Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 893 The ninth-grade Taoist platform opens in a foreign country

The world is loyal, and it is pure in form. When a gentleman is loyal, he will do it with his heart. When a villain is loyal, he will do his best. If he does his best, he will stop himself. If he does his heart, he will spread far and wide. Therefore, the principle of a wise king is to appoint talents. If a virtuous minister is loyal to the country, then the ruler will be virtuous. The politics and religion will be beautiful, ritual and music will be prosperous, punishment will be prosperous, benevolence will be spread, and there will be peace in the four seas. Jiaxiang is established, Tell it to everyone above and below, so it will be broadcast in elegant songs and spread to infinity.

Lin Su's discussion stopped abruptly at this point.

There was a soft buzzing sound, and the Taoist platform under his feet was layered in layers, forming the shape of the ninth grade.

In the extreme realm of Taoism, the ninth-grade Taoist platform bloomed for the first time in this northern land.

On the ninth-level Taoist platform, Lin Su looked as if he were a great sage.

Cao Ru, the great scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, and hundreds of great scholars in Youdu, the capital of Dayu, were dumbfounded.

Tens of millions of people all over the city stared blankly at the nine-level Taoist platform rising from the ground in the sky, as if they were observing a holy monument.

The ninth-grade Taoist platform has never been seen in Ohsumi for six hundred years, but today, the unrivaled wonder of literary Taoism finally appeared in this ancient city and in this ancient country.

It stands to reason that all the people should cheer, the Confucian Temple should shine with nine-color light, the royal family should celebrate, and literature should flourish.

However, those who discuss Tao are not from Dayu.

He comes from the enemy country Da Cang!

He entered Dayu on the night of the Yuan Dynasty and discussed benevolence in Jeju, justice in Meishan, and etiquette in Dongning. He has become famous in the mountains and rivers of Dayu for hundreds of millions of miles for his extraordinary discussions.

Emperor Li Chi of Osumi and the four literary peaks in Osumi Capital did not want to see this situation.

They wanted to knock him down from the altar in Youdu, correct his literary style, enhance the country's prestige, and eliminate his power.

The preparations were not inadequate and the methods were superb, but the final result was that Lin Su had a big explosion at the point they deliberately chose, which meant that he could truly reach the highest level of the ninth-grade Taoist platform in terms of loyalty!

Facing the legendary realm of Tao, Cao Ru could only bow his head.

Hundreds of great scholars could only bow their heads.

Everyone's heart is filled with sadness...

In the face of absolute strength, strategies are often useless!

This is probably the case!

Lin Suzhi’s academic foundation has no shortcomings!

The Confucianism and Taoism that everyone believed in the early stage was not his shortcoming. His Confucianism and Taoism were incredibly strong!

Lin Su Gaotai gently cupped his hands and said: This concludes today's discussion. Thank you, all great scholars, for your help!


Cao Ru's heart was in turmoil, and he almost bit his lip. If I wanted to help you, I would take off my head and use it as a stool for you to sit on!

However, he could only say another way: Grandmaster Lin's discussion is extremely profound. I deeply respect him! I also express my deep gratitude!

When he bowed, hundreds of great scholars behind him bowed in unison.

Lin Su also bowed: Farewell!

Farewell to Grandmaster Lin!

Lin Su slipped down from the air and walked out of Wenyuan Pavilion side by side with Bi Xuanji...

The students on both sides bowed to each other. No matter how reluctant they were in their hearts, no matter how entangled their unwillingness was, no matter whether the fire in their hearts could cook the cow's head, their faces must show respect and joy.

Any literati, facing the nine-level Taoist platform that talks about Taoism, must be happy to hear Taoism. Otherwise, it will be a great disrespect for literature and Taoism and a great disrespect for all saints.

As soon as Lin Su and Bi Xuanji came out of Wenyuan Pavilion, an invisible wave seemed to suddenly erupt in Wenyuan Pavilion. Cao Ru suddenly raised his head, and the joy on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by infinite gloom.

