Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 900 Battle in Dugu

The air beside the courtyard wall trembled slightly, and a shadow appeared. It flashed in front of Lin Su and bowed: Your Majesty, something happened unexpectedly. Your Highness feels that I must tell you as soon as possible no matter what.

you say!

Lu Youwei is going to become a monk!

Lin Su's heart suddenly jumped...

Lu Youwei, he hasn’t seen her for a long time...

It's not that I don't want to see her, it's just that it's hard to see her...

She is the granddaughter of Lu Tiancong and the daughter of Lu Shuizhou. Although she left the Lu Mansion, the blood connection is still unbroken. In the past, when Lu Tiancong was in power, as long as Lin Su didn't take Lu Tiancong seriously , even with a basic attitude of provocation, there was no problem in having sex with the beautiful girl from Xiao Lu. However, after Lu Tiancong and Lu Shuizhou were arrested and imprisoned for treason, it was difficult for him to see her.

Especially now, her grandfather and father have already buried the blame, and this debt is still indirectly settled on him, making it even harder for him to see her.

He originally wanted time to slowly smooth out this gap. He originally thought that if a year and a half passed slowly, he could still walk in front of her, but the change came earlier than expected. She had to Become a monk!

Why do you want to become a monk? Lin Su spoke as thousands of thoughts passed through his mind.

My lord, you should understand... Youying sighed softly and told the whole story.

The reason why Lu Youwei became a monk was due to family changes.

Her grandfather, her father, and her brother Lu Yujing were killed at the same time (Lu Yujing's death was purely a suicide attempt. Wujianmen contacted the Lu family, and he was the middleman. Therefore, in the crime of treason, he was the same principal culprit as Lu Tiancong and Lu Shuizhou. ), the remaining leaders of the Lu family were exiled for three thousand miles, all their property was confiscated, and the Lu family was completely removed from the wealthy family in the capital.

Objectively speaking, no one can blame the Lu family for reaching this stage from a wealthy family in the capital with one person under one person but over ten thousand people, let alone Lin Su. On the contrary, Lin Su was still under tremendous pressure and used an unprecedented... Lin Su's great reform rescued thousands of people from the Lu family from the death circle of the nine clans for treason. Objectively speaking, Lin Su had no grudges against the Lu family.

However, the world, at least the Lu family, does not think so.

They only want to believe in their own preset logical chain: without Lin Su, Lu Tian would never have been able to step down from the position of prime minister, let alone treason. No matter how many roads the Lu family took that they should not have taken, the initial starting point of this road , still Lin Su.

Therefore, a rumor spread to Lingyin Temple and reached Lu Youwei’s ears...

You, Lu Youwei, have the blood of the Lu family. Even if you cannot avenge your grandfather, father, and brother, you cannot accept the thief as your husband. If you dare to get close to him, you are unfilial! You are just cheap!

The Buddha nature that Mrs. Tianyao had cultivated over the years was completely wiped out by these few words. She was furious on the spot and kicked the Lu family member out of Lingyin Temple. However, who in the world can say anything like this? Really block it?

Her Royal Highness the Princess and Xie Xiaoyan tried to persuade Lu Youwei several times, but Lu Youwei never answered directly.

This morning, a piece of news came from Lingyin Temple. It was a note from her, with a song Poppy written on it:

When I was young, I was imprisoned listening to the rain,

When I wake up from my dream, I ask the east wind;

The young man listens to the rain on the west mountain,

Huaqi Red Mansion,

Pearl ring and jade pillow swing;

Now, under the Tingyu Zen Room,

My heart is already gray,

When love becomes intense, love hurts itself.

It rains like this,

It doesn’t hurt to have heard of it.

Her Highness the Princess felt something bad when she saw this poem, especially the last two sentences: It’s raining like this, it’s okay to hear it, it seemed to mean that she wanted to let it go, so she quickly sent someone to Lingyin Temple to inquire. Sure enough, She has decided to get tonsured today!

Chenshi? Lin Su's heart tightened.

Yes! Youying said: His Highness said that Youwei's path is her self-determination. Everyone has their own ambitions, but she didn't want the prince to leave this regret, so she asked her subordinates to come over immediately and tell the prince the whole story. Let the prince have a showdown!

Lin Su raised his eyes, the mist in the western mountains was blurred in the drizzle, and the hour was approaching.

My lord, what will you do? Youying raised his head, with strong expectations in his eyes.

