Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 898 Changes in the Southwest

This time, tens of thousands of students in Osumi cannot take the scientific examination. What is the root reason?

It was because Ohyu braved the disdain of the world and attacked the Ohyu Confucian Temple!

The attack on the Confucian Temple by the emperor's seal in Dayu was a complicated and confusing emergency. Logically speaking, there is absolutely no reason for this, but it happened. It happened because of you Lin Su, and the result is completely consistent with your Lin Su. strategic intentions.

No wonder people think too much about it.

Is there a pair of black hands named Lin behind this incident?

Xue Qianxun identified it as Lin Su!

He Su identified it as Lin Su!

Where is Li Chi? Obviously it is also recognized!

Osumi’s senior management almost all agreed!

Even Ji Guang and Ge Xin, the undisputed members of the community of interests in Lin Su's camp, think so.

So, what about the temple?

How many people in the temple really believed in Lin Su's innocence?

How much trouble will this incident cause in the future?

Even if ordinary people can't see this, how could this watchman, who is famous for his poetry, extremely astute, and prides himself on having an overall view of the situation, not be able to see it?

When knowing that an incident will have terrible consequences, smart people will choose to remain silent.

Inexplicably but not, she stood up!

Participated in the imperial meeting!

By standing up, she indirectly endorsed Lin Su and acknowledged the legal legitimacy of his handling of this incident.

This is extraordinary!

The civil turmoil will calm down because of her position, and this matter will move forward on the right path of legal legitimacy.

And what about herself?

Will you fall into temple mania?

Lin Su was a little unsure of her pulse for a moment...

Brother, there's something I'm not comfortable asking, but I still want to know if there was a sudden rebellion during the Osumi Iron Blood Legion's military parade... Ji Guang chose his words carefully.

Lin Su smiled...

All it takes is a smile to make Ji Guang's heart skip a beat...

Lin Sudao: I entered Dayu on the night of the Yuan Dynasty and rushed to the military parade. Therefore, if anything happens during the military parade, of course it has to do with me! There is nothing difficult to ask, and there is nothing difficult for me to answer. .”

How did you implement it? I heard that when the military parade was held, you were discussing Taoism at Dayusu Wenyuan Pavilion.

Lin Su smiled softly: This matter is not only the solution of an unsolved case, but also related to the overall situation of the world today. Your Majesty, I will tell you in detail...

Lin Su held up the teacup and began to explain again...

The formation of the Iron-Blooded Legion depends on the unique Dragon Nether Spring of Beihai Dragon Palace. The Dragon Nether Spring can make soldiers invulnerable, greatly increase their physical fitness, and greatly improve their cultivation. What's even more frightening is that synchronization will also change the soldiers' personalities, that is, making them Extremely brutal, he is fearless of danger on the battlefield and will fight to the death.

Ji Guang's expression changed. He knew how terrifying such a soldier was on the battlefield.

Physical strength, cultivation, brutality, and no fear of death or injury are the best qualities of a soldier.


Lin Su said something but...

However, such soldiers have a fatal flaw, that is, their brains are not very clear. If you do something more in their brains to make them more impulsive, more violent, and more selfless, their reason will break through the embankment. Totally crazy!

The Osumi military parade was the inevitable result of Lin Su adding some magical drugs to their already not sober brains!

Ji Guang was stunned...

Everything must be reversed!

These are the four words he interpreted!

But the heart of the pavilion pondered for a long time: Your Majesty, Third Young Master, I think there is something in this!

Tell me about it! Lin Su raised his eyes.

Ge Xin said: I don't know about the fatal flaw of Long Youquan. I don't even know about it. It is estimated that few people in the world know about the spiritual path. However, there is no reason why Beihai Dragon Palace doesn't know about it. They have set up such a path to attract human beings. Do you have similar thoughts as the spiritual path follows them? For example... when the entire human race's spiritual path was stimulated by Long Youquan and became oblivious, they held this mysterious medicine in their hands to truly control these spiritual paths and indirectly achieve The grand plan for the sea people to come ashore!”

Your Majesty is really a wise man! Lin Su sighed in admiration.

