Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 892 The distraction technique leads to chaos in the military parade

As soon as the bell rang, the entire Taoist Hall was as silent as night.

From now on, it is the beginning of the discussion...

Lin Su stood up slowly and stepped onto the top of Yuan Gu. This was the real discussion platform.

A high platform is used to discuss Tao, and a Tao platform is a high platform.

When discussing the Tao at the round table, there will be empty seats at the top, but those who discuss the Tao will enter the table to discuss the Tao.

In the past, there was supreme principle, superior virtue and virtue, in order to subjugate heaven and earth. It is the way of loyalty! Everything covered by heaven, covered by earth, and bound by human beings is nothing greater than loyalty. Loyalty is in the middle. It is the most public and selfless, and heaven is selfless. , the four seasons are moving, the earth is selfless, all things are born, people are selfless, the tycoon is chaste...

Silently, his lips flashed with holy light, and his lips and teeth were fragrant...

Cao Ru's eyes widened suddenly, and the hearts of hundreds of people below were pounding at the same time...

How can it be?

How is it possible to have such high opinions?

As soon as this theory came out, every word was in line with the holy meaning of loyalty, every word was highly condensed, and every word was like the sacred sound of the great road. These remarks summed up the holy meaning of loyalty, with unparalleled courage. Just one opening, it should be It is a famous theory from the ages, but they have never heard of this conclusion!

Loyalty refers to one's heart. It is the foundation of the country. Why should it be loyal? Loyalty can strengthen the monarch and his ministers, stabilize the country, move the heaven and the earth, move the gods, but what about people? Loyalty to a husband is prosperous in his body and in his family. , When one is established in a country, one's behavior is unified, so one's one's body is the beginning of loyalty; one's one's family is loyalty to the center; one's one's country is the end of loyalty. One's body is one hundred, and one's family is one. With each of the six relatives and the unity of the country, all the people are governed. I say: Only the best is the only one, and justice is in the end...

With a soft chirping sound, countless green lotuses opened at Lin Su's feet.

The discussion only lasted half a quarter of an hour, and the Taoist realm blossomed!

The gazes of the bachelors on the left and right turned to Grand Bachelor Cao Ru, with strong doubts in their eyes...

Bachelor, did you choose the wrong question?

You're not posing a problem for him, you're directly hitting his area of ​​expertise...

His research on loyalty is so profound?

Once you open your mouth to discuss it, every word is precious!

The intention is profound and boundless, and the discussion of Tao is exquisite. In just a moment, the Tao realm has blossomed, creating an unprecedented precedent for Wenyuan Pavilion's Tao discussion!

Cao Ru felt a cold wind blowing in his heart, and he had the same question about the prime minister who was not around at all. Prime Minister, did you make a mistake in the question?

However, now that the truth has been opened, no matter how much regret he has, he can't stop Lin Su's eloquence and let out a thousand miles...

The people of Osumi Capital witnessed a spectacle of Taoism.

Talking about Taoism was originally a thing played by high-level literati. They did not reach the level of Confucianism and were hardly qualified to listen to Taoism. Therefore, 99% of the people in the capital had never heard of talking about Taoism. I am lucky today!

In order to attack Lin Su's literary reputation, Wenyuan Pavilion deliberately gave Lin Su a malicious topic, and opened the ban on Taoism, and sent all the words and deeds on the Taoism platform to the ears of the people of the capital.

Its original intention is threefold...

The first is to let everyone see the ugly appearance of Da Cang Lin Su with their own eyes.

The second is to use this farce to eliminate the terrible turmoil caused by Lin Su's early entry into Daoyu and the two discussions.

The third is to put Lin Su on the altar and let all the literati in Dayu regain their confidence.

This is something that must be done as a last resort.

Lin Su's influence on the Osumi scholars was too great and too bad. With him in the sky, almost all the Osumi scholars were depressed. This is not a good sign. Today, Osumi's military power will rise again, and Osumi's scholarship will rise simultaneously today.

Therefore, they also opened two battlefields. One battlefield was where His Majesty personally spread the general's authority throughout the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, while the other battlefield was at Wenyuan Pavilion, where Academician Cao personally performed the swordsmanship and brought Lin Su down to the altar.

All stories start well.

However, no one in Wenyuan Pavilion expected that something would change as soon as their battle started.

Lin Su's research on loyalty far exceeded everyone's imagination. When he opened his mouth to discuss it, his high-end atmosphere was unparalleled, and his Taoist realm blossomed!

With this statement, Wenyuan Pavilion's attempt to suppress his literary name was declared to have failed!

Even if his argument ends here, he has handed in a satisfactory answer.

