Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 907 Zhuge Qingfeng enters the Red Kingdom

Yes, no matter how powerful Wenxin Pavilion is, it is still just a sect force on the table, and a force like it always has a very peaceful, reasonable, and talent-oriented attitude toward the outside world. He would receive anyone with reputation and status as a distinguished guest.

What's more, with Zhuge Qingfeng's status?

The Prince's road is unnecessary!

You spend so much time writing down the guide, but of course your skills are outside the play!

Yes, the prince did have other plans when he wrote the guide. It was indeed done outside the play. What he wanted was to bind Zhuge Qingfeng to himself and let Zhuge Qingfeng instigate rebellion in Wenxin Pavilion, making people believe that this was The prince is endorsing it, dispelling everyone's worries and letting them rest assured.

However, the development of things broke through the boundaries set by the prince and Mr. Gou.

Zhuge Qingfeng actually stole the ancestral lotus from Wenxin Pavilion!

This thief, Lu Yin became a noose, tightly wrapped around the prince's neck. He couldn't distinguish or explain...

The prince wanted to kill Zhuge Qingfeng ten thousand times in his heart, but at this moment he could only take one step: Elders, I swear to God that I definitely did not instruct Zhuge Qingfeng to steal your pavilion's ancestral lotus!

He swears to God with the dignity of the prince, which is quite tough.

The elder's face softened slightly: Since the prince dares to swear the oath of heaven, then... I don't have anything to do with it. As long as His Highness the prince takes back the ancestral lotus and gives it to me, this pavilion and the prince's holiday will be over.

Okay! Isolation is arrangement!

The Great Elder bowed and said, That's it, I'll wait for the good news!

Five old men left the East Palace at the same time...

As soon as they left the East Palace, the prince became furious in the East Palace. He raised his foot and the coffee table in Jingxian Pavilion flew up: Zhuge Qingfeng, what is he doing?

This sentence was spoken through gritted teeth.

Mr. Gou's back was covered in cold sweat: My subordinate is still wrong. I originally thought that this bastard entering Wenxin Pavilion would be a sure-win game. Unexpectedly, he dared to do this. He was clearly messing with it. Storm.

Messing up Feng Yun... Don't you know he is messing with Feng Yun? Find him immediately! Gu Dao wants to ask what he wants!

After the prince gave the order, Mr. Gou immediately contacted the Fire Clan. Chi Jiuchong, the manager of the Fire Clan's capital city, was confused. Zhuge Qingfeng had arrived in the capital? I do not know how?

The prince doesn't have Zhuge Qingfeng's contact information, but the Fire Tribe does!

Chi Jiuchong contacted Zhuge Qingfeng directly. As soon as the message was connected, Zhuge Qingfeng sat up from the bed. He was sleeping on a white jade bed and there was a red maple tree by the window.

As soon as this scene fell into Chi Jiuzhong's eyes, Chi Jiuzhong frowned: Master Qingfeng, where are you?

Where are you, uncle Jiu, can't you tell? The origin of white jade is as cold as the night, and the red maple locks the sound of autumn for hundreds of years! Zhuge Qingfeng said with a smile.

It was because I saw your white jade bed and the Hundred Years Dan Maple outside your window that I wanted to ask, are you really in the Dan Maple Valley of the Holy Family of Poetry? Chi Jiuchong's eyes were a bit mysterious.

Of course it's in Danfeng Valley. Uncle Ninth, what's the matter?

Something happened suddenly, involving you...

Chi Jiuzhong explained the matter...

Zhuge Qingfeng's brows furrowed sharply: Fake me! Enter Wenxin Pavilion, steal the ancestral lotus, and cut off the roots of Wenxin Pavilion... This is not an ordinary method!

Is it really a fake? Chi Jiuchong asked.

It is indeed a fake! I have never left Danfeng Valley for a month. Zhuge Qingfeng said.

This alone is not enough to convince the public! Chi Jiuzhong said.

Zhuge Qingfeng is a member of the Holy Family of Poetry. The Holy Family of Poetry has a holy treasure. Under the holy treasure, it can take a few hours to travel thousands of miles, or it can take as little as a thought. You can take the current situation in Danfeng Valley. To prove that you were not present? Can't prove it!