The world is vast and life is uncertain. I have no right to make a decision for her, but I still hope that she... will think more carefully when she really makes a decision. Lin Su stepped forward, rose into the sky, broke through the fog of the Western Mountain, and landed. Outside Lingyin Temple.

Silently, the shadow fell with him.

In Prince Wen's Mansion, the light in Yueying's eyes flashed slightly, and on the top of the peach tree, a crystal dewdrop also flashed slightly, and everything in Lingyin Temple came into her eyes.

Lin Su pushed open the door of Lingyin Temple. In the quiet temple, the rain and mist floated lightly. Lin Su put away his literary power and let the drizzle wet his clothes, walking forward in the rain.

There is an umbrella in front of me and two flowers under the umbrella.

Princess Yufeng and Xie Xiaoyan were holding an umbrella and standing in front of a Buddhist temple. Raindrops dripped down the umbrella, and their faces had lost their usual rosy color...

Lin Su raised his eyes and saw her.

Lu Youwei was sitting in the hall, the fragrance of Buddha was lingering, and Master Abbot stood beside her with his hands clasped together.

Youwei! Lin Su exhaled softly: Can I meet you?

Lu Youwei slowly turned around, and through the rain and fog, Lin Su finally saw her again...

She also looked at him quietly through the rain and fog, and slowly, a bright smile appeared on her face, just like in the past...

This smile seems to be infected by the spring rain...

And slowly disappearing in the spring rain...

Lu Youwei slowly turned half of her face away, slowly turned away...

A clear and elegant voice came: Master, let's begin!

Lin Su, Princess Yufeng, Xie Xiaoyan, and Youying felt their hearts tighten at the same time...

He went to Lingyin Temple in person and still couldn't stop her!

Master Abbot said softly: Have you thought about it?

I've seen it! I've thought about it too! Master, please ordain my disciple! Lu Youwei bowed and the temple bell rang, and the Zen door closed silently.

Lin Su stared blankly at the slowly closing Zen gate...

His heart seemed to be shrouded in rain and fog...

When he entered this world, he had never experienced such a moment, a little sad, a little melancholy...

Princess Yufeng and Xie Xiaoyan stood beside him, one on the left and one on the right. The umbrellas in their hands were above him. The spring rain was like mist, soaking the umbrella surface and Luo Shang...

Another umbrella came out from the side door. It was Lu Youwei's mother, Mrs. Tianyao, and her former girl Liu'er. Liu'er lowered his head and handed Lin Su a small bag. The small bag slowly opened, revealing a strand of her hair. Below, is a note with a poem written on it:

The thousand leaves of Bodhi,

One leaf and one flower,

Under the lamp withered flowers,

A flower reaches the end of the world.

Mrs. Tianyao said softly: One flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi, one person and one scroll, every path has its own path... Mr. Lin, don't be sentimental. My body is not hurt yet, and you don't want to be hurt!

Lin Su raised his eyes and stared at Mrs. Tianyao for a long time, as if she didn't recognize her. I haven't been injured yet, and you don't want to be injured. What do you mean? Your daughter, who is as beautiful as a flower and in a wonderful state of youth, escaped into Buddhism and you were not hurt? !

Mrs. Tianyao smiled softly: Go and embark on your path!

Farewell ma'am!

Good riddance, young master!

Lin Su jumped into the air and disappeared outside the sky...

In Prince Wen's Mansion, the moonlight floated in Yueying's eyes, and she seemed to be in a trance while staring at Lingyin Temple. Finally, she withdrew her gaze, walked gracefully out of the garden, and came to the door of housekeeper Lin Er: Mr. Er, the little girl is going back to Baihua Valley today. One trip.”

Does the girl need an escort when she returns to the master's school this time?

How dare you! Yueying smiled softly, flowers floated around her, and she jumped into the air...

Lin Su traveled thousands of miles in the spring rain and arrived in Xijing, Zezhou.

Outside Xijing City, there is a solitary peak.

At this time of year, the solitary peak is half in the clouds.

Lin Su stepped in the air and landed on the top of the mountain above the clouds. On the highest rock on the top of the mountain, an old man slowly opened his eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: You're here!


But I haven't been here for a while.

Lin Su smiled: I already told you, you can go get the wine after you finish it. Why should I come here?

You kid... Dugu Xing pointed his finger directly at the tip of Lin Su's nose: Does the only thing between you and me involve wine?

