Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 895 Canceling the Scientific Examination

Lin Su said coldly: As I said, the power of this cultivator alone is not enough to defeat the Confucian Temple. It turns out that His Majesty also gave him a helping hand! The king of a country destroyed the Confucian Temple with the imperial seal. This is a big matter. It has actually reached the sky! Neither I nor Elder Duan have the authority to deal with it. We can only report it to the temple and wait for the judgement!

His standing order suddenly lifted up, and a stream of light broke into the sky...

Li Chi's whole body was shocked: All saints, listen to me, this matter...

There was a click, as if the sky was cracking open, and a huge guillotine suddenly appeared in the sky, and an endless majesty filled the entire corner.


Oh my God, Judgment!

With a bang, all the students in the city knelt down, no matter where they were, they all knelt down...

Li Chi, Lord of Osumi, allow you to argue! The holy voice came from the air and was heard throughout the country. The holy voice was like thunder, shaking everyone's heart.

I report to all the saints that my disciple Li Chi is guilty! The sword that combines the power of the emperor's seal with the cultivator is real. However, the original intention is not to attack the Confucian Temple. He only wants to take Lin Su's life. He must be an evil thief of Lin Su who deliberately kills Lin Su. The attack was directed towards the Confucian Temple, causing damage to the Confucian Temple. This thief is the real heinous one! Veins popped up on Li Chi's face.

The whole capital was completely silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Oh my God, His Majesty the King himself admitted that he used his spiritual skills to assassinate Lin Su?

Is this something a king can do?

Shouldn't the king be upright in everything?

Can you do this?

For a moment, everyone could hardly believe their ears.

Li Chi was also feeling a strong wind and a constant chill in his heart. How could he not know how big of a storm this sentence would stir up, but he had to make a choice!

He had no excuse for using the power of the imperial seal to destroy the Confucian Temple, because the attack trajectory had been clearly displayed. How could the temple not be able to tell the difference?

The more you argue, the more wrong you become!

No one can bear the crime of destroying the Confucian Temple, even a generation of monarchs will still be punished!

He will die too!

Therefore, he had no choice but to change his position. I admitted that I integrated the power of the imperial seal into the practitioner's sword. I did launch an attack, but my original intention was not to destroy the Confucian Temple, but to kill Lin Su!

Although this can bring disrepute to him as a king, it is much lighter than the legal punishment.

Choosing the lesser of two evils is something that everyone will face. As a great king, of course he has to weigh the lesser of two evils.

He wanted to bet on something, something that the watchman at the Confucian Temple told him. Temple Dharma Palace hated Lin Su extremely, and the one who carried out the punishment happened to be Temple Dharma Palace!

The holy voice in the air said: Lin Su, I will allow you to argue!

Lin Su raised his gaze: The envoy is a high-ranking elder of the temple. Naturally, I should understand that my ability, Lin Su, is not enough to deflect the attack of the emperor's seal from the king of a country!

No such ability!

This is the ironclad fact!

How great is the imperial seal of the king of a country? That is the highest credential for ruling a country. He can compete with even a quasi-sage. What ability does Lin Su have that can change the direction of the imperial seal's attack?

Duan Shiqi bowed deeply: The king of Osumi used to be dedicated to the holy way and respected the old man. He would definitely not have the subjective intention to use the imperial seal to attack the Confucian Temple. The old man thought that this matter was quite strange. It would be better if he followed the order. Your Excellency, please cleanse the hearts of the two of them according to the principles of the holy way. Wouldn't the truth about the destruction of the Confucian Temple become clear?

Bi Xuanji's heart sank instantly.

Section seventeen!

This old guy used this trick...

The holy way cleanses the heart, which is a higher level of heart-cleansing method than the literary way. No matter how literary you are, as long as you have not become a saint, you have no way to resist.

As for Lin Su's clever plan, she has almost understood it all by now.

He just wanted to use Li Chi's imperial seal to destroy the Confucian Temple.

If the holy way cleanses the heart, his plot will be exposed in front of the temple. This most subtle plan will become a noose on Lin Su's head in the blink of an eye!

How could the temple accommodate him?

He is in danger!

