Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 906 Seizing the Zulian and blaming the East Palace

The Fire Tribe, an ancient alien race, has many wonderful methods. Among them, one of the top methods is the most incredible, which is the magical power of Nirvana. The so-called magical power of Nirvana is similar to the rebirth of the Phoenix Clan. It can make people immortal. It is said that after cultivating to the highest level, even if the soul is killed, it can be reborn with a drop of blood. However, those on the spiritual path do not believe this. But tonight, the master of the Wenxin Pavilion may believe it, because he waits for work with ease, and he is sure. Zhuge Qingfeng's escape route was to execute a fatal blow. He was sure that this blow killed his soul, but the next moment, he escaped!

The magical power of Nirvana! What a Zhuge Qingfeng. He is really highly regarded by the Fire Tribe. Even with such magical powers...

Before the Great Elder finished speaking, lights fell from the sky at the same time, seven or eight...

Pavilion Master, no luck, the Zulian has been stolen!

What? The pavilion master's expression suddenly changed.

How is this possible? The great elder was also shocked all over...

The ancestral lotus is indeed lost. He should have broken the ancestral tendons using the rules of fire...

As the light flashed, the Pavilion Master, the Great Elder, and the other top elders flew into the ancestral pavilion at the same time. Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone's eyes went dark.

The ancestral lotus is gone, and the ancestral tendons connected to the ancestral lotus are broken!

Even if they could not even think of destroying the ancestral lotus and ancestral tendons in the Origin Heaven realm, the iron facts before them told them that Zhuge Qingfeng once again made a move that they did not expect. The ancestral tendons were broken and the ancestral lotus was gone!

Once the ancestral lotus is lost, the Wenxin Pavilion will truly be cut off!

This is a real disaster for Wenxin Pavilion!

As for how to fuse the ancestral tendons, the elder at the beginning led everyone astray. He was talking about the rules of fire!

If the Rule of Fire has been cultivated to a high level, it can indeed dissolve everything. However, no one is sure whether Zhuge Qingfeng has reached this level. However, considering that he can be reborn under the Pavilion Master, his Rule of Fire No matter what level of legend you reach, you can accept it.

The Ancestral Lotus must not be lost, it must be recovered! The Great Elder looked up at the sky, his chest rising and falling gently: Let's go into the East Palace!

With a flash of light, dozens of top elders from Wenxin Pavilion shot through the air at the same time, towards the capital.

In the southern part of the capital, there is a small courtyard.

At this moment, it was as quiet as water. Zhou Mei sat under the window sill and looked to the east.

The white line of fish belly in the east showed that she was about to spend a complete night in a foreign capital.

That night, she didn't sleep.

Because there was no way she could sleep.

Lin Su went to Wenxin Pavilion. No one in the world was more excited than her.

Wenxin Pavilion, who swayed the world with his wisdom and made the world's practicing sects fearful with his invisible killing skills, went to their base camp to plot against others. It was really hard for her to have confidence.

But the arrow was out of the bow, and there was nothing she could do to change anything.

Even she couldn't follow him all the way, because she knew clearly that when they got to Wenxin Pavilion, she couldn't help him at all, and would even become a burden to him.

She could only do things in the capital according to his arrangements, and then suffer in the dark night with worry.

After suffering most of the night, she murmured and sighed: I'd better not be his little wife. Being his little wife is too tedious. Worrying about whether this bad guy will die all day long is really not a human life...

Suddenly, she looked back!

Because someone entered her small courtyard, and he was a Jianghu person!

When she turned around, her heart suddenly became brighter...

Because of her night vision, she clearly saw that the person in the darkness was Lin Su. The Lin Su at this moment was not Zhuge Qingfeng, but his true face.

The door opened and Lin Su stepped into the room. Zhou Mei grabbed his hands suddenly. Her palms were sweaty.


A smile slowly appeared on Lin Su's face...

This smile was like a ray of spring light, and Zhou Mei's inner uneasiness disappeared instantly...

There are dangerous elements, but compared with the gains, these dangers can be ignored! Lin Su's voice penetrated into her ears.

What do you get? Zhou Mei's heartbeat accelerated.

The ancestral artifact of Wenxin Pavilion is already in my hands! Lin Su said: Without this ancestral artifact, the descendants of Wenxin Pavilion will no longer be able to open the door to the brain. The roots of Wenxin Pavilion have been dug up by me. ”

Zhou Mei's heart almost jumped out of her mouth: You really succeeded!

