Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 908 Wenxin Pavilion’s cleverness is also misled by its cleverness

Lin Su nodded: Not bad, your ability to analyze the current situation has greatly improved.

Zhou Mei smiled happily, but suddenly, her smile stiffened: But you...but you said that Wenxin Pavilion made a stupid move!

Lin Sudao: You have seen through the current situation and the underlying logic of the eight-party game. However, you have not gone to a higher level to see the essence through the phenomenon, which has caused you to ignore a person's psychological changes.


Emperor of the Red Kingdom!

Ignore? Zhou Mei gently scratched her head: Don't the things Wenxin Pavilion plans revolve around this emperor?

It revolves around this emperor, but they ignored the emperor's psychology. Lin Su said: Who do you think the Emperor of the Red Kingdom is? He did interpret the Fire Clan through images and the Poet Saint Family as unreliable. The prince is unreliable, but can he get a reliable signal from Wenxin Pavilion? What kind of thing is Wenxin Pavilion? Do you think he doesn’t know? No matter how you wash Wenxin Pavilion, it is still a dirty thing!

Zhou Mei's big eyes were full of clear confusion: Then... what will happen to him?

The disclosure of this image will only allow the emperor to see through this boundless chaos and see the absolutely correct essence, that is... it is not safe! Yes, he will suddenly feel that there is no good person around him, whether he is in the court or in the It’s not safe even in the harem!”

Then what?

Lin Sudao: Countless cases throughout the ages confirm a truth: the emperor is the most terrifying when he has no sense of security. Do you think he will talk to you about checks and balances of power? Do you think he can wait? He will kill people! He will Losing his mind! He will eradicate all people or forces that threaten him! And the people he wants to kill are not the Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family. On the contrary, the real murderous intention in his heart is Wenxin Pavilion! I say Wenxin Pavilion The Pavilion made a stupid move because this image of theirs will really crush the inner defense of the Emperor and make the Emperor truly want to destroy the Wenxin Pavilion!

Why? Why not the Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family? Zhou Mei really didn't understand.

Just because of one thing, the Holy Family of Poetry is far away from the territory, and he can't suppress it even if he wants to. The main force of the Fire Tribe is far away in the southern desert, and the threat to his throne is not direct. However, Wenxin Pavilion is different. Wenxin Pavilion is far away from power. The center is extremely close and extremely secretive. If there is a change of dynasty, no one will be more dangerous than Wenxin Pavilion. If we plan to stabilize the situation in the chaos, we must make friends from far away and attack close by to quickly solve the most urgent crisis.

Zhou Mei's heart was pounding...

She saw the changes in the current situation. She thought she had analyzed something that even the big officials might not be able to analyze. She felt a little proud. However, Lin Su's words completely overturned her analysis. Change……

It wasn't that her analysis was inaccurate, but that Lin Su's position was different from hers.

She looks at the current situation based on the current situation.

Lin Su, on the other hand, looks beyond the current situation and sees the essence through phenomena.

The Emperor of the Red Kingdom is not a fool, he is not a person without his own opinions. In the past, he and Wenxin Pavilion had a mutually beneficial relationship. He also used the Fire Tribe to form a check and balance for Wenxin Pavilion.

He can control the court with checks and balances, and he is not in a hurry. He can take his time.

But now, Wenxin Pavilion has shown the Fire Clan's trump card to change the dynasty.

The balance has been broken!

Once the balance is broken, the earth shakes!

The emperor has no sense of security, it's terrible!

Once his butcher knife is raised, Wenxin Pavilion will be the first to bear the brunt. The emperor will not care whether you are loyal or not, nor will he care how much the loss will be after killing you. He only needs to firmly understand that you are the greatest threat to him, so you Damn it!

Isn't that ironic?

That's quite ironic!

Did Wenxinge really not see the side effects of this move?

Not necessarily!

At least one person saw it.

This person is Du Bing.

When the elders of Wenxin Pavilion came to Beijing, there were not only the five people who appeared in the East Palace, but dozens of people. One of them was not an elder, but better than an elder. She was Du Bing.

Du Bing is a special case in Wenxin Pavilion. She is a woman. Women originally have a fixed purpose, which is to use them as chains to connect with other forces. The more beautiful they are, the more they are responsible for high-end chains.

