Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 899 Tailor-made strategy for Yueying

Wenxin Pavilion supports the second prince Yan Xiu, while the Fire Tribe supports the prince Yan Jian.

The Emperor of the Red Kingdom was a very frustrated emperor. These two major forces were intertwined with his court. He didn't want to offend either of them, so everything became a mess.

These originally had nothing to do with Da Cang. As for the enemy country, the more chaotic the enemy, the better for Da Cang. However, there has been a change between the two parties recently that deserves Da Cang's attention.

What's going on?

The second prince and the prince had a meeting in Tongxin Pavilion.

It was before the Spring Festival, and the two parties met at Tongxin Pavilion. Representatives from the Fire Tribe attended, and representatives from Wenxin Pavilion also attended. It seemed like a four-party meeting, but in fact it was just two camps sitting down to talk.

No one knows what was discussed in this conversation, but there is something unusual about the Red Army on the Qingpan River. Their strength has been rapidly improved, and their troop formations have also changed drastically from before.

There is no accurate information about the hidden fragrance that Chiguo spent a lot of effort to break in. There is only a rough judgment. The four parties have reached a consensus, or a bet, to see who can cross the Qingpan River and win the big battle. Whoever can capture the thirteen states in southern Cang will control the future of the Red Kingdom!


Zhou Mei raised her gaze with a twinkle in her eye: So, I suspect that this bet exists! Because it corresponds to the needs of all parties!

As far as Wenxin Pavilion is concerned, Da Cang is their deepest hatred. As long as Da Cang is in chaos, they will be happy.

As far as the Fire Tribe is concerned, the worse the life of the human world becomes, the more prosperous the alien race will be. They will also be happy when the two sides start a war.

As for the emperor, he had been operating in the north of Qingpanjiang River for ten years, but was driven across the Qingpanjiang River by the Cangshan Army. How could an emperor be willing to do so? Therefore, crossing the Qingpan River has been his long-term obsession, not to mention that this move can get the full support of the two major forces?

As far as the court officials are concerned, everyone is willing to make their own declarations and be high-spirited on such military and national events, but it is not their turn to go to the battlefield anyway...

In this way, the Chi Kingdom ignored the internal conflicts and unanimously pointed the finger at Da Cang.

At the end of Zhou Mei's topic, she asked from her soul: But there is one thing that I still can't figure out. They are obviously scared to death of you, why do they dare to think about it now?

Yes, she probably has this problem with many people.

Lin Su had used a series of strategies to frighten the three neighboring countries, including Osumi, Yelang, and Chiguo.

There is a consensus among the top leaders of the three countries. This consensus is that it is not appropriate to invade the country while Lin Su is still there.

But now, Lin Su is still in Da Cang!

How dare they?

Lin Su smiled faintly: They are just preparing for war. When I am in the sky, they will not actually attack. But what if I am not here? Maybe this is the opportunity they are waiting for.

Zhou Mei's heart was slightly shaken: Are you really going to leave?

Sooner or later! Lin Su said: But before I leave, I will solve this hidden danger first!

You want to enter the Red Kingdom? Zhou Mei's eyes lit up.

Yes...why are your eyes so bright?

Zhou Meiliang's big eyes fluttered: I think... during your happy trip to the Red Country, you may need a night to accompany you... someone to talk to you! It's the character Bi Xuanji in your Spring Outing in Dayu...

Lin Su glanced at her: Didn't you already decide that I harmed the beauty of Xiao Bi during our spring outing in Dayu? Are you going to jump into the quagmire of my thousands of miles?

Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, who will? When will I leave?

Fuck! Lin Su stroked his forehead: I'll leave tomorrow, but it's just me, not us! You still have important things to do, and you can't play such an unpredictable role.

Why? I've never seen anything weird like trying to jump into a pit but not being able to do so... Zhou Mei raised her mouth eight inches high, and Lin Su felt that she was deliberately showing off the fullness of her red lips...

Lin Sudao: You really have something important to do, and this matter concerns my head!