What else but wine?

Dugu Xing laughed angrily: You were assigned by me to attend the Yaochi meeting, but you didn't come to report to me after the meeting. You can tell me yourself, is it in line with the entrustment?

Are you being unreasonable? You entrusted me to participate in the Yaochi Association for a purpose, to make your sword sect famous all over the world. I have exceeded your goal. It's good that I didn't ask you to report the travel expenses, but I still have to report to you? Why? You It’s not my master.”

You brat, your wings are stiff, aren't you? Are you showing off evil in front of me? Come on, come on, I will teach you what it means to respect your seniors...

With his hands together, the rusty long sword suddenly jumped up from his knees. As soon as the sword came out, the wind and rain in the sky seemed to be caught in the sword. With a chirping sound, the sword slashed towards Lin Su's head.

Lin Su raised his hand, rolled the sword in his palm horizontally, and faced him!

There was a loud earthquake, and Lin Su flew out far away, a hundred feet away.

Damn! Old man, are you serious! Lin Su shouted.

It's strange, even if I succeed, I can't subdue you. You are indeed a bit evil, so 20%! He raised his hand suddenly...

So, when Lin Su just met Dugu Xing, he had a big fight with Dugu Xing.

This fight was a great one.

The time passed from pre-noon to early afternoon, Dugu Xing's skill increased from 10% to 80%, Lin Su's kendo increased from one sword fruit to three sword fruits, and finally the three fruits returned to one.

For the last blow, Dugu Xing was in high spirits and used all his strength. Lin Su's sword came out, and it was a head-on fight!

There was a loud earthquake, and Lin Su flew away and almost fell into Xijing City. Although Dugu Xing stayed still, his hair was flying high.

With a shout, Lin Su left and came back. Dugu Xing had already sat down, holding a large wine jar.

do not fight?

What the hell? Do you think you can force me into the world of swordsmanship with the little knowledge of swordsmanship you have learned in the past few years? Dugu Xing shook his hand, and a large bowl filled with wine flew towards Lin Su's face. : I have figured out the basic situation. I have to say, you are a genius!

I never deny that I am a genius, but senior, do you know that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world, and I am not the only genius. Lin Su held up the wine bowl and took a sip.

Oh? Who else has caught your eye? Dugu Xing picked up the wine jar himself and blew on the mouth of the jar...

I entered Dayu a few days ago and met a person from Tian Jueyuan. She was a young woman who looked no older than me. This woman has actually entered the world of swords.

Dugu Xing frowned: Is this woman named Hesu?

Senior knows about her?

Dugu Xing said: More than just knowing this girl's name, even if I live in seclusion here, I still hear it like thunder. With your swordsmanship and knowledge of swordsmanship, there are few opponents in the world, but no matter how many opponents there are, she must be one of them. If possible, I suggest you take her in!

Accept her? Lin Su's eyes widened: What kind of acceptance?

What kind of harvest could it be? You slept with her! Let her become your princess! This is the only way to eliminate the time-honored tradition that one of the two will be injured when two strong forces fight.

Damn! Senior, you are a thousand years old, can you please stop playing with such tricks? Lin Su said.

How is this a frivolous thing? This is a strategy! You, a Zhidao master who plays Zhidao, can't overcome this easy hurdle? Dugu Xing sneered.

Okay, okay, this is wisdom! But senior, you have ignored a big problem! Lin Su said: She and I are already enemies of life and death, absolutely irreconcilable. Even if I want to sleep with her, I have to do it. Knock her out with your dead hand!

That's it...then there is no other way. You have to find a way to improve your swordsmanship to a higher level and kill her! Dugu Xing said: Boy, let me give you some advice!

Lin Su's heart was pounding: Guide? Is there a way to break into the world of swords?

At this moment, his heart was really moved. The sword world was a difficulty in front of him. Ever since Ohsumi saw He Su's sword world, he was deeply shocked by the power of the sword.

He Su's physical cultivation level is only as good as heaven and earth, and it is far from reaching the top level. If it weren't for swordsmanship, Lin Su would torture her like killing a chicken.

However, she realized the world of swords!

Lin Su's strength in spiritual practice and martial arts alone was simply not enough to compete with her!

Only by relying on the power of the literary world can we compete with her!

This kind of depression can only be eliminated by breaking into the world of swords.

However, no matter how much he practiced or how much he understood, he could not enter the world of swords. This meant that there was a method in this chasm that he had not captured.