But Du Bing is different from ordinary women. She has big shortcomings. Her body is cold. She has an instinctive rejection of that kind of thing. She can't even smile charmingly. She can't pretend yet. She leaves. No matter where she goes, if she uses it for this purpose, she will most likely make the guests say no on the spot.

Therefore, she is used as a man.

The men of Wenxin Pavilion rule the world with their wisdom, and even the great elder admires her wisdom.

Therefore, when such a big change occurred in Wenxin Pavilion, the great elder led the top elders to the capital, and when Du Bing said that she wanted to accompany him, the great elder did not hesitate for a second and nodded directly.

And here she comes.

Du Bing came with the original intention of being concerned about the affairs of the clan, but she also had her own considerations. She had a heart-to-heart talk with Zhuge Qingfeng on Wenxin Cliff, and then this big incident happened in Wenxin Pavilion. Although theoretically she had no responsibility, Du Bing was a A self-pressured type, she felt that she was more or less the cause of this incident.

Because she had deceived Zhuge Qingfeng, the great elder convened the top elders for a night meeting, and he had an opportunity to take advantage of the empty surroundings. She even felt that she had fallen into Zhuge Qingfeng's plan, and Zhuge Qingfeng's original intention was to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

If this is the case, she, the genius of wisdom, loses a round, which she cannot accept, so she wants to come to the capital to have another round with him.

At this moment, as soon as the Great Elder returned from the Golden Palace, Du Bing entered the Great Elder's room, respectfully presented a cup of tea to the Great Elder, and then said: First Elder, Bing'er thinks you will present this matter to His Majesty today. , out of consideration.”

Why? The great elder's eyes were half-squinted.

The great elder only thinks about power and tactics, and does not take into account the emperor's intentions.

The Emperor's Mind Technique! The Great Elder slowly opened his eyes: Go on.

Yes! Du Bing said: If the great elder's projection is smashed, His Majesty will lose his sense of security. He will immediately eliminate the hidden dangers that threaten his throne. When it comes to the intensity of the hidden dangers, the one who ranks first is not The Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family, but I, the Wenxin Pavilion...

In the dictionary of ordinary people, I will fuck whoever messes with me.

Pay attention to a correspondence.

But the emperor's mentality is not like this. What he pays attention to is controlling the general trend.

When His Majesty learns that several major forces are targeting his throne, he will look through the phenomena to see the essence. The Poet Saint Family and the Fire Tribe want to kill me, but so what? One of them is an extraterritorial force and the other is a semi-extraterritorial force. So what if they have this idea? It's no use if they can't do it.

And why did they join forces with Wenxin Pavilion?

Just because of one thing, Wenxin Pavilion has penetrated up and down the court, inside and outside the palace.

There are many people in the world who want to seize my throne. Almost anyone with normal desires wants to seize it, but who can really accomplish this?

Ask the Heart Pavilion!

So, as an emperor, how to eliminate hidden dangers?

Are you going to kill everyone who has any undue influence on my throne? fart! If this is what he thinks, he will kill everyone in the world! Even an old peasant dreams of becoming an emperor. Do you think he should be killed?

The emperor will only kill those who pose a substantial threat to him!

Therefore, the great elder’s clever plan was actually a fool’s errand!

It will only deepen His Majesty's fear of Wenxin Pavilion, and will only attract His Majesty's killing moves!

Lin Su saw this.

Du Bing also saw it.

This question was thrown directly in front of the great elder, who smiled: Without these images, wouldn't your majesty have murderous intentions towards me?

Du Bing shook his head: His murderous intention towards me has never been eliminated.

That's right. With this image, he will have murderous intentions. Without this image, he will still have murderous intentions.

It's just that as soon as this image came out, his psychological safety defense line collapsed, and his killing move will be more determined! Even earlier! Du Bing said.

Yes! This image will break his illusions and make him firm in his determination to eradicate Wenxin Pavilion. However, eradicating Wenxin Pavilion requires a legitimate reason, a reason that is unanimously recognized by everyone in the court. He can't find this reason. He You can't take any substantial action! The great elder said: So, at this stage, this image does not cause substantial damage to this pavilion.