Ji Guang's eyes suddenly opened wide: Is there really such a plan?

Lin Su nodded: Beihai Dragon Palace cannot be judged by common sense. Although Beihai think tank Xue Qianxun has lost consecutive battles in the past, I will never underestimate her.

Ji Guang raised his eyes, looked north in the distance, and sighed for a long time: You really don't know how big the world is if you don't leave Meiling! The grand plan of the country, the eternal hegemony, the major holy families, the major countries, and the various forces are all competing for it. I It’s really hard to imagine what the world would be like without you.”

Without me, there is still you. Without Lin Su, there is still Zhang Su and Wang Su. Talents come out from generation to generation, and a new generation is better than the old. Maybe the only thing we can have is confidence!

Each generation has talented people, and a new generation is better than an old one! Well said! Ji Guang said: A new era, a new pattern, brother, did you know that there are changes in the south too!

South? What changed?

Ji Guang said a lot...

The Ancient Kingdom of Nanyang just sent an envoy to ask for an audience. They were very humble and sent generous gifts and a sincere letter of credence. The letter of credence said: The Ancient Kingdom of Nanyang borders Da Cang. Although there were some disputes in the past, from now on, But for the sake of good neighborliness, there are some changes in the Southwest Demonic Kingdom, and both countries should remain highly vigilant. Therefore, it is proposed that the two countries form an alliance to jointly build a line of defense to fight against the Demonic Kingdom.

Lin Su took a sip of tea and said, How would your Majesty reply?

Ji Guangdao: I agreed, based on three understandings. First, there are no territorial disputes between our country and the Ancient Nanyang Kingdom, but there are occasional minor frictions on the border. Overall, they coexist peacefully, and there is no reason to be hostile; second, the Southwest Demonic Kingdom There is indeed a change, Xueyuguan can't stand alone, and it does need allies, and the best ally is the 100,000-strong army of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom Duanyang Pass; thirdly, the Nanyang Ancient Kingdom's army at Duanyang Pass is an army under the banner of King Zhenbei , and the King of Zhenbei happens to be your brother Lin Zheng’s father-in-law, and Weng and your son-in-law join forces to fight against the demon army, isn’t it a good story in the military?”

Lin Su smiled: Joining forces with the foreign general Weng Xun is indeed a good story in the military, but you must have a king like your majesty to tolerate it!

Yes, most kings are deeply afraid of border commanders. Any commander who dares to marry a foreign commander will be immediately angry. However, this does not apply to Ji Guang. Ji Guang is too relieved about the Lin brothers.

That's why he tolerated it.

Ji Guang also smiled: There is another reason. I heard that the new emperor of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom was actually supported by you. I share the same fate with him. If I don't get close to him, who will I get close to?

Lin Su raised his eyes: Your Majesty, it's not good for you to say that. You make it seem like I specialize in subverting other people's thrones.

It's like you don't do this specifically...

Ha ha ha ha……

Laughter spread from the Zijin Pavilion, and people around her were happy. She actually knew about the palace very early. She knew that the dragon chair was not so easy to sit on. Once you sit on it, this person will not be the original one. There are certain words that cannot be said, certain things that cannot be done by that person, and certain things must exist in the city. However, the two people in front of him seem to be exceptions that have never existed before.

We can talk about anything, we can do anything, and there is no grudge against each other.

Ji Guang personally reached out and poured another cup of tea for Lin Su: Having talked about the ancient Nanyang Kingdom, we can't help but talk about the Chi Kingdom. The situation in the Chi Kingdom is different. There are signs that Wenxin Pavilion is deeply involved in the Chi Kingdom court. On the right side of Panjiang River, hundreds of miles of battalions are really in turmoil...

Red country!

The smile in Lin Su's eyes disappeared: Your Majesty, I will set off south tomorrow!

Tomorrow? Ji Guang was slightly surprised.


The target is Chi Country?

To be precise, it's Wenxin Pavilion!

Ji Guang raised his eyes, infinitely complicated: You have just returned from Dayu, and you haven't even returned home...

I won't be in Da Cang for a while, and I want to resolve some things before I leave.

