Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 896 Xue Qianxun digs the grass to look for snakes

Yesterday, she received a message from Xue Qianxun and initially agreed with Xue Qianxun's judgment. The problems that occurred during the military parade must be related to Lin Su. There was no need to see the specific process or whether he had committed the crime. , just a little analysis is enough...

Lin Su chose the day before the military parade to come to Youdu, so he must have come for the military parade. Any changes that occurred during the military parade would have nothing to do with him.

However, neither He Su nor her father, Emperor Li Chi, could find any evidence of his involvement. Without evidence, nothing could be done to him, especially when he still held the title of Changxing of the Temple. What did he do?

The only way is to kill him!

The way to kill him is for He Su to use the swordsmanship of the Ultimate Sword World as his foundation and cooperate with his father's imperial seal!

With the combination of the two, even an expert in the Origin Heaven Realm and even a quasi-sage Lin Su can win in one fell swoop!

Of course, there will be troubles when killing a standard temple regular, but the troubles are just troubles after all, and they will always pass. Compared with Ohsumi's real strategic interests, Ohsumi intends to bear this kind of trouble. Moreover, Ohsumi also had a way out. Huang Yin's attack was hidden and no one could detect it. Even if the temple finally found out that the person responsible was Tian Jueyuan, the blame would not be directly blamed on Ohsumi Dynasty.

In theory, there would be no problem with such a blow, but there was still a problem.

The attack was unsuccessful and he bumped into the Confucian Temple. It was really haunted. The Confucian Temple was not in the same direction as the one he was escaping from, so why did he collide with it?

This collision will cause big trouble. Lin Su is fine!

He Su, the one who took action, committed the biggest taboo, so she could only run away quickly and reached Beihai.

When you said that you were paying attention to the Confucian Temple? Xue Qianxun frowned deeply: In your opinion, bumping into the Confucian Temple is something you can't understand?

Yes! Although the Wen Dao Corridor and the Confucian Temple are separated by a street, why should I not pay attention to the Confucian Temple? The direction of his escape was obviously in the opposite direction to the Confucian Temple, so I spared no effort and killed him with all my strength!

Wen Dao Corridor... I plan to assassinate him. Why did I choose Wen Dao Corridor as the assassination point? Xue Qianxun asked.

He Sudao: Facing a literary talent, who would choose to assassinate him in such a place? My initial choice was not the literary corridor, but there was a woman beside him as a guard. This woman was extremely vigilant, and Zuihua Pavilion also Well, in the first half of the journey, I didn’t find any opportunity to attack. Only in the Literary Corridor, where the woman was attracted by a poem and they separated, gave me the opportunity to assassinate her.

Xue Qianxun raised his eyes and looked at the horizon for a long time: What happened next?

Later? When I realized something was wrong, I quickly fled. What happened next is unknown... What do you mean...

Xue Qianxun said: Hurry up and contact the capital's insiders and ask about the final outcome of this matter. I have a bad premonition...

He Su quickly contacted her, and she was shocked by this contact...

A great uproar has arisen due to this incident...

Together with the watchman, he traced back and found out that the force attacking the Confucian Temple contained the imperial seal! ! !

The Emperor's Seal attacked the Confucian Temple, and the situation suddenly got out of control!

Temple punishment, Ohsumi science examination canceled, third term!

He Su's hand trembled slightly...

She looked at the blue waves beneath her feet, her eyes turning black...

She is the daughter of the royal family, even if she is just an illegitimate daughter, even if she has never even stepped into the court with half a toe, she still understands that she knows where the greatest foundation of a country lies, in culture!

Where does a country's strength lie? In terms of the number of great scholars!

Qinglian discussed Taoism, and he single-handedly brought Da Cang to the top. As a result, Da Cang was awarded the quota of 1560 Jinshi scholars in each scientific examination (360 Holy Jinshi, 1200 Jinshi), and he and Da Cang originally belonged to the same class. In the big corner of the platform, there are only a pitiful 441 places for Confucian scholars (81 for Holy Scholars and 360 for Granted Scholars).

Da Cang and Osumi are enemy countries, and the two countries are competing for decades or hundreds of years. If this situation is allowed to continue, Da Cang's strength will increase rapidly, and Osumi will be unable to compete with it.