Huh? Your head is on the line? Zhou Mei was a little surprised.

Lin Su nodded his head: This matter has something to do with Yueying!

ah? Zhou Mei's whole body was shocked...

In the small distant garden, Yueying's whole body suddenly became motionless...

Although I don't know where Yueying is at this moment, for a person like her, no one can be too careful. Do you know what her biggest fetter is?

Zhou Mei seemed to be stiff at this moment, but her stiffness lasted only for a moment: ...what?

Moonlight! Lin Su said: If she is allowed to obtain the inexhaustible moonlight, her cultivation will be restored quickly, and the whole world will be unreplicable. Then, all the rules will be controlled by her. How do you think she would treat me that day?

Zhou Mei carefully guessed: I'll strip you naked and play with you, so that you will lose your glory?

What are you thinking? She will take off my head! It's the thing above the neck, not the thing below the belly button! Lin Su corrected seriously.

Zhou Mei took a breath: Then there's only one question left. Can she find the moonlight that makes her inexhaustible?

There is a treasure called the 'Purple Moon Furnace'. The biggest effect of this furnace is to convert the sun into moonlight. Think about it, the sun shines every day, but the moonlight only exists on the fifteenth night. Such a conversion, her biggest constraint Disappearing in an instant, the speed of cultivation improvement is not only increased by ten times?

Where is the Purple Moon Furnace? Zhou Mei's expression changed.

At the Yanyulou headquarters!

Zhou Mei let out a long breath: The headquarters of Yanyu Tower... Yanyu Tower is the most mysterious. So far, no one knows where their headquarters is. Is it possible for her to find it?

If you are an ordinary person who has been tracking Yanyu Tower for hundreds of years, you may not be able to find the location of the headquarters. Even if you find it, you will not be able to seize this magic weapon from the Yanyu Tower headquarters. However, don't underestimate Yueying. This little girl is As a saint-level person, as long as there is a small gap, she can open a big gap. We can't gamble on the odds. Therefore, your next most important task is to search for the location of the Yanyu Tower headquarters. Once you find it, let us know immediately. As for me, I have a way to destroy this magic weapon as soon as possible!


I'm tired after traveling thousands of miles. I have to take a good rest. You can protect me! Lin Su lifted the blockade of literary education with a gentle wave of his hand and lay down on the bed.

Zhou Mei also flicked her fingers to release the blockade on her practice path, and she disappeared behind the bed.

A wisp of cloud drifted across the sky, blocking the moonlight. Yueying's eyes slowly opened, and a few wisps of faint moonlight came into her eyes. Her eyes shone slightly in the dark night.

She has been following him for a long time, and finally got a key piece of information. Her heart, which had not been beating fiercely for a long time, suddenly became excited.

This is a small world, different from the big world she once lived in.

In this world, the cultivation resources are far less than the big world of the past, and her cultivation level is far from reaching the Saint level. However, this rare treasure that suddenly appeared gave her a glimmer of hope.

Even she knows about Zi Yue Lu!

This was originally a sacred artifact of the big world. It was not a particularly high level, but it was just the standard of that big world. In this small world, it might be the best practice aid she could find.

This is the most effective weapon to remove all her shackles!

What she didn't expect was that there was a conversation between two people in the room where she had given up surveillance and who had removed all protection.

She has evacuated. To be on the safe side, we are still transmitting the message with our spiritual consciousness! Lin, who was lying on the bed and seemed to have fallen asleep, transmitted the message.

Zhou Mei's spiritual consciousness was very excited: She was really monitoring just now? And can she really break through the double blockade between you and me?

Moonlight surveillance is really unique. Therefore, the skills possessed by people with a high level of cultivation are also unbelievable. Lin Su said.

So, were you digging a hole for her just now?

Humans, there is always a psychological hint. She will be suspicious of the information we expose to her openly, but she will believe the information we put on a tight seal and talk in secret!

Zhou Mei breathed out silently: So, the Purple Moon Furnace is a treasure you made up. In fact, there is no such treasure in the world that can transform the sun into the moonlight.