How long is it? Ji Guang's heart shrank slightly.

It can be as fast as half a year, or as slow as... unknown.

Ji Guang was silent.

He actually thought about it a long time ago...

Lin Su will leave sooner or later!

Because his path is destined not to be in the world of mortals!

He has reached his higher peak, and he will not be trapped in the world for a long time. However, when that day comes, he still falls into an inexplicable sadness...

Ge Xin, change the bar!

Yes! Your Majesty! Ge Xin raised her hand, and a pot of Lin Family's top-quality Bai Yunbian appeared in her palm.

Two full glasses of wine were placed in front of the two of them.

Brother, three glasses of wine for thousands of miles of mortal life, and a pot of tea for Qianqiu's great achievements. You and I have already drank a pot of tea. Now I offer you three glasses of wine. There are no more words, just one sentence, I hope that no matter where you go in the world, They all remember the smell of red dust and wine.”

The mortal world is like floating catkins, and I am also in the mortal world! Lin Su held up the wine glass: Come on!

After clinking glasses three times, there was a bit of dullness in the air...

Ge Xin smiled softly and broke the dull atmosphere: Third Young Master, when my child is born, I may not be able to wait until your return. Why don't you, a master of literature and art, give him a name?

Lin Su was surprised: Mother, isn't this good? Maybe your child will be the king of a country in the future, and I will be the one to choose the name?

Ji Guangzhan smiled: Besides me, the only person in the world who can name my child is you. Come on, no matter if the child is a son or a daughter, whether he is a prince or a princess, It's up to you to choose the name. One day in the future, if I leave before you, you must remember to come back and see him!

Every journey is a new starting point! Lin Su said: If this child is a boy, name it 'Qi', if it is a girl, name it 'Dian'.

Ge Xin bowed deeply: Thank you King Wen for giving me the name! King Wen is leaving, Ge Xin is waiting for your return with his son in his arms!

When Lin Su left Zijin Pavilion, Ji Guang and Ge Xin went outside the pavilion to see him off.

Countless maids and eunuchs knelt down at the same time to send King Wen off.

The setting sun has reached the top of the Western Mountain, and a clear evening bell makes birds fly high.

In Prince Wen's Mansion, Lin Su fell through the air. In the small garden behind, a woman suddenly raised her head...

At first glance, there was light in her eyes, and a moment later, there was something mysterious and complicated in her eyes...

Moon Shadow!

She has come back!

A Spring Festival filled her with mixed feelings.

Amidst the bright lights of thousands of houses, she was as lonely as the moon.

She traveled through every corner of the world, saw countless family reunions, and saw countless joys and sorrows in the world, but what did it have to do with her?

She is just a lonely wandering soul, even her soul does not belong to this world.

In this situation, she was someone she could not mess with. However, there were some people who did not believe in evil and caused trouble for her again and again. In Nanshan, she killed two Yanyulou who did not know whether to live or die. Just now After walking around Dongting Lake, three more people came. Then, every two or three days, a group of people would assassinate them. The number of people was getting larger and larger, and their cultivation levels were getting higher and higher. Later, the people who came were actually able to In a head-to-head confrontation with her, she would have almost been taken advantage of if she hadn't had the foundation of a saint, with knowledge and magical means far beyond this world, and could always turn the tables in desperate situations.

She wasn't particularly clear on how other people spent their Spring Festival, but she knew her own Spring Festival was spent in the midst of killing, and the killing was thrilling.

Let me ask, who in the world is more angry than her?

How? I walk around the world with the dignity of a saint, but I still have no peace?

You Yanyulou, if you don’t stop going on, I will really defeat you!

Of course, this is just inner anger. The real situation is that she is a little afraid to take it easy in the world because her biggest shortcoming has not been made up. She needs a quiet place and she needs to watch Fifteen more times. moon.

The hometown of her body is on the side of the West Sea in Xizhou. If she goes to the West Sea, it will probably be more peaceful. However, her character does not support her acting with people from the so-called hometown, so she hesitated for a few days and returned. After arriving at Prince Wen's Mansion, only here, the ubiquitous assassinations in Yanyu Tower would be restrained.