Whether it is the Osumi Court or the Four Pillars of Literary Education, they are currently trying every possible means to increase the number of great scholars. Some even set their sights on the next Qinglian Forum, intending to show off their talents in this Qinglian Forum. , change the rationing of the number of scholars.

But at this juncture, the Osumi Science Examination was canceled directly, and it was canceled for three times!

In the third term, Dayu directly lost more than 1,300 Jinshi and Confucian scholars, while Da Cang was able to increase nearly 5,000 Jinshi and Confucian scholars. One was declining and the other was rising. How could Dayu compete with Da Cang?

All this is because of her!

Because she carried out an assassination attempt on Lin Su!

An assassination changed the destiny of the country for thousands of years!

He Su was at a loss in her heart. She suddenly felt that she had become a sinner in Ohsumi...

I'm finally convinced that all of this is his plan! He plots and plots, what a Lin Su, what a wise evildoer... Xue Qianxun let out a long sigh.

He Su suddenly raised his head, a plan?

Xue Qianxun's eyes met hers: You and your father's assassination are completely under his control! Not only does he know your assassination decision, but he also knows that you will cooperate with your father's imperial seal. The guard he brought put up a protective posture to prevent you from assassinating in other areas. He deliberately chose the Wen Dao Corridor as the launching point for the assassination, and the Confucian Temple must have been a move he had designed long ago. You accidentally injured him. The Confucian Temple is actually not an accidental attack, but the guidance of his art of war or some other mysterious method!

He Su's whole body was shocked: is this possible? My father and I have agreed that no third person in the world can know about it.

Xue Qianxun said: You judge based on convention, but he reasons based on wisdom! This is the difference between experience and wisdom!

He Su's lips trembled slightly: As a member of the temple, he deliberately led others to attack the most authoritative Confucian Temple in the temple. How dare dare he do this?

Is there anything in the world that he dare not do? And do you think... do you think he really respects the temple? He swept the nine palaces alone during the temple's entrance ceremony. His conflict with the temple is no secret!

He Su was stunned and lost his mind: Think about others' plans, use others' calculations, use me as a chess piece, even use my father as a chess piece, destroy more than a thousand of my Dayu Jinshi, the intention is so vicious, the hand is so big...

Xue Qianxun shook his head slightly: Is it a big deal to destroy you as a thousand Jinshi? It seems that you haven't seen through the true viciousness of his move! Let's put it this way, your Dasumi Wendao has been destroyed by him! He has almost destroyed it! The whole thing is ruined!”

He Su frowned suddenly...

Xue Qianxun walked on the blue waves and explained the key...

Canceling the scientific examination does not mean ruining your goal of more than a thousand Jinshi and Confucian scholars. The scary thing about it is not on the surface but in the hearts of the people!

Lin Su announced a message that was like a great savior when the science and technology exams in Dayu were canceled and all the students in the city were bereaved. Don't despair, you lost students in Dayu. I, Lin Su, follow the basic guiding ideology of putting the holy way first. I will give you a way to continue the path, and you can participate in my Da Cang's scientific examination.

Of course, there are prerequisites for this. You must change your nationality and swear allegiance to me, the Great Cang, for the rest of your life.

I would like to ask, do these students have a choice?

After ten or even decades of hard work, everyone's ultimate goal is to become a Jinshi or a great scholar. No matter how much they care about the country and no matter how loyal they are to Ohsumi, they can't beat this!

They will definitely choose this path!

How many people do you think they will make with this choice? Just more than a thousand people? wrong! At least tens of thousands of people! As many of the Dayu Juren who are aiming to take the current imperial examination will change their nationality to Da Cang and declare their allegiance to Da Cang!

Because this is something that must be done before the scientific examination.

Before the scientific examination is over, no one knows whether they will be successful.

But if you don’t take this step, you won’t even be qualified to take the exam!

He Su's back suddenly broke out in cold sweat...

Xue Qianxun continued...

What’s even more terrifying is the next step…

Who are the students who are eligible to take the exam? Either they are children of aristocratic families, or children of wealthy families, or even a large number of children of court officials. These children have sworn allegiance to the Cang. What do you want their parents and their families to do?