It doesn't matter whether you convince the public or not. I have no obligation to clarify anything for them. I'm just very interested in this counterfeiter! Zhuge Qingfeng smiled slightly: He actually stole the ancestral lotus from Wenxin Pavilion. Why? Did it happen?

I don't have much information at the moment. I only know that he wrote a colorful poem on the spot in the prince's east palace. It talked about the current situation and was very insightful. The prince had no doubts about his identity and gave him a way out. Go to the East Palace's treasure seal and send him to Wenxin Pavilion...

Written a colorful poem on the spot! He is very insightful about the current situation... If he hadn't prepared in advance, this person would be quite interesting. Wait, why did the prince give him a guide? Zhuge Qingfeng suddenly caught it. Got to the point of doubt.

Chi Jiuchong said: Because when he faced the prince, he gave him a bait that the prince could not refuse. He wanted to lobby the elders of the Wenxin Pavilion on behalf of the prince, and the prince needed to give him an endorsement.

This is where the strategy becomes a little clever! It turns out that it can be so simple to lure the prince into the game and let the prince take the blame for him... Zhuge Qingfeng said: After joining the cabinet, did the Xin Pavilion test his identity?

Yes! Wenxin Pavilion also uses poetry test. He wrote two poems, which showed five colors! The people in Wenxin Pavilion are also convinced of his identity! Chi Jiuzhong said.

Zhuge Qingfeng's expression changed slightly: It's just two lines of poetry that bring out the colorful light. What kind of poetry?

Looking north to the endless blue clouds, the great river to the east is full of water!

Zhuge Qingfeng pondered slightly: Looking north to the endless blue clouds, the great river to the east is long and flowing... What a poem! Not only is the poetry endless, but it also hits the heart of Wen Xin Pavilion. Again, if he hadn't been prepared in advance, Based on these two poems alone, his poetic talent is extraordinary! Let me focus on how he broke through the Wenxin Pavilion and obtained the Wenxin Pavilion Ancestral Lotus...

Chi Jiuzhong exhaled softly: The question of Master Ninth is what puzzles me the most...

This person had a discussion with Du Bing of Wenxin Pavilion at Wenxin Cliff. No one knew what he said. However, the result was that the top elders of Wenxin Pavilion gathered at the main peak of the pavilion. Facts have proved that his discussion was a powerful one. , must have touched the core issue of Wenxin Pavilion, and it is extremely tempting.

The fundamental reason is now obvious: he used this method to mobilize the top elders so that he could carry out his sneak attack plan.

He broke the formation in a single thought.

The two gatekeeper elders could kill like heaven and earth with a single thought, but under his hands, they were killed in an instant. The bronze pavilion gate was difficult to destroy with swords, but he melted it directly with a burst of fire.

Wenxin Pavilion Zulian originally set up a trap, and even if he was in the Source Heaven realm, he would never try to steal it, but he still broke through and took Zulian away.

At this time, hundreds of elders from Wenxin Pavilion gathered outside the pavilion. Logically speaking, he could not escape no matter what, but he still escaped.

Zhuge Qingfeng's brows trembled slightly: Yes, even if he was present in person, he couldn't break through this situation at all. How did he break through? Could it be that so many elders in Wenxin Pavilion couldn't be destroyed by using the soul-destroying technique? His soul?”

The old man just received news from the inside of Wenxin Pavilion that the master of Wenxin Pavilion took a blow. It was like his soul was destroyed and he fell into the Qingpan River. But in an instant, his soul was resurrected and killed a master who was as powerful as heaven and earth. Burn to ashes and escape. The speculation from Wenxin Pavilion is very unfavorable to Young Master, and everyone has reached a consensus that this is the magical power of Nirvana passed down to Young Master by our Fire Tribe!

Zhuge Qingfeng's face was as gloomy as water: I have not yet mastered the magical power of Nirvana.

I also know that the young master has not yet completed his cultivation, but how can he convince the public? Once the Nirvana magical power starts to be cultivated, outsiders will know nothing about the progress. The only way to test it is to destroy his soul and see if he can survive. Is it for the sake of it? Can he clarify himself and let the other party kill his soul?

Zhuge Qingfeng walked slowly: You said that all his methods are based on the rules of fire?

Yes! At least in the eyes of outsiders, they are all!

Are you sure he is already in the literary world?