Now, the old man in front of him takes the initiative to give him advice!

There are really very few people in the world who can teach others about the sword world, and the old man in front of me is one of them.

Dugu Xing shook his head gently: If you don't have the seed of rules, you can't understand the rules of the sword. If you can't understand the rules of the sword, you can't open the door to the sword world. Therefore, before the Tiandao Island is opened, you can't create this miracle. ...But there is another method that may be useful to you.


The last three moves of Dugu's Nine Swords! Dugu Xing said slowly.

Lin Su's surprise was no small matter: The last three moves of Dugu's Nine Swords have been lost long ago... His words stopped abruptly, and his heartbeat accelerated suddenly.

Dugu Xing's eyes fell on his face and he nodded lightly: It seems that you have realized that the last three moves of Dugu's Nine Swords were lost in Tianwaitian! It is impossible for ordinary people to reach Tianwaitian, but you have already gained the ability to enter Tianwaitian. If possible, your first priority should be to enter the outer world and seek this opportunity. This opportunity is so great that it can reach heaven and earth!

Beyond heaven, only the temple can be entered.

It is almost impossible for secular people to enter the temple.

Lin Su, on the other hand, is already a standard temple practitioner and has a chance to enter the outer world.

Lin Su breathed out softly: The last three moves of Dugu's Nine Swordsmanship are nothing more than three moves. Why do you say it reaches the sky and covers the earth?

The last three moves of Dugu's Nine Swords are sword moves, but they are Heavenly sword moves. Heavenly sword moves contain the principles of swordsmanship. What you are looking for is not the sword moves themselves, but the principles of swordsmanship contained in the sword moves. , understand the true principles of swordsmanship, the sword world can be easily broken, and there is even hope of setting foot in the world beyond the sword world...

Beyond the sword there a world? What kind of world is that? Lin Su said.

The sky and the earth have extremes, and the myriad ways are endless. The world outside the sword world is called 'No Rules'!

No rules?

Rules are rules. Without rules, you ignore the rules! The world of swords is a world within the rules. But without rules, you break the rules. The rules are broken because of you. Think about what kind of method this is?

Lin Su looked at the sky quietly...


Three years ago, he thought that the Xiangtian Law and the Earth were the pinnacle of cultivation. Later, he realized that the power of rules was a power that surpassed the Xiangtian Law and the Earth.

But today, Dugu Xing taught him a lesson. Mastering the rules is not the key, breaking the rules is the real skill.

In the realm of source heaven, the first realm is the realm of observing the law, the second realm is the realm of establishing the law, and the third realm is the realm of lawlessness. Lawlessness means breaking the rules.

There is no way at the end of the world.

At the end of the sword's path is no rule.

It means the same thing, and they are all the methods used by saints to hold up to heaven.

I haven't even scratched the surface of the rules. It's too early to think about breaking the rules at this time. I have written down this message from senior. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely not let go of this opportunity. Lin Sudao : I mentioned He Su just now, and I have something to ask senior.

you say!

Do the people in Tian Jueyuan have the opportunity to come into contact with Dugu Nine Swords?

Dugu Xing's eyes suddenly raised: He Su... knows the Dugu Nine Swords?

I'm not sure, I'm probably 70-80% sure.

Dugu Xing frowned slowly: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Why are seniors so sure? Lin Su said.

Judging by common sense! Although there are not many people from Tian Jueyuan walking in the world, every generation of people who walk will deliberately publicize Tian Jueyuan's heritage to the world, leaving a mysterious and high-end impression. If They have a swordsmanship inheritance like Dugu Nine Swords, and they will definitely tell the world about it, but until today, I have never heard that Tian Jueyuan is related to Dugu Nine Swords.

Lin Su nodded: As far as I know, Tian Jueyuan is indeed of this style. He doesn't participate in many things, but he does deliberately promote his skills... Senior, I have to leave, and I may not be here for a while. Da Cang.”

Where to go? Dugu Xing was slightly surprised.

If it were in front of others, I might say that I want to enter the temple, but in front of you, I won't hide it from you, Tiandao Island is about to open!

Dugu Xing said: Is the news reliable?

It should be reliable, from the Saint of Yaochi!

Dugu Xing's face changed: When Tiandao Island opens, all kinds of monsters and monsters may appear. Your journey to Tiandao Island may be... I can't leave this place. Do you have his contact information? Ask him to give you a ride. ?”