Don't forget, this is just our first step!

Zhou Mei was filled with emotion...

Digging up the roots of Wenxin Pavilion and using this method to deliver a fatal blow to a superpower that was stirring up the world and causing countless people to change their minds after hearing about it was extremely difficult in itself, but in Lin Su's plan, this incredible blow , is not the whole strategy at all, just the first step!

Zhou Mei sighed softly: Next, Wenxin Pavilion will ask the prince for an explanation!

of course!

The prince obviously can't explain it!

Yes! Lin Su smiled.

Lin Su plays Zhuge Qingfeng. Zhuge Qingfeng is a direct descendant of the Holy Family of Poetry and has the blood of the Fire Tribe. The Fire Tribe originally firmly supported the prince. The prince wrote a note to him using the East Palace Seal, and he entered the heart of questioning. The plan of extermination implemented by the government is completely in line with the original intention and interests of the prince faction.

How to wash the prince?

What's more, she now understands the magical effect of the route Lin Su arranged for her!

After she separated from him, she entered the Fire Clan's station. Even if someone used the magical power of literature or spiritual practice to trace back their itinerary, they would be inexplicably linked to the Fire Clan, which further confirmed their intention to inquire about the Heart Pavilion. The legal legitimacy of the root.

Zhou Mei sighed softly: The chaos in the capital is about to begin, but how will it be interpreted?

Lin Su stole Wenxin Pavilion's ancestral lotus and cut off the roots of the Wenxin Pavilion clan. This matter was related to the life and death of Wenxin Pavilion. Wenxin Pavilion would never give up. They would definitely enter the capital at starry night. Once they entered, she would not be able to deduce the subsequent drama... …

Because this chess game is too complicated.

Wenxin Pavilion enters the game.

The second prince behind him obviously has to join the game. You need to know that Wenxin Pavilion is the second prince's biggest support. Wenxin Pavilion has been cut off. How can he compete with the prince if he loses this support point?

The prince entered the situation passively. He didn't want to get involved, but how could Wenxin Pavilion let him go?

The Holy Family of Poetry entered the game because the instigator, Zhuge Qingfeng, was a direct descendant of the Holy Family of Poetry.

The Fire Tribe is even more likely to get involved, because the Fire Tribe is the crown prince’s biggest supporter.

A strange conspiracy, Wenxin Pavilion, the Fire Tribe, the Crown Prince, the Second Prince, and even the Poet Saint Family thousands of miles away all appeared on the chessboard. What kind of grand plan is this?

Even Zhou Mei, the leader of Anxiang who was known for his resourcefulness, could not predict the direction of this grand plan.

Can Lin Su do it?

It should be possible, after all, this is the strategy he came up with...

Faced with Zhou Mei's question, Lin Su smiled: Since it is a mess, there are infinite possibilities! We can change according to the times and the situation! Now I need to retreat!

Retreat? Zhou Mei was slightly surprised: You... suffered internal injuries?

As I said just now, in a big adventure, there are dangers but also gains. You already know the gains. You might as well talk about the dangers. My soul was cut in half, and I need to retreat!

He sat on the floor and closed his eyes.

Zhou Mei looked at his handsome and elegant face in the dark, and her heart was filled with emotions.

She just said that if you want to accomplish this almost impossible thing, you have to take huge risks. Now she knows that he has indeed experienced a narrow escape!

The soul was cut in half!

Oh my god, this is only a hair's breadth away from death!

She was deceived by his gentle words just now, she was misled by the bright smile on his face, and she actually forgot how dangerous it was to enter Wenxin Pavilion.


The dangers of the past have passed, I will not dwell on them, wipe the cold sweat on my back, and I will be with you next!

You can retreat in peace, I will protect you!

Lin Su's danger tonight can be described in a few words, but only those who are truly involved in the situation can understand the complexity.

It is not difficult to enter Wenxin Pavilion.

Not to mention that Lin Su had Prince Lu Yin as a basis, as long as Wenxinge still planned to hang out in the court, he had to buy this favor.

Even if he does not have a prince as a guide, and the character Zhuge Qingfeng itself is a guide, can Wenxin Pavilion still refuse the entry of a generation of geniuses from the Holy Family of Poetry?