They either have to sever ties with these outstanding children, or they have to be tied to their children. The children are loyal to Da Cang. Even if it is inconvenient for their parents to be loyal to Da Cang, they dare not cause great harm to Da Cang. These children step into Da Cang's From that day on, they were protons!

He Su's heart was in confusion. She was not a wise person, but she was not a fool either. She knew that everything Xue Qianxun said was true. The seriousness of the matter had exceeded her prediction.

Xue Qianxun sighed softly: There are even more terrifying things!

He Su's heart pounded: What else?

Xue Qianxun said: The cancellation of the scientific examination is for the third time! It involves not only the tens of thousands of people who are about to take the exam, but also the countless people who are just starting out in the arts. If these people want to pass the Tongsheng Examination, The provincial examination, the general examination, and all roads are closed. Do you think they will also want to change their nationality now and continue their literary path in the next nine years?

Nine years!

In the long history of mankind, it may only be a short moment, but for those children and young literati who aspire to be literary, this may be the most anticipated period of their lives. How many such people are there in Osumi? Tens of millions!

And what about their family?

What about their parents?

How many people are there?

I'm afraid there are hundreds of millions of people facing this torture in the entire Ohyu!

This is the chain reaction caused by the cancellation of the three-year scientific examination and Lin Su's announcement in public!

He Su's hand trembled slightly: One assassination shakes the country's foundation, one assassination shakes the country's foundation...

His entry into Osumi this time has indeed been shaking the foundation of your country. It is only now that I can really see his plan clearly. It is really a series of tricks, a thousand-year chess game!

He Su suddenly raised his eyes: Qianxun, tell me all his plans!

Xue Qianxun said...

This time he entered Osumi, explicitly referring to the military parade, but secretly shaking Osumi's national foundation.

In Jeju Lunren, he brought his private goods and compared the past and present on Haining River Beach. With this strongest stimulation, he changed the hearts and minds of the people in Osumi.

In Meishan's Theory of Meaning, he also brought his private goods and made his Law public in Dayu. The image of Dayu's government, which made people harmonious and all things prospered, was widely circulated among the people in Dayu.

When discussing etiquette in Dongning, he directly lifted the fig leaf of Dayu's fortune and blatantly provoked civil confrontation.

The debate on loyalty in Wenyuan Pavilion must have been initiated by your Dayu court official to attack him at a targeted location. However, he achieved the ninth level of Taoism through a debate on loyalty. With this unprecedented glory of discussing Taoism, he used his so-called cannot be loyal to the emperor as a private matter. The goods are coming in a big way!

If anything, he intended to carry out an all-round subversion against Osumi's public opinion.

The most important thing is to shake the country's foundation. There are two directions to shake the country's foundation...

The first direction is to lead the imperial power to oppose the temple and cancel the scientific examination! As we have just analyzed, this move is so lethal that it will directly subvert your entire literary tradition.

There is also direction two. I firmly believe that the military parade must be his fault!

There was a sickly blush on He Su's face, and his eyes were as bright as swords: Military parade? Tell me how he operates?

Xue Qianxun raised his eyes: You and I are both spiritual practitioners. You should know that there is a strange skill in the spiritual path called 'distraction technique'! I suspect that the commander-in-chief of the military parade is actually not He Beilai, but Lin Su!

He Su slowly raised his gaze and looked straight at the sky: If all this is really his vicious plan, then I can admit that he is indeed worthy of being a genius! However, on the path of spiritual practice, I will eventually let him understand what the price is!

Xue Qianxun said: Are you talking about the 'Journey to Heaven'?

Yes! There are signs that Tiandao Island will be opened in the near future. You and I will go together, and he is also included!

Xue Qianxun smiled: On the journey to heaven, the younger generation of Dingtianliang will gather together. Apart from the Yaochi Saint Yu Xiaoyao, who are his fellow travelers?

No matter how many fellow travelers there are, they are all dead! He Su gently shook his hand: I swear by the sword!


Where she was, the figure had disappeared, leaving only a sword energy...