I'll teach you a common sense. If you want to deceive people, you can't just make it fake. Fake things are fake after all. They can't withstand careful scrutiny, let alone careful inspection...

Zhou Mei was shocked: Is there really a Purple Moon Furnace?

There really is a Ziyue Furnace, and it really is at the headquarters of Yanyu Tower. However, this magic weapon was destroyed by Yan Nantian thousands of years ago. The more amazing thing is: the destruction of Ziyue Furnace, Yanyu Tower strictly blocked the news. Except for the highest level, no one knows that the higher-level disciples and elders of Yanyu Tower also firmly believe that there is this magic weapon in the building! Why does this happen? It is because this Purple Moon Furnace is the ultimate weapon of Yanyu Magical Power. The magic weapon used, Yanyu Tower relies on this magic weapon to keep the disciples of Yanyu Tower confident in Yanyu's magical power.

Zhou Mei said: Except for the people at the top of Yanyu Tower, no one knows this secret. Where did you get it? Could it be that you already know the people at the top of Yanyu Tower and have interacted with him before?

Lin Su's consciousness smiled softly: It is true that only the people at the top of Yanyu Tower know about it, but how can the people who destroyed Ziyue Furnace with their own hands not know?

Yan Nantian! Zhou Mei almost jumped up if she didn't want to stay in seclusion.

Yan Nantian was a Sword God-level figure a thousand years ago. According to current estimates, he was comparable to a saint. Could it be that such a strange person actually interacted with him?

Lin Su explained: Yan Nantian has a hand in dealing with Our Lady of Yaochi. He destroyed the Ziyue Furnace and accepted the commission from Yaochi.

Zhou Mei breathed out softly: So, your news comes from another strange woman you hooked up with: the Yaochi Saint Yu Xiaoyao.


Zhou Mei said: Seducing women is quite useful for you. Bi Xuanji let go of his half-cultivated Zen practice and accompanied you all the way to Dayu. Now a Yaochi saint appears and is playing a game with Yueying. A key link in the process, I am sending you such secret news...

Alas? Why are these words so sour?

Lin Su's left eye opened: Just a little extra, I also hooked up a little witch from Zhou, who helped me find information all over the world. Her role alone is worth that of an army.

I don't count! I firmly deny it! The relationship between you and me is purely cooperative. What kind of hookup is this? What kind of hookup is this if we haven't kissed or hugged you? Zhou Mei firmly objected.

Depend on! I seriously doubt that this is a clear reminder, but I have no evidence...

Zhou Mei saw his questioning look and immediately changed the subject: Is the big hole you dug for her based on the specific situation in front of you?

What do you mean?

Zhou Mei said: You seduced her... oh, seduced her for others to see, and then provoked a dispute between Yanyulou and her, and used her hands to kill Yanyulou. Now this little girl is tired of killing and doesn't want to play anymore. She stayed in your palace and refused to go out, so you used an imaginary Purple Moon Furnace to fish her out of Prince Wen's palace and restart the gradually subdued war. Is this your intention?

A smile appeared on Lin Su's lips: This is not the main purpose!

Damn! Such an insidious strategy is not the main purpose. What is your main purpose?

Lin Sudao: Completely eradicate Yanyu Tower!

Zhou Mei had a mysterious look in her eyes in the darkness: I know you have full confidence in her, but I have to pour some cold water on you. According to my intelligence analysis, in the past few months, during the confrontation with Yanyulou, She has not gained the upper hand. She is currently hiding in Prince Wen's Mansion, which is actually a sign of lack of confidence. If you expect her to break into the Yanyu Tower headquarters and completely clear out the Yanyu Tower with her own strength, you are probably overthinking it.

I don't expect to clear the Yanyu Tower with her own strength. I just hope to find the Yanyu Tower headquarters with her power!

turn up?