However, the really scary thing is behind...

Lin Su's argument continues...

Another grand ceremony officially opens...

Outside the capital, the military parade!

Li Chi stood on a high platform, with a huge canopy above showing incomparable majesty.

Below him are the four kings.

Below are the officials headed by the prime minister.

Below them are envoys from various countries.

Outside, there were 80,000 imperial guardsmen.

A hundred feet away from him was another high platform, the Chinese Army Commander's Mansion, which was only one foot lower than his high platform.

The auspicious time has arrived!

The military parade begins!

Li Chi slowly raised his hand and waved violently!

The commander-in-chief of the Chinese Army, He Beilai, also waved the flag in his hand...

With a bang, the 300,000 troops took a step forward in unison!

Just one step, the momentum is overwhelming, the whole world seems to be awakened by this step!

Ding Man stared at the ground in front of him, his face suddenly turned pale...

Because of this step, he could clearly see that there was a row of stone walls in front of the row of soldiers on the left, blocking the way forward for these soldiers. However, these soldiers only took one step, and all the solid stone walls turned into debris under their feet!

This step shows that their personal combat prowess is indeed the ultimate in martial arts!

Arrange your troops! He Beilai waved the flag in his hand!

With a shout, one hundred thousand soldiers rose into the air and changed positions in the air!

Set up the formation!

With a whoosh, another hundred thousand soldiers rose into the sky and were stationed in all directions!

Everyone was stunned...

This is another aspect beyond the ordinary army. Each of these 300,000 soldiers can fly into the air. The height of this one is more than ten feet?

The average height of the city wall is only five feet, and even the border city where the two countries are facing each other is only ten feet high!

what does that mean?

At least it means that this army does not need ladders at all when attacking. They can jump directly to the top of the city when they attack the city!

For cultivators to join the army, it completely changes the rules of war! King Nan glanced at King Bei and whispered.

Northern King Zheng Yuan had a smile on his face: Exactly!

King Nan said: More than 80% of these practitioners come from the northern grassland where Brother Wang lives. Are they reliable?

This is the inertial thinking of the superiors.

As for the sergeant, I'm afraid he is not strong, but if he is really strong to a certain extent, he has to think about another question, whether they are reliable!

A super strong army, if unreliable, is the biggest risk.

Don't worry, Brother Wang! North King Zheng Yuan said: These disciples are all official disciples of the major sects. Each major sect has methods to restrict them. As a brother, what I have to do is to restrict the heads of the major sects. people and senior elders.”

I wonder how Brother Wang restrains the major leaders? King Nan said.

King Bei smiled slightly: Brother Wang, it is not convenient for me to answer directly...

King Nan smiled: It doesn't matter if I don't know Brother Wang's method of control. The key thing is whether Your Majesty knows Brother Wang's method of control...

King Bei's face suddenly darkened!

Although King Nan was polite to him when they met, everyone knew that King Nan and he were not on good terms.

The King of the South has suggested to His Majesty many times that he should be on guard against the King of the North!

The reason is that the Northern King occupies the northern grassland, which is the birthplace of our common ancestors. Your Majesty can use the White Wolf Tribe to fight out of the grassland and respect the south. Who knows that the Northern King does not have the same idea?

His son composed anti-poems after drinking, and although the King of the North immediately picked off his head with lightning speed and showed his loyalty to His Majesty, His Majesty still had to peek at the leaf to know the fall!

His son's drunken poems were his truest thoughts!

Are his thoughts just his own?

I'm afraid that's not the case!

How could Li Chi not be vigilant in his generation?

The white wolf was killed from the grassland. He can be respected in the south. The king of the north has the advantage of the northern plains. Why not?

The fact that he rewarded King Bei generously again and again does not mean that he has unreserved trust in King Bei. On the contrary, it means that he does not trust King Bei!

It's just that the Northern King's wings are getting richer and the northern power is getting stronger. He, Li Chi, doesn't dare to attack the Northern King easily, so he can only use his grace to stabilize it first.

But Li Chi also had a small calculation. Eighty percent of the Iron-Blooded Legion came from the North this time. Do you think Li Chi really trusted the King of the North and took the country's important weapons from the North?

Quite the opposite!

This is a way to draw fire from under the cauldron!

What does the Iron Blood Legion do? Going to the battlefield is your duty!

Those who go to the battlefield are there to spend time!

He, Li Chi, used people from the Northern Territory to continuously fill the black holes in the battlefield, using this method to drain the vitality of the Northern Territory!

I believe that in the bloody battle with Da Cang, Li Chi can kill two birds with one stone!