A holy voice came from the air: Lin Su, do you agree with Duan Qi's proposal?

Lin Su's face showed infinite peace: Recognize it!

As soon as he recognized the word, Bi Xuanji's eyes suddenly closed.

Lin Su added: I not only agree with Elder Duan's proposal, but I also go one step further on Elder Duan's proposal!

How to enter?

Lin Sudao: The Confucian Temple in the capital of a country is related to the authority of the temple and the root of the holy way. Destroying our Confucian Temple is to cut off our holy roots! How serious is it? I propose that the magistrate please come out with a guillotine to build a holy temple. Lin Su, Li Chi, and Duan Shiqi are all here in the Tao Xixin Taoist Temple, and we will ask each other questions, but if they are against the words of the temple, and if they are against the actions of the temple, how can the guillotine tolerate it?

Duan Shiqi's face changed drastically: I...what does this matter have to do with me?

How ridiculous is Elder Duan? You are not in charge of the Confucian Temple in the capital for only one or two days. How can you not know the duty of the watchman in the Confucian Temple? The watchman of the Confucian Temple has the duty of spreading the holy way, and he also has the duty of protecting the temple with his own body. You The Confucian Temple was destroyed, do you dare to say that you did not neglect your duties? Shouldn't those who neglect their duties be questioned? You said that you felt strange, and I feel even more strange. How could you let the Confucian Temple be destroyed so easily under your nose? Are you really protecting yourself? Or is there collusion between internal and external forces to destroy the roots of my holy way?

The veins on Duan Shiqi’s forehead were running wildly...

Every word Lin Su said was so reasonable. The watchman had a duty, and it was his duty to guard the temple.

The destruction of the temple was a dereliction of duty anyway.

It is also common practice to accept questioning for dereliction of duty.

But, does he dare to accept Lin Su's question?

If Lin Su asked him what kind of deal he had with Li Chi, would he dare to tell him?

Oh my god, I just suddenly thought of passing this sudden crisis on to Lin Su. I even thought I was a genius. However, before I could get over my pride, the rope was wrapped around my own neck in the blink of an eye. …

The command in the sky also made the heart turbulent...

He suddenly felt in a dilemma. As an envoy, he had never been in trouble and could do whatever he wanted. In the world, he was like a god.

However, today it was difficult for him.

As a member of the Dharma Palace, he actually hopes to put this kid on trial, just because this kid's Law has shaken the foundation of the Dharma Palace.

However, this kid is so confident that he doesn't seem to be afraid of the holy way at all, and what he said just now is very reasonable. Even if he has the intention to destroy the Confucian Temple, he has no ability to convert the imperial seal!

How could he go wrong in this matter?

As for Duan Shiqi, he was not sure!

Duan Shiqi was completely panicked...

If the guillotine is really activated, he will have no control over the consequences. It might lead to a huge uproar. The possibility of hurting this kid is small, but the possibility of hurting other people is very high. No matter whether it is the guillotine of the country. , or he killed the watchman who was in the temple and had a good relationship with the Dharma Palace. A big storm in the temple was inevitable.

The voice of the envoy passed down: I have clearly understood that this matter was caused by the mistake of the King of Osumi!

Destroyed by mistake!

This is qualitative!

Li Chi felt relieved and bowed deeply: Thank you Shengduan!

The sacred voice in the air was unparalleled in majesty: Although it was destroyed by mistake, it is still a serious crime. According to the established rules of the Iron Rules of the Temple, the Osumi Kingdom has canceled the three-year scientific examination! The king of Osumi Kingdom, Li Chi, built a Confucian Temple. Nine-nine and eighty Within a day, you need to pray in person every day without making any mistakes!”

The magic guillotine in the air was withdrawn, and the holy traces slowly dissipated.

Duan 17 and Li Chi stood there blankly.

The Confucian Temple in the capital is the highest representation of the temple in the country. Anyone who destroys the Confucian Temple will be punished by law. What is legal punishment? die! Today, Li Chi cooperated with He Su and destroyed the Confucian Temple. He was supposed to die. However, the temple spared him. Instead of executing the punishment on the spot, he canceled three scientific examinations. In addition, he was asked to rebuild the Confucian Temple. Pray in person.