A smile appeared on Lin Su's face.

Bi Xuanji also had a smile on his face: Wenyuan Pavilion specifically targeted your shortcomings and set up such a trap, but it made you reach the extreme state of discussing Taoism in a foreign country! Is this considered to be more clever than wrong?

This is nothing! Lin Su smiled mysteriously.

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat: Is there a bigger surprise?

Lin Su said: back!

Yes, as soon as he stepped out of Wenyuan Pavilion, there was a person waiting for him outside!

This person is out of everyone's sight. It can even be said that he is not a human being, because he... is Lin Su's other soul!

This soul cannot enter Wenyuan Pavilion, because Wenyuan Pavilion actually has multiple protections.

Therefore, this soul is waiting outside Wenyuan Pavilion.

As soon as Lin Su came out of Wenyuan Pavilion and his soul returned to his place, he knew everything about the military parade.

Bi Xuanji's surprise was extraordinary: What's the situation?

The Iron-Blooded Legion and the military parade are their biggest tasks this time in Osumi.

Now, the success or failure of the mission is only a matter of words.

The smile on Lin Su's face quietly bloomed: The three hundred thousand Iron-Blooded Legion suddenly rebelled during the military parade and hunted and killed 80,000 imperial guardsmen. More than a hundred courtiers died. Li Chi killed the Northern King Zheng Yuan on the spot and destroyed the entire Iron-Blooded Legion. The imperial edict is issued, and the Central Plains Army marches north to annihilate the Northern King's subordinates. The imperial edict states that Zheng Yuan's family and all nine tribes will be killed together!

Bi Xuanji took one step forward and stayed in place.

Lin Su took a step forward, but Bi Xuanji didn't follow and stopped.

Bi Xuanji seemed to be waking up from a dream, took a deep breath and followed...

After more than twenty steps, there was no sound. Thirty feet away, she finally spoke: Brother, when I heard about the formation of the Osumi Iron-Blooded Legion, I was so worried that I didn't sleep well for ten days. And you... are discussing Taoism in Wenyuan Pavilion, really Without even getting to the parade ground, the Iron-Blooded Legion was destroyed in a snap, and Li Chi was even asked to bring in 80,000 royal guards and a prince?

Lin Su smiled softly: It's not as simple as a prince!

Yes! It's not as simple as a prince! Bi Xuanji said: The Northern King was framed by you and was killed on the spot. His northern grassland immediately became Li Chi's biggest fear. With the imperial edict, there was a bloody storm on the grassland. Li Chi Chi's dynasty has officially broken with his greatest reliance, and internal strife that has never been seen before in the history of the Osumi Dynasty has officially begun.

What will happen to the other force? Lin Su said.

Beihai Dragon Palace! Bi Xuanji said: Beihai Dragon Palace was in contact with Northern King Zheng Yuan from the beginning. The agreement between Li Chi and Beihai Dragon Palace was actually negotiated by Northern King Zheng Yuan with Beihai Dragon Palace under the emperor's order. So... so... Come……

In this case, Li Chi has to... rethink the role of Beihai Dragon Palace in this Osumi rebellion! Lin Su continued.

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat, she completely understood!

She understood the viciousness of Lin Su's move.

His destruction of the Iron-Blooded Legion was actually just a lead. He framed Northern King Zheng Yuan as the culprit, which was the core and most essential part of the entire strategy...

The Iron-Blooded Legion rebelled on the spot and aimed directly at Li Chi's head. As long as Li Chi was not stupid, he would naturally think that King Bei had the intention to usurp the throne, because the Iron-blooded Legion was inextricably linked to King Bei from top to bottom.