Lin Su smiled softly: Yes! Just find it! If she finds the Yanyu Tower, I can find the Yanyu Tower. If I find the Yanyu Tower, the army can find the Yanyu Tower! To destroy a mysterious Yanyu Tower that has been famous for thousands of years, with her current situation I can’t do it with my current level of cultivation, and it’s even more impossible with my current level of cultivation, but I definitely don’t believe that thousands of troops can’t level a single building!”

Zhou Mei lost her voice completely...

She was completely stunned...

She is not a fool, she calls herself a wise person, but during the conversation with him, the chain of strategies between them still breaks through the boundaries of her imagination again and again...

She thought his goal was just to make the game between Yueying and Yanyulou more intense.

However, his real purpose is to completely destroy Yanyu Tower.

She thought that what he relied on was his almost blind belief in Yueying.

In fact, what he wants is not Yueying's real combat power, but just to find it!

Yueying was once a saint, and she had magical skills that were unimaginable.

At present, her cultivation level has not recovered, and her combat power is not enough to sweep the world, and she cannot even take on Yanyu Tower head-on. However, she has a high probability of succeeding just to find the headquarters of Yanyu Tower.

As long as Yueying can find the Yanyulou headquarters, he will have a way to lock her location. This kind of locking method can be found in many ways on the path of literature and practice.

And once locked, thousands of troops can be dispatched!

If Yanyu Tower is headquartered in Da Cang, where will Da Cang's three million army be unjust?

What if the Yanyulou headquarters is not in Da Cang?

When Da Cang's three million army is of no use, he has other methods!

On the spiritual path, people who have grudges against Yanyu Tower account for almost 80% of the entire spiritual path - Yanyu Tower has done too many evil things over the past millennium, and almost all major forces have enmity with it. As long as the location of Yanyu Tower is leaked, , even if he, Lin Su, doesn't come forward, he can still use the hands of countless others to destroy this Yanyu Tower!

This is his plan to destroy Yanyu Tower!

Every detail is meticulous, and you can find people and ideas.

The most critical chess piece, Yueying, will undergo a huge change after tonight...

What kind of change?

Attitude change!

In the past, she had passively dealt with Yanyulou's pursuit.

But now she has changed from passive to active!

She will take the initiative, and she will attack with a strong goal motivation!

In this state, she will eventually find out the location of the Yanyulou headquarters!

Every move Lin Su makes falls into someone else's gap...

What kind of monster is this?

Zhou Mei looked at him quietly in the darkness, admiring his face, admiring his eyebrows, and admiring the lips he licked when he fell asleep. Was he asleep? Have you dreamed? This licking of lips, was he eating something in his sleep, or was he kissing... on the mouth?

For some reason, Zhou Mei also licked her lips gently...

Outside the window, the moonlight had long since disappeared and was covered by thick clouds.

The moonless night seemed a bit more dull.

At midnight, a spring thunder exploded, a gust of night wind blew by, and it began to rain. The first spring rain of the year came quietly in the first half of the night when the moon was still filled with light.

After the rain, the air became a little more moist and chilly. Zhou Mei gently stretched out her hand and covered Lin Su with the quilt on the bed. Lin Su did not wake up and turned over to continue sleeping.

Looking at his sweet sleeping posture, Zhou Mei couldn't help but feel a little warmth in her heart. He was really relaxed in front of me. This kind of relaxation seems to be particularly rare in this year and in this situation.

At five o'clock, the rain became heavier.

In the early morning, the rain became lighter, but it was still dense, and the sky and the earth were filled with rain and fog.

A gust of wind blew by, and the window paper moistened by the rain opened, revealing the misty world outside. Zhou Mei got up, came to the window, and gently closed the curtains. Her hair also floated gently with the rain and mist.

On the bed behind her, Lin Su's eyes slowly opened...

The rain was gurgling outside the curtain, the spring was fading, and Luo Qiu couldn't bear the cold at dawn. In his dream, he didn't realize that he was a guest, and for a while... I really forgot that I was a guest, and actually slept happily in this royal palace. Sleep!

Zhou Mei slowly turned around, with an unknown expression on her face: I would like to remind His Highness King Wen that you are in your own royal palace, not in the Xishan Villa where you wrote this famous poem. It’s a guest to describe it. Have you not woken up from last night’s dream and forgotten that you are not in Xishan Villa?”