This punishment looks like three drinks, but things are not that simple...

The students below suddenly exploded...

Canceling the scientific examination? Then... what will happen to the palace examination with less than four months left?

I've been waiting for ten years for this year's imperial examination, and now it's suddenly cancelled?

how so?

Your Majesty, you have to give me an explanation...

Your Majesty, we cannot cancel the scientific examination. The eighty thousand students of our country, Osumi, have been living in poverty for ten years. How can they miss their future because of the king's momentary mistake?

boom! Countless people knelt down and cried bitterly. A wave of anger, unwillingness, depression, and crazy emotions swept the whole city instantly...

Everyone has a priority in life. The focus of King Li Chi may be ruling...

And the most important thing in the lives of those students is the scientific examination in four months...

The same is true for the families behind them...

This exam bears all the hopes of 80,000 students, and also carries all the high hopes of tens of millions of people behind them.

Suddenly, the scientific examination was cancelled, and once it was cancelled, it was the third session. How long is the third session? Nine years!

Their life path has come to an end in an instant. Who can bear it?

Li Chi stared intently at Lin Su, and there were countless important people nearby who also stared at Lin Su.

Lin Su, as a person, has nothing good to do wherever he goes. When he arrived at Osumi Capital, yesterday's military parade was completely changed. Today, he received the heaviest blow since the founding of Osumi. The scientific examination was cancelled. The scientific examination of this era was given There are too many meanings. The student himself became a great Confucian and changed his destiny, and the student's family became prosperous and powerful because of it. What about the country? The country is strong because of it! The biggest foundation of a country is Confucianism. If there are many Confucian indicators, the country will be strong. If there are few Confucian indicators, the national power will be weakened. But now, there is a nine-year gap in the Confucian class in Osumi, which has a weakening effect on Osumi's national power. , heavier than anything else!

Did you do all this?

Duan Shiqi, the watchman, also had his sharp eyes fixed on Lin Su: Lin Changxing, the Dayu Science Examination has been canceled for the third time. What do you think?

The words, dark and solemn, spread throughout the city.

The tens of millions of people below were all excited. What the envoy meant was: Did this disaster happen because of Lin Su?

Lin Su sighed softly: In the military, one general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted. When it comes to governing the country, one king is incompetent and brings disaster to the whole country. The ancients are sincere and I can't deceive them!

Lin Su's voice also spread throughout the city, telling everyone in Osumi Capital clearly and clearly: Don't blame the wrong person. The person who caused the cancellation of your scientific examination was not me, Lin Su, but your king Li Chi. This is called If a ruler is unruly, he will bring disaster to the whole country.

Li Chi's nose was almost crooked with anger, but as the king of a country, how could he argue with Temple Chang Xing in public? The most important thing is that he still can't win the argument at all.

His original intention was to kill Lin Su, and he had already admitted it.

Acknowledging this is a very passive situation in itself. The accidental destruction of the Confucian Temple is also the characterization of the Temple and Dharma Palace. To be honest, this characterization is still very tolerant to him. What can he do?

Duan Shiqi said: Lin Changxing, on the holy path, everything can be prosperous. Eighty thousand students are blocked on the holy path. Do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you?

Lin Su's gaze slowly moved downwards: Dear students, Su is also a disciple of the Holy Way, and I feel for your situation today. You have suffered a disaster, and it is all because of me, Lin Su. I am very uneasy, and I would like to give you this You can point me to a method that may give you a chance to resume the Holy Path. I wonder if you are willing to listen?

As soon as these words came out, Duan Shiqi was stunned.

He questioned Lin Su in public and asked if it had nothing to do with him. No matter how Lin Su answered, he could plant a seed of doubt in everyone's mind. This seed would slowly turn into hatred for Lin Su. Even if Lin Su For a person in the temple who bears the hatred of the students of a country, his path will be difficult.

But Lin Su said: You are suffering like a fish in a pond because of me.

It seemed that she recognized her relationship with him, but she cleverly directed her hatred towards Li Chi. This art of language and her sharp wit were truly incomparable...

But what does he mean by giving him advice? Could it be that, facing such a desperate situation, he still had a solution?