If he just wants to wander around Wenxin Pavilion and travel around, it will be extremely relaxing, comfortable and even romantic. People will take care of food, drink and shelter, and there will definitely be beautiful women sleeping with them. The level of beautiful women sleeping with them is definitely not low. , in fact, Wenxin Pavilion has taken the initiative to make arrangements in this regard. If you want to purely pursue sensory stimulation, there is the Nine-curved Corridor. If you want to go to a higher level, there is also the Ice and Fire Fusion that matches the spiritual path. .

This is the magnanimity a sect should have when doing big things. People who do big things never care about small details.

But, only in small sections!

What Lin Su is after is not just trivial matters, what he wants is the root of Wenxin Pavilion - Zulian!

Think about it, how could someone give it to you?

It is really unbelievable how difficult it is for him to get the Zulian.

First of all, Wenxin Pavilion is loose on the outside but tight on the inside. As soon as Lin Su stayed at Wenxin Cliff, countless top elders monitored it from a distance. If you wanted to get off the cliff, you would immediately fall into the detection of others' mental power.

Secondly, there are many experts in Wenxin Pavilion. Once you make any move, you will immediately be surrounded by experts.

Finally, outsiders don’t know the existence of the Ancestral Pavilion. Even if they know it, it is difficult to break the formation. Even if you break the formation, someone will stop you from entering the pavilion. Even if you enter the pavilion, you cannot destroy the Ancestral Lotus. Even if you destroy the Ancestral Pavilion, Lian, you can't escape the siege of top masters including the Pavilion Master!

Lin Su implemented a series of strategies in response to such an impossible situation.

In response to Du Bingzhi's seduction, he used a plan to shake up the entire Wenxin Pavilion and launched a long-term plan of three parties joining forces to determine the dynasty. Such a plan is considered arrogant by ordinary people, but Zhuge Qingfeng's identity is too subtle. Zhuge Qingfeng is a saint. The family member is a member of the Fire Tribe, and he is also a wise wizard who has just made a name for himself in the world with the chaos in Donghe. If you think about it with your toes, his big plan is endorsed by both the Holy Family and the Fire Tribe. The most important thing is that his share of the spoils The plan exactly corresponds to the needs and wants of the three major forces and is by no means hasty.

As a result, the top elders had to hold a night meeting. This meeting indirectly took away the power around Lin Su that he was most afraid of.

The next step is to defeat the Wenxin Zu Pavilion.

His formation caught Wenxin Pavilion off guard.

His brutality caught him off guard again.

By the time everyone reacted, he had already entered the ancestral pavilion and approached Zulian.

Touching the ancestral lotus does not mean that you can steal the ancestral lotus. In theory, the most he can do is take a close look. It is impossible to destroy the sacred flower left by the god back then, let alone take it away. However, no one thought that , Lin Su has too many trump cards. The divine flower of the avenue is unparalleled in the world of heaven, but it cannot stop the erosion of the power of the lawless.

So he forcibly broke the ancestral tendons connected to the ancestral lotus and took off the ancestral lotus.

After picking off the ancestral lotus, all the masters outside gathered around.

This is the barrier between life and death that Lin Su truly cannot break through.

He is well aware of the horror of the soul-destroying move of Wenxin Pavilion. He is not afraid of the soul-destroying move performed by ordinary elders. When he reaches the level of the top elder, he cannot compete. When he reaches the level of the great elder, he has no power to resist at all. At the level of Pavilion Master, there is no need to think about it, he will definitely die.

It’s not a certain person outside, but everyone in Wenxin Pavilion!

In this situation, what can Lin Su do?

The only way is to die!

When he couldn't resist at all, he gave up his soul!

This is his way!

This method is aimed at the shortcomings of Wenxin Pavilion itself. The only strength of Wenxin Pavilion people is their mental power. If you like to sweep, I will let you sweep. When you sweep, I will speed up and charge, and you will destroy my soul. , the inertia of my physical body can also fly a hundred feet away. When I reach a hundred feet away, I will use another soul to take over the physical body and catch you by surprise again.

This is decisive!

This is a real desperate plan!

This is also the real risk of death!

However, it is almost impossible to really succeed in this move. With the mental power of the master of the Wenxin Pavilion, which is so powerful that it makes the world look at you, in theory, as long as it sweeps through, no matter how big the consciousness is in your body, it will be wiped out. , even if he has the heaven-defying skills to separate and hide his soul, as long as he is in this body, he still cannot escape his cleaning.