The Northern King Zheng Yuan was on the military parade at that time. He had the imperial seal in his hand, so it was easy to kill the Northern King. He would definitely kill Zheng Yuan on the spot, because this was the most effective method in the face of rebellion. Whenever he usurps the throne, he only needs to kill the enemy. As the successor supported by Fang, this usurpation of the throne has ended. As a heroic king of the generation, how could Li Chi miss this opportunity?

After Li Chi kills Zheng Yuan, he will definitely destroy Zheng Yuan's subordinates. This is also an essential quality for a heroic king. Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will bring new growth. Beiyuan's strength has expanded over the years, and he has long had different ambitions. Li Chi is not a fool. , doesn’t he know that in the past, because he was worried that Zheng Yuan was too powerful, he did not dare to stir up trouble after experiencing many setbacks in Da Yu, but now, Zheng Yuan forced him to have a big showdown. This showdown will of course eliminate the roots and completely eliminate them. Hidden dangers in the North Plains.

So, what will Beiyuan do?

Beiyuan is connected with Beihai Dragon Palace, and is also in the honeymoon period with dozens of practicing sects in Beiyuan. How can they sit back and wait for death when faced with the deadly force of the imperial army? They will definitely connect with the Beihai Dragon Palace and the Cultivation Sect, turning these two huge forces into the opposite of Li Chi in the blink of an eye.

If the two sides fight together and there are more casualties, the situation will take an incredible turn, and Beihai Dragon Palace will truly stand against Li Chi!

Can Li Chi still rely on Beihai Dragon Palace's Qimen Laws and cultivation resources to achieve military rise? Can we build another iron-blooded army? fart! With the death of Northern King Zheng Yuan, a deep gap has been drawn between them!

This is the root solution!

With a clever plot and an exchange of pros and cons, the Iron-Blooded Legion that Li Chi had just established but had not yet established half an inch of military exploits was wiped out, and it was completely destroyed!

Bi Xuanji said he had no words to comment on this plan...

That night, the moon finally came out.

The snow that spanned the whole year finally stopped.

Above the North Sea, half is covered with ice and snow, and half is rippling with blue waves.

The sea tidal wave tore apart the southern icebergs, but ultimately could not shake the northern icebergs.

On top of an iceberg, there is a crystal palace, which looks like it is made of solid ice. In fact, it is not ice, it is thousands of years of cold crystal.

Ten thousand years of cold crystals, a single inch of crystal, can turn a manor into a summer resort, which is priceless in the south, but here, it is an entire palace.

The walls are made of cold crystal, the ground is made of cold crystal, the roof is also made of cold crystal, and the pavilions and pavilions are all covered with cold crystal.

The cold crystal was penetrated by the moonlight, and was also reflected by the moonlight like a dream.

An old man sat cross-legged in the deep palace, and every breath seemed to make the icebergs beneath his feet rise and fall.

He is Xue Hanjiang, the North Sea Dragon Lord.

Suddenly, his eyes flew open!

As soon as I opened my eyes, the moonlight in the surrounding areas seemed to disappear instantly.

Above the vast North Sea, the clouds shook slightly, and a white-haired woman stepped across the sky and landed in front of him. It was Beihai Xue Qianxun.

Father, the situation has changed!

As soon as the six words came out, Long Jun's eyes were fixed on her face: Dao Lai!

I just received a summons from Osumi Capital. Li Chi's military parade has changed beyond recognition. The 300,000-strong iron-blooded army rebelled on the spot and was completely wiped out by Li Chi.

Long Jun was suddenly startled: Northern King Zheng Yuan finally took this step?

Xue Qianxun said: Li Chi thought the same way, so he killed Zheng Yuan and issued an order on the spot. The Central Plains Army went to Beiyuan to wipe out Zheng Yuan's remaining troops.

Long Jun lowered his head slightly and looked down at Xue Qianxun: Li Chi thinks so too...don't you think so?

Xue Qianxun said: There are many doubts, so I have to think more about it!

Doubtful points? What doubtful points? Long Jun said.