On the one hand, it eliminates the vitality of Da Cang, on the other hand, it also drains away the power of King Bei...

Many people know about his big plan.

So what about Zheng Yuan, the Northern King?

Does he know?

Whether he knew it or not, Zheng Yuan had to get on this boat.

Because he knew that His Majesty was afraid of him, and in this case, he did not dare to go against any of His Majesty's decisions.

Secondly, he himself had a small plan to use the power of the North to form the Iron-Blooded Legion. Regardless of whether the power of the North would be taken away, at least during this period when the Iron-Blooded Legion was used as a weapon to control the country, His Majesty did not dare to take action against him. , he has extremely valuable development time.

This is a hero's game.

Very sensitive.

The seemingly unintentional words of the Southern King touched the most sensitive nerve of the Northern King Zheng Yuan.

Is this what King Nan said, or did His Majesty say it through King Nan's mouth?

Could it be said that His Majesty already knows about the secret agreements between himself and the major leaders? Otherwise, why would King Nan raise such a sensitive issue...

On the parade ground below, great changes have taken place.

The soldiers have entered the formation stage. The battle flags are distributed in all directions, coming and going in unpredictable ways. Every change is thrilling. The most important thing is that this group of soldiers moves too fast. If the military flags give instructions, they will be executed immediately. , from the formation to the formation, there is almost no time difference. How can any army in the world be able to achieve such battlefield reactions, such individual soldier qualities, such weapons, and such protection?

Even the dragon palace's great army may not be as good as them.

Because the Dragon Palace’s great army did not adopt many human tactics.

The human army not only possesses the art of war, but also possesses the individual combat power of dragon soldiers. With the strength of the two clans, it will surely sweep all battlefields with a crushing force!

No one thought that this method of changing formations would slowly change the original route.

No one noticed that as the flag was waved again and again, a silent wisp of fragrance was transmitted through the commander's military flag to the flag-bearers of the entire army, and then penetrated into the 300,000-strong army from the flag-bearers.

The blood of the 300,000-strong army flowed faster and faster, and their main body thinking became more and more confused. They only knew to follow the direction of the flag and complete their actions.

This is fireworks!

The flowers bloom in half a dream, and the heaven with love moves!

What's the meaning? The invasion of fireworks is invisible, and the poison of fireworks is like a dream.

A bottle of Fox Clan refined fireworks looks like only a small bottle, but in fact the space inside is unusually large and highly condensed, and its effect far exceeds that of ordinary fireworks.

The commander-in-chief of the Chinese Army, He Beifang, no, he is Lin Su at this time!

Under the sight of Li Chi and all officials in the court, Lin Su quietly laid a dragnet!

Another change of formation, 300,000 troops surrounded the military parade platform where Li Chi was at the core...

Suddenly, Lin Su raised the flag in his hand: Kill!

The flags of 300,000 soldiers pointed at the parade platform together!

Li Chi was suddenly startled. The sharp eyes of the commander of the Royal Forest Army beside him suddenly opened their eyes, and golden light shone...

With a bang, the military flag spit out terrifying murderous intent...

The front row of imperial guardsmen were wiped out!

The commander-in-chief roared loudly, shaking the world: The Iron-Blooded Legion rebelled...

The cry was still spreading in the air, Lin Su waved the flag, and the Iron-Blooded Army rushed to the parade like a tide...

Li Chi was shocked: How dare He Beilai! Stop immediately!

Haha! Lin Su looked up to the sky and laughed: Li Chi! Why have you, the White Wolf, been the only one respected by the Eighteen Tribes of the Grassland for six hundred years? Kill!

Li Chi's heart skipped a beat, Eighteen members of the grassland, why do you, the White Wolf, respect you? Over the years, rebels from various parts of the grassland have appeared frequently, and the slogan they adopted every time was this!

Could it be that today's rebellion is also the rebellion of the eighteen grassland tribes? Then, the only person who can control the Iron-Blooded Legion is...Northern King Zheng Yuan! !

There was a loud killing sound, and the Iron-Blooded Legion swept through the peripheral imperial guards in a completely unstoppable manner. In just a moment, the peripheral imperial guards were reduced to pieces.

All the ministers were shocked.

All the envoys were also shocked.

They were in the midst of the wave and deeply felt the terrifying military might of the Iron-Blooded Legion. Each of these sergeants seemed to be crazy and fearless of death. Even without the art of war, they were still like a group of demons emerging from a prison together...

Li Chi's sharp eyes suddenly fell on the face of Northern King Zheng Yuan: Zheng Yuan, how dare you...