However, Lin Su also has another skill that really puts him at the bottom of the pack...

That is the long river of time and space!

In the long river of time and space, the laws of time and space flow sideways. Every drop of water is a seed of the laws of time and space. The overlapping laws of time and space block the long river. Who in the world can cross the endless laws of time and space and extend the attack power to time and space? Another soul deep in the river?

In this way, Lin Su gave up the soul in his brain and got a moment of respite.

Use the long river of time and space to block the spiritual attack of the Pavilion Master.

After a while, he took over the physical body, beat him for a while, and escaped.

As long as he escapes from Wenxin Pavilion, he will put away the secret technique of Mirage, and Zhuge Qingfeng will disappear from the world. Who else can catch a person who is nothing in the vast sea of ​​people?

The process was extremely complicated and dangerous, but in one night, he completed it!

Now, he only has half of his soul left, recovering from his injuries in the hut.

As soon as his mind sank into his body, Lin Su suddenly felt a sense of vibration...

His soul has been half restored!

The recovery speed is ten times and a hundred times faster than before!

Oh my god, what's going on?

Lin Su used his mental power to look inside his whole body and found the root of the matter, which was the ancestral lotus!

The Zulian rotated silently in his inner space. Every time it rotated, it released a huge strange energy. His mental power and soul were like dry saplings, frantically absorbing the moisture of the spring rain...

Lin Su's heartbeat quickened...

The Ancestral Lotus of Wenxin Pavilion, the root of Wenxin Pavilion, comes from a god who died in Da Cang Mountain. This man is said to have transformed the universe. Transforming the universe is the ultimate pinnacle of martial arts. It is comparable to the saints on the spiritual path in terms of level. The martial arts and spiritual path Practice to the extreme, different paths lead to the same goal. There are three flowers gathering on the top of the cultivation path, and there are also three flowers gathering on the top of the martial arts. The sacred flower of the avenue is the ultimate soul. Even if a person dies, the avenue will not disappear.

Wenxin Pavilion relies on this lotus to breed generations of Wenxin Pavilion disciples. No one can question its magical effect.

His initial position was just to explore the roots of the Heart Pavilion and bring this criminal organization that should not have existed in the first place to irreversible destruction. He had no intention of snatching this ancestral lotus for his own use.

But now, after going through all kinds of hardships to get this ancestral lotus, he suddenly found that he was shallow.

This ancestral lotus is of great use to him!

Sure enough, if you don’t experience wind and rain, where can you see a rainbow?

Lin Su felt excited...

But the prince in the East Palace stayed awake all night...

He was thinking about a man...

Zhuge Qingfeng!

Zhuge Qingfeng should have arrived at Wenxin Pavilion by now, right? But I don’t know if my big wish can come true.

I have been playing games with the second prince for so many years, scheming and deceiving each other, from the court to the people, from literature to spiritual practice, from shopping malls to the battlefield, I have tried all kinds of methods, but I still can't get a glimpse of the brilliant starry sky above my head.

Now he finally has a turning point. A direct descendant from the Holy Poet Family, a world-famous intellectual genius is willing to help him. The first stone that falls on the chessboard is so worth looking forward to...

However, this process also really made him suffer.

Mr. Gou beside him pinched his beard and smiled: Your Highness, don't worry, no matter whether he succeeds or not, there will be no disadvantage to Your Highness.

Mr. Gou still knows how to comfort people.

He doesn't paint the pie, he bases himself on the status quo.

The current situation is that you, Yan Jian, are still the Prince of the East Palace, and your status is orthodox. In this case, you only need to hold your ground and not make any rash advances, and you will win.

When Zhuge Qingfeng enters Wenxin Pavilion, no matter whether it is a big victory or a small victory, it is still a victory for your Royal Highness. At least, it is not a bad thing.

These are Mr. Gou’s original words.

These words were very conservative, not blindly optimistic at all, and followed his usual caution.

The prince nodded slightly: This is natural. No matter whether Zhuge Qingfeng is really helping me or pretending to help me, no matter whether he helps me more or less, it is definitely a good thing and it cannot be a bad thing.

That's enough. Your Highness, please have a rest. After dawn, there may be good news. Mr. Gou stood up and planned to leave.

It was another long night, and he stayed up all night with the prince.