Xue Qianxun said: If the Northern King Zheng Yuan really wanted to rebel, he should never have been on the military parade during the rebellion. He should have known that as soon as the peripheral Iron-blooded Legion launched an attack, Li Chi would immediately use the imperial seal to destroy him. He, cut off the roots of his rebellion! In fact, Li Chi did destroy him immediately!

Just one doubt made Long Jun's heart skip a beat.

Yes, Northern King Zheng Yuan is not a fool!

When his son recited an anti-poetry, he beheaded his son and sent it to Li Chi immediately. This kind of person is the one who can best observe the direction of the wind and is the most proficient in self-preservation. Why? Putting yourself in a desperate situation when it comes to launching a mutiny?

The normal operation is: he should protect himself first.

Is there any method of protection? Obviously there is. He can pretend to be sick and not participate in the military parade. He can hide in the periphery and wait for He Beilai to control the situation before coming to pick fruits. Even if he puts himself in He Beilai's Chinese military tent, it will be far worse than putting himself in He Beilai's Chinese army tent. It's a hundred times more reasonable to be by Li Chi's side!

The second doubt comes from the generals of the Iron-Blooded Legion! The Iron-Blooded Legion's 300,000-strong army is a complete organization, with deputy generals, supervisors, staff generals and various junior generals. These generals are not all from Hebei. Many of them were chess pieces planted by Li Chi. Even if He Beilai planned to rebel, these generals would not all agree, especially the supervisors! They are direct descendants of Li Chi! But why did He Beilai rebel? None of these generals agreed Have any objections? Let them kill the emperor and they all fight bravely?

Long Jun's thick eyebrows suddenly furrowed. He is not a military talent, but he has lived for too long, and his knowledge and experience are also extraordinary. Xue Qianxun's words are impeccable!

The third doubt is the soldiers from the Iron-Blooded Legion! These people are cultivators, and the inertia of cultivators is to be self-centered. They can fight to the death against the army of the great blue, but they should not fight to the death against Li Chi. Even after the military flag commanding them was destroyed, they still refused to die! There is only one possibility... their sanity was completely lost at the time!

Long Jun suddenly raised his head: Long Youquan just keeps the practitioners excited, but it is not enough to annihilate their sanity.

So, the child suspects that someone has done something! Xue Qianxun said.

Fireworks? Long Jun said in a deep voice.

Exactly! Xue Qianxun said: My palace is cultivating an army for the human race, leaving behind fireworks as a backup plan. Now it seems that someone has used this backup plan first!

As soon as she said these words, she announced a terrible fact!

Beihai Dragon Palace has a back-up plan to cultivate an iron-blooded legion for Osumi!

Beihai Dragon Palace has never been a good man. They have no good intentions to help the human race build a strong army. Creating an iron-blooded army for Li Chi, the leader of the human and dragon clans, is also a big move for Beihai Dragon Palace. This big move is Xue Qianxun. handwriting.

Xue Qianxun's move was a clear one on the table: Beihai Ryugu spared no effort to build a powerful Ohsumi army as quickly as possible, and used the power of Ohsumi's powerful army to destroy Da Cang. He used this as a pledge to clear his name in the East China Sea war that day. At that time, Beihai Dragon Palace had the stigma on its head, in exchange for the Eighty-Six Tribes to ally with it! Thus completing the unification of Beihai Dragon Palace.

In addition to this open move, Xue Qianxun also had a hidden move.

The dark chess is to cross the dividing line of the sea of ​​​​people and go ashore!

With the dividing line between the human sea and the consensus reached by the saints of the temple, the sea people cannot directly land, but they can use winding paths to seclusion, for example, turning the Osumi Dynasty into his puppets!

How to start? Let’s start with the Iron-Blooded Legion.

The Iron-Blooded Legion has been to Longyou Spring!

After experiments, Long Youquan can greatly improve a person's physique, improve their protection, and improve their combat power. Which cultivator can resist it?