Guest, it is never a geographical concept, but a concept of state of mind! Lin Su straightened his waist and jumped up from the bed: You may not believe it, I don't care whether there is a government in the capital, I step into In the capital, one always has the mentality of a guest.”

The palace is so huge and prosperous, but the prince has a guest mentality, which is a bit mysterious... Zhou Mei murmured: Can a poem be included here?


Zhou Mei was so excited that she raised her hand and picked up a piece of gold paper next to her: Write a colorful poem and give it to me as a New Year's gift!

New Year's gift? Is your family still celebrating the New Year?

Whether he...writes it or not? Zhou Mei raised the gold paper high.

To borrow a sentence from you to answer, I am particularly tolerant of women I have not really hooked up with... I will write!

Pick up a pen and write down...

The world is as thin as a veil over the years,

Who ordered the horseback riders to come to Jinghua?

The small building listened to the spring rain all night,

Apricot flowers were sold in the Ming Dynasty in Shenxiang.

Without any warning, the colorful rays of light illuminated Zhou Mei's face like a dream...

Zhou Mei's beautiful big eyes blinked, and she sighed deeply: I originally thought that one day I would be really hooked by you, but now it seems that I still can't! Only if I don't really hook up will I be attractive to you. I will rely on this exclusively to make money from now on...

Lin Su's eyes widened: Damn! I won't give you this poem anymore...

Zhou Mei snatched the poem and disappeared directly, her sweet laughter could be heard in the air.

Lin Su also had a smile on his face and slowly opened the door...

In the small courtyard behind, Yueying sat in front of the mirror. Through the edge of the mirror, she saw the spring rain outside the window and the apricot blossoms...

She also saw a man with a peaceful smile on his face.

A peaceful smile slowly appeared on Yueying's face. In the bright mirror, this smile looked very natural.

She slowly turned back and walked slowly across the small balcony in front of her, and saw Lin Su who had half of her feet on the steps.

Yueying Yingying bowed: When will the prince return to the capital?

Lin Su smiled: I just returned last night. Seeing that it was getting late, I didn't come over to disturb the girl. I came here this morning to give her a New Year's gift.

He was holding a wooden box in his hand.

Yueying saluted and thanked: How dare you trouble the prince? Your prince, please come in!

There is no need to come in. I have important matters to attend to. I am about to leave the capital. I would also like to say goodbye to Miss Yanran today.

Yueying was slightly startled: The prince has just returned to the palace and is leaving the capital again?

Yes! Miss Yanran is still used to living here, right?

I'm used to living there, but... I've been away from Baihua Valley for a while, and the little girl wants to go back to Baihua Valley in a few days, Yueying said.

Baihua Valley is Miss Yanran's sect after all, and it is right to return to the sect. The girl can come and go as she pleases... Oh, by the way, I have already made an explanation to the housekeeper. If the girl needs anything, just ask the housekeeper. Can.

Yueying bowed again: The prince's kindness is too great for a little girl to accept!


My lord, take care!

Lin Su straightened up and was about to soar into the sky. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on the courtyard wall...

Yueying's eyes also turned to this section of the courtyard wall...

The hearts of both of them jumped slightly...

A cultivator, and a cultivator with a very high level of cultivation, could it be said that the assassination of Yanyulou was already so blatant?

If Yanyulou really appeared under their noses, it would create a lot of trouble for both of them.

It's not easy for Yueying to show off her skills in front of him, what about him? Also unwilling to lift this veil at this moment.

But soon, Lin Su's heartbeat calmed down because he knew who was coming...


Her Royal Highness's personal maid!

But why do you want to climb over the wall?

Based on the friendship between Princess Yufeng and Lin Su, Lin Su definitely would not refuse Ying Ying's formal request. Now in the entire capital, they don't have to hide it from anyone's eyes and ears. They could have come to the house to visit openly and openly. What's the matter? Why do you have to break through the wall?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

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