The punishment in the temple has been issued, and it is stronger than the decree in the secular world. Who can make the punishment change?

Li Chi was filled with confusion, but at this moment, when he suddenly heard Yifa, his heart accelerated involuntarily.

The students below are even more excited...

Countless people shouted in unison: Master Chang Xing, please give me some advice!

They are now in a desperate situation, all of them are angry and worried, but they will grab a life-saving straw, not to mention that this straw comes from an expert in the temple and may really save their lives...

I only have one son. He has been working hard for more than 20 years, waiting for this scientific examination. I kneel down and ask Master Chang Xing to continue my life! An old man in Chinese clothes knelt down on the long street with a bang.

Kneel down and ask Sir Chang Xing to continue! Another old man also knelt down.

Countless people knelt down at the same time.

Li Chi's face turned green. These are all his people, kneeling down to the enemy king under his eyes?

In a teahouse nearby, two old men looked at each other...

Brother Zhou, if you change places with him, what can you think of?

This person is none other than Jeju Li Jisheng.

Opposite him is Meishan Zhouyi.

Zhou Yi shook his head gently: Under the punishment of the law, what can be done? Unless his relationship with the third heaven is extraordinary, the saint can reverse the temple regulations...

Even if he really has the endorsement of a saint, isn't it what he wants to see if Osumi's literary education suffers a heavy setback? What reason does he have to reverse it? Li Jisheng said.

Yes, Li Jisheng and Zhou Yi had many discussions along the way. As soon as the punishment appeared today, they vaguely guessed Lin Su's ultimate goal, which was to give Osumi Wendao a head-on blow in this most decisive way.

If Osumi's scientific examination is canceled for three times, Osumi's comprehensive national strength will fall far behind Da Cang, and the competition between the two countries will be more obvious in favor of Da Cang. This is in line with Lin Su, the founder of the Da Cang dynasty. His identity is also consistent with his usual wisdom and wisdom.

However, things gradually became clear, and Lin Su suddenly stood up and planned to extend the life of Osumi student... Oh, continue!

What kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd?

Even Bi Xuanji doesn't understand.

Bi Xuanji knew more than this old guy, because Lin Su talked to her more, and the answer to the word national origin that Lin Su said had already appeared in her mind.

What is the foundation of the country? In a world where culture and education are respected, talents are the foundation of the country!

Canceling the scientific examination is called shaking the foundation of the country!

All his plans have been successful so far, but his script has deviated. Where will it go?

Lin Su raised his hand slightly, and all the people below were muted. Endless hope gathered on his face through his eyes...

Lin Sudao: The three scientific examinations spanned nine years. In nine years, no one can know whether you will live or die. Your road has really come to an end. Su cannot violate the iron rules of the temple. There is a way for you to go to our country, Da Cang, to participate in this palace examination!

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was shocked...

Even Bi Xuanji was shocked...

Participate in the palace examination of Da Cang Kingdom? Some people couldn't believe their ears.

The two countries are enemies. Will the Lord of Da Cang allow people from Ohsumi to occupy his quota?

Yes, although the quota of Da Cang Jinshi has increased four times compared to the previous term, how precious is this quota? How can there be too much? Even if he wants to give other countries an advantage, he will never give it to Dasumi.

Li Chi's heart also jumped suddenly. He finally raised his eyes and met Lin Su's half-smiling eyes: May I ask Lin Changxing, are there any conditions for our disciples to enter your Da Cang Palace Examination?

Lin Sudao: Of course there are conditions. The Da Cang Palace Examination tests Da Cang talents, not Da Yu talents. Therefore, those who want to participate in our Da Cang Palace Exam must change their nationality, swear by the law of heaven, and be loyal to me throughout their lives. Da Cang Kingdom!”

The people below looked at each other...

Just say that you can't be so kind to Osumi, it turns out there is such a condition!

Anyone who participates in the Da Cang Palace Examination must first take an oath of heaven and be loyal to Da Cang for the rest of their lives!

In this way, he is not giving up his country's quota to Ohsumi, but poaching Ohsumi's talents directly to Da Cang!

Talent is the foundation of a country. As soon as he does this, aren't all the students in Dashu trained by Da Cang?