However, only the people at the top of Beihai Dragon Palace know that this kind of promotion has a back-up and a secret door!

The life and death of those who have soaked in Longyou Spring are controlled by Beihai Dragon Palace!

As long as you dare to be disobedient, a wisp of fireworks can make you lose your mind and turn you into a madman who only knows how to kill!

Think about it, Beihai Dragon Palace remotely controls the fate of the Iron-Blooded Legion and the fate of countless sect elders and disciples on the land. They also control the Osumi Dynasty!

If you control a dynasty, you will control the entire Osumi Kingdom!

Taking control of the kingdom on land, not landing at Beihai Dragon Palace is equivalent to landing!

Xue Qianxun’s ingenious plan determines the world...

Throw in a certificate to collect eighty-six tribes!

An iron-blooded army disrupted the armies of the two countries!

A secret door reveals the future trends!

Who dares to say that she is not clever?

However, the plan has just begun, and Youdu has already lost its wings!

Lord Long slowly raised his eyes: Dragon Nether is something unique to me in the North Sea, and none of the other three seas have it. Fireworks are a secret that is not passed down by the Fox Clan, and only the top leaders of the Fox Clan know about it. Long You and Fireworks , have never encountered each other in millions of years, and there are very few people in the world who know that the two cannot meet. Because of this, Xun'er, your Longyou plan has been successfully promoted, and no one in the hundreds of sects in Dayu has any doubts. Now this secret Exposed? Who was exposed?

Xue Qianxun slowly raised his head: There is a person in the world whose knowledge is vast and boundless. Everyone is exploring the boundaries of his knowledge, but to this day, no one has really explored it! And what is very coincidental is that this person crosses the Shangyuan Festival Crossing Lingding Ocean, the night before the military parade, we just arrived in Youdu.


Lin Su! Xue Qianxun spat out these two words, seeming to let out a breath of turbidity in his chest, and the Hanjing Palace was a little shaken.

Lin Su! Long Jun's face suddenly darkened...

As a male monarch who has practiced cultivation for thousands of years, Beihai Dragon Lord has absolutely no sympathy for ordinary human races, but he does not include Lin Su.

Lin Su was the one who turned the tide in the East China Sea War.

Lin Su was the one who frustrated Beihai.

Lin Su was still the one who opened the door of Wu Dao and personally killed thousands of elders in Beihai with his Wu Dao power.

Lin Su was also the person who had been frustrated before his most proud daughter, Zhidao.

Wherever he went, miracles abounded!

Wherever he goes, even things that are not suspenseful will become suspenseful!

Lin Su Nai is a guest of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and is even the son-in-law of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. It is not surprising that any secrets about the ancient Dragon Palace fall into his ears. After all, we cannot know whether there is any record of the Dragon Spring in the ancient Dragon Palace. . Lin Su once colluded with the Qingqiu Fox Clan to quell the Thousand Island Water Pirates, and even made the Qingqiu Fox Clan risk the world's disapproval and travel thousands of miles to Beijing to kill his nemesis Zhang Wenyuan's whole family. Their deep friendship is unparalleled. Qingqiu Fox It’s no surprise that the clan’s fireworks fell into his hands!” Xue Qianxun said: “What makes me suspicious the most is not these, but... he arrived in Youdu the day before the military parade, but he didn’t even step into the military parade. Half a step!

Long Jun muttered: Li Chi is not an idiot. With his talent and strategy, he will definitely not allow Lin Su, a military wizard, to enter the military parade. If Lin Su has not entered the military parade, how could he know that it is not Li Chi who is blocking him?

This is a side detail! Father only needs to understand two key points to understand that Lin Su is absolutely inseparable from the major changes in the military parade!

What two key points? Long Jun was confused. In terms of ability, a thousand Xue Qianxun was inferior to him, but in terms of resourcefulness, he had to admit that even if he had thousands of years of experience, he was far inferior to his daughter.