Confirmed! This fire power should be the interpretation of Wen Dao's power. But the power of Wen Dao's power is that there is no trace to follow in its interpretation.

Zhuge Qingfeng took three more steps and stopped under a red maple tree: The poems are written with colorful lights, and the formation and Tao cultivation are superb. People in the literary world are astonishingly resourceful, and true skills are never seen everywhere... All over the world... Among them, there is only one person who is most suspicious! Check whether Lin Su has entered the capital of the Red Kingdom at this moment!

Lin Su? Chi Jiuchong was shocked: Young master, do you suspect it's him?

Wenxin Pavilion is a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. He is the only one who has the strongest desire to cut off the roots of Wenxin Pavilion. Moreover, this style of causing trouble in the city and unrest in all directions is also his usual style. What's more, , it’s so difficult to accomplish this thing, it’s unbelievable, apart from him, I can’t think of anyone else in the world!”

Chi Jiuchong took a long breath: If it is really him, then things will be easier to handle.

what for?

Chi Jiuzhong said: Currently, the sword of Wenxin Pavilion is pointing at the prince. The second prince and us, the Fire Clan, must also be involved in this life and death dojo. Originally, it was impossible to explain in the world, but if it can be proven that Lin Su did it, all of us, no, All five of us have a common goal, which can dilute each other's grievances and focus on the outside world.

Zhuge Qingfeng shook his head gently: This is just my analysis. You believe it because you and I are in the same camp. What about the people on their side? Will they believe it? They will only say that this is me spreading suspicion!

Chi Jiuchong pondered for a long time: What should we do?

In this case, you tell His Highness the Crown Prince that I will arrive in the capital tomorrow to clarify the matter in person. We will make a good plan and catch an invisible big fish.

In the small courtyard in the south of the city, the wheel of time moves from the rising sun in the east to the setting sun in the west.

There was only one person in the closed room.

Lin Su sat quietly in the room, motionless for ten hours.

From the outside, he seemed to be sleeping. Only he knew what he was going through.

He was experiencing something extremely legendary.

In just one day, all of his beheaded souls had been restored.

Injuries to the soul are the most difficult to recover from. That day during his fight with Yue Ying, it took him ten days to fully recover from his injuries. Today, it only took him less than a day to fully recover.

This is the role of the Dao Shenhua.

The role of the Dao Shenhua does not end there!

Lin Su clearly felt that a secret portal was revealed in his mind!

The light of the Great Dao Divine Flower lingered outside this portal for a full six hours, penetrated little by little, changed little by little, and finally, this portal slowly opened!

As soon as the door opened, Lin Su's heart beat at least three times faster!

His mental power underwent a qualitative change at this moment!

He broke through level 30!

Mental power level 30 is the standard for the release of mental power. Reaching level 30 means that he can use the soul-destroying technique!

Wenxin Pavilion is famous all over the world and makes countless people tremble with fear. He can use the super heaven-defying skill: the soul-destroying move!

He had waited for this day for too long...

Two years ago, he met Du Jin of Wenxin Pavilion in the Southern Territory, and was assassinated by Du Jin using the Soul-Destroying Technique. From that day on, he longed for this magical skill, especially after he decrypted the Soul-Destroying Technique from Du Tiange. At that time, he felt that this magical skill was at his fingertips, because he tested himself according to the testing standards at that time, and his mental strength reached level 28, which was one step away from the standard of level 30.

However, he later realized that although the gap was only 2 levels, it was like a chasm.

His cultivation has gone from spying on people to peeping into the void, his literary skills have gone from the literary heart to the literary world, the Thirty-Six Stratagems have come from scratch, and things that are harmful to people and troublesome are almost coming to fruition. My mental strength didn't improve much. I finally managed to level up one and a half levels, and reached level 29, which I couldn't even survive.

He consulted a lot of information and finally found the answer in Li Zhou's database of the most chaotic in the world.

Spiritual power is a mysterious side door that is different from all the laws of practice.

People say that spiritual power will improve with the improvement of cultivation level.

Yes, this statement is correct, but there are preconditions, and it is only before level 30.

The threshold of level 30 cannot be overcome by cultivation. It must be guided by special opportunities. In a very mysterious way, everyone has their own way. If it is not your own way, don’t wander around. ——

Cultivation is the path of spiritual practice.

Spiritual power is another path independent of the spiritual path.