For a long, long time, the sword energy did not diminish at all. Xue Qianxun looked at it for a long time, her eyes were very bright...

The golden boat crossed.

The six-day and seven-night trip to Osumi has finally come to an end.

Lin Su sat quietly on the boat, leaning against the golden railing at the back.

White clouds passed by the boat, and everything was quiet.

Bi Xuanji held up the tea cup and handed it to him. Lin Su's eyes finally opened.

Is it over? Bi Xuanji's voice was very soft, and seemed to be filled with emotion.

It's over! Lin Su said.

Have you got everything you want...?

The Iron-Blooded Legion has been destroyed, and the war in the north has begun. In the short term, there will be no sign of peace in Osumi. Above Wen Dao... it has been abolished! It is considered complete!

Six days! How unimaginable is it to completely change a country's national destiny? Bi Xuanji said: What is the most dangerous part of this battle?

The tea cup in Lin Su's hand was fixed in the air: Kendo!


He Su's swordsmanship has exceeded my expectations! Is this really the inheritance of Tian Jueyuan?

Bi Xuanji smiled softly: You are a master of swordsmanship. If you ask me about swordsmanship, you are asking Yu blind.

Lin Su shook his head softly: It's not the kendo itself, but the origin of the kendo... I have a very strange feeling. I feel that her kendo is somewhat similar to mine, but it is much higher than my kendo attainments. This A sudden blow, similar to the combination of the sword-drawing posture and the sword-breaking posture of Dugu Nine Swords, I almost didn't react. Do you think there is such a possibility...she also practiced Dugu Nine Swords?

Bi Xuanji was slightly startled: Dugu Nine Swords? Dugu Nine Swords have never been spread in the world. Before you set foot on Jianming Mountain, even Dugu Xing, the current sect leader of Jianmen, had not learned the Dugu Nine Swords. How could you do it in Tian Jueyuan? Leave a legacy?

Dugu Xing doesn't know about Tian Jueyuan. Dugu Nine Swords has always been a secret of Jianmen. Theoretically, Tianjueyuan's swordsmanship has nothing to do with Jianmen's inheritance. However, Dugu Nine Swords was not created by Jianmen. It comes from foreign battlefields...

That's right! Jianmen could have obtained the Dugu Nine Swords thousands of years ago. Tianjueyuan has a longer history than Jianmen, and the techniques are more mysterious. It is obviously possible. Let's not talk about this, let's talk about punishment! Bi Xuanji's gaze He raised his head and stared at him: When the punishment was born, the old bastard Duan Shiqi came up with such a bad idea to let you and Li Chi accept the holy way to cleanse their hearts. At that time...were you really not afraid? Or were you just showing off?

When Bi Xuanji entered Dayu this time, if there was ever a time when Bi Xuanji's back started to sweat, it was undoubtedly at this moment.

The law and punishment are in the air, and the holy way cleanses the heart...

Because she knew Lin Su's plan, which was to use the emperor's seal to destroy the Confucian Temple. As long as he revealed this plan, the temple would not let him go, and the ultimate punishment would be on Lin Su's head.

With Lin Su's current identity and his current ability, no one in the secular world can inflict fatal injuries on him, but the temple is an exception. The temple only needs one reason to deal with him.

And the heart-cleansing of the holy way under legal punishment can undoubtedly give the temple such a reason.

At that moment, she was completely confused.

Lin Su, on the other hand, was calm and composed. At least she couldn't see any panic in him. Instead, he had a kind of excitement. She wanted to know if this was his acting skills.

Lin Su smiled: The holy way cleanses the heart, Old Bastard Duan is indeed ruthless! However, this is just his wishful thinking. The way people in the temple think about problems is not like him. I am sure that the temple will not follow his design. Go this way!”


Because Lin Su also brought Duan Qiyi in!

It doesn’t matter whether the temple can open a gap for him, but Lin Su can definitely open a gap for Duan Qi and Li Chi!

What will be the consequences once this gap is formed?

Very serious consequences!

Lin Su was 100% sure that Duan Shiqi and Li Chi were conspiring, and the plot was to kill him!