She came back on the tenth day of the first lunar month.

After returning, Yanyulou's assassination was indeed gone, and she spent the full-moon night without any interruption.

After settling down, she reflected...

Why is my schedule never so smooth?

Why was it that when I went on a long trip to Nanshan, I didn't see a few inches of the spring breeze that I wanted to see along the thousands of miles of rivers and lakes, but instead got endless killings? Did this bitch man draw a circle for her and let her get in?

If so, that's somewhat serious.

Prove what?

Proves that her identity has been discovered by him!

However, she thought about it thousands of times, but still found no conclusive evidence. Everything he did seemed to have nothing to do with her...

While she was thinking over and over again, this man who made her uneasy about everything during the Spring Festival was back!

Should I also set a trap and get him?

For example, if you go out and cause big trouble, but let those people come and break into Prince Wen's Mansion?

Yueying's eyes turned quietly, thinking about big plans...

Lin Er met Lin Su accurately this time, not at the gate, but outside Lin Su's room. He was smart enough to know that his prince was naughty in nature... Oh, no, Being a maverick, greetings at the gate were often empty, so he found another way. When he learned that the prince was returning to Beijing, he recalled the location where the prince had fallen through the sky in the past, and waited there first.

Sure enough, I’ve been waiting for it!

Lin Er was very excited. As soon as Lin Su landed on the ground, he knelt down and said, See you, Your Majesty!

Not bad! Lin Su nodded: Lin Er, you actually figured out the route for me to return to the palace?

Didn’t I force this out? The old housekeeper's face turned into chrysanthemums: I dare not accept the prince's award, I dare not accept it...Does the prince have food in Zijin Pavilion? Do you want some?

Lin Su nodded: Let them bring some up, it's easier!

It sounds simple, but what the girls brought out was not simple. Eighteen dishes were carefully prepared. After the meal, Lin Er bowed and served fragrant tea...

Lin Su took a sip of tea and said, Lin Er!

The old slave is here!

I am about to travel far away and will not be coming back in the short term. I have a few things to make arrangements for.

In the distant garden, Yueying's eyes suddenly condensed slightly...

About to travel far? How many things to arrange?

Normally, she was still far away, and she couldn't detect any movement on Lin Su's side. However, it was already night, and the moonlight was diffuse. No one knew that this diffuse moonlight was fused with an unprecedented feeling. Strange magical power, this magical power is lunar phase technique. What is moon phase technique? Wherever the moonlight reaches, there is everything the eye can see!

what for?

This magical power has been practiced to the highest level, and the moonlight is her eyes!

Wherever there is moonlight in the world, she can see it with her own eyes from thousands of miles away!

The vastness of this magical power is simply unbelievable!

This magical power was originally supposed to be at the end of the holy path. Yueying was only the first to gain access to the door. Although it was only the first to gain access, in this small world, it was still a heaven-defying skill. What is even more terrifying is that this magical power is not the original cultivation level. , Don’t be knocked down as your realm is knocked down.

Under the moon phase technique, Lin Su arranged work for Lin Er.

Or rather, arranging finances.

Everyone in the palace receives salary on a monthly basis. The standard is the same as that of the Lin family in Haining. Your salary is ten taels of silver per month, and the rest of the staff receive five taels of silver per month. Girls, nurses, and servants are paid every month. Three taels of silver per person per month.

Lin Er's eyes suddenly opened wide: Your Majesty, this is not possible... it is absolutely impossible...

Why not?

As members of the palace, the old slave and others should do things for the palace as a matter of course. If the palace does not beat or scold them, they are already reborn parents if they have food, clothing and clothes. How can they be paid?

You...haven't you been to Haining several times? Didn't you go to Peipianpidian to get sutras several times? Why can't the spring breeze in Haining blow the melon seeds into your head? Lin Su shook his head.

No... I know that Haining is the place where the prince made his fortune, and all of the prince's properties are in Haining. The situation there is special... Besides, if this happens, the royal tribute you receive every month may not be much left... Lin Er was anxious.

The prince is worshipped.

It is also graded.