The road of being a counselor is not that easy, especially in the face of complex situations. The master cannot sleep, and the counselors cannot sleep. However, things always have two sides. The more complicated and dangerous the situation is, the more difficult it is. As he goes forward, his future will become brighter and brighter in the future. When the prince succeeds to the throne, how can he not be rewarded heavily as a counselor?

Suddenly, a secret guard fell out of the sky and landed outside the door: Your Highness, the Great Elder of Wenxin Pavilion is here!

The prince had already stood up and yawned. When he heard this, he was suddenly startled. The little sleepiness he had just felt was instantly cleared. Mr. Gou raised his eyes, and his eyes were filled with brilliance.

The great elder of Wenxin Pavilion?

The prince's voice changed a bit.

He knew that the master of Wenxin Pavilion was in retreat, and the actual person in charge of Wenxin Pavilion was the Great Elder. Oh my God, Zhuge Qingfeng entered Wenxin Pavilion, and then the Great Elder of Wenxin Pavilion personally came to visit the East Palace. This would directly instigate rebellion at the highest level of Wenxin Pavilion. Yet? Zhuge Qingfeng, why are you so awesome?

Yes, there are also four top elders accompanying us. The secret guard said.

Oh my god, there are still four top elders...

Zhuge Qingfeng, you’re done!

The East Palace is really going to be a great event!

The top brass of Wenxin Pavilion changed their tune, Second Prince, how can you fight with me?

Suddenly, the prince was so high-spirited that he wanted to look up to the sky and scream...


The middle door of the East Palace opened wide, and the great elder led four top elders to stride in. It was dark at this time, but the lights in the Jingxian Pavilion of the East Palace were brightly lit. Prince Yan stood in front of the main seat and smiled at the five people who came in. , suddenly, Yan Jian felt something was wrong. Why did the old men in front of him all have gloomy faces?

The Great Elder bowed slightly: Your Highness, I and others have come here at night to inquire. I hope Your Highness will tell you the truth!

The prince's smile remained unchanged: Elders, please take a seat!

There's no need to take a seat! The great elder said, Has Zhuge Qingfeng been sent by His Highness to enter Wenxin Pavilion to plot big things?

The prince smiled slightly: The great elder is really quick-tongued. He cuts right to the point in one sentence, but I don't know what the great elder thinks... about this matter?

There was no direct answer to his words, but it was also an admission!

He admitted that Zhuge Qingfeng was sent by him and that there was something big going on. However, as for what big thing it was, he didn't say it first, which was prudent.

However, his smile and his words immediately angered the five old men in front of him!

You sent people to steal my ancestral lotus and cut off the roots of my Wenxin Pavilion, and you still asked us with a smile, how did I handle this matter?

What is this called?

The great elder's face was extremely gloomy: Your Highness, is this a provocation?

His expression finally affected the prince, and the prince's expression slowly became solemn: What do you mean, Great Elder?

What do you mean? Your Highness, you need to know the bottom line when doing things! The elder said: Zhuge Qingfeng's thieves stole my ancestral lotus and cut off the roots of my Wenxin Pavilion. Such a desperate thing will force me to die in Wenxin Pavilion!

What? The prince's expression suddenly changed...

Mr. Gou next to him also changed his expression...

The face of a cultivator behind the prince also changed...

The five top elders of Wenxin Pavilion stood upright, all with stern faces, looking at them coldly.

Mr. Gou stepped forward: You said... Zhuge Qingfeng stole your ancestral lotus?

What? Mr. Gou, shouldn't you, the counselor of the East Palace, conspire with him to achieve this wonderful root-cutting strategy? An elder also stepped forward.

Nonsense! Mr. Gou said sternly: Zhuge Qingfeng did go out from the East Palace. He only said that he wanted to go to your pavilion to inquire about the cliff and understand the world. His Royal Highness, based on his respect for literature and Taoism, and his respect for the Holy Family, I just wrote a note and gave an introduction, but absolutely no other arrangements were made.

The elder said coldly: How ridiculous is it to write a road guide based on respect for literature and the holy family? I ask talents from all over the world, so why do I need others to write a road guide? His Highness the Crown Prince thinks that he can rely on his own Isn’t my identity not enough to enter Wenxin Pavilion? Such ridiculous words come from the mouth of the East Palace think tank, wouldn’t it make the whole world laugh out loud?”

Mr. Gou and the prince both had numb heads.

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