.

The whole city was shocked and delighted at the same time.

Wenyuan Pavilion discusses Taoism, opens up the control of Taoism, and the voice of Taoism benefits the whole people. What a blessing is this?

Lin Su smiled: I wonder what the great scholar wants to say?

He did not use the voice of Wen Dao, but the Lun Dao Hall seemed to have its own sound transmission function, and his answer still spread throughout the city.

As soon as the results were presented, Lin Su had a judgment in his heart...

Loyalty is also one of the nine principles of Confucianism!

The nine righteousnesses of Confucianism are benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, trust, loyalty, filial piety, justice, and brotherhood.

Lin Su had talked about benevolence, righteousness, and etiquette in the early days (etiquette was not considered a discussion, it was just a lesson for Fei Yuexiu, who was famous for his etiquette). Now, the other party gave him a question: loyalty!

Lin Su suddenly felt enlightened!

He finally understood what kind of move Wenyuange was making by asking him to discuss Taoism!

Bi Xuanji's heart also became clear...

She knew what a sinister move this was!

This is tailor-made!

Lin Su's literary knowledge was extremely broad and unparalleled, and what he didn't say in his poems was absolutely unprecedented.

What the article policy didn't say, no matter how serious the doubts were, disappeared after three scientific examinations.

Hōdō is a super god of war, making the whole country in Osumi tremble with fear.

Hua Dao originally thought that he was a weak point, but someone came to discuss painting with Qing Lian, who dug up the ancestral grave of Hua Sheng's family.

After a discussion on arithmetic in Da Cang Capital, he immediately jumped off the spot and became a master of arithmetic.

Challenging White Deer Academy exposed all his trump cards. His Mohist master had been in seclusion in the study room of White Deer Academy until now, and his calligraphy tortured Qu Feiyan, who is world-famous for his books, until he lost his temper. .

By that time, everyone believed that Lin Su's only shortcomings were Confucianism and Taoism.

Because his relationship with Bing Dao has gradually become closer, his literary character has been initially exposed to be military martial artist.

Military strategists and Confucianists are naturally opposed to each other. As a military strategist, Confucianism has become his absolute shortcoming.

However, this time when he entered Ohumu, he put aside all literary and Taoist concerns and focused on Confucianism and Taoism. He discussed benevolence in Jeju, which made Li Jisheng, the first person of benevolence in Ohsumu, bow to him. Meishan discussed righteousness, and convinced Zhou Yi, the master who was famous for his righteousness. , in Dongning, he met Fei Yuexiu, who was famous for his etiquette. Although he did not discuss etiquette, every word was etiquette. Fei Yuexiu's comment on the Sutra was dusty in his literary mind.

Judging from these past experiences, it would be simply too difficult to make someone like Lin surrender in terms of literary education. However, a breakthrough was made at Dayusu Wenyuan Pavilion...


This word, to be honest, is Lin Su's biggest shortcoming!

He is a rebellious person!

His whole life has never had anything to do with loyalty!

Let him discuss loyalty, and there are signs that every word he said will be spread all over the world in this special discussion platform, with tens of millions of people listening live. In the near future, it will be spread throughout the nine countries and thirteen states.

This is his army!

This is making a fool of him!

This is a targeted blast aimed at his pain points!

What a Wenyuan Pavilion, you really know how to choose...

Academician Cao Ru raised this topic, and everyone looked at Lin Su with a sense of pride.

This was Prime Minister Wang Qunshui's idea, and His Majesty was very impressed.

Sure enough, Lin Su was stunned when this topic was raised.

Cao Ru smiled slightly: Grandmaster Lin doesn't want to talk about loyalty? Or maybe Grandmaster Lin has never practiced loyalty in his life, and knowledge and action cannot be united, so he can't talk about loyalty?

As soon as these words came out, nearly a hundred people below showed smiles. They can testify that the bachelor did not curse anyone at all, but simply stated one thing very politely and objectively, that is, someone Lin has a traitor in the back of his head and has not been loyal in this life!

Therefore, he cannot discuss the word loyalty!

Lin Su smiled faintly: What a big mistake, the great scholar! Lin has never talked about loyalty in the past. It's just because most people in the world are paranoid and have gone astray on the way of loyalty. I don't want to mess up your Taoism with my own way. Today, the great scholar asked this question , Lin can only comment on it!

One sentence was an understatement, but one sentence also angered the literati in the room.

What's the meaning? Are our understandings of loyalty all misguided?

If you talk about Taoism, will it mess up our Taoism?

You should try it!

Cao Ru raised his head, stopped the commotion in the whole place, and spoke calmly: Please ask Grandmaster Lin to discuss...the way of loyalty! (End of this chapter)

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