The student has become your family, but what about the student’s family? If you dare to rebel against me, Da Cang, I will have your son stabbed!

Prime Minister Wang Qunshui's face in the memorial pavilion suddenly turned gloomy, and the entire memorial pavilion was filled with clouds...

How could Li Chi, the great emperor of the generation, not realize such sinister intentions and roared angrily: How dare you dare to instigate the students of our country in front of me?

When he shouted, his voice shook the heaven and the earth, his momentum was like a rainbow, and the formation protecting the capital on the horizon was also filled with murderous intent.

Lin Su shouted coldly: You are the one who is so bold! Don't forget who you are facing! You dare to plot to assassinate me, Chang Xing, a great leader in the temple. Today, I might as well face you and tell the truth to you, the people of Osumi. Kill me once and I will destroy your country!

Lin Su... don't think that I really dare not kill you! Li Chi suddenly raised his head, his eyes blazing with anger.

Lin Su glanced at it coldly: You really don't dare! Not only do you not dare, you can't do it at all! If you don't believe it, try it!

His eyebrows suddenly lit up, and a golden boat appeared at his feet. He stepped on it, raised his hand gently, and Bi Xuanji got on the golden boat.

The golden boat floated up, passed directly over Li Chi's head, and went straight up to the sky. With a flash of his hand, the formation protecting the capital was torn apart. The golden boat broke through the air and disappeared beyond the clouds. A voice floated from the sky: Dear students, my promise still counts, and those who are willing to participate in the Da Cang Palace Exam should hurry up!


Li Chi raised his hand, rose into the air, and went straight into the palace!

In the deep palace, a huge pit formed under his hands!

At the last moment, he really didn't dare to attack Lin Su directly, because he knew that when Lin Su was on guard, when he could return to the temple with just a thought, he would not be able to hurt Lin Su at all even if he used the imperial seal. A hair on my head.

It will only make the road between him and the temple narrower and narrower.

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Su smashed his big corner to pieces, then slapped his ass and left.

This move left a sinkhole.

Above the North Sea, with thousands of blue waves, Xue Qianxun stood outside the dividing line of the sea of ​​​​people, quietly watching a person floating out from the inside of the dividing line of the human sea. This person was surprisingly He Su who was in Osumi Capital just now.

This place is two thousand miles away from the secluded capital of Osumi Capital, and it is only two hours away from the destruction of the Confucian Temple in the capital, but He Su, who launched the final blow, has already left the capital and arrived on the North Sea.

Judging from your face, you have just encountered a setback! Xue Qianxun smiled slightly.

He Su's feet suddenly positioned themselves, with her as the center, within a radius of a hundred feet, the wind and waves suddenly stopped, and He Su breathed out gently, like a long sword pointing straight into the distance.

Tell me, why did the plan carefully planned by you and His Majesty fail? Xue Qianxun said.

She did not participate in the specific formulation of the plan, but if there is anyone in the world who can think of the clever plan of Li Chi and his daughter in advance, Xue Qianxun is undoubtedly one of them. She clearly knows that when Lin Su enters Dayu, all the killing methods on the surface will be revealed. They are all banned, but Li Chi will never let him leave. In the end, there will definitely be a desperate plan.

As she said, when it is difficult to solve a problem head-on, it depends on whether the people in power have the determination to bite their teeth and keep their hearts firm!

She bet that Li Chi would bite his teeth and bite his heart because Lin Su's threat to Dayu, the hatred between Lin Su and Dayu, and Li Chi's fear of Lin Su were all enough to support this judgment.

She also knew that this decision was the most difficult to make, but once she made this decision, Lin Su's road would come to an end.

Now, when the final result came out, He Su's expression looked like that of her dead mother, which confirmed something incredible, that is: the plan to end the household between her and her father had definitely been introduced, and it had already begun. Here comes the big defeat!

It was really hard for her to imagine what kind of trouble that person could make in the territory that Li Chi absolutely controlled and with forces from all over the world working together to suppress it.

He Su sighed deeply: I'm still confused as to why he crashed into the Confucian Temple after giving him a fatal blow...

Crash into the Confucian Temple? Xue Qianxun was shocked: Please tell me in detail!

He Su said in detail...

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