Du Bing's eyes slowly brightened...

The First Elder took a sip of tea and said, But the Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family are different! This image is placed in front of His Majesty and in front of the courtiers. If you oppose the Fire Tribe, the Holy Poet Family, and the intervention of external forces, then The imperial power that will become the imperial court of the Red Kingdom is correct! As long as this trend continues, the prince will not be able to stand! Once the prince falls and the second prince takes the throne, we will remove the current majesty and the second prince will be the king. The right to make all rules. , are all in this pavilion. As for your majesty’s murderous intention towards this pavilion today, will it still matter when he dies?”

Du Bing bowed deeply: The great elder's concern is still better than Bing'er's. Bing'er only saw the emperor's mind and did not see the emperor's changes. I'm ashamed!

At this point, she already understood all the great elder's thoughts.

It’s not that the Great Elder didn’t see the side effects of this image, but he carefully controlled the steps before the current situation.

The sight will irritate His Majesty.

However, His Majesty still has no way to deal with Wenxin Pavilion.

Because there is a lack of a reason.

Without a reason that can convince everyone, His Majesty cannot form a real decision to destroy Wenxin Pavilion. You need to know that the power of Wenxin Pavilion in the court is unparalleled. Even in the military, Wenxin Pavilion can compete with the imperial power.

On the other hand, this image gave the courtiers an ironclad proof!

Ironclad evidence against the Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family!

The Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family will become an absolute taboo in the Crimson Kingdom’s court!

Do you think this is only for the Fire Tribe and the Holy Poet Family?

No, it’s the prince!

As long as the crown prince is captured, the second prince can ascend to the throne. As long as the crown prince is determined, he can attack His Majesty. Once His Majesty dies, the prince will succeed to the throne. The second prince they support with one hand will ascend to the throne. All the rules of the Red Kingdom will be made by them. Do you care whether today's move is faint or perfect?

Du Bing understood this strategy.

But, does Lin Su understand?

It was another night in the capital with thousands of lights on. When the lanterns were first turned on, Zhou Mei brought a tray with wine on it, surrounded by white clouds, but Lin Su's hand gently pushed: Wine, you can't drink it tonight!

I know what you mean. It's not time to celebrate tonight, so I won't drink any celebratory wine, but just two glasses of wine before dinner can't be considered a celebratory wine. Zhou Mei smiled sweetly.

No, there is still action tonight, and I can't smell of alcohol on my body! Lin Su said.

Zhou Mei's eyes suddenly lit up: What action?

Lin Sudao: The matter we analyzed during the day lacked a key link. Tonight is the time to arrange this link.

What's the key link?

Lin Sudao: We have analyzed His Majesty's determination to get rid of Wenxin Pavilion. However, a will is just a will. If there is no ironclad proof, if there is no reason that can convince the world, even if His Majesty has the intention to destroy Wenxin Pavilion, there is no way to destroy Wenxin Pavilion. There is absolutely no way he can touch Wenxin Pavilion, so I have to give him a reason!

The wine glass in Zhou Mei's hand trembled slightly...

From now on, you will be invisible for the time being, and I will also be invisible!

After the meal, the wind picked up in the small courtyard, and the two figures disappeared into the night at the same time.

At midnight, the East Palace was very quiet. The prince took a rest because there was a big exam tomorrow and he had to maintain the most appropriate appearance in front of everyone. He had to maintain his calm image. It was not good to stay up late for a long time.

The prince rested, and Wang Changfa, the leader of the prince's personal bodyguards, also had to rest.

He needs to stay in the best condition because he knows how dangerous it will be in Tongxin Pavilion tomorrow. Face to face with the top masters from Wenxin Pavilion, he really can't ignore it at all. If he fails, the prince will fall into the trap.

Although at the moment, Wenxin Pavilion is not so bold, and although the prince's treasure seal is always available, facing this mysterious sect that makes all practicing sects in the world fearful, if you don't be extremely careful, you will be sorry for yourself. This head.

He sat cross-legged, his true energy circulated for a whole day, and the fatigue of many days was swept away. Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door...

Wang Changfa gently moved his hands, and the door opened. At the door was one of his personal guards. The guard held a package in his hand: Sir, a mysterious person has sent something. I will hand it over to you immediately.