Lin Su's offering was the highest in Da Cang's history, one thousand two hundred taels per month.

However, there are a lot of people in the palace, there are more than a hundred or dozens of people. The housekeeper did some calculations in his mind and used his smooth arithmetic of addition and subtraction within ten to do some calculations. He found that the situation was not optimistic. , maybe the prince’s offering of one thousand two hundred taels of silver will be swallowed up by this madness!

The royal family provided tribute to the prince, but the prince himself didn't get a penny, so he let the servants divide it among them? What's this?

There's not much left? Isn't there still some left? Lin Su said: Okay, as I said, we will implement it tonight. I want the girls to be so excited that they won't sleep tonight!

Lin Er frowned, but finally kowtowed: I would like to thank the prince for his grace on behalf of the whole family!

Leave the room.

A smile appeared on Lin Su's face...

A voice came from the darkness behind him: Are you waiting for the girls to get excited and come to your place to do something extraordinary?

Lin Su smiled: They have no chance to go out of their way even if they want to. You have completely blocked their way out!

Damn! Just asking for a way out of your room? That's a complete fall... Zhou Mei appeared from the darkness, biting her lip and gave an annotation: Even Bi, who has practiced Zen for thirteen years,... You have led you into a bottomless quagmire. Who among those girls has her moral character? Can they withstand the rejuvenation of a thousand-year-old gangster like you?

Lin Su's eyes widened: Bi Xuanji is just going to Dayu with me. Wouldn't everyone have your over-interpretation?

What kind of interpretation we have is not important at all. What is important is what kind of interpretation Lu Yi will have...

Depend on! Lin Su slapped himself on the forehead: Let's not talk about these trivial matters. Let's talk about the business. How did you go about the things you were asked to check last time?

Zhou Mei waved her hand lightly, and a true energy blockade sealed the surrounding area.

Lin Su raised his gaze and looked at his garden. A thin layer of golden light shot out between his eyebrows, adding a layer of cultural protection around them...

Yueying’s eyes in the back garden really lit up...

Did you ask her to investigate last time?

When making a formal report, he was so cautious and double-protected, and he even took action himself!

What does it mean? It means that what she wants to investigate is not trivial!

It's top secret!

What could be top secret? Is it possible it's related to her?

Her moon phase skills instantly reached an incredible level...

I'm really trapped! Zhou Mei let out a long sigh: I was asked to check some things before, but I was still in Da Cang Capital after all. Then I was asked to check some things, and at least I was still in Da Cang Kingdom. Now you ask me to check things, and I can't do anything at all. I’ve crossed the national border and I really don’t know what I’m trying to do, so why am I willing to listen to your mercy?”

After some emotion, she formally spoke: Wenxin Pavilion has been setting up the Chiguo court for quite some time. It must be said that there is a reason for their big heads. They are really not pretending to be shit... They control At least 30% of the people in the Chi Kingdom's court were controlled, and almost all the practicing sects in the Chi Kingdom were controlled. The second prince of the Chi Kingdom, Yan Xiu, was originally just a dying prince who was suppressed by the prince, but with their full support, he has surpassed the prince. , has become a super dark horse on the road to the throne. On the other hand, the prince is facing the same dilemma as the former prince...

Along the way, the biggest dispute in the Chi Kingdom court was placed in front of Lin Su.

The dispute in the Chiguo court was very similar to the dispute in the Da Cang court that day.

Perhaps this is something that feudal society has never been able to get around. Competition for reserves has always existed!

No matter which country it is in, as long as there is nothing wrong with His Majesty the Emperor, three thousand beauties can always make him have many children. Once there are more sons, competition for heir apparent is inevitable. This is called nothing new under the sun.

The situation in Chi Country is complicated, not because of the competition for reserves itself, but because the environment in Chi Country is very complicated.

Wenxin Pavilion, the Fire Clan are all in the Red Country.

With just one Wenxin Pavilion, it is difficult for the court to be complicated, let alone the Fire Clan. The Fire Clan is a foreign race, and the foreign races also have different aspirations. The two major forces compete for the world. The Chiguo Court is more complicated than the Da Cang Court in the past. .

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