As a watchman who is supposed to be aloof, Duan Qi conspired with Li Chi to murder Chang Xing of the temple. What will happen to the reputation of the temple? With their association, the temple will be dusted directly.

Therefore, the temple does not dare to gamble!

Bi Xuanji sighed: I don't know how to comment on your decision. On the one hand, you made the right bet! On the other hand, your attitude of always betting on big things is ultimately very dangerous. If they break through your Your fixed mindset catches you off guard, what should you do?”

Lin Su smiled: If they are really so determined and would rather have the temple's reputation be tarnished and have the temple become a shrine in the hearts of people all over the world than to capture me, Lin Su, they will still be disappointed because I still have a successor. Stay!

Bi Xuanji looked at his bright smile and did not ask any more questions...

The road to the temple is a lonely road for him!

On this road, An Ye can't help him, Ji Guang can't help him, Zhang Juzheng can't help him, and Bi Xuanji can't help him even more.

Knowing his top secret would not have any substantive effect on him. At most, it would give him more peace of mind.

However, this is his trump card!

His trump card in the game with the Temple!

Such a trump card would be more beneficial if one less person knew it. Even Bi Xuanji, who had absolutely no ill intentions towards him, didn't need to know it at all.

Lin Su suddenly stretched out his hand, and in his palm was a jade flute...

This flute is neither gold nor wood, and is entirely silver-white. A layer of misty light circulates on the flute, passing in and out of several holes, making it particularly confusing.

Bi Xuanji's heart skipped a beat, what do you mean?

When you feel satisfied, do you want to play a song to celebrate?

His women are extremely enthusiastic about his music. If the girl is with him, she will probably ask him to play a piece of music from time to time. Especially when she is done, she will be more ready to play and listen to the music.

She was different. She positioned herself as his aunt. An aunt was not a daughter-in-law and could not make arbitrary demands.

However, this is just not convenient for him to take the initiative to ask for it, but it does not include him taking the initiative to brag!

At this moment, seeing the legendary jade flute, her heart skipped a beat.

From the tense intrigues of the enemy country in the north to peace and joy, from the frost of thousands of miles in the north to the spring breeze...

However, she was wrong!

Lin Su took out the jade flute and had no intention of playing music!

He activated the jade flute with zhenqi, and a beautiful woman appeared on the jade flute. The beautiful woman looked at him with a smile. Lin Su's eyes were wide open, and he was a little confused: Saint Xiaoyao, this Xiaoyao bamboo you gave me, It’s actually a communication talisman?”

Xiaoyao Bamboo itself is not a communication talisman, but it has the same origin as Yaochi Bamboo Island. Sitting on the island, I can have something in common with this Xiaoyao Bamboo. Said the Xiaoyao Saint.

Xiaoyao Bamboo is a different species from heaven to earth.

It comes from the bamboo island in Yaochi and is connected to the bamboo roots of the heaven and earth.

So, in that particular orientation, a special kind of connection can be achieved.

The saint is connected in this special way, but there is something important? Lin Su said.

Saint Xiaoyao's eyes slowly moved towards Bi Xuanji: Is this girl... one of your wives?

One of the ladies?

Bi Xuanji planned to deny: ...

It doesn't matter! Lin Su interrupted: No matter what kind of secret the saint has, she can listen to it!

Bi Xuanji focuses on the issue of identity.

What Lin Su sees through the phenomenon is the essence.

The Happy Saint first confirmed Bi Xuanji's identity. She was not just looking for some gossip about Lin Su in a hurry. What she really wanted to determine was whether Bi Xuanji could listen to the message she was going to deliver next.

Lin Su gave her a direct answer, no matter what the news is, you can tell it!

Bi Xuanji no longer needs to deny it.

She was a little confused.

Happy Saint? Yaochi Saint Jade Xiaoyao? I had an acquaintance with this holy girl at the Yaochi meeting that day, and later met her again in the southeastern Buddhist country, and even gave her a poem that has been handed down from generation to generation. There are different opinions in the world about the relationship between the two. Now It seems that the relationship between the two is really extraordinary - the kind where they can share secrets.

The Happy Saint nodded: Then I'll tell you bluntly, Tiandao Island is about to open! The exact time is eighty days away!

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