Oh? Wang Changfa was slightly startled: What is it?

The personal guard walked forward quickly, and the package was delivered to Wang Changfa's hands. Elder Wang looked around and was slightly shocked. There was a jade pendant in the package. What was it? What's the purpose?

At this moment, the guard in front of him suddenly raised his finger and pointed it between his eyebrows.

Wang Changfa's eyes suddenly opened wide, and his soul was suddenly wiped out by a mysterious force.

The bodyguard moved and transformed into his appearance. With a wave of his hand, Wang Changfa's body was absorbed into his inner space.

In just an instant, the leader of the prince's personal bodyguard changed. He was, of course, Lin Su.

It has to be said that the Mirage Secret Technique is worthy of the magical secret technique that stirred up the fairyland in the past. It is disguised as the Mirage Dragon Secret Technique, and no one can penetrate it regardless of the strange spells in literature, martial arts, or spiritual practice.

The next day!

It's a big day!

At least in the eyes of the major forces in the Red Kingdom, this is a big day!

Because there is an extremely important meeting to be held in Tongxin Pavilion.

Tongxin Pavilion is located in the north of the capital, on the bank of the Lan River. It was not a prominent place originally. However, its name gave it a business opportunity. I don’t know when it started. Tongxin Pavilion was given a different kind of reputation. meaning.

The brothers separated, got together in Tongxin Pavilion, and then went their separate ways to show that they were of the same mind in this life.

Friends gather together and have a drink at Tongxin Pavilion to show that they have never forgotten it.

The two parties concluded a marriage contract and signed the marriage letter at Tongxin Pavilion, which gradually became a common practice in the capital.

These items alone are enough for Tongxinge to make its business prosperous, but these are not all of its business.

I don’t know when, but also in the political arena, the style of discussing matters in the Tongxin Pavilion became popular.

This popularity is incredible. Tongxin Pavilion instantly became a real high-ranking official in the capital. If you think about it, there are court officials visiting every day. Countless influential and heavyweight changes all started from Tongxin Pavilion. In their conversations, all the dignitaries frequently mentioned the promise of unity...

This is all advertising.

I have to say that the owner of this pavilion is a talented person!

He has really seen through the world. No matter how many intrigues and intrigues there are in the court, the word one heart is placed on the table, and there is still no violation.

Today's Tongxin Pavilion is particularly solemn.

Huge loft, no guests are allowed.

Because there is a meeting today.

The standards of this meeting are unparalleled.

Early in the morning, all the maids and servants put on new clothes, and a huge red carpet was spread directly from the pavilion to the street. The master of Tongxin Pavilion carefully arranged it, and everyone showed their best side.

On the periphery, countless people were talking...

What's going on in Tongxin Pavilion today?

Brother, don't you know? I heard that the two highnesses had another dispute.

Ah? A few days ago, didn't your two highnesses just reach a consensus in Tongxin Pavilion? They share one heart and one mind, and they are united in dealing with the outside world. How long has it been since they went to Tongxin Pavilion again?

Haha... being of one heart and one mind, that's all on the surface. From their position, how can they really be of the same mind? In the secular world, it is reasonable for brothers to be of the same mind, but for royal children, being of the same mind is a pure lie...

Two two, please don't bite your tongue. This is a taboo thing... I heard that the cause of the incident was in Wenxin Pavilion. A genius named Zhuge Qingfeng from the Poetry Saint Family went to the East Palace and took a piece of paper. Tiao, I went to Wenxin Pavilion and stole something. Wenxin Pavilion couldn’t find this person, so I asked the prince for someone.”

Ah? And Wenxin Pavilion and the Holy Family from outside the territory? So today's meeting is very lively.

Passers-by's comments spread for miles, more and more people gathered, and the rumors gradually changed...

It’s almost noon…

Two dragon carriages came from east to west. The one on the left was draped in light yellow, with seven golden rings. The carriage was seven feet high. A guard leader walked on the side of the carriage. Each step was four feet, very regular. His Behind him, there were more than 300 guards, all of them wearing golden armor and holding gold-plated swords.