If a person on the path of spiritual practice moves forward step by step along the path of practice and finally breaks through the barriers of other paths, it is called the path goes astray. Therefore, under the path of heaven, there are rules, which are to give deviation to the path of spiritual power. A lock was added to the door and a limit was set.

The upper limit is level 30!

This prevents practitioners from breaking through the barriers of Tao one by one and stepping into the realm of spiritual power after cultivating to the source heaven.

Objectively speaking, if this is really the lock of heaven, it is also a reasonable lock, because this kind of behavior of occupying the way will directly lead to the complete collapse of the other way.

If the highest end of the spiritual power field can be occupied by people on other paths, then the spiritual power field has no value in existence.

You need to know that these people who cultivate the spiritual field have paid a considerable price.

The more others cultivate their bodies, the stronger they become; the more they cultivate their bodies, the weaker they become.

Others can live for thousands of years, and they live to be fifty years old.

If there are no protective measures, this kind of practice law is useless. Therefore, a separate back door is opened for them. People on other paths are not allowed to reach the standard of releasing spiritual power.

But they are not restricted by this.

After Lin Su learned about this rule, he felt a little cold at first.

However, he slowly accepted it.

People must always be satisfied. You can't go your own way and leave others with nowhere to go, right?

However, an accident happened today...

He's in the way!

His mental power exceeded the standard line of level 30. If this was really a lock set by Heaven, he opened the Lock of Heaven!

His eyes slowly opened, looking beyond the sky, and a very mysterious thought came to his mind, the lock of heaven... Am I really having a bone defect in the back of my head? Have I taken a new step on the road to rebellion?

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

Because someone appeared in his consciousness.

Zhou Mei!

Zhou Mei entered the yard silently. Although she was invisible and took the most careful precautions, after Lin Su's mental power broke through level 30, her senses were extremely strong and she could clearly see all Zhou Mei's little moves.

Zhou Mei appeared silently in front of Lin Su, and suddenly saw Lin Su's eyes. She was slightly startled, and withdrew her invisibility spell: You're out of seclusion!


How's your recovery going?

Restore them all!

Zhou Mei's eyes widened: All recovered? Can you give me a headache?

Lin Su smiled: It seems you have brought back some exciting news.

It may not be very exciting, but it is definitely a mess! Zhou Mei exhaled softly: I can't bear to see such a mess, it can only make you troubled. There are three messages in total...

She stretched out a finger: The first message...

The first news was actually what they expected. Before dawn, the great elder of Wenxin Pavilion led four top elders into the East Palace, questioned the prince face to face, and asked the prince to return the ancestral lotus of Wenxin Pavilion. The prince admitted that Zhuge Qingfeng was the one who recommended him to Wenxin Pavilion, but he couldn't help but admit that there was no way to fake the East Palace seal on the road guide. However, he denied that he instigated Zhuge Qingfeng to enter Wenxin Pavilion to steal the Ancestral Lotus, and even swore to God. Based on this, the great elder could not continue to be tough. He left a message and asked the prince to return the Wenxin Pavilion Ancestral Lotus, and the matter was dropped.

The second piece of news was that the prince urgently contacted the Fire Tribe, and the Fire Tribe got in touch with the real Zhuge Qingfeng. Zhuge Qingfeng said that he had been in Danfeng Valley for more than a month and had never left the valley. The people from the Fire Tribe asked the prince The image of Zhuge Qingfeng in Danfeng Valley was provided. The prince and the Fire Tribe reached a consensus that Zhuge Qingfeng who entered Wenxin Pavilion was a fake.

However, Wenxin Pavilion did not accept this statement.

They listed the characteristics of Zhuge Qingfeng's colorful poems and showed the projection of Zhuge Qingfeng using the rules of fire to destroy Wenxin Pavilion. In addition, they even provided evidence that I...Little Witch Zhou entered the Fire Tribe's residence after being separated from you. Bring it to prove...

Speaking of this, Zhou Mei took a deep breath: Although I have always been reluctant to praise you, I still can't help but want to say that your actions are really impeccable and full of meaning. Yesterday morning, you and I were in the inn After we were separated, you asked me to go to the Fire Tribe’s station in the capital and then hide out. Now it seems that you are deliberately setting up a trap.