Your Majesty! Zheng Yuan knelt down with a bang: This is definitely not led by Wei Chen, Wei Chen...

He turned back suddenly: He Beilai, I order you to stop immediately!

He Beilai was originally his favorite general. Nine out of ten of He Beilai's soldiers were from his jurisdiction. He Beilai suddenly made a move during the military parade. He was the most suspicious. Therefore, he had to do it as soon as possible. Stop this rebellion and prove his innocence with practical actions.

My lord, please relax! Lin Su said: The general has already taken control of the whole place!

There was an iron-blooded killing on the outside, with gold and iron clanking, but on the parade stage, there was silence!

Today's rebellion was really led by Northern King Zheng Yuan!

Because the leader of the Iron-Blooded Legion admitted it face to face!

Prince, please relax, the general has taken control of the whole situation...

What is this if not an admission?

The evidence is solid! !

Northern King Zheng Yuan's mind was confused. I...I don't have this order!

Could it be that this bastard misunderstood what I explained to He Beilai a few days ago? I meant to ask him to show his loyalty, but I never said that I would kill Li Chi at the military parade and replace him with him. This is not how the imperial hegemony works. You have to do it slowly...

Lin Su's flag waved, and his voice spread throughout the audience: Listen, all officials, the Northern King is kind and generous, has good governance skills, and controls the Northern Plains. The tyranny of the Northern Plains is obvious to all. At present, Li Chi is incompetent in the corner. Facing the Da Cang's army is defeated like a mountain. How can I be a king? If my king were a king, how could he be like this? Today my king wants to do great things. Those who are willing to follow my king should kneel down and surrender to avoid death. Those who are stubborn to the end will not be killed. amnesty!

The court official was greatly moved...

The outer Iron-blooded Legion has been surrounded, 300,000 people. Everyone has seen the tyrannical strength of this Iron-blooded Legion with their own eyes. Under siege from all sides, how can the people inside have any chance of survival?

It's better to lower it...

Someone actually knelt down. This kneeling made Northern King Zheng Yuan feel overwhelmed. Otherwise, could he really make a mistake?

At present, this is probably the best opportunity he can think of to change the dynasty...

When he was in a state of confusion, the imperial seal in Li Chi's hand suddenly lit up...

With a bang, the whole body of Northern King Zheng Yuan turned into blood mist...

More than a dozen kneeling court officials also turned into blood mist...

The courtiers were so shocked that they almost forgot that there was also the imperial seal!

The power of the imperial seal is not only in the court, but also in the battlefield!

Even though there are 300,000 Iron-Blooded Legions on the periphery, they also have 80,000 imperial guards. Although there are only 50,000 left, with the imperial seal and the great Confucian combat power of the officials, it may not be impossible to kill all the rebels!

Now that the Northern King is dead, the rebels are leaderless...

Kill them all! Li Chi's face turned livid, and the imperial seal in his hand suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire battlefield!

The big flag in Lin Su's hand shattered into pieces with a chirp, and Lin Su himself retreated a hundred feet away!

All the ministers cheered...

However, the iron-blooded legions on the periphery are still fighting crazily. Without military formation, they all become madmen...

The light of Li Chi's Imperial Seal reflected on the Imperial Guards. Only 40,000 Imperial Guards formed a military formation and fought fiercely with the individual soldiers of the Iron-Blooded Legion...

All the court officials also joined the war at this time, and their literary and moral fighting power was flying everywhere...

Li Chi raised his gaze and aimed at Lin Su's location...

The commander of the Royal Forest Army flew up and shot at Lin Su. With a chirp, the platform Lin Su was on was leveled by a sword. Two figures were involved in the battlefield. It was a bloody fight. The commander of the Imperial Forest Army had his left arm chopped off, while Lin Su , his head was chopped off with a sword...


The real situation is that He Beilai was decapitated by his sword.

Lin Su's spirit entered the grass silently and disappeared.

The battle continues...

The 300,000 Iron-Blooded Legion, even without the guidance of the battle flag, even without the command of the commander-in-chief, still fell into madness and refused to die.

The 40,000 Royal Forest Army, with the support of military formations and imperial seals, managed to defeat more than 100,000 Iron-Blooded Legions, but the Royal Forest Army was eventually defeated.

Hundreds of elders from the cultivation sect appeared to stop their disciples, but these disciples went crazy and even chopped them down.

Eventually, the elders were gone too.

Enter the literary and moral scholars. Hundreds of courtiers were killed and dozens of them were still unable to be blocked. Li Chi came forward in person. As soon as the imperial seal came out, he turned into a golden dragon. The golden dragon looked up to the sky and roared. The last tens of thousands of people turned into golden dragons almost at the same instant. Blood mist.