Xue Qianxun said: The first key point is that Lin Su chose to enter Dayu at this time because he definitely came for the military parade! The second key point is that there was indeed something wrong with the military parade!

No details or chain of actions are required, only logical judgment is required!

This is Xue Qianxun's basic strategy when facing Lin Su.

With the formation of the Iron-Blooded Legion, who will be the biggest threat? Da Cang!

Lin Su had never entered Osumi for so many years, but he came suddenly this time, and he came before the military parade. Why was he here if he wasn't for the Iron-Blooded Legion?

Regardless of whether he had time to commit the crime or whether there was a chain of crime, he had the motive to commit the crime anyway, and the final result was everything he wanted, so he did it!

Long Jun gently raised his hand and scratched his head: Xun'er, are you going to use this incoherent judgment to provoke Li Chi?

Yes! Xue Qianxun said.

What will... be the result?

My father always reminds me not to despise Li Chi. I won't despise him this time. Lin Su has entered his country. I believe that as long as he has a strong heart and bites his teeth, there is always a way to kill him. of!

Xue Qianxun gently raised a silver conch in her hand, sending a message to the distance...

This night in Osumi Capital, it was extremely unstable, it could even be said to be endless chaos...

First, Lin Su’s Taoism trend set off a storm in the capital. If someone from Osumi talks about the Nine-Rank Dao Platform, Osumi will obviously celebrate the 20th day of the first lunar month as the Chinese New Year tonight. However, this master who shocks the world with his one-note discussion is Lin Su, which makes people from Osumi very hurt.

In addition to the injuries, there was also an even more terrifying wave rolling in from nowhere.

That is the discussion about Lin Su's loyalty.

In Lin Su's discussion of loyalty, there is no loyalty to the emperor in the whole article!

Some scholars have interpreted it in detail, and the message conveyed is: People, do you want to be loyal? Obviously he wants it, but should he be loyal to the emperor? uncertain! If this emperor is really good for the people, there is nothing wrong with you being loyal to him. But if this emperor is not good, what reason do you have to be loyal to him? If this emperor killed your ancestors, killed your relatives, destroyed your ancestral temple, and occupied your land, would you still be loyal to him? Wouldn't that go against the propriety, righteousness and benevolence that are all Confucian principles?

A saint would not set such a dilemma trap for people.

In fact, the saint has already made it clear that there are preconditions for being loyal!

So, to change to a more realistic question, should I be loyal to Li Chi who is sitting on the throne? Let's take a look at today's discussion and see what kind of person he is and whether he deserves the loyalty of others...

This comparison, I C!

This is so perfect!

Li Chi was not from the Central Plains. He was from a tribe on the grassland. He started by killing people. How many natives of Dayu did he kill? How many ancestral temples did he destroy? It can be said that the ancestors of more than 80% of the people in the capital died at the hands of their ancestors or were enslaved by their ancestors! The most important thing is, when he was in power, what kind of life did the people of Osumi live? During a long winter, tens of thousands of people froze to death across the country...

Do I have to be loyal to such a person?

Just because he was sitting in that chair?

I put aside all benevolence, righteousness, and etiquette just because of a chair? Do you want to be so sarcastic?

This is probably the biggest harm caused by Lin Su's discussion, that is, a seed of rebellion has been planted in the hearts of people in Osumi...

Secondly, there is the big change in the military parade that has just been reported!

The impact of this major change was so great that even if Li Chi wanted to suppress it, he would never be able to suppress it. Once word spread, people in the capital turned pale.

The formation of the Iron-Blooded Legion embodies the hope and belief of countless Osumi people, but their faith was extinguished without warning. Osumi's future, like the capital city covered with dark clouds, suddenly lost its sense of direction.

This is a big wave in the capital. In the deep palace, the wave is ten times bigger than this! (End of chapter)

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