This he refers to something.

Lin Su knew it was Li Zexi.

Dugu Xing and Li Zexi have a really special relationship. They are both survivors of Jianmen thousands of years ago. They can even be said to be the closest people to them in this world. However, the two do not meet each other. Li Zexi wants to meet He raised his legs, but Li Zexi would rather go boating on the Spring River at the foot of the mountain than take a step up the mountain.

What about Duguxing? Likewise, he doesn't even want Li Zexi to live, because Li Zexi's very existence makes him angry, which proves that good people don't live long, and disasters live for thousands of years.

However, when faced with key issues, he immediately thought of Li Zexi.

The key thing is that Lin Su is about to embark on the road to heaven. There are countless sects and monsters on this road who want to kill him. Logically speaking, Dugu Xing should give him a ride. However, Dugu Xing carries an extremely serious burden on his back. He must protect the place where demons were sealed and could not leave. He first thought of Li Zexi and hoped that Li Zexi would give Lin Su a ride.

This also represents the greatest trust he has in Li Zexi deep in his heart.

Lin Sudao: My heavenly path, I have already arranged it, you don't have to worry!

Ok, I trust you!

Lin Sudao: You just said that when the Heavenly Dao Island opens, all kinds of monsters and ghosts will appear. I will also give you this sentence. After I leave, all kinds of monsters and monsters will probably appear. Seniors, you need to be careful wherever you go. care.

I know! Please keep all the wine you brought with you, lest I go to Haining to get the wine and miss the important event!

Depend on!

Lin Su stretched out his hand and threw three storage bags to Dugu Xing. Dugu Xing opened them with a small glance and his eyes brightened: Not bad, boy. After becoming a prince, I am much more generous. I'm afraid there are thousands of altars.

Senior, I really have to give you a piece of advice. You should be gentler when drinking. It's not like you are drinking so hard on the top of the mountain that others will laugh at you. I'm afraid that you will get really drunk and you will be in big trouble.

What nonsense, can I be a drunk person? Dugu Xing's eyes flickered: You gave me a piece of advice, and I will give you a piece of advice... If you meet the Yaochi Saint, you might as well sleep with her. This girl is here There will also be great benefits to your spiritual practice...

Damn! You're still here... Lin Su turned around and jumped into the air.

Boy, don't fail to recognize good people's hearts...

This is the sword manual for your Jianmen. I'll give you the Jianmen and stop your mouth!

With a chirping sound, a piece of jade pendant shot down from the sky. Duguxing stretched out his hand to grab it, and his expression suddenly changed...

Three of Dugu's Nine Swords!

Oh my God, I have always claimed to be this boy's sword master. Although I really didn't teach him much, I was the one who inspired him in his sword skills. But now, this boy gave me three of the Dugu Nine Swordsmanships. What's coming?

If I practice, won't it become you teaching me sword skills? You indirectly became my master?

It's true that I'm really worried about being blocked by you, but the three moves of Dugu's Nine Swords are really exciting...

In fact, he really underestimated Lin Su.

Lin Su gave three of Dugu's Nine Swords to Dugu Xing, which had only two meanings.

First, after all, the Dugu Nine Swords is a skill of the Jianmen. He has already learned it. The Dugu Nine Swords have already sprouted leaves in his brain. There is no need to keep them anymore. It is wise to return them to the Jianmen. He even had a guess very early on, whether Li Zexi gave him these three moves with this serious intention, and borrowed his hand to return the Dugu Nine Swords to Jianmen. These two strange brothers were unwilling to meet. It’s normal to communicate and lend him a hand.

Secondly, Lin Su was really uneasy.

Today he had a fight with Dugu Xing. While Dugu Xing was testing him, he was also testing Dugu Xing. Although Dugu Xing's swordsmanship was still superb, it had already established a shrine in Lin Su's heart, and it was not that great. unattainable.

As soon as he left, it was foreseeable that all kinds of demons and monsters would appear in the sky. If the enemy pointed the finger at Dugu Xing, he was a little worried that the old man would not be able to hold it back. Once a gap was opened in the Demon Sealed Land, trouble would really come. Big.

He was embarrassed to question Dugu Xing's strength, but he could make Dugu Xing reach a higher level in swordsmanship without leaving any trace.

These three styles of Dugu's Nine Swords are the best support for Dugu's swordsmanship.

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