Lin Su smiled: Any plan must be comprehensive. No one paid attention to our actions in the capital at the time, but once a major event occurs, there will be various means to trace back, and the details will determine success or failure!

I learned it! I will know how to harm people in the future... The two parties above, oh, no! The four directions! No one can convince the prince, the Fire Tribe, the Wenxin Pavilion, and the Poetry Saint Family. Therefore, they decided that at noon tomorrow, at We will meet at Tongxin Pavilion to discuss this matter together, and Zhuge Qingfeng will also come in person!

Lin Su's eyes brightened: Tomorrow at noon? Zhuge Qingfeng will come too?

Yes! No matter whether you leave a place for the Holy Poet Family on the chessboard or not, they are still on the chessboard! They have to be on this chessboard.

Lin Su nodded: Okay! You said there are three messages in total. What is the other message?

The third piece of news is the real shocker. I don't know if you deliberately planted a surprise, or if you were too hot-headed and made a mistake when facing a beautiful woman. Anyway, this matter is a big deal... Zhou Mei said. : The Great Elder of Wenxin Pavilion asked to see Your Majesty and presented him with a jade pendant. Among the jade pendants is you, the fake Zhuge Qingfeng, chatting with a beautiful woman from Wenxin Pavilion at night. Your suggestion to Wenxin Pavilion is that the Poetic Saint Holy Family and the Fire Tribe unite. Wenxin Pavilion overthrew the Red Kingdom court and even set up a plan for partition. Wenxin Pavilion became the emperor, the Poet Saint Family controlled the four major literary schools in the capital, and the Fire Tribe gained control of the southern desert. It is said that His Majesty the Emperor saw this image , face turned green...

Ha ha……

Lin Su laughed.

Zhou Mei's eyes flickered: Now tell me, was your trick of joining forces with three parties to subvert the imperial power an act, or was it because you were too hot-headed in front of a beautiful woman and missed your trump card?

Lin Sudao: I have to believe now that things in the world are really wonderful.

What's the meaning?

Lin Sudao: When I talked about this strategy with Du Bing, my original intention was really not that complicated. My original intention was to use this breaking news to attract the top elders of Wenxin Pavilion to discuss the night, so that I could carry out a sneak attack. I never expected that Tangtang Wenxin Pavilion, Wenxin Pavilion, who is said to understand people's hearts best, actually made such a stupid move!

Zhou Mei was so surprised: You said this was a stupid move?

You don't think so?

Of course not! In my opinion, this trick is extremely vicious and extremely effective... Wenxin Pavilion is very particular about intercepting your images. They only intercept the part where you make suggestions, but there is no response from them. No matter how bold and wild it is, The suggestion was only made by Zhuge Qingfeng and did not represent the position of Wenxin Pavilion. In this way, they stayed out of the matter and no matter how angry the emperor was, they could not get it on them. Moreover, they used this top-secret image to indirectly show their loyalty to His Majesty. , this is one of them!

Okay, what about the second one? Lin Su nodded.

Zhou Mei said: Secondly, it is to drive a wedge between Your Majesty, the Fire Tribe, and the Holy Poet Family! As the son of two families, Zhuge Qingfeng did such a taboo thing. How could the two major forces behind him not endorse it? Your Majesty, see Apart from this, can he still rely on these two major forces? He can only rely on Wenxin Pavilion! Although Wenxin Pavilion lost the ancestral lotus and cut off the roots of follow-up, he successfully pulled His Majesty to his side. In His Majesty's mind, he has eliminated the two major competitors and made himself the emperor's only support. Isn't this method of turning against guests the best?

Lin Su held up the tea cup: Is there a third one?

The third one is the most subtle! Zhou Mei said: Being an official in the court is about the direction of the wind. In the past, those court officials favored the prince because the prince was orthodox and the wind was in the right direction with the prince. But now ?The Wenxin Pavilion came up with this move and directly tore the trump cards of the Poetry Saint Family and the Fire Tribe to pieces. How can the prince stay out of the fierce fight with the Fire Tribe? Doesn’t your Majesty doubt that the prince has treasonous intentions? In this case It is very dangerous for any minister to follow the prince. Therefore, the atmosphere in the court has changed drastically due to this image! The competition between the two sons will probably come to an end today. Wenxin Pavilion successfully sent the second prince to the East Palace.

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