Li Chi looked at the imperial seal in his hand for a long time.

The few hundred people remaining below looked at each other in shock.

No one can believe their eyes...

Is this the military parade on the 20th of the first lunar month?

A military parade was intended to announce the strong rise of Osumi's military to the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States. However, a rebellion occurred and 300,000 iron-blooded regiments were wiped out in one battle.

The 80,000 imperial guardsmen were gone as well.

Nearly a hundred of the high-ranking imperial ministers died.

Even Your Majesty has suffered the greatest danger in his life!

What is this conveying to the world?

This is a scandal!

The biggest scandal in the world!

Li Chi's face turned blue, as if blue water was dripping from his face, and he slowly raised his hand: Pass the decree! The Central Plains Army goes to Beiyuan, Zheng Yuan's family, and the nine tribes will be killed together! No one is allowed to be left behind!

A bloody battle broke out outside the city, and the military parade was instantly changed beyond recognition.

But in the city, they were enjoying a feast, what kind of feast? A feast for the Tao.

Ordinary people don't know anything about discussing Taoism. Even if they have the opportunity to hear a great Confucian talking about Taoism, they can't understand it at all. They can only feel the pleasure of the light of literature and Tao flowing through their whole body, and they can only watch the wonders of the holy way brought about by discussing Taoism unfolding in front of them. .

However, things are very different today.

Lin Suzhi's discussion jumped out of the ordinary discussion. The words were not profound, but the truth was truly clear...

Military loyalty means loyalty to military orders.

The loyalty of a scholar is to be loyal to the holy way.

Official loyalty is loyalty to the country.

The loyalty of the people is to be loyal to one's inner conscience and stick to the judgment of right and wrong.

As the saying goes, loyalty to the Tao is loyalty, loyalty to the country is loyalty, loyalty to the people is loyalty, and loyalty to one's heart is also loyalty!

With a chirping sound, the green lotus fills the air, and the world is filled with peaches and plums!

He reached the high level of Taoism in the world.

The world is full of peach blossoms! An old man sighed in a restaurant in the city: The great scholar miscalculated. I wanted to make this man fall from the altar with a loyal discussion, but unexpectedly it helped him become famous. There are thousands of students who regard this man as a Taoist master!

How sad it is that the master of an enemy country has become the Taoist master of my Dayu disciples! Another old man also sighed.

Two Grandmasters, I think... I think it's not that simple! said a scholar in white next to him.

Oh? Just tell me!

The scholar in white stood up, gave a salute and said, Have the two masters heard any clues? This man's theory of loyalty includes loyalty to the Tao, loyalty to the country, loyalty to the people, and loyalty to oneself, but there is no loyalty to the emperor!

The two masters looked at each other with shame...

Yes, throughout his discussion, there is no such word as loyalty to the emperor at all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of discussing loyalty, he secretly committed disobedient things!

This is treason!

An old man stood up slowly and looked out the window with his back to everyone: I think this argument is very insightful! Scholars are loyal to the Tao, officials are loyal to the country, and the people are loyal to their hearts. How profound is it? On the contrary, loyalty to the emperor is nothing more than loyalty. It’s a dragon chair, no matter who is sitting on this chair!”

Exactly! Another old man next to him also stood up, also with his back to everyone: How many traitors have arisen in troubled times, their hands are stained with blood, and killings are everywhere. If the people of the world must be loyal, the lives of those killed by traitors will be But what about the descendants? Are they loyal to those who killed their ancestors and relatives and enemies? How can this be balanced with the 'righteousness' and 'propriety' in the holy way? Therefore, loyalty to the Tao is good, loyalty to the country is good, loyalty to the people is good, and loyalty to the chair, haha, Ridiculous!

The two laughed loudly and walked away. As soon as their figures came out of the window, they suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they had stepped into another world.

Everyone behind him was shocked, the literary world?

Even if it is not the literary world, it is still half a step into the literary world!

There are only a few Osumi Bundao who can reach this level. Who could it be?

Lin Su visited two people some time ago. These two people...

The topic came to an abrupt end here. These big shots cannot criticize them at will, especially when it comes to the most sensitive topics.

But there was still a seed of doubt planted in everyone's mind. Lin Su had visited Li Jisheng and Zhou Yi in the early days, and it was unclear how he had interacted with these two people. If it was really the two of them who came to support Lin Su, then the Dayu literary world had actually already tear.

Are the two old men who came here today them? No one can say for sure, because at their level of literary cultivation, they can come and go without a trace, and they can also change their appearance at will.

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