There is a car on the right, with a light yellow robe and five golden rings. The car is six and a half feet high. There is also a guard leader beside him, plus three hundred guards.

As soon as the two teams came out, passers-by avoided and bowed in courtesy.

On the left is the crown prince and on the right is the second prince.

These are the two most famous princes in the dynasty, and they are also the protagonists of the two sons competing for the throne today.

Before the second prince arrived at Tongxin Pavilion, Longma stopped and avoided the main entrance. The second prince got out of the car and bowed slightly.

Prince Longma arrived, and the Prince also got off the bus accompanied by Mr. Gou.

The two met in front of Tongxin Pavilion.

Brother Prince! The second prince bowed.

Second Emperor's Brother! A smile appeared on the prince's face: I heard that Second Emperor's Brother has been in poor health recently. Is he feeling better today?

The second prince said: Thank you for your concern, the prince brother. I have indeed been infected with the cold recently and have been closed up for many days. I also heard that there was a dispute between Wenxin Pavilion and the prince brother. I felt very uneasy, so I came here to mediate.

I would like to thank the Second Emperor Brother for caring about me. Let's join the cabinet!

Brother Prince, please! The second prince bowed slightly and let the prince go first.

The prince strode into Tongxin Pavilion, and people on both sides of Tongxin Pavilion saluted at the same time...

See His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, see His Royal Highness the King of Chu!

When the real master enters Tongxin Pavilion, the guards naturally enter their roles.

The guards brought by the prince directly took over the defense of the entire building, but the guards brought by the second prince were not idle either. Except for a dozen of them who followed the second prince into the building, the rest dispersed.

The guard leader next to the prince glanced at the group of guards with a glint in his eyes.

He is Lin Su at this moment!

It's not simple. All of these guards are above Dao Fruit, and everyone has a military mindset. Just from their instinct to occupy positions, it shows a strong military mindset.

Is this trained by Wenxin Pavilion?

As for the second prince, it was his first time meeting him, what should he say? Another third prince of Da Cang!

Scheming and quite profound!

It must be said that the royal children are not ordinary characters. No, to be precise, the characters who can stand at the critical crossroads of history and compete with the prince are all extraordinary characters.

The prince entered Tongxin Pavilion and sat down in the first row on the left.

The second prince entered Tongxin Pavilion, but he did not sit in the first row on the right. He sat in the second row.


He fully demonstrated his role today. He is not competing with the prince for supremacy. He is just a mediator. The real master should be Wenxin Pavilion.

With this posture, the atmosphere between their brothers became less explosive and more harmonious.

They had just sat down. Outside the door of Tongxin Pavilion, five old men fell out of the air and landed on the red carpet. Of course, they were from Wenxin Pavilion. Their five distinctive big heads were enough to show their identities.

The great elder walked first, with a rather gloomy expression.

As soon as he stepped onto the red carpet, the sky in the south suddenly lit up. A ray of fire seemed to emerge from the depths of the clouds. A shuttle appeared in the sky. On top of the shuttle, there were eight people!

As soon as the eight people fell into the void, half of the street was lit up, and every pedestrian could feel a wave of heat coming towards their faces, people from the Fire Tribe!

When they first landed, they carried the heat of the sun, but when they landed on the red carpet, the heat wave on their bodies suddenly disappeared, and they became as calm as a mountain.

The appearance of these eight people is slightly different from that of the human race. Maybe their bodies are the same, but there is a faint light of fire on their bodies. Each of them is like a dormant volcano. The endless energy is blocked by their skin, but it is also faintly transparent. Showing their skin, revealing their hair.

Du Yunchong, the great elder of Wenxin Pavilion, smiled lightly: Are the elders of the Fire Tribe also here for today's meeting?

One member of the Fire Tribe arrived first and came to his side: I heard that someone wanted to frame His Highness the Crown Prince. I was very shocked, so I came to watch the fun.

Framing? Du Yungong said: Is Elder Yi Ren sure that his words went through his brain?

What? You asked Xinge, if you lost your ancestral lotus and severed your ancestral roots, did you also lose your elegance and rationality?

Du Yunchong's eyes flashed, and he was obviously really angry. However, the elder Yi Ren in front of him was calm and calm. (End of chapter)

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